Customers who want to run banner ads on the Google Display Network often ask which existing sizes banners are the most popular.

Let me remind you the main options:

  • banner: 468x60;
  • full size banner: 728x90;
  • square: 250x250;
  • small square: 200x200;
  • large rectangle: 336x280;
  • embedded rectangle: 300x250;
  • skyscraper: 120x600;
  • wide skyscraper: 160x600;
  • half page block: 300x600;
  • vertical rectangle: 240x400;
  • large full-sized banner: 970x90;
  • billboard: 970x250;
  • large banner for mobile devices: 320x100;
  • mobile full size banner: 320x50.

To determine the winner, we conducted several studies of advertising campaigns.

Let me clarify that we are talking about image ads created by designers for each format, and not about responsive Google Ads banners.

Experiment #1: Best in "Entertainment"

The experiment period is May 2018. In total, 328,755 impressions were made in Ukraine. Google Ads banner reach results:

Top by reach:

Top banners by CTR:

  1. Built-in rectangle (300x250).
  2. Large rectangle (336x280).

Experiment #2: Best in Gardening

We analyzed 762,412 impressions in Russia for a month and a half (April-May 2018). Campaigns had a bid adjustment of -30% for mobile devices and -20% for tablets. Therefore, all conclusions can be considered fair only for desktop sites. Some coverage visualization:

Top banners:

  1. Full size banner (728x90).
  2. Banner (468x60).

Top banners by CTR:

  1. Vertical rectangle (240x400).
  2. Wide skyscraper (160x600).
  3. Full size banner (728x90).

Experiment #3: The Best in Bulletin Board Topics

This experiment was conducted in 2018 from January to May, 62 million impressions in Ukraine were included in the sample.

Top "traveling" banner sizes:

  1. Full size banner: 728x90.
  2. Embedded Rectangle: 300x250.
  3. Banner: 468x60.

Top banners by CTR:

  1. Large rectangle (336x280).
  2. Netboard (580x400).
  3. Billboard (970x250).

By the way, if you are interested in promoting online projects, subscribe to our newsletter:


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Experiment No. 4: the best in the subject of "metal-plastic windows"

The experiment period is January-May 2018. In total, 11,724,277 impressions were made in Ukraine. Google Ads banner reach results:

  1. Built-in rectangle (300x250).
  2. Large rectangle (336x280).
  3. Full size banner (728x90).

CTR data:

Top banners by CTR:

  1. Large rectangle (336x280).
  2. Square (250x250).
  3. Inline rectangle (300x250) and half page block (300x600)

Experiment No. 5: the best in the subject of "beauty and health"

The sample included over 2.5 million impressions in six months. Coverage data:

Top most popular banner formats:

  1. Built-in rectangle (300x250).
  2. Full size banner (728x90).
  3. Small square (200x200).

CTR data:

Thus, the most clickable banner formats are:

  1. Half page block (300x600).
  2. Large banner for mobile devices (320x100).
  3. Small square (200x200) and square (250x250).

Experiment No. 6: the best in the subject "clothes and shoes"

The experiment period is March-May 2018. In total, 894,216 impressions were made in Ukraine. Google Ads banner reach results:

Top by reach:

  1. Built-in rectangle (300x250).
  2. Large rectangle (336x280).
  3. Half page block (300x600).

Top banners by CTR:

  1. Large rectangle (336x280).
  2. Full size banner (728x90).
  3. Built-in rectangle (300x250).


  1. In all experiments, two banner formats: 300x250 and 728x90 provide more than 50% coverage. In other words, this is an economy set for those who do not want to strain the designer.
  2. The must-have gentleman's brand campaign set consists of seven banner formats - they provide over 95% of the total reach. Another question is what size these banners should be. With a high degree of probability, the formats 728x90, 300x250, 160x600, 336x280 will fall into their number. But still it is better not to be stingy and make banners of all sizes.

I hope this statistic will help you decide which options are best for you. banner advertising on the Google Display Network.

Not all advertisers have a full-time designer or a good freelancer to render banners, and when a campaign needs to be launched quickly and there is no time to search for specialists, built-in tools for creating ads for affiliate networks can help out contextual advertising managers. How to use such opportunities in AdWords and what should be in an attractive banner, we understand this material.

In Google AdWords, there are several ways to create your own ads for the Display Network:

There are 20 non-animated image ad sizes available on Display Network:

  • square and rectangle: 200x200, 240x400, 250x250, 250x360, 300x250, 336x280, 580x400;
  • skyscraper: 120x600, 160x600, 300x600, 300x1050;
  • full size banner: 468x60, 728x90, 930x180, 970x90, 970x250, 980x120;
  • mobile devices: 300x50, 320x50, 320x100.

“The set of elements that need to be placed on the banner depends on its size. If the banner is large, you can not be stingy and add both USP, and the logo, and the slogan of the company, the main thing is that in the end it looks harmonious and performs the main function - to attract attention target audience.

Banner is communication with the user. You need to understand the needs of your target audience and play on their feelings. What will attract the attention of the user more: a photo of a toy or a laughing child with this toy? just a photograph high-rise building or a girl with a cup of coffee on the balcony? Can't tell without a test :)

If you want to create a shopping ad, you can request images from the manufacturers of your product. If you create general ads, you can take from the library of graphic images in AdWords, Yandex also recently added a built-in library. But I would recommend photo stocks, less likely to intersect with competitors.

Based on the results of several experiments, we found out that banners with sizes of 728x90, 300x250, 160x600, 336x280 have the highest reach and CTR.”

Option 1: By template based on site pages

Using this method, you can create graphic banners - advertisements consisting of a picture.

To create banners in Google AdWords, you need to select an existing one or create one new group ads, proceed to creating ads by clicking on the "View ad options" button:

All illustrations can be clicked to view in larger size.

The first thing to do is to provide a link to the landing page (preferably not to home page site, but on the page of a service or product). You can then write a title, description, and label on the button. In the "Final URL" field, write a link marked with utm tags if necessary. Then click on the "View Options" button.

Google will offer several ad templates. Select one and proceed to editing the banner by clicking the "Edit" button:

Illustrations from the site may not pull up correctly, for example, in our case, the system put the wrong logo. To fix this, you need to click "Update Image" and select the appropriate image source in the menu that opens. Images can be taken from the advertised site, downloaded from a computer, selected from the built-in library or among downloaded images. Here you can correct the texts, change the color of the inscriptions and the background, the button and the link.

For example, this is how the window for downloading site images looks like: the advertiser needs to specify the page address, check the box, confirming that he has the right to use these images for commercial purposes. After that, the system scans the page and loads all the illustrations that it found on the page:

See what ads will look like different sizes, you can switch at the top of the Editor. Make sure that the ad looks harmonious in various formats and is self-sufficient and understandable even without a description.

As a result, you will have eight ads of the most popular formats:

Option 2: Create responsive ads

The advantage of this format is that it adapts to different sites: where possible, the ad will be text-graphic, where the use of illustrations is not possible, only the text of the ad will be displayed. In this case, the ads will be most consistent with the design of the site.

When creating a responsive ad, you need to write two title options (short and long) that will be used depending on the placement, description, advertiser company name, and add a link, images, and a logo.

An illustration can also be selected from the library, downloaded from a computer, from a website, or from downloaded ones. When adding a picture, you need to mark as a logo or image you want to use it:

Images can immediately be edited for formats by selecting the desired area of ​​the image.

Here you can also see how the ad will look in different formats:

In fact, when creating responsive ads, an advertiser creates several types of ads at once (adaptive, banner, and text):

  • Watch out for the combination of colors: the text should contrast enough with the background to be readable. Do not use too bright colors, which will ripple in the eyes.
  • Download square logos with transparent background in png format.
  • Prepare several images at once so that the target audience does not become familiar with the same banners.
  • Run different ad formats to get maximum reach.
  • Test different ad texts.
  • Add information about special offers to the ad.

Banner advertising opens up a wide range of opportunities for advertisers. A variety of formats and sizes allows you to flexibly manage ads in accordance with campaign goals. With the help of banner advertising in Google AdWords, you can not only attract visitors to the site, but also tell about promotions, special offers for your customers, new products and services. Most importantly, it can be done in the most advantageous way.

AdWords banner ads appear on the Google Display Network. The GMS includes more than 2 million sites and covers about 90% of Internet users. By placing ads here, you can broadcast ads on a variety of resources: websites, videos, mobile applications.

Advantages of banner advertising in Google AdWords:

  1. Increasing brand awareness (product, service, trademark).
  2. Target coverage. Advertising is shown only to an interested audience (interests, socio-demographic indicators of the audience, geotargeting, time targeting, the ability to interact with users who have already seen ads - remarketing).
  3. Simple control.
  4. Launch efficiency.
  5. The ability to place advertising banners on any sites.
  6. Predicted result (impressions, reach, clicks, CTR, etc.).

Finding your audience on the Google Display Network is easy. Several targeting options are available to show ads to potential customers in the right place and at the right time.

Targeting options available for setting in the Google Display Network:


    Choosing keywords for CCM, the following principles should be followed:

    • breakdown of key queries by thematic principle;
    • combining queries into groups of 5–20 keywords;
    • use of brand queries and queries on competitors' brands;
    • the keywords in the group must be related;
    • use of queries consisting of 2-3 words.
  1. Locations.

    You can independently choose sites that are close to your audience. For example, when advertising cosmetics, you can choose to place sites that are visited by a female audience - blogs, magazines, Internet portals.

    Select topics to target a range of pages on a specific topic.

    Interests and remarketing.


    • interest audiences;
    • special audiences;
    • audience of interested buyers.


    Use audiences to find new customers and keep existing ones. Lookalike audiences and in-interest audiences allow you to reach users who are highly likely to become your customers. Remarketing lists will help you re-engage users who have already visited your site.

    demographic data.

    You can select the demographic groups you want to cover. Gender, age and parental status are available for customization. For example, advertising baby food, for coverage, we select a female audience of 20-30 years old who have children.

There are many ad formats available on the Display Network. You can use your own image ads. GIF, JPG, jpg, SWF, ZIP formats are supported. You can also use responsive ads to display graphical ads, the size and design of which change depending on the format of the ad space. These ads can be prepared by yourself right in the Google interface.

  • static-banner-images (no animation)
  • animated - GIF, Flash, HTML5. These formats allow you to personalize the design by combining images and animations, interactive elements.

The requirements for different formats are also different.

Image ads without animation

File types

Formats gif, jpg, jpg
Maximum size 150 Kb
Ad sizes mm

Square and Rectangle

200x200 small square
240×400 vertical rectangle
250×250 Square
300×250 Embedded Rectangle
336x280 big rectangle
580 x 400 netboard


120x600 Skyscraper
160×600 wide skyscraper
300×1050 Book

Full size banner

468×60 Banner
728×90 Full size banner
930×180 Top banner
970x250 Notice boards
980×120 Panorama

Mobile devices

300×50 Mobile banner
320×50 Mobile banner
320x100 Big mobile banner

Animated image ads

File type gif
file size No more than 150 Kb
Image sizes mm

Square and Rectangle

200x200 small square
240×400 vertical rectangle
250×250 Square
250×360 Triple widescreen ad
300×250 Embedded Rectangle
336x280 big rectangle
580 x 400 netboard


120x600 Skyscraper
160×600 wide skyscraper
300×600 Half page ad
300×1050 Book

Full size banner

468×60 Banner
728×90 Full size banner
930×180 Top banner
970x90 Large full size banner
970x250 Notice boards
980×120 Panorama

Mobile devices

300×50 Mobile banner
320×50 Mobile banner
320x100 Big mobile banner
Animation duration and speed

The duration of the animation should not exceed 30 seconds.

Animated GIF ads must play at no more than 5 frames per second

HTML5 declarations

File types

Formats ZIP archive with HTML files (may also contain CSS, JS, GIF, jpg, JPG, JPEG and SVG files)
Ad sizes mm

Square and Rectangle

200x200 small square
240×400 vertical rectangle
250×250 Square
250×360 Triple widescreen ad
300×250 Embedded Rectangle
336x280 big rectangle
580 x 400 netboard


120x600 Skyscraper
160×600 wide skyscraper
300×600 Half page ad
300×1050 Book

Full size banner

468×60 Banner
728×90 Full size banner
930×180 Top banner
970x90 Large full size banner
970x250 Notice boards
980×120 Panorama

Mobile devices

300×50 Mobile banner
320×50 Mobile banner
320x100 Big mobile banner
Supported file sizes No more than 150 Kb

Be sure to analyze the statistics on ads. With its help, you will be able to identify the most susceptible to advertising segments of the audience. To increase the number of banner ad conversions (purchases, calls to the company), adjust the settings based on AdWords data. This will increase the effectiveness of campaigns and help you achieve your goals.

How much does advertising on Google cost?

The AdWords system works on the principle of an auction. This allows you to save money by getting best places accommodation. Three billing models are offered:

  1. Transfer payment. The best option, If advertising campaign focused on attracting additional traffic.
  2. Pay for impressions. An excellent solution in case of promotion and popularization of the brand. In this case, the advertisement will be able to be seen by a wide audience belonging to the target group.
  3. Pay per conversion. Using a tool called "Conversion Optimizer", you can set the maximum price for a certain action on the site - purchase, order, registration, etc.

If you follow all the basic principles and rules for creating and setting up banner ads on Google, you will definitely find new users interested in your services.

The fact that banner advertising on the Google Display Network is effective and fully justifies the investment has been confirmed by numerous clients of the Demis Group. You also have the opportunity to evaluate the benefits of this method of promoting a brand, product or service.

Do you want to impress your customers? beautiful graphics? With image ads, you can capture the attention of users browsing websites in . This network includes thousands of sites and applications ranging from online newspapers to blogs and Google websites. The combination of images and text will help to interest potential visitors to your web resource.

Consider an example. Let's say you're selling hand-knitted scarves online and you want to attract more customers. You can do this by creating image ads with photos of scarves and targeting online stores for clothing and accessories on the Display Network. If you're not too worried about sales volume and just want to make your brand known, then image ads can be placed on blogs or knitting forums.

An image ad is a type of AdWords ad that represents an image of an advertisement.

An image ad is an image with information about your company, products or services. When a user clicks on it, they are taken to your website.

Often, advertisers refuse to use image ads in Display Networks due to the need to involve a designer, additional costs and the duration of their implementation. But, as practice shows, graphic banners work better in display networks than text ones - they occupy a large area and attract attention with animation, colors and images. In addition, their cost is not much different from the cost of text ads, and sometimes even lower.

Image ad sizes and formats

Before creating an ad in AdWords, you need to prepare an image right size and format. Its parameters depend on where the ad should be displayed: on desktops or mobile devices.

You can use multiple ad formats in the same AdWords account (in some cases, even within the same campaign).

In Google AdWords, you can select an automatically generated ad in the section Ad Options. Such an ad automatically scales to any size and ad unit without any effort on your part. Thus, you can not only expand the campaign's reach on the Display Network, but also adapt its characteristics for mobile devices and desktop PCs.

On this moment the following static (non-animated) image file formats are available: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, SWF. Maximum size: 150 KB. The following sizes are supported:

Square (250 x 250)

Rice. 41.2. Image ad in Google AdWords Square (250 x 250).

Small square (200 x 200)

Rice. 41.3. Image ad in Google AdWords Small square (200 x 200).

Ads of this size can be displayed at the top or bottom of the page, as well as on the side of the body text.

Banner (468x60)

Rice. 41.4. Image Ad on Google AdWords Banner(468 x 60).

Full size banner (728 x 90)

Rice. 41.5. Image ad in Google AdWords Full size banner (728 x 90).

Ads of this size can appear at the top, middle, or bottom of the page.

Embedded Rectangle (300 x 250)

Rice. 41.6. Image ad in Google AdWords Embedded rectangle (300 x 250).

Ads of this size can be displayed at the top or bottom of the page, as well as on the side of the body text.

Large Rectangle (336 x 280)

Rice. 41.7. Image ad in Google AdWords Large rectangle (336 x 280).

Ads of this size can be displayed at the top or bottom of the page, as well as on the side of the body text.

Skyscraper (120 x 600)

Rice. 41.8. Image ad in Google AdWords Skyscraper (120 x 600).

Ads in this format can appear on the left or right side of the page.

Wide skyscraper (160 x 600)

Rice. 41.9. Image ad in Google AdWords Wide skyscraper (160 x 600).

How to Create an Image Ad in Google AdWords

You can create an image ad in two different ways:

  1. Take advantage of variations that AdWords generates based on the text ads you have and images from your site. You just have to select the appropriate files, modifying them if necessary.
  2. Upload a pre-made image ad.

For image ad options, follow these steps:

  1. Click Campaigns.
  2. ads.
  3. Click the button + ANNOUNCEMENT and select Graphic ad.

An image ad cannot be created if you have selected the campaign type "Display Network -> Engagement", "Display Network Only -> Settings mobile application” or “Display Network Only -> Mobile App Interaction”.

Rice. 41.10. Create an image ad in Google AdWords.
  1. In the Choose how you want to create an image ad dialog box, click the pencil icon and enter your site's URL.
  2. Click the button Create an ad.

The system will create ad variations related to your site's content.

  1. Find the most suitable one, and then click on the link in its window View all options.
  2. In the "Choose ad size" section, check the boxes next to the layouts you want and click OK.
  3. In the View Ad Options window, click the drop-down menu Choose an ad group, navigate to the desired campaign and click on the name of the ad group.
  4. Click the button Update Options.
  5. Click OK.

To upload an image ad, follow these steps:

  1. Click Campaigns.
  2. On this page, open the tab ads.
  3. Click the button + ANNOUNCEMENT and select Graphic ad.
  4. In the Choose how an image ad is created dialog box, click Download ad.
  5. Drag or select files for an image ad.
  6. Select an ad group and enter the required information.
  7. Click the button Save.

How to create effective image ads?

Display ads provide a lot of room for experimentation: by combining templates, colors and content, you can make your ads catchy and attractive.

Make the call to action prominent, such as placing it on a button

This is especially important if the ad is based on graphic elements, because the user may not know which part of the ad to click on to go to the landing page. And if the style of the ad and the site are really similar, customers may not even understand what is in front of them advertisement! Do not make users guess and search for a link for a long time.

In addition, people want to know what they will see when they click on your ad: Additional information, offer to buy or something else. Let potential customers know ahead of time what they might see.

Rice. 41.11. Call to action button.

Make your ad proportional

Text and images in a display ad block should be proportional to each other, as well as to the size of the ad as a whole. Check your ad in all sizes and adjust the images if necessary. For best results, follow these tips:

  • The images must be clear and easily recognizable and fit within the outline of the ad. They must not be cut.
  • The text should be as simple, clear and readable as possible. Lines of text must be complete and meaningful. There is nothing worse than abbreviated text!

Experiment with various options ads

Can't come up with an interesting ad? Use templates to create content based on existing image ads and images from your site. After that, you will only have to choose the appropriate options and, if necessary, correct them.

Include prices and special offers in your ad

If you have something exclusive, please let us know. Users resort to Internet searches to obtain additional information and make any choice. In order for them to turn to you, mention in the advertisement something that may interest them.

Use words like special offer, coupons, discounts, promo codes And sale so that visitors are immediately interested in your promotions.

Create a relevant landing page

Analyze the landing page - the section of the site to which the ad leads. Use a clear call to action to engage visitors. For example, if your ad includes the phrase "Call us", be sure to include a work phone number on the landing page. And if your ad has "Limited Offer" text, be sure to add that information to your landing page.

Use ads of different sizes

Create three or four ads in each group with different text and images, and then compare them. AdWords can automatically select the best-performing options and show them more often. This will allow you to act based on practical data, not guesswork.

Be mobile

Show: phones, smartphones, tablet PCs.

How to order advertising in Google AdWords

Do not want to delve into the basics of contextual google ads AdWords? Contact the professionals! We will perform preliminary analytics for you free of charge. To do this, you need to register with the Google AdWords account type. After 4-8 business hours, we will send the results, which will include information on the average cost of a click, audience size, budget forecast and instructions for further actions.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.