All people have problems. Some people have a lot of problems, others have one or two. And no matter how old you are, you will still face difficulties in your life. We can solve some problems but some problems are very hard to solve.

There are a lot of teenagers in our country. A teenager is a person from thirty to nineteen years of age. And young people here face as many difficulties as grown-up people do.

There are problems, which are common for all young people. These are spending your free time, choosing a good friend, how to deal with your parents and the classmates, finding your place in this world, first love and relations with beloved, choosing where to study after finishing school, alcohol and drugs.

I'm fourteen so I belong to the group of Russian teenagers. One of the most important problems is “a generation gap” - the problem of fathers and sons. Teens usually want to be independent and show this to our parents. And this is kind of depressing when our parents try to control everything we do. Our parents usually don't understand the clothes that we wear and the music that we listen to. We have different tastes. For example, when I go to the shop with my mom she likes these jeans but I like those ones. She pays and this is often difficult to convince her that this is really what I need. My parents want me to become a doctor as they are skilled teachers but I have a taste for economics, and my dream is to be an accountant. But they say they know better. They often treat us like small children. And this is rather difficult to start listening to each other and understanding each other. Some teens even begin drinking alcohol or smoking just to show that they are grown-ups. That is really stupid, I must say. I don't like smoking. You must have to be a grown-up inside and a cigarette or a bottle of beer won't help here. This won't help you look cool. These bad habits cause health problems in the future (for girls especially).

It is a problem to get a good education as well. It is expensive to get a good education nowadays. I think it is difficult to learn a subject well, for example, without additional classes. And you can't enter a university without good knowledge.

As for the problem of friendship, I always remember a good proverb, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." I like this one because it shows what a true friend must be. I like honest people. And, of course, I want to have a friend who will always listen to me and understand me. I want him or her to support me in difficult situations. If a teen has bad relations with others he tries to find a group to follow for example - goths, emos and others. They try piercings and tattoos.

One of the most serious problems nowadays is taking drugs and AIDS (the disease when the immune system of your body stops working).

The problem of free time is also very important. Where to go, what to do in free time. Every teen must find a hobby or just go in for sports. Not just wander in the street without an aim. We must not forget that it's good to go to museums, theaters, cinemas and parks even if it is not popular.

There is also a problem of having extra (pocket) money to go out with friends, to make presents to your friends, to buy clothes that you really like. So youth has to earn money - wash cars, sell or deliver newspapers, help old people or work as waiters or waitresses

We have some problems but we are sure that we solve them properly. We make mistakes but only those who do nothing make no mistakes. I think that the young people in other countries have such problems too. The best way to solve them is to be yourself and be responsible for your life.

Translation of some words:

no matter- doesn't matter, face difficulties- face difficulties to solve problems- solve problems, a grown-up- adult, relations- relationship, spend free time- conduct free time, “a generation gap”- the problem of fathers and children, Independent- independent, tastes- tastes, to convince- convince, to treat- address, to cause- call, bad habits- bad habits, to look cool- look great nowadays- Nowadays, additional classes- extra lessons knowledge- knowledge, a good proverb- good proverb a true friend - a true friend, honest- honest, to support- support, a teen- teenager, goths- goths (subculture), emos- emo (subculture), piercing- piercing, tattoos- tattoos, drugs- drugs, AIDS- AIDS, disease- disease, the immune system- the immune system, to wander- loitering responsible- responsible.

Problems of Youth - Problems of Youth

Life used to be fun for "teenagers". They used to have money to spend, and free time to spend it in. They used to wear teenage clothes, and meet in teenage coffee bars and discos. Some of them still do. But for many young people, life is harder now. Jobs are difficult to find. There's not so much money around. Things are more expensive, and it's hard to find a place to live.

Teachers say that students work harder than they used to. They are less interested in politics, and more interested in passing exams. They know that good exam results may get them better jobs.

Most young people worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago. They try to spend less and save more. They want to be able to get homes of their own one day.

For some, the answer to unemployment is to leave home and look for work in one of Britain's big cities. Every day hundreds of young people arrive in London from other parts of Britain, looking for jobs. Some find work, and stay. Others don't find it, and go home again, or join the many unemployed in London. There used to be one kind of teenage fashion, one style, one top pop group. Then, the girls all wore mini-skirts and everyone danced to the music of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.

But now an eighteen-year-old might be a punk, with green hair and chains round his legs, or a skin head, with short, short hair and right wing politics, or a "rasta", with long uncombed hair and a love for Africa. There's a lot of different music around too. There's reggae, the West Indian sound, there's rock, there's heavy metal, country and western, and disco. All these kinds of music are played by different groups and listened to by different fans.

When you read the newspapers and watch the news on television, it's easy to get the idea that British young people are all unemployed, angry and in trouble.

But that "s not true. Three quarters of them do more or less what their parents did. They do their best at school, find some kind of work in the end, and get married in their early twenties. They get on well with their parents, and enjoy family life. They eat fish and chips, watch football on TV, go to the pub, and like reading about pop stars. After all, if they didn't, they wouldn't be British, would they?

Text translation: Problems of Youth

Life used to be fun for teenagers. They always had some money and free time. They wore teenage clothes and met in cafes and disco clubs. Some of them are still like this. But for most young people, life is much harder now. It's hard to find a job. There is not much money, things are more expensive, it is difficult to find a place to live.

Teachers say students are working harder than before. They are less interested in politics and more concerned about passing exams. They understand that better exam scores will help them find better jobs.

Most young people now worry more about money than their parents did 20 years ago. They try to spend less and save more. They want to have their own home someday.

Some, in order to solve the problem of unemployment, have to go to work in one of the major cities in Britain. Every day hundreds of young people from other cities come to London in search of work. Some of them find work and stay. The rest return home or join the ranks of the unemployed in London. There used to be a single style of teen fashion, a single best pop group. The girls wore miniskirts and all danced to the music of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.

Now, a teenager can be a green-haired punk with chains on his legs, or a skinhead with a very short haircut and right-wing political opinions, or a rastaman with long unkempt hair and a love of Africa. There is a lot of different music. There is reggae, West Indian "sound", rock, heavy metal, country and western, disco. All of these styles of music are played by different bands and listened to by different fans.

When you read the newspapers and watch TV, you can very easily get the impression that all the young people in England are unemployed, angry and in trouble.

This is wrong. Three-quarters of them do more or less what their parents did. They try to do well in school, get a good job, and get married in their 20s. They get along with their parents and enjoy family life. They eat fish and chips, watch football on TV, go to a bar and like to read about pop stars. After all, if they didn't do that, they wouldn't be English, would they?

Oh, those teenage thoughts! What occupies the heads of many, it is all on the walls. Have you noticed that no one writes quotes from the classics there? Have you seen at least one quote from Twain or Hemingway on the fence? The most innocuous of what is on fences or walls is "Sarah, I will love you forever" and "Sarah is a b * tch." How difficult it is at the age of 15 to “collect brains in a bundle”, especially when everyone around is only doing that they are being “rinsed”. Let's talk about teenagers.

Essay on Main teenage problems

Hey everyone! My name is Ann and I'm 15. It seems to me that I'm a typical teenager with typical teenage problems. It’s not a secret that teenagers face many problems and their life is influenced by their parents, friends, living conditions, education and so on. Furthermore, they are not strong enough to resist and overcome these problems. I'm absolutely convinced that this period of life is the most difficult and I'll try to explain why.
First of all, I feel dependent on my parents all the time. I have to coordinate all my actions with their wishes and their "you may" or "you may not". They think that my life and my problems are not important and don't even try to understand or support me. They just moralize and try to show they know everything better. It only leads to everyday quarrels and nothing else.
Secondly, I feel ugly and uncertain. It's a real problem to find friends and to become a part of society. If I want to be with a company I have to follow the rules of their behavior thinking about my every action or phrase. If I'm not like them, I'm a white crow and it means no friends, no talks, and consequently no entertainment. To prove they are cool enough many teenagers get alcohol or drugs addicted or do other dangerous things and I don't need that.
Moreover, the school causes me a lot of problems too. All teachers are angry and unsympathetic. They just give us tasks and want the results. They don't treat us as individuals with our own feelings and thoughts. I feel a huge pressure from my parents and teachers. To study hard at school and have good marks. They are interested only in that but not in my knowledge or development. Therefore, it's a common thing for all teenagers to cheat on exams and tests.
From my point of view, all these problems are connected with a lack of attention and understanding. All teenagers want to be heard and treated as adults. It's important for us to trust the people around and stay ourselves.

Composition on the topic The main problems of adolescents

Hi all! My name is Anya and I am 15 years old. It seems to me that I am a typical teenager, with my typical teenage problems. It's no secret that teenagers face many challenges and their lives are influenced by parents, friends, living conditions, education and more. Moreover, they are not strong enough to resist and overcome these problems. I am absolutely sure that this period of life is the most difficult, and I will try to explain why.
First of all, I feel a constant dependence on my parents. I must coordinate all my actions with their desires and their "can" or "should not." They think that my life and my problems are not important and do not even try to understand or support me. They only read morals and try to show that they know everything better. This only leads to daily quarrels and nothing else.
Second, I feel ugly and insecure. Finding friends and becoming part of society is a real challenge. If I want to be part of the company, I must follow the rules of their conduct, thinking about my every action or phrase. If I'm not like them - I'm a black sheep, which means no friends, no conversations, and therefore no entertainment. To prove they're tough enough, a lot of teenagers get addicted to alcohol and drugs or do other dangerous things, and I don't need that.
Moreover, the school also causes me a lot of problems. All teachers are mean and callous. They only give us tasks and demand results. They do not treat us as individuals who have their own feelings and thoughts. I feel tremendous pressure from my parents and teachers. Study hard and get good grades. They are only interested in this, and not in my knowledge or development. Therefore, it is common for many teenagers to cheat on exams and tests.
From my point of view, all these problems are united by a lack of attention and understanding. All teenagers want to be heard and treated like adults. It is important for us to trust the people around and remain ourselves.

Related writings

Nowadays we are often told that the young generation is absolutely impolite and disorganized. As for me, I partially agree with this opinion as there are various facts that support it.

To begin with, teenagers are reluctant to listen to their parents` advices because teens are absolutely convinced that they are always right and consequently do not need any help. They feel like looking independent and confident but, of course, in fact they can neither live on their own nor manage with all difficulties themselves. Moreover, teenagers are often very selfish and self-absorbed. They think they are much better than other people. They do not understand that the way you treat people - you will be treated by them. In addition, I strongly believe that teenagers` behavior is influenced by mass media. Today most of young people have TV-sets as well as computers with permanent Internet connection in their bedrooms. Therefore, despite the fact that a lot of TV programs are inappropriate for teens they watch them because few parents actually check up what their children watch. So, programs containing offensive language, scenes of violence and loud screeches influence teens badly. It is really difficult for children to determine the difference between the reality and the fantasy. Hence, they start imitating the violent behavior they in their favorite see programs.

However, there are people who oppose this view. They suppose that teens seem to be rude and selfish due to their age. Their character is changing, they are growing up and have to take responsibilities and responsibilities for their actions. It is very difficult for them to cope with these problems, that is why they become aggressive.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that a lot depends on parents and the way a child is bringing up. If a teenager has the common sense, then he or she will be able to solve any problem and improve his or her behavior.


Today we often hear that the younger generation is impolite and disorganized. As for me, I partially agree with this opinion, as there are many facts proving this.

To begin with, teenagers do not obey their parents because they are absolutely sure that they are always right, and therefore do not need anyone's help. They have a desire to appear independent, but, in fact, they certainly cannot live on their own, nor can they cope with all the difficulties that arise on their own. Teenagers think they are better than other people. They do not want to understand that "as it comes around, it will respond." Moreover, I am sure that children's behavior is seriously influenced by means mass media. Nowadays, most young people have a TV in their room, as well as a personal computer with a permanent Internet connection. Because of this, despite the fact that many television programs are not suitable for children to watch, they watch them because rare parents actually watch it. So, programs containing profanity, scenes of violence and loud screams have a negative impact on adolescents. They start repeating violent behavior seen on screen as they don't see the difference between real life and screen life.

However, some people do not agree with this opinion. They believe that teenagers appear rude and arrogant because of their age. Their character changes, they mature, they have to take responsibility for their actions. It is difficult for them to cope with all these problems, so they become aggressive.

In conclusion, I am absolutely sure that a lot depends on parents and upbringing. If a teenager has common sense, then he is able to solve any problem and correct his behavior.

Kamenskaya Tatiana

What Are the Main Problems the Teens Are Facing Today?

Misevich O.-11a

Speaking about challenges in a teen’s life I’d say first that nowadays young people are facing a lot of problems, which primarily were associated with adult life.

How do you feel about a teen sitting on a bench in the park drinking beer and smoking? Unfortunately, this caricature image has got into our life and the question in fact is why.

I think all that smoking, drugs use and violence among youth are the ways that teens take in trying to escape from their problems. It may sound absurdly, but I believe that the most important thing, which leads young people to stress and depression, is relationships. Naturally I mean all kinds of relationships not only those between boys and girls. We live in the society, not in a desert! Everyone wants people to listen to him/her and to do what he/she wants, and sometimes it’s very hard to contact with the people around.

It’s clear that relations may be of various types: between kids and parents or teachers, between mates or beloveds… And they all bring troubles!

I regret to say that there is no understanding in many families. Parents are not interested in their kids’ lives and let them do anything they want. On the one hand, it's ok as teenagers are mature enough to make their own decisions. But on the other hand, I think there should be some control in the family, because what kids do can sometimes be not just foolish but totally wrong. They start drinking or taking drugs in trying to express their protest, instead ruining their own lives.

In my opinion, the most important thing for teenagers is school. In fact, school is a model of the real life, the place, where kids learn not only how to square numbers or write correctly, but how to communicate with absolutely different people. At school children have to contact with their mates and teachers and this experience is what they have when entering the grown-up world.

Today such things as discrimination or intolerance at schools are not unusual. Some students find no common themes to discuss with their classmates; not everybody is interested, for example, in fashion news or modern gadgets. So they escape to their own world and often become outsiders. An incapability to contact with people around can lead to a lot of problems such as depression or neurosis and even they end up with suicide, which nowadays becomes, so to say, a normal way to die. Suicides among teenagers often happen as a result of their failures in private affairs. Although there are a lot of books, magazines and films dwelling on the subject, parting with a girl- or boyfriend can be a serious trouble in the young age. Besides, most teens are maximalists and see things in black and white… but - who says we must be wise?! To be a teen means to learn how to live, and it's impossible to make no mistakes on the way.

Last year I wrote a poem about teens' problems. It characterizes our life clearly.


Life is the way that we all have to go
Life is the mixture of sadness and happiness.
You say, all teens are depressed and alone,
But isn't youth also the time to be careless?

Tears all the nights, feeling lonely and bad,
Problems with teachers, with friends and relatives.
Our teen's life is not only for that!
Don't paint the World into black, don't be negative!

Try to be open to parents and friends,
Life will be better and life will be easier.
Youth is the time to have fun, to have rest..
All of your problems are not very serious.

Life is a path that all people go through
Life is a mixture of smiles and grief.
You will say: “In youth, everyone is alone!”
But isn't this the time to be carefree?

Tears all night, loneliness, weakness.
Problems everywhere, parents are a burden.
Youth is suitable not only for this,
Stop painting the world black!

It's better to share your fears with your friends
Life will immediately become easier, better adjusted.
Youth is for joy, not for anger,
These problems are not too serious.

Lyceum of Innovative Technologies

What Are the Main Problems that Teens are Facing Today?


Written by Olga Misevich, 11 A

Teacher: Lysova Iraida Ivanovna
