If you have been monitoring your diet for a month or more, but the weight does not go away and stands still, look for the reason in our list!

Why extra pounds do not disappear

1. Is everything okay with the thyroid gland?

If you have hypothyroidism, that is, the function of the thyroid gland is significantly reduced, you will not lose weight until you deal with this problem. The first symptoms of hypothyroidism are fatigue, depression, constant blues and apathy. Now you chuckled and thought that late autumn it typical condition for all? That's the danger: attributing your condition to bad weather, lack of sun, and the dreary prospect of living another six months in darkness and cold, you can miss the disease. If you live in a state of "Life is decay" - urgently see a doctor. You need to donate blood to the level of thyroxine T4 and triiodothyronine T3 hormones.

2. Are you too relaxed?

If in your life Lately there are entirely positive events, loved ones delight, a loved one pampers, the boss praises, and friends admire, we are very happy for you, but ... it is this feeling of well-being and calmness that can cause a decrease in metabolism. People experiencing so-called “positive stress” have a more active metabolism and lose weight more easily compared to those who are in a state of complete peace. "Positive" is considered stress from physical activity, emotional empathy real people or characters in books and movies, safe thrills, like those that a person experiences on a roller coaster.

3. Do you eat so little?

What to do if the weight does not come off? If you're judging your food intake by serving size, check to see if some fat, pseudo-diet enemy, such as tofu, dried fruits, or pineapples, has crept into the list of foods you eat, which are not at all as harmless as they seem.


4. Are you getting enough sleep?

It's no secret that healthy sleep affects the condition of the skin and overall well-being. But did you know that it directly affects weight as well? The system is simple: to restore strength, the body needs at least seven hours of sleep per day. With less rest, the body experiences a lack of energy. The body can produce energy by breaking down fats. And so that there is something to split ... That's right, he accumulates them. Check if you are not getting enough sleep.

5. Is the main meal in the evening?

If you have a cup of coffee for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and a belly feast at dinner, then even with an impeccably consistent daily calorie content of meals, you will remain in your weight. There is a conditional rule for counting calories in different time days. Divide the calorie content of the foods that you ate before 12-00 by two; from 12 to 18 hours - consider it as it is; and after 18-00, double the calories.

6. Do you feel constantly hungry?

Usually it is this feeling that pleases those who are losing weight: I'm hungry, which means I don't eat much, which means I'm losing weight. Nothing like this! If you feel hungry, then you are getting fat. Because the body has no idea about the new dress that you need to fit into, but it knows for sure: hunger is bad. This is a signal that hard times have come and you need to store fat. More.

7. Are you cold?

The body needs fat reserves not only to maintain activity, but also for banal protection from the cold. If you dress too lightly, or if the heating in your home and work is not too good, your body may well store fat to provide normal work internal organs, because the lower the temperature, the slower all systems function.

8. Or maybe you are already thin enough?

The body has an internal built-in norm sensor. The weight that is normal for you. Adjusted for physique (asthenic, normosthenic or hypersthenic), the body mass index will help you determine the norm - body weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in centimeters. Normal BMI is in the range of 18.5-24.9. If your result is less than 18.5, further weight loss is not only dangerous, but deadly. So stop lamenting “I don’t eat, but the weight doesn’t go away” and start eating normally.

9. Do you suffer from constipation?

Not the most appetizing moment, but to speak so frankly. If the excretory system in your body fails, weight stagnation may be due to the fact that the intestines are full. Increase the amount of water you drink and eat more fiber: this will fix the situation quickly and easily.

10. Are you overdoing your workouts?

If you are a regular at the gym, it is possible that your weight remains stable because lighter fat is replaced by heavier muscle. That is, in volumes you decrease, but not in kilograms. But is it really the numbers on the scales that matter? If the waist has become thinner, and the legs are slimmer, what difference does it make how much the scales show there, right?

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Most women who have struggled with excess weight at least once in their lives know that at the very beginning of the diet, body weight goes off the fastest. Unfortunately, after 1-2 weeks, the scale needle freezes in one place. This period is the most difficult for a woman. It most often becomes a reason for abandoning the diet, as it undermines the motivation for further weight loss. What to do if the weight stands still? The answer is obvious: measures must be taken to reduce it further. To do this, use our tips.

1. Eat more often, in small portions.

Hunger, long periods of time without food, negative energy balance in the body - these are the reasons why after a few weeks from the start of the diet, the metabolism slows down. The body is doing its best to survive, so it turns on the “economy mode”, consuming calories more efficiently. What to do?

Obviously, we cannot influence one of these three factors. It's about about the negative energy balance, which, although it provokes a slowdown in metabolism, is still necessary for weight loss. But we can and should influence the feeling of hunger and the regularity of food entering the stomach. To do this, you need to turn on the fractional power mode.

By eating small portions of food at short intervals, we let the body know that we have no problems finding food. Products enter the stomach regularly, the concentration nutrients in the blood, if it decreases, then not for long. Fractional nutrition not only allows you to overcome the plateau effect, but also makes the diet more comfortable. But at the same time, you should carefully control the size of portions, since 5-6 full meals a day are unlikely to make your figure slimmer.

2. Pay attention to the drinking regimen.

If you have ever bought drugs or supplements for weight loss at least once in your life, you probably noticed that in the instructions the manufacturer always gives a recommendation according to which the intake medicinal product should be combined with plenty of fluids. Any diet for weight loss also involves an enhanced drinking regimen. Well, the need to use a large number water during training is not even discussed.

If the weight stands still, pay attention to the drinking regimen. When you drink less, you lose weight more slowly. Lack of fluid slows down metabolic processes. Drinking plenty of water allows not only timely removal of decay products that are formed in large quantities during the restructuring of metabolism, but also contributes to the suppression of hunger. Water in the amount of 1.5-2 liters per day increases the effectiveness of the diet and improves its tolerance.

3. Consciously increase physical activity.

After restricting the diet, the body goes into "economy mode". These changes suggest not only a decrease in metabolic rate, but also a decrease physical activity. It happens unconsciously. The person becomes lazy. Even without noticing it, he increasingly prefers to lie down in front of the TV than to go for a walk or to the beach.

This process must be controlled consciously. Laziness and apathy are just an energy-saving mechanism that the body turns on in order to survive in conditions of hunger. You must show will and still move, walk, actively rest, even if you are reluctant to do so. To lose weight, energy must be spent, not saved.

4. Enter an additional workout.

To lose weight, you need not only to eat little, but also to play sports. Restricting energy intake into the body is only half the battle. The second half of it is the increase in energy costs. If your weight stands still, and you are not yet exercising, this is very good, because you have the opportunity to move easily enough. dead center. To do this, you just need to arrange for yourself regular jogging, going to the pool or training in the gym.

What should people do who are already involved in sports, but the weight still stands still? It is necessary to introduce additional training, which will allow you to spend a little more energy than you spend on this moment. For example, if you run in the morning, sign up for a fitness class. Perhaps you should allocate an additional 2-3 hours a week for aerobics classes or buy a good exercise machine for home workouts.

5. Tighten your diet.

If you regularly exercise, exercise, diet, and still do not lose weight, you will have to cut back on your diet even more. What to do, everyone has a different metabolic rate. For some, a small dietary restriction is enough for stable weight loss, while someone is forced to completely give up sweets and fatty foods, eating mainly fruits and dietary meat.

6. Use drugs for weight loss.

Losing weight using pills alone is hardly possible. However, drugs can increase the effectiveness of other methods of weight loss. If the body weight stands still, you can use the following means for weight loss:

- blocks the absorption of fat, but has many unpleasant side effects (abdominal pain, diarrhea, fecal incontinence).

Glucobay - blocks the absorption of carbohydrates, but is also not without side effects (abdominal pain, flatulence).

Sibutramine (, etc.) - depresses appetite, is harmful to the heart and psyche.

- depresses appetite, has a minimum of side effects, but you need to take pills only before meals, in large quantities, with water.

- works well in combination with training, is contraindicated in insomnia, hypertension, heart disease.

7. Be prepared to slow down the weight loss process.

Often the refusal of a diet is a consequence of a person's increased expectations from the diet. He reads on the Internet that a certain diet allows you to lose weight by 10 kg per month and adjusts to such a result. After 2-3 kg is lost in the first week of severe dietary restrictions, motivation increases.

But then disappointment sets in - the mass does not go away at all, or it decreases extremely slowly. At this stage, most people get upset, lose faith in success and stop the diet, eating their grief. large quantity sweets. Naturally, after applying such methods of dealing with depression, the weight no longer stands still; against the background of a reduced metabolic rate, it begins to increase sharply.

It is very important to realize that body weight cannot decrease too quickly, even if you significantly restrict your diet. Losing weight by 1-2 kg per month is a completely normal pace. By allowing yourself to lose weight slowly, you will solve the problem of decreased motivation during the period of a low-calorie diet. Be patient and you will succeed.

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1. Mismatch between calorie intake and calorie consumption. The first exceeds the second. If you are not an expert in matters and physical activity, it will not be easy for you to understand this. But you can. Keep a diary, scrupulously write down in it everything you eat during the day. Do not forget to fix even light snacks, which are considered ridiculous for food. Meanwhile, 100 grams of harmless nuts or seeds contain 500 kcal, which is a quarter (!) daily allowance calories.
Entries in the diary will help you see with your own eyes your mistakes and flaws in the diet, the process of saturation will become controlled and conscious, i.e. you will begin to think not only about what you eat, but also about why you eat it.
If you go to the gym, then ask the trainer what exercises burn how many calories. By the way, most modern exercise machines are equipped with sensors that record parameters during training - time, speed, load, etc., including the number of calories burned. All indicators are also recorded in the diary. At the end of each day, calculate, compare, evaluate, and adjust your diet and workouts for the following day accordingly.

2. Fat is consumed (burned), but muscle mass increases. That is, your volumes are decreasing, which makes you infinitely happy, but the weight stands still, and you don’t like it. Fat is lost, but muscle mass grows with a passion for exercising on power simulators and tone tables. The latter are generally very fond of women, because training on them is so pleasant! No need to strain and bring yourself to exhaustion and hatred for simulators, everything is done easily and naturally, in the absence of stress on cardiovascular system and spine. In order for both fat and muscle mass to be consumed evenly, it is necessary to alternate active and strenuous workouts with massage and calm exercises.
V gym don't ignore cardio machines - these are great burners. Treadmill, stepper, exercise bike - this is what you need.
By the way, think about whether the weight indicator is so important to you. After all, if the volumes are melting, the waist becomes an aspen, and the hips are slender, is this not what you are trying to achieve? In addition, strong trained muscles are great. And the weight ... God bless him, let him stay, unless, of course, you are an athlete and are not eager to achieve world records. Think.

3. Uniformity of methods. Perhaps you lost weight in the early days of playing sports, but suddenly everything stopped. The weight is stuck at one point. First, keep in mind that maybe you have reached your normal weight(taking into account height and age), and your smart body figured it out. And, secondly, analyze the content of your diet and the complex of physical activity. Probably something needs to be changed. For example, a calorie intake pattern (say, one day 1000 kcal, and the next 1900 kcal, and so alternate), the number of meals (not 4, but 6), the ratio of nutrients (for example, reduce carbohydrates and increase proteins).
Changes should also apply to physical activity. Re-prioritize the gym, let your trainer pick for you new complex exercises. The fact is that our muscles get used to the same loads, so the effect observed at the beginning can significantly decrease.

By the way, take a closer look at whether you stand on the scales correctly. Ironically, sometimes it is the wrong weighing that is the reason for the “non-decreasing” weight. Weigh yourself on the same scale and at the same time. Better in the morning on an empty stomach after a toilet and without. The balance must be placed on a flat, solid surface. Placed on a carpet or rug, they "lie".

Why weight is worth it and what to do about the plateau effect

"Nightmare! I went on a diet: I eat 5 times a day in small portions, excluded sugar and pastries from the diet. I do fitness 3 times a week. Lost 4 kg in a month. And now the weight is worth 2 weeks. I'm desperate and afraid to break. What to do? Why is weight worth while dieting? ” Such a desperate post can be found on any forum dedicated to weight loss. How to cope with the situation and not gain weight back? We have tried to answer this question in as much detail as possible.

Plateau phase - what is it

Many losing weight people carefully monitor weight loss. It brings a certain joy and pride. But sooner or later there comes a moment when the weight stops. And that's okay. This is how it should be and this period is called the plateau phase. As a rule, it lasts from two weeks to one and a half months.

At the beginning of weight loss, we lose excess fluid and fresh fat deposits through increased exercise and diet. But the body gradually gets used to the amount of energy received and is in no hurry to get rid of the fat reserves set aside for a rainy day. Evolution.

There are two scenarios for the development of events:

  • weight does not fall, but volumes decrease;
  • weight in place, volumes in place.

In the first case, one cannot speak of a plateau, since changes in the body are taking place, but due to an increase muscle mass instead of fat. Losing weight is not about weight alone. This is not the most important indicator. It is more correct to monitor the percentage of adipose tissue in the body. And since a kilogram of fat is larger in volume than muscle, it turns out that the weight is worth it, and the volumes are gone.

But the second case is a pure plateau phase. The main thing here is not to despair and not to give up. It is important to remember that this period is important for the restructuring of the body. If it is too long, it makes sense to give an impetus to shift from the "dead center".

Reasons for dietary plateau

Here's why weight loss is worth it:

How to move the weight from the "dead center"

It will not be possible to fully prevent a plateau - this is an important and necessary step in the process of losing weight, but you can significantly reduce the period of stagnation.

How can you force the body to start losing weight again. Especially if the plateau period dragged on. There are several options.


We lose weight in order to improve our well-being, to become more beautiful and healthy. Treat the plateau as a milestone in weight loss and an opportunity to make changes to your weight loss strategy. Have the patience to get through it. Realize that the path you have chosen is the only right decision for yourself.

The most important principle for any creature is do no harm. Stick to it for yourself as well. Love yourself in every way, but strive for best version myself.

Finding out that the “plateau effect” has come when losing weight is a nightmare for every person who is fighting for harmony. This effect means that the weight stops - the body weight does not change, although we still do the same exercises and eat on the same schedule as at the beginning of the diet. The worst thing is if those who are losing weight are not yet satisfied with the results obtained and they need to adjust the figure further. We will look at why weight stands still when losing weight, and how to overcome this trouble.

Often girls leave virtual cries for help on forums for losing weight: “They can’t lose weight, what should I do?”. Most of these users are faced with the problem when the weight has stopped when losing weight and stubbornly refuses to drop further. You should be mentally prepared for a dietary plateau even before you start using a body shaping program, as this is quite normal. Consider why the process stops in full swing.

What to do with the plateau?

Some people give up as soon as they discover that their weight loss process has stopped. However, this is a fundamentally wrong approach; in no case should you quit the business you have begun, even if the result does not completely satisfy you.

Above all, continue to eat right and exercise like nothing happened. Next, carefully study all the causes of the plateau, find out which one you are facing, and eliminate it.

Fighting methods

Zigzag food

This is a nutrition system that will not allow your metabolism to “go to sleep”. After all, too clear order of distribution of calories can simply put him to sleep. To prevent this from happening, distribute the number of calories in such a way that the first four days you eat fully, the next two days - reduce as much as possible. energy value dishes, and on the last day of the week they compensated for what they had not eaten in the previous two days. Such a scheme will help keep the metabolism in good shape, but at the same time do not overeat.

Inclusion of aerobic loads

Strength training is often ignored by those who lose weight, believing that only cardiological loads are enough to achieve results. However, if the process of losing weight has stopped, aerobic exercise will be the most rational solution to speed up the metabolism.

Change of training program

Our body is a complex and highly intelligent mechanism. It can adapt to any conditions that do not destroy it. This is what happens with training - if you use the same programs and exercises, the body simply gets used to them and no longer responds properly to the load.

To continue the process of losing weight, you need to change the training program every 2-3 weeks. This will allow the muscles to always be in good shape.


This procedure will be useful for those who want to overcome a plateau or do not know how to fix weight after losing weight. There are special techniques aimed at starting the metabolism.

In addition to accelerating metabolic processes, you will get tightened elastic skin and be able to get rid of cellulite.


Despite the fact that the “plateau effect” most often occurs due to the banal mistakes of losing weight, other, more serious reasons can also cause it. There are a number of diseases and disorders that can lead to a slowdown in metabolic processes and, as a result, to stop losing weight or even gaining weight.

If you're experiencing a plateau and haven't been able to resolve it yourself, make sure you don't have:

In conclusion

In most cases, to eliminate the "plateau effect" you only need to slightly adjust your weight loss program. In no case do not return to bad eating habits if you encounter obstacles on the way to achieving your goals.

All problems can be eliminated, the main thing is not to give up and be sure of getting good results.