It is difficult to imagine the main Christian holiday without painted eggs. Eggs begin to be painted on Holy Week, they are carried to church, they are treated to relatives and friends, and a festive feast begins with them. From year to year, we decorate eggs for Easter, often without even thinking about the meaning of this tradition. Meanwhile, a number of questions may arise, for example, why eggs are dyed at Easter and why red eggs are still especially distinguished. The tradition of decorating eggs has long history full of legends, so all these questions cannot be answered unambiguously.

Like many traditions that have survived to this day, according to one version, decorating eggs for Easter has its roots in the pre-Christian era. As you know, the date of the celebration of Easter changes every year and depends on the lunisolar calendar, but each time this holiday falls in the spring. In pre-Christian times, there were many ceremonies and rituals associated with the arrival of spring, and with the spread of Christianity, some of them began to include the Easter holiday. Since the feast of the Resurrection of Christ, as well as the arrival of spring, symbolizes new life, then, answering the question of why eggs are painted on Easter, you should turn to ancient egypt and Persia. Even the ancient Egyptians and Persians during their spring holidays painted chicken eggs. Even then, the egg was considered a symbol of fertility and new life, with the advent of Christianity, the egg became not only a symbol of new life, but also of resurrection.

There is another answer to the question why eggs are painted on Easter, it sends us back to Ancient Rome. The Romans associated the ritual of dyeing eggs with the name of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, more precisely with his birth in 121 AD. On the day of this event, in a chicken coop that belonged to the family of the future emperor, a hen laid an egg, completely covered with bright red dots. This extraordinary event was interpreted as a symbol of a happy omen and a sign of a bright future for the newborn. Since then, in Rome, a tradition has appeared in honor of the holiday to give each other colored eggs. Christians, having adopted the tradition, put a different meaning into it, it is believed that the red color of the egg symbolizes the blood of Christ.

However, the church does not agree with previous theories. According to the biblical version, the first Easter egg was presented by Mary Magdalene to Emperor Tiberius. But why is it customary to paint eggs at Easter? After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples informed the believers about this joyful event, then Mary Magdalene went with this message to the Roman emperor Tiberius. However, it was not accepted to come to the emperor without gifts, and even the poor had to present at least an egg as a gift to Tiberius. Mary Magdalene did the same, but she chose the egg as a gift not by chance, it has a special meaning. Beneath the dead eggshell lies a life hidden from everyone, which will break free along with the hatched chicken. And when Mary told Tiberius that Christ had similarly escaped from the shackles of death and resurrected, the emperor did not believe it, arguing that it was as impossible as your white egg to turn red. And at that moment, a miracle happened before everyone's eyes - the egg in the emperor's hand turned red, and the amazed Tiberius exclaimed "Truly risen!" Since then, believers on the feast of the Resurrection of Christ give each other colored eggs with the words “Christ is risen!”, And the one who accepts the gift answers “Truly risen!”.

With these versions, the answer to the question of why eggs are painted on Easter is not exhausted. Another legend tells about the Jews who gathered for a meal after the execution of Jesus Christ, they were served fried chicken and boiled eggs. One of them mentioned that in 3 days Jesus would be resurrected, the other laughed, saying that this fried chicken would soon come to life and the eggs would turn red. And at that moment, that is exactly what happened. Since then, eggs have been dyed at Easter to commemorate this event. There is another legend that says that the Mother of God herself painted the eggs in order to use them as toys for the baby Christ.

There is a simpler and more logical answer to the question of why eggs are painted on Easter. As you know, during Great Lent, which ends with the feast of the Resurrection of Christ, the use of any products of animal origin, including chicken eggs, is prohibited. And everything would be much easier if the chickens could explain this, and for the duration of the fast they would stop laying eggs. However, chickens are still unaware of all sorts of restrictions and continue to rush even during Lent. In order not to throw away a valuable product, the peasants prepared eggs for future use and, in order to distinguish early batches from fresher ones, they were dyed. And with the onset of the Easter holiday, they gave painted eggs to loved ones, took them to church and ate them themselves.

As you can see from all these legends, which you can believe in or not, the tradition of dyeing eggs originated a long time ago. Until now, every year on the eve of the feast of the Resurrection of Christ, Christians around the world paint eggs, turning them into real works of art.

Alena Karamzina

On the great holiday At Easter, it is customary to paint eggs and beat them against each other. Many follow this tradition, but only a small part knows what symbolism this action carries, and what it really means.

The egg at all times was considered a symbol of life and a sign of the birth of the world because of the embryo in the shell. Since ancient pagan times, it has symbolized fertility and the spring rebirth of the earth after hibernation.

If we consider it in the context of Christianity, based on the most common information, the egg is a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher, in which eternal life is hidden.

Tradition says that the stone covering the tomb of Jesus looked like an egg.

Also, the egg is associated with the resurrection of Christ. It is cleared of the shell, and the features of a renewed world appear, cleansed of filth thanks to the sacrifice of God's Son.

Where does the tradition of painting eggs for Easter come from, beating eggs: the tradition of painting eggs

There is a legend that tells about Marina Magdalene, who decided to come to the Roman emperor Tiberius to tell about the resurrection of Christ. To come to such important person, it was necessary to bring a gift that the woman did not have. So she gave him the usual egg, with the cry that Jesus is Risen. Magdalena said that a miracle happened, and Christ rose from the dead extortions of death, to which the emperor only laughed. He stated that the return of the dead to life is as likely as a white egg can become red. At the same moment, the egg in Marina's hands turned scarlet. Since then, a tradition has appeared to paint eggs in different colors.

There is also a more practical theory that during fasting, when animal products are prohibited, chickens did not stop laying eggs. It was necessary to do something with them, and therefore the housewives cooked them. In this state, the eggs can be stored much longer. And in order to distinguish between boiled and raw, they were painted in different colors.

There is also a point of view that egg coloring as a tradition appeared long before Christianity, back in pagan times. Eggs were painted in honor of the arrival of spring, they are all life and fertility.

Where does the tradition of painting eggs for Easter come from, beating eggs: why do they beat eggs for Easter

An Easter egg is not just a treat. It is an element of many rituals and games associated with the holiday. Egg-beating is one of those, it became known 1rre. Versions arose different.

The first version is that such a struggle symbolizes the confrontation between good and evil. Strong eggs were considered a powerful amulet, so they were left in the house to protect themselves from adversity. The broken ones were simply eaten, because there was no more use for them.

Another explanation says that in the old days it was considered indecent to kiss in public on a holiday, because people exchanged favors by knocking Easter eggs three times.

The third says that the egg is associated with the stone that closed the tomb of Jesus. Therefore, by breaking an egg, a person, as it were, helps Jesus to get out of captivity. The more eggs broken on a holiday, the easier it will be for him.

At Easter, it is important to color the eggs. No documented evidence has yet been found of where this tradition came from. In the article we will tell you how the custom of painting eggs for Easter was born, we will reveal the secrets, original ideas egg coloring.

Why eggs are dyed at Easter

Few people wonder why eggs are dyed for Easter. Where did this tradition come from? For Christians, this is a sacred sacrament that absolutely every believer must observe. In the 13th century, a set of rules was formed, where it was clearly stated that the hegumen would punish the one who did not eat the Easter egg on the great holiday. It was believed that by neglecting such a custom, the monks showed disrespect for the traditions of the great ones.

There are various versions of the origin of the tradition of coloring and painting eggs for Easter. One of the main ones is a close relationship with Mary Magdalene, who took upon herself the authority to inform Bishop Tiberius that Christ had risen. It was forbidden to go to the ruler without special gifts, the woman did not have a gift for him, as a result she took a simple egg.

The fact is that an egg, by its meaning, can evoke in people such associations as the beginning of something new, in this case it definitely means new era. When Maria gave the egg to Vladyka, he did not believe her, saying that it was just as impossible as if her egg suddenly turned red. It was after these words that a red-dyed egg began to be considered a symbol of the Easter holiday. There is another version of the origin of the tradition of painting eggs. When Jesus Christ was small, the Virgin Mary painted eggs to entertain her little son.

There are also everyday versions that very easily explain why eggs are painted on Easter. Everyone knows that during the period of fasting people refuse a great variety of food. After fasting, it is customary to boil eggs so that they are not spoiled. In order for people to be able to distinguish between raw and cooked foods, they began to turn eggs red.

According to legend, the stone used to close the tomb of Jesus Christ had the shape of an egg. Everyone knows what lies under the eggshell new life Therefore, it is the Easter egg that reminds us of the salvation of Jesus Christ, his resurrection.

How beautiful to paint eggs

Many centuries have passed since the birth of the tradition of painting an egg for Easter. If earlier Christians dyed eggs only with onion peel, now there are many new options, colors, decorations. Let's start with the simplest.

How to dye eggs for Easter with onion skins

This method is the most ancient, it is used from generation to generation, giving due to the simplicity, convenience and naturalness of the variety of staining.

You only need onion peel, which you need to fill with water in a saucepan and cook for about 43 minutes over very low heat. Then turn off the stove, cover the husk with a lid and let it brew. We take out the eggs from the refrigerator 2 hours before the start of staining. The broth must be filtered to get rid of the husk and leave only water. Then put eggs in it and cook until tender.

marble eggs

Marble Easter eggs will be a real decoration for the coming Easter in 2019. First you need to prepare the onion peel. It will be much better if it is multi-colored.

Important: there should be enough husks, take care of this in advance.

Eggs should lie down at room temperature, then you need to moisten them a little with water and roll in pieces of husk. Wrap tightly with nylon, gauze (optional). You tie the ends with threads, firmly. Fill the pot with water, immerse the eggs in the husk, wrapped in cheesecloth, pour a tube of greenery into the water. Cook after boiling for about 15 minutes, then remove the eggs, remove the wrapper and rinse under water.

This egg color is considered one of the more familiar, traditional for our grandmothers, great-grandmothers. Even fifty years ago, our predecessors did not have the opportunity to buy variable dyes, so everyone used improvised devices.

Zelenka, why is she? It is believed that green color indicates peace and tranquility, gives a sense of security.

What color to dye eggs - top natural dyes

  • beet juice, it can give different shades. From burgundy to pale pink, you just need to grate the beets, boil for 30 minutes, add a little vinegar;
  • spinach will help transform eggs into an interesting green composition;
  • nettle gives a dark green color;
  • turmeric is the source of the orange color;
  • coffee will give brown and beige shades;
  • cranberries will give a bright fuchsia color;
  • the orange zest will help create the golden yellow color.

Why do they beat eggs on Easter

Easter speck is called not only a festive treat in the form of painted eggs. It is also an essential symbol that is used in Easter rituals, rituals. Beating eggs is ancient tradition where did she come from?

Why are Easter eggs red? The answer to this question lies in the Easter tradition itself, in which the egg acts as one of the main symbols of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. According to legend, the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, during her sermon in Rome, presented the emperor Tiberius with a chicken egg, while exclaiming: “Christ is Risen!”

In response, the Roman emperor objected that it would be more likely for this hen's egg to turn from white to red than he would believe that anyone living on this earth had the ability to resurrect. The ruler of Rome demanded a miracle and the miracle happened. Before the eyes of many people, the chicken egg presented by Magdalene turned red.

So red eggs for Easter according to the Bible, or rather, already according to the New Testament, have firmly entered the tradition of celebrating and have become on a par with Easter cake the main attribute of the holiday. Christians around the world began to color eggs primarily in red and other colors. There is an analogy here: a chicken egg symbolizes the birth of a new life. Christ the Savior, by his death on the cross, atoned for the sins of all mankind and gave new life. The shell of a chicken egg symbolizes the coffin, and the red color symbolizes the blood shed by Jesus Christ. There is another reason why eggs are dyed red at Easter.

Second importance red egg on the Bright Resurrection of Christ - the royal dignity of Jesus Christ. In the East, red was associated with royalty.

Until now, it is difficult to imagine Easter without eggs painted in different colors. Consecrated in the temple early in the morning on Easter, along with Easter cake and other products, eggs are the first product that breaks the fast after a long and, without exaggeration, difficult Great Lent, preceding the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

However, there is another legend about a red egg for Easter, which sends us to Ancient Rome to Emperor Marcus Aurelius. An incident is described that occurred in 121 AD. The household of the family of the future emperor (who at that time was a small child) contained a huge chicken coop. One day, workers found an egg laid by a hen in the straw, completely covered with bright red dots.

This event was perceived as an exceptionally good omen, predicting a great and bright future for the new ruler of Rome. Since then, a tradition has been born on the territory of the empire to give each other painted eggs. With the birth of Jesus Christ, and later with the fulfillment of his great mission, colored eggs (especially red) acquired the symbolism of the blood of the Savior shed for humanity and eternal life for everyone who believes.

But this is not the only meaning of a chicken egg for Easter. The fact is that in Palestine, where decisive events for mankind took place with the advent of Jesus Christ, it was customary to arrange tombs in caves, the entrance to which was blocked by stones, after the deceased was left there. The stone with which they blocked the entrance to the tomb, where they left the body of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross, was very similar in shape to a chicken egg. Thus, in Christianity, the Easter egg is a symbol of the Holy Sepulcher, in which eternal life is hidden.

AT various sources described another interesting case associated with the hen's egg and the death and subsequent resurrection of Christ. A group of Jews gathered after the execution of Jesus at a meal. Among the dishes on the table were fried chicken and boiled chicken eggs. One of those present remembered the promise of Jesus Christ to give his life on the cross, and then rise on the third day, to which his interlocutors replied that the fried chicken would soon come to life, and the white eggs would turn red. In the next moment, the eggs really turned red.

P.S. According to another legend, it is believed that the Mother of God herself in her childhood dyed chicken eggs to please the little Savior. A painted chicken egg for Easter reminds us of the great gift of Jesus Christ, presented to every believer.

Easter was one of the most important and biggest spring holidays in Russia. hallmark and the main actor» of this holiday was a painted egg.

Since pagan times, the egg has been a symbol of life, birth and rebirth. Since ancient times, the egg has symbolized fertility and harmony in the family. In pagan times in Russia, they believed that the duck egg was the embryo of the whole world: “In the beginning, when there was nothing in the world but the boundless sea, the duck, flying over it, dropped the egg into the abyss of water. The egg split open, and from its lower part came out mother earth, damp, and from the upper part a high vault of heaven arose. In mid-April, the Slavs in ancient times celebrated the wedding of heaven and earth, readiness for fertility, for sowing. On this day, cylindrical Easter cakes were baked, symbolizing the masculine principle, and eggs were dyed as a symbol of male power, and they were also made round in shape. cottage cheese dishes as a symbol of the feminine. There are other customs associated with the egg. So, our ancestors wrote on bird eggs magic spells and prayers, brought them to pagan temples, laid them at the feet of idols. The Eastern Slavs dedicated painted eggs to the most formidable deity, Perun. The egg was the embodiment of the spring sun, carrying life, joy, warmth, light, the revival of nature, deliverance from the shackles of frost and snow. And the egg served our ancestors as a symbol of life, because it is in it that the embryo of the rooster is stored - the solar bird that woke up the morning.

Why are eggs painted for Easter? I'll try to answer this question.

The simplest and most logical answer is that during the 40-day fast, the chickens did not stop laying eggs. To keep the eggs from spoiling, people simply boiled them. And in order to know which eggs are cooked and which are not, various natural dyes were added to the water. At the end of the fast, eggs accumulated so much that it was not possible to eat them, and for this reason people gave away eggs to relatives and neighbors who did not have chickens on the farm. Dyed eggs had their own names: those that were of the same color - krashenki, those that were dyed unevenly - specks; and the most beautiful were pysanky - testicles, hand-painted with wax and natural dyes.

The second legend says that after the ascension of Christ to heaven, Saint Mary Magdalene came to the Roman emperor Tiberius to announce this event. AT old times it was customary to make offerings to the emperor during an audience. Rich people brought jewelry, poor people brought what they could. Magdalena brought the most common chicken egg and said: “Christ is Risen!” To this, Tiberius replied: a person cannot rise and return from the dead just as a white egg will never turn red. It was at this moment that the egg turned red before the eyes of the emperor, and it was from this legend that the tradition of painting eggs for Easter began.

According to another legend, the tradition of painting eggs goes back to the day of the birth on the birthday of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. It was in the second century AD. On this day, one of the hens in the household of the imperial court laid an egg with red dots. The mother of the emperor considered this a sign, and it was from that time that the Romans began to traditionally paint eggs.

Turning to historical documents, you can find out that the first evidence of the use of eggs for Easter dates back to the 10th century and is written in a manuscript made on parchment. This document is in the library of the monastery of St. Anastasia (Thessalonica, Greece). According to the church charter, after prayers for Easter, it was necessary to read a prayer for the blessing of eggs and cheese. The reader, kissing the brothers - monks, handed out eggs to them with the words: "Christ is Risen!". In the XIII century. The abbot could even severely punish a monk if he did not eat a colored egg on Easter.

Personally, I prefer this version: in the old days, before starting the sowing campaign, they went out into the field and sat down with their bare fifth point on the ground in order to understand whether the soil had warmed up or not. Only after that did they begin to plant the grain. But in some regions there was a bug that had a special pigment in itself, and partridges living and nesting in the fields loved to eat that bug. That bug wintered underground and got out to the surface when the last thin crust of ice melted and the earth warmed up. It was here that the bug met with partridges, who love to feast on this same bug, before rushing and sitting on eggs. Due to the pigment contained in the bug, ordinary white partridge eggs were stained burgundy-brown along with the droppings. It was thanks to partridges that people understood that it was time to start sowing, and in order not to sit down on the ground with their bare backside, the farmers simply looked into the nests and looked at the color of the eggs. Seeing that the eggs were colored with the pigment of a bug, they took one such testicle and went to visit, where they gave the owners a beautiful egg from the threshold, notifying those that the time for sowing had come.

There were in the old days such fun as beating and rolling eggs and this was an Easter tradition. For example: two eggs hit each other with both ends. The sharp end was called the toe, the blunt end was called the heel. First they fought with the toe, and then with the heel. If both ends broke, the testicle was counted. The winner took it. An egg broken at one end was divided in half. Painted eggs rolled.

For the same purpose, the eggs were rolled across the table towards each other. Another fun was rolling eggs from the hillock. The egg that rolled down had to hit one of those lying on the ground, then the player took this egg for himself. If someone's egg was broken when dropped or hit, it was eliminated from the game along with the player. Such fun had a deep symbolism: skating meant the awakening and meeting of spring. It was from rolling eggs that the Russian game was born - grandmas (I will write about it separately in a series of notes on traditional Russian games and fun).

First, colored eggs (then oval-shaped animal bones) were laid out on a horse, lining up on the ground in one line. From a certain distance, the players threw a linen ball at them. The egg that was knocked out was considered won. The egg was taken by the one who knocked it out.

For such fun, it was necessary to choose the strongest eggs. Their strength was tested by knocking them on the teeth. If the sound was muffled and the shell soft, the choice was considered correct for the game. There were also tricksters in those days who sucked out the contents of the egg through the holes in the shell, and then carefully poured it into it. tree resin. Such thoughtful manipulation, of course, did not allow the egg to beat.

The very first donated egg for Easter had protective properties, and the shell, after the egg was eaten, was not thrown away, as it was considered healing. An Easter egg was laid behind the goddess and then, if necessary, given to the sick, with its help they put out fires, started sowing, saved livestock from death. They kept such an egg until the next Easter.