Prague is the capital and most Big city Czech Republic. The area of ​​the city is 496 km2. The map of Prague shows that only about 49 km 2 are built up, the rest of the city is occupied by forests and agricultural land. The Prague Karat also shows that the city is located on 5 hills on the banks of the Vltava River.

Today Prague is a major economic and shopping mall Czech Republic. The city has developed engineering, textile and chemical industries.

Historical reference

Prague was founded in the 9th century. Since the 10th century, the city has been the capital of the Czech state. In the XIV century, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire moved his residence to Prague Castle.

From 1918 to 1992 Prague was the capital of the Czechoslovak Republic. The city was occupied by the Germans from 1939 to 1945. In 1968, there was an attempt to reform the CPC, which led to the events known as the "Prague Spring". These events led to Velvet revolution» 1989. In 1993 Prague became the capital of the Czech Republic.

In 2002, there was a severe flood in Prague.

must visit

On detailed map Prague in Russian can be seen great amount attractions: 5 districts of the city are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Must-see Prague Castle with St. Vitus Cathedral and Golden Lane, Old Town Square with the Town Hall with chimes, Josefov Jewish Quarter, Charles Bridge, Wenceslas Square with a building National Museum and Vyshegrad.

It is worth visiting Kafka's house, Hradcany, Mala Strana, Petřín Hill, Strahov Monastery, the National Theater and the Olshansky Cemetery. Worth seeing" dancing House”, Tyn Church, Petrin Tower, Powder Tower, TV Tower in Zizkov and Troja Castle.

Note to the tourist

Gulrypsh - holiday destination for celebrities

Is on Black Sea coast Abkhazia is an urban-type settlement Gulrypsh, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. Case decided the case.

Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. The area of ​​the city is 496 km2. The map of Prague shows that only about 49 km 2 are built up, the rest of the city is occupied by forests and agricultural land. The Prague Karat also shows that the city is located on 5 hills on the banks of the Vltava River.

Today Prague is a major economic and commercial center of the Czech Republic. The city has developed engineering, textile and chemical industries.

Historical reference

Prague was founded in the 9th century. Since the 10th century, the city has been the capital of the Czech state. In the XIV century, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire moved his residence to Prague Castle.

From 1918 to 1992 Prague was the capital of the Czechoslovak Republic. The city was occupied by the Germans from 1939 to 1945. In 1968, there was an attempt to reform the CPC, which led to the events known as the "Prague Spring". These events led to the Velvet Revolution in 1989. In 1993 Prague became the capital of the Czech Republic.

In 2002, there was a severe flood in Prague.

must visit

On a detailed map of Prague in Russian, you can see a huge number of attractions: 5 districts of the city are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Must-sees are Prague Castle with St. Vitus Cathedral and Golden Lane, Old Town Square with the town hall with chimes, Josefov Jewish Quarter, Charles Bridge, Wenceslas Square with the building of the National Museum and Vysehrad.

It is worth visiting Kafka's house, Hradcany, Mala Strana, Petřín Hill, Strahov Monastery, the National Theater and the Olshansky Cemetery. It is worth seeing the "Dancing House", the Tyn Church, the Petrin Tower, the Powder Tower, the Zizkov TV Tower and the Troja Castle.

Note to the tourist

Gulrypsh - holiday destination for celebrities

There is an urban-type settlement Gulrypsh on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, the appearance of which is closely connected with the name of the Russian philanthropist Nikolai Nikolaevich Smetsky. In 1989, due to the illness of his wife, they needed to change the climate. Case decided the case.

When you are preparing for a trip to Prague, and indeed to any other city, it is advisable to study the city in order to understand where it is better to book a hotel, where you will walk, eat and buy food. With the advent of the Internet in our lives, all this is facilitated, because. there are now many online maps where you can get all useful information. In this post I will talk about the most useful online maps of Prague.

The main cartographic service in the Czech Republic is . You can choose different modes viewing maps, such as panoramas, aircraft views, 3D.

If you click on the metro, tram or other transport icon, then the most actual information about transport, routes, transport departure time and direction.

On the map, you can get a route from point A to point B by car, on foot, by bike or public transport.

If you need the most up-to-date information in the form of the address, opening hours of restaurants, shops, pharmacies, museums or public institutions, you can find it on On the map you will find all parking lots with an indication of the cost per hour, day. If you know Czech then it will be useful for you brief information about all the sights of Prague.

Google Maps

Google Maps are the most popular maps today. Naturally, the coverage of the Czech Republic is very good, here you will find detailed information, addresses and contacts of various organizations and companies. In addition to the location of hotels, hotels, restaurants and shops, you can see the rating of these establishments.

The only minus of maps from Google is the mismatch of some addresses, for 2.5 years I ran into errors in addresses in Prague 5 times.

On Google maps, you can also get directions from point A to point B by car, on foot, or by public transport. True, there are sometimes mistakes in tram numbers and bus routes in Prague.

Residents of large Russian cities, such as Omsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, are already used to cards from the 2Gi s company and use them constantly. But when you go somewhere on a trip, you will be surprised that 2GIS has already created maps for Prague, Venice, Dubai, cities in Cyprus, Chile. So if you plan to go to Prague or live here, then 2GIS will help you not get lost, find out the exact address and working hours of the organization you need, get directions, calculate the distance from point A to point B. Naturally, all tram and bus stops are marked on the map and metro stations.

During the year in Prague, the base of organizations and firms in 2GIS has increased greatly, now you will find here the majority of restaurants, hotels, inns, ATMs, pharmacies, etc.

This online maps from Nokia, which bought Navtq, the world's leading manufacturer of digital maps and other data for geographic information systems used in Garmin, BMW, Nissan navigators.

Someone might like the map, but the detail is very poor, few objects are marked on the map and there is very little information about them.


OpenStreetMap is a non-profit project created by a community of mappers who add and maintain data about roads, trails, cafes, train stations, transportation and many other objects around the world. The maps have excellent detail, and if you want to know exactly where the subway exits are, see all the cafes, restaurants, shops in the right area, then be sure to use this service. Many sites and organizations use the service for their needs.