Every week HELLO.RU talks about what celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of Nancy and Adelaide - the daughters of actress Katherine Heigl and musician Josh Kelly, who are expecting the birth of their son, and today the hero of our column is the son of artists Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya - Artemy, who was first introduced to the Internet public yesterday .

June 5, 2015 - on the day of the fifth anniversary of their marriage - Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya became parents: their son, who was named Artemy, was born in one of the elite private clinics. The kid became the first child of Natalia and the second for Vladimir, who has a son, Nikita, from Kristina Orbakaite. Vladimir was the first to announce the replenishment by publishing a photo of Artemy from the maternity hospital, providing him with the signature "Our happiness".

This evening we were going to come to Vladimir and Natalia to celebrate their next wedding anniversary - they got married on June 5th. But I had to go not to their home, but to the maternity hospital - at 20.30 Natasha began giving birth. Vladimir was present at the hospital, Natasha's mother Nina, Juliana's sister, who is pregnant with twins and is due to give birth in 2 months, and also elder sister Tatyana, who flew in from Shanghai. The birth lasted 10 hours, and in the morning - right on the day of their wedding - Artem Presnyakov was born. His height was 52 centimeters, weight - 3.050 kilograms,

A representative of the couple told HELLO.RU on Artem's birthday. Three days later, Natalya and her son were discharged from the hospital, where they were met by dad Vladimir, as well as friends - Leonid Agutin and Anzhelika Varum. A month later, on July 19, Vladimir and Natasha christened Artemy in the Moscow church of the holy unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian on Maroseyka.

Presnyakov theme
Natalia Podolskaya with her son Tema

It seems to me that God has rewarded us for our patience. The fact that we did not have children became one of the reasons for our coming to faith, to church. We got married, got married, traveled a lot to holy places, prayed. It is said: "Ask - and it will be given to you." They also say that children themselves choose a family and are born when their parents are ready. So it’s absolutely certain that everything happens on time. Now I thank God every day for giving me my family, my husband, my son. Every time I lull Theme to sleep, I cross, I can't stop looking at him,

Podolskaya said in an interview with HELLO! , and then Vladimir shared his emotions:

The birth of Temka is a real miracle. A miracle that is possible only when there is great, crazy, sincere love - love for each other, for life, for God. We wanted a child for a long time, and this miracle happened. I have not changed much, I have not lost my boyishness, but now I have a keen sense of responsibility, I have become more collected. Wherever I am, I try to return home to Temka as soon as possible. I love to spend every spare moment with him. With Nikitka, it didn’t work out that way for me, which I don’t really regret, but I worry about.

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya with their son Artemy
Vladimir Presnyakov with his son Tema

Presnyakov theme
Natalia Podolskaya with her son Tema

Gradually, Natalia and Vladimir began to acquaint their Instagram subscribers with their son, occasionally posting his photos taken from the back. But even such pictures gave the followers an idea of ​​the kid’s style, especially since applications on pants and overalls in the form of muzzles of lions, pandas, ducks and other animals and birds became a favorite element of his images. Another favorite element of Theme is a striped print, the love for which he adopted from his dad Vladimir - a lover of travel and nautical style. This also applies to bright colors, which are adored by both dad and mom of the boy, and now he himself - starting from all shades of blue and ending with red and yellow.

But despite the love for bright shades, the images of Theme are never pretentious and overly catchy, because his main stylist - his mother - skillfully combines catchy shades with neutral ones. Even during his first appearance on the cover of the magazine presented yesterday, Tema poses in a bright orange suit that pairs well with his mom's yellow dress. We are sure that there will be many, many more such shootings in the life of Theme - especially if he decides to follow in the footsteps of his creative parents.

Click on the photo to view the gallery Theme Presnyakov

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya with their son Artemy
Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya with their son Artemy

A happy event in the family of Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya happened just a few hours ago - in one of the capital's clinics, the 33-year-old singer gave the 47-year-old musician a son.

The newborn boy became the first child for the singer, therefore, fearing superstitions, the girl, until the last, preferred not to discuss her life once again. interesting position. Unlike star colleagues who like to flaunt in tight dresses, emphasizing rounded shapes, pregnant Natalia hid her tummy under lush outfits and flatly refused to comment on the press.

Yesterday we recorded one program for the 1st channel, - said the press secretary of the couple, Anna Isaeva. - I didn’t have time to return home, when Natasha called me: “Anna, it seems that my water has broken.” Late in the evening she was taken to the hospital. And already at 7.00 on June 5, a baby was born. All night Volodya was next to Natasha. The birth lasted 10 hours and now happy parents rest. I know the baby and mom are doing great. But the details are yet to be announced.

Relatives were aware that 47-year-old Presnyakov and 33-year-old Podolskaya would have a son, although the couple deliberately led journalists by the nose and said that they were expecting a daughter.

They even chose a name for the baby, but so far the secret has not been revealed.

You can’t imagine how happy I am, ”Elena, the mother of Vladimir Presnyakov, shared her joy. - My son called me early in the morning: "Mom, stop smoking." And I immediately understood everything. I made a vow that when Natasha gives birth to a child, I will definitely quit smoking. Volodya was so excited, he did not have time to tell me anything: weight, height. We have been waiting for the birth of this baby for a long time. Volodya and Natasha have been together for almost 10 years, but there were no children .... I went to church and prayed for the guys. And what they did not do: they went to Israel to the Holy Sepulcher, took communion, confessed, constantly went to the service. They literally begged for this baby. So words cannot express our happiness. I already drank heart drops, and then for joy such a strong heartbeat ...

By the way, Vladimir and Natalya noticed an interesting pattern: their baby will be born on the fifth anniversary of their wedding and 24 years after the birth of their first child Presnyakov Nikita. Podolskaya long years dreamed of a child, so now she jokes: "Nikita was also born in the year of the Goat. And when I realized this, she said:" So that's what we were waiting for! Year of the Goat!

Recall that Vladimir Presnyakov announced the news of the pregnancy of Natalia Podolskaya to fans. Then he published a photo of his wife, very touchingly signing it: "My favorite two hearts." The picture shows only Natalia, so many fans concluded that we are talking about the second person, who is not yet visible - a child.

Despite the interesting situation, Natalya Podolskaya led a very active image life. She sang, met with friends and even managed to celebrate a housewarming party with her family. Shortly before the birth, the couple moved to a new Vacation home, the whole floor in which they took under the children's and playrooms. The fact is that in parallel with her sister, the twin of Natalia Podolskaya, Julianna, is also expecting a child. Close relatives have similar terms, however, Yulia plans to give her husband twins. And so, in order for all the kids to have enough space, a huge space in the mansion was taken away specifically for the children's rooms.


Vladimir Presnyakov Sr.: They decided to name the grandson Artemy or Artem

The 33-year-old singer on Friday, June 5, gave birth to a baby in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. commented on this good news to Komsomolskaya Pravda. In particular, he said that they decided to name his grandson Artemy or Artem.

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya

The son of Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov Artemy is one and a half years old. All this time, the parents regularly talked about the boy’s life on social networks, published photos and videos, but did it in such a way that the child’s face was never visible.


And finally, the fans waited: the artists decided to present their adored boy to the general public. Vacationing a couple of weeks ago United Arab Emirates, star family participated in a photo shoot for a popular magazine. For little Artemy, this shooting was the first. Three hours ago, Natasha published a cover on her microblog, on which she, Vladimir Presnyakov and son Artemy are depicted. She signed the picture briefly “Theme”, as if re-introducing her child to the readers.


Fans immediately began to discuss who the heir to the famous family looks like. "Finally!!! Hello Tyomushka, glad to meet you ... Baba Lena is the spitting image ... A handsome boy, gentle ... What an interesting boy) ... Oh, what mi mi mi !!! bunny!!! Very similar to Grandma Lena! Very cute Tyoma!.. Grandmother Elena, one copy!!! Exactly, the spitting image of a grandmother)))) wow!) ... Oh, what a handsome man !!. Copy of grandmother (Presnyakova). At least in this photo…” (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - note ..


Two hours after the publication of the first photo of Theme and Vladimir Presnyakov decided to introduce his son. He posted a video in which the boy laughs fervently, holding an orange in his hands. The singer signed the video on behalf of the baby: “Hello!!! I'M THE TEMA ”(hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - site note).

The popular singer, composer and arranger and his wife became parents in June 2015. Their son Artemy was born in their family. And some time ago on the net But a few hours ago, Vladimir again provoked talk of a joyful addition to their family by posting a photo with a newborn child on his personal microblog.

"This is happiness"- Vladimir himself signed the picture.


And since the artist did not disclose the details of this publication, most of the musician's subscribers, only after seeing this frame in his account, decided that there was a replenishment in the celebrity family. However, some of Presnyakov's sane fans still tried to convey to his fans that this is just an archival frame.

“Is this the firstborn or already the second?”

"Second? It's super cool!"

"Second baby?"

"Artyomka, that's what you were!"

"Is this your second child?"

"Another one or what?"

"Vladimir has misled everyone..."


And during a concert dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of Vladimir,

Natalya Podolskaya is primarily associated with the public with the singer Vladimir Presnyakov, she is his third, perhaps the most dearly beloved wife, Volodya calls her "Tusya is my dude." The two met in 2005, she was 23 and he was 37. At that time, Vladimir Presnyakov was not going to start a serious relationship, he had not yet been divorced from his second wife, designer Lena Lenskaya, but he no longer lived with her under the same roof, she left him, tired of his eternal whining about her excessive employment his career. By the time he met Natasha, Vladimir Presnyakov had become disillusioned with both love and women, and got hooked on the bubble. But Natalia Podolskaya managed to inspire the eminent singer with a thirst for life. Natasha and Vladimir have the same temperaments, the years go by, and to this day they feel good together, they don’t get tired of each other, they try not to part for more than a week, although in fact they tour together, they don’t like to relax apart, you look at them, and they all the time they smile, laugh and look tenderly at each other, to be sure, an idyll. Although grinding, of course, was, and it is unlikely that everything has always been sugary-sweet! And once our hero even launched an ironing board at his beloved wife! But Natasha realized in time that it was not worth making her husband angry, she needed to look for an approach to him! In his youth, Vladimir Presnyakov pulled the blanket over himself very strongly in a relationship, and therefore the freedom-loving Kristina Orbakaite and Lena Lenskaya suffered. Previously, Vladimir Presnyakov was sure that it was better for a woman to sit at home next to her husband, over the years he became more tolerant and compliant, wiser. Who is more fortunate? Natalya Podolskaya or Vladimir Presnyakov? She saved him from loneliness, discouraged him from drowning sorrows in a bottle, inspired and inspired him. He allowed her to enter one of the most famous clans of the musical elite. Russian stage- Presnyakovs-Pugachevs-Orbakaite-Kirkorovs-Galkins - all this is one big family and to be friends with them is not only pleasant, but also useful. There can be no talk of a certain commercialism of Natalia Podolskaya, because when she met Vladimir Presnyakov, he was very good-looking, in his prime and could charm almost any woman with his charm, and Natasha herself was already quite known to the public - in 2004 In the year she took third place at the "Star Factory 5", released her first solo album, went to Eurovision. By the way, Alla Pugacheva was the artistic director of Star Factory 5, and looked after her wards very carefully, could she have thought that the charming, young Natasha Podolskaya would soon become the muse of her former son-in-law Volodya!

Natalya Popolskaya creates a positive image of her husband - he was a drunken musician twice abandoned by his wives, and now thanks to a Belarusian singer - this guy is associated with exemplary family man, tenderly loving, idolizing his beloved wife and children. The whole country has been waiting for 10 years for this beautiful, talented couple to have an heir, a miracle happened, in 2015 Artemy was born - a copy of his famous dad!

And here's another one amazing fact- Natalia Podolskaya has a twin sister and her name is Juliana, she had twins in 2015 (Natasha also gave birth in the same year)! So Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov have the opportunity to become parents of twins!

Many are interested in how Natalia Podolskaya looked before plastic surgery. The singer only slightly corrected her nose, it was asymmetric, but it became very neat, but the individuality was preserved, the singer did not completely change its shape.

But in this photo you can see how Natalia Podolskaya's nose became after the operation. The difference before and after is obvious.

In this photo, Natalia Podolskaya, Vladimir Presnyakov and their son Artemy.