Spring ... Such a long-awaited and favorite time of the year. Finally, she has arrived! Already everyone is tired of the cold, frost, wind. The snow falling from the sky is no longer pleasing. It lies in dull dirty spots in the shade under trees and buildings, waiting in the wings to melt. Occasionally the sun appears in the sky. It doesn’t warm much yet, but so - slightly ... But it makes us very happy with its appearance, gives us hope for the imminent arrival of warmer days. The wind is already blowing differently. It has a special freshness to it. I would like to open my face towards the wind and directly inhale this smell of novelty, fresh earth, greenery of blossoming leaves ... A wonderful holiday for all women is associated with the beginning of spring - International Women's Day on March 8th. We suggest you draw a picture on a spring theme in stages. Perhaps you will do well, and you will want to give it to your beloved women: mom, grandmother, sister. As always, we provide explanations from start to finish. And, we hope that you will not have any difficulties in this lesson.

Stage 1. First, let's designate the frames of the picture. Along the perimeter of the entire sheet, slightly stepping back from the edges, we will make a frame under the ruler. About half an inch from each edge. Then we show on paper one large curve lying at the bottom of the sheet. A little to the right of us are two more curves. They are small and short. These curved lines will indicate the land on which our spring landscape will be located.

Stage 2. We draw trees now. Lush waves show them in the left corner from us. We also add lines of paths and paths running away into the distance.

Stage 3. In the distance, under the trees, we build lines of houses. This can also be done with a ruler. We draw the facades of houses, then the roofs, we show the windows.

Stage 4. Near the houses, with special patterns, we will draw thick fir trees that stand in a row on the sides of the houses. We show flying clouds in the sky with wavy lines.

Stage 5. In the foreground, draw a large growing grass. Blades of grass grow in different directions. We draw them sharp. In the background, we will depict separately standing trees. Perhaps these are pyramidal poplars. We add a high lush compact crown to the trunk upwards. And it turns out such beautiful wonderful trees.

Stage 6. In the foreground in the grass we add beautiful flowers. They different varieties. Some are smaller, others are larger. Flowers grow in the distance too, so we add spots of flowers in the background along the paths.

Stage 7. In black and white, our image of a late spring landscape looks like this.

Stage 8. In order to cheer yourself up and those around you, you must certainly decorate our black and white picture. Add a lot of bright spots, flowers to it, bring spring mood into it, fill it with joyful meaning. You can draw in beautiful frame, then it will turn out to be a very presentable, actually hand-made gift.

Together with spring, inspiration, bright hopes and expectations come to us. However, not only adults are looking forward to this wonderful time of the year - no less than their parents, children rejoice at the first sunny days and watch with surprise the awakening of nature. Green leaves, blooming gardens and the singing of birds returning to their native lands - what is not a reason for Have a good mood and, of course, creativity.

It's time to "arm yourself" with pencils and paints, and in between walks or on a rainy day, draw what you see spring scenery, the first flowers or something like that.

Today we will bring to your attention a few ideas on how to draw a spring landscape for children in stages.

Example 1

At first glance, it may seem that, without having artistic skills and a rich imagination, drawing spring landscapes is not an easy task. But it only seems, and you will see for yourself if you start with simple drawings of the first - flowers.

For example, with lilies of the valley.

Example 2

Many of us have this great time associated with blue sky And flowering trees. And this is another great idea for joint creativity with children. Let's not waste time and try to draw a branch of a flowering apple tree on a blue background.

So, in fact, we figured out how to draw spring in stages with paints, as you can see, it turned out to be not so difficult.

Spring is a time of renewal and new beginnings. Nature wakes up hibernation, snowdrifts are melting, spring rain is heard from the roofs outside the window, buds are blooming on the trees.

I want to capture all this beauty in my memory, so that later I can remember it with rapture and admiration. A wonderful time - beautiful ones are obtained literally at every time.

Desktop pictures are now very popular, where you can see the beauty of spring in the photo. Or, for example, upload a high-quality picture to your phone. You can also use the services of an artist and hang drawings and paintings on the theme of spring at home.

High-quality photos about spring on your desktop

Beautiful photos of spring for your desktop can be downloaded from our website. Now there are many photographers who shoot landscapes and the nature around us. Beautiful photos on the theme of spring can be downloaded for free and set as wallpaper on your desktop spring.

Thanks to high resolution And large sizes, such an image will look great on a computer or tablet screen.

Pictures about spring often include small details, such as drops, small buds, snowdrops peeking out from under the snow, the first small berries. All this tenderness and beauty can be conveyed by a photograph on the desktop.

Beautiful images of spring on your phone

You can admire the spring season not only on the screen of your computer or tablet, but also on your phone. Suitable for this various images even a small resolution. Even small pictures of spring on your phone will look spectacular and advantageous.

There can be both urban landscapes with houses, from the roofs of which icicles with a drop hang down, and paintings of wide open fields and forests with trees shedding a snow cover from their branches.

Also, a great solution would be to opt for images of small details, for example, such as small rivers formed from the melting of snow covers, peeping buds or the first birch leaf that appeared.

Spring, pictures on the phone: they make you wake up and get out of hibernation, start acting, fulfill your plans, make dreams come true.

Drawn beautiful spring in pictures

Many artists sing of this time and depict it in their paintings. Start new age, the renewal of the earth inspires them to create something new, gentle and bright.

A variety of landscapes gives a wide scope for ideas and fantasies. Artists who were born in places far from noisy cities love to depict in their paintings how spring comes in the countryside.

These rivers, melting glaciers on them, symbolize the thaw, the release of accumulated negativity and the beginning of a new life in a new direction. The houses, decorated with melting icicles, look like they are from old good fairy tales that our grandmothers told us before going to bed.

Spring in the forest is no less beautiful! These mighty trees, waking up from their sleep and shedding snow from their branches, are like people who throw off the burden of the old and are ready for everything new.

It is pleasant to hang such pictures on the wall at home and admire them, enjoying the nature of the world around us.

Beautiful spring, pictures and photos of which will always cheer you up and push you to new beginnings and incarnations of old ideas, is worth capturing it and enjoying these views in rare moments of sadness and sadness, raising your spirits.

Master class on the image of the image of Spring in mixed media for children step by step

Description: drawing master class is designed for students of junior and secondary school age, teachers, creative people.

Target: performance of a composition on the theme "Spring-Red"
- to teach to depict the female image of Spring in mixed media using watercolors and oil pastels;
-to teach how to choose spring coloristic and compositional solutions.
- to develop an eye, imagination, the ability to create an image;
to cultivate interest in the beauty of nature, to develop accuracy in work;
- create a joyful mood

Materials: A3 watercolor paper, watercolor paints, squirrel brush No. 5, oil pastel (wax crayons can be used).

Spring is Red
(Saraeva Olga)
Spring is coming again - red,
And everything woke up from a dream:
The snow melts under the sun,
A stream runs down the hill.

And the little bird is a sparrow,
Among the bare branches jumped,
And chirped merrily
He sang a song to spring.

Here the bear got up from the den,
He slept sweetly in it all winter,
And welcome spring
Honor fell to him now.

Spring is coming, spring is coming!
The forest "people" are waiting for her:
And the hare changed his coat,
And the chipmunk stood up on its paws:

“Well, where are you spring - red?
You should have come soon!
Much more fun with you
And the sun is warmer!”

Here she comes at last
Beauty Spring is red.
And where will that girl go
The carpet of snowdrops is growing.

Where he waves his sleeve,
Snow melts, ice melts.
Warm with your breath,
And suddenly the grass turns green.

And the trees are budding,
Well, here are the first leaves.
And the birds are already nesting,
They are waiting for the birth of the chicks.

How nice it is now in the forest!
And who brought this beauty?
Let's say thank you together
From both animals and people.

Stages of work:

1. We place the sheet vertically and mark the bottom and top of the figure with two points.

2. Schematically denote the figure.

3. We draw the figure in more detail: sleeves, wreath, hair, dress.

4. Along the perimeter of the sheet, draw branches that will soon bloom.

5. Shade the details on the figure with green chalk and draw greenery on the branches. Spring is a symbol of the awakening of all living things.

6. We use beige for the face and flowers on the branches.

7. Add blue as a symbol of water, melting snow, streams.

8. With raspberry chalk we draw flowers, clothes, a wreath, hair of Spring.

9. We finalize the drawing with black chalk, depicting birds and thawed patches.

10. The last stage: with the help of a brush and watercolor paints, we make a background of the sky and spring greenery. We cover directly on top of the wax pattern using the technique of pouring and stretching.

Drawing is one of the few ways available for a small child to express himself and demonstrate to others his inner world. In the process of creating an image on paper, the baby learns to concentrate, focus and accurately draw thin lines, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the development of his intellect, as well as spatial-figurative and abstract thinking.

In addition, it is in the drawings that little boys and girls express their attitudes, emotions and associations that this or that phenomenon causes in them. It is often much easier for children to reflect their thoughts on paper than to formulate and convey them in words.

It is for these reasons that children's classes fine arts encouraged in all schools and kindergartens. In these institutions, exhibitions and competitions of works by pupils and students dedicated to a specific topic are often held. In particular, the seasons are a favorite subject for creating handmade masterpieces.

With the advent of each of them, boys and girls are very often given the task of drawing how the child sees the changes taking place in nature. It can be done different ways. In this article, we will tell you what children's drawings on the theme of "Spring" can be with paints and pencils, and what associations this time of year most often evokes in children and adults.

Children's drawings about spring with a pencil and paints

Of course, in such drawings, children are trying to reflect what they see on the street during a walk. Most often, the arrival of spring is associated in children with the appearance of a bright sun in the sky, the melting of snow and ice, the appearance of the first green leaves and grass, the return of migratory birds to their native places, and so on.

As a rule, children's drawings on the theme "Early spring has come" are a landscape in which the transition from cold snowy winter to warmer times of the year. At the same time, a bright sun is shining in the sky, the first snowdrops are breaking out from under the snow, and fast river, which is no longer bound by a thick layer of ice, takes with it the remaining small ice floes.

In addition, the arrival of spring may be associated in children with the Maslenitsa holiday, since on the last day of Maslenitsa week, adults and children see off cold winter and welcome the next season. Although this holiday is most often celebrated in February, it is inextricably linked with the onset of spring and can be used as the main idea for a children's drawing.

At the beginning of spring, International Women's Day is also celebrated - March 8th. On this day, it is customary to give women beautiful flowers and gifts, so a child can create a beautiful one with his own hands and hand it over or You can draw it with pencils, paints or any other tools immediately on a sheet of cardboard or on paper, which should subsequently be pasted onto a cardboard base postcards.

In general, the "flower" theme is the main idea of ​​all such drawings. It is in spring that nature begins to play with new colors, and all plants come to life. The vast majority of flowers bloom and bring great joy to adults and children.

Drawing about spring in kindergarten can be an image of a single flower, bouquet or composition, as well as any plot situation associated with the onset of this season. So, a child can portray himself while walking with his mother and describe everything that happens at this time with nature.

In our photo gallery you can see examples of drawings made by children on a spring theme.