Avelicheva Elena
Quiz "Wild and domestic animal experts" for older children

Quiz "Connoisseurs of wild and domestic animals" for older children.

Target: consolidate knowledge about animals (wild, domestic);

learn to guess the encrypted word;

continue to teach children to work in a team;

develop attention, cognitive activity children, intelligence, memory;

develop an interest in the animal world.

Material: pictures of wild and domestic animals (to divide children into two teams); cards for the games “Guess whose tail?”, “Who eats what?”, “The fourth extra”; pictures depicting puzzles; books for questions on fairy tales; chips for scoring; medals for quiz participants.

Quiz progress:

The teacher gives the children pictures of wild and domestic animals and offers to divide into two teams.

Guys, what two groups are you divided into? (in one group, children, in the pictures of which wild animals are depicted, in the other, domestic animals).

Guys, today we will play with you. I will ask each team questions about animals. For a correct answer, the team will receive 1 point. The team with the most points will be the winner.

1. Questions are asked in turn to each team.

Where does a bear sleep in winter? (in the den)

What is the name of a baby horse? (foal)

Forest doctor in a red cap, with wings? (woodpecker)

Mom is a duck, and dad is? (drake)

How many legs does a beetle have? (six)

Where does the pig live? (in a pigsty)

What animal knows how to confuse traces? (hare)

Name a clock that runs? (rooster)

Why does a hare change the color of its coat in winter?

The biggest Domestic bird? (turkey)

What animal lives underground? (mole)

Mouse catcher? (cat)

What does a hedgehog do in winter? (asleep)

The best watchman in the house? (dog)

2. The game "Whose tail"

3. - Wild animals, like humans, have body parts, but they are called differently. Now we will find out whether you know or not.

The man has hands, and the beast (paws)

Face - muzzle

Belly - belly

Nails - claws

Mouth - mouth

Teeth - fangs

Hair - wool

4. The game "Name your mother."

At fox cubs - (fox)

In chickens - (chicken)

Have hares - (hare)

At the gosling - (goose)

At the cubs - (bear)

At the calf - (cow)

The cubs - (wolf)

In rabbits - (rabbit)

In squirrels - (squirrel)

Lambs - (sheep)

5. The game "Who eats what?"

Pictures are displayed on the board separately for each team (wild animals, domestic animals). There are pictures of food on the table. Children select the corresponding picture with the image of food for each animal.

6. The game "The fourth extra"

Den, hole, lair, hollow.

cow, goat, ram, horse.

Elk, bear, hare, fox.

Goose, duck, chicken, pig.

Squirrel, hedgehog, wolf, bear.

Swan, rooster, goose, duck.


Let's go for a walk in the forest

and pick up raspberries

we squat lower

and collect in the basket.

Suddenly we saw a bear

and took off running.

And we ran so fast

That are a little tired

1,2,3,4,5 we will rest together. (children make appropriate movements)

7. Solve the puzzle.

8. Guys, you all love fairy tales. Now I will ask you questions about fairy tales.

Who gave Pinocchio a golden key? (turtle)

What was the name of Ellie's dog from the fairy tale "The Magician emerald city"? (Totoshka)

Who fished with his tail? (wolf)

What has the ugly duckling become? (into a swan)

Why couldn't Gray Sheika fly away with everyone else? (broke wing)

What was the friend's name winnie the pooh? (Piglet)

Who sang this song:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,

Gray wolf, gray wolf

Where do you go stupid wolf,

Old wolf, terrible wolf. (pigs)

Who couldn't share a head of cheese? (bears)

Scoring, awarding of winners.

Quiz "In the world of animals"

Warm up.

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about animals

Tasks: to teach to find an animal according to the description; foster respect for animals; develop interest.

Often, when we talk about some qualities of a person, we make comparisons with animals. For example, "sly as a fox" or "repeats like a parrot." Remember what other comparisons with animals you are familiar with.

(Hungry like a wolf; stubborn like a donkey; cowardly like a hare; healthy like a bull; clumsy like a bear; slow like a turtle; squeals like a pig; neighs like a horse, etc.)

The team captains are given one of the listed comparisons, which they must show with the help of pantomime so that the team guesses correctly.

1. Oral quiz questions.

Each team takes turns answering the question. If one team does not answer the proposed question, the question is transferred to another team.

King of beasts. (A lion.)

Desert King. (Camel.)

What is the hump of a camel made of? (From fat).

Was born in water, but lives on earth? (Frog).

Where do frogs go for the winter? (They burrow into the mud, silt, under the moss).

Does the penguin fly? (No).

Does the polar bear hunt penguins? (No, they live at different poles).

Who is called the owner of the polar region? (Polar bear).

Which pet has teeth that grow throughout its life? (In rabbits).

Why do rabbits always chew on something? (To grind down teeth).

What is the name of the baby sheep and ram? (Lamb).

Who will be the tadpole in the future? (Frog).

Who is a hippopotamus? (Hippopotamus).

Which animal's skin must always be kept moist? (In frogs, toads, newts).

Which animal is more human-like? (Monkey).

Which legs are longer on a giraffe, front or back? (The same.)

What animals fly? (The bats.)

What animal sleeps upside down? ( Bat.)

Most large lizards. (Little lizards.)

The largest animal in Russia. (Elk.)

What does a moose lose every winter? (Horns.)

The skin of which carnivorous animal is covered with stripes? (Tiger skin.)

Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel.)

The animal is a symbol of cunning and dexterity. (Fox.)

The most famous dam builder. (Beaver, or beaver.)

small rodent capable of stuffing half a glass of seeds into the cheek pouches. (Hamster.)

Large spotted cat with tufted ears. (Lynx.)

Where do crayfish hibernate? (In burrows along the banks of rivers).

2. "Who am I?" - writing assignment.

The teams are given several cards with the characteristics of animals, the names of which they are invited to guess.

“I am very large, about two meters tall, and my weight is 350 kg. I have brown hair, small ears and a tail. I can walk on my hind legs and climb trees in search of food. And I eat fish, berries, I can eat ants, worms and beetle larvae. I spend the whole winter hibernating, and in the spring I leave the lair thin, hungry and angry. (Bear.)

“I live in the Far North. I eat fish and seals. I love the sea very much. A thick layer of fat under the skin and a long white coat protect me from hypothermia. And my paws are like flippers, so I'm a good swimmer and I'm not afraid to swim far into the sea. ( Polar bear.)

“I have a sharp muzzle, erect ears, a very finely developed sense of smell. I am very greedy. I eat meat, attacking deer, elk, rodents, but sometimes, when I can’t find anything, I survive on plant food - berries. I like to hunt at night, alone. Sometimes I chase prey for hours, running not a single kilometer. But in winter, in order to feed ourselves, we gather in flocks. (Wolf.)

"I'm fat funny animal with sharp front teeth. My house is called a hut. I choose a small river or stream with running water as a place for my hut. I cut tree branches with my teeth and build a dam out of them to keep the water at a constant level and always have an underwater connection with the dwelling. There are two “rooms” in the hut: a bedroom and a pantry. (Beaver, or beaver.)

“My sense of smell is very sharp. The biggest treat for me - field mice. A mouse squeaks a little - and I can hear it for a hundred meters, even in winter, when it hides under the snow. I can eat up to 20 of them a day. I hunt at night, and during the day I like to relax. Often they call me a red cheat. (Fox.)

“I live with my family in a burrow that I dug with my front paws and covered with soft grass and down. I am very careful. Before approaching the mink, I will make a few jumps to the side, then a few jumps to the other side, and only then do I jump into my house. In winter, in order to be invisible in the snow, I change my fur coat. (Hare.)

“I have very beautiful antlers, but every winter I have to shed them. The body is covered with beautiful small light specks. Wool protects well from frost, and wide hooves do not allow me to fall through the snow. I pride myself on good eyesight, and my hearing and sense of smell allow me to detect danger without much difficulty. (Deer.)

“I look like a clumsy fat mouse with big cheeks. I have round shiny eyes, short legs and a pointed little tail. I build a mink at a depth of 1-2 meters underground, which consists of several "rooms": in one I sleep in the winter, and in the other I store supplies. Sometimes they keep me at home, in a cage.” (Hamster.)

“I, small and gray, build myself a mink either in a field or in a forest, under the roots of trees in a secluded place. My mink is like a bird's nest. Here I store seeds, berries, nuts, dry buds and roots of herbs and trees. In winter, I often go out of my mink to replenish my supplies. To do this, I dig special tunnels and move along them. (Mouse.)

“I, a kind fussy little animal, live everywhere. I have a long fluffy tail and beady eyes. The tail, almost equal to the length of my body (about 20 cm), serves as a pole and an umbrella for me, allowing me to maintain balance and jump along the branches. There are small tassels on the ears that protect my ears from frost. On severe frosty days, I sit in a hollow and eat acorns, dry mushrooms, nuts. (Squirrel).

“I am a small animal with velvety dark gray fur. I have strong front paws, like large shoulder blades. Claws grow on them, with which I dig the earth and throw it back. I have eyes, but they are just tiny beads covered in fur and skin. I don't need eyes, as I constantly live underground in pitch darkness. But I have a great sense of smell. I smell earthworm for a few meters. (Mole.)

“My body is unusually heavy, it can weigh like a big truck. It is in order to hold such a weight that my legs are thick and look like huge columns. I have tusks with which I defend myself. The most remarkable part of my body is the trunk. I like to eat grass, fruits and leaves of trees. (Elephant.)

"I live in the thicket rainforest, where the sun's rays make their way in thin strips through the crowns of dense trees. Therefore, my skin is covered with stripes that look like these patches of light. I am a strong animal. I eat wild boars, deer, antelopes. To satisfy my hunger, I need about nine kilograms of meat a day.” (Tiger.)

“I am a strong animal. My roar is like thunder, and my mane gives me a menacing look. I live in warm countries, in sandy places, so my skin is sandy in color. During the day I sleep more often, and at night I hunt zebras, gazelles and antelopes. Although I am the king of animals, I am easy to train and can perform various numbers in the circus. (A lion.)

“My body is covered with tough, thick skin of gray color, which protects well from insect bites and from branches of bushes. On the feet are small hooves. I eat grass and young branches and leaves. But mine main feature- the famous horn on the forehead. When danger threatens me, I lower my head and strike with the horn.” (Rhinoceros.)

“Everyone knows me. I look like a man, but unlike him, I have a tail with which I hold on to branches while I pick fruits with my hands and bring them to my mouth with my feet. My favorite pastime is making faces.” (Monkey.)

“The ancient Greeks called me the “river horse.” Firstly, I spend a lot of time in the water, and secondly, I resemble a horse. I have such big wide nostrils and small ears. I am a very large animal: 4 meters long and 3.5 tons in weight. I eat river grass. (Hippopotamus.)

“My height can reach a height of six meters. On the head there are ears and funny little horns covered with leather. I don't have fangs or claws. But there is an unusual long tongue, sometimes reaching 45 cm. With this tongue, I deftly pluck leaves from thorny plants without even pricking myself. Although my front legs are longer than my hind legs, I run fast, I can overtake a horse. I sleep standing up and drink water with my legs wide apart, because my Long neck doesn't bend at all." (Giraffe.)

“I have thick gray skin, a small head with ears sticking up, very long and strong hind legs and small front legs. I am a rather big animal (about two meters in height), but I jump like a grasshopper - far and high. The most remarkable thing about me is the bag, which is located in the lower abdomen, between the legs. My image is on the coat of arms of Australia. (Kangaroo.)

“I am like a little horse: I have hooves, a mane, a tail. I run fast. I have excellent eyesight and a good memory. But the color is striped. I have many enemies: tigers, lions, hyenas and other predators. To protect ourselves from enemies, I and my other relatives unite in groups. I am listed in the Red Book. (Zebra.)

“I feel quite well where other animals would die of hunger and thirst. I carry my food and drink with me in my humps. Before starting the next trip, I eat and drink a few days. Then only one of my hump can weigh 45 kilograms! But towards the end of the journey, my hump becomes empty and falls to one side. (Camel.)

Novomikhaylovskaya high school


in 2nd grade

"In the animal world"

Conducted by: Mogunova V.V.

Interesting quizzes for children about animals that live in the forest, which children can see in the zoo, about pets. All quiz questions are accompanied by answers.

Quiz "Who am I?"

■ “I am very large, about two meters tall, and my weight is 350 kg. I have brown hair, small ears and a tail. I can walk on my hind legs and climb trees in search of food. And I eat fish, berries, I can eat ants, worms and beetle larvae. I spend the whole winter hibernating, and in the spring I leave the lair thin, hungry and angry. (Bear.)

■ “I live in the Far North. I eat fish and seals. I love the sea very much. A thick layer of fat under the skin and a long white coat protect me from hypothermia. And my paws are like flippers, so I'm a good swimmer and I'm not afraid to swim far into the sea. (Polar bear.)

■ “I have a sharp muzzle, erect ears, a very finely developed sense of smell. I am very greedy. I eat meat, attacking deer, elk, rodents, but sometimes, when I can’t find anything, I survive on plant food - berries. I like to hunt at night, alone. Sometimes I chase prey for hours, running not a single kilometer. But in winter, in order to feed ourselves, we gather in flocks. (Wolf.)

■ “I am a fat funny animal with sharp front teeth. My house is called a hut. I choose a small river or stream with running water as a place for my hut. I cut tree branches with my teeth and build a dam out of them to keep the water at a constant level and always have an underwater connection with the dwelling. There are two “rooms” in the hut: a bedroom and a pantry. (Beaver, or beaver.)

■ “I have a very keen sense of smell. My biggest treat is field mice. A mouse squeaks a little - and I can hear it from a hundred meters away, even in winter, when it hides under the snow. I can eat up to 20 of them a day. I hunt at night, and during the day I like to relax. Often they call me a red cheat. (Fox.)

■ “I live with my family in a burrow that I dug with my front paws and lined with soft grass and down. I am very careful. Before approaching the mink, I will make a few jumps to the side, then a few jumps to the other side, and only then do I jump into my house. In winter, in order to be invisible in the snow, I change my fur coat. (Hare.)

■ “I have very beautiful antlers, but every winter I have to shed them. The body is covered with beautiful small light specks. Wool protects well from frost, and wide hooves do not allow me to fall through the snow. I pride myself on good eyesight, and my hearing and sense of smell allow me to detect danger without much difficulty. (Deer.)

■ “I look like a clumsy fat mouse with big cheeks. I have round shiny eyes, short legs and a pointed little tail.

I build a mink at a depth of 1-2 meters underground, which consists of several "rooms": in one I sleep in the winter, and in the other I store supplies. Sometimes they keep me at home, in a cage.” (Hamster.)

■ “I, small and gray, build myself a mink either in a field or in a forest, under the roots of trees in a secluded place. My mink is like a bird's nest. Here I store seeds, berries, nuts, dry buds and roots of herbs and trees. In winter, I often go out of my mink to replenish my supplies. To do this, I dig special tunnels and move along them. (Mouse.)

■ “I, a kind fussy little animal, live everywhere. I have a long fluffy tail and beady eyes. The tail, almost equal to the length of my body (about 20 cm), serves as a pole and an umbrella for me, allowing me to maintain balance and jump along the branches. There are small tassels on the ears that protect my ears from frost. On severe frosty days, I sit in a hollow and eat acorns, dry mushrooms, nuts. Squirrel.

■ “I am a small animal with velvety dark gray fur. I have strong front paws, like large shoulder blades. Claws grow on them, with which I dig the earth and throw it back. I have eyes, but they are just tiny beads covered in fur and skin. I don't need eyes, as I constantly live underground in pitch darkness. But I have a great sense of smell. I can smell an earthworm from a few meters away.” (Mole.)

Quiz "At the Zoo"

■ “My body is unusually heavy, it can weigh like a big truck. It is in order to hold such a weight that my legs are thick and look like huge columns. I have tusks with which I defend myself. The most remarkable part of my body is the trunk. I like to eat grass, fruits and leaves of trees. (Elephant.)

■ “I live in the thickets of the rainforest, where the sun's rays make their way in thin strips through the crowns of dense trees. Therefore, my skin is covered with stripes that look like these patches of light. I am a strong animal. I eat wild boars, deer, antelopes. To satisfy my hunger, I need about nine kilograms of meat a day.” (Tiger.)

■ “I am a strong animal. My roar is like thunder, and my mane gives me a menacing look. I live in warm countries, in sandy places, so my skin is sandy in color. During the day I sleep more often, and at night I hunt zebras, gazelles and antelopes. Although I am the king of animals, I am easy to train and can perform various numbers in the circus. (A lion.)

■ “My body is covered with tough, thick skin of gray color, which protects well from insect bites and from branches of bushes. On the feet are small hooves. I eat grass and young branches and leaves. But my main feature is the famous horn on the forehead. When danger threatens me, I lower my head and strike with the horn.” (Rhinoceros.)

■ “Everyone knows me. I look like a man, but unlike him, I have a tail with which I hold on to branches while I pick fruits with my hands and bring them to my mouth with my feet. My favorite thing to do is make faces.” (Monkey.)

■ “The ancient Greeks called me “river horse”. Firstly, I spend a lot of time in the water, and secondly, I resemble a horse. I have such big wide nostrils and small ears. I am a very large animal: 4 meters long and 3.5 tons in weight. I eat river grass. (Hippopotamus.)

■ “My height can reach a height of six meters. On the head there are ears and funny little horns covered with leather. I don't have fangs or claws. But there is an unusually long tongue, sometimes reaching 45 cm. With this tongue, I deftly pluck leaves from thorny plants without even pricking myself. Although my front legs are longer than my hind legs, I run fast, I can overtake a horse. I sleep standing up, and I drink water with my legs wide apart, because my long neck does not bend at all. (Giraffe.)

■ “I have thick gray skin, a small head with upturned ears, very long and strong hind legs and small front legs. I am a rather big animal (about two meters in height), but I jump like a grasshopper - far and high. The most remarkable thing about me is the bag that is located in the lower abdomen, between the legs. My image is on the coat of arms of Australia. (Kangaroo.)

■ “I am like a little horse: I have hooves, a mane, a tail. I run fast. I have excellent eyesight and a good memory. But the color is striped. I have many enemies: tigers, lions, hyenas and other predators. To protect ourselves from enemies, I and my other relatives unite in groups. I am listed in the Red Book. (Zebra.)

■ “I feel quite well where other animals would die of hunger and thirst. I carry my food and drink with me in my humps. Before starting the next trip, I eat and drink a few days. Then only one of my hump can weigh 45 kilograms! But towards the end of the journey, my hump becomes empty and falls to one side. (Camel.)

Quiz "We are responsible for those we have tamed"

■ What hardy animal was used in ancient wars to harness them to chariots? (Horse.)

■ What animal has a thick body, short legs, small hooves, and fangs that stick out? (At the pig.)

■ Are the eyes of cats the same day and night? (At night, the pupils of cats are too dilated, and during the day they are small.)

■ Which pet is true friend human? Dog.

■ What useful animal gives meat, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter? (Cow.)

■ Which one of the first domesticated animals is the closest relative of horses, only smaller than they are? (Donkey.)

■ What pet provides healthy milk, meat, wool, and down? (Goat.)

■ From the skin of which pet do sheepskin coats, hats and mittens? (From sheepskin.)

■ Which animal is easy to recognize by long ears and the tassel at the end of the tail? (Donkey.)

■ What is the animal for the inhabitants of the North and transport, and food, and clothing, and housing? (Deer.)

■ What animal provides us with meat, lard, and leather used to make shoes, gloves, and bags? (Pig.)

■ From the milk of this animal, a delicious salty cheese is made - feta cheese. (From sheep's milk.)

■ What pets live in cage houses with mesh floors? (Rabbits.)

■ Which pet gives people honey? (Bee.)

■ What is the favorite animal in the house? (A cat.)

Quiz "Live Corner"

■ Award at the cat show (Rosette.)

■ Parakeet. (Ara.)

■ Synonymous with "smell" for dogs and cats. (Sniff.)

■ Scottish Shepherd. (Collie.)

■ Breed of dogs - ...-schnauzer. (Rizen.)

■ White with a yellow tufted parrot. Can speak. (Cockatoo.)

■ One that walks by itself. (Cat.)

■ Chinese - Pekingese, Japanese - ... (Hin.)

■ Home ... - a norushka in a cage, inside of which there is a tiny house. (Mouse.)

■ Russian Blue, Siberian, Persian, Scottish, Oriental, Siamese and other breeds of these beauties. (Cat.)

■ An African parakeet that will not survive alone in the wild or in a cage. A motley handsome man with a girlfriend have one drawback - they are too loudly accommodating. (Lovebird.)

■ Charming affectionate tropical semi-monkey with big eyes and the New Guinea red and blue parrot are named the same. How? (Lori.)

■ American and English... spaniels accurately look for drugs. (Coker.)

■ Blue Cuban ... with its claws quickly chop off the tail of any fish. Therefore, they are kept separately or with ampullar snails. (Cancer.)

■ Experienced terrarium keepers breed this species of snake despite the difficulty of feeding it. (Slider)

■ Large service dog. (Dog.)

■ Bell mosquito larva, favorite food aquarium fish. (Motyl.)

■ With repeated repetition of this word, a cat with any nickname will do. (Kis.)

■ Breed of dogs with numerous subspecies: Afghan, Russian canine, greyground, Italian greyhound, etc. (Borzoi.)

Quiz with answers on ecology "In the world of animals"


1) What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich.)

2) Favorite delicacy of storks. (Frogs.)

3) What bird bears the name of a famous Russian writer? (Gogol.)

4) What bird is called a "forest cat"? (Owl. For her ability to hunt at night.)

5) Do birds hibernate in a birdhouse in winter? (No.)

6) Fortune teller bird. (Cuckoo.)

7) Does the penguin belong to the order of birds or mammals? (Bird.)

8) Where is the ear of a grasshopper? (On the foot.)

9) Tadpoles hatch from it. (Caviar.)

10) In the people, this flower is called the "flower of the sun." (Sunflower.)

11) What bird of prey can you call it a "nurse"? (Black kite. It feeds not only on rodents, but also eats carrion.)

12) Who often changes clothes without undressing? (Chameleon.)

13) What kind of fish builds a nest? (Catfish, stickleback.)

14) Who will be born three times before becoming an adult? (Butterfly.)

15) What does a toad eat in winter? (Nothing. The toad is forced to go on a "diet" as it usually sleeps soundly at this time of the year.)

16) What kind of berry is white, black, red? (Currant.)

17) Which forest bird is considered the most talkative? (Magpie.)

18) Who, by right, is popularly called the “forest doctor”?

19) Which birds arrive south first? (Rooks.)

20) What is meant by the term " silent hunting"? (Collecting mushrooms.)

21) Which bird "collects" shiny objects? (Magpie.)

22) What kind of wood are matches made of? (From aspen.)

24) What tree is rightfully considered a symbol of Russia?

25) Which bird does not want to "fulfill its parental

debt" in relation to their future offspring, throwing eggs into other people's nests? (Cuckoo.)

26) Grass that can be recognized even from eyes closed? (Nettle.)

27) What a bird all year round walks in a tailcoat? (Penguin.)

28) This bird is in first place in terms of flight speed among all birds. (Swift.)

29) The smallest bird on the planet? (Hummingbird. Its size does not exceed one and a half to two centimeters.)

30) Animal science. (Zoology.)

31) Which forest animal changes its “wardrobe” twice a year? (Hare, squirrel, fox.)

32) The cleanest animal? (Badger.)

33) What kind of fish is called "river orderly"? (Pike. She eats weakened and sick fish first of all.)

34) Structural Engineer of a house on the river? (Beaver.)

35) Which animal is rightfully considered the fastest? (Cheetah.)

36) An animal of our forests, similar to a cat in an enlarged view. (Lynx.)

37) Which animal puts forward its hind legs while running? (Hare.)

38) Which animal picks apples with its back? (Hedgehog.)

39) When do hedgehogs not prick? (Barely born.)

40) What animal is popularly called "oblique"? Why? (Hare. For his unusual slanted eyes.)

41) Which animal has the loudest voice? (Crocodile.)

42) What kind of "cow" do ants milk? (Aphid cow.)

43) Which legs of a giraffe are longer - front or back? (All legs of a giraffe are the same size.)

44) What insect is popularly called the "big-eyed hunter"? (Dragonfly.)

45) What fish is named after a person? (Carp.)

46) What animal cubs feed on the milk of another mother? (Hares.)

47) How many legs does a spider have? (Eight.)

48) How many legs does a beetle have? (Six.)

49) What animal loses its “headdress” every winter? (Moose. Once a year, in winter, he sheds his antlers.)

50) What animal likes to sleep upside down? (Bat.)

51) What animal is called the "orderly" of the forest? (Wolf.)

52) What animal is considered the smallest? (A shrew. Her height is 3.5 cm.)

53) To what insect do we have to clap our hands, not at all as a sign of our admiration and approval? (Moth when we want to kill her.)

54) What forest bird is considered long-lived? (Forest crow. Life expectancy is 120 years or more.)

55) What well-known and terribly annoying insect can move upside down and taste food with its paws? (Fly.)