Hawk hawk. Wine cichlazoma. Tsikhlazoma emerald

The homeland of the fish is the river basin. Amazon.


representative of cichlids. It has a somewhat elongated and laterally flattened body. The forehead is steep, mature fish have a high back. The head and eyes are large, the mouth with thick lips. The color of the body varies depending on the state of health and the origin of the fish. Usually hawk hawk is brownish-green with a golden or reddish sheen, which becomes dark red in the lower part of the body, in the chest area, on the head and at the base of the caudal fin. At the top of the base of the tail has a small dark spot. A dark longitudinal stripe extends to this spot, which originates from the eye. This band may disappear. There is a large black spot in the middle of the body. Sometimes on the head and sides you can see fuzzy transverse stripes. The color of the fins of the fish is wine red. The dorsal fin has a dark border, the caudal fin has dark transverse stripes. The male is larger than the female, the wen on his forehead is much larger than that of the female, the anal and dorsal fins are longer. The length of the fish is up to 20 cm.

Tsikhlazoma emerald is a peaceful fish. It can behave aggressively during spawning and caring for offspring. When stressed and frightened, it quickly falls into a state of shock and becomes red-brown with yellow spots scattered over the body. The fins of the fish are compressed, and the fish itself lies on its side, which resembles a leaf that has fallen into the water. Wine cichlazoma gets along well with cichlids of the same size and character, catfish, as well as fast-swimming fish species (for example, melanothenia), which help relieve stress in fish. For keeping wine cichlazoma, a common aquarium with a volume of 200 liters or more with a variety of shelters (stone mounds, snags), thickets of hard-leaved plants in pots is suitable. Aeration and constant filtration are required, as well as a change of up to ¼ of the volume of water once a week. You need to feed the emerald cichlazoma with live food (bloodworm, daphnia, insect larvae and insects themselves), also plant food and substitutes.


Spawning hawk hawk can occur in a common aquarium. To stimulate spawning, you need to replace 40% of the water volume with distilled water and increase the water temperature. The fish begin to dig the ground near the pot or stone and guard the chosen place. The female makes slow movements along the substrate and lays 8-10 eggs each, while the male fertilizes them. The productivity of the female is 200-600 eggs. The duration of spawning is approximately 1.5 hours, and at this time, future parents should not be disturbed. It is best to hang the aquarium with paper or cloth. Wine cichlomas are very caring parents, they carefully care for caviar and fry. At the end of spawning, the female remains near the eggs, and the male is engaged in the protection of the territory. Incubation of eggs 72 hours. After hatching, the parents transfer the fry to pre-dug holes, or deep into the pot. Then they constantly groom the fry, walk them or drive them into shelters. You need to feed the fry with live dust, Artemia and Cyclops nauplii. The coloration of fry is different, as in adults. Upon reaching a length of 1 cm, the fry should be transplanted from their parents.

Puberty in wine cichlazoma occurs at 14-18 months.

Cichlasoma temporale

Wine cichlids are peaceful cichlids that live naturally in the rivers and lakes of South America. In nature, these fish grow up to 30 cm long, in an aquarium - up to 20 cm.

To keep a flock (and you need to buy them in a flock, so that later the cichlomas can form pairs for spawning) these fish will fit an aquarium with a volume of 150 liters or more. It should have a lot of all kinds of shelters, snags, and hard-leaved plants planted in pots are also desirable.
The optimum water temperature for wine cichlases is 25-30℃, hardness up to 5-20°, pH 6.5-7.5. Mandatory filtration and aeration of water, as well as its replacement by 30% of the volume weekly.

male and female wine cichlazoma

Sex differences in cichlases: the male is larger than the female, his forehead is steep, with a fatty outgrowth, dorsal and anal fins are elongated. There are no differences in the coloration of males and females.

Another name for these fish is Krass cichlazoma, emerald cichlazoma. To the neighbors wine cichlomas fit cichlids with a similar temperament. They get along well with various catfish.

When stressed or simply frightened, the color of the cichlases changes: the general background of the body becomes darker and several yellowish spots appear. In general, they can fall into a state of shock, which is expressed in this species as follows: the fish lie on the bottom, on their side, squeezing their fins. To reduce stress, you can add some peaceful, fast-swimming fish to them in the aquarium or plant plants densely.

Feeding wine cichlazoma

You can feed wine cichlases with any live food, frozen, granular food for cichlids, flakes. Be sure to include herbal supplements or food based on spirulina in the diet.
Crass cichlazomas become sexually mature by one and a half years. At good conditions These cichlomas live in an aquarium for up to 10 years.

Wine cichlazoma (moth hawk) - video

Family: cichlids (Cichlidae)

External description: this cichlid has the "classic shape" of the body of this family of fish. It should be noted that the color of fish varies greatly, the main color can vary greatly on the body, there can be several colors at the same time, most often it is golden, red and green. There is a large dark spot in the middle of the body, but there are variations when instead of a spot there is a horizontal strip of dark color, another option is when two spots are visible on the body in the middle of the body and at the base of the tail. Little is known about sex differences, females may be slightly smaller than males, the often mentioned frontal growth in fish does not grow at all

Natural Habitat: fish has a fairly wide distribution in South America: Peru, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil, fish live in in large numbers rivers

Dimensions: the fish reaches a fairly decent size - 30 cm

Habitat layer: occupies the lower layers

Behavior: with its large size, the fish is not at all pugnacious and gets along well with medium-sized fish, it can be kept singly, in pairs or in groups

Arrangement of the aquarium: the minimum volume of the aquarium for 1-2 fish is 150 liters. There is no need to create a strong current in the aquarium, the fish love calm waters, the light is better diffused. You can place driftwood and large boulders to create shelters

Water parameters: hardness up to 5-20°, pH 6.5-7.5, temperature 25-30°С

Nutrition: accepts any type of food, but feed a variety

Breeding: it is difficult to say little reliable information about breeding, the following method is proposed, but we cannot guarantee that it corresponds.
Spawning of the cichlazoma emerald can take place in a common aquarium. The stimulus is an increase in water temperature and a gradual addition of up to 40% distilled water. The formed couple chooses some stone or a ceramic pot for themselves, starts digging the ground nearby and guards this place. The female slowly moves along the substrate and lays 8-10 eggs, and the male fertilizes them. Depending on the age of the producers, productivity can vary from 200 to 600 eggs. During spawning, which lasts about an hour and a half, the fish should not be disturbed. It is advisable at this time to hang the glass with a cloth or paper. Wine cichlomas are very caring parents, they actively care for caviar and growing fry. After spawning is completed, the female is mainly located above the clutch, and the male guards the adjacent territory. The incubation period lasts 72 hours. The hatched larvae are carried by the parents in the mouth to the inner lower part of the pot or into holes dug by the male near the shelters. In the future, they constantly guard the fry and walk them around the aquarium. At night, and also, if the parents are frightened by something, they drive their offspring into shelters or holes and hang over them. Starter food: "live dust", Cyclops nauplii and Artemia. The coloration of fry varies, as in adult fish, from dark with yellow spots to pinkish-beige with a longitudinal black stripe. Fry are removed from the aquarium when they reach a centimeter length, and also if the parents are ready to spawn again

Note: in general, not a difficult fish to keep, the main thing is to have an aquarium suitable for keeping fish

Video (Cichlazoma emerald, cichlasoma wine, hawk hawk, cichlazoma Krass (Hypselecara temporalis, Chocolate Cichlid, Cichlasoma temporale):

The birthplace of Tsikhlazoma Smaragdova basin of the Amazon River.

Description of Tsikhlazoma Smaragdvoi

Tsikhlazoma Smaragdova has a body elongated and compressed on the sides. The forehead line rises steeply, mature individuals with a high back. The head is large, the eyes are huge, the lips are thick.

The color of the body varies depending on the place of origin of the fish. As a rule, it is brown-green with a red glow, which in the lower half of the body, on the chest, head and along the base of the caudal fin turns into red.

From the eye to the spot on the upper part of the base of the caudal fin there is a black stripe that may disappear. In the aquarium, Tsikhlazoma Smagardovaya grows up to 30 cm.

Breeding Cichlazoma Smaragdova

Spawning of Cichlazoma Smaragdova takes place in a common aquarium. The formed couple chooses a granite or a clay pot. The female slowly moves along the substrate and lays 8-10 eggs, and the male fertilizes them. Depending on the age of the producers, the productivity varies from 200 to 600 eggs.

After the end of spawning, the female is above the clutch. The incubation period lasts 72 hours. The born fish larvae are transferred in the mouth to the inner lower part of the pot. Initial food: "live dust", Cyclops nauplii and Artemia.

Tsikhlazoma Smaragdovaya friendly fish, gets along well with other Cichlids similar in character and volume, and also with different types fast swimming fish.

You can keep Cichlazoma Smaragdovaya in a common aquarium with a size of 200 liters or more with different shelters (snags, mounds of pebbles) and thickets of plants.

Water characteristics:

  • - hardness 5-20°,
  • - pH 6.5-7.5,
  • - temperature 25-30°C.

Habitat in nature

Colombia, Peru, rivers and lakes of the Amazon basin, Ucayali, Amapa and Oyapoki.


In the aquarium up to 25 cm. The fish have a high, almost oval-shaped, laterally compressed body.

They possess interesting property change its color under any impact, for example, when frightened. In such cases, the pigmentation of their body changes and they take on a contrasting red-brown body color on which yellow spots appear. Coloring is changeable - it depends not only on habitats, but also on well-being and mood. It can be yellow-pink with red fins, bright green with cherry fins and a red stripe across the eye, dark cherry, almost chocolate, with dark red hindquarters and fins.

Most often there are fish with a dark brown body, which is decorated with a longitudinal golden stripe. At night, as well as during the day, when the fish is frightened, the general background of the body darkens, and 4-6 amber-colored spots appear on the back. Always in color green color, although not in all fish it dominates. In a one-year-old male, a longitudinal golden stripe runs through the entire high black-green body with a sheen. It happens that in adult males a fatty growth appears on the head.

There is a large dark spot in the center of the body and at the base of the tail. The upper part of the head (up to the dorsal fin) is red, also painted Bottom part body (to the anal fin) and throat. The edging below the abdomen and around the gills is pinkish, red or purple. unpaired fins wine-red color, with long thread-like ends. The female is smaller, has a more sloping forehead and is less brightly colored. It does not differ in color from the male.

Manufacturers, starting from the age of three, are colored somewhat differently. The body is green with a bronze tint, the head, lower body and fins are dark crimson. Males are larger, their dorsal and anal fins are elongated. The coloration of fry varies, as in adult fish, from dark with yellow spots to pinkish-beige with a longitudinal black stripe.

These fish need a large aquarium with a length of more than 1 meter with a volume of 250 liters to feel good. A flock of 10-15 fry is planted in it, which further guarantees the selection of a harmonious pair. They are quite peaceful and easily get along with other cichlids similar in temperament and size, large barbs, catfish, but become more aggressive with age. Young fish swim in a way characteristic of the whole species - the body hangs vertically in the water, and the head is raised up. Young fish are quite peaceful, but become less accommodating with age. They stay in the lower and middle layers of the water.

When frightened, the wine cichlazoma easily falls into a state of shock, becoming red-brown, with yellow spots scattered over the body. Squeezing her fins, she lies on her side, resembling leaves that have fallen into the water. This occurs regardless of the size and age of the fish. To relieve stress, it is advisable to keep friendly, fast-swimming fish in the aquarium. The aquarium should have shelters (driftwood, stone caves, large flower pots) so that the fish can hide there. The soil may consist of fine gravel or coarse river sand. Plants are hardy, best planted in pots. There should be floating plants on the surface of the water. The lighting is bright enough.

Aeration, powerful filtration and weekly water changes are required. Omnivorous fish will happily eat any live and frozen food, as well as food in the form of flakes, granules and tablets. As a top dressing, it is advisable to give them finely chopped spinach, lettuce and green beans. They ripen at the age of 14-18 months with a length of 10-15 centimeters. Their coloring becomes more intense. Males become more powerful and lobaste.


Fish farming is not very good. difficult task. Separated from the flock, a pair of wine cichlases takes a fancy to some flat stone or a flower pot laid on its side and, constantly digging the ground, zealously guards this place from other fish. Females during the breeding season become especially aggressive. They show anxiety even when someone approaches the aquarium closer than a meter.

During spawning, the presence of other fish is not allowed in the aquarium, because at this time the cichlids are very aggressive. Caring parents actively caring for caviar and growing fry. The couple not only guards the fry, but also walks them around the aquarium. At night, producers drive their offspring into shelters or pits and hover over them. Juveniles grow slowly. Live up to 10 years. dH 3-15°; pH 6.0-7.5; T 22-30°C.