This animal belongs to the class cartilaginous fish and is part of the order Carchariformes. The family to which the hammerhead fish belongs is called the hammerhead shark.

The main "highlight" in the appearance of this fish, of course, is its head, or rather, its shape. The front part ends in long and narrow outgrowths, diverging horizontally to the sides. This whole "construction" resembles a construction tool - a hammer. Hence the name of the animal.

Scientists know of nine varieties of hammerhead sharks, which differ in color, size, head shape and the waters in which they live. All this family is divided into two genera: Eusphyra and Sphyrna. In the first group there is only one representative - this is the winged shark. Her “hammer” is almost half the size of her body, and she differs from the rest of the family in the breadth of her head. There are eight more "sisters" in the second group, the largest of them can reach 6 meters. This entire family is related to cats, mustelids and gray sharks.

Many are attracted by the way the hammer fish looks. The body of the predator practically does not differ from the shark we are used to. It has a streamlined shape, and the color varies depending on the genus. Basically, the back is dark (gray, brown), and the belly is light. But it is the head that is of particular interest. Its shape is T-shaped. The structure of the head itself depends on the "breed" of the predator, it can be large or on the contrary, be small. But the main thing is that each individual has a peculiar shape, which is why it is called a hammer fish. Eyes are located at the ends of the “processes” of the head. These fish are able to see 360 ​​degrees. Interestingly, in these predators, the vision depends on the latitude of the "hammer". The larger it is, the better the view of the area in front of it.

Hammerhead sharks are fast, cunning and extremely resourceful predators that are not afraid of almost anything and attack humans with ease. On the "pedestal of danger", the hammerhead shark takes third place, second only to the white and tiger sharks. History keeps a lot of exciting facts that are associated with hammerhead fish. For example, in one of the caught such sharks, a human corpse was found, which entirely fit in the belly of this merciless killer.

Its habitual habitat is warm waters, but this does not prevent the shark from feeling quite comfortable in cool northern waters. With a body length of 4 to 7 meters, the hammerhead fish "armed itself" with the amazing abilities of an unsurpassed predator, which are reflected in the structure of its strong and incredibly flexible body.

The evolution that has perfected this shark for more than two tens of millions of years has endowed it with everything it needs. Heavy-duty, razor-sharp teeth, which are located in several rows, and are capable of tearing any victim literally in a matter of seconds. The natural masking color of the body makes it almost invisible in the water column.

Powerful fins and strong muscles allow it to develop tremendous speed. Unparalleled organs of perception are able to find prey for many kilometers, perceiving electromagnetic signals, feeling blood and even fear of their prey. And the very head of the shark, which has the shape of a hammer, endows the predator with phenomenal maneuverability, becoming a movement stabilizer and leaving virtually no chance for prey to escape.

All this suggests that if the hammerhead fish has chosen a target, then there is little that can save this target. The weight of a hammerhead shark can reach several hundred kilograms, and the largest individual caught weighed 363 kilograms, while having a length of almost 8 meters.

The hammerhead is at the top of the food chain without any direct enemies. This allows her to attack without much risk any fish and mammals that live in sea ​​waters. The cunning, strength and dexterity of this predator are very often the key to victory over an opponent larger than herself.

The hammerhead shark, like its closest relatives - other sharks, does not have an air bubble in the structure of its body. To maintain its buoyancy, she has to constantly move, which means looking for a victim and always being “on the alert”. It is almost impossible to catch this shark by surprise. She always imposes her “game” conditions on the victim and always turns out to be the winner.

The shape of the head is not the only attraction of the hammerhead fish. The description of how these predators reproduce is also surprising. They are viviparous, while the rest of the fish spawn. Mothers carry their offspring in much the same way as mammals. At birth, the “hammer” of the baby is turned towards the body in order to be born without difficulty. Gradually, the head of the fish becomes like that of adults.

At one time, a mother can bring from 15 to 30 babies who are already “learned” to swim perfectly. Each is about half a meter long. But after a few months they become meter long and show aggression, like all adults.

The hammerhead shark's menu is quite intricate. And if the basis of the diet is crabs, shrimps, mollusks, fish and squid, then the real delicacy for predators is flounder and rays, which is why many sharks have chosen a habitat related to this type of prey - the muddy bottom of the sea.

The menu happened to get more large inhabitants ocean, including stingrays, whose poisonous spines did not cause any harm to predators. It seems that the body of a shark is able to develop immunity to the poisons of the living creatures, which they are not averse to eating.

If a predator has targeted a prey, the latter, given the shark's speed and agility, have very little chance of survival. And due to the fact that the bodies of all creatures emit electrical signals, potential prey has no chance to hide in the ground.

Driven by emitted impulses, the hammerhead shark unerringly finds shelter and extracts resisting prey from the sand.

Since the hammerhead shark is a pelagic fish, it chooses a depth from the surface of the ocean to 400 meters deep. However, these predators happen to swim both in lagoons and in coastal areas.

As for geographical preferences, these fish are satisfied with the warm waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans.

However, this individual with a sledgehammer instead of a head is also familiar to the northern European shores. But the most favorite place of all hammerhead predators, where they are attracted by an unknown magnetic force are the Hawaiian Islands. Therefore, it was the Hawaiian Institute of Marine Biology that became the main center for the study of these fish.

unusual shape head distinguishes the hammerhead shark from all other brethren. With all the fame and cinematic popularity of the white shark, not everyone will accurately determine its appearance when they meet, but the hammerhead shark will not be confused with any other.

How did it happen that fate awarded this individual with such a remarkable feature of appearance? There are several versions of this.

If we adhere to the basic theory, then the characteristic "hammer" instead of the standard wedge-shaped head was formed gradually and for a very long time, over many millions of years, with each past epoch expanding a little more in breadth and, in Eventually, acquiring the form that we see today.

Who knows, maybe the process has not yet been completed, and after a couple of temporary turns, the shark's head will look completely terrifying?

However, recent genetic research break the previous assumptions about the results obtained in the course of numerous examinations. Some of the scientists are inclined to believe that these sharks got an exclusive head shape suddenly - due to an unexpected mutation.

Due to its size, powerful jaws, and indeed, creepy appearance, this predator is devoid of direct enemies in its habitat. It is unlikely that any of the underwater animals will dare to attack such a monster. It is also not recommended for people to approach this insidious creature.

She can swim past and not pay attention to the diver, but it is better not to provoke her. From such powerful jaws, there is, alas, little chance of escaping.

In some Asian countries, these sharks are popular among fishermen, they are hunted for real. It is believed that the liver of the hammerhead fish is rich in fats that are valuable for human body. The bones of this fish are used to make the so-called bone meal.

Hammerhead shark (hammerhead shark, or hammerhead fish (lat. Sphyrnidae)) is one of the most unusual creatures of nature. The eccentric appearance of the hammerhead shark inspires surprise mixed with fear, especially for those who have to face it for the first time.

In addition to the outlandish shape of the head, this predator is also quite large in size: the average length of hammerhead sharks is about 4 meters, and some specimens reach 7-8 meters.

Non-standard appearance and impressive dimensions do not prevent this fish from developing high speed and exhibit rare .

The ferocity of temper is also attributed to the features of the predator: it is believed that it is almost impossible to emerge victorious in a fight with this shark.

There are many mysteries surrounding the hammerhead fish.

Hammerhead shark: a fish surrounded by a halo of secrets

These unusual predators accompanied by the same unusual stories, far from each of which can be found a logical explanation. So, a mystery for scientists is the peculiarity of these in some specific places, most often in underwater rocks.

Moreover, the "meetings" reach the greatest number by noon, and closer to the night, a flock of predators disperses in order to gather again the next day. Another question that has not yet been answered: why do females predominate in places of such mass concentrations?

It is also surprising that even in complete darkness, the hammerhead shark is perfectly oriented, without losing direction and without losing sight of the desired part of the world.

Perhaps the predator's navigational abilities are due to a special gift from the planet?

And one more curious fact: the researchers recorded about a dozen different signals that sharks gathered in flocks exchange with each other.

Several of them succumbed to decoding: these are obvious; scientists still have to guess about the significance of the rest.

Dangerous Hammerhead Shark:

However main reason attacks is that, by a strange and tragic coincidence, for breeding offspring, the hammerhead shark chooses the most favorite places for vacationers in shallow water.

During this period, hammerheads are distinguished by their extreme, so precedents occur from time to time, especially in the Hawaiian area.

However, much more harm is done to hammerhead fish by a man who exterminates millions of unfortunate predators for the sake of obtaining fins - the main ingredient of the legendary,.

Well, this is, by the way,

Fish from a working family!

Give the fish just a reason

With tool hammerhead fish.

Vitaly Sibirtsev

This nursery rhyme perfectly describes an interesting representative of the sea kingdom. What is this one?

hammerhead fish

Let's find out more. Of course, the most interesting and unusual thing that characterizes the hammerhead fish is its head. Why is her head so weird? Many scientists believed that this fish acquired a hammer-shaped head in the process of evolution, over millions of years. With each generation, the shape of the head expanded by a tiny distance, and now there are hammerheads that we know.

But now the opinion of scientists has changed. They believe that the hammer appeared in the process of mutation. But how is it. Freaks sometimes appear in nature, but they almost never survive. It turns out that the first mutant shark survived, and no matter what to die due to a terribly deformed head and the inability to hunt with the help of vision, she had to adapt to life and develop other organs.

What is she this hammerhead fish? Its length is 3 meters, although there are fish that can reach a length of about 6 meters. The largest hammerhead fish caught off the coast of New Zealand weighed over 363 kg.

Yes, this fish has an impressive size. And also her head, on the sides of which there are large outgrowths. All this creates the impression of a large clumsy fish, which is difficult to move. But this is a misleading impression. The hammerhead fish is an excellent hunter, it always reaches its target, and if it starts hunting, then there is no escape.

How hammer fish hunt

What helps her to be a good hunter? First, it is her vision. The eyes of this fish are set very far from each other, and it would seem that she sees badly, but this is not so. Her eyesight is good, and she is able to see all 360 degrees. So hammerhead fish can see prey not only in front of him, but also under him, he is able to catch the slightest movements of prey around him.

But that's not all, she can see an object with both eyes at the same time, that is, she has binocular vision. This means that the three-dimensionality of the image is created, or such vision is also called stereoscopic. And the wider the head of hammerhead sharks, the more zone where you can see an object with both eyes at once.

Another feature of a good hunter is that this fish is able to pick up the electromagnetic pulses that any Living being. Hammerhead fish can pick up electrical discharges of one millionth of a volt. Indeed, why does she need vision if she is able to “see” prey under a layer of sand, under a stone or in algae. These receptors (tiny pores) are located in hammerhead fish under the chin. And therefore, when she is looking for prey, her head resembles a mine detector in the hands of a miner. Catching electromagnetic radiation, which comes from the victim, the hammerhead rushes to the prey.

She has powerful fins and strong muscles that help develop tremendous speed. And the hammer-shaped head becomes a movement stabilizer, leaving no chance for prey to escape.

How to eat

These fish feed on crayfish, molluscs, often stingrays are found in their stomachs. The hammerhead fish does not have any direct enemies and this allows it to attack any fish and mammals. sea ​​depths. The cunning, dexterity and strength of this fish is often the key to victory over an opponent more impressive than it.

It is also dangerous for humans, it ranks third in danger after the white and tiger sharks. Of course, as always, the person himself provokes this predator. Unusual appearance and big sizes hammerhead fish attract curious divers who are not averse to having fun with unusual fish, which is fraught with great trouble. The mouth of this fish is dotted with small, but sharp teeth, and when meeting with her, staying alive is good luck.

How it breeds

Viviparous fish. It's interesting why? After all, most fish are oviparous. Apparently they have a different strategy. When their cubs are born (females give birth to 15 to 30 cubs), they are already 50 centimeters long and swim well. And this is necessary, since there are many predators, and the faster the offspring moves, the more likely it is to survive.

Where does it live

Hammerfish habitats warm and temperate waters of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Young sharks live at the bottom of the bays, shallow water, where they learn to hunt. In shallow water, the skin quickly darkens, and the hammerhead shark tans.

This is the only animal, of course, other than man, which is able to sunbathe!

The oceans and seas have always attracted a person, revealing unknown depths, many secrets and mysteries before him. And sow the day, despite numerous scientific expeditions and the colossal work of ocean scientists, the depths " big water» hide many more secrets under the veil of secrecy.

flickr/Eric Orchin

The hammerhead shark deserves special attention, which can rightfully be called one of the most ferocious and merciless predators of the deep sea. The study of this predator has revealed many amazing things, and frightening facts that are unique to this hunter.

Hammerhead sharks (lat. Sphyrnidae) are a fast, cunning and extremely resourceful predator that is not afraid of almost anything and easily attacks a person. On the "pedestal of danger", the hammerhead shark takes third place, second only to the tiger shark. History keeps a lot of exciting facts that are associated with hammerhead fish. For example, in one of the caught such sharks, a human corpse was found, which entirely fit in the belly of this merciless killer.

Its habitual habitat is warm waters, but this does not prevent the shark from feeling quite comfortable in cool northern waters. With a body length of 4 to 7 meters, the hammerhead fish "armed itself" with the amazing abilities of an unsurpassed predator, which are reflected in the structure of its strong and incredibly flexible body.

The evolution that has perfected this shark for more than two tens of millions of years has endowed it with everything it needs. Heavy-duty, razor-sharp teeth, which are located in several rows, and are capable of tearing any victim literally in a matter of seconds. The natural masking color of the body makes it almost invisible in the water column.

Powerful fins and strong muscles allow it to develop tremendous speed. Unparalleled organs of perception are able to find prey for many kilometers, perceiving electromagnetic signals, feeling blood and even fear of their prey. And the very head of the shark, which has the shape of a hammer, endows the predator with phenomenal maneuverability, becoming a movement stabilizer and leaving virtually no chance for prey to escape.

All this suggests that if the hammerhead fish has chosen a target, then there is little that can save this target. The weight of a hammerhead shark can reach several hundred kilograms, and the largest individual caught weighed 363 kilograms, while having a length of almost 8 meters.

The hammerhead is at the top of the food chain without any direct enemies. This allows her to attack any fish and mammals that live in sea waters without much risk. The cunning, strength and dexterity of this predator are very often the key to victory over an opponent larger than herself.

The hammerhead shark, like its closest relatives - other sharks, does not have an air bubble in the structure of its body. To maintain its buoyancy, she has to constantly move, which means looking for a victim and always being “on the alert”. It is almost impossible to catch this shark by surprise. She always imposes her “game” conditions on the victim and always turns out to be the winner.

This animal belongs to the class of cartilaginous fish and is part of the carchariformes order. The family to which the hammerhead fish belongs is called the hammerhead shark.

marine fauna - mysterious world. More and more often, he reveals his secrets to us, revealing strange animals to the light, many of which are dangerous to humans. One of these creatures can be called a shark. There are a lot of varieties of these fish, some of them have the most bizarre shapes. For example, hammerhead fish.

Hypotheses about the origin of the shape of the head predatory fish variety. Some scientists suggest that this is the result of a mutation that happened once. common shark which later gave birth to offspring. And someone considers the formation of a hammer-shaped head a consequence of evolution.

What is the appearance of the hammerhead shark and how is it different from other fish?

The main "highlight" in the appearance of this fish, of course, is its head, or rather, its shape. The front part ends in long and narrow outgrowths, diverging horizontally to the sides. This whole "construction" resembles a construction tool - a hammer. Hence the name of the animal.

The body length of the hammerhead fish reaches three meters, but there are specimens that grow up to 6 meters! Such a giant representative of this species was once caught in New Zealand. That shark weighed more than 360 kilograms!

The color of hammerhead fish, in most cases, is grayish brown or gray. The abdominal part of the body of the animal differs from the back in a slightly lighter tone.

Hammerhead fish habitats on planet Earth

The hammerhead shark is a resident of temperate and warm waters. Its populations inhabit the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Hammerhead shark lifestyle

An amazing fact about this fish was recently discovered by scientists. It turns out that while in shallow water, it mainly concerns young animals, the sun affects the skin of the shark, and it begins to darken ... The researchers called this phenomenon the tanning effect. Who would have thought that marine animals also love to sunbathe in the sun!

As for the other habits of the animal, it can be noted that these sharks have excellent vision. Despite the fact that the eyes on the muzzle are not so close to each other, this does not deprive their owner of vigilance, but on the contrary, it adds it. Such a natural “device” helps the hammerhead fish to see prey not only in front of itself, but also perfectly catch the slightest movement from the sides. The shark sees all objects with two eyes at once.

The hammerhead fish has very powerful muscles, strong fins, allowing it to develop high speeds and instantly overtake prey. And the massive head serves as a kind of motion stabilizer and helps the animal to maneuver in the water column.

Hammerhead shark food

The daily diet of this predator of ocean waters includes crayfish, rays and various mollusks.

Reproduction of hammerhead fish

During the spawning period, these fish lay eggs, which contain embryos - the embryos of future sharks. It is worth noting that before laying, female sharks carry eggs inside themselves for almost 8 months. In mid-spring, young sharks are born. The size of the young is from 32 to 45 centimeters in length. When young hammerhead sharks reach a height of 110 centimeters, they become sexually mature.

A very dangerous occupation is hand-feeding a shark.

Natural enemies of hammerhead fish

Due to its size, powerful jaws, and indeed, creepy appearance, this predator is devoid of direct enemies in its habitat. It is unlikely that any of the underwater animals will dare to attack such a monster. It is also not recommended for people to approach this insidious creature.