GKOU"FROMspecial (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care» With. Pokrovka Novosergievsky district of the Orenburg region.

Public lesson reading and speech development

3rd grade teacher primary school

on the subject: N. Gribachev "Red Leaves" fairy tale.

October 2014

Lesson topic: N. Gribachev. "Red Leaves" (fairy tale). part 5

Target: reveal the content of part 5 of the fairy tale “Red leaves; to expand children's understanding of the life of wild animals in the cold season.


Educational: to form the skills of conscious, intonation reading.

Correction-developing: development of thinking based on the exercise in analysis-synthesis “who is superfluous”, through guessing riddles;word activationby including in lexicon learners of new words;

Educational: education of motivation for learning

Equipment: maple leaves, a garland of leaves, a cut picture (autumn forest), subject pictures of wild animals, plates: animal names; plates: names of parts of the plan, individual cards: dictionary words, masks: hare, squirrel, yellow and red bookmarks, story pictures.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

Let's start our lesson with the rules that will be useful to us in the lesson.

Don't make noise in class

We sit quietly.

We read and help each other

We will work together.

This will come in handy in life!

Guys I wish you good luck! And in order for good luck to accompany you, I attached a red maple leaf to your chairs, which is filled with magic power. It will become difficult, lean back against a piece of paper, and you will easily overcome all difficulties.

Check if everything is ready for the lesson.

2. Speech warm-up.

Guys, I have prepared a riddle, and in order to hear it better, we will prepare the ears.

An exercise to activate the hearing aid.

Now listen to the riddle.

They lie under their feet
You walk - rustle,
bright, colored,
The edges are carved.


Guys, you have a garland of leaves on your desks. Let's blow on it and listen to the rustling of the leaves.

Where are the leaves now? (AT autumn forest). - Let's remember the tongue twister that was taught in the previous lessons.

Let's say a tongue twister slowly, clearly pronouncing the words. Let's say in a whisper, and now out loud, at a fast pace.

All the maples turned red
And not one teases.
Since everyone is red anyway -
Who cares?

Why did the maples turn red?


3. Repetition of what has been learned.

You have a cut picture on your desks. Collect it.

What is shown in the picture? (Autumn forest)

Behind our village there is a pine forest, we often go for a walk there. Scientists have found that the air in the pine forest is very clean, almost sterile, and breathing such air is good for our health.

Who lives in the forest? (wild animals).

Name the animals that live in the forests of the Orenburg region.

What is the name of the fairy tale from which we learned about the life of wild animals in autumn and winter? Who is the author of the story?

Working with subject pictures (Wild animals: bear, hare, fox, hedgehog, squirrel, wolf).

Look at the board and, remembering the fairy tale, tell me which of the animals is superfluous and why?

Guys, the heroes of our fairy tale have forgotten their names. Let's help them remember them.

The game "Choose a nickname."

Checking homework.

What part did you read at home? What is the title of this section? ("Encounter with a Squirrel")

Let's move on to checking homework.

Open the reading textbooks where the bookmark lies.

Level 2 - expressive reading.

Who did the hare Koska meet?

What did the squirrel say about the hedgehog and the bear?

Level 1: reading by roles. Children in hats of a squirrel and a hare read the text in roles.

How does the squirrel hibernate? How does the hare winter?

Well done boys! I am satisfied with you. Estimates.

Let `s have some rest. A student in a hare mask conducts a physical minute.

4. Physical minute.

Our bunny sat down, got up,

He bent down, stretched

He smiled at all his friends

He ran away from the fox

Because smart has become

What bunny has become? Remember the last line of the physical minute, it will come in handy for us.

Let's continue the story

Let's help the rabbit.

5. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today, guys, we will continue to work on Nikolai Gribachev's fairy tale "Red Leaves".

After reading part 5, we find out if the fox Lariska managed to catch the hare Koska in the fall.

6. Learning new things.

Reading by the teacher. Now close your books and listen to part 5 of the tale.

Who were you worried about when you listened to a fairy tale? Why? What can you say about a fox? What is she?

Vocabulary work.

In order to better understand the tale, we need to explain the difficult words that we will meet in the text. Take cards. Read the words to yourself. Connect the words with arrows of the same color words. We read the words in chorus syllable by syllable. And then slick. Now we read and find an explanation for the word by the arrow.

Read the words of column 1 in unison.

And now we read the word from column 1 and select the appropriate word from the second column of the corresponding color.

7. Fixing

Buzzing reading

Open the textbook.

Read the story on your own, in a whisper.

Chain reading. Title part 5.

Did the fox Lariska manage to catch the hare Koska in the fall? What did the hare Koska come up with? Remember the last lines of the physical minute.

What bunny has become? How shall we title this part?

Work in notebooks .

Finger exercise.

The wind flew through the forest

The wind counted the leaves.

Here is maple, here is oak,

Here is a carved mountain ash, here is a golden one from a birch.
Here the wind threw the last leaf from the aspen onto the paths.

Open your notebooks and write down the name of part 5 "Smart Hare". (Suggestion rule.)

Guys, now we need to remember the content of the whole fairy tale and put things in order in the plan.

Arrange the headings of the parts of the fairy tale in order, in accordance with its content. Work in pairs.

Let's check. (On the desk)

a) Visiting the bear .. (3)

b) smart hare. (five)

c) A fox and a hare in the autumn forest. (1)

d) Visiting the hedgehog (2)

e) Meeting with a squirrel. (four)

Working with plot pictures.

Find out the title of the part of the fairy tale from the picture. Attach to the board.

A moment of relaxation.

Close your eyes, lower your heads.

Breathe in deeply and breathe out easily.

Calm, be collected and in a fairy tale we will continue the path

3. Selective reading

Guys, we have a picture in the textbook. Who is on it? - What is the hare doing? -Why? Find and read.

Guys, what characters will we need to read this part by roles?

Find and read why the fox did not eat the hare.

Find and read what the hare answered her.

What sign of winter did you hear? (The hare will change his coat)

Say what the hare came up with so as not to fall into the clutches of the fox in the fall.

Guys! Every fairy tale has an end. How did the fairy tale end?

Guys, do you know how a hare escapes from enemies? Changes coat. A hare is saved from enemies by fast legs.And in winter, the pads on his paws are also covered with fur and, thanks to this, the hare can easily and quickly move both on snow and on ice. Can the fox catch him?

8. Summing up the lesson.

What new things did you learn about the life of animals in the cold season? What did you like about the lesson?

Once upon a time, the great Russian poet AS Pushkin said: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson." Whoever finds a lesson in a fairy tale will become a great person.

Do you want to become great people?

Then we need to answer the question: “What did the fairy tale teach us?” But first, let's explain the proverb.

What does a fairy tale mean?

A fairy tale is a fiction, but still it teaches us, teaches us.

What in the fairy tale seemed to you not true, fiction?

What was true?

What has the fairy tale taught us?

Who was the rabbit afraid of? Why? Did he trust the fox or not?

The fairy tale teaches us to be careful, not to trust strangers. And guys, a fairy tale teaches not to despair in difficult moment and always overcome difficulties.

9. Evaluation of educational activities .

Guys, I am very pleased with you, today at the lesson you were able to overcome all the difficulties. ---Are you satisfied with your work? Then continue the sentence:

We would like to commend ourselves for…..

(They answered well, answered correctly, completed tasks, read well, read expressively, worked well.)

10. Homework.

Yellow bookmarks - expressively read, red - reading by roles.

Current page: 1 (total book has 1 pages)

Gribachev Nikolai Matveevich
red leaves

Nikolai Matveevich Gribachev

red leaves

Autumn has come to the forest. Only pines and firs remained green, other trees began to turn yellow, red, red. But most of all, of course, yellow. And the leaves flew from them - a leaf floats through the air, falls into the grass, rustles shshu-shshu-shshurh! The cold wind rustles between the trees - chshu-chshu-chshuh!

The fox Lariska was delighted. “That’s how well everything turns out,” she thinks, the yellow and red leaves look like my skin. He’ll sweep them in heaps along the ditches, I’ll hide there and lie in wait for the hare Koska. He won’t notice me among the yellow and red leaves, but I am - and eat!"

And the hare Koska lived for the first year in the world, he had not yet seen autumn. And he was very afraid - he could not sleep at night. There is noise all around, rustling, and it seems to him that someone is crawling up, going to eat him. He looks, looks into the darkness, tears his eyes with his paws, but still nothing can be seen.

Got up in the morning cold water washed eyes. “Let me go,” he decided, I’ll wander around, I’ll talk with the hedgehog Kiryuha. He has been living in the world for four years, maybe he will tell something.

He came to the hedgehog's house, knocked on the door - no one answered, knocked on the window - no one answered either. "Maybe the hedgehog Kiryukha got sick?" thought the hare Koska. "Maybe he" ambulance"Need? I'll have to come in without an invitation."

I went into the hallway - there is no one. I went into the kitchen and there was no one. The hedgehog Kiryukha was found in the farthest room, where there are no windows.

- What is it with you, hedgehog Kiryukha, so dark and damp? - the hare Koska was surprised. Maybe you got sick?

– Oh-oah! - yawned the hedgehog Kiryuha. “I didn’t get sick, I just want to sleep.

- So after all, you need to sleep at night, and now it's morning!

“You don’t understand anything,” said the hedgehog Kiryukha and yawned again. Autumn has come, followed by winter with snow and frost. And we, hedgehogs, sleep all winter. We don't need to eat or drink, we sleep - that's all. So you go about your business, and I'll get settled. Come back in the spring, maybe you can tell me something.

“Well, this lazy hedgehog Kiryuha,” thought Koska the hare. “It’s necessary to sleep all winter! The sides will probably get sick.

The bear Potap was lying near the lair. Head on paws, eyes closed. The hare Koska greeted him once - the bear does not hear; greeted the second again does not hear. Then he almost shouted in his ear:

- Hello, bear Potap!

The bear opened one eye halfway and asked in a sleepy voice:

- Who's making noise here?

- Yes, it's me, hare Koska!

– What do you need? I want to sleep.

- So they sleep at night, and now it's morning!

“You don’t understand anything,” the bear Potap grumbled good-naturedly, surprised that the hare did not know such simple things. - We, bears, as winter comes, sleep all the time. I don't like frost and snow, my paws get cold.

- Oh, you will die of hunger, Potap bear!

- I won’t die, do you know how much fat is stored under a fur coat? Before warm days enough. Come to me in the spring, tell me the news. And now go, only there are skis in the corner - take them for yourself. Last year I made them for Mishutka, but now he has grown, they are small for him.

Why do I need skis? - the hare Koska was surprised. “I can’t even walk on them.

- You take it, take it, winter will come - you will learn. Neither the fox nor the wolf will catch up with you. And come to me in the spring, let's talk, umm!

And again the bear closed his eyes, began to doze off. And the hare Koska, although he did not understand why he needed skis, took them and took them home. After dinner, he went to look for the beaver Borka - maybe he will tell something interesting? The bank of the river has become slippery from the rains, the waves are walking on the water from the wind, and the beaver Borka gnaws vine branches and drags somewhere under the water.

- Hello, beaver Borka! - said the hare Koska. “Don’t you know what is going on in our forest?” The hedgehog Kiryukha has become completely lazy, he can’t even talk, the bear Potap has only one eye half open. They say they will sleep all winter. And how are you, beaver Borka, going to sleep too?

- I'll hide in my hut under the shore. There will be ice on the river, but it will be warm there. I will gnaw on the vine when I read a book, when I sleep. That's how the spill will end, come on, okay? And now I have no time, a lot of work.

Koska the hare became completely bored, he even wants to cry - he was left alone, and even then there was no one to talk to. He goes, hung his head, but suddenly he hears on the Christmas tree:

- Tsok-tsok! What are you, hare Koska, so boring? Or what trouble happened?

The hare Koska is watching - this is the squirrel Lenka sitting on the Christmas tree, chewing on a cone. He told her about the hedgehog Kiryukha, and about the bear Potap, and about the beaver Borka.

- Well, let them sleep! said the squirrel. “They are slackers of all ages. Do you know how good it is in the forest in winter? Blue frost on the branches, fluffy snow, the sky is blue in frost, you want to walk all day. And then all summer and summer - even boring! Eh, we run with you in a race through the snowdrifts!

- Aren't you going to sleep, squirrel Lenka?

- I won't.

Thank you, I got really bored. I'll visit you often, okay?

- Come.

The hare Koska cheered up, he will still have company for the winter. I even began to compose a song on the go:

Autumn is coming

Rain from all sides.

The linden leaf drops,

The leaf drops the maple.

In the needles hiding the belly,

For five months

The hedgehog Kiryuha will lie down

Sleep soundly.

Let him dream

Sun and river

Weed lungwort,

Forty-three beetles.

And I won't sleep

I'll be on my way in the morning

I'll get the white one

Fur coat somewhere.

Close to the white clouds

White land.

Hey fox Lariska,

Find - where am I?

And as soon as the hare Koska sang this, something yellow and red, similar to leaves, stirred to his right. And before he could think of anything, his side seemed to be burned. He jumped with all his strength, flew over the stump with an arrow, through the hole. Behind a large oak tree he stopped to catch his breath. He looked back - and the fox Lariska was sitting in the clearing.

– Hee-hee-hee! – the fox Lariska laughed. – What, tried my claws? I’m still full, it’s hard for me to jump, otherwise I would have eaten you and hung the bones in the bushes. Well, yes, you can’t get away from me anywhere - now yellow and red leaves are everywhere, they look like my skin. I’ll hide among them - and you won’t notice, you yourself will get into your mouth. And your friends, the hedgehog Kiryukha and the bear Potap, will not help, they have become couch potatoes, their eyes are swollen with fat. Hee hee hee!

“But soon winter will come,” said the hare Koska, “and I white coat put on. You will be visible, but you will not distinguish me from a snowdrift.

– Hee-hee-hee! - the fox Lariska showed her teeth. - If you don't live to see winter, I'll watch for you and eat you. Hee hee hee!

The hare Koska ran home. “Well,” he thought, “since it has become difficult to distinguish the fox Lariska from the leaves, I won’t walk through the forest. last resort I’m running into the field, you can still see it far away.”

And so he did. From morning to afternoon, the fox Lariska lies in yellow and red leaves, the hare guards - he is not there; from lunch to evening he runs through the forest, looking for - no and no.

So she did not catch Koska the hare until winter.

Gribachev Nikolai Matveevich Red leaves

Nikolai Matveevich Gribachev

red leaves

Autumn has come to the forest. Only pines and firs remained green, other trees began to turn yellow, red, red. But most of all, of course, yellow. And the leaves flew from them - a leaf floats through the air, falls into the grass, rustles shshu-shshu-shshurh! The cold wind rustles between the trees - chshu-chshu-chshuh!

The fox Lariska was delighted. “That’s how well everything turns out,” she thinks, the yellow and red leaves look like my skin. He’ll sweep them in heaps along the ditches, I’ll hide there and lie in wait for the hare Koska. He won’t notice me among the yellow and red leaves, but I am - and eat!"

And the hare Koska lived for the first year in the world, he had not yet seen autumn. And he was very afraid - he could not sleep at night. There is noise all around, rustling, and it seems to him that someone is crawling up, going to eat him. He looks, looks into the darkness, tears his eyes with his paws, but still nothing can be seen.

I got up in the morning and washed my eyes with cold water. “Let me go,” he decided, I’ll wander around, I’ll talk with the hedgehog Kiryuha. He has been living in the world for four years, maybe he will tell something.

He came to the hedgehog's house, knocked on the door - no one answered, knocked on the window - no one answered either. “Maybe Kiryukha the hedgehog got sick?” thought Koska the hare. “Maybe he needs an ambulance? He’ll have to come in without an invitation.”

Went into the hallway - there is no one. I went to the kitchen - there is no one. The hedgehog Kiryukha was found in the farthest room, where there are no windows.

What is it with you, hedgehog Kiryukha, so dark and damp? - the hare Koska was surprised. Maybe you got sick?

Oh-oah! - yawned the hedgehog Kiryuha. I didn't get sick, I just want to sleep.

So after all, you need to sleep at night, and now it's morning!

You don’t understand anything, ”said the hedgehog Kiryukha and yawned again. - Autumn has come, followed by winter with snow and frost. And we, hedgehogs, sleep all winter. We don't need to eat or drink, we sleep - that's all. So you go about your business, and I'll get settled. Come back in the spring, maybe you can tell me something.

"Well, this lazy hedgehog Kiryuha," thought Koska the hare.

The bear Potap was lying near the lair. Head on paws, eyes closed. The hare Koska greeted him once - the bear does not hear; greeted the second again does not hear. Then he almost shouted in his ear:

Hello bear Potap!

The bear opened one eye halfway and asked in a sleepy voice:

Who is making noise here?

Yes, it's me, Bunny Koska!

What do you need? I want to sleep.

So they sleep at night, and now it's morning!

You don’t understand anything,” Potap the bear grumbled good-naturedly, surprised that the hare did not know such simple things. - We, bears, as winter comes, sleep all the time. I don't like frost and snow, my paws get cold.

Oh, you will die of hunger, Potap bear!

I won’t die, I know how much fat is stored under a fur coat? Enough for warm days. Come to me in the spring, tell me the news. And now go, only there are skis in the corner - take them for yourself. Last year I made them for Mishutka, but now he has grown, they are small for him.

Why do I need skis? - the hare Koska was surprised. I can't even walk on them.

You take it, take it, winter will come - you will learn. Neither the fox nor the wolf will catch up with you. And come to me in the spring, let's talk, umm!

And again the bear closed his eyes, began to doze off. And the hare Koska, although he did not understand why he needed skis, took them and took them home. After dinner, he went to look for the beaver Borka - maybe he will tell something interesting? The bank of the river has become slippery from the rains, the waves are walking on the water from the wind, and the beaver Borka gnaws vine branches and drags somewhere under the water.

Hello, beaver Borka! - said the hare Koska. - Don't you know what's going on in the forest? The hedgehog Kiryukha has become completely lazy, he can’t even talk, the bear Potap has only one eye half open. They say they will sleep all winter. And how are you, beaver Borka, going to sleep too?

I'll hide in my hut under the shore. There will be ice on the river, but it will be warm there. I will gnaw on the vine when I read a book, when I sleep. That's how the spill will end, come on, okay? And now I have no time, a lot of work.

Koska the hare became completely bored, he even wants to cry - he was left alone, and there was no one to talk to. He goes, hung his head, but suddenly he hears on the Christmas tree:

Tsok-tsok! What are you, hare Koska, so boring? Or what trouble happened?

The hare Koska is looking - this is the squirrel Lenka sitting on the Christmas tree, nibbling on a cone. He told her about the hedgehog Kiryukha, and about the bear Potap, and about the beaver Borka.

Well, let them sleep! - said the squirrel. - They're slackers. Do you know how good it is in the forest in winter? Blue frost on the branches, fluffy snow, the sky is blue in frost, you want to walk all day. And then all summer and summer - even boring! Eh, we run with you in a race through the snowdrifts!

Aren't you going to sleep, squirrel Lenka?

I won't.

Thank you, I got really bored. I'll visit you often, okay?


The hare Koska cheered up, he will still have company for the winter. I even began to compose a song on the go:

Autumn is coming

Rain from all sides.

The linden leaf drops,

The leaf drops the maple.

In the needles hiding the belly,

For five months

The hedgehog Kiryuha will lie down

Sleep soundly.

Let him dream

Sun and river

Weed lungwort,

Forty-three beetles.

And I won't sleep

I'll be on my way in the morning

I'll get the white one

Fur coat somewhere.

Close to the white clouds

White land.

Hey fox Lariska,

Find - where am I?

And as soon as the hare Koska sang this, something yellow and red, similar to leaves, stirred to his right. And before he could think of anything, his side seemed to be burned. He jumped with all his strength, flew over the stump with an arrow, through the hole. Behind a large oak tree he stopped to catch his breath. He looked back - and the fox Lariska was sitting in the clearing.

Hee hee hee! - the fox Lariska laughed. - What, tried my claws? I’m still full, it’s hard for me to jump, otherwise I would have eaten you and hung the bones in the bushes. Well, yes, you can’t get away from me anywhere - now yellow and red leaves are everywhere, they look like my skin. I’ll hide among them - and you won’t notice, you yourself will get into your mouth. And your friends, the hedgehog Kiryukha and the bear Potap, will not help, they have become couch potatoes, their eyes are swollen with fat. Hee hee hee!

But soon winter will come, - said the hare Koska, - and I will put on a white fur coat. You will be visible, but you will not distinguish me from a snowdrift.

Hee hee hee! - the fox Lariska showed her teeth. - If you don't live to see winter, I'll watch for you and eat you. Hee hee hee!

The hare Koska ran home. “Well,” he thought, “since it has become difficult to distinguish the fox Lariska from the leaves, I won’t walk through the forest.

And so he did. From morning to afternoon, the fox Lariska lies in yellow and red leaves, the hare guards - he is not there; from lunch to evening he runs through the forest, looking for - no and no.

So she did not catch Koska the hare until winter.

Purpose: to introduce the work of N. Gribachev "Red Leaves"

Tasks: 1) to introduce the features of the life of wild animals with the onset of autumn and winter;

2) to form the skill of fluent, conscious reading;

3) development of speech: enrichment and complication of vocabulary.



Summary of a lesson on reading grade 3

N. Gribachev "Red Leaves"

Compiled by:

Primary school teacher of the highest category

SCOU RO boarding school VIII type No. 14


Matersheva Ludmila Nikolaevna

Purpose: to introduce the work of N. Gribachev "Red Leaves"

Tasks: 1) to introduce the features of the life of wild animals with the onset of autumn and winter;

2) to form the skill of fluent, conscious reading;

3) development of speech: enrichment and complication of vocabulary.

Equipment: pictures of animals (fox, hare, hedgehog, bear, squirrel); split picture on the theme "Autumn".

Lesson plan:

1. Org. moment. Emotional mood.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

A) familiarity with the work before reading;

B) work with text while reading;

C) work with the text after reading.

5. Bottom line.

1. Org. Moment. Emotional mood.

- ... Let's wish each other success, shake hands and say: “..., I'm very pleased to see you. Good luck"

Breathing and speech gymnastics

a) "Blow out the candle"

b) "Fragrance of flowers"

c) .a.u.o.s.i.e.s.u. AuYeie OEuiA yuiyaEoaY

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Read the poem ("to yourself")

... Lingonberries ripen, (berry, red, sour taste)

The days got colder

And from the bird's cry

The heart is only sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Away, beyond the blue sea. (South)

All the trees are shining

In multi-colored attire. (multi-colored outfit - foliage)

Work on lexical meaning words:

What words or expressions do not make sense?

Reading a poem aloud

What season is this poem about?

Why do you think so? Read lines from the poem. (In the text of the poem, signs of autumn are emphasized in the course of the answers)

What title can be given to this poem? ("Autumn")

Let's go visit the forest in autumn. Assemble a picture of autumn from the cut elements.

(The teacher finds out why the rest of the elements did not fit)

Which lines from the poem fit your picture. Read it.

What season comes after autumn?

What changes will occur in nature with the onset of winter? How do people (animals) prepare for winter?

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

The work of N. Gribachev will help us answer this question today ( short story about the author).

Unravel the ball and read the title of the work.

J l t

R and i


"Red Leaves" (fairy tale)

4. Acquaintance with the work.

1) familiarity with the work before reading

Find and read individual words in the text and you will find out what kind of forest inhabitants will be discussed in the fairy tale (main characters)


(In the course of defining words, illustrations depicting these animals are hung on the board)

Name them in one word, (wild animals)

2) work with text while reading

Vocabulary work is carried out during the analysis of each paragraph.

Reading of the 1st part (after the teacher). Paragraph analysis.

1 paragraph.

What season is it?

What are the colors of the autumn forest?

What sounds are heard in the autumn forest? Read it.

2 paragraph.

Why did the fox Lariska rejoice at the onset of autumn? Read it.

Describe appearance foxes.

Heap - a bunch.

3 paragraph.

What was the rabbit afraid of? Read it.

What does it mean "eyes pierce paws"?

What was the rabbit's name? Why do you think the author gave him that name?

How do you imagine Kosku?

It was scary - scary

Rustle - sound produced by slight friction, touch (rustling of leaves)

Reading part 2 (after the teacher)

To whom did the hare Koska come?

What did he see? What surprised you?

What did the hedgehog say about himself? Read it.

We'll have to come in without an invitation - without asking

Seni - a veranda, a room between the house and the porch

Reading the 3rd part.

What was Potap the bear doing when the hare approached?

Read their conversation (by role). In what voice will we read the words of the hare? Bear?

How was the bear going to spend the winter?

Why does he need a store of fat under the skin?

How does a bear prepare for winter?

Reading the 4th part.

Look at the illustration. To whom did Koska come?

With what mood did he come? Read it.


Did the hare's mood change after meeting the squirrel? Why?

What squirrel? Describer her.

What did the squirrel say about winter? Read it.

How does the squirrel hibernate?

5. Bottom line.

What wild animals did we meet in the fairy tale?

How does a hedgehog (bear, squirrel…) prepare for winter?

What did you learn about animal life?

D / C: write a continuation to this tale, in which the hare Koska will meet with some wild animal.

Autumn has come to the forest. Only pines and firs remained green, other trees began to turn yellow, red, red. But most of all, of course, yellow. And the leaves flew from them - a leaf floats through the air, falls into the grass, rustles shshu-shshu-shshurh! The cold wind rustles between the trees - chshu-chshu-chshuh!
The fox Lariska was delighted. “This is how well everything turns out,” she thinks, yellow and red leaves look like my skin. He will sweep them in heaps along the ditches, I will hide there and lie in wait for the hare Koska. He won’t notice me among the yellow and red leaves, but I’ll eat him!
And the hare Koska lived for the first year in the world, he had not yet seen autumn. And he was very afraid - he could not sleep at night. There is noise all around, rustling, and it seems to him that someone is crawling up, going to eat him. He looks, looks into the darkness, tears his eyes with his paws, but still nothing can be seen.
I got up in the morning and washed my eyes with cold water. “Let me go,” he decided, I’ll look like I’ll wander around, I’ll talk with the hedgehog Kiryukha. He has been living in the world for four years, maybe he will tell something.
He came to the hedgehog's house, knocked on the door - no one answered, knocked on the window - no one answered either. “Maybe the hedgehog Kiryuha got sick? thought the hare Koska. Maybe he needs an ambulance? We'll have to come in without an invitation."
I went into the hallway - there was no one. I went to the kitchen - there was no one. The hedgehog Kiryukha was found in the farthest room, where there are no windows.
- What is it with you, hedgehog Kiryuha, so dark and damp? - the hare Koska was surprised. Maybe you got sick?
— Oh-oah! yawned the hedgehog Kiryukha. “I didn’t get sick, I just want to sleep.
“So you need to sleep at night, and now it’s morning!”
“You don’t understand anything,” said the hedgehog Kiryukha and yawned again. Autumn has come, followed by winter with snow and frost. And we, hedgehogs, sleep all winter. We don't need to eat or drink, we sleep - that's all. So you go about your business, and I'll get settled. Come back in the spring, maybe you can tell me something.
“Well, this lazy hedgehog Kiryuha,” thought Koska the hare. - Well, it’s necessary - sleep all winter! Sides, probably, will hurt. I'll go to the bear Potap, maybe he will advise something.
The bear Potap was lying near the lair. Head on paws, eyes closed. The hare Koska greeted him once - the bear does not hear; greeted the second again does not hear. Then he almost shouted in his ear:
Hello, bear Potap!
The bear opened one eye halfway and asked in a sleepy voice:
- Who's making noise here?
- Yes, it's me, hare Koska!
- What do you need? I want to sleep.
- So they sleep at night, and now it's morning!
“You don’t understand anything,” Potap the bear grumbled good-naturedly, surprised that the hare did not know such simple things. - We, bears, as winter comes, sleep all the time. I don't like frost and snow, my paws get cold.
- Oh, you will die of hunger, Potap bear!
- I won’t die, do you know how much fat is stored under a fur coat? Enough for warm days. Come to me in the spring, tell me the news. And now go, only there are skis in the corner - take them for yourself. Last year I made them for Mishutka, but now he has grown, they are small for him.
Why do I need skis? - the hare Koska was surprised. “I can’t even walk on them.
- You take it, take it, winter will come - you will learn. Neither the fox nor the wolf will catch up with you. And come to me in the spring, let's talk, umm!
And again the bear closed his eyes, began to doze off. And the hare Koska, although he did not understand why he needed skis, took them and took them home. After dinner, he went to look for the beaver Borka - maybe he will tell something interesting? The bank of the river has become slippery from the rains, the waves are walking on the water from the wind, and the beaver Borka gnaws vine branches and drags somewhere under the water.
— Hello, beaver Borka! - said the hare Koska. “Don’t you know what’s going on in our forest?” The hedgehog Kiryukha has become completely lazy, he can’t even talk, the bear Potap has only one eye half open. They say they will sleep all winter. And how are you, beaver Borka, going to sleep too?
- I'll hide in my hut under the shore. There will be ice on the river, but it will be warm there. I will gnaw on the vine when I read a book, when I sleep. That's how the spill will end, come on, okay? And now I have no time, a lot of work.
The hare Koska became completely bored, he even wants to cry - he was left alone, and even then there was no one to talk with. He goes, hung his head, but suddenly he hears on the Christmas tree:
— Tsok-tsok! What are you, hare Koska, so boring? Or what trouble happened?
The hare Koska is looking - this is the squirrel Lenka sitting on the tree, nibbling on a cone. He told her about the hedgehog Kiryukha, and about the bear Potap, and about the beaver Borka.
- Well, let them sleep! said the squirrel. “They are slackers of all ages. Do you know how good it is in the forest in winter? Blue frost on the branches, fluffy snow, the sky is blue in frost, you want to walk all day. And then all summer and summer - even boring! Eh, we run with you in a race through the snowdrifts!
- Aren't you going to sleep, squirrel Lenka?
— I won't.
“Thank you, I got really bored.” I'll visit you often, okay?
— Come.
The hare Koska cheered up, he will still have company for the winter. I even began to compose a song on the go:
Autumn is coming
Rain from all sides.
The linden leaf drops,
The leaf drops the maple.
In the needles hiding the belly,
For five months
The hedgehog Kiryuha will lie down
Sleep soundly.
Let him dream
Sun and river
Weed lungwort,
Forty-three beetles.
And I won't sleep
I'll be on my way in the morning
I'll get the white one
Fur coat somewhere.
Close to the white clouds
White land.
Hey fox Lariska,
Find - where am I?
And as soon as the hare Koska sang this, something yellow and red, similar to leaves, stirred to his right. And before he could think of anything, his side seemed to be burned. He jumped with all his strength, flew over the stump with an arrow, through the hole. Behind a large oak tree he stopped to catch his breath. He looked back - and in the clearing the fox Lariska was sitting.
— Hee-hee-hee! the fox Lariska laughed. — What, tried my claws? I’m still full, it’s hard for me to jump, otherwise I would have eaten you and hung the bones in the bushes. Well, yes, you can’t get away from me anywhere - now yellow and red leaves are everywhere, they look like my skin. I’ll hide among them - and you won’t notice, you yourself will fall into your mouth. And your friends, the hedgehog Kiryukha and the bear Potap, will not help, they have become couch potatoes, their eyes are swollen with fat. Hee hee hee!
“But soon winter will come,” said the hare Koska, “and I will put on a white fur coat.” You will be visible, but you will not distinguish me from a snowdrift.
— Hee-hee-hee! - the fox Lariska showed her teeth. “If you don’t live to see the winter, I’ll lie in wait for you and eat you.” Hee hee hee!
The hare Koska ran home. “Well,” he thought, “since it has become difficult to distinguish the fox Lariska from the leaves, I will not walk through the forest. I’d rather lie hungry, and in extreme cases I’ll run away to the field, you can still see it far away there. ”
And so he did. From morning to afternoon, the fox Lariska lies in yellow and red leaves, the hare is on guard - he is not there; from noon until evening he runs through the woods, looking for - no and no.
So she did not catch Koska the hare until winter.