Seeing the Holy One in purity, she speaks to Gabriel impudently: the most glorious of your voice is inconvenient for my soul: the birth of a seedless conception is what you say, calling: Alleluia.

Seek the incomprehensible mind, the Virgin, cry out to the servant: from the side I am clean, what is the Son to be born powerfully, the people of Mi? To Neizha, he speaks with fear, always calling to Sitse: Rejoice, advice of the inexpressible Mystery; Rejoice, silence of those who ask faith. Rejoice, beginning of Christ's miracles; Rejoice, His commands are the main thing. Rejoice, heavenly ladder, where God descends; Rejoice, bridge, bring those who are from earth to heaven. Rejoice, the many-worded miracle of Angels; Rejoice, demons' mournful defeat. Rejoice, Light inexpressibly gave birth; Rejoice, hedgehog, who taught not a single one. Rejoice, thou who surpasses the mind of the wise; Rejoice, illuminating the meanings of the faithful. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

The power of the Most High autumn then to the conception of Brakoneyskull, and the prosperous Toy is lying, like a sweet village showing, to everyone who wants to reap salvation, always sing to the song: Alleluia.

Having the God-pleasing Virgin's womb, voskhod to Elizabeth: the baby onoya abie knowing Sey's kiss, rejoicing, and playing like songs crying out to the Mother of God: Rejoice, branches of the unfading rose; Rejoice, Acquisition of the Immortal Fruit. Rejoice, making the Worker the Lover of mankind; Rejoice, giving birth to our life-giver. Rejoice, nivo, growing bounty of bounty; Rejoice, table, carrying an abundance of cleansing. Rejoice, for you flourish like a food paradise; Rejoice, for you are preparing a haven for souls. Rejoice, pleasant prayer censer; Rejoice, purification of the whole world. Rejoice, God's good will towards mortals; Rejoice, boldness of mortals to God. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Having a storm inside, having doubtful thoughts, the chaste Joseph is confused, to Thee in vain unmarried, and thinking of a spoiled one, Immaculate; having led away your conception from the Holy Spirit, he said: Alleluia.

Hearing the shepherd of the Angels singing the carnal coming of Christ, and flowing as if to the Shepherd, they see This, like a blameless lamb, saved in the womb of Mary, Deciding more singing: Rejoice, Lamb and Shepherd Mother; rejoice, yard of verbal sheep. Rejoice, torment of invisible enemies; Rejoice, opening of heavenly doors. Rejoice, for the heavenly ones rejoice in the earthly; Rejoice, as the earthly ones rejoice in the heavenly ones. Rejoice, silent mouth of the apostles; Rejoice, invincible insolence of the passion-bearers. Rejoice, firm faith affirmation; Rejoice, knowledge of bright grace. Rejoice, Yehuzhe bare hell; Rejoice, Yehuzhe clothed with glory. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

The divine star was seen by the Volsvi, then following the dawn, and like a lamp holding me, then I will test the strong King, and having reached the Incomprehensible, rejoicing, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

When you see the children of the Chaldeans at the hand of the Maiden, Who created the hands of men, and the Lord who understands Him, and even the slave, the ghost is pleasant, darting to serve Him, and cry out Blessed: Rejoice, Stars of the unsetting Mother; Rejoice, dawn of the mysterious day. Rejoice, quenching the charms of the oven; Rejoice, Enlightening Trinity mysteries. Rejoice, sweeping away the inhuman tormentor from the authorities; Rejoice, thou who didst show Christ the Lord, the Lover of mankind. Rejoice, deliverer of the barbarian ministry; Rejoice, timenia that removes deeds. Rejoice, quenching the fire of worship; Rejoice, changeling flame of passions. Rejoice, faithful teacher of chastity; rejoice, joy of all kinds. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Preachers of God-bearing, formerly Volsvi, returning to Babylon, having finished Your prophecy, and preaching Thee Christ to all, leaving Herod like a bible, not leading to sing: Alleluia.

Resplendent in Egypt, the enlightenment of truth, drove away the darkness of lies: idols of him, Savior, who cannot endure Your strength, fall, who are now delivered crying to the Theotokos: Rejoice, correction of men; Rejoice, downfall of demons. Rejoice, having corrected the charms of the state; Rejoice, denounced idol flattery. Rejoice, sea that drowned the mental pharaoh; Rejoice, stone that gave drink to those who thirst for life. Rejoice, pillar of fire, instruct beings in darkness; Rejoice, cover of the world, widest clouds. Rejoice, food, receiver of manna; Rejoice, sweetness of the holy servant. Rejoice, land of promise; Rejoice, honey and milk flow from the unkempt. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Wanting Simeon to pass away from the present age, the charming one, thou hast gone away like a baby to him, but thou hast known to him the perfect God. The same wonder at Your indescribable wisdom, calling: Alleluia.

A new show of creation, the Creator appeared to us from Him who was, from a seedless womb, and having preserved Yu, as if incorruptible, but seeing a miracle, let us sing to Yu, crying out: Rejoice, flower of incorruption; rejoice, crown of temperance. Rejoice, the image of the resurrection, covering; Rejoice, manifesting angelic life. Rejoice, brightly fruitful tree, faiths feed on worthless things; Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, by which many are covered. Rejoice, carrying the Redeemer to the captives in the womb; Rejoice, giving birth to the Mentor for the lost. Rejoice, Judge of the righteous supplication; Rejoice, forgiveness of many sins. Rejoice, garment of naked boldness; Rejoice, love, conqueror of every desire. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Having seen a strange Christmas, let us move away from the world, the mind has gone to heaven: for this reason, for the sake of a high God, a humble person appears on earth, even if you draw to the heights of Tom crying: Alleluia.

All the same in the lower and higher places, the indescribable Word does not recede: the descent of the Divine, but the passing of the local was, and the birth of the Blessed Virgin, hearing this: Rejoice, God's incapable receptacle; Rejoice, honest mystery of the door. Rejoice, doubtful hearing of the infidels; Rejoice, well-known praise of the faithful. Rejoice, chariot of the Most Holy Existing One on Cherubim; Rejoice, glorious village of Jehovah on Seraphimeh. Rejoice, you who gathered the opposite in the same way; Rejoice, virginity and Christmas combined. Rejoice, Yehuzhe resolved the crime; Rejoice, Eyuzhe opened paradise. Rejoice, key to the Kingdom of Christ; Rejoice, hope of eternal blessings. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Every angelic nature marveled at the great work of your incarnation; impregnable for like God, who sees all the approaching Man, so dwells for us, hearing from everyone: Alleluia.

Vetia is multi-talked, like a silent fish we see about You, the Mother of God, they are perplexed to say, even if the Virgin is still, and you were able to give birth. We, marveling at the mystery, truly cry out: Rejoice, friend of the wisdom of God, rejoice, His providence treasure. Rejoice, revealing the unwise wisdom; Rejoice, cunning wordless denunciator. Rejoice, for you have wrapped yourself in a wicked seeker; Rejoice, for the fabulists have withered. Rejoice, tearing Athenian weaving; Rejoice, fulfilling fishermen's tricks. Rejoice, thou who drawest from the depths of ignorance; Rejoice, enlightener of many in the mind. Rejoice, ship of those who want to be saved; Rejoice, haven of life's voyages. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kondak 10

At least save the world, Who is the Decorator of all, to this he is self-promised to come, and this Shepherd, like God, for the sake of us, a man appears for us: likewise calling like that, as God hears: Alleluia.

Thou art a wall to the virgins, Virgin Mother of God, and to all who resort to Thee: for the Creator of heaven and earth arrange Thee, Most Pure One, dwell in Thy womb, and teach Thee to invite all: Rejoice, pillar of virginity; rejoice, door of salvation. Rejoice, head of the mental building; Rejoice, giver of Divine goodness. Rejoice, for you have renewed those who were conceived with cold; Rejoice, for you have punished those who were robbed by the mind. Rejoice, exercising corruption of meanings; Rejoice, giving birth to the Sower of purity. Rejoice, devil of seedless dismay; Rejoice, thou who united the faithful of the Lord. Rejoice, kind nursemaid of the virgins; Rejoice, bride-groom of the souls of the saints. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kondak 11

All singing is conquered, striving for the multitude of Thy many bounties: even if we bring Thee, the Holy King, we bring nothing worthy of the sand, even though Thou hast given us, Thee crying out: Alleluia.

The light-receiving candle that exists in the darkness, we see the Holy Virgin, the immaterial bo burning fire, instructs the whole to the Divine mind, the dawn enlightens the mind, and is revered by the title, by these: Rejoice, ray of the intelligent Sun; Rejoice, luminary of the unstoppable Light. Rejoice, lightning, enlightening souls; Rejoice, for fear is the enemy's thunder. Rejoice, as you shine enlightenment with many light; Rejoice, for you exude a river that flows many times. Rejoice, font painting the image; Rejoice, sinful defilement. Rejoice, bath, washing conscience; rejoice, cup, drawing joy. Rejoice, smell of Christ's fragrance; Rejoice, belly of secret joy. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kondak 12

Desiring grace to give, debts of the ancients, all debts, the Resolver of man, having come by Himself to those who have departed from That grace, and tearing apart the handwriting, hears from all sitse: Alleluia.

Singing Thy Nativity, we praise Thee all, like an animated temple, the Mother of God: in Thy womb, for dwelling in the womb, hold the whole hand of the Lord, sanctify, glorify and teach you to cry out to you all: Rejoice, village of God and the Word; rejoice, great holy of holies. Rejoice, ark, gilded with the Spirit; Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of life. Rejoice, honest crown of pious people; Rejoice, honest praise of the reverent priests. Rejoice, unshakable pillar of the church; Rejoice, indestructible wall of the Kingdom. Rejoice, victories will be erected by her; Rejoice, Yehuzhe oppose them. Rejoice, healing of my body; Rejoice, salvation of my soul. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Kondak 13

Oh, All-singing Mother, who gave birth to all the saints, the Most Holy Word! Having accepted the present offering, deliver everyone from every misfortune, and future torments crying out about You: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

(Kontakion is read three times)

An angel of intercession from heaven was sent to speak to the Mother of God: Rejoice, and with a bodiless voice incarnate You in vain, Lord, terrified and standing, calling to Her like this: Rejoice, her joy will shine; Rejoice, Eyuzhe the oath will disappear. Rejoice, call of fallen Adam; Rejoice, deliverance of Evin's tears. Rejoice, height inconvenient for human thoughts; Rejoice, depth incomprehensible and angelic eyes. Rejoice, for thou art the Tsar's seat; Rejoice, for you bear the One who bears all. Rejoice, Star that manifests the Sun; Rejoice, womb of the Divine Incarnation. Rejoice, through which the creature is renewed; rejoice, we worship the Creator. Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

The chosen Governor is victorious, as if having got rid of the evil ones, with thanksgiving we will describe Thy servants, Mother of God; but as if you have an invincible power, free us from all troubles, let us call Thee: rejoice, Bride of the Unmarried.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, exalt all the Angel and Archangel, and all the most honest creatures, helper of the offended, hopeless hope, poor intercessor, sad consolation, hungry nurse, naked robe, sick healing, sinful salvation, Christians of all help and intercession. Oh, All-merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God, Lady, by Your mercy, save and have mercy on the most holy Orthodox patriarchs, His Grace Metropolitans, archbishops and bishops and the entire priestly and monastic rank, and all Orthodox Christians, protect Your honest robe; and beseech, Madam, from you without a seed incarnate Christ our God, may he gird us with His power from above, against our invisible and visible enemies. Oh, all-merciful Lady Lady Mother of God! Raise us up from the depths of sin and deliver us from famine, destruction, from cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from finding foreigners and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from the attack of the enemy, and from corrupting winds, and from deadly ulcers, and from all evil. Grant, Madam, peace and health to Your servants, to all Orthodox Christian, and enlighten their minds, and the eyes of the heart, hedgehog to salvation; and vouchsafe us, Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God; as if His power is blessed and glorified, with His Father without beginning, and with the Most Holy, and Good, and His Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

O Blessed Virgin Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Hear the many-painful sigh of our soul, look from the height of Thy saint upon us, with faith and love, worshiping Thy most pure image. Behold, we are immersed in sins and overwhelmed with sorrows, looking at Your image, as if You live with us, we offer our humble prayers. No imams for any other help, no other intercession, no consolation, only to You, O Mother of all those who grieve and burdened. Help us weak, quench our sorrow, guide us on the right path, the erring ones, heal and save the hopeless, grant us other time of our belly in peace and silence, give us a Christian death, and at the terrible judgment of Your Son, the merciful Intercessor will appear to us, yes always we sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who pleased God. Amen.

The Mother of God is the Queen of Heaven, the spiritual Mother of all people on earth. The Church calls the Mother of God not just a saint, but the Most Holy, super-holy Virgin. Icons of the Mother of God sometimes appeared to people as a result of a miracle, and by praying to the Mother of God, virgin rejoice, the Mother of God has repeatedly shown miracles.

Prayers to the Mother of God

“My queen, my Hope, Mother of God, Friend of orphans and strange Representatives, grieving Joy, offended Patron!

See my trouble, see my sorrow; help me, as if I am weak, feed me, as if strange!

Offend my weight - resolve that one, like you will!

As if there is no other imam of help, except for You, neither another Representative, nor a good Comforter, only You, O Mother of God!

Yes, save me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

All prayers to the Mother of God: Virgin Mother of God rejoice, repentance and thanksgiving prayers

The Mother of God is our intercessor in Heaven. Despite the fact that not many testimonies about the earthly life of the Virgin Mary have come down to us, which we can learn about from the Gospel, we are well aware that the Mother of God has helped believers more than once. The Savior said to the Apostle John, “Behold, your Mother!” (John 19:27). But these words are addressed not only to the Disciple of Christ. Mother of God - Mother of all people.

Prayers of Thanksgiving to the Most Holy Theotokos

Song of Praise to the Most Holy Theotokos

To you, Mother of God, we praise; We confess thee, Mary, the Virgin Mary; Thee, the eternal Father, the Daughter, the whole earth magnifies. All the Angels and Archangels and all the Beginnings humbly serve you; All the Powers, Thrones, Dominations and all the exceeding Powers of heaven obey you. Cherubim and Seraphim rejoicingly stand before you and cry out with an unceasing voice: Holy Mother of God Mother, heaven and earth are full of the majesty of the glory of the fruit of your womb. The Mother praises the glorious apostolic face of her Creator; Thee are many martyrs, the Mother of God magnifies; The glorious host of confessors of God the Word calls the temple to you; The dominating half of virginity preach an image to you; All heavenly armies praise the Queen of Heaven to you. The Holy Church glorifies you throughout the universe, honoring the Mother of God; He exalts thee the true King of heaven, the Maiden. You are the Lady Angel, You are the door of Paradise, You are the ladder of the Kingdom of Heaven, You are the King's chamber of glory, You are the ark of piety and grace, You are the abyss of bounty, You are the refuge of sinners. You are the Mother of the Savior, You are the liberation for the sake of a captive person, you perceived God in the womb. You have trampled on the enemy; You opened the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven to the faithful. You stand at the right hand of God; You pray to God for us, Virgin Mary, who will judge the living and the dead. We ask you, Intercessor before Your Son and God, Who redeem us with Your blood, so that we receive retribution in eternal glory. Save Thy people, Mother of God, and bless Thy inheritance, as if we were partakers of Thy inheritance; forbid and keep us even to the age. Every day, O Most Holy One, we wish to praise and please Thee with our hearts and lips. Grant, Most Merciful Mother, now and always from sin, save us; have mercy on us, Intercessor, have mercy on us. Be Thy mercy on us, as if we trust in Thee forever. Amen.

Prayers of supplication to the Most Holy Theotokos

Rejoice Virgin Mary

Before the Dormition, the Mother of God

Prayer 1st

To whom shall I cry, Lady? To whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to Thee, Queen of Heaven? Who will receive my weeping and my sighing, if not You, Immaculate One, the hope of Christians and the refuge of us sinners? Who else will protect you in misfortune? Hear my groaning and incline Your ear to me, the Lady of the Mother of my God, and do not despise me, demanding Your help, and do not reject me, a sinner. Reason and teach me, Queen of Heaven; do not depart from me, Thy servant, Lady, for my murmuring, but wake me Mother and Intercessor. I entrust myself to Your merciful protection: bring me, a sinner, to a quiet and serene life, and cry for my sins. To whom shall I resort guilty, if not to Thee, the hope and refuge of sinners, with hope for Thy inexpressible mercy and Thy bounty we enshrine? O Lady, Queen of Heaven! You are my hope and refuge, cover and intercession and help. My Queen, Favorable and quick Intercessor, cover my sins with Your intercession, protect me from enemies visible and invisible; soften hearts evil people who rise up against me. O Mother of the Lord my Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity. Oh Mother of God! Give me help to those who are weak with carnal passions and who are sick of the heart, for Yours alone and with You Your Son and our God imam intercession; and by Your wonderful intercession, may I be delivered from all misfortune and misfortune, O Immaculate and Most Glorious Mother of God Mary. The same with hope, I say and cry: Rejoice, Blessed One; rejoice, overjoyed; Rejoice, Blessed One: The Lord is with you!

Prayer 2

My Tsarina Preblagaya, my hope, Mother of God, Friend of orphans and strange Representatives, grieving Joy, offended Patron! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me, as if I am weak, feed me, as if strange. I’ll offend my weight, resolve it, as if you will: as if I don’t have another help for You, or another Representative, or a good Comforter, only You, O Bogomati, as if you save me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 3rd

O Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord Most High, Intercessor and Protector of all who resort to You! Look from the height of Your saints on me, a sinner (name), falling to Your pure image; hear my warm prayer and bring it before your Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; implore Him, may it illuminate my gloomy soul with the light of His Divine grace, may it deliver me from all need, sorrow and illness, may it send me a quiet and peaceful life, health of body and soul, may my suffering heart die and heal its wounds, may it guide me for good deeds, let my mind be cleansed from vain thoughts, but having taught me the fulfillment of His commandments, let it deliver from eternal torment and let it not deprive me of His Kingdom of Heaven. O Holy Mother of God! You, “Joy of All Who Sorrow,” hear me, the mournful one; You, called "Assuagement of Sorrow", quench my sorrow as well; You, “Burning Kupino”, save the world and all of us from the harmful fiery arrows of the enemy; You, "Seeker of the Lost", do not let me perish in the abyss of my sins. On Tya, according to Bose, all my hope and hope. Be my Intercessor in my temporary life, and about eternal life before Your Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Intercessor. Teach me to serve that with faith and love, but to you, Most Holy Mother of God, Blessed Mary, reverently honor until the end of my days. Amen.

Prayer 4th

The Virgin Mistress of the Theotokos, who bore the Savior Christ and our God in her womb, I place all my hope in You, I trust in You, the highest of all Heavenly powers. You, Most Pure One, guard me with Your Divine Grace. Manage my life and guide according to the holy will of Your Son and our God. Grant me the remission of sins, be my refuge, cover, protection and guide, leading me to eternal life. In the terrible hour of death, do not leave me, my Lady, but hasten to help me and rescue me from the bitter torment of demons. For in your will you have power; do this, as truly the Mother of God and dominating over everything, Receive the venerable and the only gifts brought to you from us unworthy servants of yours, the most merciful, all-holy Lady of the Mother of God, chosen from all generations, who turned out to be the highest of all creatures of heaven and earth. Inasmuch as through Thee we have come to know the Son of God, through Thee the Lord of hosts has become with us, and we have become worthy of His holy Body and Blood, then blessed are You throughout the generations of generations, most God-blessed, most holy of the Cherubim and most glorious of the Seraphim; and now, chanted, All-Holy Theotokos, do not stop pleading for us, Thy unworthy servants, to get rid of every wiles of the evil one and from every extreme, and keep us unharmed with every poisonous attack. Even to the end, by Your prayers, keep us uncondemned, and saved by Your intercession and Your help, we will always send glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship to the one God in the Trinity and the Creator of all. Good and blessed Lady, Mother of the good, all-good and most good God, look at the prayer of Your unworthy and indecent servant with Your merciful eye, and act with me according to the great mercy of Your indescribable kindness and do not look at my sins, both in word and in deed, and made with every feeling, arbitrarily and involuntarily, with knowledge and out of ignorance, and renew all of me, making the temple of the all-holy, life-giving and dominating Spirit, which is the power of the Most High, and overshadowed Your all-pure womb, and dwelt in it. For You are the helper of the troubled, the representative of the distressed, the savior of the overwhelmed, the haven of the troubled, the protector and intercessor of those in extremes. Grant to Your servant contrition, silence of thoughts, constancy of thought, a chaste mind, sobriety of the soul, a humble way of thinking, a holy and sober mood of the spirit, a prudent and well-organized disposition, which serves as a sign of spiritual composure, also piety and peace, which our Lord gave to His disciples. May my supplication come to Thy holy temple and to the habitation of Thy glory; May my eyes exhaust the sources of tears, and may You wash me with my own tears, whiten with streams of my tears, cleansing me from the filth of passions. Erase the handwriting of my sins, dispel the clouds of my sorrow, the darkness and confusion of thoughts, remove from me the storm and the desire of passions, keep me in serenity and silence, expand my heart with spiritual expansion, rejoice and rejoice me with unspeakable joy, unceasing joy, so that by the right paths of the commandments Thy Son, I walked faithfully and with an unreproachable conscience I went through an uncomplaining life. Give me, who prays before You, a pure prayer, so that with an unperturbed mind, unwandering reflection and with an insatiable soul, I constantly day and night learn the words of the Divine Scriptures, sing in confession, and in the joy of my heart bring prayer to the glory, honor and magnificence of the only-begotten Son Yours and our Lord Jesus Christ. He deserves all glory, honor and worship now, and always, and forever and ever! Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, St. Ephrem the Syrian

The Virgin, the Mistress of the Mother of God, more than nature and words, gave birth to the only-begotten Word of God, the Creator and Master of all visible and invisible creatures, the One from the Trinity of God, God and Man, who became the abode of the Divine, the receptacle of all holiness and grace, in which, by the good pleasure of God and the Father , with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, bodily dwelt the Fullness of the Godhead; incomparably exalted with divine dignity and prevailing over every creature, Glory and Consolation, and the inexpressible joy of the Angels, the royal crown of the apostles and prophets, the miraculous and miraculous courage of the martyrs, the Defender in exploits and the Giver of victory, who prepares for the ascetics crowns and rewards eternal and divine, honor and the glory of the saints, the infallible Waypointer and Mentor of silence, the door of revelations and spiritual mysteries, the Source of Light, the gates of eternal life, the inexhaustible river of mercy, the inexhaustible sea of ​​all divine gifts and miracles, we ask you and implore you, most compassionate Mother of the philanthropic Master, be merciful to us , humble and unworthy of Your servants, look graciously at our captivity and humility, heal the crushing of our souls and bodies, scatter visible and invisible enemies, be for us, unworthy, before the face of our enemies a strong pillar, a battle weapon, a strong militia, Voyevoda and invincible Defender, now show us Your ancient and wonderful mercy, so that our lawless enemies will know that Your Son and God are the only King and Master, that You are truly the Theotokos, who gave birth to the true God in the flesh, that everything is possible for You, and whatever you desire, Mistress, you have the power to do all this in Heaven and on earth, and for every request to grant what is useful to someone: health to the sick, silence and good navigation on the sea. Travel and protect those who travel, save the captives from bitter slavery, console the sad, alleviate poverty and all other bodily suffering: free everyone from spiritual illnesses and passions, through Your invisible intercessions and suggestions, so that, having well and unstumblingly made the path of this temporary life, we would improve through You and these eternal blessings in the Kingdom of Heaven. Faithful, honored by the terrible name of Thy Only Begotten Son, who trust in Thy intercession and in Thy mercy, and in everything who have Thee as their Intercessor and Champion, strengthen invisibly against the surrounding enemies, dispel the cloud of despondency that envelops their souls, deliver them from spiritual conditions and give them light complacency and joy, restoring peace and serenity in their hearts. Save with your prayers, the Lady, this flock, predominantly dedicated to you, the whole city and country, from hunger, earthquake, drowning, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, and turn away every anger righteously moved against us, by the goodwill and grace of the only-begotten Son and Thy God, to Him befits all glory, honor and worship, with His Father Without Beginning, with His Co-eternal and Life-Giving Spirit, now and always, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer invocation to the Most Holy Theotokos, St. John of Kronstadt

Oh, Lady! Yes, not in vain and in vain do we call You the Mistress: reveal and manifest over us Your holy, living, active dominion. Reveal, for you can do everything for good, as the Mother of the all-good of the all-good King; disperse the darkness of our hearts, reflect the arrows of crafty spirits, flatteringly moved at us. May the peace of Thy Son, Thy peace reign in our hearts, may we all joyfully exclaim: who is after the Lord, like our Lady, our all-good, all-merciful and most swift Intercessor? For this you are exalted, Mistress, for that an abundance of unspeakable divine grace has been given to you, for that inexpressible boldness and strength at the throne of God and the gift of almighty prayer have been given to you, for this you have been adorned with indescribable holiness and purity, for this you have been given unapplied power from the Lord, so that you can preserve, protect, intercede, purify and save us, the inheritance of your Son and God, and yours. Save us, O most pure, all-good, all-wise and all-merciful! You are the Mother of our Savior, Who of all names deigned to be called the Savior more than anyone else. It is natural for us, wandering in this life, to fall, for we are overlaid with many-passionate flesh, surrounded by spirits of malice in high places, seducing to sin, we live in an adulterous and sinful world, seducing to sin; and You are above all sin, You are the brightest Sun, You are the Most Pure, All-good and All-pleasing, You tend to cleanse us, defiled by sins, as a mother cleanses her children, if we call on You humbly for help, You tend to raise us, who are constantly falling, to intercede to protect and save us, who are slandered by the spirits of evil, and to instruct us to walk towards every path of salvation.

Prayer to the Mother of God

What to pray to You, what to ask of You? You see everything, you know Itself: look into my soul and give her what she needs. You, who have endured everything, overcome everything, you will understand everything. You, who raised the Child in a manger and accepted Him with Your hands from the Cross, You alone know the whole height of joy, all the oppression of grief. You, who received the whole human race as an adoption, look at me with maternal care. Lead me from the shadows of sin to Your Son. I see a tear that irrigated Your face. It's over me You spilled it and let it wash away the traces of my sins. Here I have come, I am standing, I am waiting for Your response, O Mother of God, O All-Singing, O Mistress! I don't ask for anything, I just stand before You. Only my heart, a poor human heart, exhausted in anguish for truth, I cast down to Your Most Pure Feet, Lady! May all who call upon You reach the eternal day with You and bow down before You face to face.

Mother of God Rule

The Theotokos Rule was written for Orthodox Christians and marks fifteen main milestones in the earthly life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Therefore, the rule is divided into fifteen parts. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov blessed his spiritual children to read the rule 150 times a day in the Diveevo Monastery. It is believed that in the cell of Seraphim of Sarov lay old book with descriptions of miracles performed through the prayers of the Theotokos, the Virgin Mary rejoice, the Theotokos rule and other prayers. Reading the rule is an important part of spiritual life, this prayer helps to remember how difficult spiritual path The Mother of God, who gave birth to our Savior Jesus Christ, passed by.

Rejoice Virgin Mary

Rejoice Virgin Mary

Every day, 150 times “Rejoice in the Mother of God Virgin ...” is read:
Rejoice, Mother of God Virgin Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

If, out of habit, it will be difficult to overcome 150 times daily, you should read 50 times at first. After each ten, one should read "Our Father" and "Mercy Door" once:

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Open the doors of mercy to us, blessed Mother of God, who hope in Thee, let us not perish, but let us be delivered from troubles by Thee: Thou art the salvation of the Christian race.

Below is a diagram in which Vladyka Seraphim (Zvezdinsky) put his prayers to Ever-Virgin Mary. Fulfilling the rule of the Theotokos, he prayed for the whole world and embraced this rule throughout the life of the Queen of Heaven.

After each ten, additional prayers are read, such as those listed below:

First ten. Remembering Christmas Holy Mother of God. We pray for mothers, fathers and children.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, save and save Your servants (names of parents and relatives), and rest those who died with the saints in Your eternal glory.

Second ten. We recall the Entry into the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We pray for those who have gone astray and fallen away from the Church.

O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, save and preserve and unite (or join) to the holy Orthodox Church your lost and fallen servants (names).

Third ten. We remember the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. We pray that the Mother of God will satisfy our sorrows and for the consolation of those who mourn.

Oh, Most Holy Lady of the Mother of God, quench our sorrows and send consolation to the grieving and sick of Your servants (names).

Fourth ten. We remember the Meeting of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Righteous Elizabeth. We pray for the reunification of the separated, who have loved ones or children who are separated or are missing.

Oh, Most Holy Lady of the Mother of God, unite in separation Thy servants (names).

Fifth decade. We remember the Nativity of Christ, we pray for the rebirth of souls, for a new life in Christ.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, grant me, who was baptized into Christ, put on Christ.

Sixth ten. We remember the Presentation of the Lord, and the word prophesied by Saint Simeon: “And the weapon will pierce the soul of You.” We pray that the Theotokos will meet the soul at the hour of her death and will make it worthwhile with her last breath to partake of the Holy Mysteries and lead the soul through terrible ordeals.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, vouchsafe me with my last breath to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and lead my soul through terrible ordeals yourself.

Seventh ten. We remember the flight to Egypt of the Mother of God with the Divine Infant, we pray that the Queen of Heaven would help to avoid temptations in this life and save us from misfortunes.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, do not lead me into temptation in this life and deliver me from all misfortunes.

Eight ten. We recall the disappearance of the twelve-year-old child Jesus in Jerusalem and the sorrow of the Mother of God over this. We pray, asking the Mother of God for the constant Jesus Prayer.

O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Most Pure Virgin Mary, grant me the unceasing Jesus Prayer.

Ninth ten. We recall the miracle in Cana of Galilee, when the Lord turned water into wine according to the word of the Mother of God: "They have no wine." We ask the Mother of God for help in business and deliverance from need.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, help me in all my affairs and deliver me from all needs and sorrows.

Ten ten. We remember how the Mother of God stood at the Cross of the Lord, when sorrow, like a weapon, pierced Her soul. We ask the Mother of God to strengthen our spiritual strength and pray to drive away despondency.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Blessed Virgin Mary, strengthen my spiritual strength and drive away despondency from me.

Eleventh ten. We remember the Resurrection of Christ and prayerfully ask that the Mother of God strengthen our soul and give new vigor to the feat.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, resurrect my soul and grant me constant readiness for a feat.

Twelfth ten. We remember the Ascension of Christ, at which the Mother of God was present. We pray and ask the Queen of Heaven to elevate the soul from earthly vain amusements and direct it towards the aspiration to the heavenly.

O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, deliver me from vain thoughts and grant me a mind and a heart striving for the salvation of the soul.

Thirteenth decade. We remember the Zion Upper Room and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Mother of God and pray: “Create a pure heart in me, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit away from me.”

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, send down and strengthen the grace of the Holy Spirit in my heart.

Fourteenth decade. We remember the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos and ask for a peaceful and serene death.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, grant me a peaceful and serene end.

Fifteenth decade. We remember the glory of the Mother of God, with which the Mother of God is crowned by the Lord after Her relocation from earth to heaven, and we pray the Queen of Heaven not to leave the faithful who exist on earth, but to protect them from all evil, covering them with Her honest omophorion.

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, save me from all evil and cover me with Your honest omophorion.

Rejoice Virgin Mary

It is worthy to eat as if truly blessed Theotokos, Blessed and Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.

In Russian
It is truly worthy to glorify Thee, Mother of God, eternally happy and most holy, and the Mother of our God. And we glorify You, the true Mother of God, the most honest of the Cherubim and the incomparably more glorious Seraphim, who without violation of virginity gave birth to the Son of God.

Worthy- fair. Truly- truly, completely. God bless you to please you, to glorify you. blessed- happy. immaculate- in the highest degree immaculate, most holy. Decay- damage, destruction. Without incorruption- without violation (virginity). Existing- true.
Who are we glorifying with this prayer?
With this prayer we glorify the Most Holy Theotokos.
Who are Cherubim and Seraphim?
Cherubim and Seraphim are the highest and closest angels to God. The Blessed Virgin Mary, as having given birth to God in the flesh, is incomparably higher than them.
Who is God the Word?
God the Word is the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Why is the Son of God called the Word?
The Son of God is called the Word (John 1:14) because, when He lived in the flesh on earth, He revealed, that is, showed us the invisible Father God, just as our word reveals or shows the thought that is in our soul.

Note: yes short prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, which we should pronounce as often as possible.

This prayer: Holy Mother of God, save us!

Rejoice Virgin Mary

Virgin Mother of God rejoice, the Mother of God helps through the prayers of the faithful. “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls”

Mother of God (Virgin Mary) - who gave birth to God.

Rejoice is a common form of greeting common in the East.

Gracious - full of the grace of God; letters. blessed.

Blessed - blessed.

In wives - among women.

Like the Savior you gave birth - for you gave birth to the Savior.
Words rejoice, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women taken from the greeting of the Archangel Gabriel, when he announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary about the birth of the Son of God from Her according to the flesh (Lk. 1, 28).

Words Blessed are you in women mean that the Theotokos, as the Mother of God, is glorified more than all other women (Luke 1:42; Ps. 44:18).

Words blessed is the fruit of thy womb taken from the greeting of the righteous Elizabeth, when the Holy Virgin Mary, after the annunciation, wished to visit her (Luke 1:42).

fruit of the womb Hers is the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

On Ecumenical Council once said the words: “Whoever reads with attention 150 times the prayer “Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice ...”, he will gain a special Protection of the Mother of God over himself”.

IN difficult moments Orthodox read a prayer to the Mother of God, Virgin Mother of God, rejoice. People pray for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in any difficulties and for help in any endeavors.

Through the prayer of the Theotokos, virgin, rejoice, the Theotokos answers the faithful. You can read it at any time. Any prayer according to our faith can become miraculous. There are no prayers for special occasions”- for health, good luck, so that the Queen of Heaven helps in work or study. This is considered superstition. People pray in front of a certain icon of the Mother of God, as their soul tells them.

Virgin Mother of God rejoice in Greek

Rejoice Virgin Mother of God (Moldavian choir)

Hail to the Mother of God Virgin, choir of the Kovil Monastery from Serbia

Hail to the Mother of God Virgin of the Resurrection Monastery

Rejoice Virgin Mary, Valaam

If the prayer of the righteous can do much, then the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos is all the more powerful.

Even during Her earthly life, She found grace from the Lord and turned to Him with intercession for those who asked for Her help and intercession.

The Most Holy Mother of God was honored with special grace and closeness to the Throne of God after Her Dormition. She moved to Heaven not only in order to abide in the radiance and majesty of the Divine Glory of Her Son, but also in order to intercede for us with Her prayers before Him. "Rejoice! I am with you all the days," She said, appearing to the holy apostles.

The Blessed Virgin, living on earth, herself experienced the same hardships, need, troubles and misfortunes that we also experience. She experienced the sorrow of the suffering on the cross and the death of her Son. She knows our infirmities, needs and sorrows. Each of our sins causes Her suffering, and at the same time, each of our troubles finds Her sympathy. What mother does not care for her children and is not heartbroken by their misfortunes? What mother leaves them without her help and attention? The Mother of God is always ready to give us timely help.

The Mother of God shines like the sun and warms us with the rays of Her love and enlivens our souls with the grace given to Her by God. By Her Spirit She always abides on earth. When Blessed Andrew the Fool-for-Christ, like the Apostle Paul, was caught up by the spirit into the heavenly abodes and saw the Lord there, he began to grieve, not seeing the Most Pure Theotokos. But the Angel told him that She had gone into the world to help people.

We are all burdened with sorrows, life's adversities, illnesses and misfortunes, for we all sin. The Word of God says that there is no person who has lived on earth and has not sinned. But God is the highest Love, and out of love for His Mother and for us, He accepts Her prayers. We believe in Her constant intercession and intercession for us sinners before the Merciful and Humanitarian God and in the power of Her prayers. Let us resort to Her as to a quiet and kind refuge and diligently call on Her all-holy and all-singing name. And She will not leave us with the unexpected joy of salvation.

Prayers for the intercession of the Virgin

Ideally, this prayer is better to say before the icon "Seven-shot" (Softening of evil hearts), but any other image of the Most Holy Theotokos will do.

“Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God,
and quench those who hate us
and all the narrowness of our souls, let go.
Looking at Your holy image,
We are touched by your suffering and mercy for us
and we kiss your wounds,
but our arrows, tormenting you, we are horrified.
Do not give us, Mother of Mercy,
perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors.
You are truly evil hearts softening.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos

“Under your mercy we resort, Virgin Mary:
do not look down on our prayers in sorrow, but deliver us from troubles,
One Pure and Blessed.
Holy Mother of God, save us!”

“O long-suffering Mother of God, Exalted all the daughters of the earth,
according to His purity and according to the multitude of sufferings,
You transferred to the lands,
accept our painful sighs
and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy.
For a different refuge and warm intercession, don’t you know,
but, as if having boldness to the One born from Thee,
help and save us with your prayers,
may we reach the Kingdom of Heaven without fail,
where with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the one God, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

“O Most Holy and Blessed Lady Theotokos,
accept these prayers of the heart,
with great hope and faith in Your immeasurable mercy, ascended,
have mercy, intercede, save and protect me, the servant (slave) of God (his)
from all evil and give me Your help (indicate the request).
Zealous intercessor, deliver me through this prayers,
uplifted to Thee with all my heart and soul,
from all witchcraft harm, the temptations of the world,
from sinful lusts, from the wiles of the devil
and from the attack of enemies visible and invisible ..
And cover with Your Honest Prayer Veil from all evil. Amen"

« O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven,
save and have mercy on us, your sinful servants (name),
from vain slander and from all sorts of troubles, misfortunes and sudden deaths,
have mercy in the daytime hours, morning and evening,
and at all times preserve us - standing, sitting,
walking on every path, sleeping in the hours of the night,
supply, intercede and cover, protect.
Lady Mother of God, from all enemies visible and invisible,
from every evil situation,
in any place and at any time, be to us Mati, the blessed invincible wall,
and a strong intercession always,
and now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

There is a short prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, which we should say as often as possible.

“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you;
Blessed are You in women, and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,
like the Savior gave birth to our souls"

These words are taken from the greeting of the Archangel Gabriel, when he announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary about the birth of the Son of God from Her according to the flesh (Luke 1:28).

“I cordially congratulate you, dear brothers and sisters, on the Feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos! By the prayerful intercession of the Queen of Heaven, may the All-Merciful Lord keep you all in good health and in all prosperity in this temporary life and eternal life with the saints! .

28.08.2016 The labors of the brethren of the monastery 11 693

The twelfth Feast of the Assumption of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary in the Valaam Monastery began with a festive all-night vigil, which was led by the abbot of the monastery, His Grace Pankraty, Bishop of Trinity. His Eminence was co-served by the brethren of the monastery in holy orders.

And just as the apostles stood at the deathbed of the Most Holy Theotokos, so the monks of the monastery with lit candles prayed near the Holy Shroud. "That's how I graduated earthly life Your Blessed Virgin Mary! With lit lamps and the singing of psalms, the apostles carried the body of the Mother of God to Gethsemane, where Her parents and Joseph were buried,” wrote St. Theophan the Recluse.

“Most Pure Risen! “Truly Risen!” – these are the words used today by the inhabitants of the monastery. Since ancient times, the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God has been called the Mother of God Pascha, therefore Orthodox Christians on the day of this great celebration can greet each other with a mutual greeting: “The Most Pure One is Risen! “Truly Risen!”

The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos symbolizes another victory over death and hell, won no longer by the God-man, but by the earthly Virgin - “the purest and most perfect” of all people, and yet one of us, earthly. And it is not for nothing that, in commemoration of this event, the clergy perform a festive divine service on this day in sky-blue vestments. At the all-night vigil in the main church of the monastery, the brethren and guests venerated the Shroud of the Most Holy Theotokos, and the abbot of the Valaam Monastery, Bishop Pankraty of Trinity, anointed all those praying with consecrated oil.

In the “Eulogy…” St. John of Damascus, singing the Mother of God, also says that Her Assumption is not just a beautiful legend, of which there were many in apocryphal literature. It is filled with deep spiritual and theological meaning. For She, through whom the Light of Christ has shone forth to the world, is worthy of such a death: “... it was necessary that this godly dwelling place, an unexplored source of water of forgiveness, an unplowed field of heavenly bread, an unirrigated vine of immortality vines, an evergreen and beautifully fruitful olive tree of the Father’s mercy, should not be enclosed in the voids of the earth . But just as the holy and immaculate body of the Lord, which from her became hypostatic to the Word, rose from the tomb on the third day, so the Mother had to be taken away from the tomb and move to the Son. And just as He Himself descended to Her, so She also had to ascend to the heavenly tabernacle. It is thanks to the labors of St. John of Damascus that the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos is introduced into the liturgical circle. It was this great saint who truly sang and tried to theologically comprehend the personality of the Queen of Heaven.

Dormition, completing the annual cycle of the great twelfth Orthodox church holidays, is not dedicated to death, as it might seem at first glance. The Slavic word "assumption" means sleep, and, according to church tradition, the meaning of this holiday is akin to the meaning of Easter - there is no longer that death that awaited everyone before the Resurrection of Christ. And since it is not there, then there is no sorrow for death, no fear of it.

In Rus', the Assumption has long been one of the most beloved holidays: since the time of St. Prince Vladimir, Assumption churches have been built everywhere - the first cathedral church in Kiev, the Tithe Church, was dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin, and the first stone church of the Valaam Monastery was erected in honor of the Assumption in 1785.

** * **
“I cordially congratulate you, dear brothers and sisters, on the Feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos! By the prayerful intercession of the Queen of Heaven, may the All-Merciful Lord keep you all in good health and in all prosperity in this temporary life and eternal life with the saints! In prayers, the Unsleeping One, and in intercession, May our immutable hope not leave us sinners with His intercession and help all the days of our life! Holy Mother of God, save us!” - this is how the hegumen of the Valaam Monastery congratulated all Orthodox Christians, Bishop Pankraty of Trinity.

Troparion, tone 4

Today, blessed people, we lightly celebrate, overshadowing Yours, the Mother of God, by the coming, and to Your looking Most Pure Image, we tenderly say: cover us with Your honest cover and deliver us from all evil, praying to Your Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.

Canon, Tone 4

Canto 1

Irmos: I will open my mouth, and the Spirit will be filled, and I will burp out the word to the Queen Mother, and I will appear brightly triumphant, and I will sing, rejoicing, That miracles.


With the chinmi of the saints, the angel and from the cathedrals the prophet and apostle, in great glory, like the Mother of God, today entering the Church, praying for Christians, delivering all from misfortune and sorrow, covering with Your mercy.

The tabernacle Moses and the staff of Aaron are named: You are an animal tree, Christ, you have blossomed, you have boldness for Him, for us, honoring Thee, Queen, pray to deliver us from all evil, but we glorify the feast of Your Protection.

Glory: Not like before the bow of old, having collected David's faces, he plays, but more than now with the ranks of saints before You, flowing to the church, bowing to You, they say: pray for the people honoring You, and Your glorifying Protection, we honestly celebrate.

And now: They sing to Thee, the Theotokos, repair the Angels, and praise the patriarchs with the saints before the face of Thee, flowing to the church. With them, then Saint Andrew saw for us sinners praying to God, have mercy on people, glorifying Your Protection of the feast.

Canto 3

Irmos: Your hymnologists, Mother of God, a living and unenviable source, spiritually affirm your face of copulation: in Your Divine glory, vouchsafe crowns of glory.

Holy Mother of God, save us

The divine vegetative class, like a field untouched by reality, rejoice, animated meal, hosting the Bread of the Animal. Rejoice, inexhaustible source of Animal waters, Lady.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

Your servants, Mistress, in Your church are coming by faith, we expect Your mercy: visit our humility and protect people from all evil with Your Holy Protection.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

The many-named Virgin, the prophets are faithfully represented, even now the Angels serve You. With them, pray to God for us, and your protection is a holy day, rejoicing, we all celebrate brightly.

Glory: Gideon foreshadowed the Fleece, on Thee, like dew, Christ God descended, to Nemuzh, the Mother of God, praying, to give victory to our army against the enemies, but having deposed Midiam, we will glorify Your holy holiday.

And now: More than a ray of sunshine with Your shining omophorion, you illuminate the Church and people, and drive away the darkness of our sins with your visitation, Mother of God, praying to Your Son and God for us.

Sedalen, voice 5

Warm Representative and invincible, a well-known and shameless hope, a wall and cover and a haven for those who run to You, Ever-Virgin Pure, pray to Your Son and God from the Angels, give pacification to the world, and salvation, and great mercy.

Canto 4

Irmos: Sit in glory, on the throne of the Divine, in the cloud, the Divine Jesus came easily, incorruptible hand, and calling for salvation: glory, Christ, to Your power.

Holy Mother of God, save us

In the voice of singing, Virgo, we cry out to You, All-singing: Rejoice, fat city and drenched in the Spirit. Rejoice, priestess and steward, bearer of Manna, delighting all pious feelings.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

More than Aaron, God sanctified the whole kivot of You with the Spirit, the Mother of God, the Holy One, and the Angel to serve You, with them beyond the city and people praying, Your glorifying honest holiday.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

Come now in glory to Your, Mother of God, church with the cathedrals of all saints, as sometimes Saint Andrew sees You in the air brighter for Christians praying, and give us Your mercy.

Glory: Strengthen, O Lady, our army glorifying Thee against opposing enemies, like David against Goliath; yes to you, rejoicing, we cry out: rejoice, holy cover and intercessor for our city.

And now: We fall down to You, Madam, by faith and, bowing down, gratefully crying out to You: Rejoice, God-blessed Virgin, cover, and our protection, and Helper in trouble, save us, who resort to You, we hope for You.

Canto 5

Irmos: Terrified of all about Your Divine glory: You are more, Unskilful Virgin, you had God in your womb over all and gave birth to a flightless Son, giving peace to all who sing about You.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

Odr Thee of old Solomon wrote and the concubine of the King of Heaven, surrounded by Seraphim, hedgehog talking about You, Mother of God. We now pray to Thee, Mother of God All-Holy: cover us from all troubles.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

The elder angels and honest prophets from the apostles honestly serve you as the Mother of God, seeing you for the world, I pray; Having listened to your petitions, the Lord saves the city and people who trust in You.

Glory: Great Thee in the prophet Isaiah prophesied, saying, to give birth to God unskillfully: You are more, Pure Mary, you were the most holy of all, God was in the womb and carried on your hand. Pray for him for us, with Your overshadowing Veil by faith glorifying You.

And now: Spiritual soaring wings, holy cathedrals secretly came to serve You, Mother of God, seeing You on a light cloud of glory, praying to the Savior Christ to give victory to our army, to destroy us who are at war.

Canto 6

Irmos: This divine and all-honorable feast, God of Wisdom, Mother of God, come, let us clap our hands, we glorify God who was born from Her.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

Priests of the Divine Wisdom, in Your church with pious people are coming, they are waiting for Your mercy, Mother of God: change our sadness for joy, Joy gave birth to Thou, who forgives all the sins of all people.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

The whole earth brings you gifts, like the Queen of the Mother of God: the bishops bow and the people all rejoice, covered from all evil by Your, Mother of God, prayers.

Glory: To the great mountain Daniel wrote: from Thee without a seed Christ was born and crush all demonic flattery, and fill the earth with all His faith. To Nemuzhe for us, the Mother of God, pray, glorifying Your Protection of the feast.

And now: An angelic voice we cry out to Thee, Most Pure: Rejoice, Throne of God, on Nemzhe Ezekiel the form of the Lord in the likeness of a man, worn by Cherubim. With them for us, Mother of God, pray that our souls be saved.

Kontakion, voice 3

Today the virgin is in the church and from the faces of the saints invisibly prays to God for us; The angels from the bishops bow, the apostles from the prophets rejoice: for our sake, the Mother of God of the Eternal God prays.


Toya of glorious miracles, come, people, let's enjoy: So Adam got rid of aphids, That's the ark, not by Noah, but by God was created. Formerly Moses in the bush of fire God is not possible to see: now, from Toi Born, the whole earth knows the Son of God, prays to Nemuzhe for us. For this sake, we glorify Yu, as the Mother of God: for the sake of us, the Mother of God prays to the Eternal God.

Canto 7

Irmos: Do not serve the creature of God's wisdom more than the Creator, but the fiery punishment is masculinely correct, rejoicing more singing: venerable of the fathers, the Lord and God, blessed be you.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

Unwritten by many prophets, unknown to be, Virgo, Heavenly servants of God Angels; now, all of you are the Theotokos, and we demand your help and intercession, Blessed One.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

The mountain, drenched in the Spirit, south of Habakkuk, I sharpen the healing sweetness of the faithful, Virgin Mother of God, heal us, crying out to Your Son: blessed be the God of our fathers.

Glory: Having bowed the heavens to Thee, Virgin, dwell and now see Your prayer, the Pure Mother of God, Yours, the Queen, fulfilling the petition: Pray fervently for us, we hope for You, Blessed.

And now: O Creator, our Savior, Christ God, receive Thy prayer to the Mother, who brings it to Thee for us sinners, but to Thee, rejoicing, we sing: revered God of our fathers, blessed be Thou.

Canto 8

Irmos: The pious youths in the cave saved the birth of the Mother of God; then what was formed, now acting, lifts up the whole universe to sing to You: Sing to the Lord, and exalt Him to all ages.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

With chinmi Angel, Mistress, with honest and glorious prophets, with the supreme apostles, and with the holy martyrs, and with the bishops for us, sinners, pray to God, Your Protection is a feast in the Russian land of glorification.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

Pride and vacillation overthrow and ruin the advice of the unrighteous, destroy those who start armies, O Mother of God, the All-Honorable Queen, raise the horn of the Orthodox, let us glorify Your holiday, Most Pure Mother of God Virgin, calling: Praise the Lord deeds and exalt Him to all ages.

Glory: Mouth bringing you singing, and with the soul we faithfully bow, for our hearts are burning inside. Most Pure Mother of God, have mercy on us who pray to You, and who sing of the Lord and exalt Him for all eternity.

And now: Many aggravated sins, I am perplexed by the property of writing Your Protection, Mother of God, praise, but as the Mother of God decorate Your holiday with miracles, yes, all rejoicing, we sing to the Lord and exalt Him to all ages.

Canto 9

Irmos: Let every earthly one leap up with the Spirit to enlighten, let the nature triumph of incorporeal minds, honoring the sacred triumph of the Mother of God, and let it cry out: Rejoice, O All-Blessed Theotokos, Pure Ever-Virgin.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

High King, with the Father and hymned by the Seraphim, look at the prayer of the Mother, bring you for us sinners, and cleanse our sins, save the city, and multiply people, give us health in the body and vile victories, with the prayers of the Birth of Thee.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

An angelic voice we cry to Thee, Virgin God-chosen: Rejoice, Even though Adam again brought into paradise; Rejoice, chasing away demons in Your name; rejoice, hope of Christians; rejoice, sanctification of souls; Rejoice, Guardian of our city.

Glory: Remember us in Your prayers, Lady Virgin Mother of God, may we not perish for the multiplication of our sins. Cover us from all evil and fierce misfortunes: we trust in You, and, Your Protection is a holiday honoring, We magnify You.

And now: Thou hast received a gift from God, as the Mother of God of all Christians, heal ailments, and deliver from troubles, and forgive sins, and save from captivity and all kinds of needs. But do not despise us, Madam: weigh more, we demand them, the health of our bodies and the souls of salvation.


O Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God! Cover us with Your miraculous omophorion, preserving the city and people from all evil, as if You saw the wonderful Andrew in the Blachernste church praying; and now to us, Lady, send Your great mercy.