A resonant tragedy occurred in Kazan.

The story of 22-year-old Sitora B. has already spread all over Russia. The girl died in an accident on the Raifa-Kulbash highway, in the Zelenodolsk region of Tatarstan. The circumstances of her death were shocking. As it turned out, while driving a Daewoo Matiz, the girl was simultaneously broadcasting on her social network page. The last minutes of her life were captured by a mobile phone camera.

The footage of the video shows how Sitora, smiling, greets subscribers, asks how they are doing, and is interested in “who is going where.” For a moment, the girl was distracted by looking at the phone, and at that moment the video recording, under the terrible screeching of the brakes, broke off.

Later it became known that the foreign car flew into the oncoming lane and crashed into a passenger bus. From the impact, Sitora was killed instantly, and her Daewoo turned into a pile of twisted metal.

Inattention while driving cost this girl her life, and similar tragic incidents occur throughout Russia.

Kuban traffic inspectors urge drivers to be extremely careful and careful while driving, because any unnecessary action distracts from the road.

There is a rule of 3 seconds, which is just not enough to decide and choose a maneuver to avoid an accident. Drivers, especially those with little driving experience, should be focused on driving, - commented "Live Kuban" Irina Zavatskaya, Head of the Road Safety Propaganda and Media Relations Department. - It is very difficult for young drivers to control the traffic situation. The reason can be both excessive tension and negligence. The fact is that his attention is concentrated on one thing and he does not see the whole situation. For example, when driving through an intersection, the driver may not notice another car.

Read to the end and upvote!
This is my first story!

And so, somehow one girl went with her friends and girlfriends to a party in a cafe. Her friends conspired and played a trick on her. They ordered a lot of drinks for her and the girl went, so to speak, to the toilet. Here it is! They put the cockroaches on the plate, as they wanted, but one friend said that this was not enough. And he offered to lock her in the toilet for 10 minutes. The acquaintances barely agreed and knew that this would not end well. Therefore, we decided to joke "easier". They won't lock her in the toilet, they'll just change the signs. The fact is that on one booth it was written "For repair". The girls they knew knew that a repairman would come in and the girl would run into him. But they were wrong, the sink was broken. The repairman did not enter the booth, but into the room, thanks to which the water in the cafe could, so to speak, "circulate" throughout the diner. The repairman began to work. But the pipe with boiling water broke - it broke through! This was also reflected in the sink. It poured out of her hot water. The room is already flooding. "Friends" heard screams and thought that the repairman just entered the girl. They started laughing. But when they came five minutes later, they saw that the door was open, and the girl was lying face down in the sink and all steamed out. On next week friends went to her funeral. There were a lot of people. Before that, a day ago, they had dinner in this very cafe ... One girl's friend found her bag. There was nothing there. Only a note in blood: "Tell the truth or die." A friend told me what she had read. But her friends just laughed in her face. So, about the funeral. They were at her funeral and did not say a word about the fact that they were guilty. The next day, the staff saw all the crucified "friends" of the girl. And a message in blood "Thank you for being silent."

Thanks to you too, but just for reading.
Put the pros and remember - this is my first story.

edited news supernaturalist - 16-04-2012, 19:59

In Moscow, during a plastic surgery, the 17-year-old heroine of the program “Let them talk” died. She suffered from Goldenhar's syndrome. The surgery was supposed to change the girl's life, but she died right on the operating table. Life remembered six more cases when the desire of girls to become more beautiful ruined them.

Ecuador 19 year old "beauty queen" Katerina Kanto died during liposuction in January 2015.

Plastic surgery in a private clinic was the prize for winning a student in a beauty contest.

Representatives of the clinic where the operation took place told the girl's relatives that she died from heart attack. At the same time, the lawyer claims that the cause of Canto's death was cerebral edema.

Another victim of liposuction was a 27-year-old Brazilian Pamela Nascimento.

The girl did plastic surgery more than once and in 2012 decided to pump out excess fat. But things didn't go as planned. During the operation, the patient went into hypovolemic shock. However, forensic experts claimed that the girl had a kidney pierced.

A resident of Russia Ekaterina Klementieva decided to surprise her husband and, secretly from him, went for breast augmentation surgery in May 2012.

However, during the second injection of lidocaine, the girl developed an acute allergic reaction, which led to her death.

24 year old Mane Martirosyan planned to do rhinoplasty in her youth, in the 10th grade. She dreamed of removing the hump on her nose.

In December 2016, she nevertheless decided to go to the doctors in Belgorod. However, her dreams were not destined to come true - the girl died of anaphylactic shock.

The crash of the A321: the ill-fated flight collected dozens on its board incredible stories love

There is more and more new information about those people who died in a plane crash in Sinai. A citizen of Belarus with a ticket to an Egyptian resort was encouraged at work. Relatives say it was his first flight. Most of the passengers on the plane were Petersburgers. But residents of Leningrad, Novgorod and Tambov regions, Altai Territory, Karelia, as well as Pskov, Krasnoyarsk, Volgograd, Tyumen. Relatives of the victims are now going to St. Petersburg, where the identification will be carried out.

Darina looks at the runway. Small hands, spreading their fingers, pressed against the glass. “The main passenger,” mother Tatyana tenderly signs the photo of her daughter. This will be the first flight in her life. On October 15, the Gromov family departed from Pulkovo Airport for Egypt. Alexey and Tanya got married a year ago - in July they celebrated a "calico" wedding. They stayed in Sharm el-Sheikh for two weeks, celebrating Darina's 10 months. Her photograph has already become a symbol of this tragedy.

There were 25 children on board the Kogalymavia aircraft, including Nastya Sheina. She turned 3 in March. For her parents, this trip to the sea was special. Among Arabian fairy tale, in the most popular tourist city, under the scorching sun even at this time of the year, Yuri and Olga celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary and ten years since they met. Little Nastya did not leave her parents for a second. The photographs show her fooling around with her mother on a sun lounger near the pool, posing with her father near the clumsy inscription "Egypt 2015", made by hand in the sand. October 31 at 6:40 am Olga Sheina will write on her page on the Internet: "We are flying home." And he will post a photo of her husband with Nastya in her arms. In 11 minutes, the plane will take off, and these shots will be the last published.

It so happened that it was this flight that collected dozens of incredible and touching love stories on its board. The deputy head of Pskov, Alexander Kopylov, was a widower. His meeting with Elena Melnikova completely changed his life. She helped him get over the loss. Colleagues and acquaintances noticed: when the couple was together, their eyes shone with happiness. He promised to take her to the sea and kept his promise. When it became known today that the couple was on the list of the dead, no one could believe this news.

“I couldn’t believe it. And when the information was confirmed, it was a shock. He wanted to give a gift to his wife Lena Mikhailovna, who had a birthday three days ago,” says Ivan Tsetsersky, the head of Pskov.

Love also predetermined the trip for the Rodin family. Elena and Alexander went to celebrate their first wedding anniversary on the golden beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh. Three years ago, Lena was vacationing in Egypt with her parents, this year she decided to return here with her beloved man. Tomorrow was the girl's birthday.

Relatives of the dead have been gathering at Pulkovo Airport since morning. They are confused and seem to not fully believe what happened.

“I came here, entered the airport. I went to the counter, asked if there were any more flights to Sharm el-Sheikh, they told me that it was only in the evening. That’s all,” says a relative of one of the victims.

Here they waited for children and parents, brothers and sisters, friends and work colleagues. Irina came to meet her friends. At the beginning of the week, they basked together under the sun. She was supposed to fly on the same flight, but her husband persuaded her to return home a few days earlier. In the same way, Yulia Kazantseva managed to avoid the tragedy.
Psychologists are now working with loved ones of passengers on the Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg flight.

On board, along with passengers, were also seven crew members: two pilots and five flight attendants. Colleagues spoke of them as responsible and diligent workers. The captain of the aircraft was Valery Nemov, on his account more than 12 thousand hours of flight. He denies his possible guilt in the crash of the Kogalymavia liner.

“This is a man who is certainly experienced, certainly respected, and certainly a very deserved pilot. We have no reason to assume that this was some kind of mistake on the part of the air crew,” said Oksana Golovina, a partner at THC.
On this moment 100 bodies have already been recovered from the rubble. Some of them have already been sent to Cairo to the city morgue. A special board of the Ministry of Emergency Situations flew to Egypt. Russian rescuers will also take part in the operation at the crash site.

They were on that plane

Decade life together Sheina's spouses from St. Petersburg decided to celebrate in Egypt. Olga shared on social networks with her friends: “The number “10” means that everything is fine, so much for our personal relationships” and published photos of her happy husband and children on vacation.

Among the passengers of the plane was the deputy head of Pskov, Alexander Kopylov. They say that the official flew on vacation with his wife Elena to celebrate her birthday.

Among the passengers ill-fated flight the family of the co-owner of OJSC Mostostroy No. 6, the largest road construction company in St. Petersburg, is listed. On the plane at the time of the crash were Igor Osipov's wife, daughter and two grandchildren - children of two and three years old. The businessman himself did not fly to Egypt.

Among the victims of the aviation emergency may be Alina Gaydamak. Last time a resident of St. Petersburg visited her page on social networks a few hours before boarding the plane.

25-year-old Yulia Buleeva also checked in for the flight. The girl was vacationing in Egypt with her friends.

Ilya and Vlad Sakerin got married the summer before last. In October, they went on a joint vacation.

Nellya Pyatochenko was very fond of traveling - her page is full of photo reports about trips around Europe. A cheerful, pretty woman looks from each photo - I can’t believe that there will be no new pictures.

Pavel Baglaev is a bachelor. He was not at all sad about this, but had a very good time with many friends. And traveling, of course. He would have turned 55 in December.

On the wall of Alexei Sayapin VKontakte - pictures from Thailand and Hong Kong, Sweden and Vietnam. There will be no photos from Egypt on it.

"I did not think that Egypt would cause me so much positive emotions! Do I want to live here? No. Will I return here? Necessarily,” is the last entry on the wall of Victoria Sevryukova. The girl died at the age of 24.

Zhenya Yavsin was seriously fond of tennis. And at 21, he was making good progress.

Nadezhda Laisheva traveled to Egypt every year. Every year she brought magnificent photos from there, which invariably delighted friends and family.

"For the innocent victims"

From fire to fire, from word to word
Soul ignites the soul
A hoarse wind in the sky
The funeral begins.

Where you touched the ground
New spike sprouts
The giant will notice you
And the blind will recognize you.

You will warm the earth with fire,
All living things are renewed
And in the night you wake up the dawn,
Replacing the sun in the sky.

And knowing everything secrets of life,
You will open the door of the universe
I remember my prayer
For the innocent victims.

It is a pity very INNOCENTLY killed!
We - the people have lost a huge human
culture in these souls innocently perished
in a traffic accident!

What beautiful people! What sincere faces!
Hold on family and friends
hold on friends of the dead,
let your spiritual and physical strength grow stronger
for the sake of life on Earth, for the sake of Life for LIFE,
that can't be returned!
Live and hold on, the loss is irreparable!
God help you!

"Our Father, Who art in heaven!
May your name be hallowed,
let your kingdom come,
let your will be done
as in heaven and on earth.
Give us our daily bread today;
and leave us our debts,
like we also leave our debtor;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Dear Petersburgers, we all understand
that those who died and the living need our prayers.

Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of those innocently killed in the Egyptian heaven and earth, Thy servants

And so, somehow one girl went with her friends and girlfriends to a party in a cafe. Her friends conspired and played a trick on her. They ordered a lot of drinks for her and the girl went, so to speak, to the toilet. Here it is! They put the cockroaches on the plate, as they wanted, but one friend said that this was not enough. And he offered to lock her in the toilet for 10 minutes. The acquaintances barely agreed and knew that this would not end well. Therefore, we decided to joke "easier". They won't lock her in the toilet, they'll just change the signs. The fact is that on one booth it was written "For repair". The girls they knew knew that a repairman would come in and the girl would run into him. But they were wrong, the sink was broken. The repairman did not enter the booth, but into the room, thanks to which the water in the cafe could, so to speak, "circulate" throughout the diner. The repairman began to work. But the pipe with boiling water broke - it broke through! This was also reflected in the sink. Hot water poured out of it. The room is already flooding. "Friends" heard screams and thought that the repairman just entered the girl. They started laughing. But when they came five minutes later, they saw that the door was open, and the girl was lying face down in the sink and all steamed out. The next week, friends went to her funeral. There were a lot of people. Before that, a day ago, they had dinner in this very cafe ... One girl's friend found her bag. There was nothing there. Only a note in blood: "Tell the truth or die." A friend told me what she had read. But her friends just laughed in her face. So, about the funeral. They were at her funeral and did not say a word about the fact that they were guilty. The next day, the staff saw all the crucified "friends" of the girl. And a message in blood "Thank you for being silent."