Poetic translation poems in prose.

"Let the storm come soon!"
Maxim Gorky, 1901

Over the gray plain of the sea
The wind gathers clouds
Petrel - angel of grief,
Black lightning flies...

That with the wing of the wave touching,
That arrow soaring up to the clouds,
He screams without yelling
The clouds hear a mighty cry.

In this cry, the thirst for a storm,
The power of anger, the flame of passion,
He does not wait for the blue of the sea,
Full of strength, wants power ...

Seagulls moan before the storm
Moaning, rushing over the sea,
Looking like bees for a hive,
The storm will strike like a storm soon! ..

And the loons groan too,
They, loons, are not available
Pleasure - better in the whirlpool,
To get lost there.

Silly penguin timidly hides
Body fat in the cliffs
He cries and fishes,
But in the silence of the sea on the stretches.

Only the proud Petrel,
Flying boldly and freely
And takes off like a viceroy,
The foam of the sea anywhere.

Everything is gloomy and below the clouds
Falling over the sea
The waves are rising like steeps -
Storm! The storm is coming soon!

Thunder rumbles. In the foam of anger
The waves are groaning, arguing with the wind,
And water from the sea
Rushing foam up from the sea.

Here embraces the wind
Flocks of waves with a strong hug
And throws them towards
On the cliff and there on the cells

Shatters into dust and splashes
Emerald bulks;
A petrel with a cry low
Echoes the sounds of the cannonade;

Similar to black lightning
Like an arrow pierces the clouds
He screams, and the voice of the womb
Hear the mountains, hear the steeps...

Here he rushes like a demon, -
Proud black storm demon
And laughs at the sky
And roars at the sight of furies.

In the wrath of thunder, - a sensitive demon, -
He has long heard fatigue
And I'm sure in my heart that
The sun of the storm will be higher!..

The wind howls... the thunder rumbles...
Burning with blue flame
Clouds, rush, fuss
And disappear without a trace...

The sea catches lightning bolts
And extinguishes in its abyss,
Saying to the fiery serpent:
I don't give a damn about your passions...

Storm! The storm is coming soon!
This is a proud petrel
Between the clouds and the sea
We have news from God.

Let the storm come on!
Forgetting about grief, troubles,
So screams, already rejoicing,
Young prophet of victory.

Storm! Soon there will be a storm!
But it is unlikely to come to Russia,
Since we can't fool around
Stepping on the rake again ...


I like it. Discontent offers us two options: 1) to be silent and endure,
2) demand and fight! I think I understand why you wrote that. I don't
I completely agree that "foolishly you can't step on a rake again." I'm sure
that the old rake has rotted. You will have to step on the new ones. Who would tell you how it is
do. Who will push? I hope that the current government itself will "push", with its
deeds to protest. Just start. The question of what will happen is unclear. But it is necessary, it is necessary !!!

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Above the gray plain of the sea, the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Petrel proudly flies, like a black lightning.

Now touching the waves with his wing, then soaring up to the clouds with an arrow, he screams, and - the clouds hear joy in the bold cry of a bird.

In this cry - thirst for a storm! The power of anger, the flame of passion and confidence in victory are heard by the clouds in this cry.

Seagulls groan before the storm - they groan, rush over the sea and are ready to hide their horror before the storm at its bottom.

And the loons also groan - they, the loons, do not have access to the pleasure of the battle of life: the thunder of blows frightens them.

The stupid penguin timidly hides his fat body in the rocks... Only the proud Petrel flies boldly and freely over the sea, gray with foam!

Darker and lower, the clouds descend over the sea, and they sing, and the waves rush to the heights to meet the thunder.

Thunder rumbles. Waves groan in the foam of anger, arguing with the wind. Here the wind embraces a flock of waves with a strong embrace and throws them on a grand scale in wild anger on the rocks, breaking the emerald bulks into dust and spray.

The petrel flies with a cry, like a black lightning, like an arrow pierces the clouds, breaks the foam of the waves with its wing.

Here he rushes like a demon - a proud, black demon of the storm - and laughs and sobs ... He laughs at the clouds, he sobs with joy!

In the wrath of thunder, - a sensitive demon - he has long heard fatigue, he is sure that the clouds of the sun will not hide - no, they will not!

The wind howls... the thunder rumbles...

Flocks of clouds over the abyss of the sea are burning with a blue flame. The sea catches lightning bolts and extinguishes them in its abyss. Exactly fire snakes, curl into the sea, disappearing, the reflections of these lightnings.

Storm! The storm is coming soon!

This bold Petrel proudly flies between lightning bolts over the roaring sea; then the prophet of victory cries:

Let the storm rage on!

Let's listen to M. Gorky's poem "The Song of the Petrel." Read by Arkady Bukhmin.

Analysis of M. Gorky's poem "The Song of the Petrel"

The work of M. Gorky "The Song of the Petrel" must be considered inseparably from the historical background of the time of its appearance. "Song of the Petrel" was written in response to the bloody dispersal of a student demonstration near the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg on March 4, 1901.

The verse is very symbolic, and the impending revolution against the background of the crisis of the tsarist empire in Russia became the reason for writing it. In fact, the verse is the personification of the pre-revolutionary situation in Russia and the reaction to the upcoming events of different strata of society.

The verse is the final part of the revolutionary work "Spring Melodies", after being censored, only it was published and subsequently became an agitational work on the eve of the organization of the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. “Song of the Petrel” is a talented poem in which the picture is masterfully, vividly and powerfully depicted on the eve of a sea storm.

Composition, size and genre

The Song of the Petrel is written in the traditional four-foot trochee, but the construction of the verse is unusual, close to prose. The absence of stanzas is characteristic.

The composition is not clearly expressed, but is thematically divided into four parts. The first describes a picture of nature - an approaching storm on the sea, the second is devoted to the characteristics of the behavior of various birds on the eve of the elements, the third describes the sea element and the Petrel, in the fourth the author brings the picture to a climax - the riot of the elements and the prophecy of the Petrel about an imminent storm.

The description of the beginning storm at sea gradually turns into highlighting the main image of the verse against its background - a fearless petrel, trying to get out of the dark abyss and not afraid to act against established traditions and foundations. bright pictures sea ​​element are replaced by descriptions of the characters of people, symbolically represented in the form of birds.

WITH unusual size writing is related to the genre of the work. The Song of the Petrel is considered a prose poem.

Images and trails

One of the most vivid images described in the verse, is the sea. The vivid imagery of the author's phrases is similar to the talented works of Aivazovsky, who devoted his work to the marine theme. Through the violence of the wind, rushing waves and the roar of thunder, the author conveys a picture of a raging sea. Moreover, almost without the use of funds artistic expressiveness, with the exception of the personification in the finale: "the sea roaring angrily."

The petrel is considered the central image of the poem in verse and the ideal character for the author. It is in his excitement that the reader sees the joyful anticipation of the elements, which will sweep away everything in its path. It is he who is inherent in the "enjoyment of the battle of life", it is the fearless petrel that longs for cardinal changes and announces this with a cry.

The author characterizes this image with the help of powerful comparisons: “like a black demon of a storm”, “like a black lightning”. It is the main driving force of the elements. But behind this leader there are still ridges of waves, which the wind brings down on a grand scale on the cliffs.

In bird images of a penguin, loons and gulls, M. Gorky depicted different strata of societies and people who are not ready for change, who are frightened and unsettled by the slightest shocks. Seagulls and loons "groan" in horror and fear; these images personify the townspeople and merchants who were afraid of the revolution.

In the image of a penguin - people hiding in fear of unrest in society.

"Song of the Petrel" was set to music by P. N. Renchitsky.

The song from the cartoon "In the blue sea, in white foam ..." literally and visually resonates with Gorky's work.

According to the plot of the cartoon "Petrel", a student reads a poem by Gorky, whose words become reality. Let's look at this Russian cartoon.

After the return of M. Gorky on March 12, 1901 from a trip to St. Petersburg and Moscow. It was published in 1901 in the journal Life as an independent work after the censorship banned the entire story. The writer at that time was associated with the Moscow organization Iskra, conducted revolutionary propaganda among students and workers, and initiated broad public protests against the persecution of students, “... spring dawns are burning in my heart and I breathe with all my chest,” wrote in the spring of 1901 L. Andreev. "Song" was written in response to the bloody dispersal of a student demonstration near the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg on March 4, 1901. Initially, it was not conceived as an independent work, but was included in the satirical story "Spring Melodies", where different strata of society were depicted in the form of birds. A representative of the younger generation - Chizh (apparently a student) - sings an extremely exciting song "About the Petrel". The censorship forbade printing the story in full, but imprudently allowed the song of the chizhik (the entire Spring Melodies was printed illegally on a hectograph by Nizhny Novgorod radicals). Before going to press, Gorky changed the final phrase. Instead of "Wait! The storm is coming soon!" put "Let the storm break harder!". As a result, on April 17, Gorky and his bosom friend, the poet Wanderer, were arrested and then expelled from Nizhny Novgorod. Seeing him turned into a mass demonstration. The magazine closed in May.


The release of the magazine with the "Song of the Petrel" caused a stir among the gendarmes. Further, the “Song of the Petrel” was cited in full and it was said about the “strong impression” it made in literary circles. After the release of the "Song of the Petrel", the author himself began to be called "petrel" and "storm herald". "Song" was one of the reasons for the banning of the magazine - the number in which it was printed turned out to be the last one. However, the distribution of the work did not end there. "Song of the Petrel" was included in collections of revolutionary poems and songs published abroad. Having become a battle password during the years of the first Russian revolution, the "Song of the Petrel" aroused hatred in the reaction camp. In the advanced circles of Russian society, the "Song of the Petrel" was accepted as a fiery revolutionary proclamation; The work was widely distributed through illegal publications. Bolshevik propaganda repeatedly used the images of the "Song of the Petrel", which is why, often, the work is perceived only in a political and temporal context. However, in the "Song of the Petrel", in addition to calling the storm, it sounds eternal theme the loneliness of a brave hero and the opposition of this courage to philistine cowardice and a limited gray life. During the years of the struggle against the autocracy, the "Song of the Petrel" was one of the most powerful means of revolutionary propaganda.


Above the gray plain of the sea, the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Petrel proudly flies, like a black lightning.
Now touching the waves with his wing, then soaring up to the clouds with an arrow, he screams, and - the clouds hear joy in the bold cry of a bird.
In this cry - thirst for a storm! The power of anger, the flame of passion and confidence in victory are heard by the clouds in this cry.
Seagulls groan before the storm - they groan, rush over the sea and are ready to hide their horror before the storm at its bottom.
And the loons also groan - they, the loons, do not have access to the pleasure of the battle of life: the thunder of blows frightens them.
The stupid penguin timidly hides his fat body in the cliffs... Only the proud Petrel flies boldly and freely over the sea, gray with foam!
Darker and lower, the clouds descend over the sea, and they sing, and the waves rush to the heights to meet the thunder.
Thunder rumbles. Waves groan in the foam of anger, arguing with the wind. Here the wind embraces a flock of waves with a strong embrace and throws them on a grand scale in wild anger on the cliffs, breaking the emerald bulks into dust and spray.
The petrel flies with a cry, like a black lightning, like an arrow pierces the clouds, breaks the foam of the waves with its wing.
Here he rushes like a demon - a proud, black demon of the storm - and laughs and sobs ... He laughs at the clouds, he sobs with joy!
In the wrath of thunder, - a sensitive demon - he has long heard fatigue, he is sure that the clouds of the sun will not hide - no, they will not!
The wind howls... the thunder rumbles...
Flocks of clouds over the abyss of the sea are burning with a blue flame. The sea catches lightning bolts and extinguishes them in its abyss. Like fiery snakes, winding into the sea, disappearing, the reflections of these lightnings.
- Storm! The storm is coming soon!
This bold Petrel proudly flies between lightning bolts over the roaring sea; then the prophet of victory cries:
Let the storm rage on!

  • The "Song" was set to music by P. N. Renchitsky (melody recitation).
  • Boris Akunin in his blog compared the Song of the Petrel with the current (2012) political situation in Russia.

see also


Sat. "Gorky's Revolutionary Path", Central Archive. M. - L., 1933, pp. 50-51.

E. Yaroslavsky. See: Gorky's Revolutionary Way, M.-L., 1933, p. 8 - 9

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what the "Song of the Petrel" is in other dictionaries:

    Nickname famous writer Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov (see). (Brockhaus) Gorky, Maxim (real name Peshkov, Alexei Maxim.), famous novelist, b. March 14, 1869 in Nizhny. Novgorod, s. upholsterer, apprentice paint shop. (Vengerov) ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

Read poetry on this page "Song of the Petrel" Russian poet Maxim Gorky written in 1901 year.

Above the gray plain of the sea, the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Petrel proudly flies, like a black lightning.

Now touching the waves with his wing, then soaring up to the clouds with an arrow, he screams, and - the clouds hear joy in the bold cry of a bird.

In this cry - thirst for a storm! The power of anger, the flame of passion and confidence in victory are heard by the clouds in this cry.

Seagulls groan before the storm, - groan, rush over the sea and are ready to hide their horror before the storm at its bottom.

And the loons are also moaning - they, the loons, do not have access to the pleasure of the battle of life: the thunder of blows frightens them.

The stupid penguin timidly hides his fat body in the rocks... Only the proud Petrel flies boldly and freely over the sea, gray with foam!

Darker and lower clouds descend over the sea, and they sing, and the waves rush to the heights to meet the thunder.

Thunder rumbles. Waves groan in the foam of anger, arguing with the wind. Here the wind embraces a flock of waves with a strong embrace and throws them on a grand scale in wild anger on the rocks, breaking the emerald bulks into dust and spray.

The petrel flies with a cry, like a black lightning, like an arrow pierces the clouds, breaks the foam of the waves with its wing.

Here he rushes like a demon - a proud, black demon of the storm - and laughs and sobs ... He laughs at the clouds, he sobs with joy!

In the wrath of thunder, - a sensitive demon - he has long heard fatigue, he is sure that the clouds of the sun will not hide - no, they will not!

The wind howls... the thunder rumbles...

Flocks of clouds over the abyss of the sea are burning with a blue flame. The sea catches lightning bolts and extinguishes them in its abyss. Like fiery snakes, they curl into the sea, disappearing, the reflections of these lightnings!

Storm! The storm is coming soon!

This bold Petrel proudly flies between lightning bolts over the roaring sea; then the prophet of victory cries:

Let the storm rage on!

Journey to the Land of Poetry. Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1968.

Other poems by Maxim Gorky

» Monologue of Vaska Buslaev

- Eh-ma, if only I had more strength! I would breathe hot - I would melt the snow, The circle of the earth would go and plow it all, I would walk for a century - I would fence cities, ...

"Don't scold my muse...

Do not scold my muse, I did not know another, and I do not know, I compose a song not to the past, But to the future I sing hymns ....

"You're out of luck, Alyosha! ..

You're out of luck, Alyosha! No luck, even crack! You won’t sing, brother, a good daring song! ...

» Songs from the essay "On Changul"

1 Dark road at night among the steppe - My God, oh God - so terrible! I am alone in the world, I grew up as an orphan; ...

» Song of Ragnar

From the story "The Return of the Normans from England" ... This is how it sounded, the rune of battles, a song about blood and iron, about the death of the brave, about the glory of their exploits, ...

» Song of the Falcon

The sea - huge, sighing lazily near the shore - fell asleep and motionless in the distance, bathed in the blue radiance of the moon. Soft and silvery, it merged with the blue southern sky there and sleeps soundly, reflecting the transparent fabric of cirrus clouds, motionless and not hiding the golden patterns of the stars. It seems that the sky is leaning lower and lower over the sea, wanting to understand what the restless waves whisper about, sleepily crawling ashore. The mountains, overgrown with trees, ugly curved north-east, raised their peaks with sharp waves into the blue desert above them, their severe contours were rounded, dressed in the warm and gentle darkness of the southern night. The mountains are important and thoughtful. From them, black shadows have fallen on the lush greenish crests of the waves and dress them, as if wishing to stop the only movement, to drown out the incessant splash of water and the sighs of foam - all sounds that break the secret silence that is poured around along with the blue silver of the radiance of the moon, still hidden behind mountain peaks. - A-ala-ah-a-akbar! .. - quietly sighs Nadyr-Ragim-Ogly, an old Crimean shepherd; tall, gray-haired, burned by the southern sun, dry and wise old man....
Above the gray plain of the sea, the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Petrel proudly flies, like a black lightning.
Now touching the waves with his wing, then soaring up to the clouds with an arrow, he screams, and - the clouds hear joy in the bold cry of a bird.
In this cry - thirst for a storm! The power of anger, the flame of passion and confidence in victory are heard by the clouds in this cry.
Seagulls groan before the storm - they groan, rush over the sea and are ready to hide their horror before the storm at its bottom.
And the loons also groan - they, the loons, do not have access to the pleasure of the battle of life: the thunder of blows frightens them.
The stupid penguin timidly hides his fat body in the rocks... Only the proud Petrel flies boldly and freely over the sea, gray with foam!
Darker and lower clouds descend over the sea, and they sing, and the waves rush to the heights to meet the thunder.
Thunder rumbles. Waves groan in the foam of anger, arguing with the wind. Here the wind embraces a flock of waves with a strong embrace and throws them on a grand scale in wild anger on the rocks, breaking the emerald bulks into dust and spray.
The petrel flies with a cry, like a black lightning, like an arrow pierces the clouds, breaks the foam of the waves with its wing.
Here he rushes like a demon - a proud, black demon of the storm - and laughs and sobs ... He laughs at the clouds, he sobs with joy!
In the wrath of thunder, - a sensitive demon - he has long heard fatigue, he is sure that the clouds of the sun will not hide - no, they will not!
The wind howls... the thunder rumbles...
Flocks of clouds over the abyss of the sea are burning with a blue flame. The sea catches lightning bolts and extinguishes them in its abyss. Like fiery snakes, winding into the sea, disappearing, the reflections of these lightnings.
- Storm! The storm is coming soon!
This bold Petrel proudly flies between lightning bolts over the roaring sea; then the prophet of victory cries:
Let the storm rage on!