Yuliana Galyamova
Scenario musical fairy tale on new way"Morozko"

Scenario of a musical fairy tale new way« Morozko»


1. Suits: costume Morozko,

stepmother's costume, Marfushka's costume, Nastenka's costume, Matvey's costume, costumes buffoons(2 pcs., costume of Lady Grandmother - Ezhki.

2. Attributes: bed, table, chair, tablecloth, coffee pot, cup and saucer, oven, chest, bench; imitation snow-covered mountain, two Christmas trees, wicker fence.


2 buffoons

Lady Babka-Ezhka



The song is playing fairy tale

buffoons: Good afternoon, invited and welcome guests.

We are glad to see you in our tower.

Again fairy tale knocking to visit us,

IN fairy tale anything can happen

We don't know everything in advance.

Again over fairy tale laugh and cry, what will be there in the foggy distance?

Maybe things turn out differently

take a closer look see a fairy tale!

Old woman: Nastenka! Nastenka (Goes out to scene. Nastenka knits).

What are you doing, sweetie?

Nastenka: I knit stockings for Marfushenka. You yourself ordered.

Old woman: I ordered to knit, but I didn’t order to knock with knitting needles, honey. You will wake up Marfushenka-darling.

Nastenka: Can you hear it through the wall?

Old woman: How can you not hear? And Marfushenka-darling dozed all day long, did not break her back. Now she can wake up from the most silent rustle. Here, sweetie, you will knit. The moon shines brightly and is not audible, and it is not hot (leaves).

buffoons: Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman. And they had two daughters.

One daughter of the old man was dear,

For the grandmother, the second was native.

Beautiful, modest old man was the daughter,

And she was always willing to help everyone.

They knew about her diligence in the village

And even the needlewoman was nicknamed.

Marfusha appears, chewing a French loaf.

(to the motive "Be or not be")

Where are my slippers, where are my T-shirts?

No one washed an elegant sweater, you didn’t cook my favorite kissel for me, I can’t do it - I’ll die of hunger!

Be or don't be, do something.

Be or not be, be or not be.

Marfushka sits down to the mirror, looks into it.

The stepmother approaches Marfusha and admires her.

Stepmother: Oh, you are my berry. Princess, as there is a princess. (rubs Marfusha's cheeks with beets) No, not a princess. Princess!

Nastenka in reply: Here are your slippers, here are your T-shirts,

She ironed the jacket, washed the linen.

I cooked the soup, fried the meat,

A bun with compote has been in the kitchen for a long time.


I've been looking at you all day

How tired I am of this!

Everything is easy for you

It always turns out!

Everyone praises, they say: "How wonderful!"

I hate to even listen!

Marfushka sits down, turns away. The stepmother comes out.

Don't cry, my beauty!

Don't cry, my darling!

I came up with something

Come listen to me!"

Hey Matthew come here.


Stepmother: I woo Marfushenka, I woo, and everyone looks at the damned Nastya. Take her to the forest, useless, out of sight the snake under the pit.

Matvey: Sit down, dear daughter, in the sleigh. Oh, Nastenka! My beloved daughter!

Forgive me your weak-willed father!

Nastenka: What are you, father

Matvey: Eh, my little blood (puts Nastenka in a sleigh, carries in a hill with Christmas trees. At the hill

Nastenka jumps down and hides behind the Christmas trees)

No, Nastenka, this will not happen! Was their top, ours will be! (turns around and drives home)

Skomorschhi: Weeks flew by, blizzards flew in, the old man took his own daughter to the thicket of the forest, not of his own free will, but at the behest of his stepmother.

And now the time has come fabulous wonders.

And in that reserved forest our aunt lived

Oh, the cheerful girl Grandmother-hedgehog was that!

A young, energetic Baba Yaga appears (to the tune of "Lady Perfection")

I always easily and simply go out to the crossroads,

Geese-swans stand motionless in a row, and bears roar about my beauty!

Lady wat from yo name?

Lady - Baba Ezhka (2 times)

I am perfection itself, I am perfection itself

From a smile to a gesture - beyond praise.

Oh what a blessing, oh what a blessing

To know that I am perfection, to know that I am ideal.

Lady - Baba Ezhka (3 times, lady!

Matvey, heartbroken, walks through the forest towards Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Oh, he came, not dusty. What are you, Matvey wandering around here, making my forest sad? Ali what happened?

Matvey: The old woman decided to kill my daughter, Nastenka from the world. Take her, take her, - he says, - wherever you want, so that my eyes do not see her! Take her to the forest, to the crackling freezing.

Baba Yaga: (shakes head and twirls finger at temple) Other old women are also fools, but still not like that. It's necessary own daughter drag into the forest. grandfather Frost for fun, hungry wolves for reprisal.

Matvey: So I

Baba Yaga: (interrupts him) I do, I do.

Old man: Shut up, shut up.

Baba Yaga: Eh, old, head with a hole! Let's go quickly to look for Nastenka, to help us out of trouble! Nastenka is sitting under the Christmas tree, rubbing her nose and cheeks with her hands.

Appears Morozko. He sees Nastya, goes up to her and shakes her shoulder.

Waking up, or maybe dreaming? What is the girl doing here?

Are you warm, girl, are you warm red?

Nastenka: Warmly, father, warmly Frost.

Morozko: (Frost runs around the Christmas trees catching cold). Are you warm, girl, are you warm red?

Nastenka: Warmly, father, warmly Frost.

Morozko: What are you doing here? Ali what happened?

Nastenka: I do not reproach my dear father

Here I sit in the forest and freeze.


One? In a dense forest? In such freezing?

What a joke! Or are you serious?

You can't do without my help!

Just work a little for me!


Ready to hear your request!

What need to do?


Yes, embroider a handkerchief!

Snow Maiden my beauty.

You choose a scarf more beautiful.


I will embroider a handkerchief of wondrous beauty!

I'm sure you'll be happy!


Snowflakes come out to help

beautiful white thread bring.

The dance of the snowflakes.

(Frosty sits on a stump)


Morozko, here is a handkerchief for the Snow Maiden.


Thank you, Handy Lady.

The scarf is just amazing! As I like.

Thank you! Made me feel better! You certainly deserve a gift!

He gives the casket and Nastenka goes backstage.

buffoons: The old man went into the forest, reached a large spruce, and there his daughter was sitting, cheerful, ruddy, in a sable coat, in gold and silver. The old man was delighted to put all the goods in the sled and took his daughter.

Scene in Nastya's house. The stepmother and Marfusha are fussing around the Christmas tree.

Sing to the motive "Malinki" Accident:

At the Christmas tree, at the Christmas tree, prickly needles We will decorate green needles with tinsel!

We sing enough, now we will live. Without Nastya there will be happiness, without Nastya it’s good!

Skomorokh 1

old man's daughter expensive gifts lucky.

Skomorokh 2

And no one marries an old woman's daughter.

Shh! Look what they came up with!

Grandma drives away buffoons.

Nastenka and Matvey come out.

All dressed up! I'm going to die out of anger

As if she didn’t go to the forest, but to visit!


Oh mama! well, how! What is this!

I want these gifts too!

You would take me to the forest as soon as possible,

I'll get nicer clothes.

The stepmother puts on a scarf, a fur coat on Marfushka and sends her to the forest.


Here is the cold! All frozen!

If there were no gifts, I would sit at home!

Appears Morozko.

Hello, hello girl!

Hello beauty!


right, Freezing, beautiful

Everyone can like it.


Is it good to be in the forest in winter?


I can't wait to go home!

Give me gifts too

Yes, more beautiful, more expensive.


What do you want?


Beads, rings in silver,

Dresses, coat, mittens,

Yes, more than my sister.


You deserve gifts

Knit a scarf for the Snow Maiden.

What would be faster

I will give help to birds and animals.


Are you out of your mind?

I can't knit!

Tie yourself if you want

It's not my concern!


You are not friends with needlework.

Maybe this is how you can serve me:

You cheer me up, dance and dance.


Well, you set the task

I almost cry from boredom

Everyone is wondering what to do!

I'd rather sit here

I'll look for fun.


I want to give you a riddle

And you try to guess.

Clubfoot, sleeps in a den during the winter. ?


It's a bear

I knew it!


Okay, at least I guessed the riddle.


Enough! I'm tired, you know!

Give me gifts quickly!


Since you are worried about the hotels,

You will get everything you deserve!

Leave, Marfushka with a chest.

Daughter long gone something

Here comes the worries!

Or maybe there are so many gifts,

What help is needed now.

Skomorokh 1

The old man's daughter will soon get married.

Skomorokh 2

And the old woman's daughter will not come from the forest.

You are slandering my daughter!

I ask you to leave the house!

Marfushka and Morozko.


Tired! It's just hot!

Brought a chest of gifts.

(opens chest)

Yes, what is it?

After all, there are no gifts at all!


No gifts there for the rich?

Work and pay!


There are many in the world fairy tales

sad and funny

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

Let the heroes fairy tales

They give us warmth

May goodness forever

Evil wins!

Us it only remains to say

Thank you all for your attention!

Well, we part with you until a new date!

Literary competition "Tales of Santa Claus" - Nomination "Tale in verse"
Smirnova Marina Yurievna
Fairy tale "Morozko" in a new way.
(New Year's theatrical performance in 4 acts)
Old man
Old woman
Ivan Tsarevich
baba yaga
Action 1.
Narrator: The action of the tale begins in the room of an old man and an old woman who are sitting and drinking tea. The old woman's own daughter Marfushka has just woken up and sits preening herself in front of the mirror. She listens to the player, and Nastenka at this time passes by, sweeping the floors. (PAUSE)
Old man (talking):
Oh, old woman, life passes,
The daughter is not getting married.
Where can we find a groom?
Old woman:
What are you whispering?
I'm deaf!
Old man (shouting):
Where can we find a groom?
(hearing the cry of the old people):
What are you shouting? I don't understand!
(stomping foot)
I want a cool phone!
So-so! ..
You will equip Nastya
Yes, go ahead…
I don't care if it's cold...
That he pinches his ears, nose.
Old man:
What are you daughter...
Are you serious?
Yes! Seriously…
The day has come. All around white.
Old woman:
What? I can't hear you well!
You speak louder to me...
What do you want, fiance?
Where to take it? Ha! Ha!
Hey you, Nastya, get dressed,
Yes, this time, go to the forest.
Without cool phone
Do not return to this house!
How, my father, light!?
This is certain death!
Old man:
Oh! Oh! Nastenka! I'd be glad
But Marfushechka does not ...
Be careful dear...
You have a long way to go .. You better Marfushechka Bring the telephone ...
Action 2.
Nastenka put on what she had at hand and went. Going out into the street, she shudders and goes wherever her eyes look, since there is no road, only fir-trees and pines. And the road is a long one - to a store where none other than her "majesty" Baba Yaga sells. Nastenka is walking, but the snow is deep, it gets stuck in snowdrifts, it's cold. Suddenly he sees a peg in a snowdrift, and she touched it. And it was the staff of Moroz Ivanovich, he has been looking for it in the forest for a week, but he cannot find it. Nastenka touched her and froze. The staff was magical.
Frost is coming, upset, soon New Year, Christmas trees in hoarfrost must be dressed, but there is no staff. Suddenly he saw a girl, and in her hands she had her lost staff.
Morozko (upset, running around Nastenka, worried):
Here I am a fool, here is sclerosis!
Here are Santa Claus!
After all, a beautiful girl,
You can't come back to life...
Who's my staff at took his hands,
He bewitched himself...
What should I do?
What do i do?
Maybe ask your grandmother?
Grandma-hedgehog is my sister.
I'll take you to her...
Only now she will tell
Yes, in a related way he will say
How can I revive you.
Frost takes Nastenka in his arms and carries him away.
Action 3.
Narrator: And Frost Ivanovich carried the girl to Baba Yaga's shop. In the store, Baba Yaga sold not only "LIVING WATER", but also "DEAD WATER", as well as telephones cellular communication, because I did not want to lag behind life. She also has eau de toilette, cosmetics for young people, and New Year's gifts. After all, the New Year is coming soon, and guests rarely come in, because they are afraid of the old frog.
Baba Yaga:
What did you come with, Moroz Ivanovich?
What did you bring for the New Year?
Are there not enough gifts?
Did something happen?
Yes, it happened! Here's the trouble!
It's impossible without you!
Help! Be kind
All power is yours...
Give advice on how to return
Virgin beauty?
Baba Yaga (gives " living water»):
It's simple, here's the water.
You're nowhere without her!
Only she will bring her back
To a world where happiness and love!
Frost sprinkles Nastenka with "Water of Life" from a bottle.
Nastenka (looking around):
What's wrong with me? Where am I?
Who are you people, gentlemen!?
I am Frost, the old culprit.
Nearly killed you
My magical staff.
But as a reward from me
You will also receive wealth
And the groom.
Ivan Tsarevich (appears on the threshold of the hut):
Hello honest people.
I was thrown here
The map is incomprehensible.
Explain how to find
Damned hut.
Took me all away
Beauty card.
I downloaded from the internet...
Uploaded to my phone...
Oh my God! Here she is!
That's who I was looking for!
This is what I dreamed about!
Here is who will be my wife
For many years!
Here, sister
Here, girl
And the bridegroom himself came to you,
And on the way did not get dusty!
Baba Yaga:
Here are the telephone numbers for you, dear guests!
Choose, choose! Meet the New Year!
Action 4.
Narrator: Guests choose gifts and satisfied, accompanied by Frost, leave. (PAUSE) Soon Nastenka and Ivan Tsarevich returned to the old man and the old woman. Seeing them happy and with gifts, Marfushka forgot about the phone and New Year's gifts, rushed to Baba Yaga, but ... on the way she met not Frost, but a robber.
Well, girl, how are you?
What are you looking for?
Groom? Haha!
Don't dream and forget!
And come up with something
Not to fall in the eyes
And follow me
Now… you are in my arms.
There was nothing left for Marfushka but to obey the Robber. And Nastenka and Ivan soon got married. The old woman and the old man grieved for their missing daughter, but they forgot, because there were old ones. And Marfushka soon became the leader of the robbers, subjugated all of them.
Here is the end of the fairy tale
And who listened - well done!
(The artists bowed to the guests and left the stage)

Description: The scenario of Morozko's fairy tale in a new way (for adults). Suitable in the form of a comic scene for a New Year's corporate party.



On the stage are the scenery of winter, a winter village in one corner and a winter pond in the forest in the other. Music from Alsou's song "Winter" sounds.

A light source appears on the stage, it illuminates the scenery of the room in the house in the foreground. A stove with Dunyasha lying on it. Nastenka sets the table. The stepmother is watering the ficus. Father comes in from the street with firewood.

Dunyasha gnaws seeds on the stove, the peel falls on the floor. Nastenka does not see.


Mom, look! Nastya is sleeping!
She is not needed in the house!
Let him go, idrit-Madrid,
Since it is strong to slow down!

Stepmother, turns around:

That's right, an extra mouth!
In vain she lives in the house!
Hey father! Take her
You see, a slacker lives here!

The father has been on his back all this time. Not understanding who they are talking about, he tries to get Dunyasha out.


Oh, you brake, what a life!
Take Nastya to the forest!

The light flickers, during this time the scenery changes. Nastenka is walking through the forest. Sasha Kurgan's song "Winter" is playing. Nastenka sings along with the singer's voice. Her voice is hoarse.


Evil stepmother again
Decided to get out of the house.
I'm used to that.
Not the first time, I'll come home.

Out on the lake. The lake is covered with ice. In the middle of the lake stands Grandfather in a long red fur coat. There is a small hole in front of him. An icebreaker, a drill and a bucket are lying nearby. This is Morozko.


No, today is the day of misfortune.
Don't catch anyone.
There will be rest today, then.
OK. The world matters most.

Nastenka approaches Morozko:

Grandfather! Grandpa! Do you hear?
Don't breathe in vain!

Frost jumps up and turns around.


Oh, dear girl.
Why are you crying like that, dear?


I say maggot is frozen.


A! In fishing, I see, you rummage?

Nastenka looks into the hole:

And your food is not good,
You would follow him back.


Indeed, I confess.
This is my joint, baby.
And I'm surprised at you.
Are you cold, do you hear?


No, Morozko, not frozen.
Your forest is beautiful.
It's a pity you caught me late
It's impossible without food.


Your good words
Even if you're offended.
Take your fur coat
This is a mink. Sheared.


Thank you, here is a bow (bows).
Started to get cold.

Wears a coat. They say goodbye, and Nastenka goes back home.

In the house, Stepmother and Dunyasha do not let her in at first.


Well, okay, I'll wait.
I won't freeze in a fur coat.
I will wander around the village.
It's easy for me.

The stepmother takes her home, she and Dunyasha look at the fur coat.


Dunyasha, look how noble the fur coat is!
Go into the woods and walk like her!


Mother! Well this is masochism!
Cold and scary!


Do you want a fur coat? So take it!
It is safe!

The lights are flashing, the scenery is changing. Now Dunyasha is walking through the forest.

The song "Winter" by the group "Melnitsa" is playing.

Dunyasha, kicking snow on the road:

What song did I get?
And the words are about nothing!
How much longer do I have to walk?
Where is this reservoir?

Out on the lake. Morozko with a fishing rod is standing with his back to her.

Dunyasha goes around him and shouts:

Here's grandpa! You won't get through.
Are you handing out coats?

Frost jumps.


Well, dear, so scream?
To scare the elderly?


Grandfather, I look, you are rude.
Give me a fur coat, immediately, do you hear?


Here comes the rude one.
Get out you home!
And as a gift, here is an earflap
From a dog - such a gift!

He throws her an earflap and runs after her with a drill. Dunyasha runs away in horror.

In the house, the stepmother scolds Dunyasha:

No brains, but whose daughter are you?
Where are your gifts?


Mommy! Go away!
I'm not that sweet!

Both wearily sit down on the bench. Morozko appears on the stage.


So that everyone is kind to you
Be polite!
There will be fur coats and carpets.
We are people too!

The music from Phantom of the Opera is playing

Morozko sings:

Sometimes life gives us lessons
And we give power to our words.
The one who was good will find himself,
And the one who did evil - spent a year in vain.


And sometimes it seems that evil is worse
But in the heart of everyone, goodness bloomed.
And the one who was himself, was able to win.
Oh, and it's not for the weak - to serve the good.

Morozko: Ruslan.
Baba Yaga: Luda.
Storyteller: Julia.
Old woman: Lyubov Ivanovna.
Nastya: Tanya Vinakurova.
Varvara: Victoria Verkhovets.
Old man: Sasha Kuzmenko.
King: Oleg.
Prince: Vanya.
Butler: Maxim.
Makeup artists 1 and 2:
Repairmen 1&2:
Doctor: Gene.

Pay attention - the toastmaster offers his services for a corporate party. If you need to organize a holiday in Moscow, you are here.

(A storyteller peeps backstage.)

1. (Exemplary choreographic group "Alliance" senior group,
"Ice Ceiling").

Lived - were, the grandfather with the old woman.
And they have children ... oh ...
Wouldn't have said it wasn't.
Wait…they had children.
Oh, of course they were!
The old woman had a daughter, Varvara, terrible, from her first marriage.
And the old man had a daughter, also from his first marriage.
Oh. I'll tell you, if you figure it out, the family was still the same.

(The storyteller hides. The wings open, the old woman is on the stage.)

Old woman: What is it. Lord, I have to do everything myself. Old man, old man, Yasha!

(An old man enters, well drunk.)

Old man: I.

Old woman: What am I? Where have you been? Have you laid the sled?

Old man: So the waters, this hour and pawned.

Old woman: It’s not necessary to lay it here, but in a sleigh. I said that you fool

Old man: Wife said.

Old woman: Did you call the stump old?

Old man: Still, I would call it.

Old woman: Well, why are we standing, waiting for someone. Go lay the sleigh.
(The old man leaves.)
2. (Amateur folk group "Krinitsya". 1. "And you walk the crowd"
2. "Christmas trees - pines."

Old woman: Anastasia, Nastya!

(Nastya runs out with a dressing.)

Nastya: Yes, mother.

Old woman: Don't call me mother! Not when!

Nastya: Good, mother.

Old woman: Come closer to me. Where was?

Nastya: Cooked.

Old woman: Another terrorist attack.

Nastya: I'm going.

Old woman: Cooking food. Did you wear Varushka?

Nastya: What Varya?

Old woman: What, what, beloved sister. Varya for the bride?

Nastya: Dressed.

Old woman: Dressed. Have you prepared a present for the tsar-father?

Nastya: Yes, I cooked jam all night and salted it.

Old woman: (whispers) Is this? King-father, is this? Come closer. I told you that you are ugly.

Nastya: We spoke twice today.

Old woman: Do you want a third?

Nastya: I want.

Old woman: You're ugly.

Nastya: Thank you, mother, but what to do with it? (points to the table).

Old woman: In the sleigh, in the sleigh!

3.(DMSh Trio "Dress").

(Palace. The prince sits on the throne, the king stands next to him, and on the other side the butler.)

King: Actually, Van, are you wasting grubs in vain?

Butler: You're sorting it out.

Tsarevich: I do not touch! I choose!

Tsar: I would marry sooner. And if I got married, we improved our finances.

Tsarevich: What finances?

King: You don't argue with your father?

Butler: You don't argue with your father?

Prince: Dad!

4. (Vikonu song by Irina Bannik "New Year."

King: So it is. Vanya, okay. Choose your own bride, since you have to choose today
allowed. Yes, just faster.

Tsarevich: I'll try, the next one please.

King: Okay.

Butler: Bride number 27, let's go.

5. Vikonu's song Valeriy Deshchenko "I want to sleep."

Prince: No-ah!

King: Okay. You are free, we will call you back.

Butler: We'll call you back.

Tsarevich: What do you mean call back? I said she didn't suit me.

Tsar: According to etiquette, Vanya, as they say, we will call you back.

Butler: And now, stunned, prettiest, (falls to her knees).
the priest was not ordered to execute, but was ordered to say a word.

King: I command.

Butler: We're out of brides. Everyone is stuck on the road. Not the weather everywhere.

6. (Sharp choreographic team "Alliance" baby "Lady".

(On the stage, B. Ya. conducts a weather forecast, Morozko sits and listens.)

B.Ya.: You are looking at the weather forecast. Today on the territory of the distant kingdom
the thermometer plummeted to zero and broke. Therefore, we cannot declare
you temperature. Well, well, on the Lukomorye there is a kolotun, in an oak forest
Naturally dubak, well, but in the forests and cities it's cold.

Morozko: Oh, it's always like that. I wanted to do the best, but it turned out to be a blizzard.

B. Ya.: Well, Morozko is not everywhere. Well, look, the sun is in the Maldives, the heat is in the Canary Islands.

Morozko: Oh, this is not order, not order. We will fix this now.

(Morozko taps the floor with his staff.)

B. Ya .: So it's that now it will be warm with us, right?

Morozko: No, no, now they have a snowstorm too. (B.Ya. is indignant). Yes of course,
I have such a job. No matter how, I am the owner of the blizzard. Haha.

B.Ya.: Yes, they scold me Baba Yaga this, Baba Yaga that, what kind of Yaga I am, a woman I am.

Morozko: NO-no, that's right. We have a big difference. I'm kind, very.

B.Ya.: Am I bad, but next to such a man, even the other way around. Ah, Morozko, we
we do the same thing together.

Morozko: Yes, we are.

7. (Morozko and Baba Yaga sing the song “We are a couple”).

B.Ya.: That's it, my meteorological service is ending.

Morozko: Yes, and our weather friendship begins.

8. (Amatra folk group “Polyssya”1. “Generous evening, mothers of Ukraine”
2. "I am a village."

(An old woman is on stage.)

Old woman: Oh God, I have such heartburn that I don't have enough nerve.

Barbara: Mommy, mommy.

Old woman: Baby!

Barbara: (runs out onto the stage). Mommy!

Old woman: God, who is this beautiful came, well, you need to give birth to such beauty. Which
cheeks, lips, nose. The prince will see and fall from such beauty. AND
will marry you immediately.

Barbara: Exactly!

Old woman: At least he will definitely get married.

Varvara: Ha, mother, but what about getting married. I'm in trouble, I don't know what to wear. One
A dress makes me look older, another makes me look fat, and a third makes me smarter.

Old woman: Don't talk nonsense.

Barbara: Get smarter.

Old woman: No, it can't be.

(The old man enters.)

Old man: I report, the sleigh has been served.

(The old woman and Varvara were frightened.)

Old woman: Well, why are you shouting at the whole apartment like that?

Varvara: Shaw, are you stressing us, father?

Old woman: He stressed us, and I made a surprise for our Varya. I invited from
the capitals of the visagists.

Old man: Ha-ha of the makeup artist, this is sho, such a beast.

(The old woman and her daughter laugh.)

Old woman: A fool is a fool.

(Makeup artist enters.)

Makeup artist 1: The star is in shock.

Makeup Artist 2: Shocked, it's true.

Makeup artist 1: Naturally, this complexion, and a bright ala iris. A nightmare!

Makeup Artist 2: This is horrible! Here is a halabuda on the head, here is a sausage in the head. Not
possible to watch. All this is removed and thrown away, immediately.

Varvara: Guard, mother, undress!

Makeup artist 1: That's right, filming to the music.

Old woman: We shoot to the music, it's a striptease.

Makeup artist 2: My dear, this is a song.

Makeup Artist 1: This is a hit.

9. (Vikonu song Oleksandr Pushko "Hello guests").

Makeup artist 1: How are you?

Barbara: How, how, but they didn’t seem to spoil it. I mean alive.

Makeup artist 1: Lively! Yes, it's freshen.

Makeup artist 2: Glamorous.

Makeup Artist 1: It's not real.

Makeup Artist 2: This is brilliant.

Varvara: The main thing is that it is not expensive.

10. (Sharp choreographic group "Alliance" older kids "Cartoons").

(On the stage, the Tsar-father and all the others).

Butler: Tsar-father, they did not order to execute, but to say a word.

King: I command.

Butler: Regardless of the weather and volcanoes and all that nonsense. On our
the next participant broke through the competition. Winner 23
castings, with 7 of them knockouts.

King: Serious.

Butler: Absolutely.

Prince: Dad.

11. (Vikonu Natalia Klyuchishcha's song "Migratory bird").

King: Well, how is it, son?

Prince: How, how. We will call you back.

Tsar: Well, Van, we will not choose your wife at all. Yes, lunch for sure, and you have
it is time.

Tsarevich: (eating gingerbread). I am on a diet.

Butler: And I'm on a diet.

Tsarevich: We are both on a diet.

(The old woman enters with Varvara to the Tsar.)

Old woman: Well, what are you afraid of, don't be afraid?

Barbara: I'm afraid.

Old woman: Well, we're not going to a tiger in a cage, are we? (Barbara saw the king and opened
mouth.) Father Tsar, here is my daughter Varenka. Cabbage, needlewoman,
salad bowl. God, how she cooks. People who have tried have gone
mind. Yes.

(The prince chokes on a gingerbread.)

Varvara: Mom, I don't cook.

Old woman: Mom knows better, mom tried it, look, mom is still alive. Show me how
you chop lettuce. (Varvara shows how she crumbles the salad.) In-in-in,
I told you.

Barbara: (Shakes her hand). Mom, stop me, otherwise I chopped half a barrel.

(Varvara goes to cook.)

Tsar: You go conjure, I will listen to the songs. Music.

12. (Amateur Folk Ensemble "Kalinov Zori" 1. "Ah, this evening"
2. "Winter"

(The king near the table sings.)

King: Well, come here.

Butler: Yeah.

King: Come on.

(The old woman approaches the king with her daughter.)

Old woman: Well, go make the Tsar-father tasty.

King: Oh-oh-oh, fufu.

Barbara: Please, with ardor and heat.

King: Understood.

Butler: Food is served.

Tsar: What is served, call the firemen.

Butler: I called.

Butler: They refuse, they said they won't eat.

Old woman: Fu. This is my daughter made fu.

King: Yes, not your daughter made fu, but your dish fu.

Varvara: Not fu, but a kulebyaka.

(Nastya approaches the Tsar.)

Nastya: Here, taste homemade, Your Majesty.

King: Um, but it looks beautiful, and this and that, and that and that. Tsarevich, Ivan! (Suitable
The prince looks in the mirror.) Vanya, look how beautiful it is.

Tsarevich: I see the beauty of that .... What, what's your name?

Nastya: I'm Nastya, your royal.

Tsarevich: For you, it’s not Tsar’s, but Vanya is simple.

Nastya: Oh, Vanyusha.

(The tsar smiles contentedly, and the old woman and Varvara bare their teeth.)

13. (Tsarevich and Nastya sing the song "You are me").

Old woman: Well, if you don’t want anything from us, allow me, your majesty,

King: What? (Pretends not to hear.)

Butler: They say you can get better from it. Haha.

King: Wait, now.

Old Woman: No, no, we'll go. Your mouth is full of worries.

Barbara: Well, Nastya!

Old woman: You played the girl in big game. You come home, I will teach you
how to beat off other people's suitors.

(Looking into the song Vikhor Julia “…………………………………..”).

(The house of the old woman, on the stage there is an old man, an old woman, Nastenka.)

Old woman: Lazybones swear. Let's talk calmly. I sentenced you to
correctional work in the hut?

Nastya: Sentenced.

Old woman: Why don't you make repairs?

Nastya: Because I can't.

Old woman: Why can't you?

Nastya: Because I'm a fool.
Old woman: Here, because you are a fool, and you must always remember this.

Nastya: Good, mother.

Old woman: Are you starting again?

Nastya: I'm done.

(Builders appear.)

Repairman 1: You said repair, then this is for us.

Repairman 2: Firm "Two from the Casket" repair has a beginning...

Repairman 1: The repair has no end. This is our motto. Who is the mistress?

Old man: I'm the owner, but all the questions here. (Pointing to the old woman.)

Old woman: And if for repairs, then this is here. (Points to Nastya.)

Repairman 2: I see, then I will ask all strangers to leave the premises. You
come back you won't know.

Repairman 1: You won't come back. Please love. I ask you to.

(The old man and woman leave.)

Repairman 2: Well, what do you know about the golden rules of repair? How more money in repair
uhnesh, the more you gasp after the repair.

Repairman 1: So. The hut will be in the Rococo style.

Repairman 2: And the cococo chicken coop.

Repairman 1: So the interior is techno.

Repairman 2: And the facade is all henna. Do we install glass panes?

Nastya: Why?

Repairman 2: (throws a hammer, something breaks.) We put the glass packages. Well
and of course, marketing, plastering, beling, painting,

Repairman 1: Advance, prepay, overspending….

Nastya: Wait. I'm certainly not a professional, but maybe the floor is cement-
sand screed, but covered with a thermal film, with an electric
wiring. And also parquet boards to nailed skirting boards. And without
noisy PVC ceiling, tape and clamp.

Repairman 1: Well, of course you can. Get the tools.

Repairman 2: Already. (To the song, Nastya and the builders are doing repairs).

14. (Vikonu song Larisa Kucher "Festive.")

(The old man, the old woman and Varvara enter the hut.)

Barbara: Oh, what a beauty. That's about such an interior mum, I've been all my life

Old woman: Varya, daughter, you need to think about the groom, and not about the interior. And although of course
awesome, how awesome.

Nastya: I'm glad you liked it.

Old woman: And I said well! I said horror, how good. And for this horror, you
deserved a just punishment.

Old man: Wife, why. Well, Nastenka is not a stranger, she lives with you in the same
at home, punishment enough for her.

Old woman: Shut up! Be silent! I decided. You take your daughter to the forest.

Old Man: What! His own daughter, not when!

Old woman: I heard something! (Everyone leaves.)

(The old storyteller.)

Storyteller: For a long time, for a short time, so the doctors of sexopathologists say. No, but if
honestly, I never understood this place in a fairy tale. Here look,
the evil stepmother asks the old man, her only beloved daughter
take to the dark gray forest. And what do you think, drove! like this
papa is called? Stay with us and you will find out: who warms their hands
in the cold. Someone who lives in a teremochka, with someone with whom he lives in it. For what
schiplet Morozko, and other horrors winter forest. And as a result, that
will be with a simple girl, in a dense, wild forest.

(The backstage opens, there is a forest on the stage. Nastya walks and trembles from the cold. Morozko and B. Ya. meet her.)

B.Ya.: Oh, look, here is another positive character. With negative

Morozko: Positive, this is not order. Cold for you girl, cold for you

Nastya: Warm de darling, very warm.

Morozko: And so. (Knocks staff.)

Nastya: Everything is fine, grandfather. Thanks grandma.

B.Ya.: Who, I'm a grandmother! Come on, Morozko, give her heat, in the sense of cold.

Morozko: And why, she is so good. Cold hardy girl. And how are you
brought into this dense forest that around 100 miles is not a soul.

15. (Watching the song by Nadia Chobotar “Snow is flying”, and Volodimer Kryuchok “Chistye Prudy”).

(The hut of the old woman, the old woman and the old man.).

Old woman: Shame on you, how much you can eat, you overeat the family.

(The butler, the tsar and the prince enter.).

Butler: Meet the Tsar Father.

Old man: The king himself. Did not recognize Your Majesty. You will be rich.

King: Yes, I would. Well, I see that you don’t have a ruble, well, a hut.

Old woman: All on itself.

Butler: You have goods, we have this one (points to the prince.) ... a merchant. Briefly speaking,
we came to your daughter that ... well, in the sense of wooing.

Old woman: True, but here is your betrothed. Varenka, Varenka come here.

(Barbara exits.)

Prince: Oh!

King: Oh, oh, oh.

Prince: We will call you back.

King: He will call you back.

Prince: Yes, not me, but he! (points to the butler.)

Butler: Me!

Tsarevich: I need Nastya!

Tsar: Where is Nastya, you are a witch.

Old woman: Who? Oh. Nastya. She is not at home.

King: Where is she?

Prince: Where?

Old woman: Last time she was seen in the forest, which is the strangest thing, she ate cones.

Barbara: She has extreme sports. Winter swimming with homeless survival. And here I am
always at home.

Prince: Well, then I will never be at home.

King: Listen, he will never be at home.

Tsarevich: I need Nastenka, I will go around the world for her sake.

(Prince leaves.)

(The victorious song Maxim Mazur "……………………………………………").

(The kingdom of Frost. Nastya and B. Ya. came to Frost.)

Morozko: And here is my teremok, do you like it?

Nastya: Very.

B.Ya.: Yes, and Scandinavian design, well, chilling beauty.

Morozko: Well, girls, undress ... (B. Ya. and Nastya looked at each other.)
I say undress dear guests. Sit down in ice chairs, and
if someone lies down, so here is a snowdrift, soft,

Nastya: Thank you grandfather.

Morozko: Azyabla, right?

B.Ya.: Yes!!!

Morozko: Well, girls, what can we treat you to, huh? There is jelly, there is
ice cream, ice fish, and with drinks: ICE-TI tea with ice,
iced coffee.

Nastya: Don't you have a boiling water bottle?
Morozko: Just a boiling water bottle, of course there is! Chuikovsky kipetochka with ice
will it go?

B. Ya .: Well, thank you very much for the treat, a couple for me, I’m up to my neck in business.

Morozko: I hope things are good?

B. Ya .: But how! Bring down travelers astray, provide covarlet, icicles
naturally hang everywhere.

B. Ya .: Well, happy to stay, I flew.

Morozko: And go, go. Yes, she needs an eye and an eye. Well, Nastenka,
stay here for the hostess, and I'll take care of you now. I mean, a star
I'll light it. It's not scary to be alone, is it?

Nastya: Nope.

16. (Write the song of Natalia Klyuchishcha and Volodymyr Kryuchok "Two Swans").

(Nastya cleans up at Morozko's, B. Ya. and Morozko come in.)

Nastya: Sorry.

B. Ya .: You did this, the central heating for yourself. Original.

Morozko: What is it, granddaughter? Where are my snowflakes, where are my icicles,
Where are they?

Nastya: I tried, cleaned up the water, heated the oven, defrosted the refrigerator.
Are you warm grandpa?

B.Ya.: What are you doing, huh? Oh, what would you get a good groom.

Morozko: Granddaughter, water is given to you.

Nastya: Thank you grandfather.

Morozko: And I have nothing to do, Nastya went home from the visa.

B.Ya: I forgot my staff again.

Morozko: And this is dangerous, whoever touches the staff will immediately freeze.

18. (Sharp choreographic team "Alliance" "Unharness the boys horses").

(The old woman's house.)

Old woman: Oh God, gold and silver.
B. Ya.: And jewelry decoration, and a solid chest.

Barbara: I don't believe it, it's a fake, jewelry.

Morozko: No, pitched pearls, semi-precious berries, clean diamonds

Nastya: And all these gifts are from grandfather Morozko.

Barbara: Well, what's going on. Mom, what kind of scumbags are in our house?
get up. I want too, but me, eh.

Old woman: Only we have more gifts, clearly. (Morozko leaves with B.Ya.)

Barbara: Wait. And where is the old man, he brought Nastka, eh.

Old woman: Everything is clear, swindler, only the staff remained.

(Nastya enters).

Nastya: Oh, how can he be without a staff. Frosty wait.

(Nastya touched the staff and froze.)

Old woman: Ahh!!!

Barbara: Oh, great.

Old woman: Yasha, what's wrong with her.

Old man: She is bad, morally bad. We need a doctor here. Oh Nastenka, what
what should I do, who will help my grief?

DOCTOR: Like who, is it even strange to hear from you father? Dear fabulous
viewers, if you are sick, do not self-medicate, do

Old man: Teletreatment? We don't have a TV?

Doctor: Remember friends. If you do not have a TV, immediately run to the doctor,
because he certainly has. And so, we start talking about the
Old man: Wow about the Tsar-father?

Doctor: Today we'll talk about frostbite. Remember friends, the most important thing is not
freeze the most important thing.

Old Man: Ha, ha, ha.

19. (Special choreographic team "Alliance" senior group "Good

Doctor: As you can see, only health is incurable. You can't buy it, although the medicine
while selling well.

Old man: Well, what about Nastya!

Doctor: Do you want to turn on the defrost mode.?

Old man: Yes.

Doctor: I say no.

Old man: Or maybe some kind of injection?

Doctor: Oh, there's nothing against frostbite. I tried everything, father syringes

Old man: Or maybe jump over the fire?

Doctor: No, many did not jump. Understand father, if medicine is without much,
as grandfather's folk ways especially. Here who is not
be there from the people?

(Prince enters.)

Prince: From the people, I am from the people.

Doctor: Excuse me, who are you?

Tsarevich: I am Ivan Tsarevich.

Doctor: Well then, of course, from the people, yes.

20. (Vocal ensemble "Rosinka", the prince kisses Nastya and she grew up.)

Storyteller: Everything is clear here, it's about the wedding. Oh listen how I don't like these
fairy tale endings. Well, how is it, I was here and drank honey here,
the mustache flowed but did not get into the mouth. I want to say on time
it is necessary to come, and it will not flow down the mustache and get into the mouth. How
they say, soon a fairy tale happyend, to those who listened to my respect.

Tsarevich: Here is my betrothed, father.

Nastya: Bless.

Tsar: Marry health, especially since it's time for the table.

Old woman: Guys, I'm against the wedding, the wedding will be over my corpse, that's it.

Old man: Hush, marry children, bless.

(Barbara enters.)

Barbara: Have you forgotten about me?

Old woman: Who forgot, what are you.

Barbara: Guys, bring good.

(They bring the chest.)

Old woman: Varvara with a dowry, and there are probably berries with emeralds.

Varvara: You are mistaken, mother, suitors.

Old woman: Yeah.

Varvara: Well, two, one berry, and the second emerald. Stand up guys.

(The repairmen boys got up.)

Old woman: Why do you need two?

Varvara: You are not modern mother, in reserve.

Morozko: Well, it seems to please everyone. As they say, be happy
advice to you is love.

Old woman: I didn't tell you that love is the most important thing in the world.

Old man: I haven't spoken today. But it's not too late to say when. Is it true.


(All participants sing final song: "Snow is falling".)

"Frost". A fairy tale in verse in a new way


    1st storyteller, 2nd storyteller, Nastenka, Marfushka, Mamasha (Marfushi's mother and Nastya's stepmother), Ivan, Ivan's mother, Old Man (Mamasha's husband, Nastya's father), Old Man the Forester, Santa Claus, matchmakers, gypsies. Three Little Pigs, Unclean Force (Baba Yaga, Koschey, Kikimora), Wolf

1st storyteller. The world is now like in a good fairy tale
All wrapped up in rain and serpentine.
Under the flickering sparks of Bengal
Quietly melts the old year like smoke!

2nd speaker. The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -
Good fellows lesson!
Listen to the story guys
Celebrate the New Year with her!

Act one

On the stage is a sign: "Old Village". In front of the house, Marfushka sits on a bench with a mirror in her hands, and a little further away, on the porch, Nastenka sits. Mother rubs Marfushka's cheeks with beets.

Martha. My light, mirror, tell me, tell the whole truth:
Am I sweeter than everyone in the world, all blush and whiter?
Mother. You, Marfushka, are like a princess,
Queen, Baroness.
Martha. Nastya is better, I see
How I hate her.
Mother. I will make you more beautiful
Right now I'll take it and decorate it.
Martha. I want to get away from the yard
It's time for me to get married!
Mother. Let's do our best
We won't hurt my daughter.

Action two

There is a sign on the stage: "New Village". "Cool" Ivan (in leather pants and a jacket) is trying to start his no less "cool" motorcycle. The mother is bustling around.

Ivan. Get your trash out quick
Nowhere to put your "Harley".
Mother. I am your mother or not your mother,
Better go for a walk.
It's time for you to get married
And there is a girl next door.
Ivan. Come on, what girls?
I also want to take a walk.
You say that you are my mother
In fact, you are just a mother.
Mother. Who said, go ahead.
Don't forget to call Marfusha.
Ivan.(sings to the tune of the song "I have no wife ...")
I do not have a wife,
This place is free.
I want to be single
Act Three

On the stage is a sign: "Old Village". Ivan and the matchmakers came to see the bride.

Martha. I'm going to die right now, what boys!
Rather, I want to get married!
Mother. Gifts, nothing, lick your fingers!
Shut up, come on!
Martha. I am silent, I am silent.
1st matchmaker. Look, fat girl, nothing!
And the eyes, cheeks, lips, in!
Ivan. Did you find any other girls?
Yes, this one is just a crocodile!
Mother. Well, maybe not Marilyn Monroe,
But the figurine, too, in!

2nd marriage. In the village we need a wife
So that she could knit and sew.
Clean up more, cook more,
And give birth to 10 children.
Mother. Well, this is our portrait.
There is no other girl like her.
Ivan. Don't you get bored of idleness?
Hurry, bring us needlework.
Martha. One sock, second sock.
Ivan. What a disgusting voice.
What did you cook for us to eat?
Ile, maybe kneaded the dough?
Nastya. Take it, my dear friend
Crispy delicious pie.
Ivan. Beauty, don't take your eyes off her.
Or maybe pick up and take away?
Who are you? Answer me quickly!
There's a Harley waiting for us around the corner.
Mother. Yes, this is not my daughter, but so.
Do not be distracted by trifles.
1st matchmaker. Good trifle, oh, how good!
Ivan. I'm already trembling.
Mother. She's not eighteen years old!
Ivan. And I'm mentally unprepared!

act four

Several days have passed. Ivan with the matchmakers again came to old village- marry Nastenka.

Ivan. I have no sleep and no peace
And what is the matter with me now?
And where is my beauty?
Probably waiting for me.
Mother. The wolves have already eaten that vile one for a long time.
And they probably didn't want to.
1st matchmaker. Tell me, are you a mother or not a mother?
Take the girl and send to the forest.
2nd marriage. We start, Vanka, your Harley,
And through the snowdrifts into the forest soon.

Act Five

1st speaker. It began to darken in the sky
The air began to get colder.
So as not to get lost in the forest,
Ivan decided to stop.
Under canopies of branches
He left his Harley.
2nd speaker. Wonderful light streams around
But it does not heat, does not smoke.
Ivan was given a diva here,
He looked around, he sees:
An old man climbs on a stump nearby.
Ivan. Hello, bald old man.
I will give you a lot of money.
Find a bride soon!
The Harley will take us far.
Old man. And where is the "please", "excuse me",
"Be kind", "excuse me"?
Ivan. What are you, a mischievous old man?
Or is there a scam here?
Old man. Oh, you're just a brazen boor,
I'll teach you a lesson!
Ivan. All. My patience has run out
Answer me without delay!
Old man. No, you're not a guy, you're an ass.
Rather, you are a stubborn goat.

Ominous music sounds, the lights go out. The light turns on, Ivan appears with horns.

Ivan. What have you done, old man?
You're in so much pain right now!


"In the House of the Three Little Pigs"

Nif-Nif. What are you sad, Naf-Naf?

Sitting with your head up...

Nuf-nuf. You didn't get sick with us?

Did Ali lose cards?

Nif-Nif. Maybe someone offended?

Are you freezing without a coat?

Nuf-nuf. Report without any bullshit:

Why is there darkness in the heart?

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf (together).

We would like to know in detail:

Who, where, FAQ and how?

Naf-naf. That's what, brothers ... At this hour

I'm worried about us...

What are we going to do

Celebrating the New Year together?

Nobody in the whole house

Except the wind alone...

Nif-Nif. Well, drop the blues and laziness.

Stop sitting here like a stump!

Nuf-nuf. Well, gives, vigorous louse -

New Year is not good for him!

Nif-Nif. You're not in yourself -

Out and a pimple on the lip!

Nuf-nuf. Oh you waste your health

On such nonsense!

Nif-Nif. Pick up, Naf, you up the phone

Yes, Snow Maiden-dove

Invite us to the party...

Nuf-nuf. Ask Santa Claus!

Naf-Naf calls Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Naf-naf. Grandpa, hello! Hello, Snow Maiden!

Forgive the idiot

But we are so sad

Well hang yourself now...

How many years have we lived in the forest

We don't see anyone...

Nif-Nif (grabbing the phone).

Even on holidays

We are all alone and alone!

Nuf-nuf (grabbing the phone).

The three of us are already tired of:

Everything is tripled - is it the case?

We are glad to help you, friends!

We will arrive tonight -

Let's take a walk, freshen up

Let's dance, let's frolic...

What is life without adventure?

Just awful, not life!

Pigs are jumping for joy, having fun.

Act SEVENTH - "At Frost and Snow Maiden"

Father Frost. Well, Snow Maiden, get ready,

Gear up on the road.

Let's go to the "piglets" now -

They are waiting for us...

What are you sad about?

Al are you freaking out about whom?

Pour out your soul to me

I, dove, will listen.

Snow Maiden. Oh, how, Grandpa, it's hard,

Just jump out the window!

I had a favorite -

I couldn't have found better.

I dreamed of being with him

A hundred years, maybe two hundred...

But then the villain showed up -

He is the enemy of the happiness of all people.

He decided to take witchcraft,

Movo cute to pick up.

Turned him into a beast

Evil gray goat...

I am sad day and night

Hardly anyone can help.

Even harder at night

That's why I cry a lot.

Snow Maiden is crying.

Father Frost. Help your grief

I can like mine.

Why couldn't you before?

Tell me about everything?

I promise tonight

I am happy to help you!

Well, we need to go on the road -

The pigs will be happy!


Sounds like funny music, a gypsy enters and dances around Ivan.

Gypsy. What are you, Vanechka, not cheerful?
What did you hang your head on?
Ivan. Horns on my head
There is no happiness not a fig.
Gypsy. Now I will tell you
And I will know your fate.

Sings to the motive of the song: “Fashion changes daily ...”

Fashion changes daily
But as long as there is white light.
At a gypsy with an old deck,
At least one, yes there is a client.
Waiting for miracles impossible
Someone will knock on her
And she will spread and spread
Noble their kings.
Chorus. Well what to say, well what to say
That's the way people are.
Want to know, want to know
They want to know what will happen.

The gypsy lays out big cards.

Gypsy. I see a beautiful girl
But a forester stands in the way.
You will see the sweet bride,
If the old man can forgive.
Ivan. Where can I find it now?
And where to go through the snowdrifts?
Old man. Here I was close
And I can easily forgive
Throw off your horns in an instant,
The old man is waiting for magic words.
Ivan. It's all my mom
The nanny spoiled me.
I didn't know good words.
And he became such a jerk.
Old man. What I will give you now
Use this hour
After all, I specially took care
This is the tool for you!

Lights go out, disturbing music sounds. The light turns on. Ivan's horns are gone. Ivan sings to the motive of the song: "Moscow Nights".

Ivan. Even rustles are not heard in the garden,
Everything here is frozen until the morning,
Where are you, Nastenka,
Where are you, honey?
Where did you hide from me?

Scene 9 - "In the forest with evil spirits"

Koschei, Baba Yaga and Kikimora are sitting and talking in a forest clearing.

Kikimora. Well, the forest is just melancholy ...

Entirely from fir-trees and sand.

Koschey. And as long as the eye suffices -

There is no bird or animal!

Baba Yaga. Oh how we are in our forest

It's boring all the same!

What, scatter the cards?

Shall we pour a cup?

Baba Yaga, Kikimora and Koschei play cards.

Will you fight back or not?

Baba Yaga (looking at the map).

Something about that I'm skeptical about:

Either he or not!

Kikimora. You, Koschey, don't fool us

And get six!

Baba Yaga and Kikimora attack Koshchei.

Baba Yaga. And then so we pierce -

You won't wake up until dawn!

Kikimora. Where are you, villain

Got these ideas?

It doesn't fit at all

For decent people!

Koschey. Now believe in people!

So, it turns out I'm a villain?

So stand for the honor of the uniform,

Here's to the service and glad!

Koschey offendedly steps aside.

Baba Yaga. You, Koschey, do not get excited,

Sit on the sidelines, chill...

Kikimora. Today is the last day of the year -

Didn't notice? Well sit down...

Baba Yaga. Well, we will become again

Celebrating the New Year together?

Kikimora. No gifts... No friends...

Yaga again, Koschei again...

The Wolf runs out into the clearing, Koschey goes towards him with a stern look.

Wolf (Koshchei). You don't get angry!

I'm here for tea, not for tea!

Well, you will rooster -

I'll knock on the skull by chance!

Baba Yaga (Wolf, menacing).

You're right, Wolf! He is for me

Own bone, almost relatives.

Kikimora (Wolf). Do not pull the rubber words -

What is your reason for coming?

Wolf (justifying himself and softening his tone).

What are you brothers? I am for you

Lost an eye in the attack!

Something when I dare

Against the forest masses?

I am under the windows of the pigs

Heard a lot of speeches

But one of them brought...

Baba Yaga and Kikimora (together).

And what? Here is the question.

Wolf. Today at midnight through the forest

Yes with a bag

On a holiday to the house of pigs

Frost hurry up.

Baba Yaga. Will the Snow Maiden go with him?

Wolf. Not one step behind!

Kikimora. We will sneak into that house

And wait in ambush.

Tea, milk pork

Does it taste better than sturgeon?

Baba Yaga. First, let's deal with Grandfather,

Then we'll take on the pigs -

Let's attack on the meadow

And steal without noise!

Kikimora. We no longer shed tears -

Sing songs and live well!

Picture four - "Capture"

Baba Yaga, Koschei, Kikimora and Wolf are hiding behind bushes and fir trees in the forest. They take turns peeking out of the ambush, negotiating among themselves.

Baba Yaga (Koshchei). Hey Koshchey! where are you?

I'll ask you now!

Here I'll take my broom

Yes, a broom in the face!

Koschey (defending himself). I am a folklore element

I have a document.

I can from here

Fly away at any moment.

Kikimora. Quiet, evil spirits, do not strum!

Koschey, do not knock with bones!

Ugh, unclean, go -

Well, everyone is frozen here!

Ded Moroz and Snegurka come out into the clearing.

Baba Yaga. Ba! All familiar faces!

It's hard to go wrong here!

Koschey. Search the whole wide world -

There are none in nature!

Ento I to you, Snow Maiden,

I speak as a local historian!

Father Frost. What are these miracles?

Snow Maiden. That's the meeting! That is,

We don’t lead a round dance ...

Father Frost. I pay good for good:

He likes - a marten, he likes - a beaver.

And if you don’t want, I can with a coin -

Gold or silver!

Kikimora. It's full, Grandfather, don't be ridiculous,

Take away your money.

We steal you not for money -

We want a holiday for the soul!

Koschey. And now, honest people,

Take the faces out of the beards...

Koschei is trying to remove the beard from Father Frost, he does not succeed, then he takes the bag and hat.

Koschey. Tea, we can too!

You, Frost, are not so important!

Baba Yaga (trying to grab the Snow Maiden by the scythe).

Well, Snow Maiden, throw off your braid,

Leave my fur coat in the forest.

Kikimora and Baba Yaga take away a fur coat from the Snow Maiden, tie Santa Claus and his granddaughter.

Wolf. Let's go to the "piglets" without you,

And immediately, this time!

Sing songs, eat pork...

The Snow Maiden looks at the Wolf intently. Baba Yaga, Koschei and Kikimora attack the Wolf.

Koschey. Hey you, Gray, know honor -

Don't meddle in your own business!

Baba Yaga. I've been standing here for a long time

At the stump, on the edge,

Waiting for you to finish

Your meeting.

Koschey (Kikimore).

You, Kiki, take care of them,

Keep your eyes out!

It's better than blues

Life to waste!

Kikimora. I am useful prospects

Never against!

Give an order, even to the bees in the hive,

Kikimora takes the bound Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden backstage, and Baba Yaga, Wolf and Koschei go to the piglets' house.

Scene five - "Uninvited guests"

Naf-naf. Are the guests not coming?

They have been waiting here for a long time.

Nif-Nif. And we have plenty of food -

Let them come here.

Nuf-nuf. After all, we have a lot of food!

Yes, we have her pounds!

Here, for example, kalachi.

Naf-naf. Here's a roast turkey

Here is a cherry plum compote.

Nif-Nif. Here they are waiting for sausages ...

Naf-naf. Looks like they're coming!


open the good beasts

cold feet cold nose

Pig point open

Well, it's freezing here.

Open doors.

Naf Naf. Who is you goin'

Yes, how skinny are you?

Vania. I have no sleep and no peace
And what is the matter with me now?
And where is my beauty?
Probably waiting for me.

A loud knock is heard at the door.

Come on, quickly open -

Meet us with the Snow Maiden!

If you understand the order -

Open now!

Naf-naf (trembling).

Hair trembled on the stubble!

Nuf-nuf. Come on, Nif, you take a closer look

Get better at it!

Nif-Nif looks through the keyhole.

How long will we freeze?

Pity our bones!

Hair falls off the head.

Koschey. Hey guys, don't be shy!

Wolf, Koschey and Baba Yaga (together).

Open to us soon!

Nif-Nif (frightened).

Well guys, we're gone

All the evil spirits have been collected here:

Wolf, Koschey here and Yaga -

Do not fight back a fig!

VANIA. That's what, brothers, it's bad.

It is useless to wait for a miracle.

If only a regiment crowded here -

There would be sense in arguing,

Well, no - knit anyone

Be it Koschey or the Wolf!

Nuf-nuf. Well, Naf-Naf, take off the lock,

Let them pass through the threshold!

Naf-Naf unlocks the door. Koschey, Yaga and Wolf run into the house. A fight ensues, as a result of which the piglets bind the uninvited guests with ropes. And then they notice they have a bag and a hat of Santa Claus, a fur coat of the Snow Maiden.

Nif-Nif. And now keep the answer -

Don't hide anything!

Naf-Naf (menacingly).

Where is the Snow Maiden? Where is Frost?

Answer the question!

Baba Yaga. I might be able to help...

I plead guilty!

For everything they scold me, hag:

For the heat and for the blizzard -

And there's no more harm in me

Than in a chamomile in a meadow ...

Koschey (pushing the sack of Santa Claus away from him with his foot).

We accidentally ... Well, joking ...

Lost the right path...

If to judge, then those two -

My accomplices...

(Nods towards the Wolf and Baba Yaga.)

It's me who looks unclean,

And in fact - cleaner than them!

Wolf (sincerely). I will show you the way

I'll show you where to spank.

(Koschei and Baba Yaga show their fists to the Wolf.)

Kikimora guards them,

Protects the eyes better.

I will suffer! I'll do it!

To the messy top

I don't belong anymore!

The piglets, leading the bound Baba Yaga and Koshchei, follow the Wolf backstage.

Picture six - "Holiday"

The wolf leads the piglets to the clearing, where Kikimora guards Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. The pigs free the captives.

Kikimora. I repent and ask for forgiveness

In peace let me into the forest!

Baba Yaga. And I beg your pardon...

Sin for me - I like to play pranks ...

Father Frost. Oh yes evil! That is,

Are you asking for forgiveness?

Well, we agree, only in the future -

Do not fool around, otherwise we are

We won't feel sorry for you anymore.

We will send to the distant forest on a sleigh!

The three of you will be bored -

Koschey. I don’t want to be in anguish, blues,

Life to waste!

Baba Yaga. Reluctance to me, Yaga,

To be alone in the forest, in a blizzard!

Kikimora. I have good prospects

Never against!

If you can endure

On holiday I will sing to you ...

Father Frost. Okay, with the songs later -

So be it, you can listen.

Snegurka (looking at Vanya).

What a miracle I see -

Before me my love!

Father Frost. Eyes sparkle with joy
And the smiles are uncountable.
Happy New Year! With new happiness
Congratulations, friends!
Ivan. How good are you, Nastya!
And the figure and the soul!
We will live together with you
Nothing else is needed.
Nastya. So I waited for my Ivan,
And in our fairy tale there was no deceit.
1st speaker. Let the boys be brave
And the girls are all cute.
Let the stories be kind
All words are beautiful.
1st speaker. We wish you bright
And happy days
Health, success,
Good friends!