Wearing shoes on the rise, each representative of the charming sex is transformed, feels the most beautiful, feminine, elegant and beautiful. However, an incorrectly selected heel height can adversely affect even the most model gait, you will learn further how to choose the ideal heel height so as not to feel fatigue, discomfort and other unpleasant sensations.

Why did women start wearing heels? The fact is that the representatives of the masculine sex are simply thrilled at the sight of a lady on a thin high heel, they immediately associate her with the most insidious sexy and passionate woman. Putting on heels, the lady is instantly transformed externally and internally, but this will happen only under one condition - the right height of the heel.

Heel types:

1. Glass- is a low rise (no more than seven centimeters) with an expanded base and a narrowed bottom, visually it can be compared with a glass leg. Looks amazing on tall ladies.

2. Viennese- is an ideal option for daily outings, since the high heel is one and a half to two centimeters, they are suitable for absolutely all representatives of the charming sex.

3. Hairpin / stilettos- a thin heel up to twelve centimeters high. This is the most spectacular, sexy, attractive and sensual type of heel, looks great with jeans, evening dresses and skirts.

4. Wedge/sole- a solid rise, the height of which can vary from four to twenty centimeters, is much more stable than heels and also looks feminine and elegant.

5. Cowboy- despite his rude appearance(the back part is bevelled), give elegance to the legs.

6. Brick- the most comfortable and stable, is a rectangular heel up to four centimeters high.

7. Tapered- harmonizes well with skirts and dresses, the rise is wide at the base and very narrowed down, the height can reach twelve centimeters.

8. Wedge-shaped- visually slims the legs from which it suits absolutely all ladies, the heel is in the form of an inverted triangle, strongly tapering downwards, the height can be completely different.

9. Post- a straight wide heel with a rise of five centimeters, is very stable, which makes it an excellent option for daily outings.

Depending on the shape of the legs

If you are short, you should look for shoes with a rise of no more than eight centimeters, otherwise the center of gravity will shift, and while walking you will lean forward.
Owners of thin, thin legs are perfect for shoes with thin heels, such as stilettos.
With plump ankles and calves, you need to focus on the maximum simple models, too closed or open models will not suit you.
With magnificent feminine forms, you should not experiment with thin or too high heels, the ideal option is a thickened rise of no more than eight centimeters.

In general, any chosen pair of shoes should be put on in the store and walk a little and stay in them for at least ten minutes, your body will tell you whether this model and heel height fit or not. For frequent exits, you should not choose too high and thin heels, ideally it should be a rise of about five to seven centimeters, only such a height will give you confidence and you will not feel tired.

The size. It turns out that when buying shoes with a rise of more than three centimeters, you should choose a size larger. The fact is that during walking there is a strong pressure on thumb, from which it moves forward. If the heel height is from five to nine centimeters, then take half a size larger than yours; from ten to fifteen - one size more; over sixteen centimeters - one and a half sizes more.

And finally, remember that the optimal lifting height should be a quarter of the length of your foot, and wear high stilettos no more than three times in seven days. Frequently wearing shoes more than five and a half centimeters will adversely affect blood circulation and calf muscles, but flat shoes without lifting can also be harmful, since they lack an arch support that warns our ligaments from fatigue.

And from previous articles about shoes, you have already learned what materials it should be made of and how to choose quality shoes. On this page you can read about such a very important aspect for your health as the ideal heel height.

Each of us wants to always look our best, and one of the ways to enhance our own attractiveness is to wear high-heeled shoes. A 6 cm heel will seem high to someone, and someone never wears less than 10 cm. So what should be the optimal heel height and how to choose the right shoes?

So, according to the theory of proportionality, the ideal heel height can be calculated from following formula: Divide your height in centimeters by your leg length (also in centimeters) measured from waistline to floor. Then we calculate the difference between the obtained value and the coefficient of the ideal ratio between height and leg length (it is 1.61). The figure that will turn out in the end should be multiplied by 10. This will be the height in centimeters of the most aesthetically harmonious heel for you.

From a medical point of view, in everyday shoes, the optimal heel height should be within 2-4 cm. When wearing a higher heel, the load on the legs is not physiologically distributed, the foot stops springing, and each step gives back to the spine. Through some wearing high-heeled shoes is fraught with diseases of the veins, joints and spine.

Orthopedists have developed their own formula for calculating the most physiological heel height: foot length in centimeters divided by seven. Heels of just this height help the feet when walking and protect them from fatigue.

If you prefer a platform to a heel, then there are some pitfalls here. Not many people know that long and frequent walking on the platform can lead to flat feet. By the way, thick rigid platform soles are extremely harmful, especially for young ladies, for everyday wear, even if their height is normal. After all, the muscles of the foot almost do not work in them.

Fans of shoes with a very pointed toe should be prepared for the fact that the toes can gradually deform due to constant squeezing and squeezing, “bumps” can form and flat feet can develop. If you are still a fan of such shoes, then choose suede. It is this material that will allow the product not to lose its appearance for a long time due to its resistance to small scratches, etc., which is a misfortune for pointed shoes. An increase in the service life of pointed shoes is facilitated by such a design, when the edge of the sole protrudes slightly forward, taking on random impacts.

So how do you choose the right shoes? Should you wear high heels? What shoes are good for feet? Here are its signs: a stable heel 2-6 cm high, an optimal toe width that does not squeeze fingers, a springy and not too hard sole, natural "breathable" materials. However, all of the above does not mean that shoes with high heels, platforms or with a very pointed toe should not be worn at all. Everything is good in moderation, and you may well have such shoes in your wardrobe. Just save it for special occasions like dates or parties.

And, finally, a small test that allows you to determine how healthy your legs are. Consider carefully worn shoes. If heels wear out on the outside and socks on the inside, then there is no reason to worry. If the shoes are worn down along the inner edge, then this is a symptom of flat feet, which means that you need to contact an orthopedist and order special

At all times, shoes have played a huge role in a person's wardrobe. Initially, it protected from adverse external factors(cold, snow, rain, mud, sharp and rough surfaces). Then shoes began to be used not only for practical purposes, but also for aesthetic ones.

But the concepts of beauty and health always go side by side. Today, many women, in order to look more attractive and more confident, more and more often resort to shoes with huge heels. Wearing shoes with a height of 9-12 cm can make the image more attractive, but at the same time it causes great harm health. All the disadvantages of using such shoes in a few years will affect the health of the musculoskeletal system.

How to figure out what heel height is safe for the health of the legs, back, and even the reproductive function of a woman, and which shoes are best to refuse?

From the point of view of medical experts, the height of heels that is most comfortable for a woman is no more than four centimeters. If the heel height is great height, then the load on the muscles of the pelvic floor, the spine increases significantly, which entails a change in gait. This contributes to the appearance of various diseases of the spine, joints and veins, in nulliparous girls it can cause special occasions even a change in the position of the body of the uterus. Possible curvature of posture, as well as displacement of internal organs.

The uneven distribution of the load that occurs when wearing high heels can contribute to the deformity of the big toe, and further become a huge problem in choosing comfortable shoes.

Quite common problems after wearing high heels (as well as shoes with rigid soles or platforms) are calluses, corns, flat feet, varicose veins, and atrophy of the calf muscles. Wearing tight shoes can lead to bumps.

Of course, in addition to the shortcomings, high heels also have many advantages:

Stretch the silhouette and perfectly slim;

Make the legs visually longer than they really are;

Change the gait, make it unhurried and graceful;

Make the female figure more feminine and sexy.

It is preferable to choose expensive high-quality shoes made from natural breathable materials;

The block should be as comfortable as possible;

Buy shoes according to the size of your feet;

Use shoes with a heel height not higher than five centimeters;

When wearing uncomfortable shoes for a long time, periodically remove them and massage the feet;

At the end of the day, massage the calf muscles, as well as do hydromassage baths;

As far as possible, alternate high-heeled shoes with flat-soled shoes.

In terms of style, the wrong choice of heels can drastically change the look. It is worth remembering that its thickness depends on the texture of the fabric - the thinner the fabric, the thinner the heel and vice versa.

Low-cut shoes can be ideally combined with elegant clothes, otherwise they can create a casual effect. The length of skirts and dresses in combination with a flat sole should be above the knee; for trousers, the length ends at the ankle.

Shoes with low heels suitable for any wardrobe. It is the most comfortable and simple. Looks great with both skirts and trousers.

Shoes with high heels require their own length of clothing. If this is a dress or skirt, then their length should not be above the knee. When choosing a winter set of shoes, give preference to sustainable models. Avoid stilettos and thin heels as they are more likely to slip and cause injury.

How to choose a heel height that is safe for health?

For determining optimal height there are also a number of formulas for the heel. The first health formula obtained by orthopedic specialists looks like this:

Foot length (in cm) / 7 = ideal heel height for health

The beauty formula looks like this:

1. Height (in cm) / leg length (in cm from the floor to the waist line) = the result obtained;

2. (Result - 1.61) x 10 = aesthetic height of the heel (in cm).

To find out how comfortable the feet are in the chosen shoes, you need to look at the old set. If the outer edge of the heel is worn out, and the inner edge of the toe, then everything is normal. If a lot of wear is observed in other parts of the sole, then it can be either orthopedic disorders, or a curvature of the leg position due to wearing tight shoes, or specimens with an uncomfortable shoe.

On the example of Cinderella, we learned that, in particular, the success of a woman depends on shoes. Today, carriages are not in fashion, there are no fairies, but women's shoes with high and not very high heels are striking in their diversity.

Looking at how girls easily walk in high heels, causing admiration and pleasing to the eye, it seems that these shoes are really very comfortable. With this, of course, one can argue, but still - such shoes can be comfortable to make her the right choice.

Good shoes have a well-balanced center of gravity, the correct weight, a rounded sole, and the correct roundness of the toe. It is impossible to clearly define the parameters of each characteristic, since for the most part they depend on the individual characteristics of the woman's foot. As a rule, how comfortable we are in a particular shoe is more influenced by other factors - such as foot size in cm, gait, posture, height-to-weight ratio, where our center of gravity is. Taking into account all these indicators will help you understand what shoes with heels should be and, most importantly, help determine the limit of its height.

How to choose the right high heel shoes

There are several rules, adhering to which you can determine whether the chosen model fits your foot, how high the quality of the shoes is, and to estimate how long a pair will last you. What are these rules?
First, pay attention to the sole: if it is shiny and smooth in appearance, discard the pair, because the sole has little contact with the surface, which will cause it to slip. Walking in such shoes can be unsafe.

Second, pay attention to weight. The weight of a good shoe with a heel or platform will differ significantly from a low-quality fake. The "correct" shoes, even though they look massive, will have a small weight. To make sure that you do not have to carry an extra load, it is enough to stand in shoes with a raised leg for ten seconds. Listen to your inner feelings: if it’s still easy for you, the shoes suit you, if it’s hard, keep looking. If you do not feel discomfort after the procedure, take a walk around the store. Has your gait changed, and not for the better? Did you start shuffling and stuff like that? Then this model is not for you.

Thirdly, the height of the heel. On the one hand, the better - visually, it makes the figure slimmer. But on the other hand, the higher, the worse - the probability of stumbling or even falling increases. To prevent this from happening, carefully inspect the selected pair. As a rule, shoes with very high heels also have a platform that allows you to make the model more comfortable and practical. But often the height of the kadluk does not correspond to the height of the platform, which entails not the most good consequences. Ideally, the difference between the platform and the heel should be 5-7 cm. But this combination is quite rare. The platform itself also has its own characteristics: the bow can be raised or be on the same level with the rest. Very high heels do not go well with flat soles - this can make the walk awkward, especially when the legs get tired.

Fourth, there is such a factor as stability. To safely wear a heel of any height, a woman must have a correctly located center of gravity, good posture and gait, sufficient physical training and even stretching. If with any of the above problems, you should look for a heel height limit.

It is also important to take into account the ratio of the woman's height and weight, the presence of any diseases of the joints of the legs or the spine, and some other individual factors.

Foot size in cm and heel

Often we are faced with measuring shoes in centimeters, but how many people know how the length of the foot relates to How much will 36 foot size be in cm? There is a certain pattern that we can easily find in the tables. According to them, half a size is added every half a centimeter: for example, 37 foot size in cm will be 23.5, and 24 cm is, respectively, 37.5 and so on.

But that's not the only correspondence you need to be aware of - there's also a pattern between shoe size and heel height. So, if you buy shoes with a heel of 5-9 cm, then choose it half a size larger. If the heel is 10-15 cm high, you need to take a pair one size larger. If it is higher than 16 cm - 1.5 more. Thus, if your foot size is 38, and you choose shoes with 12 cm heels, buy a model in size 39.

Properly selected shoes will certainly become a comfortable and practical decoration for your feet.

Oddly enough, initially men used heels on shoes. Riders with the help of this simple detail were kept in the stirrups. Later, both men and women wore stilettos to keep them out of the mud. And only after a few hundred years did the heel become an attribute of women's shoes and a symbol of femininity and grace.

Of course, platform shoes make the look more sophisticated.

What should be the height of the stiletto, is it reasonable to wear high heels? Let's try to find out.

Do you really need a heel?

Women and girls different ages often choose and wear high-heeled shoes. But not everyone knows that the wrong choice of height and shape of this part of the shoe can lead to serious diseases of the legs and spine.

The culprits of serious diseases can be high shoes: photo

Doctors' opinions

If in shoes designed for every day, the heel is too narrow, then the load on the foot will be unevenly distributed. As a result, there will be rapid leg fatigue and even problems with the veins.

  1. Doctors insist that a comfortable heel height should be 4 cm. Shoes that exceed this height can lead to tendon strain.
  2. Orthopedists have even invented special formulas for calculating the correct size of the back of the shoe, depending on the height and length of the woman's foot.
  • It is necessary to divide the length (in centimeters) of the foot by 7.

Another more complex formula also allows you to calculate the appropriate height:

  • The height of the woman (cm) should be divided by the length of the leg from the beginning of the thigh to the floor in centimeters. Then subtract 1.61 from the result and multiply the resulting number by 10.

put on optimal size hairpins, and you do not have to suffer

  • When you choose summer shoes or sandals with an open heel, you should pay attention to the toe of the model - it should hold the foot well. The closed toe in such models with high heels definitely lengthens the legs of the owner of the shoe.
  • When buying open-toe sandals, you need to choose a model in such a way that the thumb does not touch the toe of the sandals.
  • It is advisable not to be all day in shoes with heels. During the day, you need to change shoes several times.

Give your feet a rest during the day - change very high heels for more comfortable shoes

  • Make sure that the hairpin is stable, regardless of whether it is high or low.
  • It will also be helpful to wear soft insoles - this will reduce the pressure on the knees.


The instruction is as follows: high heels - you can buy and wear, but sometimes not for long

The conclusions and recommendations written above do not mean at all that it is necessary to completely abandon shoes with heels. Science has proven that completely flat shoes, such as ballet flats or sneakers, cause no less damage to health than wearing high heels.

If you wear shoes without a heel for a long time, flat feet develop. The safest and even useful height will be from 3 to 5 cm. Well, for special occasions or special meetings and dates, you can afford a heel and the highest shoes.

How to choose comfortable high heels? About this video: