In the event of an actual or probable bite from a black mamba, perform the following first aid measures without delay.

  1. Make sure you are out of danger of causing any further injury.
  2. Call a doctor immediately.

For the victim

  1. Calm down the person. Let him or her lie down, avoid movement as much as possible. If possible, position the bitten limb at a lower level than the heart.
  2. Avoid bending or moving the limb.
  3. DO NOT cut the wound
  4. DO NOT apply ice to the bite

Intoxication ends fatal in 30 - 120 minutes.

Please read the attached medical management protocol and respond accordingly.

Medical workers

Call your local poison control center. They should find a specialist to help you treat this patient.

Pay attention to the signs and symptoms of intoxication.

If signs or symptoms are present, follow these steps:

  1. Inject Ringer's lactate at 200 to 250 ml per hour.
  2. Take samples and collect laboratory data.
  3. Inject the contents of 4 ampoules of polyvalent antivenom at a rate of 1 vial (10 ml) per minute.
  4. Remove cotter pins and crepe bandage slowly, 10 minutes. If symptoms progress rapidly, re-bandage and apply 4 additional ampoules. Try to remove the bandage again.
  5. Allergic or adverse reactions to antidotes should be treated with corticosteroids, epinephrine, Benadryl, Atarax, or other antihistamines as appropriate.
  6. Monitor signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings and administer additional antivenom in increments of 1 vial at a rate of 10 ml over 5 minutes as needed to control progression of symptoms.
  7. The amount of antidote required will vary depending on the severity of the intoxication.

To be expected using (including starting dose):

  • 4-6 ampoules total for a minor bite.
  • 8-20 ampoules or more may be needed for moderate to severe bites.

Arslan Valeev: mamba bite

Not so long ago, the case of the death of a blogger in live from the bite of a black mamba confirm the extreme danger of that kind of snake. A fatal accident became fatal for a famous serpentologist, a collector of a unique collection of reptiles, and a surprise and tragedy for everyone.

Health care

Intoxication from venomous bite manifested mainly by systemic neurological reactions. Drowsiness, neurological and neuromuscular symptoms may develop in early age; paralysis, respiratory failure, or death occurs quickly.

Please read and follow the following procedures without delay.

  1. Apply a bandage above the level of the bite as first aid to slow absorption of the venom. DO NOT remove the bandage until the patient has arrived at the hospital and received antidotes.
  2. Ensure that at least 10 vials of polyvalent antivenom are present. This antidote contains the appropriate fractions needed to neutralize black mamba venom.
  3. Treatment is 4 to 20 vials of intravenous antivenom. Intoxication is diagnosed by the presence characteristic features and symptoms.

"MK" became aware of the details terrible death Arslan Valeev, who was attacked live by a black mamba

Details of the ridiculous death of the 31-year-old video blogger and owner of the exotic animal nursery Arslan Valeev became known to MK. During a live broadcast on the Internet portal on September 23, Valeev was bitten by a poisonous snake - a black mamba, he fell into a coma, and later died. St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. I.I. Janelidze confirmed the death of Valeev.

As it became known to MK, according to one version, in Lately Valeev was very worried about parting with his wife Ekaterina (they have not lived together for more than a year). Two days before the tragedy, the young people filed for divorce with the registry office. Ekaterina was the initiator - allegedly Arslan raised his hand to her.

According to friends, on the night of September 23, the video blogger was slightly drunk. He went on air, dictated Ekaterina's phone number and said that he would be glad to see her if she could arrive before his death. The young man announced that he was dying and said goodbye to everyone.

An acquaintance of the blogger Andrei Derevyankin clarified the situation a little - on September 23 at 2.14 he posted a post on the wall of one of the communities that Valeev was bitten by a black mamba, and he was taken to intensive care, without specifying which medical institution. Further, until the evening of September 24, Derevyankin left a message about the critical condition of a friend, and at noon on September 25, a death record appeared. Again without any details.

"MK" managed to find out the details of the tragedy.

The first and only call to ambulance Vsevolzhsk (this is where Valeev lived) was registered on September 23 at 1.18. A girl called from the blogger's number. She introduced herself as a friend and asked the doctors of "03" to urgently come to the house of her friend, who was attacked by a snake. The young man, according to her, was in an inadequate condition.

The doctors were about to rush on the call, as the girl called back and canceled the call without explanation. Valeev, after consulting with friends, decided to get to the hospital on his own.

Friends took the blogger to the leading hospital in St. Petersburg - the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. I.I. Dzhanelidze. The patient was placed in the toxic intensive care unit. Doctors fought for the patient's life, but at 11.08 on September 25, he died.

Employees of the RF IC Leningrad region actually check it out. They have already talked with Valeev's stepmother Svetlana. The blogger lived in a private one-story house on Molodezhnaya Street (the next house was occupied by relatives). In the basement of the house there were terrariums where different snakes. The black mamba, by the way, was sitting separately from everyone else.

We were already getting ready for bed, when Ekaterina suddenly called her husband and said that her stepson had been bitten by a snake. - said Svetlana. We ran out into the yard, Arslan was lying near the gate. Literally, he said: "Take me to Dzhanelidze, I want to live." We loaded the guy into our Land Rover, I got behind the wheel. All the way Arslan vomited terribly, he complained about the cold and repeated several times that he wanted to live terribly and did not do it on purpose.

After Arslan was hospitalized, Svetlana called Ekaterina - so that she would come and help find the snake (the relatives did not know where she was). However, the black mamba was sitting in a closed terrarium.

Arslan's mother would like to continue her son's work. But the father is categorically against having poisonous snakes and wild cats in the neighboring house (Arslan, in addition to snakes, had three lynxes). Ekaterina, meanwhile, plans to adopt all the pets.


The reptile bit Valeev by the finger on the evening of September 23rd. Coincidentally or not - it is impossible to say for sure.

Everything happened live on the YouTube channel hosted by Arslan. In the video, he sits in front of the monitor after deadly bite. First, the blogger shows a bitten finger, but is in no hurry to do something. When he becomes ill, he dictates the phone in a semi-conscious state. ex-wife and asks subscribers to call her.

Katya would be glad to see, - says Valeev, rolling his eyes.

Was it suicide or an accident? This is now sorted out by the Investigative Committee. Well, everyone involved in this story needs to solve one more problem: what to do with 300 snakes that remained in Valeev's huge terrarium?

The correspondent of "KP" visited the site of the abandoned blogger's terrarium.

Arslan lived in a small house built of aerated concrete blocks on the outskirts of Vsevolozhsk.

On the site there are enclosures with lynxes. In a separate cage, a white alabai yawns, and another watchdog rushes around the yard - a smaller size.

At the gates of this house, Komsomolskaya Pravda managed to talk to the mother of the deceased blogger.


Darikha Nurgusheva - beautiful woman about 50 years old - smiles so as not to cry. She takes the death of her son very hard.

On the evening of the 25th, my friends called me. They say: look on the Internet, there is some kind of Arslan weird video wrote down, - tells "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Darikh. - When I realized what had happened, I immediately went to the hospital.

Before the death of her son, she managed to see him once again with one eye.

I went to the intensive care unit to say goodbye, - Darikha sighs.

According to Arslan's mother, snakes were his life's work.

Even as a child, he loved all kinds of worms and spiders. Then I got into snakes. I saw this passion of his: I bought snakes, terrariums, even allocated a separate room. I have always supported him.

Darikh divorced Arslan's father a long time ago. But I visited Arslan's house in Vsevolozhsk quite often.

The day after my baby died ex-husband somewhere he took almost all the snakes - the most expensive and valuable. Only pythons remained, - says Darikh.


According to her, one snake costs from 2 to 4 thousand euros. Darikha fears that now they will try to profitably sell them.

This is the seizure of the property of Arslan and his wife Katya. This is their property! - Darikha worries. - I will do everything to save the collection. Arslan dreamed of opening private museum, and he should earn. It was his dream and I have to make it come true.

She emphasizes that she is not interested in money, but only in the memory of her son.

She does not believe that Arslan could have committed suicide.

Yes, he and his wife had a disagreement. So what - who does not quarrel? But Arslan was very cheerful and positive. He would never do such a thing.

Let's add: four lynxes in cages and alabai are still sitting on the site near the house.

Valeev's father refused to talk to Komsomolskaya Pravda. Relatives of the family said that "the kites were taken away by the state."

At the same time, the Leningrad Zoo told us that they would not take the snakes for themselves. Reptiles do not have the necessary certificates and papers.


Arslan Valeev is a 32-year-old blogger from St. Petersburg who owns the public BobCat TV / Wild cats. He has 273,633 subscribers on his YouTube channel and more than 55 thousand people are united by the exotarium public. In it, he talked about lynxes and other wild cats.

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A black mamba bit a St. Petersburg blogger live.

Published on 25.09.17 18:20

The blogger who set the black mamba on himself on the air died. Death from a snakebite has already been commented on by biologist Nikolai Drozdov.

Russian video blogger Arslan Valeev, known for his public about big wild cats Bob Cat TV and a video channel about snakes and other reptiles "Exotarium" died from the bite of a venomous snake. This is reported in blogger group.

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On the night of September 23, while live on his channel, Valeev received a bite from a black mamba. He was immediately hospitalized. Around noon on September 25, Valeev died.

That night, the video blogger (the total number of subscribers from two channels is 515 thousand) launched a stream on which intcbatch let the black mamba sting his hand. The guy studied wildlife, so several snakes, spiders and tiger cubs lived in his house.

The video itself has already been removed from YouTube. There was a saved fragment on the Web, on which the guy in coma dictates the phone of the ex-wife, whom he would like to see before his death. One of Arslan's subscribers called an ambulance: the guy was brought to the hospital in critical condition and put into a medically induced coma.

Two years ago, Arslan Valeev was bitten King Cobra. This was told in an interview with Channel Five by his classmate, who works at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. As an acquaintance of Valeev explained, the poison tends to accumulate. And the second and subsequent bites are much more difficult to tolerate.

TV presenter and biologist Nikolai Drozdov commented on REN-TV about the tragedy that happened to blogger Arslan Valeev.

“On the air, attention is lost, you are distracted by shooting. It’s very dangerous. I was bitten by a snake the only time, there was a viper on the set, I was in the hospital. It’s better not to go on air with snakes. Drozdov.

The channel of the popular St. Petersburg blogger Arslan Valeev has hundreds of thousands of subscribers. A 32-year-old man spoke in his public about big wild cats and exotic reptiles. Spectators could see how Arslan walks a puma cub, or how a cobra eats a white mouse. And the other day, public subscribers had to witness the death of a blogger. Valeev was dying in front of thousands of viewers during a live broadcast after being bitten by one of the most poisonous snakes on the ground, black mamba. For more than a day, doctors fought for the life of a man, but they could not save him.

Black mamba bite

Blogger Arslan Valeev became known to the public thanks to his channel about the life of exotic animals. The 32-year-old Petersburger told subscribers about big wild cats and poisonous snakes and showed their habits and habits. In the video, Valeev played with a cougar cub, stroked a lynx and deftly handled boas and pythons, unraveling a tangle of snakes and distributing them in their places.

The blogger's live broadcasts were the most popular. On the night of September 23, Valeev again decided to go live with one of his favorite poisonous snakes - the black mamba. Arslan, as always, turned on the camera and went to get the snake out of the terrarium in order to move it into a special plastic container for online broadcasts. The blogger has done this many times already, but now something has gone wrong. When Arslan took the snake in his hands, she suddenly bit him. The man returned to the computer, showing a bite mark.

The blogger could no longer call an ambulance for himself - his hands were numb.

"I can't believe this is happening to me"

Some viewers at first decided that Valeev was joking with them, but the "prank" was too long. Arslan was getting worse every second. At the same time, the blogger was aware of the tragedy of the situation, because he himself is an expert in keeping poisonous snakes with 20 years of experience.

When bitten by a black mamba medical care must be provided immediately. With every second lost, a person's chances of survival decrease. However, Arslan did not stop the broadcast and continued to communicate with the viewers, asking them to contact his wife. “I’ll just stay with you a little bit,” said Valeev. I can't even believe that this is happening to me. Tell Katya that I loved her very much. If she manages to drive up to me and see me, I would be glad. In fact, I'm already dying. Farewell".

Frightened viewers called an ambulance to the blogger. Valeev found the strength to go outside and wait for the arrival of the doctors there. Arslan was urgently hospitalized. Doctors put the man into an artificial coma and fought for his life for more than a day, but they failed to save the blogger. On the afternoon of September 25, Arslan Valeev died.

What will happen to the channel?

Now the fatal broadcast has already been removed from the network, but viewers still cannot forget this last recording of Valeev. “His channel gave so much positive!”, “Looks like a bad dream”, “How native person lost,” viewers write on social networks.

The blogger's pets are supervised. What will happen to Valeev's projects is still unknown. It is possible that the channel about exotic animals will continue to be run by the friends of the deceased man.

“On behalf of the closest relatives, as well as the administration of Arslan Valeev’s resources, we express our deepest gratitude to all those who sincerely empathized during this difficult period and brought words of support to close people from Arslan’s circle of friends,” it is written on official page community "BobCat TV / Wild Cats". - There are a lot of questions about future fate resources, and we understand your concern in this regard. On this moment There is no definite answer, but we, as Arslan's mother, Katya and the absolute majority of viewers and subscribers, would like to further develop those projects that were part of Arslan's life.

The incident with Valeev was not the first in a number of tragic cases with specialists in exotic animals. So, in 2006, the famous “crocodile hunter” Steve Irwin died from a blow to the chest from a poisonous stingray. The death of a man was caught on film: the last moments of the life of an Australian were filmed by a cameraman who swam after him.