Why is a broken vase dreaming ▼

Seeing a broken vase in a dream is not auspicious sign... Don't make important decisions anytime soon. Try to avoid conflict situations and pay attention to the state of health.

In case you see how the vase breaks itself, take a closer look at the people around you. They can apply at the moment when you least expect it.

Why is a big vase dreaming ▼

Big beautiful floor vase dreams of the favor of a close or distant wealthy relative. Perhaps they will leave you an inheritance or give you a dear one.

What a dream with a beautiful vase symbolizes ▼

A vase of flowers that you have broken is a symbol of broken feelings. If water is spilled at the same time, feelings will go away forever, they will come in their place.

What was the dream vase made of?

What does it mean to see a crystal vase in a dream ▼

A dream with a crystal vase carries good news... Most often they relate to the financial side of life. New beginnings will be successful and will bring considerable income.

Flowers in a crystal vase mean the achievement of your goals in the very near future. All affairs will argue and bloom violently. The main thing is not to miss the wave.

The girl who dreamed about an expensive and large crystal vase will soon get what she wants. Everything will come true even better than expected.

If in a dream you are a crystal vase - you cannot avoid disagreements in the family or a serious quarrel with one of the relatives. It will not be forgotten for a long time.

The meaning of a glass vase according to the dream book ▼

A person who sees an ordinary glass vase in a dream can count on a friend. An old, time-tested comrade will be in difficult moment... Do not doubt his loyalty and frankness.

In case the vase is made of glass, something will overshadow the dreamer's life. No particular threat is foreseen, but it will be spoiled.

When you dream that the vase has broken, get ready to resist. Depending on the size of the shards, these can be major or minor annoyances. They will not bring significant harm, but an unpleasant residue will remain.

If in a dream the vase did not break, but remained intact, you can get out of an unpleasant situation.

If you dropped a vase in a dream ▼

The dream in which you drop the vase speaks of the need to think about your actions before committing. Otherwise, you can break the wood and cause disapproval of the family. The situation can soon be ameliorated, but it is better to prevent it.

Seeing a vase in a dream is a warning that you should not judge people too harshly for violating the rules of good manners, otherwise you risk losing the person who truly loves you. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that an unexpected event will surprise you a lot. Breaking a vase in a dream is a harbinger of fear over bad news.

Seeing a vase of fresh flowers in a dream is a sign of good news and health. If the flowers in the vase have withered or dried up, then a lot of torment and doubts await you. Receive a vase as a gift - to family scandal... If there were flowers in the vase, then those around you respect you. For women, such a dream portends the fulfillment of desire. A dream in which you saw a vase and were upset that there were no flowers in it is a sign of receiving sad news or bitter loss.

To dream of a vase of flowers, which is placed in a prominent or high place, portends unexpected honors. A dream in which you see a vase filled with fruits is a sign of success in business and in love. See interpretation: dishes, porcelain, flowers, fruits.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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Dream interpretation - vase

A beautiful vase is a sign of pleasant changes in family life, joyful events.

A vase of flowers is a love promise, an unexpected high recognition of society, a pleasant conversation.

Fruit bowl - success, business promises or temptations.

An empty vase is pointless chores.

Broken - misfortune, break with loved ones.

Drinking from a vase in a dream is to know the joys and sorrows of secret love.

For a young woman to receive a vase as a gift - to the speedy fulfillment of innermost desires.

For an elderly person - to the respect and loyalty of relatives and friends.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you dream of a large vase, one of the wealthy relatives will assist you in an important matter. You can become an heir or owner of a valuable gift.

Be sure to express your respect and gratitude to the donor. If he is not alive, then do it mentally with your family. Try to manage your important purchase wisely.

I dreamed of a beautiful vase

If in a dream you noticed an expensive beautiful vase - this is a sign of prosperity, peace and harmony in the house. In the coming months, nothing will disturb the family idyll.

The coming prosperity is the result of labor and the right choice... Protect the well-being of your family, try to keep your love of life for a long time.

Wash a vase in a dream

If you dreamed of washing a vase, in reality, relationships with household members will bring only positive experiences. You will become even closer to them when you hear from relatives from afar.

All upcoming events will contribute to the rapprochement of family members. Spend as much time as possible with your family: periods of complete well-being do not happen very often.

Gave a vase based on a dream book

If you dreamed that you were presented with a vase, the interpretation promises increased attention from persons of the opposite sex. Expect multiple date invitations.

The dream book reminds: your consent to joint leisure does not oblige you to anything. It doesn't hurt to have fun, even if you're not interested in a serious relationship.

If in a dream you presented a vase as a gift, you have a carefully hidden secret. Maybe you are attracted to someone from your circle of acquaintances and friends that others will not approve of.

You should know that feelings are stronger. human will... Think not about how to keep your secret, but about ways to get what you want without negative consequences.

In a dream, receive a vase as a gift

If a woman dreams that she was presented with a vase, the interpretation promises that her innermost dream will finally come true. Her financial situation is likely to improve significantly. The main thing is not to force events and do not fuss. Everything necessary has already been done.

For a man, a similar plot, according to the dream book, promises an easy romantic infatuation. Most likely, it will be limited to flirting and end as easily as it arose, but the process itself will be enjoyable.

Life consists not only of serious relationships, but also of fleeting but pleasant moments. Think of such incidents as unexpected joy that brightens up the dull everyday life.

Why dream of a transparent vase

The meaning of the dream about a transparent vase is very favorable. You have successfully resolved your inner conflict and achieved emotional balance, began to understand yourself better. Newfound inner harmony will soon manifest in the outside world.

Get ready for a series of pleasant events and amazing coincidences. Soon, internal processes will be reflected at the event level.

Dreamed of an empty vase

An empty vase seen in a dream symbolizes the futility of your efforts and actions taken. You're stumped where habitual behavioral strategies don't work.

Try to emotionally detach yourself from recent failures and take a fresh look at yourself and the current situation. You will definitely understand how to change your behavior so that it leads to the desired result.

Seeing a broken vase in a dream

If you dream about a broken vase, and according to the plot it fell and broke, the dream warns of a high risk of becoming a victim of betrayal of those you blindly trust.

Be considerate of others. Some friends may have changed their attitude towards you, but you did not notice it. It's time to rethink your friendships.

Why dream of a glass vase

If a glass vase broke in a dream, the plot portends minor troubles and annoying interference. Although the problems are minor, you will be frustrated by having to solve them.

The less you are indignant and take up to settle unpleasant issues, the faster you will deal with them. They do not require much effort and time.

I dreamed that the vase fell

If you dream that the vase fell and broke, you will have a series of failures. Remember the size of the fragments - and you will determine the scale of the upcoming problems: large - to serious obstacles, small - to insignificant, but numerous concerns.

Don't panic or complain. Tune in to hard work. Focus on questions as they come up. If necessary, ask friends or colleagues for help.

If in a dream the fallen vase remained intact, then you will very quickly and successfully cope with the difficulties that have arisen in reality.

Act carefully, discreetly, but decisively. Composure, perseverance and endurance are yours best helpers in overcoming obstacles.

Drop a vase in a dream

If you dreamed that you accidentally dropped a vase, then because of your own irascibility, complicate life for yourself and your loved ones, attract additional problems. Control yourself and avoid impulsive words and rash actions. The price of your incontinence may be too high.

The dream where you dropped and smashed a crystal vase is a disturbing foreshadowing. A serious quarrel with a close friend or family member is expected. Due to strong resentment, reconciliation will not happen soon.

The positive side of the conflict, the Oracle dream book suggests, is the reassessment of values, priorities, and relationships. The stronger the feelings caused by the collision, the faster the process of self-change goes. Perhaps it is high time for you to reconsider your own views.

Why dream of a bowl of fruit

A bowl of fruit is dreamed of to notify you of an increase in profits. It could be monetary reward per professional success, concluding a profitable deal or opening a new source of income.

If one of these days you receive a tempting offer - do not hesitate: it is made by an honest person, and your cooperation will become mutually beneficial.

If in a dream among fruits in a vase you noticed peaches, this is an omen of a desired date with a beautiful person. There is not much more to wait.

Start preparing for a romantic date now. Settle your current affairs, free up time so that nothing distracts you from the upcoming meeting.

Seeing a crystal vase in a dream

A crystal vase of flowers is dreamed of to inform about the upcoming period of prosperity. Great success awaits you, and the results of your work will exceed your expectations.

Brilliant prospects are opening up before you. Don't miss this precious opportunity. Anything you do now will pay off in the future. Act decisively.

When an expensive crystal vase appears in a dream, the prognosis is very favorable, especially for a woman. In the coming month, your cherished desire will come true, and in the end everything will turn out much better than you planned.

You don't need to put in extra effort now. Everything will happen by itself. In anticipation of a joyous event, stick to your usual routine.

Dreamed of a flower vase

A flower vase bought in a dream predicts that agreement, mutual understanding and harmony will be established in your family. You will feel how the comfort and warmth of your home has a beneficial effect on your well-being and mood.

You will become calmer and more optimistic, this will make things easier and more successful. Enjoy this period of prosperity, you deserve it.

If you dreamed that a vase of flowers fell, this is a sign of impending trials. If the product remains intact, the actions taken in time will save you from major problems, if it breaks, difficulties cannot be avoided.

Don't wait for trouble to catch you off guard. Put things in order, carefully observe the situation - this way you will quickly notice the signs possible problems and neutralize them in the bud.

If in a dream you broke a vase of flowers, in reality you will be painfully disappointed due to unjustified hopes. If there was water in the vessel and it was spilled, then you have to mourn the loss of destroyed illusions.

Try to see not only the bitterness of the experience, but also the benefits. You will gain a sober view of real world with its conventions and restrictions. This will help to act more effectively in the future.

A vase in a dream portends well-being in family life, soon many pleasant moments and events will delight you.

If you had a chance to drink something from a cup or vessel in a dream, you will feel conflicting feelings because of secret love, you will have to drink a love cocktail of sorrows and joys.

But a broken vase does not bode well: misfortune will visit you pretty soon. If in a dream a young woman is presented with a vase, the wish she has been dreaming of for so long is destined to come true.

Dream interpretation of Khamidova

The appearance of a vase in a dream can be interpreted as one of the most successful signs: you have a happy family life ahead of you, good luck will smile at you, everything will be fine. If, according to the plot of a dream, you happened to drink from a vase, a bowl, there is a chance to succumb to the temptation of love hidden from others. To see a broken vase is to be prepared for some disagreements with your loved one, and maybe even for parting or divorce. If a young girl sees a dream in which she is presented with a vase, it means that she can hope for the fulfillment of herself cherished desire... The interpretation of this dream can also promise the most desirable for a girl: a loved one will offer her a hand and a heart.

Dream interpretation of Semyonova

I dreamed about a vase, which means that the hopes for happiness in family life will certainly come true. To see a broken vase to the coming misfortune, which will happen soon. The vase that is presented to you as a gift symbolizes the approaching fulfillment of your most important desire.

If you saw in a dream a cup, goblet or vessel from which you drink during a dream, in the near future you will experience an explosion of emotions associated with secret love: you will fully know both the joys of this feeling and sadness.

Dream interpretation of Azar

A vase seen in a dream can portend a sad departure, goodbye to someone.

Correct dream book

A vase is a piece of household utensils, and having dreamed in a dream, in real life she can promise in the near future to feel the atmosphere of the hearth, to enjoy it to its fullest. To drink from a vase in a dream means to experience the whole palette of emotional experiences because of love, with which you cannot share with anyone. If a young woman receives a vase as a gift in her dream, this is a favorable sign: her most important desire will be fulfilled.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

A vase in a dream personifies the spiritual qualities of a person. This vessel is like a mirror of the soul, and it depends on the person how to fill it. If in a dream a vase appears beautiful, clean, presentable, expect pleasant impressions and events in your life. Nothing can darken your peace and satisfaction with life. You are in harmony, and it is important to maintain this state. A broken vase in a dream symbolizes something bad. You will have to experience mental anguish, the bitterness of disappointment. Perhaps you will regret something and suffer from the fact that you are unable to change the situation that has arisen. If a vase of flowers appears in a dream, it means that you, without even knowing it, can seriously help a person in his trouble. Moreover, all you do is have a heart-to-heart talk, listen to him and share your opinion about his problem.

Ukrainian dream book

A vase in which flowers are standing, dreams of well-being, successful accomplishments. An empty vase in a dream and in reality foreshadows a similar emptiness, expressed in losses, unpleasant situations, and discontent.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about the Vase in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why does Vase dream in a dream

Dream interpretation of Pastor Loff

What is the dream and what does Vase mean?

A vase can be associated in the mind with a kind of cornucopia. It can also be a symbolic representation of the vessel of the soul. Perhaps that is why seeing a vase in a dream is considered in most cases a good sign promising profit, honor, respect, pleasant events in life. In addition, a vase is usually used in everyday life as a vessel-holder for flowers, and in most cases flowers are presented precisely on holidays, on the occasion of pleasant events or as a sign of love, respect, generally wishing to do something pleasant. However, in dreams, a vase may appear empty, clean, dirty, transparent, muddy, colored, broken, etc. And in each case it will be a special, unique omen.

If you dream of a beautiful, clean vase, then in the near future you can expect pleasant or even festive events that will strengthen your spirit, good mood... It is possible that you will be given various gifts, but it is not at all necessary that a bouquet of flowers will be the gift. If you dream of a dirty vase, then this may mean that in life you really miss a holiday or you yearn for those times when life was easier; you cannot forget something that was pleasing in the past, but is now gone from your life. If you dream of a broken vase, then, probably, some of your dreams and hopes will be "broken", plans - broken.

If such a dream is dreamed on the eve of a holiday, then, probably, the holiday itself will not succeed or will be spoiled by some unpleasant news. If you yourself break a vase in a dream, then it is most likely that in life you will encounter a situation in which you will be powerless to change anything, but at the same time the situation itself will upset you a lot. A vase of flowers can also have a lot different meanings- it all depends on what flowers the bouquet consists of, this is how this dream is interpreted, in which Vase dreams.

Dream interpretation of the healer Evdokia

Why is Vase dreaming in a dream?

With flowers on the dais - an unexpected honor, with fruits - to success. Broken vase - unfortunately. Drinking from a vase (bowl, vessel) - the joys and sorrows of secret love. To receive a vase as a gift for a young woman is the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

Summer dream interpreter

We saw in a dream a beautiful vase of flowers that is on your table - to valuable gift from a loved one, as the dream book says about this dream, for details, if Vase is dreaming, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why is Vase dreaming in a dream?

Such a dream testifies: soon you will have the opportunity to enjoy the warmth and comfort of your home. For a young woman, a dream in which she is presented with a vase promises an early fulfillment of her innermost desire

Modern dream book

Why is Vase dreaming about a dream book?

Vase dreams of pleasant events in your family life. A dream in which you drink from any vessel, cup, portends the joys and sorrows of secret love. To see a broken vase is unfortunate soon. If a young woman dreamed that she was receiving a vase as a gift, then she would achieve the fulfillment of her cherished desire. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga considered the vase to be a symbolic image of the vessel of the soul. This is how she interpreted dreams about a vase: If you see a beautiful, clean vase, it means that pleasant impressions await you, nothing will darken your peace of mind, you managed to find harmony and now it is important not to lose it. To break a vase in a dream is very bad sign that portends heartache and bitterness. Your heart will break with pity and powerlessness, but you will not be able to change anything. You saw a dream in which there was a vase of flowers - in reality, without knowing it, you will greatly help some person in trouble, just by talking with him and sharing your thoughts.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Seeing a vase of flowers - to success in society, a broken vase - to loss loved one, an empty vase - to oblivion and boredom.

Old grandmother's dream book

Why does the sleeping Vase dream?

Broken Vase (urn) - news of the deceased; with flowers on a dais - an unexpected honor; a vase of fruits - to success.

Autumn dream interpreter

Vase (flowers). - If you dreamed that, while in the bathroom, you put roses in a vase, and it suddenly slips out of your hands and breaks, this is unfortunate or ill.

Dream interpretation of a housewife

What is the dream of a vase for a woman:

I dreamed that a flower vase meant losing a loved one (beloved). Break a vase - look for love adventures, travel. To give a vase is to express preference to someone. Putting flowers in a vase - you will meet with a well-mannered, sensitive person. Glue the fragments of a broken vase - you are wasting time trying to restore relations with your loved one. To receive a beautiful and expensive vase as a gift is yours married life will go smoothly, deprivation, lack of money and other troubles will bypass you