When I first became interested in astrology, it seemed simple to me. It seemed that it could be difficult in 12 zodiac signs? As my knowledge increased, I learned about personal horoscopes, planets and horoscope houses, aspects and much, much more. So the concept of a synthetic sign also comes from the field of professional astrology, but the increased computing power of modern computers allows everyone to find out their synthetic sign and its meaning.

Synthetic sign- this is some conditional, but very indicative sum of the horoscope. This is the resultant position of the major planets in your personal horoscope. Very often, the synthetic sign differs from the zodiac sign, and the character of the synthetic sign describes much more accurately.

Each planet has its own energy and, being in any sign, enhances the manifestation of this sign in your life and in your character. Each zodiac sign belongs to one of the elements (fire, earth, air, water) and to one of the crosses (cardinal, fixed, mutable). It is the combination of the cross and the elements that makes each zodiac sign unique. For everybody personal horoscope we can count the number of planets in each element and in each cross. As a rule, in some element and some cross is the most planets. We choose this element and this cross and synthesize a synthetic sign from it.

It is very easy to do this according to the table:

It is enough to find the prevailing element and the prevailing cross in the table, and your synthetic sign will be at their intersection. According to the table, you can also determine the belonging of each zodiac sign to the elements or the cross.

How to find out the position of the planets in your horoscope and calculate the synthetic sign. We offer you two options.

First. Free and a little harder. Use our service to calculate the position of the planets at the time of your birth. The service is free - you only need to enter your date of birth, select a time zone and set at least an approximate time of birth. You will receive a list of planetary positions in your personal horoscope. It remains to sum up the elements and crosses, and you will be able to calculate your synthetic sign. A small example: Let's say the service issued: Sun in Aries, Moon in Sagittarius, Mercury in Cancer, etc. We take the Sun, it is in Aries, look at the table and add 1 each to the element of fire and the cardinal cross, then the Moon goes, it is in Sagittarius, respectively, add 1 to the element of fire and to the mutable cross. After the Moon, we take Mercury, in the example in Cancer, which means it adds 1 each to the cardinal cross and the water element. Then we take Venus and so on for all the planets that our service calculated. Next, we summarize the scores for each element and each cross, highlight the maximum and find a synthetic sign from the table.

Second. Simple but available for a nominal fee. We have included the calculation and description of the synthetic sign in our personal horoscope calculation service. Everything is even simpler here, you only need to enter your data and pay for access (it's very simple, you just need to send 1 SMS). As a result, you will receive your exact synthetic sign, as well as its description, and also a description of the position of the planets in your personal horoscope. Weight interesting information. The advantage is that in this case the system will calculate everything for you, and you will be able to get not only a calculation, but also a description of your synthetic sign.

Synthesis-Sign. Lecture 6

Lecture 6. Synthesis-Sign.

Today I would like to tell you about the most interesting concept - the Synthesis-Sign. Unfortunately, there was no place for such a bright indicator in the astrological literature for a detailed discussion, but VERY IN vain!!! How more people I research, the more I affirm in the thought that the Synthesis-Sign is one of the most striking indicators of the horoscope. No less significant than the indicators of the Sun, Moon and ASC!!!
So, what is Synthesis-Sign? From the name it is clear that something will have to be synthesized. That's right - the Synthesis of the Sign, this is the Sign, which is derived from the calculation of which Element and which Cross turned out to be dominant in the horoscope. As I have already said, the qualities of this Sign in the Nativ will be highlighted very strongly, EVEN IF there is NOT A SINGLE PLANET in the resulting synthetic Sign !!!
What is needed in order to calculate the Synthesis-Sign.
To do this, we must use our notes, in which we calculated the dominant Elements and Crosses. Or let's do the math first.
Let's use a map - an example from the lecture of the Elements.
there we have already managed to calculate that in the map:

Fire - 5, Earth - 3, Air - 1, Water - 1
dominant element is fire.

Now let's count the crosses:
cardinal 4, fixed - 3, mutable -3

Thus, we got 1 dominant Element - this is Fire and 1 dominant cross - Cardinal.

So, we have dominated the element of Fire. we find this column, and "select" it for ourselves

we look in which Sign the cross and elements defined by us will intersect.
in our case - Aries

As you can see in the figure, the intersection was formed on the Sign - Aries. Accordingly, the synthesis-Sign in this card is Aries.

What does this fact give us in the interpretation? And he gives literally the following - despite the fact that in the character and actions this person there will be a lot from Taurus (there are the Sun and the Moon) - he will be very focused on the material world, he will be very sensual and thorough - Taurus. He will want changes (which is not typical of Taurus at all), he will be bored if the situation does not have any dynamics.
He will no longer be interested in sitting in one profitable, but not fussy place, where nothing has changed for years. It will be vital for him to show his leadership qualities, to actively express his life position. Fight without fear of consequences, etc.
He will have an active life position, different from Teltsovsky's "his own shirt is closer to the body!". No, of course, his own shirt will excite him very much, but something else will appear that will excite him no less than a shirt. And that “something else” is the needs and qualities of Aries.
We will start talking about the Signs in detail very soon. Therefore, if now, taking into account the information that you received from popular books about Astrological Signs, It will seem to you that the features of the Sign that you got as a synthetic one are not in you, do not rush to conclusions. The time will come, and you will be surprised how much you get from him.

In order to prevent standard questions on this topic, I will immediately explain.

  1. If, when counting, you got two or three equally expressed Elements, then
  • It happens!
  • So you will have 2 or 3 columns with Elements selected
  1. If, when counting, you got 2 dominant Crosses, then
  • It happens!
  • So you will have 2 lines with Crosses selected
  1. If you got from 1 to 6 synthesis-Signs, then
  • It happens
  • The strength of the influence of the Synthesis Sign on your personal qualities is inversely proportional to their number.

Those. a single Synthesis-Sign is the strongest influence.

6 is the smallest. In this case, from the consideration of the horoscope, the synthesis-Sign can be omitted (from 3 and further).

  1. If you have Water 5, Fire 4, Earth 1, and Air 0, DO YOU COUNT BOTH Water (5) and Fire (4),? Or just water?
  1. Point 4 is fully applicable in matters of Crosses.

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In the toolkit of an astrologer, there are a significant number of the most diverse methods for evaluating a person. In order to talk about the traits and abilities of the native, we can analyze chains of dispositions, Jones or Huber figures, identify dominant aspects in the map, etc. However, there is a fairly simple technique that gives, albeit a simplified, but a comprehensive view of a person. It's about about the sign of synthesis.

If the sun sign tells how a person is inclined to make important decisions in life, reports on important character traits that are clearly visible in a person to those around him (but not always realized by the native himself), then a synthetic sign will tell the astrologer how a person is inclined to manifest himself in everyday life - at home, at work, i.e. "on automatic". We can say that the sign of synthesis is a general style of behavior in most everyday situations. When we communicate a lot and closely with a person, then we are much more likely to observe manifestations of his synthetic, and not the solar sign. The solar sign does not disappear anywhere, but appears more thematically.

The sign of synthesis is calculated quite simply. We analyze the location of the planets in the zodiac circle: we look at how each of them is “filled”, and also pay attention to how the planets are located along the crosses of the Zodiac (of which, we recall, there are only three: cardinal, fixed, mutable). The synthetic sign is determined by the predominance of the planets in the crosses of the Zodiac and the elements. We especially note that fictitious points of Selene, Lilith, Rahu, Ketu or asteroids (Chiron, etc.) are not used for analysis in this method. The formula for calculating the synthesis sign is quite simple:

Sign of synthesis = dominant element + dominant quality.

Let us illustrate the application of this formula with an example. Let's take today's date, March 30, 2017. Time — 14-00 Moscow time. Suppose we are building a map for a person born in Moscow. The arrangement of the planets according to the crosses of the Zodiac looks like this for this chart: cardinal cross - 6 planets, fixed - 2, mutable - 2. If we talk about the elements, then the planets are located on the map as follows: in the signs of Fire - 5, in the signs of the Earth - 3, in the signs of Air - 1, in the signs of Water - also 1. Thus, the cardinal cross and the element of Fire clearly predominate in the chart. We unite these concepts and get the cardinal Fire, i.e. synthetic sign of Aries.

Most often it happens that the solar and synthetic signs of the native differ. Then we conclude that the way of making important decisions (the Sun) is at odds with common type human behavior (sign of synthesis). It happens that when calculating we get two or more signs of synthesis. In this case, it becomes more difficult to predict the patterns of human behavior, because such a person will have several types of behavior “to choose from” at once. And in fact, it will manifest itself in everyday life in different ways.

Let's consider a small example. If the solar sign of the native is Virgo, and synthetic scorpion, then in most situations he will behave emotionally, corrosively, focusing on sensations and tending to dramatize events. But at the same time, he will try to make important decisions in life on the basis of rational reasoning, on a cold head, abstracting from emotions, he will try to take into account a lot of data, think over a plan.

Below is a generalized description of each of the twelve signs of synthesis:

Cardinal Fire (Aries) A person in everyday life manifests himself actively, aimed at victory, action, rivalry. Inclined to an active, independent position. He likes to argue, arrange a dispute. Even if he does not like it, then it is easy to "provoke" him to it. It is important that his interests and needs are taken into account. Easily irritated and then quick-tempered. AT good mood very friendly and open to everything new. In games, he does not know how to lose, because losing hurts his feelings and spoils his mood. Hot, but somewhat harsh temperament. It is difficult for him to forgive others. Idealistic, able to follow his enthusiasm, enterprising. He loves changes, initiates them and does not tolerate boredom, lack of dynamics. For inner harmony with oneself it is necessary to show the qualities of a leader, initiator, pioneer, actively express one's life position, fight, compete. sports, physical activity soothe nervous system, give the necessary discharge.
Fixed Earth (Taurus) A person is distinguished by a focus on the material world, comfort, sensual pleasures. It is characterized by slowness, but also thoroughness. There is an emphasis on conservatism, hoarding, and self-confidence. money, accumulation wealth, the beauty environment- this is what brings a feeling of inner satisfaction, peace. Proud of broad gestures and the ability to help financially. It is difficult to adapt to new trends and trends. An exaggeratedly enthusiastic or proud attitude towards one's achievements. It can manifest itself in two ways: to be quiet, restrained, or to strive to praise yourself, your life, to prove to others that he has abundance and “everything is captured”. The idea of ​​relaxation can be elevated to a cult and a way of life.
Mutable Air (Gemini)
Communication with friends, study, collecting facts, opinions, ideas - the strong point and needs of such a person. He does not get tired of being saturated with information and new meetings, participating in negotiations and communications. Strong curiosity. A task for the mind is something that always pleases such a person, as well as a friendly pastime. Likes parties, picnics, hangouts, spending time together. It may well be that “everyone in the city” knows him, since the circle of his acquaintances is very wide. Making connections, reading, learning, getting to know each other, not sitting still is important for inner harmony.
Cardinal Water (Cancer)
A person is characterized by high susceptibility, sensitivity, and also romanticism. Appreciates the atmospheric environment, therefore, when communicating with others, he pays entourage, music, etc. great attention. The mood is changeable. Easily reacts to the mood of other people. He hides his feelings and experiences quite badly. Sentimental, vulnerable. Increased impressionability. In everyday life, in actions and decisions, he is guided by intuition.
Fixed Fire (Leo)
A person is characterized by a love for parties, holidays, shows. He strives to be the center of attention. He wants to be the soul of the company, the person who is able to create a holiday, amuse others, attract attention and admiration. Often a master of spectacular acquaintance, the ability to "splurge" and teach oneself well. He likes to be a leader, the person who "sets the tone." I like to work for the public. Hot temperament, ambition, initiative. Proud and selfish. He loves to be expected, as well as all those little things that emphasize his importance.
Mutable Earth (Virgo) Just like the synthetic sign of Capricorn, the synthesis sign of Virgo tells us that it is very important for the native to be known as a professional, reliable person. Virgo is distinguished by conservatism, a tendency to give preference to the established order once and for all, which is fraught with monotony. Such people do not like strong changes in life, they tend to make plans for months and years in advance. Dimension, like that of Taurus, is their strong point. The only difference is that they are more active in everyday life and more self-critical. Such a person usually likes to work, to work. Consistency, thinking ahead is his strengths. But there can be problems with the manifestation of live emotions.
Cardinal Air (Libra)
In the life of such a person great importance have communication and exchange of ideas. A person tries to make decisions guided by the ideas of balance and peacefulness. Appreciates smart, diplomatic, soft interlocutors, partnership and is not averse to initiating discussions. Strives to be honest, fair, not to offend anyone. Wants to be refined, strives for the ideal of perfection, beauty and harmony. Somewhat divorced from reality in his judgments, he gives preference to those ideas where he feels harmony, beauty, balance. The type of an esthete, for whom the contemplation and observation of the beauty around is of great importance.
Fixed Water (Scorpio) A person is distinguished by high sensitivity, emotional susceptibility. Inclined to dramatize the situation, showing jealousy or suspicion. Passion. He can play a detective, a detective, either trying to guess a lot about others from small details, or even sticking his nose where they are not asked. Shows an excellent flair for "inconsistencies" and understatement in the stories of others, is set to search for flaws in other people or their theories, testing them "for strength". Appreciates frankness, truth, not flattery. At the same time, he is distinguished by the ability to feel others and empathize with them, he may have the gift of a healer. Shows interest in crisis situations. Appreciates when others change, transform, do not stand still. The mood is subject to change. Interest in the topics of mysticism, magic, sex, deep changes, rebirth. It can show itself well in the field of research, science, the occult, psychology, forensics. Focuses on intuition, but with the possibility of its verification.
Mutable Fire (Sagittarius) The person is expressive, full of enthusiasm. It is easy to inspire, inspire to commit any action. The person himself is also able to "charge" others with ideas. Inclined to spread ideas, loves movement, development, active social interaction, travel, promotion of knowledge. He wants to feel his authority and significance in everyday life, therefore he is impressed when they ask him for advice. Shows independence in way of life and thoughts, likes the idea of ​​development, movement. Enterprising, good as an agitator, distributor of ideas.
Cardinal Earth (Capricorn)
In everyday life, synthetic Capricorn is driven by ambition, a thirst for career success, and leadership. Therefore, such a person will not be comfortable if he does not have a job or some significant business for which he could be responsible. At the same time, the fact that it is difficult for such a person to forget about his ambitions and just relax without doing anything can create a problem. The feeling that he strives for something, achieves it on the material level gives the native a feeling of comfort, the correctness of what is happening. In everyday life, a person is reliable, but tends to take on too much. Probably dryness to the manifestation of lively emotions.
Fixed Air (Aquarius)
Connoisseur of friendly, intellectual communication, seasoned with humor or absurdity. Distinguished by peacefulness, aimed at elitism. He wants to feel like an aristocrat of the spirit, a progressive figure, an original. He talks more than he does. Likes to flash his mind. Shows interest in everything advanced, strange, outrageous, esoteric. Can play the role of a genius or a jester. Most offended if they do not appreciate his communication, sense of humor or intelligence.
Mutable Water (Pisces)
In everyday communication and everyday life, such a person tends to behave quietly, imperceptibly. He focuses primarily on his feelings, intuition, experiences. It is distinguished by high sensitivity, poetry, abilities in music or art. Others may perceive him as a timid person, although this is not necessarily the case. The native gives the impression of a gentle person, perhaps even weak-willed. He may be prone to excessive complaints or, on the contrary, be too silent. Good-natured to others, appreciates peace of mind. Often religious, ideological.

There is such a thing as a synthetic sign. This value is of a very conditional nature, but, nevertheless, is not devoid of indicativeness from the point of view of fundamental algorithms for compiling a horoscope. In short, a synthetic sign is a kind of "summing unit" space position determinant planets in natal chart specific individual. The real sign of the horoscope does not always coincide with the one obtained by astrological synthesis.

The dominant planets in the destiny of a person have a unique energy, and each one has its own. The presence of such a planet in one or another zodiac constellation at the time of birth automatically affects the "power" of the sign. First, it (power) increases many times over. And secondly, significant sign, in fact, becomes a "corrector of fate and character."

Each symbol of the horoscope has a dual nature - it reflects the "elemental" affiliation (to earth, air, fire or water) and indicates its correspondence to the cross (crosses are cardinal, fixed and mutable).

The combination of the cross and the elements is, in fact, the “foundation of the uniqueness” of the sign. You need to understand that individual horoscope is built on the basis of the number of planets in the elements and crosses. At the same time, in any one element and in any one cross there are almost always more “determinants” than in the others, and this “pair” just allows you to “synthesize” the desired sign. Below are astrological interpretations for some of the likely results of the "summation" of the elements and crosses.

Cardinal Earth (synthetic sign Capricorn). The behavioral model is based on ambition and excessive dependence on society. Leadership talents are well developed, so the responsibility of the representatives of the sign does not scare.

Fixed Earth (Taurus). There is a pronounced emphasis on conservatism and self-confidence.

Mutable Earth (synthesized Virgo). "Priority traits" of character can be called professionalism and consistency.

Synthetic sign and what it shows.

Does each of us know our zodiac sign? In fact, this sign is just the sign in which the Sun was on the day of birth. But, firstly, in addition to the Sun, in any horoscope there are other planets. Secondly, they may be in the most different signs. So, as a result of very simple calculations, you can calculate your “synthetically” (as it is called) sign of the Zodiac, which can be manifested in character even more noticeably than the sign in which the Sun is located.

Synthetic signs can be not one, but two or even three. What does it say? This indicates solely that a person does not show a “pure” psychotype. That his nature is more varied. Sometimes the synthetic sign coincides with the solar sign - sometimes not. This is neither bad nor good. Simply, having recognized your synthetic sign, you can answer yourself the question: why am I (for example) Aries, and not at all like those Aries with whom I am familiar.

Yes, this is just a tiny touch to understanding the personality, but still a little more than just knowing your zodiac sign.

With a huge number of on-line astrological programs, it's easy if you know the principle itself.

And the principle of calculations is this.

All signs of the Zodiac can be divided into 4 elements, each of which belongs to 3 signs of the Zodiac:

Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Water - Cancer, Pisces Scorpio.

In addition, there is also a division into so-called crosses. There are three of them, each of which includes 4 zodiac signs:

Cardinal - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

Fixed - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Mutable - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

It can be seen from the figure that in each element there are signs related to each cross. And vice versa, in each cross there are signs of each element.

The following figure shows the icons of the planets from the Sun to Pluto. I cite this information so that in on-line programs, as in any other, everyone who is not familiar with astrosymbols can easily find the position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac that correspond to his horoscope.

As a rule, in on-line astro programs, there are much more symbols than I have given - just ignore them - They are not needed for synthetic sign calculations.

If you don't know your birth time, just check the box and don't worry. The picture will be automatically calculated at noon. To search for your synthetic zodiac sign, this is enough in most cases. But if you know, at least approximately, it is better to set the time in order to avoid errors in calculations due to the Moon - in the morning on some day it can be in one sign, in the evening - in another.

After the picture of the horoscope opens, you will only be interested in this information (highlighted):

Now just fill in the table, indicating how many of the 10 planets were in each sign (for a total of 10):

Now we count in columns and rows, how many turned out to be in each cross, how many, in each element.

And, using Figure 1, we determine our synthetic sign. A synthetic sign will be one that simultaneously:

Dominates by the number of planets in the element to which it refers

Dominates by the number of planets in the cross to which it belongs.

Remember, he may not be alone.

What else will tell the calculations:

1. What is the strongest element in your horoscope

Element(s) scored maximum amount balls are considered dominant, their qualities prevail over others:

strong fire :

gives a person a large number of energy. The owner of such a horoscope experiences a constant thirst for activity, and only very serious obstacles and long periods of failure can temporarily deprive him of his innate optimism. A fiery person is happy to share ideas, energy, and enthusiasm with other people. Activity, determination, pressure.

Strong Earth :

makes a person a materialist, a practitioner who stands firmly on the ground and recognizes only real things. The owner of the earthly horoscope, as a rule, is distinguished by thriftiness, thriftiness, efficiency, the ability to do things with one's own hands, and diligence in financial matters.

strong air :

Sociability and sociability, information and awareness are of high value. Implementation of the connection between ideas and their material embodiment.

Strong Water :

gives a person emotionality, romance, imagination, the ability to synthesize. Thanks to their ability to sympathize and understand other people without words, representatives of the elements of Water play a unifying role in society. They are the very "systemic factor" that makes something whole out of heterogeneous actions. Fantasies of Water give the phenomena depth and perspective.

2. What is the weakest element in your horoscope

Weak Fire : most often expressed in the absence of their own ideas and incentives for action. In principle, a person can be quite active and mobile, but he seems to have no source of energy, and therefore he has to wait until the situation or other people create the prerequisite to manifest himself. As a rule, the manifesting situation can be some kind of stress or a stressful external situation.

Weak Earth : manifests itself as impracticality, isolation from reality. Such people can build any ideas they want, but usually they are unable to realize them on their own.

Weak Air :

makes a person non-contact. He can be very smart, but few people will guess this because of the impossibility of extracting at least two words from such a person. Like an astronaut in a vacuum, the owner of a horoscope with a lack of Air feels isolated and needs the participation of other people.

Weak Water :

manifests itself as a lack of imagination, and therefore closes a person in the framework of dry realistic schemes, deprives him of emotional support and intuitive understanding with others. And also sensitivity, tenderness. These people cry and simply give in to emotions much less than all the others.

3. What is the strongest cross in your horoscope

Strong cardinal cross : typical for initiators, generators of ideas, people taking the first step in a new direction. Difficulty continuing what you started. To do this, they need helpers - representatives of other qualities.

Strong Fixed Cross : makes a person stable, stubborn, patient, capable of concentration and long-term efforts in one direction. The main feature of the owners of a strong fixed quality is constancy.

Strong Mutable Cross :

gives flexibility, adaptability, the ability to navigate the situation, taking into account all its intricacies and nuances. The ability to adapt to any situation, opinion, circumstances.

Such people react even to the weakest external impulses, and therefore are always in action.

4. What is the weakest cross in your horoscope.

Weak Cardinal Cross : can talk about lack of initiative, passivity, fear of innovation.

Weak Fixed Cross : says that a person is unstable, and it is better for him not to take on tasks that take a long time to complete.

Weak Mutable Cross : says that a person does not understand the real conditions, does not know how to maneuver and find the path of least resistance. Decreased adaptability.

And, of course, the synthetic sign or signs themselves. I am sure that if you read their popular characteristics, you will find that there is a lot of “about you” in them.