Signs arose due to the observation of people, so many of them are associated with animals and birds. The dove has always been associated with something good, which is why it is also considered the "bird of the world." Since ancient times, the dove has been subconsciously associated with the human soul and divine power.

Love omens about pigeons

If a lonely girl saw a bird on her windowsill, it means that soon she will meet her future groom. If you managed to see a pair of cooing doves - this is a symbol of mutual. Pigeons released at the wedding, the newlyweds will bring peace and happiness to the family. If a nest of pigeons appeared near the house, then the family should expect replenishment in the family.

Other signs about pigeons

Other superstitions, both good and bad, are associated with these birds:

  1. A popular sign - a dove flew in and knocked on the window, is a harbinger of important news.
  2. If the bird broke the glass and died right in the house, then you should expect trouble.
  3. One of their popular signs will tell you what two doves on the windowsill mean. There are several interpretations of this, but in most cases, birds are harbingers of an imminent wedding. It is also a symbol of happiness and prosperity.
  4. A flock of pigeons circling over the house is a harbinger of the arrival of guests.
  5. We will also understand the meaning of the sign of a dead dove. If a person saw a dead bird, then soon one should expect some kind of illness and different problems. In some cases, this is a harbinger of unfulfilled desires.
  6. If the bird circles around but does not land, then this can be taken as a warning of danger.
  7. We also learn the meaning of the sign - the dove sat on its head. Such a phenomenon is considered a positive sign that promises good luck, prosperity and wealth.
  8. If the birds suddenly hid, it means that soon the weather will change dramatically for the worse.
  9. It is worth waiting for a cold snap if the dove stands on one leg and hides its head.

There is an incredible amount popular beliefs associated with natural phenomena and separately - with the animal world.

What is the well-known and ancient, like the world, a sign about a black cat worth! Almost everyone believes in this, and even notorious and convinced skeptics secretly cross themselves or spit over their shoulders when they see an animal crossing the road.

But there are also other, much less famous signs - for example, those associated with pigeons. These birds - birds of the world - are not so popular with the townspeople because of their manner of damaging cars and buildings, but in fact they never bode anything bad. These harmless winged ones can portend happiness and wealth - so who knows, maybe you should treat them differently?

Ancient beliefs and signs about pigeons are associated with a variety of their actions. These urban birds, familiar to everyone, often make themselves felt to a person - and who knows whether this is an accident or a hint of the universe for some future events.

But there are signs - and there is no getting away from them, pigeons can appear next to a person at any moment. Various folk signs are also extensive - the ancestors knew why, say, pigeons fly through an open window.

What does it mean if a bird knocks or beats on glass, if a dove sat on a person’s hand or head, sat on a balcony or made a nest, or even if it hit glass. And it would be useful for us to find out what this bird behavior can mean.

What do the winged promise?

In fact, signs about pigeons can surprise many with their diversity. They are very a large number of and they don't look alike.

It turns out that our ancestors considered pigeons to be messengers of heaven, and not just birds. It is not surprising that signs and superstitions indicate that the dove marks some serious, significant change in fate, no matter if he knocks on the window, sits right on his head, or suddenly hits the glass or wall of the house.

Remember the biblical story - it was the dove that brought the good news during the terrible Flood. This is exactly the case today - if you believe in signs, then an ordinary dove can bring important news, you just have to understand and decipher it.

1. There is a common and familiar sign to many - a dove "marked" clothes or a car. Getting dirty with bird droppings is unpleasant, it can ruin your mood, but do not rush to scold the bird - this turns out to be a very good sign!

And many people know - if the dove "marked" you, expect wealth! It doesn’t matter where the “mark” got: on a car, on a body or clothes - this sure sign that your financial situation will soon improve dramatically.

2. Do not rush to drive away the dove, which flew onto the balcony and settled there. As ancient signs testify, pigeons or even a small dove on the balcony are a symbol of the protection of your home, it will not allow negative energy break into your home.

3. A particularly common sign says that the dove that sat on the windowsill portends news and changes to the residents. If you saw this guest outside your own window, who flew in and sat behind the glass, or even knocked on the window with his beak - do not believe bad beliefs and rumors.

You can sometimes hear such signs that a dove sitting on a windowsill is a messenger of bad events, and almost death. Do not believe in such things - signs cannot portend death, and how can this bird bring bad news?

4. A very pleasant, good sign, if the dove not only sat on the window, but also holds something in the key - a twig, a blade of grass, whatever. This is to great happiness, getting rid of the dark streak in life, to favorable changes. Rejoice at such a sign and do not drive the guest away!

5. Yes next sign- if a dove flew into an apartment or a house, it just flew inside the dwelling - this is for the guests who will bring news. If at the same time the “guest” flew in a light color, white - and the guests will be pleasant and long-awaited, and the news will be very joyful.

But there are not encouraging signs. If, for example, black doves come to a house or apartment, then the news may not be very joyful, although not tragic.

6. It also happens that the dove not only flew in or beats out the window, but hit the wall or glass with a flourish. There are relevant signs in this regard - if a dove hits a window or a balcony before your eyes, this is not good.

Especially if the poor fellow hit and then fell dead - a dead dove is a symbol of troubles and troubles, and such a sign can portend a difficult life period. And if he hit and flew away safely, the difficulties will probably be temporary and will pass quickly.

However, the signs associated with pigeons often act in the event that this bird has flown into a house or apartment. On the street, we meet these creatures often, and this has nothing to do with signs.

Even if you see that a dead dove is lying somewhere on the street, do not think about superstitions. It probably has nothing to do with you.

7. If a guest flew into the kitchen - this is a sign of a happy family life and hearth, good life, well-being.

8. There are very good omens associated with pigeons - if he did not just fly through the window into the house, but settled on the balcony and built a nest there - this is rare and lucky sign! Few people will be able to see how birds incubate eggs - and if this happened on your balcony, expect great joy and wealth.

In no case, remember, do not touch these eggs, do not interfere - just watch how the chick gradually emerges from the egg. It will bring a lot of happiness to your home, believe me!

It is worse if the dove, without hatching the eggs, suddenly flew away, leaving the house. This may portend difficulties and disappointments, the collapse of hopes.

9. Signs are not limited to this: if suddenly a dove sat on your head or body, which is a rarity, expect wealth and unexpected gifts of fate. If this bird chose you, and sat right on top of you without fear, this is a clear sign that fate will pamper you and present a generous gift.

10. It is believed, and for good reason, that pigeons should not be killed and generally harmed. Let them not always please with their behavior, they are annoying, but one should be tolerant of them, remember that they are still messengers of heaven, kind and bright creatures, and they should be treated, if not with respect, then at least patiently.

Feeding hungry turtledoves with crumbs, not driving them out of the balcony and not offending them is something everyone can do. And fate, do not hesitate, will not remain in debt - it will certainly soon give you a reward for such an attitude.

Various signs about pigeons can reveal many secrets, if you believe in it. If you pay attention, then the signs differ - doves sitting on the windowsill can symbolize, according to one belief, good news, according to another, on the contrary, troubles. Everyone usually chooses which ones to believe.

It should be understood that each sign - whether it be pigeons sitting on the windowsill, or a white dove that knocks, beats on the window, or even hit the glass - there can be any number of meanings, choose for yourself what to believe.

It's no secret - what we sincerely believe in, what we occupy our heads with, and comes true in reality - so it makes sense to believe only in the brightest and most pleasant superstitions, and expect pleasant changes from fate. Believe me - it will be so!
Author: Vasilina Serova

The people know great amount will accept and superstitions that are passed down from generation to generation. Signs exist very different, they are associated with nature, with animals and much more.

Probably the most well-known omen is a sign about a black cat. Almost everyone believes in it. Often, even people who do not believe in omens spit over their shoulders when they see a black cat walking along the road.

Today we will talk about less common signs, namely the signs associated with pigeons. For most people, pigeons cause negative feelings, and all because they spoil cars. But if you delve into the essence, then doves do not carry anything bad. These birds portend good luck, wealth and happiness.

All signs and superstitions about pigeons come from antiquity, they are associated with their different behavior. Pigeons showed themselves, probably, to each of us, and who knows what that meant. Maybe it was a sign from above, or maybe just an accident.
All these superstitions are there and you can't run away from them. A dove can catch your eye at any moment. Our ancestors knew a huge number of signs about pigeons. They knew why the dove beats out the window, flies into the house, sits on the windowsill and many others.

It will also be useful for our generation to know these signs and their meanings.

What do doves prophesy?

There are actually a lot of superstitions associated with the birds of the world. They are very diverse and do not resemble each other.

Did you know that our ancestors believed that doves are messengers from above, and not ordinary birds. Knowing this, one should not be surprised that the superstitions associated with pigeons speak of serious and significant changes in life, and it does not matter at all how the dove manifests itself.

Even in the Bible, it was the dove that brought good news during the Flood. Also in our time, if you believe in signs and superstitions, then a simple dove can be a messenger of some important event in your life, you only need to understand this message.

If a dove hits the window

Not all signs of fate carry a positive character and good news, such as this one. If you see that a dove is beating out your window, this is a harbinger of the fact that soon bad news awaits you, which will significantly change your plans and ideas. If a dove beats on the window, then do not even think about opening it and do not let the bird get into the house. If a dove gets into the house, this will only worsen the circumstances.

If a dove flew through the window

Another bad omen associated with pigeons is if a feathered one got into your house. She carries news of the imminent death of a person living with you in the house. Most people take this superstition quite seriously. It is worth noting that if a dove flew into you, you don’t have to immediately think about the bad and prepare for the worst, this sign has many nuances that you should pay special attention to.

Look at the dove, or if it has already flown, remember what it looked like. If your unexpected guest had something on its beak, for example, a leaf or a blade of grass, this is good news. A dove with grass on its beak promises you a change for the better, very soon a joyful event will happen to you that will change everything for the better.

If, somehow, a dove got into your closed window, and you had to make an effort to drive it away, then this is a bad omen that speaks of death. It is worth saying that if something is destined to happen, then it will happen, and you should not blame the birds for this. They just bring the message.

White dove

White doves occupy a special place in signs, since white doves are very rare and are not often seen on the streets. To see such a dove is already a great luck. These birds carry only positive events, for example, for unmarried girls, this meeting speaks of an imminent wedding or fateful acquaintance. For other people, it's just that a happy event will happen to them soon.

The dove touched the wing

A good omen if a dove touched you with a wing. You were walking down the street and a dove touched your head with its wing? This is not an accident. This suggests that from above they look after you and are favorable to you. In addition, this suggests that very soon financial profit awaits you. After the touch of the dove, you will not have material problems.

If the bird not only touched your head, but also left a “pleasant surprise” - this indicates an addition to the family. For young people, this means that they will become parents, and for the older generation, that they will become grandparents.

If you notice that the pigeon endured something, this will tell you about the performance of your cherished desire. Perhaps these will be material goods, or the object of your love will pay attention to you.

This sign brings you only good news, it says that very soon your life will improve, and you will be happy. If you dreamed about money - you will get it, if about love - the same person will appear in your life, or you will make peace with your soulmate.

I note that this sign will only work if it happened by accident, and you did not make any effort to get the dove to touch you.

Many superstitions are negative in nature, but if you want one of bad omens did not come true, then spit three times over your shoulder and take 7 steps back. This will help avoid misfortune.

A huge number of different folk signs are known about natural phenomena, and a separate niche is occupied by signs about representatives of the animal world. This list is far from last role occupied by pigeons - the birds of the world, which many undeservedly dislike because they often damage cars and buildings with their droppings. In reality, pigeons never do anything bad to anyone, they predict happy, successful events in life, improved financial well-being. The topic of this article is superstition and signs about pigeons.

What do doves tell you

Probably, many will be surprised when they find out how many signs there really are about these birds. All of them are very different from each other and can sometimes have conflicting meanings. Next, we will bring you up to date and consider examples of the most popular folk beliefs about pigeons.

Our ancestors were sure that pigeons play the role of messengers from heaven, and not just ordinary birds. Therefore, it is not surprising that all the signs and beliefs about pigeons will indicate the beginning of serious life changes.

The story from the Bible immediately comes to mind, when a dove brought good news to people during the Flood. Since then, the situation has not changed much, pigeons still bring important messages that are important to understand and decipher correctly.

  1. A dove flies through the window and hits the glass. It's not very a good option signs. Especially if after that the bird falls dead to the ground - in this case, it will indicate various misfortunes and troubles, or may indicate the beginning of a dysfunctional period in life. But if he rises after a blow and continues his flight, you will be able to successfully cope with difficulties, they will pass very quickly.
    In most cases, beliefs about pigeons are valid when the bird flies into the dwelling. A meeting on the street is not taken into account. A dead dove somewhere outside your home does not predict anything bad for you.
  1. The bird flies into the kitchen- a sign will indicate a happy family life, easy life and well-being.
  2. When a dove settles on the balcony of your home and builds a nest there- this is very good sign! And if the bird also hatched eggs, very soon you will receive significant financial profit, as well as experience many joyful moments in life.

But you can not touch these eggs or interfere with the bird - just watch the gradual emergence of the chick from the egg. Be sure that the sign promises you great happiness.

A negative sign is when the dove did not hatch the eggs, but suddenly left your home. This indicates difficulties and disappointments, the collapse of your hopes.

This is not the whole list of doves.

Other signs

If a bird sits on your head or body (which happens very rarely), you will soon get rich and get pleasant surprises from fate. It is not by chance that you became the chosen one of this bird - this is a sign from above that Higher power satisfied with your behavior and wish to reward you for it.

No wonder the people never killed pigeons and did not cause them any harm. These are light birds that delight us with their behavior, and even if they show importunity, you need to show tolerance for them. Feed the birds with the crumbs left on the table, do not drive them off the balcony and do not offend them. You can be sure that fate will not remain in your debt and will very soon reward you a hundredfold for this.

If you believe in signs and constantly pay attention to everything that happens in your life, you will be able to discover a lot of new and interesting things, you will find out what certain events in life portend for you. You will be morally prepared in advance for troubles, which, unfortunately, are inevitable. At the same time, only you decide what you believe in and what not and how to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

We also suggest that you watch a short video, which provides other examples of signs about pigeons.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

For a long time, the dove has been considered a symbol of peace and happiness, but despite this, many city dwellers do not like these birds, although most of the "pigeon" signs promise only good.

Pigeon on the windowsill

Seeing a dove on your windowsill, do not be afraid. Particularly superstitious people claim that the arrival of a bird can promise bad news, but do not panic. Better watch her behavior. If she is calm, then her visit does not bring anything bad to you. Instead of driving the pigeon away, feed it instead. It is believed that when we feed pigeons, we beg for dead relatives. When a bird pecks grain or bread, then these are bows for the deceased, thanks to which there is a cleansing from sins.

Dove flew through the window

If a dove flew out the window with a twig in its beak, then expect good news. In the near future, an event will happen to you, due to which your life will change for the better. It is easy to explain this sign: pigeons, like other birds, are very shy, and they will never just fly into a dwelling with people. A branch in the beak symbolizes something good: a pleasant acquaintance, meeting or letter.

It is considered a bad omen to have a dove beating against the glass of a closed window. This portends the receipt of bad news or the death of one of the tenants of the house. Also, death promises a dove that breaks glass.

Pigeon on the balcony

If a dove sat on your balcony, stayed a little and flew away, then important news awaits you. There is a legend that the souls of dead people in the form of doves come to their loved ones to visit them and inform them about the upcoming changes in life.

Sometimes pigeons settle on window sills, balconies or cornices. In no case should you drive them away, because if the bird has settled next to you, then no troubles will threaten you.

Pigeons, like most other birds and animals, foresee bad events and accidents in advance. If the bird has settled next to your window, then as long as it is next to you, your house will not be threatened by fires, floods and other troubles. The main thing - do not forget to feed her and observe her behavior. As soon as the bird disappears and stops flying to you, you should think about the events in your life and carefully observe what is happening around you. Make sure not only that gas and water are turned off in your apartment, but also pay attention to what is happening with your neighbors if you live in a multi-storey building.

The dove left a feather on the windowsill

If a dove appeared on your window, and after it flew away, you found a feather left by it on the windowsill, do not rush to throw it away. The dove is considered God's bird, and it was not without reason that he decided to leave you such a "gift". Hide your pen over front door and it will protect your home from all evil. You can also turn a pen into a personal talisman and always carry it with you, for example, by putting it under the cover of your passport or in a secret section of your wallet. Especially great luck is promised by the found white pigeon feather.

Dove and weather

Like some other animals, pigeons are able to predict the weather. If you notice that on a clear day they hide, then expect bad weather. These birds are considered to be the most sensitive among the representatives of the fauna. They feel the coming bad weather in a few hours.

People looking at clean and clear sky, they don’t even realize that somewhere far away a thunderstorm is raging and a downpour has begun, but gentle birds feel such weather changes long before a person can notice it. Therefore, people who closely follow pigeons will never be caught off guard. drastic changes in nature. They will always have the opportunity to prepare in advance for the approaching bad weather.

If in rainy and gloomy weather you hear the cooing of pigeons, then this is a sure sign that it will clear up soon. Have you seen pigeons swimming in a puddle? Know what's in coming days rain is not expected, but, on the contrary, it will be sunny and dry outside. If the puddles left after the rain do not attract birds at all, then soon the rain will repeat.

Dove in the cemetery

Came to the churchyard and met a dove there? According to legend, these are the souls of deceased relatives buried there, trying to convey some message to you through it. If the bird behaves calmly, then the deceased lets you know that everything is fine with him. If the dove walks around the grave and seems to be trying to find something, then the deceased asks you to complete some business, remember unresolved issues and previously made promises.

If, on the way to the grave, the bird circles anxiously above your head, then flying forward, then returning back - the soul of the deceased relative is trying to warn you about something. Pay attention to these signs: feed the pigeon, and then go to church and pray. You should not start important matters in the near future, and even more so get involved in dubious adventures, because this will not bring you anything good. Try not to waste money, do not deceive others and do not harm anyone.

Dead dove: omen

Seeing a dead bird on the threshold of your house or porch is a bad omen. On this day, you should be as careful as possible so that nothing bad happens to you. Misfortune is promised by a dove crashing on the hood or windshield of a car. In this case, it is better to bring the car to the garage or to the parking lot, and postpone the trip for a while. Seeing a pigeon crushed by a car, beware of accidents on the roads that day. A motorist after such a sign from above should be as careful as possible so as not to become a participant in an accident.

Dove sat on the shoulder

A particularly happy omen is if a dove sits on your shoulder. So do not be afraid of the birds flying towards you, because if they sit on your shoulder or head, then unprecedented luck and many happy moments await you. The fact is that not every bird can trust a person, because its trust still needs to be earned. If the bird has honored you with its attention, then be sure that success is not far off. It also indicates that you are pure in soul and have light energy.

If a dove suddenly sits on your head, then profit and good events await you. Even if a bird, flying by, accidentally touches you with its wing, expect good luck in business.

In general, no matter what the opponents of pigeons say, these innocent birds have been and will be God's messengers, bringing us news from above. Many signs about them are superstition based on people's fear of something incomprehensible. You should not be afraid of pigeons, because for the most part they bring people joy and happiness.

Video: pigeons made a nest on the balcony