Of the whole variety of options for harvesting tomatoes for the winter, recipes for preserving them in tomato sauce occupy a special place. The taste of such tomatoes practically does not change, they remain as fresh. You can use them not only as a winter snack, but also as a component in cooking. In this article, we will consider several recipes for making tomato preparations for the winter in tomato sauce.

Recipe #1

Tomatoes in tomato sauce prepared according to this recipe have a fresh taste. They are used for any dishes that include fresh tomatoes. All ingredients are taken for three liter jar.


  • Tomatoes - how much will fit in a jar.
  • Tomato juice or paste - 5 tablespoons.
  • 6 cloves of garlic (large). If the teeth are small, take a larger amount.
  • Dill umbrellas and currant leaves.
  • Cloves, peppercorns, lavrushka.
  • Sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.


Let's prepare the tomatoes. Put garlic, dill and fragrant currant leaves in a sterilized jar. Then, along the neck of the jar, we compactly lay elastic fruits. Top again with garlic, dill and leaves.

Then let's cook tomato sauce. We put a liter of water to boil. Add spices (how much to put determine to your own taste). Add tomato paste to boiled water. Here's the sugar. We salt everything. If homemade juice is used, then, accordingly, water and paste will not be needed. Mix the boiled filling, leave to boil for 3-5 minutes. At the end, add vegetable oil.

Pour the sauce into the jar with the workpiece with a ladle and roll it up. Now it remains only to turn the jar over, cover and leave to cool completely. Store in the cellar.

Recipe number 2

Another interesting option for harvesting without sterilization. The juice with which vegetables are poured can be drunk or used for borscht dressing. The ingredients are taken, as in the previous recipe, for one three-liter jar.

The composition of the workpiece:

How to cook:

  1. We put the tomatoes in a prepared sterilized jar. Pour boiling water for 15 minutes, drain the water and repeat the procedure again. While the vegetables are filled with water, we will prepare the filling.
  2. Grind pepper, horseradish and garlic using a meat grinder. We use the smallest grid.
  3. Bring the juice to a boil, send the twisted vegetables there, add sugar and salt. The mixture should boil for about 5 minutes.
  4. Now it remains to pour the sauce and tighten the jars with lids.

Recipe number 3

Cooking tomatoes in tomato sauce for the winter according to this recipe involves sterilization. No additional spices are used here, so the taste of the appetizer is absolutely natural.

We will need:

We process small tomatoes for juice. We put large specimens in a pre-sterilized jar. Before laying, we pierce them in several places with a toothpick near the stem. Bring the tomato juice to a boil and pour it over our workpiece. You need to sterilize such a blank for 30 minutes. For sterilization, cover the jar with the workpiece with a lid and send it to the pan with hot water. If the water is cold, then the bank may crack from the temperature difference. Water should cover the workpiece up to the shoulders of the jar. You need to boil for 25 minutes.

After that, the bank is rolled up and sent to the shelter upside down until it cools completely.

The benefits are obvious. First, you can use absolutely any tomatoes. The crop harvested in your garden is often of different quality. Therefore, overripe or small fruits can be used for the sauce. Secondly, the recipe does not involve the use of vinegar, since tomato juice acts as a preservative on its own. Thirdly, tomatoes in their own juice are used to prepare dishes that require them to be fresh. This will save you a lot of budget.

Yellow tomatoes look original in tomato sauce. They can be prepared according to any of the proposed recipes. Ordinary red vegetables are used for pouring, and yellow ones are placed in jars. It turns out very beautiful.

Best Pickled Vegetable Recipes

tomatoes in tomato sauce

4 cans (1.5 l)

2 hours

40 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Once, having examined my cellar, I came to the conclusion that jars of canned tomatoes most. But from experience I will say that tomatoes in tomato sauce are especially popular. In such a jar, everything that my household loves so much is combined - whole tomatoes and delicious juice.

And for everyone to have enough delicious treats, in the ripening season, I am rolling tomatoes in tomato sauce. Most often I use one simple recipe, and now I will introduce you to it.

Recipe for tomatoes in tomato sauce

Kitchen appliances and utensils: large bowl, saucepan, jars with lids, jar wrench.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • When choosing tomatoes, look for small to medium-sized ground fruits that fit easily in a jar and have a delicious flavor. Usually, tomatoes grown in a greenhouse cannot boast of this.
  • Choose ripe berries, but you can also close green tomatoes in tomato sauce for the winter - it will be very tasty. When buying tomatoes, pay attention that there are no spots or signs of disease on the fruits.
  • Also, if hard white or green streaks are visible on the cut, this may indicate excessive use. chemical fertilizers. A good tomato, picked in season, should not be too hard or soft, the tomato should be elastic to the touch.

Did you know? There are more useful trace elements in red tomatoes than in pink and yellow ones.

Cooking steps

  1. We sterilize jars in one of the ways. I do it in the microwave.

  2. We put a pot on the fire and boil water.

  3. We put clean and dried tomatoes in jars.

  4. Fill jars with boiling water. First, pour a little, so that the jar does not burst from the temperature drop. Then we pour full cans and cover them with lids.

  5. Leave jars filled with boiling water and closed with lids for 5-10 minutes so that the tomatoes warm up well.

  6. Pour the tomato paste into a bowl. Add the same amount of water.
  7. Add all the spices and bring to a boil.

  8. When the tomato juice boils, you can drain the water from the cans.
  9. Add vinegar to each jar. In 1.5 liters - a teaspoon, in 2 liters - dessert.
  10. Pour hot tomato juice over tomatoes.

  11. We close the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them well. The next day, cold jars can be taken to the cellar.

Important! If for tomato juice you take tomato paste with the addition of starch, acetic acid and flavor enhancers, then the proportion of water is 1:1. If tomato paste is without these additives, you need exactly twice as much water - 1: 2.

  • You can also safely use tomato juice. own cooking. For this, large overripe tomatoes are suitable. You just need to pass them through a meat grinder with a special nozzle to separate the skin and seeds.
  • Or, having poured boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin from them, cut into pieces and boil for a few minutes, and then wipe through a sieve. It will take a little more time, but the result is worth it.

Video recipe for cooking tomatoes in tomato sauce

To clearly imagine how everything should happen, watch a short video that shows all the stages of harvesting tomatoes.

Tomatoes in tomato sauce, an easy recipe!

For pouring tomatoes: Tomato juice (sauce) 1.5 l. dilute tomato paste with 1.5 liters of water: 1: 1, = 3 l. tom. juice

For 3l. volume.juice:
3 tsp Sahara,
3 tbsp salt
20pcs peppercorns
2-3 laurel leaves,
1 tsp vinegar 9% per 1.5 l jar before twisting.
Cook with pleasure!




How to store preserves

The best place to store finished products, of course, a cellar, but when you don’t have one, you need to look for a secluded place in your apartment. If you have a pantry, arrange shelves of different heights there, for convenience, put the cans in one row.

It is also worth thinking about lighting such places in order to avoid accidents. The main thing is to remember that you should not allow direct sunlight to hit the banks. and try to keep them away from heating appliances. If you have a warmed balcony or loggia, you can arrange a storage place there. But remember, the temperature should not fall below 10 degrees, otherwise the preservation will deteriorate.

What is served with tomatoes in a tomato

  • These tomatoes are perfect as an appetizer for meat dishes and any side dishes. They can also be used when you stew meat or cook vegetable stew. And also tomato juice and a few mashed tomatoes from such a jar can serve as a dressing for borscht or soup.
  • Although tomatoes are the leader among snacks on our table, people with allergies, cholelithiasis, kidney disease and hypertension should not abuse them. The acidity of this dish can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  • If you don’t buy tomatoes, but grow them yourself, and there are so many of them that you don’t know what to do with them, try cooking - such a jar will help you out when guests arrive. And my guests really like the way I cook. Such a dish never goes unnoticed, and, moreover, you can do it.
  • It's not difficult and saves a lot of time. Do you know how to cook? Spicy lovers will be interested. I think if you have the desire to cook, then all dishes are delicious.

Did you like the recipes? Tell us about your canning experience in the comments. We'd love to hear from you.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

An interesting recipe for tomatoes in tomato paste. The appetizer turns out sour, and the tomatoes themselves remain whole and dense. Tomatoes in tomato paste for the winter go well with parsley, although you can put basil or dill. And light notes of bay leaf and allspice add a lovely touch. A little spiciness comes from the garlic. Sweet and sour tomatoes are very tasty served directly with the marinade in which they were spun. This saturated brine can be poured over porridge, dipped there fried potatoes. And even add to . Well, the tomatoes themselves will become an elegant and appetizing snack even on your holiday table.

For one liter jar you will need:
- 6 -8 tomatoes,
- 4 tablespoons tomato paste,
- ½ tsp vinegar essence,
- 700 ml of water,
- 2 tsp granulated sugar,
- 1 tsp salt,
- 5 cloves of garlic,
- 2 bay leaves,
- a couple of peas of allspice,
- a few sprigs of parsley.

Recipe with photo step by step:

The twist is done very quickly, so it is most convenient when the container for conservation is already prepared and sterilized. Therefore, we steam the washed jars for ten minutes over boiling water in a saucepan or over the spout of the kettle. Boil the lids in a container of water. They can be immediately thrown into a saucepan, over which you will sterilize glass containers.
Choose small tomatoes without visible damage. We wash them.

Put parsley and garlic on the bottom of the jar.
Garlic cloves can be cut into several pieces to give them more flavor.

We fill the jars with tomatoes, laying them out tightly, but so that they do not crush each other and do not press strongly against the walls. And then by winter the vegetables will be fermented. pouring vinegar essence.

We put a pot of water (700 ml of water) to heat up on the stove. As soon as it boils, lay the tomato paste. Cook for 5-7 minutes, and add peppercorns, parsley, salt and sugar.

We fill a jar of tomatoes with brine just removed from the stove.

Roll up the lids and leave to cool. If you are going to keep the preservation not in the cellar and not in the refrigerator, but at room temperature, then we will sterilize the twists. ten
minutes in boiling water is enough for this.

Tips: vinegar essence can be replaced with vinegar. Nine percent will need 3.5 tsp.
You can try preservation after 2 weeks. For those who love spicy snacks from tomatoes we recommend the recipe

Tomatoes in tomato paste the best recipe

  • Preparation: 20 minutes
  • preparation: 10 minutes
  • servings: 10
  • complexity: Just

This preparation will come in handy for the New Year's holiday table.



  1. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and arrange in jars. Pour boiling water over and let stand for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Prepare the filling: mix water, sugar, salt and tomato paste, bring the mixture to a boil and cook for a few minutes.
  3. Drain the water from the jars, pour the tomatoes with boiling filling, roll up and wrap.
  • The number of tomatoes in the recipe may vary, depending on their size and the volume of jars.
  • Tomato paste for this blank can be taken ready-made from the store.

What to do with tomatoes if the crop starts to deteriorate

Overripe tomatoes become very soft, the skin cracks and the fruits begin to deteriorate. You can't make a fresh salad out of them. Such tomatoes can be thrown away, or can be used for culinary purposes.

If you haven't processed your rich tomato crop in time and it's starting to go bad - the tomatoes are too soft to roll or use in fresh salads, don't fret - there are several ways to use these overripe tomatoes.

For example, you can make pasta sauce from overripe tomatoes in just 10 minutes. Grate the tomatoes, discard the skin. Add chopped garlic, fresh basil to the resulting tomato mixture, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything well. Boil pasta, season with cooked sauce - here you have a ready-made dinner! Leftover sauce can be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Another easy way to use overripe tomatoes is to make a simple spread for sandwiches, something like lecho, but you don’t need to boil it. Take the tomatoes, cut them into halves, remove the stalks, put them on a baking sheet, sprinkle with salt and bake for 20-30 minutes in an oven preheated to 190 degrees. Then put the roasted tomatoes in a bowl and mash with a fork. Add olive oil, chopped garlic and herbs (marjoram, dill, oregano, basil), mix. ready! It is very tasty to spread it on bread or pita bread.

Oil can be mixed not only with garlic and herbs, but also with tomatoes. And it is best to take very ripe fruits - they are more tender and fleshy. First, lightly bake the tomatoes in the oven, no more than 10 minutes, carefully remove the skin from them and remove the stem. Place the peeled tomatoes in a blender butter, add salt and pepper to taste, as well as any herbs (basil, oregano, thyme) and beat everything well. This oil can be spread on bread, toast, added to pasta, rice or mashed potatoes. Store freshly made tomato oil in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks or freeze.

Vinaigrette can be made from overripe tomatoes. This is not a variation on the classic beetroot salad. Vinaigrette is a type of dressing for fresh salads containing vinegar. For the tomato vinaigrette, take very ripe juicy tomatoes, cut them in half and rub the flesh through a sieve. Add vinegar (it is better to use wine), honey, salt, mustard, chopped garlic and whisk everything. Continuing to beat the tomato mass, slowly pour in the oil. It is better to take olive oil, it will give the dressing a richer aroma and delicate texture. Use this dressing in vegetable salads. Store leftovers in the refrigerator, and before using, hold at room temperature for 10 minutes and beat well again.

Freeze and recycle after

Well, if you have not figured out what to do with overripe tomatoes, if there is no time to cook, just freeze them to use later. Wash the tomatoes, if necessary, remove rotten spots and dry well. Put the tomatoes in plastic bags and put in freezer. As soon as you are ready to cook something, take the tomatoes out of the freezer, let them thaw, remove the skin (it will fall behind very easily) and make, for example, tomato soup, sauce or juice.