A lot has been written about aspects, but there are still disagreements in the circles of neophytes of our science.

Some consider aspects from planets, others from cusps, some from asteroids, etc. And you also need to take into account the orbis and ... in general, you get a vinaigrette.

If we want to prepare a delicious dish from our ingredients and enjoy it, let's turn to the chefs of the past.

Abu-r-Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni, the legendary classic of Arabic astrology. In the "Book of Instructions on the Fundamentals of the Art of Astrology", in the section on aspects and unconnected, he writes: "Each sign is in the aspect of a sextile to the third and eleventh signs, to the right and left of it ... other aspects are formed in the same way, i.e. square, trine and opposition". For example, Aries sextiles Gemini on one side and Aquarius on the other.

Biruni clearly indicates that aspects are counted from signs, and not planets and fictitious points.

To explain this, surprising at first glance, position, Aristotle comes. According to his teaching, the world consists of four primary elements, which, uniting in pairs, create the elements known to us:

  • Warm + dry = fire.
  • Heat + Humidity = Air.
  • Cold + humidity = water.
  • Cold + dryness = Earth.

Warmth is masculine at the base, and cold is feminine. It is worth noting that Vronsky, in his landmark work "Classical Astrology" in the first volume, claims that cold is also masculine. Let me disagree and clarify.

According to Arabic astrologers, the signs are divided into male and female.


  • Aries: heat + dryness (the first sign in a row).
  • Gemini: heat + moisture (the third sign).
  • Leo: warm + dry (fifth sign).
  • Libra: heat + moisture (seventh sign).
  • Sagittarius: warm + dry (the ninth sign).
  • Aquarius: heat + moisture (the eleventh sign in a row).


  • Taurus: cold + dryness (second sign).
  • Cancer: cold + moisture (fourth sign).
  • Virgo: cold + dryness (sixth sign).
  • Scorpio: cold + moisture (the eighth sign in a row).
  • Capricorn: cold + dryness (the tenth sign).
  • Pisces: cold + moisture (twelfth sign).

It can be seen visually that all male signs United by means of the primary element - heat, and female - cold.

Let's return to the aspects, for example, a planet in the sign of Aries will experience heat and dryness throughout the sign, and in Gemini - heat and moisture, as in Cancer - cold and moisture, etc.

The sign is like a decoration: in this scene there is a bench where you can sit, and in the other there is only a bare floor: you can stand, lie down, etc. The planets, like actors, behave differently depending on the background that surrounds them.

Abu al-Hasan Kushyar Ibn Labbana, Persian astrologer, who lived at the turn of the X-XI centuries. The master is little known to Western astrologers, but he enjoyed great fame among the eastern part of the Islamic world, as can be seen from the huge number of surviving manuscripts and translations into various languages.

That is why Labban writes that " the approach of the planets to each other in longitude comes from eight places: conjunction, opposition, two quadratures, two sextiles and two trines".

On Approach, Separation, Perception and Reflection

Why only these aspects? Probably, the attentive reader has already figured it out, but let's look at the basis of the primary elements so that everyone understands.

  • Heat - Cold.
  • Moisture - Dryness.

We have two binaries:

  • Heat - Cold (indicates a male or female sign).
  • Moisture - Dryness.

Richard Saunders ( Foster-son legendary Lilly) in "Astrological Judgment and Medical Practice" describes the aspects as follows: "Conjunction, Sextile, Quartile, Trine and Opposition, but Conjunction is not properly called Aspect, although for the sake of brevity we will call it that, intending to give a general Explanation of this with the rest".

Sextile: signs from different crosses.

The square and the opposition come from one.


  • Aries (warmth + dryness) + Gemini (warmth + moisture) m+m (one binary each) (signs from different crosses: cardinal and mutable; fixed and cardinal; mutable and fixed).
  • Taurus (cold + dryness) + Cancer (cold + moisture) f+f (one binary each), i.e. sextile is made only by male signs with male primary element heat, and female with female, primary element cold.


  • Aries (warmth + dryness) + Leo (warmth + dryness) m+m (according to two binaries).
  • Taurus (cold + dryness) + Virgo (cold + dryness) f+f (according to two binaries).


  • Aries (warmth + dryness) + Cancer (cold + moisture) male + female (more than one binary).
  • Taurus (cold + dryness) + Leo (warmth + dryness) f+m (more than one binary).

(Signs of the same cross: cardinal with cardinal, fixed with fixed, and mutable with mutable.)


  • Aries (warmth + dryness) + Libra (warmth + moisture) m+m (one binary each).
  • Taurus (cold + dryness) + Scorpio (cold + moisture) f+f (one binar each).
  • Gemini (warm + moisture) + Sagittarius (warm + dry).
  • Cancer (cold + wet) + Capricorn (cold + dry).
  • Leo (warm + dry) + Aquarius (warm + moisture).

What unites the planets in a sextile is that they are in signs with a warm primary element, but are imperfect in that one of the planets is in a wet sign, and the second is in a dry one.

Our attentive reader has probably already wondered, what is the difference between a sextile and an opposition? In both cases, the planets are either in warm signs or cold, and the second primary element is also different, like in Aries, which dries to Libra, which is wet.

Right. Pay attention to the entry.

Sextile: signs from different crosses, opposition from one.

Aries and Gemini, like Aries and Aquarius, are warm, but Gemini and Aquarius are wet, unlike dry Aries and ... this is the main thing, they belong to different crosses: Aries - cardinal sign, and Gemini: mutable, and Aquarius: fixed.

Aries and Libra are both cardinal signs.


Richard Saunders: "The Body Aspect is the most perfect Aspect of all, and that is when two or more Planets are in relation or contemplate each other, or they are in the same Degree and Minute."

Partiality of an aspect is when two planets make a final aspect (any), i.e. will be located not only in one degree, but also in the same minute. In modern times, when Computer Engineering to help us - also an arc second. For example, the exact square between Jupiter and the Moon will then be if Jupiter, suppose, is at 5 degrees Aries 34 arc minutes and 50 arc seconds and the Moon has approached him square from Cancer at 5 degrees Aries 34 arc minutes and 50 arc seconds. When the Moon takes the same position as Jupiter in degrees, minutes and seconds, there will be some exact aspect between them. In total we have them: Conjunction, Sextile, Quartile, Trine and Opposition.

Aspect platic is when the planets are within their semi-orbis. Jupiter at 5 degrees Aries will square the Moon at 1 degree Cancer. Why?

Orbs of the planets (different for different authors)

Henry Cowley uses English word "mood"to explain the plate. Moiety - half. Orbis in Latin it translates as a ball, a circle, i.e. the diameter that surrounds the planet, and mood is the radius, i.e. half a ball. The Sun has an orb of 15 degrees Banatti and 7.5 degrees on either side.

The moon has an orb of 12 degrees and 6 on both sides, and Jupiter has a 9 degree orb and 4.5 on both sides. mood. Hence , the effect of the aspect between them will be as long as their half-diameters are in contact. The moon will give 6 degrees and Jupiter 4.5 = 10.5. If the Moon lags behind Jupiter in any aspect by no more than 10.5, there is a platinum between them.

Why do we need it? Many of my students ask at what distance between the planets the effect of the aspect is felt. If the planets are located in signs in which they make some aspect, then throughout the entire sign, but the concept of platyk clearly indicates to us the boundaries of action in the sign.

Jupiter at 5 degrees Aries will square the Moon at 1 degree Cancer because the distance (5-1=4) between them is less than the limits of their semi-orbis. Platik - this is the limit when the planets influence each other.

Any student studying classical - that is, Western - astrology inevitably faces the problem of orbis. This topic- a real minefield, since various authors usually lack arguments in defense of their position and it all comes down to a maxim: but I feel that way!

Everything would be nothing if in two leading astrological schools countries there was unity on the issue of orbis. But alas! Approaches at the Moscow Academy of Astrology and high school classical astrology are so different that they confuse students who wish to synthesize methods. Not all students come out of this stupor, remaining puzzled forever and even afraid to ask themselves new questions. On the example of the tables below, you can see how different values ​​for orbis are set in MAA and VSKA *.

Natal orbs of major aspects for planets at the Moscow Academy of Astrology:

Aspect Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto
0 17/12 12/10 5 5 5 8/7 8/7 5 5 5
180 17/12 12/10 5 5 5 8/7 8/7 5 5 5
150 3 3 2 2,5 2 2,5/2 2,5/2 2 2 2
120 9/7 8/7 5 5 5 7,5/6,5 6,5/5,5 5 5 5
90 8/7 7,5/6,5 5 5 5 7,5/6,5 6,5/5,5 5 5 5
72 4/3 3/2,5 2/1 2/1 2/1 3/2 3/2 2/1 2/1 2/1
60 6 5,5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

At the same time, the following are set for the minor aspects of the orbis aspects: for the Sun - 1.5/1, and for the Moon and other planets - 1/1. The first digit is the value for the convergent aspect, and the second is for the divergent aspect. Here, of course, the moment that among the major aspects, for some reason, the aspect of 150 degrees is also “kneaded” is striking. Apparently, in the Academy it is considered not minor, but major?

Orbis for aspects in the Higher School of Classical Astrology:

Aspects of/
0 180 120 90 72 60 45; 135; 30; 150 Rest
Sun 6/5 6/5 6/5 6/5 2 6/5 2 1
Moon 6/5 6/5 6/5 6/5 2/1 6/5 1,5 1
Jupiter 5/4 5/4 5/4 5/4 2/1 5/4 1 1
Saturn 5/4 5/4 5/4 5/4 2/1 5/4 1 1
Other planets 5/5 5 5 5 1 5 1 1

When your obedient servant saw such a difference in the orbs used, he thought that there was simply a banal confusion here. Indeed, how can it be that the orbs offered by the Moscow Academy of Astrology for use are more than twice as large as those orbs used at the Higher School of Astrology? Here we will digress and explain that the orbis, relatively speaking, is the “aura” of the planet, which has both a diameter and a radius. And the author of the article decided that at the Academy they simply call the diameter of such an “aura” an orbis, and at the Higher School of Art, its radius. However, it wasn't there! Everything turned out to be more difficult. When teachers of the Academy talk about 17 and 12 degrees for converging and diverging aspects with the Sun, they mean exactly the radius of the "aura" of the star. The fact that this is exactly the case can be seen in the example of the analysis of maps in the MAA manuals, where an orbis of 12 degrees is considered a conjunction. So, for example, a similar distance between the Moon and Neptune in K.G. Jung tells the astrologers of the Academy that there is a "conjunction" of these planets.

To be honest, I cannot help feeling that the teachers of the Moscow Academy of Astrology have fallen victim to some kind of mistake. After all, if we take the orb-radius of 17 degrees, then the entire "aura"-diameter of the Sun will cover the sector of 34 degrees, i.e. more than one character. This is hardly possible.

“The basic properties of character form the strongest aspects in the horoscope. Remember that different astrologers use different orbs. Some will never exceed 6 degrees, while others will even tolerate all 14. We present here orbs that, in our opinion, give fairly reliable results ”(M. March, D. McEvers,“ The best way learn astrology”, v.1, p.50). In addition, we note that the maximum orb used by these astrologers is 7 degrees.

“A component is a term that means half of an orbis, the place that defines the orbis of an aspect. The orbit of each planet extends equally in front of and behind it. In other words, the orb of the Sun, which is 15 degrees, extends 7.5 degrees in front of the Sun and 7.5 degrees behind it ”(K. Burke,“ Astrology. How to Read a Birth Chart ”, p. 207).

“Orbis is one of the most popular discussion topics in astrology. An orb is the area within which an aspect is considered active. This concept has been transformed quite radically in the process of evolution of astrological thought.<…>According to Ptolemy, for various celestial bodies the following orbs are allowed: Sun up to 17 degrees, Moon up to 12, Mercury up to 7, Venus up to 8, Mars up to 7, Jupiter up to 12, Saturn up to 9.<…>In addition, in the old astrology, the term itself meant the conditional sphere of radiance surrounding the planet. And the term orb meant the diameter of this sphere. In modern vocabulary, when they talk about an orb, they mean a half-orb, that is, the distance from the edge of the influence of an aspect to its exact value, to the maximum” (K. Daragan, article “Orb (orbis)” on his personal website).

“A few words must be said about the orbs of aspects. On this moment this question does not have an unambiguous solution in astrology, various schools and various astrologers establish their own system of orbis. There are only a few generally accepted provisions in this matter. First, major aspects have a large orb - 5, 7, 8, 9 degrees. Second, minor aspects have a narrow orb - one or two degrees. Third, the luminaries have a wider orbit than the planets. Some astrologers believe that the higher (invisible to the eye) planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, have a narrower orbit than the Septener planets. As a result, today we can take as a basis the working orb for the major aspects of the planets - 8 degrees. For luminaries, this orb can be increased by 1 degree. The fact is that in the sky the visible disk of the Sun and the Moon is approximately 30 minutes of arc, that is, half a degree. In some charts, you can increase the orb of the Sun up to 10 degrees. In case of doubt about the presence or absence of an aspect, if it is on the border of the orb, the astrologer makes a decision based on his experience. For beginner astrologers, advice can be given - if in doubt, it is better to consider that there is an aspect than vice versa. If an aspect operates in the cosmogram, and you do not take it into account, this can cause significant distortions in the interpretation ”(E. Volokontsev, section“ Analysis of aspects in the cosmogram ”in methodological guide GSKA in astrology for the 2nd semester of the 1st year).

“I do the following in my astrological practice. At first, I take the orbs of major aspects at 5-6 degrees (more precisely, it is 5 degrees and a little more, not reaching 6 degrees at first). For aspects with luminaries - more. For minor aspects - 1-2 degrees (but not very close to 2 degrees). But if in a conversation with a client I feel that an aspect is actually relevant for him (in his natal chart), having a larger orb, I do not hesitate to expand the above orbs and include the indicated aspect in astrological consideration.<…>So the aspects used by the astrologer and their orbs are a creative matter, he does not tolerate dogmatism.<…>Orbs of compounds in practical work astrologer depend on him own experience. One astrologer "feels" the conjunctions of the planets if they are located in 5-6 degrees. from each other. For another, even 10 degrees is enough to catch the correspondence between the planets located at such a distance and certain character traits of the person described by the card ”(V. Gorbatsevich,“ Elementa Astrologica. The beginnings of astrology for “why”, p. 199-200).

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Map Setup - Aspecting

The "Chart settings" window is intended for setting (setting) calculation modes and displaying the natal chart and other data. To call the window, right-click in the field of the natal chart or click the "Settings" button on the toolbar and select the appropriate menu item. Or press the key F9.

To select the "Aspecting" page, press the button with the letter A or press the key A.

The page has the following tabs:

Aspects tab

Block "Aspects"

Block "Auto page selection"

    Depending on the type of natal chart, an aspect page may be automatically selected (see "Sets of aspects").
  • For a single chart (or when aspecting planets of one circle) - indicate the name of this page (for example, "Natal"),
  • For a double or complex chart (when aspecting planets of different circles) - indicate the name of the desired aspect page (for example, "Transit").

Block "Parallels and Antises"

    This panel determines the use of declination aspects in the horoscope. Each of the four aspects can be assigned a different color, see Map Settings, Color tab.
  • Parallels- parallel and counter-parallel aspects are calculated and displayed,
  • Antises- calculated and displayed aspects of planets with antises ("reflections") of other planets (reflection about the axis 0 Cancer - 0 Capricorn) and counter-antises (reflection about the axis 0 Aries - 0 Libra),
  • Orbis- these input fields allow you to specify orbs separately for parallels and antimatches..

Direction of aspectation

The item "Aspect direction" of the context menu of the natal chart (as well as the key combination Alt+A) opens the aspect control window (if the chart is not single):

Clicking on a white cell of the table moves the icon to this cell, indicating the direction of aspecting, for example, in this screenshot you can see that the aspect between the planets of the 1st (inner) circle and the 3rd circle of the map is enabled, and this map contains 5 circles.

In the case of a midpoint tree, the meaning of the cells is as follows. The column is a circle of planets that are in the midpoints. A line is a circle of planets between which midpoints are determined.

Clicking on the cell of the first row of the table (header) marks this cell in yellow, which means that the corresponding circle of the map becomes "Current".

The context menu of the "Aspect Direction" window contains the following items:

  • Aspect 1v1 when switching to dual map. If this option is enabled, then when switching from a single map to a dual one (in the map type selector or in another way), the aspect direction will not automatically switch to 1x2.
  • Always show house numbering external card . If this option is enabled and the "External map house number" option is enabled (Map settings, Circle), then the external map house numbers will be displayed regardless of the "House number" option. Those. only the house numbers of the external map can be displayed.

Aspect Page

The left margin of the window contains a list of aspect pages. An aspect page is represented by a file of the same name located in the Aspects folder.

In the right field - the currently selected aspect page is displayed.

Clicking the right mouse button in this window brings up a menu of functions for working with aspects:

  • Orb depends on aspect - standard option, a table of aspects is displayed (in the right field of the window), the lines of which are aspects: symbol, denomination in degrees, color and shape of the line on the map, orbis for each planet (see screenshot above). The orbis of a given aspect for a given pair of planets is calculated according to the "Orbis calculation" option (Chart settings - Aspectation - Orbis): by the largest, by the smallest, by the average.
  • The orb depends on the planet - the orb does not depend on the aspect, but is determined by the pair of planets involved in the aspect. Each pair can have its own aspect. In this case, convergent and divergent aspects are configured separately, see below.
  • Converging Aspects - (only for the "Orb depends on the planet" option) displays a table for converging aspects.
  • Divergent Aspects - (Only for the "Orb depends on the planet" option) displays a table for divergent aspects.
  • Add page - enter the name of the new aspect page in the dialog box that appears and click "OK", this page will appear as a copy of the current one. If necessary, it must be corrected.
  • Rename page - enter a new page name in the dialog box that appears and click "OK".
  • Delete page - the file corresponding to the current page will be deleted after confirmation.
  • Update page list - used if the aspect page files in the \ASPECTS folder have been changed manually.

Block orb correction

A block is a selected group of table cells containing the values ​​of aspect orbs.

Order of block correction of orbis:

  1. Select a block in the table, for this: pressing Shift, click on the lower right cell of the block, then, releasing Shift, click on the upper left cell of the block. You can select entire rows and columns by clicking on the first row or first column of the table (with or without pressing Shift).
  2. Call the context menu by clicking the right mouse button, select the "Correct block" item.
  3. In the block correction wizard window that appears, select the required function for changing orbs in this block, set the desired change value and click "OK".

Bookmark "Orbis"

Orbis divergent

This option allows you to reduce the orbs of divergent aspects by a specified percentage of the nominal orbis. This percentage applies to all aspects. For example, if the nominal orbis of some aspect, defined in the table of orbis (aspect page) is equal to 1 degree, then by setting the value of 30% we get the orbis of the divergent 42 minutes (60*30/100 = 18; 60-18 = 42).

Orbis calculation

Choosing how to calculate the aspect orb between two objects:

  • the maximum of those set for these objects,
  • minimum,
  • average.
For example, the orb of the aspect for the Sun is 10, for Pluto 1, then the orb of the Sun-Pluto aspect: maximum: 10, minimum: 1, average: 5.5

The option is available only in the "Orb depends on aspect" mode (see Map settings - Aspect - Aspects - Aspect page - context menu).

Convergence of aspects of the dual map
    When considering the convergence of the mutual aspects of the planets of a double (or complex) chart, it is required to determine which of the circles is fixed and which is movable. For example, usually, natal is fixed, transit is mobile. However, in some astrological techniques, a special definition of this parameter is necessary.
  • External card fixed- if you need, for example, to rectify the natal chart, this will allow you to explore the behavior of (transit) aspects when changing the time of birth,
  • Internal map fixed- is used, for example, for an event forecast.

Midpoint Orbis

  • This input field allows you to set the value of the planet's orb in mipoint (to build a tree of midpoints). When using a harmonic, the nominal orbis (1 degree) is reduced by dividing by the number of the harmonic, for example, for the fourth harmonic, the orbis would be 15 minutes.

Orbis plot in a new window

  • When you left-click on an aspect line on the map, a graph of the change in the orbis of this aspect in time (aspect dynamics graph) is displayed. If another aspect is selected, the graph may appear either in the same window or in a new one, depending on this option.

Bookmark "Antis"

  • Display aspects of antisovs- when the options are enabled, arcs of aspects of antis and counter-antis are displayed on the map,
  • Display planet antis- the symbols of these planets are displayed on the outer circle of the map in the places of the antis of the planets,
  • antisov filter- allows you to set sets (sets) of planets between which you want to consider aspects of antis, selecting a planet in the list is done by clicking the mouse,
  • Axis of antis- for issuance on the map, you can choose one of the axes, relative to which the "reflection" of the planet is considered, its antis: Cancer - Capricorn, Ascendant - Descendant, Medium of the Goal - Imum of the Goal.
  • For Aspect Graph- you can select several types of antis at the same time.

Lecture 135. Orbis.
General theory of aspects. Part 2. ORBIS

As we have already said in the previous article, initially, the Planetary orbs familiar to us were absent. There was simply no need for them - since aspects were considered not between the Planets, but between the Signs, then what kind of orbis could we talk about? Any Planet in Aries is squared to any Planet in Cancer, that's the whole orb.

Subsequently, aspects in the full-sign system (as described in the previous lecture) were replaced by aspects between the Planets, as a result of which the question arose, should the distance between the Planets of 123 degrees be considered an aspect of a trine? Or a sextile at 58, etc. (Earlier this question did not arise, since any Planet in any degree of Aries was considered in the aspect of a trine with any Planet in any degree of Leo, or Sagittarius, etc.).

Thus, the concept of “orbis” was introduced into astrological practice. An orb (or orb) is the allowable deviation from an exact aspect.

The history of calculating orbis also underwent changes. In the Middle Ages, it was customary to count orbs depending on the Planets that make up the aspect. Those. The Sun - no matter in what aspect it participates, has an orb of 15 (some authors up to 18) degrees, the Moon 12, etc.

The orbis was set depending on the glow of the Planet (the brighter it shines, the larger the orbis), and was metaphorically compared to hands. So the Sun has two arms, with a total length of 15 (on average) units (degrees). The moon has two arms, 12 units long. Therefore, the length of one arm of the Sun is 7.5 units (degrees), the length of the arm of the Moon is 6 degrees.
It turns out that if the Sun and the Moon pass at a distance from each other “aspect + 13.5 degrees” (for example, the Moon at 0 degrees Aries, the Sun at 12 degrees Leo) - they reach each other with their hands, and therefore, create an aspect ( the length of the arm of the Sun + the length of the arm of the Moon - 7.5 + 6 \u003d 13.5 is the orbis being at a distance from which the aspect can be taken into account).

Today, this practice is used mainly in horary astrology and the traditional direction. Although I must say that, in my opinion, it is the most reasoned, as it is tied to physical properties objects.
Personally, I have been working with this system and such wide horary orbs for several years in a row and am very pleased with the result I get.

However, at the moment, the practice of calculating orbs based on the ASPECT and the PLANETs that form it is widely used.
We talked about the strength of aspects - so the connection is considered the strongest, and the sextile is the weakest of all major aspects. According to the same scheme, it is believed that the compound has the largest orbs, slightly smaller (or more often equal) orbis are assigned to the opposition, even less to the trine, then to the square and the smallest (of the major ones) to the sextile.
The Sun is the most important Planet in the chart, so the values ​​​​of its orbs are the highest, then the Moon, a little less, then personal Planets, then social ones (although Jupiter is often given orbs larger than those of personal Planets), and already the smallest ones for higher ones.
For example, a table of modern orbs, taking into account the Planet and the aspect that it forms, may look like this:
Obviously, the sun has the largest orb in the aspect of conjunction and opposition, and the smallest higher planets in trine, sextile, and quadrature (I draw your attention - this is ONLY an EXAMPLE).

ONE, GENERALLY ACCEPTED ORBIS TABLE DOES NOT EXIST!!! The size of the orbs and the approach to this issue is considered an individual matter of a particular astrologer.
There is an opinion that the use of "narrower" orbs gives better results. And some time ago, I also thought so, however, then I began to notice that I was clearly losing some very important points, I expanded the orbis, began to use the orbis only for the Planets (without changing the orbis depending on the aspect) and so far I have never regretted my decision.
If you are a novice astrologer, I recommend using the standard software set, as a result, your practice will show which way to move.

An aspect with an orb within 1 degree (for major aspects) is usually called exact. If at the same time the Planets included in the aspect have the same ordinal number of the degree, such an aspect is called partile.
Example: - Moon 12 gr, 30 min. 20 sec. Aries, Mars at 13 gr. 10 minutes 20 seconds. lion
between the Planets 120 gr, 40 minutes is the exact aspect of the trine (orbis within 1 degree).
Moon 12 gr. 30 minutes, 20 sec. Aries, Mars 12 gr. 56 minutes 40 sec. Leo - between the Planets 120 gr., 26 min., 20 sec. But at the same time, both the Moon and Mars occupy the same serial number of the Sign - 12 gr - an aspect of a partile trine.

It is believed that precise, and even more so party aspects, act stronger and brighter than aspects with an orb.
In fact, at the moment, for so many astrologers, this is a tribute to tradition - “it is said in a smart book that he is the strongest, so it is!”.
In my opinion, it makes sense to understand why the exact aspects turn out to be stronger than the inexact ones, if we take into account both.
In natal practice, there are large orbs between the Planets in the chart, in forecasts - the orbs rarely exceed one degree in both directions.
Imagine that in your chart there is a Moon-Pluto square. Moon 14.gr Capricorn, Pluto 20 gr. Libra. There are 6 degrees between them, and if your preferred orbs allow, then there is a square between them.
Now let's imagine that in a dynamic chart - for example, in a transit - Uranus is moving in Aries (as it is now). Having reached 13 degrees of Aries, he stands in a square to the Moon with an orb of 1 degree. It moves forward for some time, then turns into a retrograde, then again direct, then retrograde, and so, several times, periodically entering the orb of the quadrature with the Moon.
It is obvious that a person at this moment will not be going through the easiest times in a psychological sense. At some point, last time after passing the moon, Uranus will move farther and farther away from the square with the moon.
And having passed to 19 degrees of Aries, he will make an opposition to Pluto with an orb of 1 degree. And it will also “walk” on Pluto for some time, causing characteristic circumstances or experiences.
NOOOOOOO!!! Uranus - Moon - this will be one "fairy tale", and Uranus - Pluto - another! It is possible that Uranus will pull their strings in turn - moving away from the Moon - meeting with Pluto, moving away from Pluto - meeting with the Moon and again moving away from it, go to Pluto. But be that as it may, they will be different stories.
Now imagine that the Moon is at 14 degrees Capricorn and Pluto is at 14 degrees Libra. In this case, Uranus will aspect them at the same time, creating not only tension on its topic, but "turning on" the quadrature of the natal planets! And this is a completely different story! Much more rigid than in the first case.
In this case, they say, "Uranus has completed the quadrature between the Moon and Pluto to the Tau-square" - and this is a completely different glow. Or completely different possibilities, if we are talking about the harmonious connection of the Planets in natal and dynamic methods.
In directions where the Planets move only directly, passing 1 degree in one year, Uranus aspects the Moon at 14 degrees and Pluto at 20 degrees with time intervals of 3.5 years! That is, the Moon will already forget about the Uranian period, when Uranus will approach the opposition with Pluto.
I believe it is this circumstance that makes the exact aspect so important in the natal chart.
As for the boundaries of the orbis, as the esteemed Yuri Yuryevich Oleshko says - “orbis are not carved on granite”, the no less respected William Lilly said that he takes into account the orbis by memory, which he now remembered, he took into account. It is important to remember that the meaning of the aspects is to indicate the interaction of the Planets that received similar or irreconcilable qualities from the Sign into which they fell.
By the way, I also have slightly different orbis set in different programs, and now that I know the rationale for the theory of aspects / orbis, this does not bother or misinform me at all.

Many modern astrologers, however, are much more zealous about the limits of orbis than I am. But even they tend to increase the maximum allowable limits of the orb, if, with a slight increase in the orb, the Planets in aspect will create a closed configuration.
Quite often, the orbs for the Planets in the stellium increase. So, for example, with an orb for conjunction: for Mercury 8 gr, for Mars 6, for Neptune 4. All three Planets are in Scorpio, where Mercury is 3 degrees of Scorpio, Mars is 8 degrees, and Neptune is 12. If we strictly apply the orb value as a constant, it turns out that Mercury is in the orbit of conjunction with Mars, and Mars is in the orbit of conjunction with Neptune, but at the same time Mercury and Neptune are not in the orbit - there are 9 degrees between them.
In practice, in such a situation, astrologers increase the orb, and get a stellium (multiple conjunction) between Mercury, Mars and Neptune.

Aspects across the border of Signs
The situation is somewhat more complicated in the case when the Planets are in an orb, but at the same time, and Signs that do not support the corresponding aspect - the so-called aspects across the border of Signs.
Example - Mars in 3 gr. Aries, Mercury in 29 gr. Pisces - the aspect of the connection (4 gr.) through the border of Signs. Mars at 3 degrees Aries, Jupiter at 28 degrees. Cancer - an aspect of the trine across the border of Signs (distance 115 gr.)
Count or not? After all, if you use such a harmonious theory of the interaction of the Signs, and not the Planets, Mercury and Mars “do not see” each other. And the trine of Mars and Jupiter is formed from Signs, standing friend from a friend at a distance of a square!
What to do?
Once upon a time, I refused to take into account aspects across the boundary of Signs. But she refused not because they “didn’t work” or described the situation poorly, but because it was “not right”, and I must say, I am a big fan of “doing the right thing”.
Moreover, at that moment I increased the boundaries of the orbs, adopting them from horary astrology, removed the dependence of the orb limits on the aspect that is formed between the Planets, in general, I began to do it “correctly”.
However, my practice, which reacted with pleasure to the increase in the orb and its dependence only on the Planets, began to SIGNIFICANTLY suffer from the fact that aspects across the border of Signs fell out of consideration! As a result, it was decided to return the latter, and take them into account as I have always taken into account, and at the moment I have never regretted it.
The only thing worth adding here is, of course, I significantly reduced their orbis. I can’t tell you what he became, I just don’t even know. I just look at the Planets in aspect and make a conclusion based on what kind of Planets they are, how far they are both from the cusps, how strong they are in the Signs, the aspect develops or falls apart, etc. I understand that with this remark I did not make life much easier for beginner astrologers, but ... there are simply no universal, ready-made recipes suitable for use anywhere and everywhere in Astrology (yes, as in other areas of life).

Oh, I do not envy parents with children who have such an aspect! Because the child is not only looking for adventure, but in adulthood does not allow parents to rest. This was not said to sissies.

In no case. This I lead to the fact that the usual way of life, mundane aspirations are in no way connected with the owners of the aspect of connection, square, opposition of the Sun-Uranus.

I have long noticed one notable thing for the Sun-Uranus conjunction. It is important for a person with such a connection to add something completely new to his work or hobbies.

What others don't have. I'm not saying it should be brilliant people. Although I do not exclude this 🙂. It is important for them to create something of their own in their activities. Perhaps that is why in the old astrological literature we find the word "reformer" with you. What is the place to be, but in the volumes that this word initially suggests.

They know how to interact with people, but at the same time they are independent from others. Adapt well and develop modern world. It is interesting that even older people with this aspect own a computer, a mobile phone, and understand new trends. Although not always approved 🙂 . This also applies to middle-aged people, youth. I saw this phenomenon most often when the Sun was in conjunction with Uranus.

Uranium is always new technologies. But the essence is not even in the novelties of technology. The bottom line is that Uranus symbolizes machines, technology in any way. Naturally, except for the old and useless technology. In the course of my observations, I found that often the Sun-Uranus conjunction occurs in people whose work is directly related to a computer or new technologies. Among them, I saw people whose profession can be directly attributed to the computer: a system administrator, a programmer, an engineer who works with water treatment machines, etc. It is clear that now any profession is a computer. But note that I have listed only those that would not make sense at all without such equipment.

If the Sun, Uranus are associated with 1 house, then a person may have non-standard appearance. But a sign is needed and important here. Because the combination of these two planets in Libra will give a peculiarity will not give the same effect as in Sagittarius. At the conjunction of the Sun and Uranus in Libra, I observed amazing phenomenon when a person looked like my age at 45. I observed something similar when the Sun and Uranus were in conjunction in Cancer and in Gemini.

Such a person strives for independence. Such a person cannot stand pressure, especially if the Sun is in the fiery element. Men with this aspect are stigmatized as eternal bachelors, with which I can partly agree. Most of all in my practice, I observed this with the Sun-Uranus square. A stronger sex with this aspect does not behave like a typical man. Outrageousness will hide somewhere in his behavior. But you must understand that this is not Lady Gaga's outrageous. Each case is individual and depends not only on the Sun, but also on the Ascendant.

man and father

In women, the Sun is one of the indicators of a husband. Therefore, his connection with Uranus can tell a lot about the future spouse. For example, about his character traits - independent, stubborn, who values ​​\u200b\u200bfriendship. In order to find peace with him, you need to be calm and wise woman. About his profession - he can engage in unusual activities. Husbands often do not work officially for such women, or their work is intermittent or related to new technologies.

If the Sun is already afflicted, then living together with a man may not add up because of his behavior. I was once consulted by a woman who had the square of these two planets. Her man suddenly disappeared, and before that, in every possible way, by his behavior, he showed his disregard for her. And this happened because of his sense of freedom, which he valued more than love.

With other indicators, this can give non-traditional sexual orientation.

The same Sun can tell about the father. For example, the father is unusual, different from others. He has features. May behave strangely in certain situations.


People with new knowledge are doing well, they learn any information related to new technologies faster than others. Quite often I come across people who are fascinated by astrology and in their charts I often see the Sun-Uranus aspect.

Also, such people can be attracted to physics, astronomy, forecasting, any new trends. This also applies to staying in social networks. For example, I used to deal with a woman who was engaged in journalism. But she was tirelessly drawn to lead groups, keep her own blog, I’m not even talking about being on social networks around the clock.

Also, people with the aspect of the Sun-Uranus may be drawn to be in some kind of community. I remember that a friend used to give me the data of a guy who “put together” a school musical group. As they say now, boy's band. The group broke up, but the guy still did not lose the fuse to make another group. In his natal, the Sun is afflicted by a square from Uranus and Neptune.

In general, such people are in dire need of friends. So they feel better, more confident. True, I did not see that the owners of this aspect themselves knew how to be friends. It is not always possible to wait for consolation from them, as well as patience to endure trouble with a girlfriend or friend. Therefore, people with the aspect of the Sun and Uranus usually do not make best friends for a long time. They may be, but this is temporary.

Among women

Sun-Uranus can give its owner popularity, especially in the female chart. A lot can be said about such a person, she can have many admirers. However, not every aspect gives such an impact. For example, the square works much worse here.
Sun-Uranus gives not only a craving for new technologies, but also for everything new. For example, to new authors, their books, art trends, fashion trends, language trends. And this even applies to men. Sometimes this aspect gives a craving to try something new in your life, but rarely does a new activity become a permanent one.

Children with this aspect are fidgets. They are quite active, they love to play weird, make fun, make practical jokes, surprise their parents in every possible way. If this is an aspect of connection, then here you can still calm the child. But in the case of a square, it is almost impossible.

You can learn about your aspects and connections by signing up for a consultation.