The popularity of stretch ceilings is growing day by day. Perhaps, there are simply no other materials on the market that can compete with tensile structures. But today we will not talk about the most stretch ceilings, but about how important it is to make the right choice of lamps for PVC film. After all, not all lamps can be installed, but only those that meet certain requirements, regarding appearance, power, etc.

Stretch ceiling lighting features

When planning lighting, you will certainly want it to be even, so that the light is not too bright, does not distort colors, does not hurt the eyes, and does not interfere with the perception of the environment. Is it worth recalling that Ilyich's well-known light bulb, which is suspended from the ceiling in a carbolite cartridge, cannot meet all the requirements. But along with this, even the most spectacular chandelier will not give the desired lighting, it will only attract undue attention to itself, and it will still not be possible to avoid relatively dark corners in the room.

All of the above problems can be eliminated with the help of such spotlights for stretch ceilings, which are shown in the video about lights for stretch ceilings. Rivne and quality lighting the working area in the kitchen, the soothing soft light in the sitting area of ​​the living room, the absence of darkness and a comfortable environment for the eyes - all this is fully achievable with this special kind of lamps.

Illumination of the stretch ceiling with built-in spotlights is carried out according to one principle. A supporting structure called a rack is initially attached to the base ceiling, on which the built-in elements will subsequently be held. And only after stretching the web, holes of the required diameter are cut in it, which are fixed with reinforcing rings. After that, if necessary, a heat-insulating ring is glued and a spotlight is installed.

Varieties of lamps for stretch fabric

The popularity of spotlights is constantly growing, their diversity is becoming wider. Most of the luminaires that are used to illuminate traditional ceilings and illuminate the home will also be suitable for stretch ceilings. According to the nature of the fastening, there are 2 varieties of lamps for stretch ceilings: with an internal and external location of the light bulb.

What are the lamps

When placed outdoors, the light bulb is below the level of the stretch ceiling and is separated from it by a platform. Surface-mounted fixtures have the same mounting method as a traditional chandelier and are preferred because the light bulb is not located in a confined space and cools quickly enough.

Such lamps do not affect the service life of the ceiling, they illuminate better and brighter, as they have a wide dispersion angle, they “eat up” less than the height of the stretch ceiling due to the outdoor placement of the light bulb. Among the shortcomings of overhead lamps, perhaps, the following can be noted: the protective thermal ring is not closed by the body of the lamp, this slightly spoils the aesthetics.

The light bulb, when located internally, is hidden above the level of the stretch fabric and almost does not protrude beyond its level. Recessed luminaires for stretch ceilings are mounted in such a way that the housing, together with the bulb, is built into the stretch fabric, and only a small visible part of the housing is visible from the outside of the ceiling, called the decorative ring, or the cover glass.

Luminaires with internal placement of the light bulb are less recommended for installation. The light bulb is located inside the stretch ceiling, and this affects the process of its cooling, in addition, the ceiling and the thermal ring itself overheat. Spotlights have a narrow beam of light, which does not allow illuminating a large area. In case of incorrect installation, irreparable changes in the type, characteristics and properties of the tension web are possible.

However, in most cases, they are chosen, even agreeing to comply with a number of strict restrictions: for example, the use of cast lamps, exclusively stamped, is unacceptable. And they choose such lamps, since the point direction of light can change the usual fall of shadows in the room and create an interesting lighting exposure. The thermal rings are hidden from the eyes by the side of the lamp.

What are the lamps

Mortise and overhead lamps can have ordinary incandescent, energy-saving fluorescent, LED and halogen lamps. The main fixtures for the stretch ceiling are MR 16 with a halogen lamp and R63 with an ordinary incandescent lamp.

Energy-saving fluorescent lamps are rarely used with stretch ceilings, since this type of light bulbs have large sizes. Accordingly, the lamp with fluorescent lamp when attaching the luminaire to a stretch ceiling, a significant distance is required between the base and stretch ceilings.

An interesting enough solution for a stretch ceiling is recessed fixtures with LED bulbs. However, they cannot be used as the main working lighting due to limited power, but decorative lighting will come in handy.

In addition to traditional lamps, you can make your choice in favor of the LED strip, which is usually installed behind the canvas. It is able to create soft illumination of certain functional areas of the room, for example, around the perimeter of the room or in other parts of it.

Requirements for spotlights

Far from any lamp can be built into a stretch ceiling, regardless of the desire of the owner. Recessed luminaires for stretch ceilings must meet certain technical requirements.


First of all, the fixtures for the stretch fabric should be round in shape. Moreover, this applies to a greater extent to the landing hole, which is required for installation in the stretch ceiling of the lamp. It often happens that a square or other shaped lamp has a round seat inside. A similar spotlight is also suitable.

The body of each luminaire must have inside seating flange. When choosing a luminaire, pay attention to the difference between the inner and outer diameters of its body. This indicator should be at least 10 millimeters. This is necessary so that the lamp installed in the stretch fabric closes the heat-insulating ring glued to the ceiling. Otherwise, the tread ring will protrude beyond the luminaire, and it will be noticeable to the naked eye.

It is desirable that the bulbs of recessed fixtures be covered with a special opaque paint to prevent light from penetrating the ceiling. If you use other lamps in fixtures, the stretch ceiling may shine through, while a small light halo will be created on it around the lamp.


When choosing fixtures for a stretch ceiling, be sure to take into account the limitations on the power of the lamp bulbs and the restrictions that apply to the distances between the surface of the stretch ceiling and the lamps, since the PVC film can deform or melt when heated above 60 degrees. Therefore, the installation of double thermal rings is recommended.

To eliminate the risk of damage to the stretch fabric from strong heat in the place where the lamp comes into contact with it, choose incandescent lamps with a power of less than 60 W, or halogen lamps with a power not exceeding 35 W. With additional thermal insulation, you can use more powerful lamps in spotlights.

If overhead fixtures have an outer part far protruding from the level of the stretch ceiling, where a strong lamp is located, then power restrictions can be neglected. In some cases, they are no more than 70 watts. An alternative is considered energy saving light bulb which hardly heats up.


The distance from the base surface to the stretch fabric with the internal placement of fixtures "takes" 6 - 7 centimeters for halogen lamps and 9 - 12 centimeters for incandescent lamps. The distance from overhead fixtures to the surface of the stretch fabric should be at least 15 centimeters, but it is better if this figure reaches 20 - 40 centimeters.

Contact between the body of the stretch ceiling and the spotlight is unacceptable in order to avoid punching the canvas. In the photo of stretch ceilings you can see the gap between the canvas and the side of the lamp. On the other hand, the maximum diameter of the hole that can be cut for mounting the lamp in a stretch ceiling is 15 centimeters. It is recommended to install in a room where there is such a type of fixtures, dimmers - light dimmers.

When selecting spotlights for installation in the bathroom, kitchen and pool room, it is advisable to take special fixtures with protection from dust and moisture. Such products are usually marked "IP65" on the packaging if the manufacturer uses European standards for marking lighting equipment.

Halogen bulbs in spotlights can be 220V or 12V, only in without fail for the latter, you need to use a transformer whose power is greater than the total power of the connected lamps. Each luminaire is best connected, from the position of subsequent operation, to a 60 W transformer.

Calculation of the number of fixtures

It is advisable to buy lamps of the same type for each type of lighting. When installing luminaires in a stretch fabric, remember that the light from the luminaire is directed downward, illuminating an area of ​​​​about 1.5 - 2 square meters. Therefore, you should correctly calculate the number of fixtures. And, based on practice, it is recommended to install one lamp on 1.5-2 square meters of the room.

It should be noted that the ceiling structure is not recommended to be oversaturated with recessed lights. A lot of recessed lights can destroy the entire design to the ground and bring unattractiveness to the surface of the ceiling, as well as provoke the appearance of defects in the canvas. To highlight the "bright" design of the ceiling, the so-called dancing lamps are used in its frame, from which streams of light are directed in different directions, "dancing" at the same time.

Ceiling markings

Previously, even before attaching the stretch ceiling, you need to decide how to place the lamps on the surface. This is especially true when it is planned to create a ceiling with several levels. Select each level in a separate lighting circuit and distribute the light sources accordingly. So, let's take the distance between the lamps at the level of one meter, the distance from the walls is about 60 centimeters.

The luminaires must be distributed so that their installation sites do not fall on the installed baguettes, and maintain a distance of 25-30 millimeters from the edge of the hole for the spotlight to the nearest baguette. When placing fixtures on a stretch ceiling, also consider the presence and placement of a chandelier on the ceiling. When used simultaneously, spotlights can be moved to the sides. Or with built-in lamps to separate the lighting contours of various functional areas.

Installation of adjustable stands

Naturally, a stretch ceiling is not able to withstand such a load as lighting fixtures, therefore, the preliminary stage in the installation of spotlights is the installation of embedded elements and special adjustable racks, due to which the fixtures are fixed. The stand consists of 2 guides and a special ring, which has an inner diameter that corresponds to the mounting diameter of the spotlight. The guides provide the possibility of adjusting such a ring in height.

When performing this procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the mortgages are placed in such a way that their body does not interfere with the subsequent installation of the tension fabric. More often, adjustable posts are fixed to the base base with screws and dowels. The luminaire, which is inserted into the opening of the stretch ceiling, is located on a rack, which is fixed to the main ceiling.

Installation of spotlights

After that, you need to perform electrical work, which consists in laying the cable to the installation site of each device. After a series of preparatory work and installation of the stretch ceiling, you need to proceed to the final part - the installation of fixtures in the stretch ceiling. For this purpose, it is necessary to fix (glue) a round profile directly on the film in the places where the mounting brackets are located, which is intended for mounting lamps.

Before attaching the lamps, you need to cut holes in the canvas for the future lamp according to inner contour round profile. Holes in the PVC film must be cut precisely to avoid defects in the web during installation.

Then, using the adjusting screws, you need to set the mounting racks flush with the ceiling material, remove electrical conductors through the holes obtained and connect the devices. The design of the lamp has a heat-insulating ring, which must be put on the body before installation. It is necessary to regulate the heating of the tension material of the ceiling and to separate the lamp from the surface of the material.

When installing the PVC film on the ceiling surface, pull the wiring through the holes. In order for the fixtures to be fixed evenly on the ceiling, after installing them, you need to perform the adjustment procedure for the fixtures, then you can screw the bulbs into all the fixtures and check the stretch ceiling for the correct lighting.

With well-arranged spotlights, the lighting will not tear your eyes, but powerful. If the stretch ceiling has a large area, then to improve the operation of the lighting system, you can install a transformer, which is designed to save energy and the ability to install low-power lamps with low current consumption.

Installing a chandelier on a stretch ceiling

The most popular way to mount a chandelier on a stretch ceiling is to use a ceiling hook. This fastener is created as follows. It is necessary to fix a special hook in the concrete ceiling and check the reliability of its fastening by placing a special load on it. After that, you need to make wiring, install a stretch ceiling, cut a hole in it in the center of the hook and glue a special thermal ring.

The main fastening for the tension web is a standard ceiling bar. To do this, you need to mark the center of the installation of the chandelier, pull a special thread, which will be attached to the profile with a glazing bead. Next, measure the cup of the chandelier and the length of the ceiling mount and saw off the timber. The beam must be made a little longer than the cup of the lighting device so that the chandelier does not stagger.

Next, measure the distance from the base to the lace and install the beam exactly along the thread, prepare the wiring and install the stretch ceiling, cut a hole in the center and glue the thermo-ring. Attach the ceiling mount to the beam in the center and install the chandelier.

If you need to mount large chandeliers, you need to use a mount such as cross fasteners. Such mounts are prescribed mainly for chandeliers in the form of a flat square or large plate, parallelepiped or oval, which fit snugly against the stretch ceiling. Install this fastener as follows. Everything is done in the same way as when installing traditional ceiling fixtures, only you need to attach plywood to the beam, which has an area slightly larger than the base of the chandelier plate, or attach plywood to special suspensions.

This short article will be primarily about how NOT to mount fixtures in a stretch ceiling. That is, about installation errors.

And as for the power supply of specific lamps - a driver (PSU) for them can be bought on Ali Express, they cost a penny (less than a dollar).

Repair of LED lamps

Faulty lamps revealed the following. It turned out that the whole problem was in low-quality LEDs. They are soldered to heat sink pads, and power wires are soldered to these pads.

I bought such LEDs in a radio parts store (50 rubles) and soldered them. As a result, I repaired the lamps, but the electrical wires remained the same as shown in the photo above. Naturally, I cannot give any guarantees either for lamps or for connections in the ceiling.

The ceiling was pulled over again, now in the evenings in this bedroom “just space!”. (I have not been, but I fantasize))

Conclusions on installation of built-in lights in a stretch ceiling

When installing LED, and any other fixtures in a stretch ceiling, the following rules for installation and connection must be followed:

  • The luminaire should be easily removed for cleaning and replacement;
  • The wires leading to the luminaire must not be stretched, must be well insulated and securely fastened to the base ceiling;
  • There must be access to electrical connections;
  • Connections must be made with Wago 222 quick-detachable terminals;
  • There must be access to all electronic components of the luminaire;
  • When removed, the luminaire must remain in salable condition so that it can be replaced under warranty;
  • Installation should be carried out using a special ring and a support platform so as not to create a load and not to spoil the ceiling film;
  • When installing recessed fixtures in a stretch ceiling, in which the light bulb is recessed into the ceiling, you need to take care of the thermal regime.

Examples of the correct installation of fixtures in a stretch ceiling

This is how the place in the stretch ceiling should look like, where the lamp will now be installed:

Ring, platform (only the edge is visible) and wire for mounting a spotlight

Spot LED lamp in a stretch ceiling of two parts. Stylish, comfortable, practical!

Here's what it looks like correct installation fixtures in stretch ceilings.

Light installed

The result is such a ceiling (this is a corridor):

It seemed to you that one lamp was not lit? This is a motion sensor, there are models that, like lamps, are built into the ceiling:

Motion sensor in stretch ceiling

Installation of a stretch ceiling is in full swing, but you still do not know which lamps to choose? Traditional lamps are a rather outdated way of lighting a room. Depending on how high the ceiling structure is, and the false ceiling inevitably takes 10-15 cm of the total height of the room, the way to hang a bulky chandelier is not relevant.

Firstly, when the light "falls" on your head, there is little pleasant. Secondly, the stretch ceiling is a relatively fragile structure and from the powerful heating of the lamps it can even be damaged, read - melt. Thirdly, the chandelier, no matter how bright it was, will not be able to divide the room into functional zones and highlight dark corners rooms.

Such different lamps ...

Any ceiling lamp you should choose depending on what functional character the room is, how serious the structure you are going to install and how much you are willing to spend.

Do you need quality lighting? Or maybe you, on the contrary, do not want complex installation, but are interested in bright lighting?

Let's look at some types of lighting for a stretch ceiling:

  • Fixtures made of steel or spotlights;
  • Fluorescent lamps;
  • Halogen lamps;
  • Lamps with tungsten filament;
  • Cardan lamps.

Halogen lamps have good performance and strong light function, however, small, spotlights have been developed specifically for stretch ceilings. They are let into the ceiling, thereby creating a neat "spot" illumination of the elements of the room, where zoning is necessary for the area.

IMPORTANT! Working with traditional lamps requires certain skills and the participation of a specialist. There are also some power limitations: for example, incandescent lamps up to 60 watts, and halogen lamps up to 36 watts.

If you are interested in installing fixtures on your own, feel free to choose spotlights. It is curious that spotlights are installed on their own in stretch ceilings, since the installation of fixtures will not take much time, below we will explain how to do this (see).

Spotlights: installation instructions

What does the installation of fixtures include: stretch ceilings should first be prepared. To begin with, find out whether you have carried out all the communications into the interceiling space, whether the frame is tightly fixed and evaluate how realistic it is to hold the backlight.

Please note that all work at the preparatory stage is carried out even before the installation of the false ceiling!

You can mount spotlights on a finished ceiling if you don’t bring all the wires in the ceiling structure in advance.

First step

  1. On the main ceiling, make markings for fixing lamps;
  2. Connect the necessary wires;
  3. On the surface of the main ceiling, fix the racks on which the lamps will be mounted;
  4. Mount the brackets in the marked places;
  5. Mount fasteners;

Typically, the installation of luminaires in a stretch ceiling occurs on fittings or a steel element fixed in the ceiling. To do this, make an incision, glue around the perimeter with a special ring and let the wires out. Luminaires are connected to the ring and attached to the wiring.

Second step

Having finished with the fasteners and wiring, we will complete the installation of the false ceiling - we will bring out the wires and proceed to prepare the holes for the lamp V:

  1. By using building level draw lines with a pencil;
  2. Note the location of the fixtures on the ceiling;
  3. We drill holes with a drill for plasterboard or chipboard ceilings, using a “crown” with a diameter as close as possible to the diameter of the lamp.

Please note that it is advisable to make holes after painting the ceiling, and not before!

Installation of fixtures

Having prepared the holes in the ceiling, you can proceed to the installation of a spotlight, for this:

  1. We will get the wires and connect them to the terminals of the light device, we will wrap the hole around the decorative profile as desired;
  2. We press the spring fasteners to the body and insert them into the hole made;
  3. Let's adjust the lamp according to the ceiling level - the springs should return to their original position, thereby providing the lighting device with reliable fastening;
  4. According to this principle, we will fix the rest of the lamps.

When connecting fixtures, it is advisable to bring your own wire to each and make all connections in the junction box. Be sure to use gloves if these are halogen lamps. The cartridge is inserted into the lamp and is firmly fixed with a latch.

As you can see, this is not difficult, so the installation of fixtures in a stretch ceiling takes place without any difficulties, you only need accuracy and safe supply of power wires. Luminaire designs are always different, but now you know the connection principle (see).

See how the room has changed? Using spotlights, you can achieve a smooth distribution of light throughout the room.. Choose a higher lamp power if you do not plan to place many lamps. Ceiling coverage should also be taken into account - a too bright result with a reflective surface or varnish coating is possible.

Lamps have the ability to change the character of the room, unlike clumsy lamps, and decorate any interior of an apartment - on the ceiling, in arches, frame ledges and gently distribute light in some selective area. We hope that the instructions above have helped you to master little secret repair!

An increasingly popular solution is the installation of a stretch ceiling. It is beautiful and elegant, and also easy to care for. When installation is planned, you must immediately think carefully about which light sources will be used for ceiling lighting. The choice is essentially between a chandelier and spotlights (which are also called "soffits", by analogy with theatrical lighting), provided that the mounting will be done together. And if everything is quite clear with the chandelier - its installation is carried out on a dowel-hook, then how the installation of spotlights in the stretch ceiling from beginning to end, as well as what nuances need to be taken into account, is the topic of this article.

Installation instructions

Having decided on the choice in favor of spotlights, it is necessary, even before the installation of a stretch ceiling, to firmly decide in what places on the ceiling they will be located. A metal console will pass through these points, to which the lamps will be attached. Also, special holes will be made in them, along the rim of which protective plastic round plates will be attached to strengthen the ceiling in a specific place where spot lighting will be installed. We talked about that in a separate article.

Photo examples of soffit placement:

An important point is what kind of spotlights are planned to be installed. They can be divided into options:

  • for incandescent mirror lamps with an E14 or E27 base (they differ significantly, including the diameter of the lamp itself, this is an extremely important point);
  • for halogen bulbs with G or GU base.

In terms of depth, the installation of the first option exceeds the second by about two times, and therefore it is necessary to think about whether to make the stretch ceiling slightly lower than the main one in favor of mirror lamps, or to limit ourselves to halogen ones. By the way, as an economical replacement, instead of halogen lamps, you can install LED counterparts, and for types with a threaded base - also fluorescent ones.

So that you understand how much space under the ceiling each option will take, we present to your attention 3 different schemes for installing spot lighting:

The types and installation options differ. Compact halogen spotlights have mounting "antennae" on the spring. After installing the stretch ceiling and completing all the wiring, a plinth resembling a tiny socket should sag at a respectful distance from the hole for the spotlight. The light bulb is installed in this base, the antennae are pressed up to the stop, threaded into the hole and snapped into place. If necessary, it must be pry off from the ceiling and, helping with the other hand, due to the very reliable and strong fastening, pull it out very carefully. Socle luminaires must be installed with screws exactly to the carrier beam. Although she also has antennae and theoretically it is possible to install similarly to halogen ones, there is a problem with replacing burnt out light bulbs, because it will be difficult to unscrew them and then you will have to remove the entire structure for this purpose. If the lamp is mounted on screws, the bulbs are changed without all the above manipulations.

With regard to halogen bulbs, you need to be extremely careful. They are divided by operating voltage into:

  • 220-volt - work from a standard network and do not require any additional electronic devices for successful work. Recommended for living rooms, bedrooms and corridors.
  • 12 volts are safer. The installation of such spotlights is carried out in the stretch ceiling of the bathroom, toilet and kitchen, where there is high humidity. Such lamps are connected only through a step-down transformer (power supply), otherwise they will burn out immediately after switching on.

The transformer must also be purchased with IP65, or find a place for it in the junction box. It must be remembered that the more spotlights are planned to be installed, the more power will go to the transformer. The size of the transformer will be equivalent to the power consumption, so hiding it is sometimes a difficult task. But to attach it over a stretch ceiling is not difficult. An example of the placement of transformers is shown in the photo below:

A spotlight should not contain a lamp that violates the maximum power requirements - it is not recommended to exceed the bar of 50 watts for halogen lamps and 60 watts for incandescent lamps. The instruction or inscription on the body itself must contain the information "maximum power". The problem is strong heating, in connection with which it is possible not only to melt the rounded rim of the mounting hole, but also the spotlight itself, if the manufacturer used not the highest quality materials for manufacturing. In particularly unfortunate cases, you can ruin the entire stretch ceiling. There are two ways out of the situation:

  1. Installation more luminaires with lamps of lower power, the wiring diagram will be more complicated, as a result of which it will be necessary to break the luminaires into a double or triple switch.
  2. Use energy-saving analogues based on LEDs or fluorescent lamps. By the way, they are also divided into 12-volt and 220-volt options, so you need to be extremely careful.

Each spotlight, like their total requires a calculation with a margin, since it will not be possible to seep under the stretch ceiling and in case of any malfunction it will have to be dismantled. Therefore, after performing the calculation by power, as a result, it makes sense to acquire one step larger cable section in the stretch ceiling than required by the numbers. This will help to avoid force majeure. It is best to choose a hard cable, the most popular of which is or. You can choose and or - this will simplify installation, but it makes sense to install such wires in a corrugated sleeve, especially for rooms with high humidity.

Consider how the installation of fixtures in stretch ceilings. Most often, spotlights are installed. They are good because they are suitable for any room. In addition to them, there are other types of lamps that can be installed in a stretch ceiling.

Varieties of lamps

To date, the following types of lamps are distinguished:

  • LED (do not heat up, last up to 5 years, high cost);
  • halogen (direct light in the right direction, shine brighter than conventional lamps, at the same power);
  • incandescent lamp (most often installed in rooms with high humidity, such as in a bathroom or pool);
  • luminescent (do not heat up, have good light output and reasonable cost);
  • point (the most common, suitable for any room).

So, in order to answer the question of how to install fixtures in stretch ceilings, you need to know the installation requirements.

Basic installation requirements

First of all, it is worth noting that the light source must have low power. This is necessary so as not to damage the film coating.

Advice: When choosing spotlights, you need to pay attention to the presence of wide sides. They must be mandatory, as they will hide the reinforcing ring.

Hiding a model, you must choose trusted manufacturers, since it is very difficult to open them, if necessary.

Mount the light bulbs in such a way that the light falls down, and not on the surface of the ceiling. The distance between the surface and the ceiling must be at least 10 cm (this is especially true for incandescent lamps, 6 cm is enough for halogen lamps).

Before stretching the canvas, it is necessary to fix the wiring.

Fixing spotlights

To fasten light bulbs to a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to carry out their installation very carefully and carefully, since PVC film is very delicate and it is easy to spoil it.

To install a spotlight in a stretch ceiling, you need:

  • lighting device;
  • cyanoacrylate glue and knife;
  • a special ring to strengthen the material;
  • acrylic box (its size must match the lamp).

Before you begin to mount the light source, you need to prepare the coating:

  • conduct all communications in the interceiling space;
  • firmly mount the frame.

On a note: It should be noted that all preparatory work must be completed before the tension cover is installed. Of course, it is quite possible to mount a lamp in the finished ceiling, if the wires have been wired into the coating structure in advance.

Mounting technology:

  1. First of all, you need to install the mounting profile.
  2. At the marked height, boxes with lamps are installed, each of which must have a nut (it is necessary so that you can adjust the desired height). The bottom edge of the box should always be no lower than the canvas.
  3. In order to remember the location of the devices in the future, it is necessary to make notes on the floor using a laser.
  4. Stretch the canvas.
  5. Make holes for lights.
  6. On the film mark the middle of all lighting fixtures. Then apply glue to the marked places. A reinforcing ring is put on the glue.
  7. Carefully make a hole in the middle of the ring through which you can adjust the height of the acrylic box.
  8. Connect to electricity.
  9. The light source is placed in a box.

Chandelier installation

Not every chandelier can be mounted in a stretch ceiling, so it must be chosen correctly.


In this case, it is necessary to follow a few rules so that the installation goes smoothly.

Selection rules:

  • first of all, when choosing, you should pay attention to the fact that the design is not made in the form of a plate (the base gets very hot when illuminated, since it is made of thin metal);
  • best to give preference simple models, and not intricate, if you are going to mount it yourself;
  • so that spots do not form on the surface of the canvas, preference should be given to models with a ceiling and an internal light bulb;
  • in case the design was chosen without a ceiling, it is recommended to give preference to the model that is endowed with a mirror reflector;
  • energy saving light bulbs are the best option.


To date, there are two ways to attach the chandelier to the surface. The most popular mounting method is the "ceiling hook". Additional tools, fasteners and material are not required. Preference should be given to the anchor hook, as it is reliable and durable.

Mounting process:

  • make a hole in the surface with a perforator;
  • hook attached;
  • the hook must be positioned so that it is a few centimeters above the canvas.

Mounting the chandelier using the mounting plate:

  • the lamp is tried on to the surface;
  • if there is an old hook, then it is not necessary to remove it (suddenly it will come in handy for the next chandelier), so it is enough to bend it;
  • using the bar, make marks where fasteners will take place;
  • make holes;
  • install dowels;
  • fastening the bar (it is installed either above the ceiling or at the level).

In order for the installation to be successful, without difficulties, it is worth considering some nuances:

  1. Before installation work you need to make sure that the electricity is temporarily turned off. All work must be done with construction gloves.
  2. In order not to spoil the canvas, it is not necessary to fasten the lamp strongly. If you still need to firmly attach it, then in this case a gasket must be placed between the panel and the bar.
  3. Before you start installation work, you need to look at the hidden wiring plan. If there is no plan, then in this case you can use a special device with which you can determine the location of the wiring.

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