"A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it"

Music from the cartoon "Last year's snow was falling." coming out man- he is dressed in felt boots and three-pieces, on his shoulder he has a cardboard ax:

Already sent so sent! I've been circling the forest for the third hour, I've seen enough of these fairy tales and these storytellers. And there is no normal Christmas tree! Here's the problem. And most importantly - some fairy tales are all wrong, not the same as before. Everything seems to be the same as before, but the feeling that someone somewhere has changed something! As soon as I entered the forest, and here is what happened to me...


A young man in a T-shirt with a yellow smiling smiley enters the stage. Behind him, limping, goes Grandma:

Granddaughters, and the girls all went so impudent! Shame alone, not girls! She not only has ears, but in general her whole face is studded with iron, this tattoo, like a convict's mother, or she will put it on herself - Slava Zaitsev crosses herself and cries quietly in the corner. Do not mess with them, granddaughters!


Well bah, I need them, these girls ..! I went, the guys and I agreed to meet ...

The grandmother leaves, Kolobkov "sets off" to the song "Limonia Country".

Zaykina jumps out to meet him from behind the scenes. This is a real glamorous blonde - eyelashes, nails, hair, an abundance of pink and fur.

Zaikin(he speaks languidly, drawing out his words):

Kolobkov! Where are you heading to?


Zaikin, shoo from the road, I go myself and go ...


I just had a thought…


You thought? What a surprise!


Should I invite Kolobkov to some cafe? Tiramisu, cappuccino, so beautiful. I... I think it's a good idea!


Zaikin, I don’t want to upset you, but ...

I am Kolobkov, Kolobkov,
Born by engineers
TV scientist,
Granny warned...
I left my grandmother
And left my grandfather
From you, Zaikin, and even more so I will leave!

You think for yourself - where do I, a simple schoolboy from an average family, get so much money to drag you and your false nails to cafes and feed tiramisu? Adieu, my fluffy rodent!

Kolobkov... Come with us to the cemetery today.


Volkova, damn it! Nevermind an invitation! I see you, I have a desire to cover myself with a blanket and in no case hang my legs or arms from the bed - what if you hid under my bed, and how you grab it! And you still call me to the cemetery!


It will be fun, Kolobkov. Let's howl at the moon, let's celebrate a black mass. Quiet, calm, no adults ...

Kolobkov(About myself):

Grandma is right, right in everything ... Hey, Volkova:

He sings his song, adding the line:
I'll run away from you, Volkov!

Towards Kolobkov, Medvedev comes out - a girl of a VERY dense physique, roughly speaking - full.


Kolobkov! Come to our house for lunch today! Mom and I made dumplings, baked pies, fried donuts. Look at my embroidery, I spent so many evenings on them ...


As I understand it, really, only Kolobkov is not enough for your plush table. Medvedeva, you are my weeping willow, you are my wise Vasilisa, but I don’t even know what this embroidery of yours looks like!
Sings his song, adding the last line:
And from you, Medvedev, I will leave!

Lisichkina comes out to meet Kolobkov. The girl is like a girl, only red.


Hello Kolobkov. It's good that I met you. You, they say, understand computers, but something just happened to mine - it doesn’t load. Maybe if you have a free minute, you can take a look?


Lisichkina, I'm in a hurry.
Sings his song, adding:
And Lisichkin will leave you.


So I told you - as free time will be. And you know what? You will help me with the computer, and I will help you with an essay, otherwise last time the class sobbed over your epic creation. Let's do it - you give me a computer, and I give you an essay!


But it’s true, the end of the year is coming soon, and I have something obscene in literature. And, let her write, and it’s not difficult for me to see what she has there with the computer ... Let's go, Lisichkina, we'll see. Do you have any wood?

Chatting, they leave.

coming out man:

Did you see? I'll be wrong if that Fox didn't eat it! And everything seems to be according to the plot, but doubts torment me. Or here's another - I go further, I go out to the edge ...

Crane and Heron

A young man comes out from behind the scenes - Zhuravlev:

All the guys in the class have girls. And some manage to meet with several at once. And I'm worse? The heron looked at me like that yesterday, she probably likes me. Maybe call her, ask how she is doing on the personal front, and if not, then drive up to her carefully?

Dials a number. Tsaplina emerges from another backstage. Her phone rings, she picks up the phone:

Hello, I'm listening...

Hey Czaplin. What are you doing?

Ah, Zhuravlev, hello. Yes, I’m not doing anything, I’m sitting in Contact.

And tell me, Tsaplina, in good spirits, do you need a strong, handsome, courageous young man, in the full bloom of 16 years old? If you need it, here I am!

Zhuravlev, have you fallen from an oak tree? Who is the strong one here? Who could not pass the push-up standard for two weeks? And who is handsome? Yes, even the Lyagushkin sisters shy away from you in all directions, and it would seem that there are three of them, and not a single guy has one, they could have gotten along. Your masculinity is a big question, you, they say, when you watch melodramas, you sob in three streams! Why do I need such a treasure?

Well, Tsaplin! You're just some kind of slut! (to himself) This is a bummer.

Hangs up, goes backstage.


Look, you think! In guys, he stuffs himself with me ... He is handsome, ha-ha-ha ... (thinks). Well, actually ... his eyes are really wonderful. And then he screwed up with push-ups because of a cold, but he runs faster than anyone, and plays basketball great. And about the melodrama it is still unknown - he is watching, or is it such a joke. And in principle, let him look, I myself love them ... In vain offended the guy. We need to call him back.

Dials Zhuravlev's number. He comes out of the wings, picks up the phone:

Yes. Well, what else do you want, Tsaplina? Didn't you say everything?

You know, Gray, I think I got excited. If you have not changed your mind, then I am ready to accept your offer to meet!

What? Offer? Yes, I was joking, Tsaplina! How could it even occur to you that I would want to date you? What do you think, there are no other pretty birds in our swamp, or what? Yes, the same Mashka Lyagushkina - her legs are longer, and her waist is thinner, and everything else is also in place!

You are a pig, Zhuravlev! I will definitely not forgive you for comparing with Lyagushkina!

Hangs up. Goes backstage.


It seems to me that I really am a pig. Well, I like her, to be honest. She is not only pretty, but also smart, she will help if something happens with her studies ... I call ... I hope she doesn’t send me to the swamp!

Tsaplina comes out, answers the call:

Zhuravlev, if you call me to tell me something else about the charms of the other Lyagushkin sisters, then it was not worth the trouble. They are notorious beauties!

No, Tsaplin. I want to apologize, but still think about my proposal to meet ...

Zhuravlev, Christmas trees! No! Go kiss Masha, suddenly she will turn into a princess!

Both go backstage.
coming out man:

They still haven't come to an agreement. They call a friend. But I can confuse something, but in a fairy tale they went to each other, were there no phones in a fairy tale? And what phones are in the swamp? But it was the last episode that finally got me:


There is a table and two chairs on stage. A boy and a girl come out. The guy is wearing a tracksuit and cap, the girl is in a miniskirt, in heels, but also in a sports windbreaker. They behave loosely. They sit on chairs, click seeds.


Hey, Maha, what do you think Ryabov gave us a report on history?

Young woman:

Why, do you think he dares not to roll?

They roar stupidly. A young man enters, Ryabov, who looks like a typical "nerd":

Young woman:

And play, come on.


But we agreed that the report will be done by the three of us! And what should I do now, write a new one for myself?


Well, like, if you don't want to, don't write. You will get a couple ... And don’t blather there, otherwise ... (shows his fist)

A call rings out. The girl opens the door

Oh, Myshkin... Hello!

Myshkin enters - a healthy guy, about two meters tall.

Well, what do you have here? Ryabov? And what are you doing here?


Yes, he kind of asked for a visit. He says, show him the tricks, self-defense type. He's leaving now.


We, they say, have a report on history on the nose, and I - neither sleep nor spirit.

The boy and girl look at each other in fear. Ryabov clears his throat, straightens his glasses, takes a step forward, obviously wants to say something.


Ryabov, go ahead, whoever you told! Then all receivers!


What is it on your table? Paper? Is there anything printed on it?

Beret, reads in warehouses:

- "Gold of the Scythians". Op-pa! History report! I successfully entered! Who rolled?


They rolled on! Well, they are not only good at tricks, they are also real erudite!


So, I'm taking this, and you, if you are so smart, will write to yourself! I'm off, let's go!


Ryabov .., a "bad" person, so what have you done? Now I’ll really show you a couple of tricks, but you probably won’t like it.

Young woman:

I now have a couple on the history of the house so-and-and-something will be!


Yeah, why didn't you stop Myshkin?


Yes, he will lay me down with one left.


Okay, don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, woman ... I'll write you another report, but let's do it for three. How do you like the topic: "Gold Rush" in the Wild West - the causes of "?

Young woman:

Ryabov, my dear, sit down and write soon...

They go backstage.

coming out man, this time dragging a Christmas tree (artificial).

Phew, now you can go home. I got tired of these misunderstandings. Look what is being ripped off! The main thing is not to meet anyone else at the exit from the forest, otherwise I will completely go crazy.

Runs out it Wife:

Oh my God, there you are! And I've searched all over the forest for you! I’ll ask Kolobok, then the Heron, the Mouse out, ran, waved her tail in your direction, so I came out to you. What are you, a fool, walking around all day?


Yes, you won’t believe it, maybe I ate something wrong, only your Gingerbread Man and Mouse are no longer the same. Have you noticed anything strange?


You understand a lot. What time is now? Here is what time, such and fairy tales. Yes, you also have a saying, you probably forgot: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson!". Let's go, miserable, go cold ...

They hug, they leave. The final music from the cartoon "Last year's snow was falling" sounds.

Today I have an article from the series "Reworked fairy tales in a modern way."

The other day I was asked to compose a fairy tale about a testicle. I laughed for a long time at such an unexpected order, but refused - I don’t compose fairy tales, for this JK Rowling)))

Literally an hour later, they asked to remake "Ryaba the Hen" into new way. I wanted to refuse here too, but I remembered that once I really famously reworked old fairy tales. True, so long ago that she hardly remembered. Moreover, some long, complex and fairy tales. So I combined both requests into one, and came up with several fairy tales from Chicken Ryaba with different modern characters. Today -

Remade fairy tale about school, teachers,

Vovochka and a golden egg.

There lived a chicken in the school yard. Ryabenkaya such, directly local Hen Ryaba.

And she laid an egg somehow. Not simple, but golden.

His biology teachers beat him, but they didn't beat him. Physics teachers came with smart devices - they didn’t break either.

The name of the school locksmith was Uncle Misha - he sawed the egg with a grinder, drilled with a drill - nothing came of it. He thrust the saw to Alexander Ivanovich, the head of the circle young naturalists, said in his hearts: - Saw, Shura, saw! - He waved his hand and left.

They carried the testicle to the laboratory to chemists, they thought to dissolve it - only they spent all the reagents for nothing, after all, gold!

The physical education teacher played basketball with an egg. The teacher of labor clamped in a vise. The cloakroom attendant Baba Manya whispered some conspiracies over her testicle.

Even the principal of the school ran in a hurry and threatened to call the parents to the school. True, they quietly hinted to him that there was no need to call - out, the parent walks around the yard, clucking. The director blushed, adjusted his glasses and quickly left.

Well, you can understand him - he is still young, he has been a director for 2 months in total, before that he was a class teacher 9 - B (here substitute the class that is considered the most unbearable in your school. - E.Sh.)

But what about the egg? We decided to think, but for now we left a golden egg on the table in the teacher's room.

Fairy tale ending

Friends, this is rare for me, but it happens - I came up with 2 options for the ending, and I like both. So I'll write both, choose for yourself.

First option

And then skidded into the teacher's Vovochka! Or rather, it didn’t skid, and Marya Petrovna almost dragged him by the hand - once again to figure out who took the Bastille, and at the same time the cool magazine 7 - B, Vanya Pyaterkin’s i-pod and Anya Vatrushkina’s sandwiches.

Little Johnny saw an egg - and how not to see it, it lies, sparkles with gold - he grabbed it. And it immediately fell and broke.

You still don't know how to break something? Then Vovochka and I are going to you, meet you! Now let's break it down!

Second option

But Vovochka came, took the testicle and broke it. Because this is Vovochka, he always breaks everything - floor vase s, window on the 1st floor, ceiling on the 3rd…

So if you need to break something - contact: school number 3, 7-B class, there is one Vovochka, and his name is Vadik Semenov (add the last piece of the phrase only if you have a student very similar to our Vovochka - provided that the boy is not offended).

Where to use this old new tale:

At school:

  • For Teacher's Day
  • On the last call
  • at graduation
  • In and school theater
  • In comic competitions, students - teachers
  • When congratulating a schoolboy named Vova on anything - then at the very end add that you still love him very much, because school is boring without him))

At work, at home, at a party - that is, wherever it would be appropriate to amuse the audience.

How to put this fairy tale about school:

  • Act out a typical school scene
  • Read like a monologue
  • Put on a silent scene - like an old silent movie, only write the words not in the credits, and the person “from the author” will read them during the play, standing in plain sight a little aside from the actors or behind a screen
  • Make a skit without words - absolutely, even without accompanying text - and invite the audience to guess what it was. Then you will have not only a funny scene, but also the most correct or most witty answer.
  • Arrange a screen version of the converted fairy tale - shoot a video or make a video (sweet show from suitable ones with my text voiced by you. Do not forget to indicate the author of the script and idea - my name at the beginning of the article).

It seems that I gave out all the valuable instructions)) How do you like them in a modern way? What ending would you choose?

With a wish to live like in a fairy tale,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

(To conduct, invite 11 participants and distribute all roles)



Magpies - 2,









TEXT (the presenter reads, the participating actors portray):
Today Kitten left the house for the first time. It was a warm summer morning, the sun spread its rays in all directions. The kitten sat down on the Porch and began to squint at the sun. Suddenly, his attention was attracted by two Magpies, which flew in and sat on the Fence. The kitten slowly crawled down from the Porch and began to creep up to the birds. Magpies chirped incessantly. The kitten jumped high, but the Magpies flew away. Nothing happened. The kitten began to look around in search of new adventures.

A light breeze blew and drove the paper along the ground. The paper rustled loudly. The kitten grabbed it, scratched it a little, bit it, and not finding anything interesting in it, let it go. The paper flew away, driven by the wind. And then the Kitten saw the Rooster. Raising his legs high, he importantly walked around the yard. Then he stopped, flapped his wings and sang his sonorous song. From all sides, the Chickens rushed to the Rooster. Without thinking twice, the Kitten rushed into the flock and grabbed one Hen by the tail. But she pecked the Kitten so painfully that he yelled with a heart-rending cry and ran back to the Porch. Here he was waiting new danger. The neighbor's Puppy, falling on its front paws, barked loudly at the Kitten, and then tried to bite him. The kitten hissed loudly in response, released its claws and hit the dog on the nose. The puppy ran away, whimpering plaintively.

The kitten felt like a winner. He began to lick the wound inflicted by the Hen. Then he scratched his hind paw behind his ear, stretched out on the Porch to his full height and fell asleep. We don’t know what he dreamed about, but for some reason he kept twitching his paw and moving his mustache in his sleep. Thus ended the Kitten's first acquaintance with the street.

2. Funny fairy tale - impromptu "King - Optimist"








In a certain kingdom-state lived a positive optimistic King. Once the King was walking along a forest path, and not just walking, but jumping. He waved his arms, generally enjoyed life. I was chasing a multi-colored Butterfly, but I still couldn’t catch it. But the Butterfly will show his tongue to him. That will make a face. That, in general, the word indecent will shout. In the end, the Butterfly got tired of teasing the King, and she flew away into the thicket of the forest.

And the King laughed and galloped on. Suddenly, a little Bunny jumped out to meet him. The King was frightened by surprise and stood in the pose of an ostrich, head down, that is. Bunny was surprised at such a royal pose. Trembling with fear. Bunny's paws shook. And shouted Zaika in an inhuman voice.

And just then the Fox was returning from the night shift from the poultry farm. Carried a hen home. The Fox saw what was happening on the path, but in surprise she let go of the Hen from her hands. And the chicken was arrogant. She cackled with delight, gave Lisa a crack, so much so that she clutched her head in pain.

And the Hen jumped up to the King and pecked at his soft spot. The King jumped in surprise and straightened up, and the Hare, out of fear of such a fox, jumped on his paws and grabbed her by the ears. The fox here abruptly took a course into the forest thicket.

And the King and the brave Hen also jumped along the path cheerfully and positively. And then, holding hands, they galloped off in the direction royal palace. What do you think will happen next with the Chicken? Well, I don’t know this, but I think that he will definitely pour it for her. As well as all the guests present.

So this is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened .... he pours !!!

3. Comic role-playing fairy tale "Here, no time for erotica!"


P e tr o v i ch, Door, Key, Mirror, Armchair, Floor lamp, C o t M urzi k, P e s A r te m o n, T e l e v i z o r, Wife, B e d.

The text is read by the moderator.

pretty drunk Petrovich was returning home. Groping in the dark Door his apartment, he wanted to knock, but remembered that he had Key. Taking it out of my pocket Key, Petrovich stuck it in Door and turned twice.
Door opened.

Deciding to check whether it was possible to show himself at home in this form, he looked into Mirror and showed him his tongue. Mirror answered the same. Petrovich made a face. Mirror also showed a face. Satisfied with myself Petrovich staggered into the hall, turned on Floor lamp and flopped into Armchair. Immediately jumped on his knees Cat Murzik and purred, releasing claws. Loyal Dog Artemon, delighted by the appearance of the owner, ran up to Petrovich, licked faithfully on the cheek and lay down next to him.

Petrovich turned on the remote control TV. The time was late and TV showing erotica. Here a beautiful shoulder was bared, but Petrovich I saw a bare knee. Looking forward to something interesting Petrovich began to move closer to TV together with the Armchair, but stumbled about Dog.

Petrovich With Armchair And cat collapsed to the floor. There was a wild meow, a dog howl. I ran to the noise Wife. Shaking her head, she put Armchair, lifted her husband in her arms Bed, turned off Floor lamp and lay down next to me. "There's no time for erotica!" thought Petrovich.

If you want to congratulate the hero of the day in a non-standard and fun way, then a funny fairy tale script for adults will come to your aid. It will not require any active actions on the part of the guests, the participants will only have to pronounce their duty phrase on time. Of course, funny fairy tale scenes for adults are held in honor of the hero of the occasion. Therefore, they require his direct participation. Let us give an example of such a poetic work.

Distribution of roles

Leading celebratory event, who will read out the scenario of a fairy tale for adults, distributes certain roles to the guests. In accordance with them, participants put on pre-prepared hats on their heads (you will need to cut out images of animals and stick them on a headband made of paper). Each role is assigned a specific statement.

Phrases for characters:

Bear (anniversary): "Friends, thank you for coming!"

· Fox: "Here are those on!"

Hare: “We are sitting so cool, friends!”

Hedgehog: "Well, so-so festivities!"

Boar: "Will you treat me with a cigarette?"


In the process of reading the congratulations, all the characters (except the hero of the occasion) will shout “Happy Birthday” in unison, which they should be warned about in advance. Guests should listen carefully to the host so as not to miss their remarks. This unusual and funny fairy tale script for adults can be included in any program dedicated to the "adult" birthday.


Once upon a time in the forest

The beast gathered all in the hut,

To celebrate a birthday together

And congratulations to the birthday bear.

The animals sat at the table,

Talk about this and that.

And in chorus all in an instant

Suddenly they shouted "Happy birthday!"

Lisa, already a little drunk,

She said in surprise, “Here they are!”

And the hare is a gray coward

Peeking out from under the table

And he spoke openly, without melting:

“We are sitting so cool, friends!”

Only the hedgehog was not in the mood.

He, seeing the general confusion,

Sprawled out on the couch

And loudly said, "Well, so-so festivities."

But the beasts upon him

didn't pay attention

And again in chorus

"Happy Birthday!" shouted.

And the bear-anniversary,

Opening your arms,

He whispered in embarrassment:

Fox, pouring wine for a bear,

Suddenly she shouted sharply: “Here they are!”

There is a hare, noticeably emboldened,

Said, as if in a singsong voice:

“We are sitting so cool, friends!”

The pig agreed with him.

And her husband is a forest boar

He was already pretty drunk.

He approached everyone with the question:

"Will you treat me to a cigarette?"

Only the hedgehog was lying on the sofa

And quietly repeated: "Well, so-so festivities."

But being away from the holiday

under the impression

All the guests buzzed again:

"Happy Birthday!"

Suddenly a bear-anniversary,

Cast aside all your doubts,

Confidently said:

Friends, thank you for coming.

Here the animals are all merry,

They ate, apparently already, got drunk.

Everyone started dancing together

And invite the birthday boy to the dance.

Fox from fatigue

A little pale

In the process of dancing

She often repeated: “Here they are!”

Well, the boar jumped to the ceiling,

He beat the tap dance with his hooves,

And again he pestered everyone with the question:

"Will you treat me to a cigarette?"

And the whole hedgehog

From the smoke of cigarettes in the fog

He muttered under his breath:

"Well, so-so festivities."

But all the forest dwellers are happy.

Everyone drinks, dances - they are cool.

And endlessly scream to themselves in surprise

Bear-anniversary: ​​"Happy birthday!"


In this scenario of a fairy tale for adults, you can also involve all the guests present at the celebration. Let them together with actors shouting "Happy birthday!" Such a collective congratulation will certainly please the hero of the occasion. Such funny fairy tales / skits for adults are especially popular mainly due to their originality and eccentricity.

How to sit well with friends, drink beer and discuss last news. But sooner or later, simple gatherings get boring and you need more. You want to have fun and laugh to make the evening even better and brighter. What do you want to play? Maybe in new fairy tales-alterations for drunk company? It is very easy to play roles in such fairy tales. You only need to distribute the roles, and then everything will go by itself. Look at our ideas and try to bring them to life.

Fairy tale - turnip
Every person in our country knows the fairy tale turnip. Yes, my grandfather grew miracle vegetables. Or what is it ... a berry? Not the point. The main thing is that we have the first fairy tale for you and your friends on this occasion.
The story will take place in the form of an impromptu. The presenter reads the text, and when the name of the actor is mentioned in the text, he pronounces his phrase.
Everything is clear and easy. Let's watch.

The words of the actors of the fairy tale:
- turnip (words: tired of waiting)
- grandfather (words: oh, where are my 17 years old)
- grandmother (words: my pancakes are the most delicious)
- granddaughter (words: I love to dance)
- bug (words: better than homeless)
- cat Mashka (words: mur, I like it)
- mouse (words: I'm in a mink)

Leader's words:
Once upon a time there was a grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old) and grandma ( my pancakes are the best). And they had a granddaughter I love to dance). Granddaughter had a bug dog ( better than being homeless), cat Masha ( moore i like it), and a mouse lived in the subfield ( i'm in a hole). And also had a grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old) his garden, where he planted vegetables. And he was especially proud of his turnips ( tired of waiting). Autumn came, and it was time to pull out the turnip ( tired of waiting).
Grandfather went ( oh where are my 17 years old) pull out a turnip ( tired of waiting). Pulls pulls, but can not pull! Called grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old) grandma ( my pancakes are the best). They began to pull together: grandmother ( my pancakes are the best) for grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old), and grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old) for the turnip ( tired of waiting). They pull they pull - they can't pull it out!
Then they decided to ask their granddaughter ( I love to dance) to help them. Granddaughter quit her job ( I love to dance) and came to help. The three of them became a turnip ( tired of waiting) drag. They pull, they pull, but she still doesn’t go early.
The bug was sleeping in the barn ( better than being homeless). Her grandfather whistled oh where are my 17 years old). And the four of them began to take out the turnip ( tired of waiting). They pull, they pull, but they still can’t pull it out.
Remembered by granddaughter I love to dance) about your cat ( moore i like it) and called her for help. The five of them began to pull the turnip ( tired of waiting). Pull pull, but she does not climb!
Well, apparently it will have to leave the turnip ( tired of waiting) in the ground - said the upset grandfather ( oh where are my 17 years old). But then a mouse came running i'm in a hole) and said she could help. One, and the mouse ( i'm in a hole) dived underground. Yes, how to bite a turnip ( tired of waiting) that she herself jumped out of the ground!
Grandfather rejoices ( oh where are my 17 years old), grandmother smiles ( my pancakes are the best), the granddaughter is dancing ( I love to dance), bug ( better than being homeless) ran around Mashka ( moore i like it), and the mouse ( i'm in a hole) you yourself heard where she is. Everyone rejoices and has fun, because finally they will eat this delicious turnip ( tired of waiting)!

There are other versions of this tale in a new way. For example, such as in the video below. Watch it to the end and write down the words:

Tale of the Teremok in a new way.
The next fairy tale-alteration is a teremok. Here the actors need to give a word. For them to learn. Since the words are in verse, they learn easily. See:

Fairy tale three sisters.
The next story is called Three Sisters. She is not very popular and not everyone remembers her. But to show it at a holiday or just in the company of friends is a pleasure. We look:

Fairy tale - three little pigs.
Remember the story of the three little pigs? Now you can spend your evenings under this fairy tale and laugh and sow.
This musical fairy tale, and here only everything depends on the actors themselves, who must play and show all the actions that are spoken of in fairy tales.
To listen to the story and download it, follow the links below:

We hope. You liked fairy tales-alterations, and you can have a chic rest with friends, so that later you have something to remember.

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