Water temperature in June in the Black Sea - in detail

June - the first summer month. The water temperature in the Black Sea in June gradually rises. So, if the average water temperature at the beginning is +20°C, then the average water temperature at the end in the Black Sea is +23°C.

average temperature air in the Black Sea in June is 22°C.

Water temperature in June in the Black Sea in different years

The day with the coldest sea in the Black Sea was in 2019. The average water temperature in the sea was only +15.7°С. It was June 1, 2019

day with the most warm sea in the Black Sea was in 2018. The average water temperature in the sea reached +27.4°C. It was June 30, 2018

Water temperature for each day in June in the Black Sea in different years shown in the chart below:

Average sea water temperature in June in the Black Sea

The coldest sea in the Black Sea was in 2019. The average water temperature in the sea was only +19.9°C.

The warmest sea in the Black Sea happened in 2012. The average water temperature in the sea reached +22.7°C.

The graph of the average monthly sea water temperature in the Black Sea in June for different years clearly demonstrates this:

Records for water temperature in the Black Sea in June

Monitors sea water temperature in the Black Sea since 2010. And, I must say, water temperature records happen quite often. Almost every day at a particular resort, the water is either the coldest or the warmest. Below are the data on the minimum and maximum sea water temperatures in the Black Sea in June.

Today in Crimea, beautiful, sunny weather, in the second half of the day short-term rains are expected in some places, at an air temperature of +20C. The average air temperature in the Crimean resorts in early June ranges from +21 °C up to +30 °C The coastal waters of the Black Sea in some places of the Crimea warmed up to +23 +24°C.

The Red Sea, located in a tectonic depression between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa, is considered the warmest. Temperature sea ​​water in the popular Egyptian resort of Hurgada (hurgada) in the Red Sea today, June 9 is +26.8°C, with an air temperature of +40°C. Agree, it is difficult to endure such heat for a person accustomed to a more temperate climate.

Much easier to carry summer heat on the Black Sea coast, in the resorts of the Crimea, the Caucasus, in Odessa, that is why they are very popular among Russians. Hotels in Odessa, Sevastopol are ready to receive and comfortably accommodate thousands of vacationers.

How long does it take for a person to recover his strength from the exhausting rhythm modern life, saturated with long sitting at the computer, unnecessary, at times, communication on the Internet, physical inactivity? Crimean doctors are concerned about the tendency to reduce the duration of treatment in sanatoriums. Many experts believe that this fact of reducing the treatment time negatively affects the results of treatment, and sometimes undermines the credibility of therapeutic methods. Experts believe that the approach in each case should be individual, and much depends on the state of health of the person who arrived at the clinic of the sanatorium. For one, maybe a week is enough, and for another, a second course of treatment will be needed. Climatologists who offer balneological treatment as a preventive measure adhere to the rule of staying at the resort for 18 days. Crimean resorts not only treat vacationers, but also teach them to be healthy!

the 9th of June The temperature of the water in the Black Sea pleases vacationers in Kerch and Evpatoria most of all.
Most warm water in the sea today off the coast of Kerch, water thermometers show +23 +24 ° С, almost like in Egyptian Hurghada!

A little cooler sea off the coast Evpatoria +21.5°C, in the Black Sea +20.2°С.

Sea water temperature on the westernmost cape of Crimea Tarkhankut +19°C, also in Mezhvodny +19°C

The Black Sea off the coast of Sevastopol is now + 21.8 ° С

The sea near the Kherson lighthouse warmed up to +20.6°С

In Yalta, sea water is slightly cooler + 19 ° С, in Alushta + 20 ° С , in Sudak +20°C. In Alupka, sea water is only + 18 ° C degrees.

The temperature of sea water off the coast of Feodosia and Koktebel is +18.8°С

As before, the sea water off the coast of Odessa remains cool +19°C.

On Azov coast sea ​​water temperature: in Mariupol +23.4°С, in Berdyansk +23.1°С, in Genechesk +22.1°С, in Ilyichevsk +19.4°С

Asked the Black Sea in June. Cold or not so good for a holiday with a child of 6 years old? given by the author Neurologist the best answer is The water temperature in the Black Sea is difficult to predict; it all depends on the direction of the wind. If the wind blows from the sea, it blows away the surface warm waters and the water on the beach is warm but muddy. If the wind blows from the land, on the contrary, it blows away the warm surface layer and the water on the beach is cold. This happens most often. But if the weather is calm, calm, then the water is clean and warm. But it is very difficult to predict the weather. Just hope for luck.
I live near the sea and I am well acquainted with this phenomenon.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: The Black Sea in June. Cold or not so good for a holiday with a child of 6 years old?

Answer from enlighten[master]
I was at the end of June - normal.

Answer from MM[guru]
and it seems to me that in August it is the best, and in June it is not quite warm ..

Answer from workable[guru]
August, taking into account the child, is preferable. Been there.

Answer from Sinyorita[guru]
Of course, cold. perfect time for holidays with a child, the second half of July-August-the first half of September. And then year after year is not necessary.

Answer from Bead[guru]
It was cold, and the stones with sand had not yet been warmed up, as an adult, I was treated later. I need to go at the end of June on the 20th

Answer from . [guru]
I think that it all depends on where exactly you are going ... the further south the warmer ... judging by the south of Ukraine, which is located on the Black Sea coast ... June is often a cooler month - it often rains . the temperature does not rise above 25-28 (often) and hence the temperature of coastal waters is about 20 degrees. In July-August, it is usually much hotter, the air temperature rises above 30-35, and the temperature of coastal waters, respectively ...
although it's in Ukraine and it's not even Crimea... It all depends on where exactly you are going to the Black Sea 🙂
Decide and have a good rest!

Answer from Alex[guru]
Last year, the sea was warm from the very first days of June. On June 8, we swam with might and main and even managed to get a tan. But this is not always the case. It's about about Feodosia.

Answer from Inna Neznaika[guru]
yes, it’s normal, it’s absolutely not hot, there are no people .. but there are rains)

Answer from ITsochi[active]
The Black Sea (Sochi coast) is mostly cool in June, that is, from +18 to +22, it is better to go closer to July or in July itself. In August (especially in the middle), the water is often "very warm" around +27+29 degrees, but there are several side effects, prices are higher, there are more people, the sea is dirtier. If possible, come in the first half of September, there are fewer people, housing prices are falling, the water is cleaner and more pleasant.

Answer from Alexander Bad[active]
It all depends on the time you are going to spend in the water. If we take the body of an average not hardened person, then something like this: Up to 10-11 degrees you can swim for about 1-2 hours on average, if 12-15 then you can swim for 4 hours on average, if 16-20 degrees, then 8-10 you can swim for hours. Above 20 degrees, you can already spend unlimited time in the water, if necessary - the body of an average person will cope with thermoregulation at this temperature. Information from personal experience, sailed for many years in all the oceans of the world, including the Arctic.

Rest on the shores of the Black Sea considered one of the most popular among Russians. But in what month is it best to go there so that you can lie on the beach, and most importantly, swim in the sea itself?

The water temperature in January differs depending on the resort, but almost everywhere the situation is similar. Wherever you go, you are unlikely to be able to swim, because maximum value recorded in the Mersinian Gulf, and it is only 13 degrees above zero.

In Anapa, Tuapse and Gelendzhik, the water temperature of the Black Sea in January ranges from 9 to 11 degrees, in Yalta it is a couple of degrees lower. The most cold water in January in Odessa - only 4 degrees.

In February, the indicators do not change in better side the temperature drops two to three degrees. In March, the situation persists, so swimming is still not allowed.

In early April, the temperature of the Black Sea is similar to March, but by the end of the month, the water warms up almost everywhere up to 13-14 degrees above zero.

In May in the Mersinian Gulf, despite the fact that the temperature in winter was higher than in other places, it is a maximum of 20 degrees Celsius, while the Black Sea in the area of ​​Gelendzhik, Anapa and Tuapse warms up to 21 degrees. In Yalta and Odessa - 18-20 degrees at the end of the month.

But with the onset of summer, the thermometer creeps up. The warmest water is in Yalta - 25 degrees, a little cooler in Gelendzhik and Anapa, and in Tuapse temperature is unstable: during June it can vary from 19 to 25 degrees. The average temperature of the Black Sea in June is 23 degrees.

In July, the water in Russian resorts can warm up to 27 degrees, and in the Mersin Gulf - up to 28 above zero. In Odessa - 23-25 ​​degrees of heat. At the end of August, the Black Sea begins to warm up more slowly, so the temperature drops by about two degrees.

In September, you can still swim, although, for example, in the Mersin Gulf, the temperature of the Black Sea is 23-24 degrees, and in Russian resorts it drops to 21 degrees. In Yalta, the water is still warm to 24 degrees above zero, but by the end of the month it cools down to twenty. In October it is only 18 degrees. The lowest rate in Odessa- 15-17 degrees, in other resorts the Black Sea is warmed up to 21 degrees.

In November the warmest water is in the Mersinsk Gulf, Yalta and Gelendzhik, but in cooler - about 15 degrees above zero. Approximately the same temperature in Golden Sands. The coldest thing in the Black Sea off the coast of Odessa: the water temperature drops up to 10 degrees.

With the coming of winter water temperature in the Black Sea can drop below ten degrees. This situation is observed in Odessa and Golden Sands. in the Mersinian Gulf Maximum temperature December- 12-14 degrees, while in other resorts the average is 11 degrees above zero. .

Best beach holiday in June

Mediterranean Sea

Air day temperature





Holidays on the coasts of the Indian Ocean, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in June

In June, there is no need to make long flights to enjoy the warm water and the hot sun. However, if you want to see exotic countries, then in June, special attention should be paid to the rainy seasons. The rainy season is in full swing in Goa. Rains are possible both in Hainan and in the resorts of Thailand. In the Caribbean, June is not only the rainy season, but also the beginning of the hurricane season. However, the probability of hurricanes is not high.

There is no rainy season in Nha Trang in June and although it is quite hot, June good month for trips to this part of Vietnam.

Rains are completely excluded in the resorts of Israel and Egypt, the United Arab Emirates. But in June, the hot desert heats the air in these countries to a very high temperatures. Daytime temperatures can exceed 40 degrees. Holidays in the resorts of the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf in June can only be recommended to those who love real heat.

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