One day you turn on your computer, and everything seems to be fine, the system unit is running, but the monitor screen is not working. What to do in this situation and how to solve the problem - we will tell you in our article.

To begin with, it is worth saying a few words about diagnostics. It is very important in this case to determine the nature of the problem. If, when you turn on the computer, the monitor does not react in any way, then this means that it does not receive a signal from the computer, but if the monitor reacts to turning on the computer, the indicator shows a connection with it, then the problem is either in the video card or with the monitor itself. If the system itself does not boot, while the BIOS boot is also not displayed on the monitor, then the reason is in the operation of the computer itself.

After such an analysis, proceed to find the reasons for the absence of an image on the monitor and solve this problem.

Why is the monitor not working?

Further, the site site experts will tell you about the most common reasons why the monitor does not turn on or there is no image on the monitor.

When the monitor displays the BIOS loading, but after that a black screen appears and there is no OS startup sound, then reinstall the system.

If the monitor does not work even after all the actions taken, then try connecting it to a laptop or video player to check its performance. If the monitor works when connected to a video player and does not turn on when working with a computer, then the problem is in the video card or in other computer components. If the monitor does not work when connected to another device, take it in for repair. You can also try connecting another monitor to your computer or a modern TV, if the image is there, the problem is in your monitor, if not, then look for the problem in the computer components.

We wish you success in solving this problem, and if you did not manage to solve it, then our specialists will help you with this.

The appearance of a black screen when loading the operating system can at least cause confusion for the user. What is the cause of the malfunction when a black screen appears when you turn on the computer? In this case, there seems to be a launch, but the image itself does not appear (nothing is shown on the monitor). In some cases, even the cursor is missing, there is no signal, and measures must be taken to quickly correct the situation.

Then how to remove the black screen on a working computer when no image appears on it when turned on? First of all, you need to understand what exactly is the cause of the malfunction. The reasons for such a breakdown include technical and software, but in 50% of cases the user himself is to blame due to his inattention, and sometimes simple lack of knowledge.

An example from life. Bought a motherboard with an integrated graphics card. An optional external graphics card has been purchased to increase gaming performance. When building the PC, everything was connected correctly and worked perfectly. Further, after cleaning or transferring the system unit, the wires were disconnected and reconnected incorrectly. The wire from the monitor, instead of an external video card, turned out to be connected to the built-in one (VGA or DVI connectors are the same on all devices). Naturally, the PC was configured to work with an external video card and it simply would not start with the built-in one. Inattention or ignorance? Draw your own conclusions.

The technical reasons why the monitor does not turn on, the cursor is not visible and there are no standard boot labels are as follows:

  • The PC is switched to the mode for working with an external monitor (in this case, the absence of a signal is relevant for laptops).
  • Loop malfunction (also a problem that is relevant only for laptops).
  • Video card failure.
  • The cable was connected to the wrong connector.
  • The cable that connects the system unit and the monitor comes off - again, a black screen appears after loading.
  • The power is off at the monitor, so it does not start, nothing appears on the screen, not even the cursor.
  • Monitor malfunction.

Software malfunctions that lead to the fact that a black screen does not turn on when the monitor computer starts up include:

  • The presence of a virus malware that prevents the computer from performing work. It is because of it that a black screen is shown on the monitor.
  • Inappropriate screen resolution.
  • Your computer's graphics card has an incorrect refresh rate.
  • Incorrect operation of the OS loader or drivers.

Solving technical problems

To solve problems technical plan how to remove the black screen, it would be wise to use the following action plan:

  1. It is required to make sure that Personal Computer included. To do this, the presence of working light signals, the sound of a working cooler is checked. The cursor does not appear.
  2. It is checked whether the cables connecting to the system unit, the power cables to the monitor are connected, and whether the button on the monitor is turned on.
  3. If a black screen occurs when the computer is turned on, then a check is made of the place where the cable is connected to the socket. If necessary, you can reconnect the cable.
  4. If the computer uses an integrated and external video card, then you need to check which of these devices is connected to the monitor. You may need to switch the cord to a different jack.

Laptops almost always provide an output to connect an external monitor. If, when starting the laptop, the sound of coolers is heard, which is accompanied by a black screen on the computer, then it is likely that the mode of working with external monitors has been launched on purpose or by accident. On the keyboard, you should find the function keys for controlling the operation of an external monitor and try to turn on the internal display.

The F7 key turns on/off the internal screen, and the F8 key controls the combination of output to the internal/external monitor of the laptop. They must be pressed at the same time as the function key, which is usually labeled Fn.

Different modes of operation are switched by sequentially pressing the following key combination: Fn and F8. Considering the question of how to remove the black screen, you can try this method if the laptop's internal monitor was accidentally turned off.

If you are sure that the black screen with the cursor is caused precisely by technical problems, and the above steps did not help you resolve the issue, there is still no signal, then you should contact the repair company or service center. In this case, you are unlikely to be able to fix the problem yourself.

Solving Software Crash Issues

If you encounter a black screen after turning on your computer due to malware or a software glitch, then it is recommended that you follow these steps:

  1. Try booting the operating system in safe mode. If you succeeded, then you need to continue to follow the steps below. If not, then the only option would be to boot the operating system using external media.
  2. When the operating system is loaded in safe mode, it is worth checking the refresh rate and screen resolution settings. If the computer monitor has not been turned on before, then they need to be replaced with the correct ones.
  3. Then the video card drivers are updated. Although safe mode is also used, this should be done using the device manager.
  4. If the monitor on the computer turned on for a long time, then you need to launch the anti-virus program and carefully scan the PC for the possibility of infection with malicious software. Ruthlessly destroy all files that pose a threat.
  5. After completing all the steps, the computer should be restarted.

When the monitor turns on, immediately turns off, or a black screen occurs after switching to a new monitor, you need to do the following:

  1. The old monitor is connected to the computer.
  2. The screen resolution is set to the minimum and the refresh rate is set to 60 Hz. This is done in a special graphics card driver utility or in the display properties.
  3. The computer is connected to a new monitor. Now you need to adjust the screen resolution and frequency under new display.

There are times when, with the complete technical health of the computer, the above steps do not help solve the question of what to do if the computer has a black screen. In this case, you can contact the experts. Some malware is only detected manually, while antivirus programs will be useless.

Unusual Reasons

What to do if the black screen is not caused by technical or software means? A black screen may appear due to the banal inattention of users, which sometimes reach the point of absurdity. Before starting the search for complex causes of the problem, it is worth checking your attentiveness:

  • Could you deliberately or accidentally reduce the brightness of the monitor to a minimum? Then you can’t say that the monitor turned on for 2 seconds and goes out, but the image itself is missing.
  • Do the metal parts of the PC “short”? Static electricity can get on computer cases. The device will start shutting down suddenly for the user, even when booting up. This problem is often caused by touching the body of elements that conduct current, or a large accumulation of dust inside the system unit.
  • It is worth listening to the sound of the cooler. Does the fan work, are there any unusual sounds? Often, due to a malfunction of the cooling system, a sudden shutdown of the PC occurs. To avoid such a problem, the computer must be kept clean. It should not be leaned with a cooler against cabinets, walls and should not be placed near batteries.

The problem of a black screen appearing when turning on the computer is solved by fixing a specific error. If you check the case for the passage of static voltage, turn up the brightness or replace the cooler, the problem can be solved.

In any case, the appearance of a black screen should not lead the user to panic. In a fit of fear or bewilderment, you can only aggravate the situation. You can’t knock on the system unit and monitor, this will not solve the problem, but it can even completely disable the computer. It is still not recommended to disassemble the system unit yourself and switch the wires in it if you do not have experience in fixing it, and you do not know how the computer works.

Why is my computer monitor not working? It is difficult to answer this question in one sentence, since the links of the chain and their interconnections, which are involved in displaying the picture on the monitor, are quite tangled and intertwined. Missing picture on computer monitor can be caused not only by a non-working monitor, but also by the video signal conversion system itself, and its transmission from the computer to the monitor. Problems with the functioning of the computer's video system can be caused by a malfunction of the monitor, video card, motherboard failure, incorrect installation of drivers, or incorrect settings of the video system. In this article, we will try to figure out what problems the user has to face if the computer seems to turn on, but the monitor screen does not show anything.

If after turning on the computer, there is no image on the screen, then first of all check if the "Power" button is pressed and if the indicator on the monitor panel is on. Sometimes users accidentally turn off the monitor with the button on its panel, and since it almost never turned off with the button, they forget about this property of the monitor in general, and think that the monitor is broken.

If at any position of the on / off button of the monitor, the indicator does not change its color or does not light up at all, then the problem is clearly in the monitor. The maximum that can be done in this case is to check the operability of the power cable (it is best to take a known working one from another device). You can try using the cable from the computer itself, after turning it off with the button on the power supply. Before de-energizing the computer, turn it off by holding the “Power” button on the system unit on the front side for 5 seconds. This shutdown is softer and preferable. After that, you can throw the toggle switch on the power supply itself from the back of the system unit. It should be noted that some computer power supplies are not equipped with a blackout toggle switch, so it may not be on the back of the computer. If changing the cables did not help to light the “Power” button, the problem lies inside the monitor case and it is better to immediately contact a monitor repair service center.

If the indicator responds to turning on, but the image does not appear, pay attention to whether the color tone of the monitor screen changes when the Power button is turned on. In operating mode, a completely black LCD monitor becomes slightly brighter a few seconds after turning on. The change from black to dark gray, also almost black, but lighter, is clearly visible if there is no lighting in the room where the monitor is installed, that is, it is dark. Check the brightness and contrast levels. Sometimes, because of these levels, the user does not see the picture and thinks that the monitor is broken, and someone just played a joke on it, removed all the levels to zero. For some monitors, when turned on in the absence of a video signal from the computer, pops up standby message about the absence of a signal.

If your monitor shows signs of life when turned on or shows on-duty messages about the absence of a video signal from the computer's video card, that is, the monitor works, but does not show the usual pictures of BIOS boot or Windows boot, then the following malfunctions are possible:

The monitor's video signal cable has failed, so the monitor does not turn on, but the system unit works. No signal is sent to the monitor via the VGA cable, and the monitor, not seeing a signal from the computer, accordingly does not turn on the screen and does not display anything. Carefully inspect the cable that carries the signal from the system unit. Special attention pay attention to the pins on the connector - they often bend and cause signal loss. When aligning a bent pin, be very careful - they break very easily. Again, try using a working video cable to connect the problem monitor. When replacing the cable, be sure to completely turn off the computer and monitor, respectively.

Classic VGA cable with 15 pins (D-Sub 15).

The monitor does not light up when the computer boots and at the same time, two video cards are installed in the system unit. If the system has two video adapters, that is, two video cards, try connecting the monitor to the connector of another video card. There is a possibility that the BIOS settings incorrectly specify the primary device where you want to output the video signal. The number of video cards in a computer is easy to determine by counting the video outputs on the back of the system unit. The option where to send the video signal can be changed in the BIOS settings.

Two video cards.
View from the back of the computer.

There is no image on the monitor because the video card is faulty. It is easier to check the performance of the video adapter by connecting it to a known working system unit, to a working motherboard. Some of the faults are determined by the computer self-diagnosis (POST), as evidenced by a series of beeps after the computer starts. If, after inserting the video card under test into a working system unit, the BIOS test produces a series of beeps, therefore, the video card is faulty. Be careful before inserting the video card under test into a working system unit, not all video cards are the same and not all are suitable for different motherboards in terms of connector type. Make sure that the tested video card is supported by the donor system unit. To do this, you can read the description of the motherboard and video card on the manufacturer's website or in the booklet that comes with the motherboard.

Monitor may not work if the computer motherboard is faulty. If the motherboard fails, the POST procedure (primary device test when the computer is turned on, when the BIOS starts) may not pass and may not produce any signals. The successful completion of the self-diagnosis procedure is usually indicated by one short beep of the built-in speaker, if it is not there, then most likely it is the motherboard. If there are no signals at all, no, not a short signal, not a series of signals indicating the absence or malfunction of the video card, then most likely the motherboard itself has broken. If the motherboard breaks down, the computer coolers can rotate properly, simulating the seemingly correct operation of the system unit. In the event of a motherboard failure, only a computer repair service will most likely help.

The monitor does not turn on, although the computer is noisy when power is turned on. There may be a problem with the processor. When the processor fails, there is no image on the monitor when the computer is turned on, but the coolers spin properly, as if the computer is working. The motherboard may give out a certain series of beeps, reporting a non-working processor, or it may not give out, here, once at a time it’s not necessary.

So you have computer turns on but monitor does not display an image. At the same time, you are confident in your abilities and you have experience in repairing a computer, you imagine how a computer works and which part of it is responsible for what, then you may well try to repair it yourself, without the help of a computer service. But if you are not confident in your actions and do not understand well what you need to notice in the system unit, then instead of repairing or replacing one part of the computer, you may have to repair two, or maybe three or four parts that you will damage with your inept actions .

The other day my sister came to me and asked me to pick up a new monitor. I was surprised - why? Two years ago there was a great 24-inch Samsung. The answer was that it broke. The symptom is that the monitor does not turn on when the computer is turned on. Buying a new display is quite a costly business at today's salaries, so I decided to first conduct an independent diagnosis and make a small instruction on what to do if there is no image on the screen when starting the computer. I hope that it will be useful to many.

1. Does the monitor work?

The first thing to do is to find out if the display itself works at all or not. Of course, you can take it to friends or neighbors and connect it to their computer. But there is an easier way and it is relevant in almost 99% of cases. Its meaning is as follows. We take and disconnect the monitor from the computer, and then turn it on. The message “Check the signal cable”, or “No signal”, or something else should appear on the screen, but the main thing is that at least some informational message should appear.

This indicates that the device is in good working order. The reason for the lack of an image on the screen is something else.

2. Checking the cable

You have to deal with cheap low quality DVI and HDMI cables. First, try simply unplugging it from both devices and plugging it back in. Did not help?

Check the plugs themselves - whether they are damaged, whether the contacts are bent by chance. Carefully inspect the cable itself for damage.

Try switching video inputs via the display menu. Sometimes it may happen that due to a malfunction, it will default to using a different connector. You can also try resetting it to factory settings.

For example, in our case, it was pinched by a table. In the end, instead of buying a new monitor, we bought a new HDMI cable for 300 rubles and solved the problem!

3. The reason is in the computer!

After we have checked and excluded the monitor and cable as working, we need to proceed to the system unit diagnostics. You ask - how to do this if there is no image on the monitor when you turn on the computer? The easiest way, of course, is to pick up a system unit and go with him to visit friends. Plug it in and check it out. But we are not looking for simple ways and will test everything on the spot!

We need to understand whether the computer starts up fully and whether the operating system has loaded on the PC or not. We do this because sometimes, when the power supply or motherboard breaks down, the computer seems to turn on, buzz, the fans spin, but that's it. Personally, I do this: I wait about 2-3 minutes until Windows should finally load and just briefly press the power button once. After that, the computer should turn off within a couple of minutes. This normal work operating system. If this does not happen, you need to carefully check the system unit.

The most difficult thing is when the computer turns on normally and the operating system starts, but the monitor does not turn on. Try pressing the WIN+P key combination. It changes the image projection modes on the second monitor. Even if you have only one, you should never forget that the OS could simply glitch.

Video card problem

Turn off the PC, remove the cover and find the video card (the monitor cable is included in it). Carefully remove it from the socket. Do not forget about the lock, which must be taken aside. Otherwise, you will not be able to pull out the adapter. After that we stick it back. Why did we do this? The fact is that now Windows must re-identify it and install the driver. This will prevent us from malfunctioning. software video adapter. The OS will first start with a universal driver, and only then it will install the one that is most suitable.

If the motherboard has an integrated video card, then you can try switching the monitor to it. Once I encountered the fact that the motherboard itself switched to an integrated adapter and began to completely ignore the discrete one.

P.S.: If none of my advice helped you, then most likely the monitor does not turn on due to a more complex and insidious problem. This will be clarified after a thorough diagnosis, which is best done by a specialist.

The computer screen may not turn on for a variety of reasons. And you can determine them by the stages of loading a computer. For example, if the download stops at the stage of turning on the screen, that is, it does not react at all to the power supply, then the matter is either in serious damage to the video card or in an incorrect connection. If the download reaches the stage of the operating system, but then for some reason the display turns off, then the drivers, the video card, and the operating system may be to blame. Failures in the operation of one of them can cause failures in the operation of the screen. Next, we will take a closer look at why the monitor may fail, and what to do if it does not work.

What to do if the monitor does not turn on due to connection or system unit problems

Well, now let's take a closer look at why the monitor may not start when you turn on the computer, and what to do about it.

The monitor does not turn on when the computer is turned on due to lack of connection to the system unit or network

For all its simplicity, this is the most common reason why the screen may refuse to work.

It consists in a corny unconnected power cable or the lack of a reliable connection to the computer connector. The problem is either total absence signs of life, or a dash on the screen, indicating that there is no connection to the video card. This explains why when you turn on the computer, the monitor does not turn on.

To fix the problem, you must first check the connection to the mains. Then you should look at the cable leading from the screen to the system unit. If the cable is VGA or DVI, then it usually contains screws that keep the fastening secure. Make sure they are tight and not loose. Other types of cables are usually simply plugged into the connector.

When you turn on the computer, the monitor does not turn on for a long time due to cable damage

Cable damage is the most unpredictable situation. The monitor may sometimes work, sometimes not, depending on the position of the cable, it does not turn on and the lights do not light up. Also, it may not show signs of life at all or turn on after a short period of time. You can check if the problem is really in the cable by connecting another cable. It is unlikely that you will be able to fix the cable on your own, especially VGA or DVI, so you will have to change it to a new one.

No signal on the monitor when turning on the computer due to damaged connectors

One of the hardest cases. If the connector on the monitor itself or the video card is damaged, then there's nothing to be done - you have to carry it to the service or buy a new display with a card.

Well, if the card is the main one, and you can switch the screen to the built-in one. But if it was the only port, and even an integrated card, then there is definitely a service.

The computer turns on, but there is no image on the monitor due to hardware damage

Hardware problems inside the system unit are a serious threat. Actually, this may include a bunch of problems due to which the monitor will not turn on when the computer boots. Even improper mounting of the processor can affect this. But such a reason is rare, but we will consider the most common problems.

Power supply failure

Here you can conditionally divide the trouble into two parts: the PC power supply does not work at all, or it is too weak for the video card. In the first case, the monitor does not turn on at all when starting the PC.

In the second, the computer can behave generally unpredictably - it either does not turn on at all, or reboots when the system boots, or simply crashes in “heavy” games. In any case, the only way to fix the problem is to completely replace the power supply.

RAM problems

Most often, the monitor does not turn on due to memory problems after assembling or cleaning the computer. In particular, after being installed in its slot, it may not be securely fixed, as a result of which there is no contact. This is manifested by the incomplete loading of the system.

That is, it comes to the BIOS, which conducts self-diagnosis, finds a malfunction and does not allow the system as a whole to start. To fix, you just need to check if the memory bar is installed correctly, or pull it out and reinsert it until the fasteners close.

Video card problems

With a video card, the situation is similar to RAM. That is, if the connection density of the contacts is insufficient, the BIOS will also detect a malfunction in the same way and will not allow the system to start. The malfunction technology is similar - pull out and reinstall the video card.

The computer does not see the monitor due to software failures

Programmatic problems are the easiest to fix, because here you can handle it on your own. In this type of problems, failures in the operating system most often predominate.

They can be different nature- violation of the integrity of drivers, viruses or incorrectly set screen parameters. This may explain why the monitor does not turn on when you turn on the computer. In any case, the whole category of such problems is characterized by loading to the system. That is, Windows can start loading and immediately go into a reboot, shut down, or simply stop displaying data, while the PC will continue to function.

Monitor setup

This is rare, but even now you can find displays that do not support some of the resolutions and frequencies at which the video card works.

Screen adjustment is carried out by means of Windows

If you set the screen to one of the unsupported modes, you can reboot and find that the screen, having reached the system boot stage, simply turns off. The security mode of the operating room will help you recover Windows systems, which can usually be reached by pressing the F8 key at the start of the system boot.

This is what the system boot options look like

To begin with, it is worth setting smallest value permissions to try to run for sure. And only then, when loading, install a comfortable one for yourself. It is also worth looking at the settings of the screen itself, which are controlled directly by its buttons. It may also happen that the screen brightness has been turned to a minimum.

Reinstalling drivers

Driver is special program, a set of instructions for the operating system to understand how to properly handle the device. Drivers are developed by the hardware manufacturer.

And if for some reason there was a failure in the video card driver, then the display will not continue to work at the system boot stage. Reinstalling the drivers will help fix the problem. This is done quite simply. First you need to go into safe mode. This special set system settings, in which all installed drivers are inactive, and the work is done by the operating system itself. You can boot into this mode for almost any problem. Yes, and the system sometimes itself offers to do this if the PC was shut down abnormally. You can force the mode to be activated by pressing F8 at the start of the operating system.

While in safe mode, you need to go to the "Task Manager" and find your video card. They are usually located in the "Display adapters" section. By expanding the item, you can see a list of all adapters installed in the system. Here you need to select your main video card, right-click on it and select "Update Drivers".

The system will offer to search for drivers automatically on the Internet or select prepared drivers on the computer. It remains just to specify the file and wait for the installation to complete. If there is an installation disk in the kit, then everything is much simpler - just insert it into the drive and start "Autorun".

Then simply install the drivers by following the suggested steps of the installer.

Reinstalling the operating system

This is the best approach to use if nothing else has worked. Install operating system Now, perhaps even children can. Naturally, during the process, various nuances and problems may arise that have to be solved.

If we describe in detail the entire process of installing the system with all the nuances, then its volume will be approximately the same as these two articles. Therefore, the only thing that can be advised if you want to reinstall the system, but are afraid of losing data, it is better to trust knowledgeable people.

When you turn on the computer, the monitor does not work due to its own malfunction

The monitor itself may stop working for reasons beyond our control. It can be a power surge, material fatigue, or just a failure of some electronic component. This may explain why the monitor does not work when you turn on the computer. At home, fixing a broken monitor is unlikely to succeed. Of course, if you are an experienced service center employee, you can handle the monitor repair yourself. But most people are ordinary users. Therefore, it remains only to correctly diagnose the problem and transfer the device to a service center.