To the question Help write an analysis of the poem by K. Balmont "The Well" given by the author Katya Agafonycheva the best answer is K. D. Balmont - an extraordinary poet, bewitching with the beauty and melody of the verse, attracting to the skies. For Balmont, everything in the surrounding world is spiritualized. We see this spirituality in the poem "Drop". Ozhegov's dictionary gives the following definition: "A drop is a small rounded particle of liquid". A survey of 40 students of the faculty of PIMPE showed that the word "drop" most often evokes the following associations: dew, tear, water, moisture, life. The word drop is stylistically neutral, but it evokes a feeling of fullness, freshness, purity, lightness. We feel the breath of life. It can be a drop of water, blood, dew, tears - all this is filled with life. The image of a well appears in the first line. The following lexical meaning is fixed in Ozhegov's dictionary: “A well is a narrow and deep hole to obtain water from the aquifer". The results of the survey show that the image of a well evokes such associations: water, depth, pit; gives a sense of mystery, suspense, danger. Balmont uses the method of secondary nomination of the image, calls the drop a snowflake. A new meaning appears - the drop not only symbolizes vitality but also Beauty. The image of a snowflake in Balmont's work is traditionally a symbol of beauty: Beauty enlivens, everything living is beautiful. The entire figurative structure of the poem is built on antinomies: Height - Bottom, Sky - Earth, Darkness - Light, Life - Death. The common link connecting these beginnings is a drop - “from the heights of heaven to earth - a link”. From a drop, the “dead well” comes to life, the tired traveler regains strength. The lyrical plot of the poem unfolds at night. Therefore, mysterious, fabulous transformations from a dead, lifeless well into a well filled with water and life are possible. However, with the advent of dawn, the mystery disappears. But we believe that at night everything will happen again. Balmont uses the techniques traditional for his work: sound writing, alliteration, assonance. From a syntactic point of view, enumerations abound in the poem, the poet avoids predicates, verbs of action. This creates a cosmic, timeless picture of the world. Vocabulary also points to cosmic motifs: “star”, “height”. The author uses inversions that create charming plasticity, a bewitching rhythm. The stellar, cosmic motif appears in them brightly and visibly: She flew on an epilepsy path and burned down almost to the ground, / And only a spark, and only a drop, shone, still bright. / She fell not in high water, not in the fullness of the river water, / Not in the steppe, where there is freedom, not in the greenery of the grove, not in the thicket of branches of the forest wall. / Falling from the sky, she fell not into the abyss of the sea, not into a waterfall, / And not into a field, not into the evenness of a meadow, and not into a flower-rich garden. These lines make it clear how significant a small thing can be: a drop fell exactly where it is needed, where without it there is death; where they were waiting for her. She fell and there was hope for resurrection, for change, for life. Returning to the name, we see that our expectations were justified, associative and lexical meanings match both before and during reading. However, in Balmont's understanding, the drop acquires another meaning, individual, authorial: the drop is significant, despite its small size. She plays important role in the transformation of the world. It is probably no coincidence that Balmont chooses the word “drop” as a name, and not “droplet”: the suffix -k- has a diminutive meaning, and something more solid, weighty is felt in the word “drop”. The drop is at the same time small in comparison with the world, and at the same time large, significant, full. The poem, therefore, has not only aesthetic potential, but also teaches the reader that he himself, as a part of the world, is able to do a lot, fill life with both his own and someone else's meaning, find his place in life, if his life is aimed at creation.

Page 12 - 18,

R. v. p. 2, no. 2

How did Nastya remember summer?

Where do you think Nastya spent her summer?

What is a well?

page 18

Well -

a deep narrow pit dug for a vein of water, for water and dressed with a frame or stone.

  • Read the title of the poem. Who is the author of the poem?
  • Read the poem to yourself.


Konstantin Dmitrievich

(1867 - 1943)

What pictures did you imagine when you read the poem?

What is the mood in this poem?

What does a poem look like?

Why K. Balmont called his poem "Drop"? Let's try to answer by re-reading the stanzas.

On the legend of the star that fell into the well

Questions about the first stanza:

  • Deaf well - what is it?
  • What does a well "without life" mean?
  • And what kind of drop do you imagine night star? What is she?

Reading the second stanza:

Please note: the poet repeats again that the well is long forgotten, that is, people have not been going to it for a long time, because there is no water there, and another adjective is added - dead.

Questions for the second stanza:

  • And what does it mean "where the bottom yearned without moisture"?
  • Look, in this stanza we find the answer to our question: Why did K. Balmont call his poem "Drop"?

The poet presents a drop of the night star...


Reading the third stanza:

  • What did the weary traveler see when he accidentally approached the well?
  • What happened?
  • And what miracle happened to the weary traveler?
  • What does it mean - "a song in the heart, a story in the soul"?

Miracle. A drop of the night star revived the well, the snowflake melted - and the well was filled!

Reading the fourth stanza:

"But a little on the verge of earth and sky

greenish dawn flashes ... "

- What does it mean?

  • The well fades .... Stars usually fade.
  • What will happen next?

What do you think this poem is about? After all human soul often compared to a bottomless well.

The well dries up again, dies, the magic is over...

What lines of the poem were illustrated by the artist who read this poem?

Page 19,

expressive reading

Farewell to summer.

K. Balmont "Drop",

B. Zakhoder "What is the most beautiful of all?"


How did Nastya remember summer? Read.

(- How good it was, how fun it was in the summer, - Nastya sighed. - But I remember the summer like this: a hot day and cold water from a well that tastes better than any lemonade. And also the stars are huge, which do not happen at other times of the year ...)

Where do you think Nastya spent her summer? Why did you decide so?

Who can tell about the well? What is he? How are they used?

Definition from explanatory dictionary: “A well is a deep narrow pit dug for a water vein, for water and dressed with a frame or stone».

What did Nastya think of the water from the well? (Tastier than any lemonade.)

What else impressed Nastya so much in the summer? (Huge stars, which do not exist at other times of the year.)

Consider the illustration on p. 19. What do you think the artist illustrated? (Into the dead well, long forgotten, where the bottom yearned without moisture, She fell like a light snowflake, from the heights of heaven to earth - a link.)

1. Reading a poem by K. Balmont "Drop".

Work with text before reading.


Identification of primary perception.

What pictures did you submit? Tell me.

What is the mood in this poem? (Dreamy, mysterious, contradictory: the joy of life and sadness, fabulous, etc.)

What does a poem look like? (On the legend of the star that fell into the well.)

Why did K. Balmont call his poem "Drop"? Let's try to answer.

Re-reading stanzas with comments.

Konstantin Balmont


In a deaf well, long forgotten,

for a long time without life and without water,

A drop fell - not rain,

a drop of night star fell.

(A deaf well is what? What does a well “without life” mean? And what do you imagine a drop of a night star? What is it? (Children's answers.) I wonder which author sees it? a lifeless, empty well, a drop of a night star falls ...)

In the well of the dead, long forgotten,

where the bottom yearned without moisture,

She fell like a snowflake,

from the heights of heaven to earth - a link.

(Please note: the poet repeats again that the well is long forgotten, that is, people have not been going to it for a long time, because there is no water there, and another adjective is added - dead. And what does it mean "where the bottom yearned without moisture"? Look, in in this stanza we find the answer to our question: the poet represents a drop of a night star ... a snowflake.)

When tired you come by chance

to that well at the midnight hour,

There is a lot of water, there is moisture in the well,

and in the heart a song, in the soul - a story.

(And then a tired traveler accidentally comes to the well. And what does he see? (The well is full again.) What happened? (A miracle. A drop of a night star revived the well, a snowflake melted and the well was filled!) What does it mean - “a song in the heart, a story in the soul”? (Maybe inspiration comes to the poet ...)

But a little on the verge of earth and sky

greenish dawn flashes, (What does this mean?) (The moment has come when the night is replaced by dawn, she begins to leave.)

The well fades (Usually what fades? Stars. And here “the well fades.” What happens next, can you guess? The well dries up again, dies, the magic is over ...)

and only on the edge

dewy moisture turns white trail.


Working with text after reading.

What else do you think this poem is about? After all, the human soul is often compared to a bottomless well. (In it - great amount energy, ideas, creative plans. She is able to give living water to drink both the person himself and the people who are next to him. People are drawn to such a person. It also happens that a person suddenly discovers new possibilities: some discover the gift of an artist at the age of 60, others invent and design, others become poets, it is at the bottom of the well of their soul that a “drop of a night star” falls ... In the middle of the midnight darkness stands alone a well that glows with the fire of life from within. It is filled with living water, and the poet who ended up at the well at that hour, having drunk his wonderful drink, is also full of life: lines come out from under his pen one after another - this is the very song of the heart, the story of the soul. This is how a creator is born.

Referring again to the illustration on p. 19.

What lines of the poem by K. Balmont were illustrated by the artist who read this poem? ( She fell like a bright snowflake, from the heights of heaven to earth - a link.)

Who did the artist Irina Lebedeva depict in her drawing? (This is Nastya and her mother are swimming in the sea.)

And why did you decide that this is the sea, and not a river or a lake?

To see this, read the conversation between the daughter and the father on p. 19.

(- Yes ... - Nastya sighed. - There is nothing more beautiful than summer starry sky, Truth? And for some reason, mom likes the sea more than anything in the world ...)

What do you think, is it possible to unequivocally answer the question: “What is the most beautiful of all?” Justify your answer.

2. Reading a poem by B. Zakhoder "What is the most beautiful of all?".

Working with text while reading.

primary reading

Boris Zakhoder


The child asked

Out of the blue:

Well, tell me

What is the most beautiful thing? (We have already tried to give an answer to this question. And the answers we all have ... are different.)

Yes, this is the question:

"What is the most beautiful thing?"


I didn't manage to do it myself.

And so I decided

Listen to the answers

other inhabitants

Our planet.

Trees and Herbs

They said in response:

Yes, what is more beautiful

How sunlight?! (Why is there nothing more beautiful for trees and grasses than sunlight?)

Yes, what is more beautiful

Night darkness?! -

The owls responded

Owls and Moles... (And some prefer the dark, because they are nocturnal)

answered me

wolf and fox, (Why?)

The eagle muttered from above:

Heaven! (Because the eagle flies, he's a bird)

I think the sea! -

Dolphin answered. (Well, of course, because a dolphin cannot live without the sea!)

My tail, no doubt! -

Peacock shouted. (And we understand the peacock: he is so proud of his beautiful tail, well, is there anything more beautiful?!)

I'll ask the Moth -


Flower! (Because…)

I'll ask the Flower -

Butterfly! (Of course, they are friends and cannot live without each other!)

Who praises the fields

Who - polar ice,

Who is the mountains, who is the steppe,

Who is the twinkling of a star... (Let's try to guess which of the inhabitants of our planet glorifies the fields? (...) And the polar ice? ( Polar bear.) And the mountains? (…) etc.)

And it seemed to me

That they are all right.

All: Animals and Birds,

Trees and Herbs... (Do you understand why? All right?)

And I didn't answer

For a difficult question:

"What is the most beautiful thing?" (Well, the poet Boris Zakhoder didn’t answer this difficult question, and we couldn’t ... Or will we still try to answer? (What is most beautiful of all - everyone understands it in their own way.)

Preparation for expressive reading.

Have you noticed how the poem is written? (In the form of a dialogue. This means that it will be convenient and interesting to read it by roles.)

When reading, pay attention to the nature of the answer of the inhabitants of the planet, to what verbs the author used. ( They said, responded, answered, strained, shouted, said.)

Expressive reading of the poem. (2-3 students.)


What did we do? (They read the text, answered questions on the text, showed their attitude towards the characters.)

What is the skill of forming whether?

- That's what the proverbs are about:

"How many people - so many opinions."

"Everyone has their own truth."

"Every man to his own taste".