After a divorce from Yulia Baranovskaya (the couple broke up in 2013), the career of the former Arsenal and Zenit player did not work out. The athlete rushed back and forth and finally settled in Kazakhstan, where he lives with his girlfriend Alisa Kazmina and plays for the local football club Kairat. Looking for permanent place Arshavin spent 2.5 years and did not see his children all this time.

In some ways, this story is reminiscent of the divorce of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. After the dissolution of the marriage, the actor has not seen his adored daughter Suri for three years, although he loved her more than anyone in the world!

However, Arshavin's children were more fortunate. Recently, 10-year-old Artem, 8-year-old Yana and 4-year-old Arseniy finally saw their dad not on TV, but live! Andrei flew to Moscow on business and spent several hours in the company of children: he gave them gifts, took them to the park ... That is, he did what he had to do all the time, but could not due to circumstances.

According to Arshavin's lawyer, Andrey - good dad and loves his children very much. the only reason his rare visits is a distance, the football player lives in another country and simply cannot be constantly near the children, he has to keep in touch by phone.

Yulia Baranovskaya with children

“Andrey Sergeyevich can afford to end his career at any moment, just take it and do nothing else,” his lawyer Pavel Voloshin shared with StarHit. - But he continues to enter the field, including in order to earn money, half of which he regularly gives to the maintenance of children. AT recent times there have been some changes in their relationship. better side. They communicate, and, as far as I know, not only by phone. Unfortunately, the father and children now live in different countries Therefore, Andrey Sergeevich simply does not have the opportunity to visit them often.

On the other hand, the lawyer ex-wife Arshavin sees the situation from a slightly different angle.

“We often discussed this problem with Yulia - Andrei’s unwillingness to take part in raising his sons and daughter,” commented Alexander Dobrovinsky. - One meeting financial aid It's not what kids need. I hope he understands that."

The TV presenter never interfered with the communication of the kids with dad and would only be glad if he took an active part in their life.

Perhaps after this meeting, Arshavin, who last time I saw Arseny when he was only 1.5 years old, he will realize that he missed too much and will fly to the children more often. Still, earnings in the region of a million dollars a year allow you to buy plane tickets at least every day.

After the unexpected breakup between Andrei Arshavin and Yulia Baranovskaya, it is customary in the media to feel sorry for the latter and scold the former. Say, the footballer abandoned three children and does not even want to communicate with them, but the athlete's wife denied the generally accepted version.

The media regularly praises Yulia Baranovskaya, who, despite the break with Andrei Arshavin, was able to cope with the difficult life situation and is now a sought-after leading and happy mother of three.


At the same time, journalists do not get tired of scolding Andrei Arshavin, who allegedly abandoned two sons and a daughter from Baranovskaya and is engaged in raising children from the first marriage of his wife Alice and their common child. The football player is attacked with criticism and users social networks in the Internet.

As a result, Arshavin's wife Alice lost her nerve. The woman explained why Andrei does not spend much time with children from ex-lover. Allegedly, Yulia Baranovskaya herself is to blame.

"But who told you that he was ignoring them, because you only hear the mother's side. He corresponds with the children. And what is not seen, only the mother is to blame for this !!" - quote Alisa Arshavin "7 Days".

Publication from Julia Baranovskaya (@ygemini) Jul 7, 2017 at 11:19 PDT

Recall that four years ago, Yulia Baranovskaya and her partner, football player Andrei Arshavin, broke up. They were together for ten years. The TV presenter gave birth to the athlete's sons Artem and Arseny and daughter Yana. Recently, journalists have been willingly attributing novels to a successful careerist. different men, but she has not yet confirmed any of them. Arshavin also married journalist Alisa Kazmina. In February 2017, their daughter was born.

Pregnant with a third child, is known to everyone in our country, because she received an unprecedented response. Left without a livelihood, the life partner of the once most successful football player in the country went on a talk show to tell her story. The response that Julia received was so impressive that the girl was offered to become a TV presenter. Arshavin's career, on the contrary, was stalling. The football player turned out to be practically without work - the media wrote a lot about the fact that he had lost his form, that clubs one after another were breaking contracts with him.

Not so long ago, information appeared in the press that Andrei's relatives were very worried that he did not communicate with children. Allegedly, he really wants to return to his family, but does not know how to enter the same river twice. However, just a week later, Arshavin's new companion Alisa Kazmina, for whom he left Baranovskaya with 2 children and a pregnant third, gave a refutation. According to her, everything is fine with Andrey, they are raising her children from their first marriage and are very happy together. But the media do not calm down and try to understand why the football player has been completely refusing to communicate with his own children for 2 years now, raising Alice's children.

Not a single interview with Arshavin passes without the journalists trying to find out why he does not fulfill his father's duties. Julia admits that she does not interfere with Andrei's communication with children, financial position the football player got better - not so long ago he signed a contract with the Kazakh "Kairat" and moved to Alma-Ata. But despite this, Arshavin for a long time he did not pay alimony (according to rumors, he had accumulated about 20 million rubles in alimony debts for 3 children) and did not even try to meet with the children. The only comment he gave to the press was, "I don't even have anything to say!"

Psychologists say that such behavior is not uncommon. A problem brought to the public plane, designed to shame, usually drives the complexes even deeper. A man cannot cope with discomfort, withdraws into himself, refuses any contacts that remind him of the problem, and is even ready to stop communicating with his own children, just not to leave the comfort zone. All this is associated with a deep sense of guilt, which unconsciously disguises itself as aggression, denial of the problem and an attempt to escape from it. According to statistics, about 45% of children in our country live in single-parent families, and about 30% of men are raising children who are not their own.

0 September 25, 2018, 19:43

Yulia Baranovskaya, 33, and Andrei Arshavin, 37, broke up in 2013, and it seemed that the noise from their high-profile divorce has been quiet for a long time. However, recently the TV presenter again publicly raised this purely personal and unpleasant topic for herself.

This happened under one of the last posts on Julia's Instagram, where she informs subscribers about the release of her autobiographical book.

The same corner, only to the right... Irony of fate or regularity to present your book on the same corner of Nevsky and Sadovaya fifteen years after the first meeting =) Or simply - everything in life goes in circles. Those who read my book will immediately understand what I mean,

Julia wrote.

In the comments under this publication, one of Baranovskaya's followers suggested that she still loves the football player and would like him to return to the family. The TV presenter immediately hurried to answer the subscriber: she asked not to confuse love and gratitude for the past years, and also admitted that Andrei Arshavin had not been interested in them at all for a long time - 13-year-old Artem, ten-year-old Yana and six-year-old Arseny.

Do you think that you can call a person "dad" who absolutely consciously does not communicate with his children for five years? In my opinion, there are no and cannot be any justifications and explanations for such behavior! A father is primarily a responsibility, not just a line on a birth certificate. But it's everyone's choice...

Julia said.

This statement shocked many Internet users. Most of them began to support their mother three times and condemn the football player for irresponsible behavior.

Recall that the family of Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin collapsed in 2013 due to the fact that the football player had new sweetheart. Andrei left Yulia at the moment when she was expecting a third child from him. At first, the TV presenter did not comment on her separation from her husband, but a year later she appeared on the program "Let them talk", where she told.

It turned out that Arshavin left his pregnant wife with two children and left her without a livelihood. After that, Baranovskaya filed for alimony in England (at that time she lived there with her children), but the footballer persuaded her to sign a settlement agreement.

Alisa Arshavina showed fans how her husband communicates with his one and a half year old daughter. Touching footage of a football player who walked on the field described him as loving father, and therefore the townsfolk again raised the question of how the athlete could leave three children, born by Julia Baranovskaya.

Admirers began to ask if Andrei misses Yana and Artem with Arseny, and also again raised the question of whether there is an excuse for those who take men away from the family. It is worth noting that Alice has been living under the yoke of such questions and reproaches for quite a long time - endless attacks and reminders of former family beloved do not subside even under the pictures of her child. And so Arshavina decided to give a caustic answer whether Andrei yearns for his children.

“Whatever, absolutely. He does not like, did not like and is not needed. Can you leave like that?"- Arshavin voiced what many ordinary people have on their minds.

Needless to say, everyone was extremely outraged by such an answer from Arshavin's wife, because she allowed herself to speak sharply about his children from his first marriage. Such statements, even if not sounded seriously, in no way paint, and even rather the opposite. And so the townsfolk began to reproach Alice for careless words, not hiding their dislike for the women of love.

“Are you human at all? Take away from a family with three children and give out like this - it just doesn’t fit in my head ”

“I hate it when people like her break in and break up families, and after that, she writes nasty things about the first family, children who were left without a father through her fault”

“It would be better if you didn’t comment on your husband’s past relationship!”

“First of all, you showed disrespect to your husband, left it or not, but these are his children! And you speak of them so!”

"That just sounds disgusting"

By the way, because of such aggression from the public, unable to withstand the endless stream of negativity that netizens poured on her every day. And it looks like not much has changed since then.