The life of the actress changed forever after the birth of a child. Now she is just in great demand: new projects, a new figure ... But the common-law husband and daughter Varenka are much more important.

Svetlana Permyakova and Maxim Skryabin with their daughter.

press materials.

- Svetlana, all the magazines are vying to discuss your new figure. Tired of answering diet questions yet?
— No, I was not particularly tortured with questions. But it's a shame that already in social networks they began to use my name. I learn from acquaintances that people are fooled and sold a diet from Svetlana Permyakova. This situation worries me a lot. They advise you to go to court, but I have not yet decided what to do about it. Since I lost weight with one magazine, all the stages of my weight loss were already covered in the press. Every week there was a material that told in detail what we did, what we ate, how we worked out in the gym. So I just got back into my own good shape.

- But I probably had to make serious efforts on myself, after all, 16 kg is not a joke. Do you feel like a heroine?

- But this is not all for the sake of some goal - to become famous, or something else. It's also good for health. Excess weight is a big load on the heart, joints, this cannot be afforded. Moreover, I understand that my daughter is growing, who needs to run, jump, crawl, walk. Behind her you need to bend over constantly, and excess weight- hinders. And then, God forbid, I also want to put Varyushka on his feet, and marry him off, and tinker with his grandchildren. But I'm not a hero. Any person who is going to lose weight faces difficulties. Small prohibitions, willpower. But there is a result.

— What was the most difficult? Refuse some products or more difficult to give physical exercise?

— No, there was nothing like that. I understand that not forever, not for life, I took and abandoned my favorite pickles. Or from sausage. Wow: do not eat fried meat, only boiled! (Laughs.) You can afford not to eat sweets for two or three months. And then you gradually get used to proper nutrition. And after a certain period you can already afford to eat everything, but not in the same quantities. What is called: half a bucket less. (Laughs.)

Have you bought new dresses yet?

- I still have a lot of things left from the last wardrobe, when I lost weight a year and a half ago. I can finally wear the jeans that I had dead weight in my closet again. She looked at them with envy and thought: “Oh, what I used to be, but now I can’t fit in them.” But now all the jeans fit perfectly on me, they even hang somewhere. And there is a desire to go and buy yourself something new, corresponding to the size.

- The new figure gave a start to your new life - after all, you now have the "Closet" program, where you have become the leader. How was the new proposal received?
- Thank you very much to the girls-producers, because they offered me to become the host of the "Closet" when I was not yet thin. I then asked them: “Are you sure you want me?” They said: "Yes, we have no other candidate." But I immediately answered: “Girls, in a month I will look completely different.” To which they said: “We don’t care at all ...” I say: “No, I give you my word, and above all to myself, that I will.” And she kept her word so that at some point the producers told me: “Sveta, stop losing weight already, we don’t have time to redo the measurements on your dress.” But I'm not going to do it anymore, otherwise it will be too much. I think that you can stop at 16 kg so as not to lose your own “I”. That is, that Sveta Permyakova, to which everyone is accustomed. I don’t care to be a model, but otherwise I have everything - charm, charisma, and good health and good mood.

- Did you immediately cope with the new role of the TV presenter?

She is not that new to me. After all, I worked as a radio host, then I had a six-month experience in Girls, where I watched Shelest and Tutta Larsen work. Yes, I noticed with all the “girls”: who behaved, what they said. KVN also reminds of itself, when for a whole year, together with San Sanych, Alexander Maslyakov Jr., we hosted “Outside the Game”. So everything new is a well-forgotten old.

— It seems to me that all these proposals also correspond to your character. One gets the impression that you are very easy-going, agree to any adventure ...
“If you get that impression, that’s very good. I will not dissuade anyone. (Laughs.)

— And how is it really? How easy are you?
- I am generally a positive person and am more in good mood than bad. I try to see the positive in all things. But I still weigh: what kind of proposals and what they are for. And in order not to let other people down, God forbid.

- That is, with a light character, you do not lose a sense of responsibility?

- Certainly. If I agree to something, then I am responsible for it. Once again I will have to make sure that for the people who offered me something, I will do everything efficiently and well, I will not let anyone down. In this regard, I am, of course, a very scrupulous person.

- And if you translate this into your personal life? You decided to have Varya, already at a conscious age - you gave birth to a daughter at the age of 40. That is, here you were not afraid to take responsibility for the fact that life will change dramatically?
- Of course, life changed when I got Varyuha! Such a top. But it's such a blessing that you can't refuse. Yes, there is more responsibility, you need to run home as soon as possible. Obviously, there are more new problems. With nannies, for example. But we find an alternative - and my cousin helps me, and Max and I try.

What made you decide to have a baby? Probably, one female desire was not enough. Maybe there is enough material base? After all, you did this without officially signing with Maxim.

- I think it's stupid. We have so many wonderful couples, so many men and women who do not formalize their relationship, but raise not one, but even three or four children. It is not necessary. Our daughter is growing up, the daughter has a father and mother - this is quite enough.

- Maxim, despite his age, turned out to be a good father? Are you afraid to leave Varya alone with him?

- Oh, we have Varenka - father's daughter! Therefore, I don’t worry at all when Varyusha is with dad: he will feed, and wash, and put on a diaper, and play, and entertain. Our dad is golden, thank God!

Has motherhood changed you a lot? Maybe they began to notice some new traits in themselves? Have you become more empathetic?
- Of course, I became very kind to other people's kids. When we meet and talk with other mothers, we immediately have different common topics for a conversation. There is something to talk about even with people I don’t know, because everyone immediately smiles and gives advice. I am moved along with Varyusha by all sorts of cartoons, I find charm in all games with her. It's so cool! So I took it and went back to my childhood.

- Varvara will soon be a year old, what character traits are already appearing in her? What makes her happy?
- We are now waiting for the teeth, we already have them. We say "dad", "mother", "woman", we stand on our feet. Here, you hear, we are already trying to speak our angelic language. I like that Varyusha always wakes up in a good mood, lies in bed and looks around: where is mom? And mom gets up, goes with her to the kitchen to do business, Varvara helps mom, so we work together.

- Judging by your employment, you almost never had maternity leave?
- I really wanted to sit for at least three months in order to fully devote myself to Varyusha. But it didn’t work out, my daughter and I have already started touring for a month and a half, flew with the play “Chasing Two Hares” to Luhansk. We already have a stamp in our passport - Russia and Ukraine.

- And how do you combine shooting in "Interns"?
- "Interns" is my very bright starting swallow, which I will not refuse in any case. I left for a while, because the time had come for me to give birth to Varyusha. Then we had a technical break, and now we have started filming again.

- Thanks to television, you have a bright comedic role. Do you regret that at one time you started with KVN?
But it was he who made me famous. These were vivid images Svetka and Zhanki. They were loved, they became for me Starting point. And so - well, I would work in my Perm, where I also had favorite spectators who still write: we remember you from the Youth Theater, we went to your performances. And now they are already coming with their children to see me in an entreprise in Moscow. It's nice.

- And you yourself in hometown do you visit?
- Yes, I'm coming. I have a dad, sisters, aunts, uncles there. We also visit Maxim at home. Here, in the near future we have to visit Varyushin's grandmother, who will have her 50th birthday.

- Did you easily find new friends and girlfriends in Moscow when you moved here?

- I didn’t go to an empty place, but to work. Then some of my friends came with me. Even Varyushka's godmother, Olya Selezneva, came from Sverdlovsk and lived with me when I rented a room.

- Now the housing issue has already been resolved for you, it seems?

— Yes, thank God, everything is decided. Now we are in our large three-room apartment with the whole family, just the other day. We have only pleasant chores for registration. We want to make Varyushka's room beautiful.

- Is it possible to say that now everything is so harmonious in your life that you finally feel like a real woman?

- Certainly. If all is well, we will also give birth to the second, let's hope! (Laughs.) I would like to continue some of our continuation in the future.

- Your image appeared to me like this: a strong, independent and self-sufficient woman.

- Well, I would like to look like that. In fact, I am very weak, I just need a man next to me who will pat me on the head, tell me how good I am, take pity on me. No, I feel like a 100% woman, even with a strong character.

The star of KVN and the series "Interns" Svetlana Permyakova in 2008 married the art director of one of the Moscow clubs Evgeny Bodrov. Family life the couple did not work out, after a few months the couple divorced. Even before his marriage, Eugene introduced Svetlana to Maxim Scriabin. The young man was a witness at their wedding. After the divorce, Permyakova and Scriabin, who is almost 20 years younger than her, began an affair. In 2012, Svetlana gave birth to a daughter, Varvara, from Maxim. In 2016, it became known that the lovers broke up.

Permyakova said that she had a new relationship, and with Maxim they remained friends. However, apparently, the former lovers are back together. Svetlana became the heroine of Boris Korchevnikov's program "The Fate of a Man". The actress spoke about her feelings for Scriabin.

“I immediately noticed Max. I realized that he is very mature and independent person. A man who takes full responsibility for me. He protects me, protects me, ”the artist shared.


Permyakova also made it clear that she and Maxim are together again. “But he never proposed?” Korchevnikov asked. “That's not necessary. We are together - this is the most important thing. There are so many people to whom proposals were made, rings with such stones were presented, and in a month they part with scandals, divorces, tears. We have been living for 10 years, ”said Svetlana.

The actress admitted that she was not ready to marry Maxim, but would like to marry him. “I honestly told him:“ I won’t marry you, but if I get married, then with you. And it’s mutual, ”concluded the star.

The main role in this performance was played by the charming Svetlana Permyakova. The actress fell in love with the audience in the role of a pretty donut-nurse in the TV series "Interns". The big-eyed laugher Permyakova creates an image that is dear to millions of viewers, very cozy and homely.

Svetlana Permyakova in the series "Interns".

Svetlana arrived in Tula a little tired and upset - the number of tickets sold for the performance left much to be desired. But the actress looked great - fresh peach skin, a charming smile and a perky, very young look.

— Svetlana, tell us about the project “Non-Flying Weather, or Penguin Mating Season”…

We are very happy that we came to Tula - after Moscow, this is considered a very important city of this kind. Some kind of check. Not that it's insulting, but it's a pity that many people will not come and see the performance. I don't know what's the matter. They say that the quarantine let us down a little, people are afraid to go out into crowded places. But the fact remains: we came here.

The performance is essentially a premiere. Last year we created our own theater agency Everett Production, and this is our first performance.

We call it for short - "Penguins". The performance was released, we gave birth to it before the New Year, on December 28, and the premiere show took place on February 21. We brought the second premiere show to Tula.

We are very happy for the performance and pleased that it turned out for us. We took a play by the young author Sergei Shcheglov, who, as it turned out, wrote for me for some reason - he conceived a play for me, but did not tell me about it.

True, I do not play the role that he prophesied for me in this performance. But it is much more interesting: the viewer can see me in a different light.

February 27, Tula, DCJ. On stage - Svetlana Permyakova.

This is very modern history. We get it out of time, out of space, or something. And I wanted to make it a story about love, which, as they say, all ages are submissive. Love can rush unexpectedly and anywhere.

Why penguins? Winter?

No, it can be in the summer, and at any time. We have such a leitmotif that penguins are amazing animals: they choose a female or a single male for life. And so we have a dream, like penguins: to find a single soul mate and live with her all our lives.

— You mentioned your agency. Learn more about him.

We created the agency at will, because for a long time we thought about doing something of our own. Or produce performances, or do concerts. We hope that we will be engaged not only in entreprises. Three co-founders: Maxim Skryabin ( ex-husband Svetlana, father of her daughter Varya. — Approx. auth.), myself and Evgeny Krivosheev. We all do, it turns out, a variety of things. I am responsible for creativity, Maxim and Evgeny are engaged in administrative and financial affairs.

Maxim Skryabin and Svetlana Permyakova.

- You play a lot in the entreprise in modern plays. But in the theater you have played the classics - Chekhov, Ostrovsky, Moliere ...

-... Bulgakov.

- You yourself want to tell the audience about the problems today or educate them on the example of the classics?

The classic is always alive! No matter how you take Ostrovsky, that he doesn’t have a word, then today it’s just a diamond. Unfortunately, the entreprise does not really favor the classics. And we have a dream. We are now thinking about how to make a production of the modern playwright Nikolai Kolyada "Murlen Murlo".

- He was already in your repertoire ...

We want to recreate it, breathe life into it, make a different cast, but with the same director, Valery Petrovich Medvedev. He is from Tobolsk main director Tobolsk theater. Therefore, we invite him to the production. I think that by the autumn we will have a premiere - in a new line-up, but I will play Olga again. On a new one. It turns out Olga in twenty years.

- Interesting. Perhaps with new colors?

I am very worried about this. Then I played Olga, I was 24 years old. Now I'm 44, twenty years have passed ... In general, there is a difference (laughs). But Kolyada himself is very supportive of our idea. He came to our premiere then, in the city of Lysevo, saw our performance and was shocked. Now I re-read the play and realized that it has not lost any of its relevance. People live the same way, dream the same way. That is why we decided: why not do it? And we will.

- Probably, a meeting with a character twenty years ago is the same as a meeting with a loved one whom I have not seen for a long time: nostalgia ...

Maybe ... Therefore, there is a great danger of doing something - not finishing it. And Valery Petrovich and I are still thinking: maybe I will take a different role? There is Inna and there is Olga. So, maybe I'll take the role of Inna, for me it might be more interesting. Well, let's see.

"Interns". One Land Byron, Ivan Okhlobystin and Svetlana Permyakova.

- You are known to a wide audience from television series. “Soldiers”, senior warrant officer Zhanna, “Interns”, head nurse Lyuba ... By the way, she is the favorite character of the whole country - all patients in Russian hospitals dream that your heroine will take the reins of power in their department. Because she is very caring, there is a deep feminine element there.

If that's the case, then I'm very pleased. Of course, I love this role, starred in all series with pleasure. But in this performance, I want to remove these maternal inclinations, this troublesomeness. So that the actress Svetlana Permyakova is seen differently.

- Any new TV projects are expected?

No, while the stage took me all over, which is very joyful. The scene, the family - this is such happiness, moreover, every day.

- Svetlana, you were born on February 17, two days after the Candlemas, when, according to folk beliefs, winter meets spring. What kind of person are you - winter or spring?

I really love that after my birthday, spring comes, literally right away. The next day. There is always a blizzard on my birthday… Today Easter is very late. And usually after my birthday came Maslenitsa week. I remember my mother baked pancakes, then - great post and then spring. So my birthday is such a turning point. And it seems to me that I am by nature the same turning point.

There is also a winter cold in me, and at the same time - a desire to warm, a desire to encourage, fill new life someone. I can’t consider myself either in spring or in winter, I’m just halfway in the middle.

No wonder the sign of Aquarius combines two elements - air and water. And these elements are raging in me.

- What do you want for your birthday?

The more I live, the older, the wiser I become, I understand that the main thing is to wish health first of all. Because, as it turns out, any sore can unsettle you, disrupt all your plans, turn everything around. You can wish yourself wealth, success, as much as you like and anything - from three boxes. But if there is no health, nothing will work.

Therefore, first of all, I wish health to everyone: to myself, and to my relatives and friends, and to my viewers.

From the Myslo dossier

Graduated from Perm state institute culture and art.

Member of the KVN team "Parma".

Host of the program "About the Most Important" on the TV channel "Russia".

Family: Daughter Barbara.

Selected filmography: "Soldiers", "Crazy Angel", "Interns", "Kalachi", "Housekeeper", "Big Rzhaka".

16:11 20.09.2012

I already told you about the union of 40-year-old actress Svetlana Permyakova and 20-year-old Maxim Scriabin. The other day, Maxim's mother, who is only 9 years older than the "intern" Lyuba, said in an interview with that she was persuading her son to change his mind and leave Svetlana. According to her, Permyakova bewitched the poor fellow, and in her apartment "everything is whispered about Maxim." In general, read for yourself.

- Marina, why did you dislike your daughter-in-law so much?

This terrible woman separated me from my son. Maxim and I have always had a trusting relationship, we divorced his father when my son was 12 years old, I raised him alone - and not to be manipulated by some eccentric woman now. Maxim was a witness at Permyakova's wedding, and I decided to congratulate her on the phone. She told me: “If I were younger, I would marry your son!” This immediately alarmed me. And when she moved Maxim to her place, I asked: “Do you want to raise a gigolo from a guy?” “On the contrary, I will give him the opportunity to earn money himself,” she replied. But I felt that something was wrong. How many times did Maxim try to warn! I remember that I came on vacation to them, so she did not let us be alone for a minute. We managed to talk only once, when my son and I went to an ATM to withdraw money from the card. The series "Soldiers" then stopped filming, and they were left without funds. I said: they say, she only needs a child from you. But he did not listen to my words. What did she use there and how she seduced him ... She could, in just shorts and a T-shirt, cut in front of him and with me, the mother of an adult son ...

Maxim's parents divorced when he was 12 years old

- In the summer of 2010, you moved to the city of Elektrostal near Moscow in order to be closer to son?

Certainly. My cousin went on a long business trip abroad, so I moved into his apartment in the hope that Maxim could be transported to me. But Permyakova began to prove to me that he was already used to her district, that as a director he should be with her all the time ... She let me go only on weekends and called for all sorts of nonsense, just to remind herself. Now I understand that she just bought him: she taught him how to drive, she gave him a car ...

- When you found out that their relationship went beyond business?

When Maxim was twenty years old. She called me and confessed that she had love, feelings. And what could be my reaction? She is 40, he is 20. The guy has his whole life ahead of him. She asked her son: “Go away before it’s too late! Or do you really love her? And he replied: “Before, I may have had feelings, but now I don’t know anymore ...”

- How did you know that you would become a grandmother?

I read an article online. Naturally, I cannot deny this child, yet my own, dear. I bought a cross for my granddaughter, a whole pile of children's clothes. She arrived, but it did not lead to anything good. I can't bear to see how this woman suddenly decided to play family. In my presence, she defiantly began to cover the family bed. Why did she think that I accepted their relationship? I immediately said that I would not stay in her apartment. I returned to my home in Kirov, and three days later my legs were paralyzed for nervous ground. Maxim knows that I am in the hospital, but he does not even deign to come.

Maxim and mother Marina in 2009

- He's probably busy with his daughter ...

Permyakova, naturally, binds her son to a child. At first, he asked me to take a long-term vacation to help them. She needs to act now, you see. But I said: she needed a child, let her sit with him! I don't want my son to live with her. She is a very unpleasant and vulgar person. At the age of 39, getting tattoos before giving birth - how does this characterize a woman? Now Permyakova's house seems to be in order, but before the clothes were lying everywhere and everywhere, on the shelves - lumpy. She can't wash at all. When I saw how she washing machine throws socks and underpants at the same time, and even his own and Max, I had a shock! .. But what can I do? She got into our family, regardless of anyone. I just hope my son changes his mind. I already thought about love spells, although Permyakova prays all the time - she says, she begs God for alms. But it seems to me that in her apartment everything was “whispered” to Maxim so much that he was there, like in a swamp, it was boggy and he couldn’t get out! ..

"On the channel" Russia 1 ". Moreover, the 45-year-old actress came to the studio of Boris Korchevnikov’s program not alone, but accompanied by her five-year-old daughter Varvara and her father - Maxim Scriabin, who is younger than the star "Interns » for 19 years. The couple frankly told how their relationship began, how they are developing now, and also about how they see their common future.

Maxim did not hide the fact that he met Permyakova on social networks. By the way, like Svetlana's first husband Eugene, the marriage with which, however, lasted only a couple of months. " Our meeting with Eugene was completely spontaneous. It was apparently intended from above - we should meet with him so that I could meet with Maxim, ”the guest of the show“ The Fate of a Man ”stated. The actress admitted that she immediately noticed the handsome Max, as she realized that, despite his youth, “he is an adult, responsible person, ready to take responsibility for her, protecting her and protecting her”: “In my eyes, he was always an adult man.”

Svetlana Permyakova spoke about the most personal in the show "The Fate of a Man"

Svetlana and Maxim said that everything is stable and calm in their relationship now, and they are enjoying it. However, to the question of Boris Korchevnikov, how Permyakova develops relations with her mother-in-law, the artist answered harshly: “She is not my mother-in-law. She is a grandmother for Varya, a mother for Maxim. We are not husband and wife." Korchevnikov asked the Interns star: “She didn’t accept you at all? Why?" Her beloved man answered for the actress: “Well, there are obvious reasons. There is also an age difference. And I’m alone with my mother - she wanted, dreamed and wished that I was next to her ... " According to Svetlana Permyakova, of course, there were attempts to improve relations with Maxim's mother, and everything was fine, but at some point the actress's failed mother-in-law categorically cut off that she did not want to see such an oversized lady in her son's wives.

Permyakova could not restrain herself and nevertheless spoke in the show “The Fate of a Man” about the insult to Scriabin’s mother: “To be honest, it hurts me when a person says:“ This is my granddaughter, this is my son, and you are nobody. There are only two people in my life - my granddaughter and my son." For God's sake".

Svetlana Permyakova, Maxim Skryabin and their daughter Varya

By the way, Svetlana Permyakova at the end of the program, to the question of Boris Korchevnikov, does she really want to marry the man she loves, answered: “We are together. It is most important! There are so many people to whom proposals have been made, stones have been presented, and in a month they part with scandals, with divorces, with tears. We have been living for ten years already ... God forbid, we will live with Maxim for how long there ... I need to marry Varka, I want to wait for my grandchildren ... "

“I told Max:“ I won’t marry you, but if I get married, then with you. And moreover, this is mutual, ”Svetlana Permyakova admitted in the most secret.

Svetlana Permyakova. The fate of a man with Boris Korchevnikov