B C D E F G 1. Vowels and consonants.

H X 2. Vowels of the first and second groups.

M A O U E Y C 3. Paired consonants (voiced and

L I YO YU E I SCH deaf), unpaired voiced and

R C voiceless consonants.



1. Find soft and hard consonants. Designate them .

    sa lo ra nu pho py ma ku zy

    la me nu ra ve de ti lu ve

    by lu se cho py zi zy su wu

2 . Underline hard consonants in blue, soft consonants in green. .

3. Green grows in the garden (onion / hatch).

Workers forgot to close (bow/hatch).

The children stood in (rad / row) one after another.

Alyosha was (happy / row) a gift.

Misha was (crumpled/small) tall.

The sculptor (small / crumpled) in the hands of clay.

Vova (beat / was) very brave.

Forward (was / hit) the ball.

Kostya (mil / washed) hands with soap.

The bear cub (beat / was) is very small.

    Hands, bullet, Lyuba, buy, saws, lindens, whales, pitchforks, Katyusha, lemons, tickets, sleeves.

    Valya, Tanya, Zina, lindens, were, goat, flight, minus, poured.

6. N..nya, reb..ta, sal..t, v..dra, goat..l, cat..nok, t..laziness, L..ba, kl..kva, shl.. pa, cl .. you, goose .. nok, cl .. n, cherry .., ber .. for, br .. vna, id .. t, n .. s, floor .., k vz..l, zhd..t, weight..ly, l..byat, alive..t, Ser..zha, Kat..sha, L..yes, Al..sha, Var…

7. Nose-carried, ox-led, they say-chalked, skid-swept.

8. Differentiation oh-yo

Insert missing letterO or yo .

K..shka, m..shka, k..chka, p..chka, v..sla, v..dra, sv..kla, g..zda, lar..k, people..d, sound..zdy, l..shad, circle..k, forward..d, jump..k, cl..us.

9. Read the words in pairs.

Angle-coal, steel-steel, blow-hit, brother-take, heat-fry, chorus-polecat.

10. Stump-stumps, day-days, perches-perches, animal-animals, bag-bags.

11. Dust-dusty, steel-steel, pain-sick, far-far.

12. Throw-throw, sit-sit down, climb-climb, throw-throw.

13. Shelf-polka, corners-coals, foam-stumps, jackdaw-pebbles.

14. The flight of birds, a new gun, carries a bag, swept the floor, drinks milk, pours rain, leads a goat, sews a jacket, wheat grains, a flock of sparrows, a fast plane, builds nests.

15. Write the names of the cubs .

Tel……., foal……, piglet……, lamb……., goose……, chick….., duck……., turkey……., fox….., wolf……., moose…… …, bear………., elephant…….., tiger……, lion……., camel……. .

16. Fix mistakes.

Float down the river, throw away the old one, build a nest, field flowers, old gun, big salting, follow the sparrow, close the ring, hammer in the nail.

17. Kolya is waiting ... t Ser ... zhu.

L ... shad was carrying ... t firewood.

The cook was carrying ... a pie.

We go to school.

Al ... shi has new gal ... shi.

L ... dka float ... t along the river.

18. Vol ... dya sings a weight ... ly song.

The elephant ... nka has a long x ... bot.

Father brought ... s two in ... for dr ... in.

Koshel ... to lies on the table ... face.

On the ver ... vke hang m ... covered sang ... nks.

T..ti Tanya has t…lka T…mka.

19. Auditory dictation.

Big, chicken, gun, flight, plane, junk, janitor, grater, erased, pour, linen, duckling.

20. Differentiation y-y.

N...hat, n...nee, l...dee, t...beak, kr...pa, kr...chok, br...ki, cl...side, cl...qua, pl...shka, cl...bnika, steam...snik, camel ... yes, old ... shka.


22. I will drink, I will drink, I will pour, I will spill, I will pour out, I will sew, I will embroider, I will hammer, I will try, I will knock out.

Hot duck .. south, whistle in .. south, gray trousers ... yuks, t ... a tube of glue, attach ... a button, I see Il ... yu, drink ... milk, light l ... yustra, fun ... th brooch.

24. Make sentences.

wolves, on, howling, at night, moon

in, blizzard, forest, swept, snowdrifts

bad, cold, in, sparrow, winter

ate, bun, Katya, ruddy

25. Fix mistakes.

A thorny bush, a blizzard is circling, seals are roaring, I feed a pig, I pour soup, I bought a rukzak, I’ll go to the stream, a tube of glue.

26. Auditory dictation.

Chandelier, shoes, irons, pole, put, favorite, at night, girlfriend, hook, autumn.

27. Yo-yu differentiation.

(before proceeding to differentiate letters yo-yu, to find out if children mix simple vowels o-o, underlying compound vowels)

Divide into two groups : tree, skirt, hedgehog, nimble, yurt, shudders, ruff, union, welcome, cabin, taiga, cradle, mine, yours, mine.

28. Divide into two groups : myo, mu, shu, pyo, chu, lu, ryo, ryu, ze, zyu, sho, lu, le, amyo, amyu, utyu, utyo, uryu, oryo, ozyo, izyu, ote, ale, ilyu.

29. Union, hedgehog, sing, June, south, whirlpool, ruff, Julia, tree, maple, salute, flight, baby, herring, eagle, beak, rope, tulle, film, diaper, hook.

3 0. Insert the missing letters ё or ю .

T ... te, l ... k, kr ... k, m ... d, St ... pa, kl ... kva, br ... ki, in ... sla, take ... for, ut ... g, br ... vna, ver ... vka, spo ... m songs, color ... t t ... lpan, collect ... m kl ... kvu, sov ... m ver ... vku.

31. Crow howling, birds…………,

the hail beats, the clock………….,

the chicken is pecking, the chickens …………,

Yura sings, children ………..,

it's raining, it's raining………….,

seamstress sews, seamstresses…………..,

cat drinks, cats…………..,

Lyuba learns, children ……………..,

Vova gives, boys…………….,

blacksmith forges, blacksmiths…………….. .

32. L…ba ate kl…kvu. On the edge ... of the ravine grows .. t cells ... n. L…ba l…bit sweet from….m. St ... pa is looking for his br ... ki. Al ... sha and L ... nya collect cl ... kva on the edge ... of the swamp. Or ... l attacked a hundred ... sparrows ... in.

33. Verification dictations.


Autumn has come. It's been raining all day. The leaves are turning yellow and falling from the trees. Fly to warmer climes migratory birds. Animals insulate their homes. Soon the blizzard will sweep the whole earth.

Alyonka is being bought new skirt. Everyone in the village knows Uncle Lenya. Leaves turn yellow on birch and maple. Alyosha found a prickly hedgehog under the tree. Junk is accepted at the collection point. Dyoma swept the floor, Lyuba wiped off the dust.

Birds fly in a flock. Lyonya brings tulips to Lucy. Lyosha and Lyuba are embroidering a duckling. The crow has black feathers and a large beak.

Developed by a speech pathologist

higher qualification categories

MBOU secondary school №1 city ​​of Kedrovy, Tomsk region

Cherednik Victoria Anatolyevna

Lesson number 1.


Hard and soft consonants.


  1. To form the ability to distinguish by ear and in their own pronunciation of hard and soft consonants.
  2. To form the skill of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis of words, analysis of the structure of sentences.
  3. Develop phonemic awareness.
  4. Develop the grammatical structure of speech through the practical assimilation of the category R.p. pl. hours of nouns.
  5. Enrich and energize lexicon children on the topic "Flowers"
  6. Develop memory, imagination.
  7. Develop temporal and spatial representations.
  8. Cultivate a sense of responsiveness and mutual assistance.

Equipment: individual mirrors, sound locks, pictures of Tom and Tim, tokens for sound analysis words, subject pictures on the topic “Flowers”, cards with syllables, a massage ball or a bag of cereals, punched cards, “Letter Lotto” cards, a sentence scheme, emoticons to indicate mood, blue and green paper hats.

Course progress.

  1. Organizing time.

What mood? (show related emoji)

What season? What month? December - the first month winters So what month is this? (winter)

What sounds do the words "winter" and "December" begin with, how are they similar? (soft consonants).

Making notebooks.

  1. Topic message.

Let's go on a journey through the country of Solid and soft sounds.

  1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.

We train before the road.

Finger gymnastics :

Fingers - a friendly family, (squeeze-unclench fingers)

They cannot live without each other.

Here is a large one, and this is an average one, (unbend from the position

Nameless and last "fist" named fingers)

Our little finger is a baby.

Index forgotten.

So that the fingers live together, (clap their hands)

Let's connect them thumb

And perform the movement. with the rest in order)

We'll show the goat's horns

And even deer antlers.

We will not forget about the bunny -

We will lead with ears.

To speak clearly, (join fingers)

Let's be friends with fingers.

Articulation gymnastics:

1. Alternation "smile" - "proboscis".

2. "Shovel" - "needle".

3. Swing.

4. Horse.

5. Turkey poults

  1. Psychogymnastics.

We walk through the forest - we bent over, passed under the low branches of trees, pushing the branches apart, jumping over a puddle, stepping over high wet grass.

  1. Differentiation between hard and soft consonants.

So we came to two castles: Blue and Green. What sounds live in the Blue Castle? And in Green?

We are met by two brothers who work as gardeners. I will "throw" you the sounds of their name, and you designate them with chips. One brother is called [t, o, m]. He is tall, thin, and as hard as the sound [t] that begins his name.

The second brother's name is [t, i, m]. He is small, chubby, and as soft as the [t,] sound from which his name begins.

Have you guessed which of the brothers is Tom and which is Tim? Which side of you is Tom and which side is Tim?

In which castle does Tom work as a gardener, and in which does Tim?

  1. Correlation of sound and letter.

Write the names of the brothers in a notebook. What letter do we write? Why?

What sound does the letter represent T in the word Tom, and what is the sound in the word Tim? Draw circles of the corresponding color under them.

  1. Development of phonemic hearing.

The fairies asked the gardeners to decorate the castles with flowers.

The speech therapist puts pictures on the board, the children name the flowers (rose, chamomile, peony, lily of the valley, carnation, tulip, bell). What question should we ask the pictures? (What is this?)

Two children come to the board. One of them plays the role of Tom, the other - Tim. What color hat would you choose?

Which flowers will Tom cut and which will Tim? Children "cut" the flowers, starting with the phrase: "I cut ...". Explain their choice. Place pictures in pockets of locks. Then pass the hats to other children.

  1. Development grammatical structure speech, imagination.

What do you call flowers cut and placed in a vase? (bouquet)

Close your eyes and imagine how the bouquet of flowers smells. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth with the sound "h-haa". Show with facial expressions how delicious the flowers smell.

Ball game "One - many."

The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, says: “I have one tulip in a vase.”

The child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, says: “I have a lot of tulips in my vase,” etc.

  1. Syllabic analysis and synthesis.

The evil sorcerer decided to spoil the holiday and sent a hurricane that mixed up all the syllables in the name of the flowers. Help the fairies to restore the words (hints in the form of subject pictures on the board: peony, rose, carnation, lily of the valley, chamomile). Let's help?!

Children are given envelopes with syllables, from which they construct words (this task can be done on the carpet).

  1. Fizminutka.

Speech with movement.

The north wind blew - s-s-s ...

All the syllables in the word blew away.

Flying, spinning

And they went down to the desk.

Friend after friend collected them -

Words ran in a line ...

Let's count them again

One two three four five.

Oh, tired of writing them,

We'd better dance.

Hands up, bending from side to side

Shake hands.


They sit on the carpet.

Get up like a train

Run across the carpet

Bend the fingers of both hands, starting with the little finger

Shake your hands - relaxation.

Perform dance moves.

  1. Work with punched cards.

Guess what letters escaped from the words, insert them:

L.nd.sh, p..n, r.m.shk., r.z., gv.zd.k.

Read words with hard consonants, with soft consonants. Name the letters that represent soft consonants.

  1. Designation of hard and soft consonants with letters.

Tim and Tom love to play lotto. The rules are simple: if the word begins with a hard consonant sound, then put a blue chip on the corresponding letter, if with a soft consonant, then a green chip.

Words: summer, loto, sieve, well-fed, mouse, bear, ditch, roar, bale, tuk.

Conclusion: one consonant can represent two sounds - hard and soft.

  1. Work on the proposal, the development of memory.

Remember what were the words for the sounds [m] and [m,]?

Come up with sentences based on the scheme: word-attribute (definition) - word-object (subject) - word-action (predicate) - word-object (addition).

  1. Outcome

Tom and Tim were very pleased to meet you, because you helped them cope with difficulties. If you come to the aid of people, then they will always come to the aid of you!

What sounds did we distinguish with Tom and Tim? What sounds can the letter T stand for (M, K, D, etc.)?

Tim and Tom are happy with you. What is your mood? (emoticons)

This work is the final generalizing lesson on the topic: "Hard and soft consonants". Children are offered various exercises to clarify and consolidate the ability to distinguish and differentiate vowels of the 1st and 2nd rows, as well as to learn two ways to indicate the softness of consonants.



Final lesson on the topic: "Hard and soft consonants." Developed by the teacher-speech therapist MBOU secondary school No. 1 of the city of Snrafimovich Frolova S.A.

Target: Repetition of ways to indicate the softness of consonant sounds in writing.


  • Improve the ability to identify and distinguish between hard and soft consonants.
  • To consolidate the ability to isolate and differentiate vowels of the 1st and 2nd series.
  • Learn two ways to indicate the softness of consonants.
  • Develop spelling vigilance, logic, attention, memory.
  • To cultivate accuracy, a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, love for the native language.

Equipment: notebooks, colored pencils, sound locks, d / game " Treadmills”, handout, flowers, individual mirrors, pictures of Tom and Tim, chips for sound analysis of words, subject pictures on the topic “Flowers”, cards with syllables, sentence diagram, mood pictograms, blue and green paper hats.

Course progress.

  1. Organizing time.


Well, guys, mind you, shut up.

The lesson starts.

Tell me, what is your mood today? (children show the corresponding icon). Now look at your neighbor, smile, give each other a smile. Look at me, I also want to give you a smile, and you smile at me. WITH good mood we go to work.

Topic message.

Now we will go on a journey through the country of Hard and Soft sounds. But first, let's stretch our fingers and do exercises with the tongue.

Articulation and finger gymnastics.

Here are my helpers
Turn them however you want.
On the white, smooth road
Fingers jump like horses.
Chok-chok-chok, chok-chok-chok,
A frisky herd jumps.
(Hands on the table, palms down. Alternately moving forward with the left, then right hand with simultaneous flexion and extension of the fingers).


Delicious jam''





And now I want to introduce you to our today's heroes. They came to us from the land of words, and guess who they are.

Can do anything
Build a castle overnight
overcome evil forces
Miracles are created by any
And they are not evil at all.
They don't need textbooks
After all, their name is an ox ...... ..

These wizards are called TIM and TOM. Listen carefully, what 1 sound do you hear in the name Tim (Th)? What is the sound, hard or soft? (Soft.) And Tim himself is as soft as the first sound in his name, and loves everything that begins with a soft consonant sound. For example, Tim eats meatballs, eats Honey with pleasure, draws only with a brush.

What 1 sound do you hear in the name Tom (T)? What is the sound, hard or soft? (Hard.) Tom is just as hard and always chooses what begins with hard consonants: loves Tomato juice, wears a Coat, likes to blow bubbles.

So what are the names of the consonants that Tom loves?(Solid.)

What are the names of the consonants that Tim loves?(Soft.)

Did you guess which one is Tom and which one is Tim?(By color.)

Why? (Because soft consonants are denoted in green, and solid blue.)

Correlation of sound and letter.

Write the names of the wizards in a notebook. What letter do we write? Why? What sound does the letter represent T in the word Tom, and what is the sound in the word Tim? Draw circles of the corresponding color under them.

Development of phonemic hearing.

The fairies asked our wizards to decorate the castles with flowers.

The speech therapist puts pictures on the board, the children name the flowers (rose, chamomile, peony, lily of the valley, carnation, tulip, bell). What question should we ask the pictures? (What is this?)

Two children come to the board. One of them plays the role of Tom, the other plays the role of Tim. What color hat would you choose?

Which flowers will Tom cut and which will Tim? Children "cut" the flowers, starting with the phrase: "I cut ...". Explain their choice. Place pictures in pockets of locks. Then pass the hats to other children.

And now I want to make sure that you can distinguish between hard and soft consonants by ear.

Game "Treadmills".

I will name the words. You must highlight the first sound.

What path do you think the “athlete” (chip) will run on if the first sound in the word is a soft consonant?(Green path.) If solid? (Blue.)

Words : cow, linden, birch, crow, dog, mountain ash, bird cherry, cedar, mosquito, larch.

Summarize: which “athlete” won. (Tim, raise your hand, those who defeated Tim ... well done. Remove the rulers to the side.)


And now the good wizards Tim and Tom offer you a little rest.

One - get up, stretch

One - rise, stretch,
Two - bend, unbend,
Three - clap, three claps,
Three head nods.
Four - arms wider
Five - wave your hands,
Six - in place of tee ...

The development of the grammatical structure of speech, imagination, speech breathing.

What do you call flowers cut and placed in a vase? (bouquet)

Close your eyes and imagine how the bouquet of flowers smells. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth with the sound "h-haa". Show with facial expressions how delicious the flowers smell.

Exercise "Scent of flowers"

Inhale - hold your breath - exhale, saying: A-ah!

In April, in April, the meadows were full of flowers.

We bring bouquets from a walk in April

Ball game "One - many".

The speech therapist, throwing the ball to the child, says: “I have one tulip in a vase.” The child, returning the ball to the speech therapist, says: “I have a lot of tulips in my vase,” etc.

Designation of hard and soft consonants with letters.

Tim and Tom love to play lotto. The rules are simple: if the word begins with a hard consonant sound, then put a blue chip on the corresponding letter, if with a soft consonant, then a green chip.

Words: summer, loto, sieve, well-fed, mouse, bear, ditch, roar, bale, tuk.

Conclusion: one consonant letter can represent two sounds - hard and soft.

Work on the proposal, the development of memory.

Remember what the words were for the sounds [m] and [m, ] ?

Come up with sentences based on the scheme: word-attribute (definition) - word-object (subject) - word-action (predicate) - word-object (addition).

Game, Find a Pair”(work in pairs).

Our wizards had a little quarrel, we need to reconcile them. Now guys, you will work in pairs. You have a small envelope on your tables, there are words in it. You need to compose and write down pairs of words so that Tom likes one word and Tim likes the other.

Words: glad, small, row, crumpled, bow, hatch, were, ditch, beat, roar.

Read what you wrote down, how do the words differ?

(The spelling and meaning of words are compared: underline the consonants.)

III. Reflection.

Today at the lesson we did different tasks.

What vowels indicate the softness of a consonant? (i, e, e, u, i).

And what hardness? (ah, oh, y, s, uh)

Raise your hand, those who can say about themselves: “I learned to distinguish between hard and soft consonants”

Each of you has flowers on the table, let's arrange a real blooming garden in the classroom. Evaluate your work in class and glue a flower on the board.

Big - Did a great job, coped with all the tasks.
Small - Worked well, but could have done better.

Look how beautiful our garden is, quite real.

Together with Tim and Tom, we thank you for your work in the lesson.

Svetlana Daineko

In the classroom on the formation of the right sound pronunciation preschoolers need to be taught how to distinguish between hard and soft, voiceless and voiced consonants.

Sound presented to the child in all diversity: at the same time, children get acquainted with a graphic image sounds:

red circle - vowel sound,

blue - hard consonant,

green - soft consonant).

Dear Colleagues! I want to talk about the benefits that I use for

more effective assimilation by preschool children of this material. Made didactic aids from colored cardboard with transparent pockets for pictures, which are used as handouts. Working with a magnetic board, I use this material both in subgroup and individual lessons.

Each task is offered in game form which is of interest.

“Name the picture - put on the right mask”

Differentiation sounds [M] - [M ']

Exercise: name the picture; if the name of the picture is heard hard sound [M], then put on a blue mask, and if soft [M "] - then a green mask.

“What is for Nina, and what is for Nata?”

Differentiation [N] - [N ']

"Help the spiders make their purchases"

Differentiation sounds [P] - [P ']

"Let's give pictures to butterflies"

Differentiation sounds [B] - [B ']

"Let's help the spider and the butterfly collect items for themselves"

Differentiation sounds [P], [P] - [B], [B]

“Choose a picture for each notebook in a cage”

Differentiation sounds [T] - [T ']

"Find a house for the picture"

Differentiation [D] - [D ']

"What is for Dani and what is for Tanya"

Differentiation sounds [T], [T '] - [D], [D']

“What will Vera take, and what will Vova take?

Differentiation sounds [B] - [B ’]

"Decorate Lanterns"

Differentiation [F] - [F ']

"What's for the Wizard and what's for the Fairy?"

Differentiation sounds [B], [B '] - [F], [F ']

"We'll load the trucks with pictures"

Exercise: name the picture if you hear in its name hard sound [G], then load it into a blue truck, and if soft [G '] - into a green one.

"What's for the whale and what's for the cat"

Differentiation sounds [K] - [K ']

“We will select stickers for each page of the book”

Differentiation [K], [K'] - [G], [G']

"Let's collect the bags"

Differentiation sounds [C] - [C ']

"Hide the picture under the umbrella"

Differentiation sounds [З] - [З ']

"Let's pack Sonya's bag, and Zoya's backpack"

Differentiation [C], [C ’] - [З], [З ’]

"Let's help Roma and Rita sort things out"

Differentiation sounds [P] - [P ']

“What do you put in the closet and what in the bag?”

Differentiation [S] - [W]

« Decompose clearing pictures»

Differentiation sounds [L] - [L ']

"Let's help animals settle in the cars"

Differentiation sounds [R], [R '] - [L], [L ']

"What's in the drawer and what's in the bag?"

"Vowels and consonants" - Competition of stories about the family. Task 1. Read the quatrain. What do scientists call speech sounds? In the forest, if you get lost, shout "Ay". What is the difference between the formation of vowels and consonants? Covered with snow, like silver (S. Yesenin). Work on the topic of the lesson. What part of the science of language did you meet in the last lesson?

“Vowels” - E and Yo - sisters, It is not easy to distinguish between sisters. Everyone knows: The letter I is the most boastful. There is a similarity for sure, Only there is no language! In the yard - such a pity! - Our ladder broke. Merry vowels. Oh, look, what happened: It turned out ... the letter U. So that O does not roll away, I will nail it firmly to the post.

"Vowels and consonants" - What sounds do they represent? How to call in one word? Briefcase. Name the vowel sounds in the word. What 2 groups can all sounds be divided into? Portfolio - what? What is a portfolio? The student was bought a new briefcase. Write the letters in the notebook in the given order. Purpose: to introduce transcription as a way of recording the sound composition of a word.

“Vowels” - A boastful one came running Children read it. wolf- wow. The vowels are drawn in a ringing song. The girl shows her throat-AAAA. Echoes distant in the forest to answer: E-E-E-E. Came running playful Read the children. Piggy squeals - I. A gentle horse can neigh: I-i-i-i-i. Bear -YY. How does a bear growl? As the pig squeals - III.

"Vowels and consonants" - By clicking on the letter with the left mouse button, you can check your answer. How well do you know the vowels and consonants of the Russian alphabet? And if the card remains white, the letter does not represent sounds. Vowels and consonants. Dear Guys! You can play alone, or you can play with your parents or with a friend. Technological reception animated sorbon.

"Vowels" - Phonetics studies sound composition language. Air passing through the film creates a "go-go" sound. Vowel. No, he doesn't study. 2. It is written on the board in two columns. Conclusion: Phonetics is not a science about any sounds, but only about the sounds of speech. We inflate the balloon, and then we allow the air to freely exit the balloon.

In total there are 6 presentations in the topic