To a child born ahead of schedule, for many years, follow-up by a cardiologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist and other doctors is required, because the impact of preterm birth on health can be remote. And how good it is if rehabilitation can be turned into exciting game in the forest and combine with school studies. Charitable Foundation "Give sunlight» has been cooperating with the Center for Rehabilitation and Education No. 7 for a long time, where the wards of the foundation can improve their health and gnaw at the granite of science.

Everything is in the center general subjects needed in high school. Children from 6.5 to 18 years old live and return to health here, and for each pupil, their own rehabilitation and educational route is created.

The course of rehabilitation is 21 days. Children are in the center around the clock, six meals a day are organized for them.

“Our center opened its doors for the first time in July 2007,” he says. Director of the Center for Rehabilitation and Education No. 7 Svetlana Voytas,“Since then, together we have been rejoicing in the achievements of our students, overcoming difficulties and striving for the best. When accepting children, we think about what developmental trajectory the child goes through while staying with us. It is very important that the child, once in a new environment, be able to overcome something. And to overcome the child with handicapped there are a lot of things, from physical barriers to the attitude of others. Then the child must acquire something: knowledge, friends, communication experience. Acquiring something, the child must necessarily get into a situation of success. This success may be small in appearance - he rode in a wheelchair to the blackboard and wrote on it himself, but for him this is a grandiose achievement. We consider success when a child first understands that he is the same as everyone else. They talk to him, communicate with him, it is interesting with him! This is a powerful incentive for life success. And, of course, it is important that all elements of the environment have a therapeutic effect, so we have a beautiful, convenient, understandable, interesting. That's when stress, internal clamps are removed, then the child has a desire to develop, and the child understands that he is needed in this life!

Child Development Trajectory

Overcome ⇒ acquire ⇒ apply ⇒ succeed ⇒ move forward as a result of a rehabilitative and therapeutic task.


All individuals together.

Treatment under the full program in the center of education and rehabilitation

Medical rehabilitation services include:

  1. Massage
  2. Heat therapy
  3. Balneotherapy (pearl baths)
  4. Infrared sauna
  5. Sauna "Cedar barrel"
  6. SPA capsule
  7. UHF therapy
  8. Speleotherapy (salt cave).

In summer, a child with a disease of the musculoskeletal system sits on a bicycle and gets the opportunity to move around the center on his own. In the pool, a child who has never walked on his own tries to take his first steps together with the instructor. For him, this is a completely new feeling of space and life in this space.

Joint plans

In 2016, the rehabilitation and education center No. 7 and charitable foundation"Give Sunshine" signed a memorandum of cooperation, within the framework of which overhaul a creative castle for workshops and vocational guidance, and a building for children with disabilities was built.

What about dancing?

In addition to the usual school subjects, children are engaged in burning, clay therapy, dance therapy, agrotherapy, they can go to a children's beauty salon or a local fitness center. The 7-D informatization center, the Seven Notes music and theater studio, the Seven Sheets paper-plastic circle, the Seven Inspirations theatrical workshop, the Seven Colors isotherapy studio, the Seven Tailors soft toy workshop, the section outdoor games "7 Games", vocal studio "Seven voices", circle of regional studies "7 continents".

For three years now, the social and gaming project of the local state "Republic 7" has been implemented here. Its task is to help children with disabilities adapt to a full life in society, discover the talents of children and give impetus to their development.

Adaptive physical education

Separately, it is worth noting innovative rehabilitation projects:

  • adaptive physical education programs involving dogs and horses (canistherapy, hippotherapy)
  • cognitive and sports quests "Prevention of a catastrophe", "On a visit to the Brownie";
  • anti-gravity yoga and Nordic walking.

Important facts about the rehabilitation and education center

GBOU Center for Rehabilitation and Education No. 7 DTSZN of the city of Moscow - laureate of the competition "100 best schools Russia" in the nomination "Sanatorium-Forest Schools".

The Center has a State license and a Certificate of state accreditation valid until February 05, 2027.

The history of the creation of the center for rehabilitation and education No. 7

Rehabilitation and Education Center No. 7 was established in December 2006 as a public educational institution for children in need of long-term treatment. It is located in an ecologically clean area of ​​the Moscow region, next to the Istra reservoir. Children with disabilities are admitted here. musculoskeletal system, including severe diagnoses (including wheelchair users) and very a large number of children with somatic diseases.