Riddles about animals are definitely the most favorite children's riddles. They are suitable for both the smallest and older children. We have collected the most popular children's riddles about both domestic animals and wild animals. Riddles about animals will help your baby quickly remember the names of animals, even which he has never seen.

For convenience, we have grouped all the puzzles by type of animal (domestic, wild, forest, marine), as well as separately for each animal.

A fascinating journey into the world of animal riddles successfully ends with the joy of discovery when the kid recognizes his beloved pet in the described hero. Parents no longer have to think for a long time about what to do with their child, because now the child himself will offer to “play riddles about animals”.

How to make riddles about animals

Many parents do not even think about the fact that riddles are an excellent tool in the development of a child. Just like any tool, they need to be used correctly. There are several main points, given which, you can get the most out of this exciting game.

  1. When guessing riddles about animals, show the child pictures. This advice is especially relevant for toddlers.
  2. Acquaintance with riddles about animals can be combined with a trip to the zoo, forest or farm. Having seen the behavior of animals in reality, it will be easier for the child to guess riddles about wild or domestic animals.
  3. From time to time return to guessed riddles. This will allow you to repeat the names of animals and train your memory.
  4. Focus on the comparisons and figurative descriptions that occur in the riddle. This will expand lexicon and figurative thinking of the child.
  5. Don't limit yourself to familiar animals. Riddles about wild animals are a great way to introduce the kid to the variety of animals in the wild forest, at the same time, riddles about pets will remind the kid about the pets he knows.

Riddles about animals with answers

Not a plowman, not a carpenter,
Not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
And the first worker in the village.

I will take a nap and sing
My song for you.
But when I'm on the hunt
I am not lazy at work.

I am the most thrifty of all:
I, friends, have a cheek
Like a nut bag
Or, let's say, a duffel bag.

Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
Lying quietly
Then she suddenly ran away.

He has a huge mouth
He is called...

The animal is waddling
Raspberries and honey.
He loves sweets very much
And when autumn comes
Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams.

Who deftly jumps on the trees
And flies up to the oaks?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Dry mushrooms for the winter?

digs, digs,
An underground passage is building,
Digging, building smartly
Bedroom and closet.

What kind of animal
Tell me brothers
Can he climb into himself?

He walks with his head up
Not because an important count,
Not because of a proud disposition,
And because he...

I'm scratching under the floor
And I'm afraid of cats.

Stroking - caressing.
Teasing - biting.
Sitting on a chain
The house is guarded.

In rich clothes
Yes, I'm blind.
Lives without a window
Didn't see the sun

Friendly with the owner
The house guards
Lives under the porch
And a ring tail.

He has a big ears,
He is obedient to his master.
And although it is not great,
But it drives like a truck.

Not mustache, but beard,
And angry at all the guys
But he is not a grandfather.
Guess kids, who is it?

This little baby
Glad even for a bread crumb,
Because before dark
She hides in a burrow.

Less tiger more cat,
Above the ears brush-horns..

The crawler is crawling
Bringing needles.

The oblique does not have a den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Walking in the woods in summer
Resting in the den in winter.

He climbed into the cabbage autumn sometimes:
horned and shaggy, and with a long beard

He arched his back,
Meowed. Who it?

Combed without a comb
And washed without water
Climbed into an easy chair
And sang in every way.

Instead of a tail - a hook.
Instead of a nose - a patch.
Piglet full of holes,
And the hook is swivel.


small stature, long tail, gray coat, sharp teeth

Itself motley, eats green, gives white

Does not spin, does not weave,
And clothes people.
He takes off his fur coat twice a year.
Who walks under a fur coat?

I'm not a bird
Doesn't sing
And who goes to the house
She lets you know.

When he is in a cage, he is pleasant.
There are many black spots on the skin.
He is a predatory beast, although a little,
Like a lion and a tiger, like a cat.

Like a royal crown
He wears his horns.
Eats lichen, green moss,
Likes snow meadows.

Under the pines, under the trees
There is a bag of needles.

I wear a fluffy coat
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak
I chew nuts.

The hedgehog has grown ten times
It turned out ...


He is very, very curly
Doesn't want to be a barbeque
Among the sheep - a giant,
What is his name?

There are workers in the river
Not joiners, not carpenters,
And build a dam
At least paint a picture.

From the needles of the bun.
Who curled up in a ball here?
You won’t understand where the tail is, where the nose is,
He carries food on his back.
In general, you will not immediately understand.
Who is it anyway?

They have a very strange look:
Dad has curls in a wave,
And mom walks with a haircut,
What is she offended by?

Ears are sensitive upright,
Crocheted tail,
I won't let a stranger into the house,
I'm sad without a host.

Eyes, look,
claws, tail,
And it washes cleaner.

red dairy
Day chews, night chews.
After all, the grass is not so easy
Convert to milk!

Hungry - mooing
Full - chews,
To all the guys
Gives milk.

On the back of the needle
Long and prickly.
And curl up in a ball -
No head, no legs.

I'm stuck around
Thousand needles.
I have with any enemy
The conversation is short.

Believe it or don't believe it:
An animal ran through the forest.
He carried on his forehead for a reason
Two spreading bushes.

He looks like a sheepdog
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, baring his mouth,
Ready to attack the sheep.

Touchy, covered in needles,
I live in a hole, under a tree.
Though the doors are wide open,
But animals do not enter me.

A log floats on the river -
Oh, and it's wicked!


Ser, but not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse.

I am a hunchbacked beast
And the guys like me.

What animal is very beautiful
The highest, the longest?

long ear,
A ball of fluff.
Jumping smartly
Gnawing carrots.

Grumbled a living castle,
Lie across the door.

We recognize the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a gray fur coat - in winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer.

There is a nickel, but he won't buy anything.

There are lumberjacks on the rivers
In silver-brown coats.
From trees, branches, clay
Build strong dams.

It's easy for us to know
It's easy to find out:
He is tall
And sees far.

Put on the horses
Marine shirts.

In zoo,
Believe, don't believe
Miracle beast.
He has a hand in his forehead
It looks like a pipe!

He keeps his ears up.
His tail is hooked.
Put the paws on the chest:
“Give me some sausages!”
Lick on the cheek and nose
My furry friend...

Lying dirty
In a bristly shirt.
tail pretzel,
Piglet nose.


On the trees, hop-hop,
And the nuts click-click.

What animal is playing with me?
Doesn't moo, doesn't whine, doesn't bark,
Attacks balls,
Hides claws in paws!

red cheat,
Cunning and dexterous
Got into the shed
Kurt counted.

Weaved thick grasses
Meadows curled up
Yes, and I myself am all curly,
Even a curl of a horn.

working animals
Building a house in the middle of the river.
If someone comes to visit
Know that the entrance is from the river.

White in winter
And gray in summer.
Doesn't offend anyone
And he is afraid of everyone.

Me friends underground dweller
I am a digger and a builder,
I dig the earth, I dig, I dig,
I build corridors everywhere
And then I'll build a house
And I live peacefully in it.

Carries through the woods all day
Branched horns ....
Even take off the horns at night
He cannot, being afraid of the enemy.

Who lives in the forest deaf,
Clumsy, clumsy?
In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw.

Who from the tall dark pines
Did you throw a bump at the kids?
And into the bushes through the stump
Flashed like a flame?

What kind of forest animal
I stood up like a column under a pine tree
And stands among the grass
Ears more head?

Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest:
Too many needles
And no threads.

Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk.

I'm fine with:
I have a closet with me.
Where is the closet?
For the cheek!
Here I am cunning!

Lives in the rivers of Africa
Wicked green steamer!


Lots of power in it.
He is almost as tall as a house.
He has a huge nose
As if the nose has grown for a thousand years.

All my life I wear two humps,
I have two stomachs!
But every hump is not a hump, a barn!
Food in them for seven days!

With a beard, not an old man,
With horns, not a bull
They milk, not a cow,
Lyko fights,
And he has no bast shoes.

Will curl up in a ball
And you can't take it.

He dug everything - both the meadow and the garden -
Earthmoving apparatus.
In the dark during walking hours
Dug alleys under the field.

Not a lamb and not a cat,
wears a fur coat all year round.
Fur coat gray - for the summer,
For winter - a different color.

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.

That's the horse! -
Andrei exclaimed. -
like a big one
Notebook in a line!

Smooth, brown, clumsy,
He does not like winter cold.
Until spring in a deep hole
In the middle of the wide steppe
The animal sleeps sweetly!
What is his name?

Which of the animals
Tail fluffy and long?

They always call me blind
But this is not a problem at all.
I built a house underground
All pantries are full in it.

From branch to branch
Fast as a ball
Jumping through the forest
Red circus.
Here he is on the fly
Tore off the bump
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran away in a hollow.

Small, gray, and the tail is like an awl.

small, white,
Jump through the woods!
On the snow poke-poke!

She doesn’t speak, she doesn’t sing, but she lets know who goes to the owner.

The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under a blizzard howl,
Sleeping in a snow hut.

Running up the mountain, somersaulting down the mountain.

Who wears his own house?


And don't swim in the sea
And there are no bristles on them,
And yet they are called
They are marine...

Made a hole, dug a hole,
The sun is shining and he doesn't know.

The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden,
He lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village.

Mustachioed muzzle, striped coat,
Often washed, but with water is not known.

Developing the sphere of emotions, children's animal puzzles ensure the development of your baby. From the first years he learns important facts about this or that inhabitant of the forest, field or farm. Every year the stock of knowledge of the little child prodigy will grow, which will have a great effect on his horizons. For example, guessing riddles about animals, a child can get the following information:

  • the appearance of the animal;
  • place of residence;
  • habits;
  • favorite treats;
  • enemies and friends of the animal;
  • behavioral features.

Quick memorization of the information received is facilitated not only by a rhyming syllable, but also by a rather simple language, in which children's riddles about animals are usually written. The use of vivid comparisons leaves a trace in the child's memory, and he easily recalls, if necessary, one or another feature of the animal.

In addition to the development of curiosity, attention and imagination, the riddle plays enough important role and in the communication of the baby with loved ones. After all, most riddles have a bright emotional coloring, an exciting plot, which means they cause positive experiences.

At first glance, it may seem that the riddle is a primitive and rather insignificant genre of oral folk art. But it is the guessing of riddles that contributes to the development of certain mental processes. In particular, they train well:

  • logical and critical thinking;
  • memory;
  • the ability to analyze the information received;
  • ability to compare facts and draw conclusions.

In addition to the fact that it is useful for your child to listen and guess riddles about animals, the baby can also come up with the simplest riddles on his own. He will surely like to think of their parents and friends, because at this moment he feels his significance.

The very form of constructing a riddle and its small volume attract children. And if parents turn the process of guessing into a curious game, the benefits of riddles will be difficult to overestimate. Practice reasoning, discover the secrets of the animal world and get closer with your children.

Riddles about animals with the letter B

Riddles about ram

Who is neither in the heat nor in the cold
doesn't take off his coat?

Weaved thick grasses
Meadows curled up
Yes, and I myself am all curly,
Even a curl of a horn.

He is very, very curly
Doesn't want to be a barbeque
Among the brights is a giant,
What is his name?

Over the mountains, over the valleys
There is a fur coat and a caftan.

Riddles about hippopotamus

He has a huge mouth
He is called...

Riddles about squirrel

Not a mouse, not a bird
frolicking in the forest,
Lives on trees
And gnaws nuts.

I wear a fluffy coat
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak
I chew nuts.

Small, reddish
And the tail is long and shaggy,
Lives on a tree
And gnaws cones.

From branch to branch
Fast as a ball
Jumping through the forest
Red circus.
Here he is on the fly
Tore off the bump
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran away in a hollow.

Who deftly jumps on the trees
And flies up to the oaks?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Dry mushrooms for the winter?

On the trees, hop-hop,
And the nuts click-click.

We recognize the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a gray fur coat - in winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer.

Who from the tall dark pines
Did you throw a bump at the kids?
And into the bushes through the stump
Flashed like a flame?

Fast little animal
Jumping through the trees.

Riddles about beaver
Who digs tunnels in the forest
From the branches of the dam builds,
Are the teeth really axes?
This is working…

What kind of forest animal is this?
Building huts over water?

There are workers in the river
Not joiners, not carpenters,
And build a dam
At least paint a picture.

working animals
Building a house in the middle of the river.
If someone comes to visit
Know that the entrance is from the river.

There are lumberjacks on the rivers
In silver-brown coats.
From trees, branches, clay
Build strong dams.

Riddles about animals with the letter B

Riddles about camel
All my life I wear two humps,
I have two stomachs!
But every hump is not a hump, a barn!
Food in them for seven days!

I am a hunchbacked beast
And the guys like me.

Riddles about wolf
Who is cold in winter
Wandering in the forest
Angry, hungry?

He looks like a sheepdog
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, baring his mouth,
Ready to attack the sheep.

Riddles about animals with the letter D

Riddles about
The hedgehog has grown ten times
It turned out ...

Riddles about animals with the letter E, Yo

Riddles about raccoon
Unwashed in mouth
Will not take anything.
And you be like that
Like a cleaner...

Riddles about hedgehog, hedgehog

From the needles of the bun.
Who curled up in a ball here?
You won’t understand where the tail is, where the nose is,
He carries food on his back.
In general, you will not immediately understand.
Who is it anyway?

Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk.

Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
Lying quietly
Then she suddenly ran away.

Will curl up in a ball
And you can't take it.

Touchy, covered in needles,
I live in a hole, under a tree.
Though the doors are wide open,
But animals do not enter me.

The crawler is crawling
Bringing needles.

I'm stuck around
Thousand needles.
I have with any enemy
The conversation is short.

Under the pines, under the trees
There is a bag of needles.

On the back of the needle
Long and prickly.
And curl up in a ball -
No head, no legs.

Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest:
Too many needles
And no threads.

Under the needles, under the prickly,
By forest paths
Runs a ball with needles
On short legs.

You will read this story
Quiet, quiet, quiet...
Once upon a time there was a gray hedgehog
And his...

Riddles about animals with the letter J

Riddles about giraffe
He's tall, he's huge
It looks like a crane.
Only this crane is alive
With real head.
One of you will be right
Who will answer me...

It's easy for us to know
It's easy to find out:
He is tall
And sees far.

What animal is very beautiful
The highest, the longest?

He walks with his head up
Not because an important count,
Not because of a proud disposition,
But because he?

Riddles about animals with the letter Z

Riddles about hare

fast jump,
warm fluff,
Red eye.

The oblique does not have a den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

White in winter
And gray in summer.
Doesn't offend anyone
And he is afraid of everyone.

What kind of forest animal
I stood up like a column under a pine tree
And stands among the grass
Ears bigger than head?

Not a lamb and not a cat,
He wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat for summer
For winter - a different color.

gray in summer
White in winter
Long ears can
Runs fast in the forest.

Riddles about zebra

Black stripe, white stripe
As if painted by a skillful hand.

Put on the horses
Marine shirts.

That's the horse! —
Andrei exclaimed. —
like a big one
Notebook in a line!

Riddles about animals with the letter K

Riddles about goat, goat

With a beard, not an old man,
With horns, not a bull
They milk, not a cow,
Lyko fights,
And he has no bast shoes.

He climbed into the cabbage in the autumn sometimes:
horned and shaggy and with a long beard.

Not mustache, but beard,
And angry at all the guys
But he is not a grandfather.
Guess kids, who is it?

Riddles about horse

Not a plowman, not a carpenter,
Not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
And the first worker in the village.

Riddles about cow
red dairy
Day chews, night chews.
After all, the grass is not so easy
Convert to milk!

Hungry - mooing
Satiated - chews,
to all the guys
Gives milk.

Who mumbles - I do not understand:
"Moo-moo-moo! Moo-moo-moo!"
Gives us milk
In the morning he goes to the herd.

Itself motley, eats green, gives white.

Riddles about cat

What animal is playing with me?
Doesn't moo, doesn't whine, doesn't bark,
Attacks balls,
Hides claws in paws!

shaggy, mustachioed,
Starts to eat
He sings songs.

Combed without a comb
And washed without water
Climbed into an easy chair
And sang in every way.

I take a nap and sing
My song for you.
But when I'm hunting
I am lazy at work.

He arched his back,
Meowed. Who it?

Eyes, look,
claws, tail,
And it washes cleaner.

Riddles about crocodile
A log floats on the river -
Oh, and it's wicked!
Those who fell into the river
Nose bit off...

Lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship!

Riddles about a rabbit
long ear,
A ball of fluff.
Jumping smartly
Gnawing carrots.

Here, guess
Whose fluff on sweatshirts
For hats, gloves
Does it suit you guys?

Riddles about mole

Made a hole, dug a hole,
The sun is shining and he doesn't know.

digs, digs,
An underground passage is building,
Digging, building smartly
Bedroom and closet.

I, friends, underground dweller
I am a digger and a builder,
I dig the earth, I dig, I dig,
I build corridors everywhere
And then I'll build a house
And I live peacefully in it.

In rich clothes
Yes, I'm blind.
Lives without a window
Didn't see the sun.

He dug everything - both the meadow and the garden -
Earthmoving apparatus.
In the dark during walking hours
Dug alleys under the field.

They always call me blind
But this is not a problem at all.
I built a house underground
All pantries are full in it.

Riddles about animals with the letter L

Riddles about leopard
When he is in a cage, he is pleasant.
There are many black spots on the skin.
He is a predatory beast, although a little,
Like a lion and a tiger, like a cat.

Riddles about fox
Get used to the poultry house -
Expect trouble.
red tail
Covers traces.

red cheat,
Cunning and dexterous
Got into the shed
Kurt counted.

Which of the animals
Tail fluffy and long?

Riddles about moose

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.

Who wears a forest on his head?

It grazes and lives in the forest,
A tree grows on the head.

Riddles about lioness
They have a very strange look:
Dad has curls in a wave,
And mom walks with a haircut,
What is she offended by.

Riddles about animals with the letter M

Riddles about bear

Walking in the woods in summer
Resting in the den in winter.

Walks in summer, rests in winter.

Who lives in the forest deaf,
Clumsy, clumsy?
In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw.

The animal is waddling
Raspberries and honey.
He loves sweets very much
And when autumn comes
Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams.

In the summer wanders without a road
Between pines and birches
And in winter he sleeps in a lair -
Hides the nose from the cold.

Riddles about mouse

Small stature, long tail,
Gray coat, sharp teeth.

A small ball fumbles under the bench.

This little baby
Glad even for a bread crumb,
Because before dark
She hides in a burrow.

I'm scratching under the floor
And I'm afraid of cats.

Riddles about animals with the letter H

Riddles about mink
What kind of animal
Tell me brothers
Can he climb into himself?

Riddles about animals with the letter O

Riddles about monkey
Animal trainer early in the morning

Riddles about sheep

Does not spin, does not weave,
And clothes people.
He takes off his fur coat twice a year.
Who walks under a fur coat?

Riddles about deer
Carries through the woods all day
Branched horns….
Even take off the horns at night
He cannot, being afraid of the enemy.

Believe it or don't believe it:
An animal ran through the forest.
He carried on his forehead for a reason
Two spreading bushes.

Like a royal crown
He wears his horns.
Eats lichen, green moss,
Likes snow meadows.

Riddles about donkey
Ser, but not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse.

He has a big ears,
He is obedient to his master.
And although it is not great,
But it drives like a truck.

Riddles about animals with the letter P

Riddles about piglet, pig

Lying dirty
In a bristly shirt.
tail pretzel,
Piglet nose.

Instead of a tail - a hook.
Instead of a nose - a patch.
Piglet full of holes,
And the hook is swivel.

There is a nickel, but he won't buy anything.

Riddles about animals with the letter R

Riddles about lynx
Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears brush-horns..

Riddles about animals with the letter C

Riddles about elephant
Lots of power in it.
He is almost as tall as a house.
He has a huge nose
As if the nose has grown for a thousand years.

In zoo,
Believe, don't believe
Miracle beast.
He has a hand in his forehead
It looks like a pipe!

Riddles about dog, dog
He keeps his ears up.
His tail is hooked.
Put the paws on the chest:
- Give me some sausages!
Lick on the cheek and nose
My furry friend...

Tail wags, toothy, but does not bark.

Friendly with the owner
The house guards
Lives under the porch
And a ring tail.

Ears are sensitive upright,
Crocheted tail,
I won't let a stranger into the house,
I'm sad without a host.

Grumbled a living castle,
Lie across the door.

I'm not a bird
Doesn't sing
And who goes to the house
She lets you know.

Stroking - caressing.
Teasing - biting.
On a chain, sitting
The house is guarded.

Riddles about marmot

Smooth, brown, clumsy,
He does not like winter cold.
Until spring in a deep hole
In the middle of the wide steppe
The animal sleeps sweetly!
What is his name?

Riddles about gopher

I am the most prosperous of all:
I, friends, have a cheek
Like a nut bag
Or, let's say, a duffel bag.

Riddles about animals with the letter X

Riddles about hamster

I'm fine with:
I have a closet with me.
Where is the closet?
For the cheek!
Here I am cunning!

Riddles about animals with answers for children of all ages. A large number of interesting riddles V poetic form. The answers are the names of animals, both domestic and wild. Riddles will appeal to children, parents, teachers primary school and educators in kindergarten or in an aftercare group. Children can solve riddles together or one at a time. You can hold a competition, who will guess the most and correctly riddles. Animals are one of the favorite topics of children, so they will guess with great pleasure. For hints, the kids can show pictures of animals that are on this page. Animal images are fun and positive, and if you click on them, they will open in a new larger window.

Riddles about a stork, a shark, a ram, a squirrel, a hippopotamus, beavers, a butterfly, a wolf, a camel, a crow, a sparrow, a caterpillar, a goose


And in the seas and in the oceans
The terrible fish lives:
Mouth with terrible teeth
And a big, big belly.

Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt
Follow the frogs to the swamp.


Weaved thick grasses
Meadows curled up
Yes, and I myself am all curly,
Even a curl of a horn.

Over the mountains, over the valleys
A fur coat and a caftan go

jumping on branches
Dexterous and agile.
I collect nuts
Large, selected.
Winter will come soon
I will prepare myself for it.
Cone, acorn and fungus
You need to prepare ahead of time.

We recognize the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a gray fur coat - in winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer.

From branch to branch, fast as a ball
A red-haired circus performer gallops through the forest.
Here on the fly he plucked a bump,
He jumped on the trunk and ran into the hollow.


Has a nest in a tree
Jumping and flying through the branches,
Not a bird.

Agile little animal
Lives in a hollow hut.
All day jump-jump,
Found a fungus
Stringed on a knot
Prepared for the future.

Who deftly jumps on the branches
And flies up to the oaks?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Dry mushrooms for the winter?

thick-skinned, thick-lipped,
And there are four teeth in the mouth.
If he opens his mouth
You can faint!

There are lumberjacks on the rivers
In silver-brown coats.
From trees, branches, clay
Build strong dams.

These builders are
River dwellers.
sawing wood,
They build a dam.

There are workers on the river
Not joiners, not carpenters,
And build a dam
At least paint a picture

Not a bird, but with wings,
Flying, fluttering.

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
And he fluttered and flew away.


He looks like a sheepdog
Every tooth is a sharp knife
He runs, baring his mouth,
Ready to attack the sheep.

Gray, toothy, prowling through the fields,
Looking for calves, lambs.

He can eat nothing for a week
He has a pantry with food on his back.

There are two hills
Without grass
Full of water.

naughty boy
In a gray coat
Drifting around the yard
Collects crumbs.

- How would I go crown! -
Importantly croaked ...

hairy, green,
She hides in the leaves
Even though there are many legs
Can't run away.

Standing on one leg
He drinks water with a horn.

He walks down the road
He has legs like flippers.
The neck is long, arched,
Pinches if angry.

Riddles about animals on the letters D, E, E, F, Z, I

Riddles about woodpecker, hedgehog, ruff, giraffe, beetle, hare, zebra, snake


I knock - my head hurts,
And I'm not knocking - hungry

What is this strange
Drum shots
They come from the bowl
Slower, more often.

I knock on wood
I want to get a worm.
Though hidden under the bark,
It will still be mine.

Carpenter with sharp chisel
Building a house with one window.

On claws on a pine trunk
The red-headed fitter climbed in,
He worked on weight
But there was no light in the forest.

Who is in a bright red beret,
In a black satin jacket?
He doesn't look at me
And knocking, knocking, knocking.


Under the pines, under the trees
There is a bag of needles.

At the bottom of the river
In the thick grass
The prickly hedgehog lives.

Lurked at the bottom
Needles on the back.

Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
Lying quietly
Then she suddenly ran away.

Round, not a ball
The mouth is not visible, but the biter,
Don't take your hand
He's calling...

Touchy, covered in needles,
I live in a hole under a tree.
Though the doors are wide open,
But animals do not enter me.

Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk

A ball is rolling in the forest,
It has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
For bugs and mice.


Black, but not a raven,
Horned, but not a bull;
Six legs without hooves;
Flying - howling
He sits down and digs the earth.

He's tall and spotty
With a long, long neck
And he eats leaves -
Leaves from trees.

It's easy for us to know
It's easy to find out:
He is tall
And sees far.

He walks with his head up
Not because of a proud disposition,
Not because an important count,
And because he...


Run uphill
From the mountain - somersault

I live in the forest and in the meadow,
I spoil the beds in the garden
And I run away without looking back.

cross-eyed, small,
In a white coat, in felt boots
(white hare)

White in winter
gray in summer
Doesn't offend anyone
And he's afraid of everyone

A ball of fluff, a long ear,
Jumps smartly, loves carrots.

gray in summer, white in winter

The oblique does not have a den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

What kind of forest animal
He stood like a column under a pine tree.
And stands among the grass -
Ears are larger than the head.

Not a lamb and not a cat,
He wears a fur coat all year round.
Fur coat gray - for summer,
For winter - a different color.

That's the horse! -
Andrey exclaimed -
Like a big notebook in a ruler!

What kind of horses - all the vests.

A horse is not a horse
A sailor is not a sailor
Like in a vest
Hooves and tail.

horse like a horse
Only in stripes.
Have you ever seen
Sailor horse?

rope twists,
At the end is the head.

Riddles about animals on the letters K, L, M, H

Riddles about a mosquito, a grasshopper, a whale, a kangaroo, a mole, a cat, a cow, a chicken, a goat, a goat, a crocodile, a cobra, a frog, a fox, a horse, a bear, a mouse, a fly, an ant, a rhinoceros


Curls around the nose
And not in hand

Jump Champion
Jumping, jumping through the meadows.

A violinist lives in the meadow,
He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.

Across the sea - ocean
The miracle giant floats,
Hiding a mustache in your mouth
Stretched out for a mile.

In the bag - not packages and not rolls;
In the bag I am with my mother for a walk.

I worked all summer
Dug in the ground moves cunningly,
And two kilometers long
He did the subway for himself.

The digger is completely blind,
And he digs with his hand -
Builds thick-walled
Underground cities.

He dug everything - both the meadow and the garden -
Earthmoving apparatus.
In the dark during walking hours
Dug alleys under the field.

underground corridors,
There are a hundred transitions.
There sits the master in black
Fur coat.

Above all he is in the meadow
Jumps right on the run.
He is a smart green violinist
With a mustache on the head.

I took the name from the blacksmith,
A cucumber has its own color.

He is horned and bearded
Strictly looks at the guys.
If someone is naughty -
It hurts, it hurts!

With a beard, not an old man,
With horns, not a bull
They milk, not a cow,
Lyko fights, but does not give bast shoes.

What kind of bird
People are not afraid
Doesn't fly high
And sings "Ko-ko-ko"?

Kvokhchet, kohchet,
Calls the children
He gathers everyone under the wing.

Our sweet friend
Give us feathers for a pillow
Will give eggs for pancakes,
Easter cakes for pies.

Who is on the tree, on the bitch,
The score is: "Ku-ku! Ku-ku!"

herself motley,
eat green,
Gives white.

red dairy
The day chews and the night chews,
After all, the grass is not so easy
Convert to milk.

Hungry - mooing,
Full - chews,
Gives milk to all children.

Combed without a comb
And washed without water
Climbed into an easy chair
And sang in every way.

This animal lives only at home.
Everyone is familiar with this animal.
He has a mustache like knitting needles.
He, purring, sings a song.
Only the mouse is afraid of him...
Guessed? This...

He used to live with us together:
Caress - will drag out the song,
And if you offend, you will screw it up.
What kind of mustachioed animal? ...

mustachioed muzzle,
striped coat,
Washes often
But I don't know about water.


Drinks milk, sings a song
washes clean,
And I don't know about water.


Long old woman
No arms, no legs, no belly.
Strives to bite
Like a goose, hissing.

A log floats on the river -
Oh, and it's scary!
For those who fell into the river
Nose bit off...

Lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship!
Who would not swim towards -
Everyone will be swallowed...


Eyes bulging, sitting
speaks french,
Jumping like a flea
Floats like a human.

Behind the trees, bushes
The flame flashed quickly.
flashed, ran -
There is no smoke or fire.

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.

Over the river water -
Round princess.
The princess sings, so melodiously
That everyone on land plugs their ears.

We are green like grass;
Our song: "Kva-kva".

What a dangerous animal
Walks in a red coat
The snow is shoveling
Are there enough mice?

Got into the chicken coop -
Expect trouble.
Red tail sweeps flowers.

Lives in the forest
He steals chickens in the village.

Look at what:
Everything burns like gold.
Walks in a fur coat dear,
The tail is fluffy and large.

Not my work, not my run
You would live badly man
But in the age of the car and the motor,
I'm afraid I'll retire soon.


The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under a blizzard howl,
Sleeping in a snow hut.

Grandfather is dressed in a fur coat, fur outside

Walking in the woods in summer
Resting in the den in winter.

Walks without a road in summer
Between pines and birches.
And in winter he sleeps in a lair,
Hiding your nose from the cold.

The animal is waddling
Raspberries and honey.
He loves sweets very much
And when autumn comes
Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams.

The giant lives in the forest
Sweet tooth - loves honey.
And the weather gets bad
Goes to sleep - yes, for six months!

The baby has a long tail.
"Pi-i-i!" -
Squeaks at the sight of a cat
Her house is hidden in a mink,
And the little one's name is...

Hiding under the floor, afraid of cats.

Lives in a mink
Gnawing crusts,
short legs,
Faster than cats.

Flying all day
Everyone gets bored.

In the autumn it will climb into the gap,
And wake up in the spring.

Flying all day
Everyone gets bored.

In the meadow near the trees
The house is built from needles.
He is not visible behind the grass,
And there are a million residents in it.
(anthill and ants)

I go here and there
Himself small
And I carry myself more.


He's not bloodthirsty at all.
Because the herbivore
On the nose - two horns,
On the legs - hooves,
Protection from enemies.

Riddles about animals on the letters O, P, R, S, T

Riddles about a deer, a donkey, a sheep, a parrot, a bee, a spider, birds, a piglet, a rooster, a dog, an owl, a magpie, a marmot, a pig, a dragonfly, a firefly, a cockroach, a black grouse


Who wears a forest on his head?
(deer, elk)

Ser, but not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse.

This is a very rare case...
Two branches grow on the head.

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest.
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.

Doesn't spin, doesn't weave
And clothes people.


little house,
And there are no residents.
(Bee hive)

Not a man, not a beast
And he can speak like a human being.

Lots of thread
And it doesn’t wind into a ball,
Doesn't sew clothes
And the fabric always weaves.

In an empty hollow -
One hundred houses
One hundred boilers
In the middle is a fair.
(Bee hive)

We didn't count miles under our feet,
Didn't drive on the roads
but they were across the sea.
(migratory birds)

Carries a needle
Not a dressmaker.
Cooks, not a cook.

Who sings so loudly
About the rising sun?

Not a king, but in a crown,
Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not a watchman, but screaming
In danger.

Crocheted tail, snouted nose.


When I'm black
I'm sly and agile
And I just blush
So I will calm down.

A shoemaker is not a shoemaker
A tailor is not a tailor,
In the mouth - bristles,
In the hands - scissors.

Not a blacksmith, but tongs.

The people live
Walks backwards.
For parents and children
All clothing made from coins.
Swimming under the bridge
And I wag my tail.

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears - brush-horns.


On the hay lies
She does not eat and does not give to others.

I won't let a stranger into the house,
I'm sad without a host.

There is a house in the yard,
On the chain is the owner in it.

Friendly with the owner
The house guards
Lives under the porch
And a ring tail.

Caresses to "his own"
He swears at "strangers".
In your closet
Sits on the padlock.

Stroking - caressing
Teasing - biting.
Sitting on a chain
The house is guarded.

Fidget motley,
longtail bird,
talking bird,
The most chatty.

Flying all night
Gets mice.

Smooth, brown, clumsy,
He does not like the winter cold,
Until spring in a deep hole
In the middle of the wide steppe
The animal sleeps sweetly.
What is his name? ...

Not the sun, not the fire
And shines at night.

blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion.


What a girl
In the belt is thin,
huge eyes,
Flying and chirping?

Front - patch
Behind - hook,
middle back,
And it has bristles on it.

Piglet instead of a nose
Where the tail hangs a hook.

There is a penny
And you can't buy anything

Savka has a piglet,
Two pancakes and a pretzel
Shoes without laces
And the suit is made of bristles.

Short-legged creeps
The mustache is longer than the legs.

Red-browed, black-feathered,
The tail is slanting, growls on a birch.

Riddles about animals on the letters U, F, X, C, H

Riddles about a snail, an owl, a hamster, a turtle, a heron, a chicken, a worm

On the narrow path
Head and horns.
Who crawls so slowly
Is he carrying his own house?

I carry a house on me
From the animals I hide in it.


Lives in the forest,
Whoops like a robber
People are afraid of him
And he is afraid of people.


Silent during the day
Screams at night
Flying through the forest
Passers-by are scared.


I build smartly:
I have a closet with me.
Where is the closet? For the cheek!
Here I am cunning!


Appeared in a yellow coat:
- Farewell, two shells!

Ticks walk on the lake -
Looking for edible things.


Who is the first to plow the land?

We occasionally
meet on the road.
He walks without a stick
eyeless and legless.
Not afraid of dogs, not cats, not cows,
Only chickens and roosters.

Below is a stone
Above is a stone
Eats grass, but not a cow
Lays eggs, but not the hen.

Lives calmly, not in a hurry,
He carries a shield just in case.
under it, not knowing fear,

Lives between stones
Head with four legs.

Riddles about animals on the letters W, W, E, Yu, Z

Riddles about pike, egg, lizard,

Sh Shch E Yu Ya
She is the most dangerous in the river,
Cunning, voracious, strong,
besides - such an evil!
Of course it is...

The hut is new - there is no tenant,
The tenant will appear -
The old hut is falling apart.

small, light,
And you can't lift your tail.

green belt
Lost in the grass

Runs among the stones
don't chase after her.
Grabbed by the tail, but - ah!
She ran away, and the tail is in her hands.

Solving riddles is not only exciting, but also useful occupation. Since ancient times, it is no coincidence that mankind has invented all sorts of riddles about various objects, natural phenomena, animals and plants. In the plots of fairy tales, riddles were needed to test the ingenuity, resourcefulness, ingenuity and knowledge of their heroes. And in fact, riddles contribute to the development of memory and imaginative thinking.
At various children's holidays, kids especially like to solve riddles. Of course, the difficulty of riddles must be chosen according to the age of the audience:

  • In essence, children's riddles are prose or poetic questions that quite clearly describe a certain object, but do not directly name it.
  • Best for 3-4 year olds simple riddles in poetic form. All the words in the riddle should be familiar to the kids, and the theme is close to them. In Russian folk riddles rarely used or obsolete words, so the child needs to be asked if he understood their meaning and, in case of difficulty, explain their meaning. Abstract thinking children are still poorly developed, so there should be clear hints of the correct answer in riddles. If the riddle still turned out to be “too tough” for the kid, then he can be prompted.

Children love fairy tales, including for the opportunity to solve riddles about their favorite characters. Basically, the topic for children's riddles becomes a certain unique property object or its likeness to another, more familiar subject. If you play guessing games with your child, he will learn that learning can be fun and interesting.
Some children like some riddles, while others like a different warehouse, no trend can be traced here. The little ones are delighted with riddles about animals, birds, fish and bugs. Older children are more attracted to riddles about the heroes of fairy tales and modern cartoon characters. So that solving riddles turns into exciting game, adults need to sensitively grasp the topics suitable for the children present and the present conditions. If this is outdoor recreation, then riddles about birds and animals will turn out to be in place; in the forest, you can focus on “mushroom” riddles.
Being in the appropriate environment, the child will be able to more fully reveal his imagination and get more vivid impressions. For example, the baby will be very happy to see fish swimming in the pond from the shore. It was then that he should guess a riddle on the topic of fish. There is no doubt that the baby will no longer forget the correct clue.
Red beads hang, they look at us from the bushes.
These children, birds and bears are very fond of beads.

The red maiden sits in the dungeon,
And the spit is on the street.

Round-round, sweet-sweet
With striped smooth skin
And cut it - look:
It's red-red on the inside.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden, but he will not get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere while he's on his way.

- That's a horse! Andrey exclaimed.
Like a big notebook in a ruler!

I combed my hair without a comb and washed my face without water,
He climbed into an easy chair and sang in every way.

Get used to the poultry house - expect trouble.
A red tail sweeps up traces.

There is a house in the yard,
On the chain is the owner in it.

Here are needles and pins crawling out from under the bench.
They look at me, they want milk.

Hungry mumbles, full chews,
Gives milk to all children.

We recognize the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a white coat in winter,
And in a gray coat - in the summer.

White in winter and gray in summer.
He does not offend anyone, but he is afraid of everyone.

Who deftly jumps along the Christmas trees and flies up to the oaks?
Who hides nuts in a hollow, dries mushrooms for the winter?

Walking in the woods in summer
Resting in the den in winter.

In summer he walks without a road between pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost.

mustachioed muzzle,
striped coat,
Washes often
And I don't know about water.

From branch to branch, fast as a ball
A red-haired circus performer gallops through the forest.
Here on the fly he plucked a bump,
He jumped on the trunk and ran into the hollow.

Colors for kids

When parents work with the baby day after day, achieving its gradual development, they often ...

Touching the grass with hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest,
He walks boldly and easily, his horns spread wide.
(Deer, elk)

This animal lives only at home.
Everyone is familiar with this animal.
He has a mustache like knitting needles.
He, purring, sings a song.
Only the mouse is afraid of him...
Guessed? This -...

Front - patch
Behind - hook,
middle back,
And it has bristles on it.

What kind of forest animal
I stood up like a column under a pine tree
And stands among the grass
Ears bigger than head?

I won't let a stranger into the house,
I'm sad without a host.

Lives in the forest
And in the village he steals chickens.

In rich clothes
Yes, I'm blind
Lives without a window
Didn't see the sun.

Instead of a nose - a patch.
Where the tail hangs a hook.

lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship!
Whoever swam towards
Everyone will be swallowed...

He dug everything - both the meadow and the garden
earthmoving machine,
In the dark during walking hours
Dug alleys under the field.

Stroking - caressing.
Teasing - biting
Sitting on a chain
The house is guarded.

long ear,
fluff ball,
Jumping smartly
Gnawing carrots.

The beast is waddling
For raspberries and honey.
He loves sweets very much.
And when autumn comes
Climbs into a hole until spring,
Where he sleeps and dreams.

A horse is not a horse, a sailor is not a sailor,
Like in a vest, hooves and a tail.

Like a cow, but small
True, there are also horns.

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears are brush-horns.

I carry a house on me
From the animals I hide in it.
(turtle, snail)

A log floats along the river - oh, and it is terrible!
Those who fell into the river will bite off their nose ...

I'm fine with:
I have a closet with me.
Where is the closet? For the cheek!
Here I am cunning!

Under the ground corridors, passages as many as a hundred!
The owner is sitting there in his black fur coat.

Look what
Everything burns like gold.
Walks in a fur coat dear,
The tail is fluffy and large.

On a narrow path - a head and horns.
Who crawls so slowly, carries his house on himself?

All my life I carry two humps, I have two stomachs!
But every hump is not a hump, a barn!
Food in them - for seven days!

Without arms, without legs, crawling on his stomach.
(worm, snake)

In the forest near the stump - bustle, running around:
The working people are busy all day,
He builds a city for himself.

A long-armed old man wove a hammock in the corner.
Invites: “Mosquitoes! Get some rest, little ones!"

The housewife flies over the lawn,
If he pats the flower, he will share the honey.

Flies, squeaks, drags long legs,
The case will not miss: sit down and bite.

He knits fine silks without hands and without a loom.

Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm sitting on a branch,
I keep saying the letter J
Knowing this letter firmly,
I buzz in spring and summer.

English for toddlers

IN modern world, almost all parents want their child to be fluent in English ...

Winged fashionista, striped dress,
Growth, though crumbs, bite - it will be bad.

Can climb into an apple, and then seize it:
Everything that is tasty eats away and creeps back out.

My tail is indistinguishable from my head.
You will always find me in the earth.

A squadron sat on a large colored carpet,
It will open, then close the painted wings.

A sieve is hanging, not twisted by hand.

Jumping spring - green back
From grass to blade of grass, from branch to path.

Black-winged, red-breasted, and will find shelter in winter:
He is not afraid of a cold - with the first snow right there!

They get up without a team.
They go to the pond.
Who walks in a long chain
Who loves discipline so much?
(Ducklings, goslings)

All day the fisherman stood in the water,
The bag was stuffed with fish.
Finished fishing, took the catch,
He went up, and there he was.

Was White House, wonderful house,
And something thumped in him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out.
(Egg and chicken)

I swam in the water, but remained dry.

He flies all night - he gets mice.
And it becomes light - it flies into a hollow to sleep.

I have a comb - I do not use it,
I have spurs - I don't ride.

This is an old acquaintance of ours: he lives on the roof of the house.
Long-legged, long-nosed, long-necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt frogs in the swamp.

Lives in hot countries
And in non-hot - in zoos.
And he is arrogant, and boastful,
Because the tail is beautiful.
He admires them himself and shows us.

She is long tailed
Black from the back
The belly is white and the shoulders.
Chattering instead of speech.
At least he sees someone - in an instant
Raises a chirp-cry.

Like a bird - does not fly,
He walks and collects grain.

Yellow lumps, light as cotton!
They run after the quote. Who is this?...

Red paws, long neck,
Pinching at the heels, run without looking back.

Who, without notes and without a flute, best of all induces trills,
Louder, softer? Who is this?...

Between the branches there is a new house, there is no door in that house,
Only a round window, not even a cat can get through.

Sturdy wooden house
With a round small window.
He stands on a long leg
To keep the cats out.

Who is in a bright red beret,
In a black satin jacket?
He doesn't look at me.
Everything knocks, knocks, knocks.

Standing on one leg, staring into the water.
He pokes at random with his beak - he is looking for frogs in the river.

Kvohchet, quohchet, calls the children,
He takes everyone under his wings.

Wears a gray vest
But the wings are black.
You see, twenty couples are circling
And they shout: “Ka-a-ar! Ka-a-ar! Ka-a-ar!”

Coloring - grayish, habit - furtive,
The hoarse screamer is a well-known person.
Who is she?...

Development of critical thinking in a child

At school, they do not teach to doubt and evaluate, analyze and look for, weigh options. Everything is simple here...

It may break, it may weld,
If you want, you can turn into a bird.

He wanders importantly across the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry
Wears red shoes
Gives soft feathers.

Arrives to us with warmth, the way, having done a long one.
Sculpts a house under the window of grass and clay.

Amazing baby: just out of diapers -
Can swim and dive like his own mother.
(Duckling, gosling)

A hut was built without hands, without an axe.

Not a crow, not a titmouse - what is the name of this bird?
Perched on a bough - there was a “cuckoo” in the forest.

With a white fluffy ball I show off in a clean field.
A light breeze blew - and the stalk remained.

The girl is holding a cloud on a stalk in her hand.
It is worth blowing on it - and there will be nothing.

He stood in the forest, no one took him,
In a fashionable red hat, useless anywhere.

It stood on a strong leg, now lies in a basket.

Either from the roof, or from the sky - or cotton wool, or fluff.
Or maybe the snow flakes appeared in the summer all of a sudden?
Who is stealthily pouring them, as if from a bag?

What kind of girl is this: not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn’t sew anything herself, but wears needles all year round?
(Christmas tree)

An oak tree hid in a golden ball.

The five brothers are inseparable.
They are never bored together.
They work with a pen
Saw, spoon, axe.

Looks like a hedgehog
But he does not ask for food.
Will run through clothes
And the clothes will be cleaner.

If the day frowns, if it will rain
He will go out into the street, flutter over me.

There is a portrait in the room
Looks like you in every way.
Laugh - and in response
He laughs too.

Look under the window
There's an accordion stretched out!
But the harmonica doesn't play
It warms our apartment.

Bend me over guys
And the rain will fall on the bed.
(Watering can)

Guess the riddle: who are we?
On a clear day we sit at home,
If it rains, we have work
Stomp-slap through the swamps.
(Rubber boots)

He is not a tie, not a collar, but he is used to hugging his neck,
Not always, but only when it's cold.

I'll cover any girl's hair,
I'll cover the boy's short haircuts.
From the sun I am protection - for this I am sewn.

The long-tailed horse brought us sweet porridge.
A horse is waiting at the gate - open your mouth wide.

. Riddles about fairy tale characters:
It was mixed on sour cream,
Baked in a hot oven
He ran from the window
Yes, the chanterelle got into the mouth.
That boy with the long nose
Kind, albeit mischievous.
The turtle gave him
Golden key.
Grandma pulls, grandfather pulls,
But she sat tight
And then they called the granddaughter,
Cat and dog Bug,
The mouse was called by a neighbor,
Pulled together...
He visits in the morning
And sings nozzles out loud
Never get discouraged
Cute bear...
(Winnie the Pooh)
Treats a wolf and a hare,
Protein, birds and hedgehogs.
Heal all the animals
Good doctor...

34 4

White carrot grows in winter.

Flies - silent, lies - silent,

When he dies, then he roars.

Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere:

The lower the wool, the closer the rain.

Grandfather bridges the bridge without an ax and without wedges.

See with your eyes, but do not take with your hands.

The old man at the gate warmly dragged away,

He does not run and does not order to stand.

Old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, he paved the bridge across the river,

And she came young - she swept the whole bridge.

I am born in autumn, I die in spring.

In winter, I warm the earth with my body.

Invisible mischievous entered our room.

The curtains danced, the calendar began to dance.

It's good that immediately, with a bang, the door slammed shut with us.


2 - rain;

4 - pattern on glass;

7 - dawn;

10 - thunder;

11 - frost;

12 - wind;

13 - sunbeam;

14 - fog;

15 - fog;

16 - rainbow;

17 - hail;

18 - rain;

19 - snow;

20 - clouds;

21 - month;

22 - frost;

23 - cloud;

24 - wind;

25 - pattern on glass;

26 - light;

27 - rain;

28 - lightning;

29 - frost;

30 - shadow;

31 - thunder;

32 - night;

33 - evening;

34 - cold;

35 - cloud;

36 - rain;

37 - wind;

38 - lightning;

39 - thunderstorm;

40 - rain;

41 - cloud;

42 - cloud;

43 - snowdrift;

44 - wind;

45 - fire, earth, water;

47 - rain;

48 - snow;

50 - fire;

51 - sunbeam;

52 - fog;

53 - rainbow;

54 - frost;

55 - snow;

56 - clouds;

57 - snow;

58 - earth;

59 - lightning;

60 - horizon;

61 - sun and sky;

62 - thunder;

63 - earth and snow;

64 - mountain;

65 - thunder and lightning;

66 - lightning, thunder,

67 - sunbeam.

68 - snow;

69 - icicle;

70 - snow;

71 - clouds;

72 - frost;

73 - shadow;

74 - frost;

75 - frost and spring;

76 - snow;

- That's a horse! Andrey exclaimed. -

Like a big notebook in a ruler!

I combed my hair without a comb and washed my face without water,

He climbed into an easy chair and sang in every way.

Get used to the poultry house - expect trouble.

A red tail sweeps up traces.

There is a house in the yard,

On the chain is the owner in it.

Born with a beard - no one marvels.

Here are needles and pins crawling out from under the bench.

They look at me, they want milk.

Hungry mumbles, full chews,

Gives milk to all children.

There are lumberjacks in silver-brown fur coats on the rivers.

Strong dams are built from trees, branches, clay.

There are workers in the river, not joiners, not carpenters,

And they will build a dam - at least paint a picture.

We recognize the animal with you

According to two such signs:

He is in a white coat in winter,

And in a gray coat - in the summer.

White in winter and gray in summer.

He does not offend anyone, but he is afraid of everyone.

Who deftly jumps along the Christmas trees and flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow, dries mushrooms for the winter?

A ball rolls in the forest, it has a prickly side.

He hunts for bugs and mice at night.

He looks like a sheepdog. Every tooth is a sharp knife!

He runs, baring his mouth, ready to attack a sheep.

Not a lamb and not a cat, wears a fur coat all year round.

Fur coat gray - for summer, for winter - a different color.

Not my work, not my run,

You'd be bad, man.

But in the age of the car and the motor,

I'm afraid I'll retire soon.

In the summer he walks through the forest, in the winter he rests in the den.

In summer he walks without a road between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost.

Touchy, covered in needles,

I live in a hole, under a tree.

Though the doors are wide open,

But animals do not enter me.

Not hearing the waves of the ocean,

Sea space not knowing

In the distant African steppe

The sea vest frolics.

A fur coat and a caftan walk along the mountains, along the valleys.