How to express breast milk with your hands and is it necessary to do it? This question worries mothers who are breastfeeding. If you feed the baby on demand, then he himself regulates the amount of milk produced (how much he drinks, so much he will arrive) and pumping is required only if necessary.

In what cases is pumping required?

  • The chest is abundantly filled with milk and becomes dense.
  • Taking medications that pass into breast milk and harm the baby, while the mother wants to maintain lactation and start feeding after stopping the medication.
  • Laktostasis.
  • Cracked nipples.
  • Mastitis.
  • To maintain lactation during the period of separation of the mother from the child.
  • If the baby is premature and has not yet developed a sucking reflex.
  • The baby refuses to take the breast and feeds only from the bottle.
  • We need to stock up on milk.

Benefits of manual pumping over breast pumps

Breast milk is expressed by hand or with a breast pump. Hand pumping has a number of advantages:

  • available;
  • physiologically;
  • increases lactation;
  • can be used in any conditions;
  • does not injure the mammary gland, subject to the technique;
  • painlessly.


  • need experience and practice;
  • the process takes at least 20 minutes.

A breast pump can quickly pump out a large amount of milk, but a high-quality device is expensive, the pumping process is painful (you need to get used to it), there is swelling of the nipple and areola, and the risk of bruising.

Rules for expressing breast milk

  • If you need to get rid of the feeling of fullness in the chest, then you need to express a little until you feel relief and soften the mammary gland.
  • To get full-fledged milk (front and back), decant for at least 20 minutes.
  • Do not stop the procedure if the milk began to stand out drop by drop. You have to wait and it will trickle again.
  • You can express milk from one breast while the baby suckles the other. This makes the process easier.
  • Manual pumping is carried out by alternating the mammary glands. After emptying the first, they take the second, and after 5 minutes they return to the first. This method produces more milk and does not skip the "back" fatty portion.
  • The procedure is carried out every 2-3 hours, which corresponds to the interval between attachments to the baby's chest.
  • You can not squeeze and stretch the nipple: the milk ducts are damaged.
  • It is contraindicated to slide your fingers over the skin and squeeze it.
  • Milk is expressed into a clean, boiled water or sterile dish, before that, hands are washed with soap and water.

How to prepare for pumping

The manual pumping procedure is carried out in a calm, relaxing environment. Before you start, you need to drink two glasses of water or warm tea, take a shower, massage your breasts, which helps to improve the flow of milk.

Massage is carried out with the fingertips, making circular movements of small amplitude. Starting from the armpit, gradually reaching the areola. Thus, they pass through the entire mammary gland with movements from top to bottom and in a spiral. Finish by stroking the breast towards the nipple, then move to the other mammary gland. Movements should be soft and delicate. Massage allows you to resume the flow of milk if it has stopped.

Psychological techniques help to get more milk and speed up the process:

  • mental representation of the streams of the river flowing into the sea;
  • physical contact with the child;
  • contemplating a photo of the baby while pumping or remembering him if the child is not around;
  • listening to relaxing music or sounds of nature (the sound of water, rain) through headphones.

Manual Expression: Technique

  1. Every nursing mother should know how to properly express breast milk with her hands. This art is easy to master. Hands are the best breast pump. If you follow the technique, then the process of manual pumping will be easy and painless. Procedure steps:
  2. Place your hand on your chest to thumb was on top, and the rest below (clearly opposite the big one), at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from the nipple.
  3. Press simultaneously with your thumb and other fingers on the breast tissue in the direction of the chest, then with a rolling motion, turn your fingers forward to push the milk out of the milk ducts. If there is pain, then the technique is broken. Repeat these movements until the milk runs out, then move to the next section.
  4. To effectively empty your chest, you can imagine it as a clock face. First, the fingers are located at 12 (big) and 6 (other fingers) hours, then we shift to 13 and 7 hours. Thus, you need to go through the entire mammary gland.
  5. Milk may not appear immediately. First it appears drop by drop, then it is released in a jet. The woman must carry out the procedure for manual decantation on her own.

Rules for storing and freezing breast milk

Breast milk retains its properties and does not deteriorate under the following conditions:

  • at room temperature, the shelf life is 4-6 hours in a sterile, tightly closed container;
  • in the refrigerator 8 days;
  • in the freezer for up to 6 months at a temperature of at least -13 degrees Celsius.

In the general compartment of the refrigerator, breast milk is placed as deep as possible; it cannot be kept in the door.

For storage use a special container, which is sold in pharmacies. These are plastic containers and bags, cups and glass bottles. High-quality containers are airtight and tightly closed, sterile, equipped with a measuring scale.

Glass and plastic containers with transparent thick walls better preserve nutritional and immune components breast milk. Disposable plastic bags used for freezing. They save space in the refrigerator, but it's best to store them in an extra container to avoid damage. Packages change the taste of milk and this is a drawback.

Features of breast milk freezing:

  • before freezing, the milk is cooled in the general compartment of the refrigerator;
  • on the container, be sure to indicate the date and time of freezing;
  • if plastic bags are used, they are not completely filled, leaving room at the top (milk expands when
  • freezing and tearing the package filled to capacity);
  • freeze in portions of 60-80 ml;
  • defrosted milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Defrost breast milk warm water. Cannot be heated in microwave oven or on the stove, as this destroys beneficial features.

The question of whether it is necessary to express milk after each feeding worries many parents who seek to surround their newborn with care. Every mother wants her child to grow up healthy and happy, and what, no matter how breastfeeding, contributes to the formation of immunity at such a tender age? From this arises an understandable desire to save precious milk and extend the lactation period until the baby reaches a certain age. It is breast milk that is the source of a wide range of minerals and vitamins, amino acids and fats for a growing organism. Sucking on the mother's breast causes periodic contractions of the uterus, which speeds up the process of returning the woman to her prenatal form.

Obstetricians and doctors of the "old school" often advise, doctors of the new formation did not like this opinion, they consider the procedure useless. However, the opinion that developed in the 20th century is still considered dogma by many. There is no single answer to this question, it all depends on the feeding regimen, the amount of milk during lactation in a woman, the appetite of the baby, and individual characteristics.

A woman who feeds a child with colostrum thus strengthens his immunity. Milk is a valuable resource that is important to protect. Recommendations for expressing colostrum immediately before feeding are given by many eminent doctors. In some cases, the mother may indeed need to express milk before feeding. If the mammary glands work too actively, a lot of milk is produced, a feeling of fullness appears, it is difficult for the child to eat - in this case, the procedure will only benefit. Still, you should not get carried away with this, lactation may increase, and the situation will worsen. You can often hear that expressing "front" milk is necessary so that the baby can get to the "back" fatty colostrum. You can hear from a nurse visiting a baby that the child is undernourished precisely because he eats only primary milk.

Modern research prove that there is no difference in the use of these two types, and the problem is simply inflated. Fat content depends on a group of factors: nutrition, body characteristics and even time of day. If the baby is healthy, regularly gaining weight and has good digestion, you should not look for "hind" milk. It is two-phase milk product helps to meet the needs of the crumbs in water, food, proteins and carbohydrates of the initial share and fats from remote areas; provides the proper balance of nutrition at a tender age.

What to do with milk after feeding?

If the situation with pumping before feeding is more or less clear, then the debate about whether it is necessary to carry out this procedure after feeding has long captured the forums for parents and even caused more than one discord in the family. In the open spaces of books and on forums, messages flicker that the dairy product can deteriorate and become dangerous to the health of children. The real reason for the appearance of such a myth was the feeding system according to the regimen.

To preserve milk during breastfeeding according to the regimen (6-7 times a day), it is necessary to strain it. Such advice is especially relevant at first, when the child is not yet accustomed to the regimen. When the newborn gets used to this routine, he will suck out the breast completely. If the baby leaves milk without eating a certain part, then its amount may be reduced due to insufficient stimulation of the breast during the sucking process. The female body will receive a signal of excess, the amount of milk will begin to decline rapidly.

Pumping can save the situation for a while, but this process is quite tedious and lengthy for a young mother, so sometimes at this stage she decides not to breastfeed. Why express milk before feeding in this case is determined by the nursing woman herself, but if she plans to continue to preserve milk nutrition for the baby, then this procedure remains mandatory.

Subject to the regimen, the baby is strictly at certain hours, the time for eating is limited. Such a process is completely at odds with the laws of nature, within the framework of which a mammalian cub had access to mother's milk at almost any moment. The endocrine glands over the centuries have tuned in to produce enough a large number nutrition for newborns, they are not able to adapt to the routine in a short time. The best solution would be to switch to on-demand feeding, when the baby is not limited in the amount of food.

At the same time, the child receives a breast every 1.5-3 hours, which favorably stimulates the glands, in contrast to the temporary gap of up to 8 hours when feeding according to the regimen. It is long-term stagnation of milk that provokes its decrease and disappearance. Feeding on demand soon teaches female body By the production of a certain amount of milk, there will be no residue left to express. If, even with this outcome, you continue to use the breast pump, then this will provoke the process of hyperlactation, which is certainly harmful. In addition, this type of feeding allows you to maintain the level of glucose in the blood of the baby at a stable level, without food for a long time, the level drops to critical after 3 hours.

When is it necessary to express milk?

Consider situations where the question does not arise whether it is necessary to express breast milk:

  • If mother and child are separated for some time. Why is it important? Sometimes circumstances do not allow a woman to be near her baby for a certain time. Such a downtime can be perceived by the endocrine system as a signal that milk is no longer needed, and turn into a cessation of lactation in the mother. To avoid this, it is advisable to resort to daily pumping up to 10 times a day, the duration of the procedure is at least 15 minutes.
  • The short-term absence of the mother is the basis for leaving milk food to the child. This should not be repeated too often, since no breast pump, and even more so a manual method, is not able to replace sucking movements.
  • Pumping has to be done when the ducts are blocked with clots or milk fat (lactostasis). The child is not able to dissolve such an accumulation, it must be drained out on its own. Care should be taken, but persistently, until the chest becomes soft. Before the procedure, it is better to do a breast massage, which contributes to the divergence of seals. Be careful, don't be overbearing.
  • If the maternity hospital advises to express everything up to last drop do not follow this recommendation. This will lead to hyperlactation. It is necessary to squeeze out just a couple of drops.
  • For cracked nipples, soreness and swelling before healing, it is possible to resort to a similar method, giving the child a expressed product as an alternative.
  • During the period of illness of the mother, when taking medications that are not recommended for nursing mothers, it is necessary to express milk (if the nursing mother has a desire to save it).
  • In a situation with a weak or premature baby, the first few drops must be squeezed out by hand. The baby simply does not have enough strength for sucking movements. A similar situation with tight breasts - the baby may not receive enough food due to difficulty sucking.

What to do if there is too much milk?

Often when a woman begins to deal with excess by pumping, but this worsens the situation. Indeed, almost every mother has more milk than necessary, but it is not worth removing the excess earlier than after 24 hours, otherwise the milk will be produced by the body with a vengeance. The best solution will be the attachment of the baby to the breast on demand, when the woman realizes that the breast is filled with excess. Only if contact with the child is impossible for objective reasons, he refuses to eat, or the need arose during the rest of the newborn, you can express some milk to make you feel better. You should not repeat the manipulation more than 1 time in a few days, if possible, it should be completely excluded. Another way to avoid the troubles associated with breastfeeding is to attach the baby as early as possible, preferably a few hours after he is born.

The rule of the "golden mean"

Excessive pumping can serve as a start for the development of diseases of the mammary glands: mastitis and lactostasis. The body will calculate the need based on the expressed and eaten product. The more in this case leaves, the more will come. Works chest in literally words to wear when stimulated by squeezing. Hence the ill-fated diseases endocrine system and breasts, from which pumping, according to the firm conviction of our grandmothers, should protect the young mother. Be patient, after some time after giving birth, the process will stabilize, the production of milk by the body will return to its usual course.

At proper organization feeding problems with lactation and sucking will not occur, and the breast will become softer and more supple. If the problem persists, then you should contact a specialist with the question of whether it is necessary to express milk after feeding, excessive pumping can provoke milk stagnation. Remember that deficiency is not always associated with the activity of the endocrine system and mammary glands, or even the feeding regimen. Among the obvious reasons, there is an incorrect capture of the nipple halo by the newborn when eating. Precious colostrum from the first minutes will give protection to the child, give him strength and health, and the newly-made mother will relieve the difficulties of feeding the child. The breast will be able to adapt to the needs of the newborn earlier and faster, without bringing any inconvenience to its owner.

How to proceed?

Modern medicine rejects the need to express milk before feeding and pumping milk after feeding. This is an extreme measure, but by no means a daily ritual. Such relics of the past can negatively affect the health of the mother. The decision whether to express milk before or after feeding should be based on an assessment of a combination of factors: the amount of colostrum during lactation, the appetite of the newborn, the feeding regimen, the presence of contraindications and diseases of the mother or child. There is no universal way for breastfeeding that would suit everyone, but if the child is gaining weight regularly, the parent is feeling well, then you should not change the feeding pattern.

The conclusion from all of the above is simple: pumping must be thoughtful. It is quite justified in the first days of your stay in the hospital, justified to increase the amount of milk, but it is good only in moderation. There are cases when it was this process that made it possible to save colostrum and increase its quantity. In contrast, there are stories of provoked mastitis, painful hyperlactation and the disappearance of milk. In any case, manipulations with the mammary glands should take place only under the supervision of a competent specialist and wisely. Why do you need to express breast milk, whether you need to express it or not, the local pediatrician can tell you after weighing the baby.

Do not despair if the amount of milk gradually decreases. After a while, the child will be introduced complementary foods, which can be prepared for him by a nursing dad. But try to keep as long as possible at least a little milk, which is so necessary for your baby. Now you know whether you need to express this precious product, why express milk and how to do it.

“If you want to breastfeed, don’t be lazy and express milk after each feeding!” For many decades, doctors have professed this doctrine, believing that it is a prerequisite for good lactation and healthy mammary glands in the future. Confidence in the need to express breast milk was so great that mothers spent all the time from one feeding to the next, complicating their lives.

Do I need to express milk?

The myth about the total benefits of diligent pumping of breast milk is based on the observation that if you “take” all the milk from the breast to the last drop, then more will come. But this rule has other characteristics as well. Firstly, it works only with a single use: if, after the morning feeding, the mother expresses her breast to the last drop, then the next day there will really be more milk. If the woman does not repeat the procedure, the volume will gradually return to normal anyway. The second circumstance: when the baby himself suckles the breast, the amount of milk formed and eaten is approximately the same. Expressing valuable liquid, a woman breaks the natural balance between the need of the child and the amount of milk produced. They always express more than the baby would have eaten, so by the next feeding there will be too much milk, the breast will overflow, but the baby still will not eat more than he needs. If you do not express the remnants, there will be a threat of lactostasis. Mom sets to work, and in response to her efforts, milk will again come more than necessary.

will form vicious circle expressing breast milk that cannot be broken without pain. Milk, not demanded by the child, is a signal for the pituitary gland to reduce the production of hormones responsible for breastfeeding. The answer is to reduce the volume baby food". Noticing that there is less milk, the mother takes measures: she spends even more time pumping, stretches out the breaks between feedings in order to “accumulate milk”, introduces supplementary feeding ...

As a result, the child suckles even less, and the mammary gland is deprived of the natural necessary stimulation. The normal feeding scenario is violated, and the baby gradually becomes artificial ... The conclusion is obvious: continuous pumping is fraught with complications, and it is better not to start it. It leads to the stagnation of unclaimed milk, which threatens the health of the mammary glands, and prevents normal lactation.

When should you express breast milk?

But it is not worth excluding pumping breast milk completely from the life of a young mother. A normal breastfeeding cycle for a baby lasts at least 1 year. During this period, a nursing mother will more than once find herself in circumstances where pumping is indispensable. More often than others, three situations are repeated, and each involves its own pumping tactics.

History first. First arrival of milk.

Usually milk appears in the breast on the third day after childbirth. And it is not always possible to guess how much it will come. Sometimes the receipts are so great that most of them remain unclaimed by the newborn and complicate the life of his mother, who has not yet recovered from childbirth. A woman's breasts increase in size, become heavy, if you press on the glands, pain is felt, they lose their usual softness and become rough. If measures are not taken in time, inflammation develops: the temperature rises, health worsens.

What to do? With engorgement, a cabbage leaf compress helps well. It has a cooling effect by absorbing vapors from the surface of the skin. wash warm water a few large fresh cabbage leaves and cover the entire gland with them for about an hour. The next point of help should be a gentle massage and pumping. One or two sessions will soften the breast, helping to normalize milk production.

Since at the time of the rapid arrival of milk, the breast becomes very painful at the slightest touch, one must prepare for pumping. Start by massaging the least affected areas, gradually expanding the area of ​​influence. Try to relax, take long exhalations - this will help bring the mammary gland out of the state of "shock", then the elastic muscle tubes - the milk ducts - will begin to contract more actively, and the milk will flow by itself.

After 7-10 minutes of massage, try to place your fingers with a pinch on the areola and squeeze and unclench them rhythmically several times. If a drop of milk stands out, start pumping - manually or with a breast pump, if not - continue the massage.

When expressing milk with your hands, place your palm with four fingers under your chest so that the index is on the areola below, and the thumb is on top. When you squeeze all your fingers, the nipple should move forward. Now lift your chest, press it to chest and squeeze and unclench your fingers around the areola several times. If milk leaks, continue pumping until the flush stops. To ensure that the lobules of the gland are emptied evenly, move your fingers around the circumference of the areola.

Important details. Pumping with a breast pump has an important advantage: the resulting product is easier to store, because the milk goes directly into a sterile bottle or bag for freezing milk. When working with hands, a certain amount of valuable liquid is sprayed. Trying to express milk for the future, do not get carried away. Too much pumping will lead to the fact that tomorrow there will be even more milk, and you will wake up again with painful breasts.

The second story. Stagnation of milk leads to lactostasis.

First, the mother discovers a small lump in her chest, which, when pressed, hurts, as many women say, like a bruise. With lactostasis, the milk ducts, which are supposed to push milk out, lose their elasticity and stop contracting. No more fluid is formed than usual, but it cannot come out. If you do not take action, redness will appear. If you continue to do nothing, mastitis will begin - inflammation of the mammary gland.

What to do? An excellent remedy for the treatment of lactostasis is the same pumping. It must begin with a similar chest massage - it will soften the seal, restore blood flow in the stagnation zone and activate sluggish ducts. Painful sensations should be avoided: the answer to pain will be an even greater spasm of the ducts and aggravated lactostasis. The entire gland should be massaged - not much, but rather deeply. First, make several stroking movements along the gland from the periphery to the nipple, lift it up, tap with your fingers from below, from the side, approaching a particularly sore spot. To make your fingers glide better and not injure delicate skin, apply nipple cream on them.

Important details. It is necessary to move on to pumping itself when you feel a surge of milk (usually this causes heaviness, itching, tingling in the chest) or you see that it has begun to drip. You can express manually into a wide bowl, leaning over a low table: this way the chest is in a position that stimulates outflow.

History the third. The child is not gaining weight

The baby is already a month old, he sucks normally, and nothing bothers his mother. But on the very first visit to the doctor, it turns out that in a month the baby almost did not gain weight. It turns out that he does not have enough food and urgently needs supplementary feeding? The reason for the misunderstanding is that an inexperienced mother cannot always determine when her baby is just sucking her breast like a pacifier, and when she is eating. She does not notice that the baby is just lying with a nipple in her mouth, smacking her lips, and does not swallow anything. This behavior forms a sluggish milk order. If you put up with this tactic, then pretty soon the chest will empty, the baby will turn away from it, and lactation will stop almost immediately.

What to do? Milk is released in waves in response to the suckling of the breast by the baby. It is advisable not to allow long breaks between tides. If the baby falls asleep at the breast, shake it up, raise it to a vertical position for a few seconds, offer one or the other breast. To activate the flow of milk, you have to spend free time for stimulating massage and pumping. At first, these procedures should be taken several hours a day: 3-4 sessions of 30-45 minutes will be required. After a few days you will notice an improvement and the duration can be shortened. During massage and pumping, you should be comfortable: sit comfortably, turn on calm music, tune in to pleasant thoughts about the baby. Breast massage - stroking, shaking, tapping - should be alternated with squeezing-unclenching the nipple for 1 minute. As soon as the gland becomes soft, express some milk and start feeding.

Important details. It is not your job to express a large amount of milk, save the main portion for the baby. After all his efforts, he would surely be able to finally dine on his own.

If a mother has managed to collect milk by expressing it as needed, then sooner or later she will be able to create her own “milk bank” in the freezer. The product will definitely come in handy when you need to leave for a long time or take medicine that is incompatible with breastfeeding.

It is worth preparing for the rapid arrival of milk. A day after the birth of the baby, fluid intake should be limited - drink a little and only non-carbonated water. Soups, tea, compotes exacerbate thirst. When milk production returns to normal, the bans can be lifted.

To date, experts in breastfeeding argue that with stable lactation, the mother does not need to pump. The intensity of lactation directly depends on how often the child suckles, that is, the child himself regulates this process. However, in some cases, to maintain lactation, pumping is indispensable.

Important! No way of pumping will allow you to repeat all the movements that the baby makes when sucking, and you will never be able to express the same amount of milk that the baby can suck from the same breast.

When should milk be expressed?

  1. The birth of a premature baby. Born ahead of schedule babies may not have a sucking reflex, and their need to receive mother's milk is perhaps even higher than that of full-term babies. After all, you need to quickly gain strength and make up for everything that he did not have time, being born earlier.
  2. Weakly developed sucking reflex. Such children fall asleep during feeding, rarely swallow, lethargic, and in some cases may refuse to breastfeed.
  3. Insufficiency of lactation. It can be observed both from the first days, and manifest itself after a while.
  4. Establishment of lactation. Immediately after childbirth, the mother begins to receive colostrum, which, despite its small volume, is satisfying and very useful. After colostrum comes milk, the amount of which, as a rule, is too large for a newborn. At this stage, it is important that the overcrowded breasts be sure to be released so that there is enough milk in the future for an already strengthened baby. Here it is not at all necessary to show fanaticism, decanting everything to the last drop, it is quite enough if you feel that the chest has become soft and the feeling of fullness in the chest has gone.
  5. Stagnation of milk (), threatening the development of mastitis. It can be caused by various reasons, including improper pumping. It is observed in individual breast lobules due to blockage of the ducts leading to the nipple. Expression of milk in this case is carried out from individual lobules of the mammary gland hardened from excess milk.
  6. Taking medications that can be passed to the baby through breast milk. Pumping in this case serves as a tool to save in the future. The expressed milk has to be thrown away. The baby at this time eats mixtures, unless the mother, knowing about the upcoming reception medicinal product, did not prepare the expressed milk in advance.
  7. An inverted or flat nipple. Before you start pumping for this reason, you should try using special breast pads and if nothing works as a result, start pumping.
  8. The child is separated from the mother. The need is quite understandable, because if the mother works, is forced to leave for several hours, or if the child is on treatment without a mother, the child cannot be left without breast milk, especially since lactation may decrease with regular separation.

Which way to choose

There are two ways of pumping - pumping by hand and using a breast pump. The main guideline for choosing one or another method should be the frequency of pumping. If you do not plan to be separated from the baby for a long time, for example, going to work, then you most likely will not need a breast pump. In this case, it is best to master the technique of decanting with your hands.

Important! The main guideline for choosing one or another method should be the frequency of pumping. If you plan on pumping from time to time, it's best to opt for hand pumping.

Regardless of which pumping method you use, there are some simple rules to keep in mind to increase its effectiveness.

  • if possible, sit next to the child, let him touch the breast - so more milk will stand out;
  • if the baby is not around, look at his photo, think about him;
  • 10-15 minutes before pumping, drink a warm drink;
  • take a warm shower or put a towel soaked in warm water on your chest;
  • do a breast massage according to one of the options below.

1 massage option

Sit comfortably and give a light, pressure-free breast massage. To do this, first make circular movements with four fingers from the edge of the breast to the nipple (Fig. 1), and then stroking the mammary gland in the course of milk secretion (Fig. 2). Such movements will help the promotion of milk even through the narrowest ducts. Areas with seals are massaged with spiral strokes with tapping fingers. At the next stage, it is necessary to form the nipple by first squeezing the peripapillary region (Fig. 3), and then, as it were, pulling the nipple itself with your fingertips (Fig. 4).

2 massage option

Place the mammary gland between the two palms and, bringing the palms together, slightly squeeze it.
Next, gently move the chest with your fingers, first from the armpit, and then towards it. Return to the original position and grab your chest, lightly squeezing with two palms, as shown in the last picture.

As soon as the milk begins to flow out, you can proceed to pumping.

Manual method: instruction and video

  1. Prepare a clean wide-mouth container and a towel, and wash your hands.
  2. Place your thumb on top of your chest, place the rest of your fingers under your chest. The distance from the fingers to the nipple should be approximately 2.5-4 cm, depending on the size of the breast.
  3. With a gentle movement, the chest is squeezed with fingers towards the chest, i.e. back, after which the fingers move forward to the nipple. The movements should not resemble friction, but rather rolling. Then repeat in the same sequence. These steps may take a few minutes to get started. The pressure should not be increased. We must patiently continue squeezing. At the same time, milk is released, first drop by drop, and then in streams.
  4. Move your fingers around the breast so that the milk comes out of all the lobules. When to do this, you yourself will understand by the nature of the milk secretion.
  5. Try not to slide your fingers onto the nipple, otherwise injury may occur.
  6. To prevent your fingers from slipping due to milk droplets, wipe your chest and arms from time to time.

Important! In the early days of lactation, pumping can be uncomfortable or even painful, but if you feel pain pumping healthy breasts while you're already lactating, there's reason to think something's going wrong.

Advantages of the manual method

  • no special devices are required;
  • freedom of choice of place and time for pumping;
  • greater efficiency with properly mastered pumping technique;
  • indicated in the presence of nipple injuries, which are aggravated after the use of a breast pump;
  • WHO recommendations;
  • according to surveys, some women find it easier to express with their hands, as often the breast pump causes pain;
  • with breast problems caused by lactostasis problem areas are better worked out by hand;
  • recommended in the first three days after childbirth when decanting colostrum.

Using a breast pump

A breast pump is a special device for expressing milk. Its main advantage compared to hand pumping is a time saver. Manufacturers of breast pumps advise using them when milk begins to be produced steadily and a certain feeding regimen is established, that is, 2-4 weeks after childbirth.

First of all, you should always focus on the attached instructions. All the rules below are general in nature.

The funnel is selected based on the shape and size of the breast, so that its snug fit to the breast at the same time ensures the freedom of movement of the nipple during pumping. Otherwise, pumping will be slow, causing pain.
Before expressing with a breast pump, we use the same preparation as when expressing with our hands.


It is best if you give one breast to the child when feeding, and pump the other. Technically, this is quite difficult to do alone, so ask your husband or one of your relatives to help you.

Stress and the amount of breast milk

Why is it so important for a nursing woman to maintain calm, a favorable psychological climate in the house and just good mood? To answer this question, it is important to understand the mechanisms that trigger the process of milk release. The main hormone that regulates the release of breast milk during breastfeeding is oxytocin. This hormone starts the process of "squeezing" milk out of the alveoli of the mammary gland - small balls that produce milk. Milk fills the ducts, and the woman feels a rush of milk. A feature of this hormone is that its work is highly dependent on the surrounding conditions and the condition of the woman. If a woman is under stress, is in a noisy place, then it can hardly be expected that milk will stand out in sufficient quantities. The fact is that in such situations, an antagonist of oxytocin, adrenaline, is released, which reduces milk production.

There is also such a psychological moment: it has been noticed that when you pump, you observe how much the pumping container fills up, you will never draw a lot of milk. Therefore, try not to look behind a set of precious milliliters.

Important! Failed attempts pumping is not an indication of a small amount of milk in the breast. It is impossible to express to the last drop, since milk is produced in the breast continuously.

How much milk to express and how often to do it

  1. It is necessary to express, in order to increase the amount of milk, often, but no more than once an hour.
  2. If you are away from your baby, remember to pump every three hours at night. This is one of the conditions for saving
  3. It is not necessary to pump to the last drops to relieve the chest, stop as soon as you feel a sense of relief
  4. When expressing milk for feeding, finish the process after reaching the desired mark, using both breasts alternately if necessary.
  5. If you are pumping, each breast must be pumped for at least 15 minutes. If it becomes “empty” before this period, then after the appearance of a feeling of emptiness, express the breast for another 2 minutes.

Storing expressed breast milk

Like any food product, expressed breast milk has its own, if not observed, it can not only lose its beneficial properties, but also become harmful.

Breast milk storage containers

They can be made from various materials, as long as they are clean and tightly closed. Modern mothers in purchased containers for storing breast milk highly appreciate the convenience and ease of use, in particular the volume corresponding to one dose of feeding, the presence of a measuring scale, a tag where you can indicate the date and time of pumping. By appearance it can be containers, bottles. For freezing, the ideal option are those that do not burst with glass or plastic containers.

Milk storage bags Milk storage containers
Milk storage bottles

However, not everything is so simple in terms of security. Glass containers and special polymer ones are considered the safest to use. If you still opted for plastic containers, you should definitely pay attention to their suitability for storing, freezing and heating milk. To do this, you need to determine the material from which they are made. This information, as a rule, is always contained at the bottom of the container in the form of a triangle with a number in the middle and other additional images.

For storing expressed milk from all types of plastic, it is best to prefer polycarbonate dishes (number 7) and polypropylene dishes (number 5). Moreover, on polycarbonate dishes there must be an additional badge "Bisphenol A free" or "BPA free" or "0% BRA". This means that bisphenol A was not used in the manufacture of polycarbonate, which tends to transfer from plastic to products during long-term storage or heating.
In conclusion, it must be said that it is not necessary to sterilize reusable milk storage containers. It is enough if they are well washed by hand or in the dishwasher. Instead of using detergent, you can pour boiling water over the container.

At what temperature to store

Human milk has a unique ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria for a long time, so if after 4-6 hours you plan to feed your baby with it, then it is not necessary to put it in the refrigerator, unless of course the room is cool. Storing milk for several days requires the use of a refrigerator, and even more long term freezer.

Approximate shelf life of expressed milk

Storage conditionsFreshly expressed milkdefrosted in the refrigeratorDefrosted and reheatedThawed, reheated and started
Room temperature +26-+32ºС3-4 hours0.5-1 hourUntil the end of feeding
Room +22-+25ºС4-6 hours1-2 hoursUntil the end of feeding
Room +19-+22ºС6-10 hours3-4 hoursUntil the end of feeding
Portable cooler or thermal pack with ice +10-+15ºС24 hours4 hoursDo not store
Refrigerator 0-+4ºС6-8 days24 hours4 hoursDo not store
Freezer of the old sample -10-15ºС2 weeksDo not refreeze
Freezer -15-18ºС3-5 monthsDo not refreeze
Deep freeze chamber below -18ºС6-12 monthsDo not refreeze

Freezing breast milk

  1. Immediately after pumping, cover the container with milk, and when using, remove air from there. The less air the expressed breast milk comes into contact with, the better it will be stored.
  2. Mark the bottle with the date of pumping. Breast milk is very interesting property- it is produced in this moment the exact composition that the child needs. Therefore, it is better to use it as soon as possible, especially the portions expressed earlier.
  3. Cool the expressed milk for several hours in the refrigerator (+2…+4°C), and then place it in freezer as deep as possible. This is done so that temperature fluctuations when opening the door are minimal.
  4. Freeze in small portions of 30-60 ml if you plan to use it from time to time. Systematic feeding requires freezing in different volumes: 100-150 ml for normal feeding and in smaller portions if you need to supplement.
  5. Small portions of milk expressed from different breasts during the day can be mixed into one.
  6. It is allowed to add freshly expressed milk to frozen less than an hour ago if the new portion is smaller than the previously frozen one.

How to tell if milk has gone bad

Storage of milk affects its organoleptic properties. Therefore, it is important to distinguish spoiled milk from good milk that has changed its characteristics.

  1. Many mothers are worried when they see that when cooled, the fatty part of the milk separates from the main mass, and they think that it has gone bad. This is not a sign of spoilage, just stir the milk and it will return to normal.
  2. Sometimes, after defrosting, milk smells like soap or is bitter. This smell and the result of the action of the milk enzyme lipase, which breaks down fats.
  3. When frozen, milk acquires. It is suggested that this may be due to the action of the same lipase again, or to natural or artificial colors in mom's food.
  4. Spoiled milk has a sour smell.

Rules for defrosting and heating milk

What to do if the baby refuses to eat thawed milk

Pay attention to whether you follow all the rules for freezing milk.
If this does not help, pasteurize the milk in a water bath at 62.5°C (the first bubbles appear in the saucepan) before freezing to deactivate the lipase. Do not bring to a boil. Then cool quickly and freeze. Of course, this will destroy many valuable components, but all the same, such milk will be more useful than the mixture.

Types of breast pumps

Types of breast pumps according to the mechanism of action are divided into mechanical and electrical. Advanced models of breast pumps have two-phase pumping modes. First, the mammary gland is subjected to a gentle and rapid action, stimulating the release of milk, and then slow and deep pumping of milk begins.

Mechanical breast pumps

The driving force that creates a vacuum in such breast pumps is the mechanical forces on the part of the device that the woman produces.


  • low price;
  • no power supply required;
  • does not create unnecessary noise;
  • the strength of pumping is regulated by the woman herself, depending on her feelings;
  • all parts can be washed and sterilized.


  • time is saved slightly due to slow work;
  • with prolonged use, fatigue is felt in the hands;
  • fragility of some models.

Despite all the disadvantages of mechanical breast pumps, if the nature of pumping is episodic 1-2 times a day, these models are quite suitable for you.

Syringe breast pump

  1. Pump breast pump. This is the simplest and most inexpensive type of breast pump. Consists of a nozzle for a breast and a rubber pear (pump). When expressing, both hands are occupied: one hand presses on the pump creating a vacuum, causing a rush of milk, and the second presses the device to the breast. At the same time, milk enters the pump, as it fills up, it must be drained into a bottle. An improved version of a pump-action breast pump is a breast pump with a pear connected by a hose to a bottle.
  2. Syringe breast pump. It consists of two nested cylinders. At the end of one of them there is a funnel that is adjacent to the nipple. The movement of the cylinders relative to each other, like in a syringe, creates a vacuum and milk is extracted from the breast.
  3. Piston breast pump. As well as a pump-action breast pump, it consists of three parts: a silicone nozzle for the breast, a mechanical part and a bottle. The mechanical part in this case is a lever. By tightly pressing the breast pump to the breast and, working with a lever, they achieve the expression of milk from the breast.

Pump-action breast pump
Piston breast pump

Electric breast pumps

In electric breast pumps, pumping is driven by electricity, which powers the motor that creates the vacuum. The woman has only to press the button.


  • quick collection of milk;
  • pumping modes of various strengths;
  • suitable for regular pumping.


  • high price;
  • makes a lot of noise.

A high-tech variation of the electric breast pump is the electronic breast pump. In addition to the existing capabilities of an electric breast pump, electronic memory is added here, capable of remembering an individual pumping mode and reproducing it during subsequent use of the device. At the same time, when pumping, a breast massage occurs, which improves the movement of milk through the ducts, thereby imitating the sucking process as much as possible. baby. Some models do not even require hand support. Electronic breast pumps are quite expensive, it is better if you rent them.

Electric breast pump Electronic breast pump

Complete set of breast pumps

In addition to breast pumps, you can purchase spare containers for storing milk, freezer bags. There are breast funnels of different material and diameter. All this is sold in ready-made sets.

In contact with

When is breast pumping necessary and is it necessary to buy a breast pump in the maternity hospital in advance? This topic causes as much discussion as the topic of pacifiers and the organization of the baby's diet. The older generation advises to be sure to express after each feeding. And breastfeeding consultants, on the contrary, say that this is not worth doing, and that this threatens the formation of lactostasis in the breast.

So, expressing breast milk may be necessary. But not every woman. And buying an expensive breast pump in a maternity hospital does not make sense, unless you plan to, say, go to school or work after giving birth, leaving milk in a bottle for your baby. On the other hand, expressing milk in the hospital with a breast pump may be necessary for excessive breast engorgement. This is not uncommon in women in the first two days after the appearance of breast milk. Usually it comes at once very much. A newborn does not need so much, he sucks much less. Then the rules for decanting breast milk after feeding come into force. In order to prevent engorgement of the mammary glands, fever, pain and induration, it is necessary to express milk after feeding, but not completely, but until a feeling of relief. And, of course, there should not be any seals either. Only for these purposes, you can use the simplest breast pumps, bought for 100-200 rubles, without a bottle.