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Top richest zodiac signs. And where are you? You will be surprised when you find out who took 1st place! Is it really possible to determine the level of financial luck of a person based on a horoscope? Astrologers are 100% convinced of this, because who is better able to tell about financial well-being than the stars. Well, let's check the evidence? Our editors will tell you about the richest signs of the zodiac and about those for whom happiness is not at all about money!

12th place - Sagittarius

The last place in the ranking of the richest signs of the zodiac is occupied by Sagittarius. And by the way, he has a lot of money, he just doesn’t have enough of it all the time. The unfortunate Sagittarius cannot come to terms with the fact that there is always someone richer and more successful than him. And even taking the seventh line in the Forbes ranking, Sagittarius will still shed crocodile tears. By the way, it is extremely difficult for representatives of this zodiac sign to do routine work. They are able to achieve financial success only when their profession has prospects for growth and development.

11th place - Aquarius

Aquarius does not have money, because he simply does not try to earn it. Shaking over every penny is not for the proud Volodya. It's easier to find yourself a financially successful soul mate and live happily ever after. Aquarius sacredly relies on fate, and she, by the way, has never let him down.

Personalities born under this sign are very difficult to drive into the framework, they follow only their own rules. However, nothing prevents Aquarius from hitting the jackpot, you just need to implement a couple of non-standard and original ideas. Forward!

10th place - Pisces

Pisces are only in 10th place for one simple reason - representatives of this zodiac sign do not know how to earn at all! Well, for the life of me, they can't.

When the Universe presents them with a chance on a silver platter, Pisces either do not see the opportunities point-blank, or simply squander what they have earned. Expensive and not always appropriate things for Pisces are sometimes more important than daily bread. Why? They alone know!

9th - Libra

Libra believes with all their hearts that there is no point in securities at all, and spending life on making money is a despicable occupation. Representatives of this zodiac sign simply adore luxurious life, although this fact is hidden in every possible way. By the way, Libra often succeeds in creative professions, although they convince everyone around that a true artist must be hungry.

8th - Gemini

Geminis are real pros at making money! But why are they only in 8th place? Yes, because the Gemini absolutely do not know how to spend the money they earn.

When a decent amount appears in the Gemini's pocket, they are immediately ready to spend it right and left. Well, you never know, all of a sudden tomorrow is a crisis, a revolution, an alien invasion ... What's the point of saving up valuable papers if tomorrow may not come?

7th place - Taurus

Representatives of this obstinate sign simply love to show themselves in every possible way. And Taurus, by the way, has money. Earnings are enough to ensure a comfortable life, but no more. And no matter how hard Taurus tries, the cruel universe in every possible way does not allow him to get rich.

Most of all, Taurus value stability, and in the work field they need solid guarantees: pay to the same day, good insurance and a fixed vacation. That's all you need to be happy!

6th place - Leo

Leo is the real king among the signs of the zodiac. And the king, as you know, is not supposed to be a beggar! However, proud Lions need money only to splurge. Successful and rich-looking Lions eat cheap noodles at home, and their prestigious apartment is teeming with cockroaches.

By the way, Leo is more important to seem, not to be. However, such behavior only plays into their hands: spinning in the society of the powerful of this world, the Lions make their first million. And then another, and another...

5th place - Cancer

Cancer needs money. Needed, and that's it! It is impossible to say that this trait is negative, because Cancer tirelessly drags everything into the house. This zodiac sign is prone to hoarding, because he is extremely worried about tomorrow. Cancer must be firmly aware that the work on which he is working day and night should bring considerable financial results.

4th place - Aries

The stormy temperament of Aries is the engine of progress. Lambs from an early age love risk and boldly get involved in all sorts of financial adventures. Natural courage and impulsiveness help Aries to make a considerable fortune, but large sums do not stay in the pocket of a lively zodiac sign for a long time. Financial well-being is a faithful companion of Aries until the end of his days!

3rd place - Capricorn

Capricorn from the cradle masters the art of taming a piggy bank: he earns a lot and spends scantly. For this lucky zodiac sign, money is just a means to earn even more. Why waste on unnecessary trinkets, if an impressive amount can be spent, for example, on self-development.

Knowledge is what helps Capricorn earn even more. Workaholism is his congenital pathology, a defect that helps to easily achieve his goals. Well, good luck to the ambitious Capricorn!

2nd place - Scorpio

The honorable second place is occupied by Scorpio, because he loves money, but money loves him in return. For the sake of financial well-being, Scorpio is ready for literally anything! The typical Scorpio is a great businessman.

However, if this zodiac sign has not established itself before the age of 40, all attempts to get rich will be in vain. If Scorpio still caught big fish, then all his descendants up to the tenth generation will live in clover.

1st place - Virgo

Here they are, powers of the world this! The financial well-being of Devs is the result of their indomitable diligence and asceticism. Virgo is that billionaire who isn't ashamed to wear $10 trousers. Trousers are like trousers, but you walk around in them in London and New York or rub them on a first class seat.

This rating of zodiac signs for financial well-being is a great way to direct thoughts and desires in the right direction, reconsider your views and improve your material life. And where did the stars put you? Be sure to tell us in the comments if you agree with this opinion of astrologers.

Let's see which zodiac signs are at risk of succeeding financially.

Aries, as a rule, may experience financial difficulties only at the initial stage of their career. At first they make mistakes, stumble upon obstacles, but in the future, thanks to their perseverance and impenetrability, they achieve significant success in their chosen field of activity.

Taurus- enough successful signs zodiac. In work, they are consistent and executive, and the stiffness characteristic of all Taurus allows them to do their work efficiently. They know the value of money, but at the same time they love to live beautifully. Usually, Taurus chooses a successful partner as a companion and together they go with him to high goals.

name the sign of the zodiac Twins financially successful is difficult, since their inherent laziness often does not allow them to take a high position in society. Gemini is not one of those signs that know how to save money. But they live, as a rule, not in poverty and, thanks to their sociability, quickly acquire connections with influential people.

Only those crayfish Those who have learned to deal with their indecision and slowness can be called financially successful. Cancers are hardworking and creative for the most part and in addition they know how to accumulate funds. In the company of an enterprising Capricorn and a hardworking Virgo, Cancer may well become a millionaire.

lions used to live in a big way: eat delicious meals, dress expensively, live in luxurious apartments and relax in the world's best resorts. They demand a lot from life and, oddly enough, they all get it. Leos rarely have large reserves for a rainy day, but they always know where and how to get money if necessary.

Virgin- far from lucky in terms of finances. Money does not fall on their heads. And the high position of the representatives of this zodiac sign and their millions of savings only indicate that Virgos work hard and manage their finances wisely.

Scales generally lucky in life. Despite their irresponsibility and lightness of being, they miraculously appear in their lives necessary people, the right environment and a prestigious job. Libras have a special energy that attracts to them influential people as well as money and fame.

scorpions- always nature whole and enterprising. It cannot be said that financial independence is the goal of their life, but they undoubtedly devote most of their time to earning money and accumulating it. As a rule, fortune is on the side of the Scorpions, so it is not difficult for them to earn a considerable fortune.

Sagittarius, despite his success in his work, he rarely manages to save great fortune. The reason for this is the inability of Sagittarius to manage money. They absolutely do not know how to save and save. In addition, Sagittarians are incredibly generous and wasteful. They can lower their monthly earnings in an evening or donate 50% of their salary to charity.

Capricorn can be safely attributed to the most successful signs of the zodiac. These purposeful and prudent natures work hard all their lives in the hope of becoming magnates. Others often consider Capricorns to be stingy, but in reality, representatives of this sign simply manage their finances wisely.

For most Aquarius money is just a means of subsistence. They don't give special significance material values, it is more important for them to be heard and recognized. Aquarians are hard to categorize successful people. In their lives, Lady Luck decides everything. Some people have it, some don't.

success Pisces most often depends on what they do in life. There are two categories of Pisces. The first is passionate natures. They have an occupation for their liking, which most often develops from a hobby into a source of income. The second is people who go with the flow. They rarely find their place in life and often push great opportunities away from themselves.

And, by tradition, we will start this rating from the end.

12th place - Sagittarius

The honorable 12th place and the title of the most important zodiac rogue goes to Sagittarius. Unbelievable, but true: Sagittarians always have money (as a rule, a lot of money), but this is money that they have, but at the same time, it’s like they don’t. Because there is always someone richer than Sagittarius in the world, and this is unbearable, unbearable! So every self-respecting Sagittarius, who did not take the first line in the Forbes ranking, sincerely considers himself poor and deprived. However, we have suspicions that even the largest fortune in the world would not make Sagittarius mentally richer. This insatiable womb cannot be filled, not shut up.

11th place - Aquarius


Aquarius has no money, because he does not need them - everything is very simple and logical. What for? Shaking like Koshcheyushka over cut paper is not about Aquarius. “We live alone, where ours did not disappear!” is his motto. And, to be honest, not a single Aquarius has disappeared anywhere yet. Because there is always someone ready to supply Aquarius with money in exchange for the opportunity to be with him for a little while and feel the irrepressible Aquarian thirst for life.

10th place - Pisces

Pisces got 10th place solely because the universe does not tolerate injustice, and we did not dare to anger her. That is, in fact, Pisces should have taken an honorable place in the top three, because they have money. Much money. But we must say that Pisces is completely unable to earn them, despite the fact that the generous universe provides Pisces with an ocean of opportunities. But no: Fish prefer expensive aquariums or ornamental ponds, into which someone will surely pour food. But if you release the Fish into independent swimming, it’s all gone: the Fish will somehow earn money for its food, but no more, no more.

9th place - Libra

Libras don't just dislike money, they despise it. Rather, they despise not these pretty pieces of paper, on which you can buy many beautiful things, but the human thirst for profit. Oh, how base, how rude! Chic life, however, Libra is very fond of, so there is some contradiction here. For us, of course, not for Libra. Because in the picture of the world of Libra, both fit perfectly: the artist must be hungry, of course, but grateful fans may well present him with something delicious. An apartment on Sadovoye, for example.

8th place - Gemini

Gemini knows how to earn, but they still never have money. And this is the real "no" - in the sense of not at all. I mean even for food. In especially neglected cases, there is no money even for food for the cat (but this is the bottom even by the standards of Gemini). And all just because the money literally burns the Gemini's hands: you need to spend, rather, before it starts! Because it can start at any moment, it's true. What exactly? Yes, the devil knows. Revolution, for example. Or the apocalypse. This will not begin for you, but for the Gemini it will certainly begin. I mean, they'll start.

7th place - Taurus

Taurus are unfortunate orphans, unloved stepdaughters and stepchildren of the dear universe. And they are smart, and diligent, and hard-working, but the evil stepmother is still cruel to them: she doesn’t beat, of course, but she trolls mercilessly. Nobody likes money - big money! - just like Taurus, but precisely big money they usually don't. They have exactly as much as you need for a comfortable life, but a little better than others. The very weirdest thing. The house is bigger, the car is faster, the pie is tastier. And no matter how much Taurus fights, no matter how hard he tries to earn more, the desired millions remain imaginary. Ololo.

6th place - Leo

The six rich Pinocchio are closed by the proud Lions. Leos don't need money, Leos need opportunities. Rather, one possibility is to splurge everyone. Lions always look rich: they live in the most prestigious district of the city (but sometimes in a removable bedbugs), dine in the best restaurants (and dine with Doshirak) and dress emphatically fashionably (fortunately for Lviv, gifted, but impoverished designers will not be translated, until Libra ceases to be born). In general, it is more important for Lions not to be, but to be known. At first. Then Leo will become his own in the society of the rich and earn his bread with black caviar. Learn!

5th place - Cancer

Cancer is a rare hoarder. “All children, like children, live without worries, and Bob is on a diet - he doesn’t eat or drink: he puts it in a piggy bank.” If you ask Cancer why he needs so much money, Cancer will logically and rationally answer: “I need it!” Actually, this is an exhaustive description of Cancer: he needs money, and why - no one will ever know, because Cancer does not advertise his spending and does not boast of wealth. With the exception of a single case: when the last piggy bank bursts at the seams, Cancer donates what did not fit to some poor relatives. Well, so that everyone knows how generous and noble he is.

4th place - Aries

Aries loves risk. Big money loves people who love risk. Therefore, Aries and big money, as a rule, meet in early youth, fall in love with each other and then live in love and harmony until death separates them. And this is where the fun begins: Aries have many heirs, and they never leave wills. This is Sparta!

3rd place - Capricorn

As you know, there are two ways to quickly fill the piggy bank: either earn more or spend less. Capricorns have achieved perfection in both. They earn absolutely fanatically and spend almost nothing. Well, what's the point, what's the point of spending money on nonsense, if it can be spent on education, for example. Which will help you earn even more. Capricorns are not exactly stingy, just money is the result of the labor invested, and who scatters their labor, huh? Here's the same thing. Let it lie in the bank. There is something does not ask.

2nd place - Scorpio

An honorable second place goes to Scorpions, who, firstly, love money very much, and secondly, they hate to lose. And they don't actually lose. Because for the sake of money and for the sake of a place on the life prize podium, they will mercilessly go over the heads of competitors and bite other people's backbones, laughing at the same time. So here, just in case, we armed ourselves with aspen stakes: the place is still not the first, no. Sorry.

1st place - Virgo

Suddenly! first place and gold medal receive Virgo - the main zodiac ascetics. Well, asceticism is asceticism, and merciless statistics tell us that in the lists of the richest people in the world, there are most representatives of this particular sign. And this actually means that the universe loves us and protects us from black-black envy. Since Virgos are those same billionaires who wear jeans for 20 bucks all their lives, because “what is it, normal jeans are the same.” "Normal" - in general keyword in the lexicon of Dev. They don't need more. That's what people are, right? You can't even envy them humanly!

Success and financial well-being largely depends on the sign of the Zodiac. The location of the stars at the time of birth determines how talented a person will be in the ability to set and achieve goals, whether he will be able to rise and move on after falls and failures, and whether he will be able to make success his constant life partner. Astrologers have compiled a rating of the most successful people according to the sign of the Zodiac and revealed the areas of activity through which they will come to success.


Successful Taurus is driven by the credo: "I see the goal, I see no obstacles." Their inherent perseverance helps to reach heights that seem to others the world of fantasy. As a rule, Taurus is very material, so status is a vital concept for them. They are ready to work with horse dedication, to sacrifice sleep and rest, if only their well-being and success would become the envy of others. Taurus has a very well-developed financial intuition, which allows them to perfectly navigate the business and take only promising cases. Most often, Taurus conquer business tops in the field of design art, real estate, restaurant activities, as well as the beauty and health industry.


The success of Scorpios is facilitated by their indomitable will to win. They strive for leadership in everything and are ready to demonstrate their superiority in the financial field to everyone. Scorpions have a solid approach to business. They explore profitable areas, identify the most promising ones, and boldly enter into difficult battles with competitors, not even allowing the thought that someone can be better and more successful. Such unshakable confidence opens the door to the world of the richest and most successful people. Scorpios forge their financial happiness in the service sector, lending, insurance, industrial activities, and trade. Having gained vast experience in achieving success, they are ready to share their knowledge with the whole world, however, only for big money.


Achieving success is one of the main life tasks for many Aries. Activity and enterprise they do not hold. The bubbling energy allows the representatives of the sign not only to earn money, but literally to make capital on their own business projects. They are full of new ideas, they know how to make competent calculations, motivate, inspire and organize people. Aries manages everything that is in the power of the human mind. However, in business one cannot do without the prompts of intuition, and Aries does not go well with flair. Therefore, they often need more time and patience to achieve success. Aries gain their well-being in the areas of activity associated with active movement. For example, tourism projects or a business focused on sports, cars and construction equipment.


Virgos are strong in analytics, patient, hardy, accurate, well organized and responsible. With such qualities, the road is open to any activity, but Virgos are the kings of small business. Perhaps they simply lack the courage to take on the toothy sharks that no one can do without. big business. However, this does not prevent them from taking first place in the ranking of the richest people on the planet. And everything big, as you know, starts small. Success and financial independence Virgo brings politics, medicine, trade, Agriculture, internet entrepreneurship, security services healthy lifestyle life and everything related to beauty and health: SPA-salons, fitness centers, health resorts and sports facilities, tourism.


What makes Capricorns successful and wealthy is their ability to be disciplined and purposeful. The driving force is the high ambitions of Capricorns. True, they lack healthy adventurism, where there is always a place for justified risk, and they will never take the laurels of the pioneer of a new direction in business. However, competent business strategies, stubbornness and endurance of Capricorns in the chosen and proven field of activity will be enough to develop it to an unprecedented scale. Capricorns do not rush to success, because they are sure that it is impossible to achieve high results without a fundamental approach and high-quality execution. Great success awaits Capricorns in the field of finance, insurance, accounting, engineering services, restaurant business, construction and real estate sales.

People who are fond of astrology are probably interested in knowing what the richest sign of the zodiac is. There are 12 of them in total, but surely there are statistics and rating table. Well, it really is. Of course, it cannot be said that all people born under the same zodiac sign are rich or poor without exception. But, apparently, the stars are formed in such a way that someone is more lucky, and someone less.

Possessors of modest finances

Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces are the "trinity" of people who, according to statistics, cannot boast of untold wealth. But something makes them different.

Sagittarius, for example, has money. But at the same time, they don't seem to exist. Because Sagittarius is always surrounded by people who are richer than himself. And it depresses him.

Aquarians don't have money. All because of their extravagance and desire to spend every penny. However, this money is coming from somewhere. Not the richest sign of the zodiac, but there will always be someone ready to provide him with funds.

What about Pisces? Controversial case. For people born under this sign of the zodiac, fate gives just millions of opportunities! Using them, they would be able to become very successful individuals. It's just all about character. Pisces has a very soft, simple, and romantic approach to life. There are no traits that would contribute to his development as a rich person.

Middle class people

Before talking about the richest sign of the zodiac, we can also note the "golden mean" with attention.

So, Libra. They do not like the rich, their luck and thirst for profit, but they themselves adore a luxurious life. They can earn a lot of money for themselves if they take advantage of the prospects or take a risk.

Geminis are also not the richest people according to the sign of the zodiac. They know how to earn money, but...they don't have any money anyway. Sometimes even in the truest sense of the word. Why? Because they spend everything - like Aquarius.

Taurus love money, which they do not have. There is, of course, but only as much as you need for a comfortable life. And no matter how much Taurus tries to earn more, nothing comes of it.

And what about Lions? They just don't need money. If they choose, they will stop not at financial wealth, but at opportunities. It's better for them. Although the Lions always seem to be rich. And this is more important for them - not to be, but to be known.

And finally, Raki. They just need to be noted with attention, talking about the richest signs of the zodiac. The rating of astrologers puts them in 5th place. Because Cancers know how to save. They save money all the time. For what? Because it is necessary! They are quite wealthy, but no one knows how much. Because Cancer never advertises its expenses.

Escaped to the top lines

Fourth, third and second places are occupied by Aries, Capricorn and Scorpio. If we talk about which zodiac signs are recognized as the richest (with the exception of the leader, which will be discussed later), then it will definitely be them.

So, Aries. They love risk. And so they attract money. Especially in youth. By the way, they also make excellent entrepreneurs - Aries are able to use their natural activity and initiative in a profitable business.

What can be said about Capricorns? These people know how to do everything - and earn a lot, and spend little. No, they are not stingy. They simply treat what they earn as the result of their most valuable work. And it is not good for them to scatter.

And finally, Scorpions. People who hate losing and value money. They are able to go over the heads if they need it. And when Scorpio decides to become rich, you can bet that he will achieve this in the near future.


And now, finally, we can talk about the richest sign of the zodiac, which is Virgo. This is the opinion of the vast majority of astrologers. However, there is an argument.

Virgos are adherents of asceticism (self-restraint). And they don't do it on purpose. They don't even think about torturing themselves. It's just that Virgos have always been like that. Excessive pleasures and luxury do not cause shivers in their knees, they are always content with everything “normal” - a one-color T-shirt, jeans for 1-2 thousand rubles, a simple dialer phone. Although they can afford the latest brand new smartphone from Apple and branded items. However, with all this, millions can lie in their bank account. And not only rubles.


Well, which zodiac sign is the richest is clear. Now it is worth talking about something else. About why financial success more often than others, it is Virgos who achieve.

You can start by describing the men. WITH early years, while still boys, they strive to help their family. They try to earn money early, show responsibility. Their inherent practicality is manifested from childhood.

When the boys grow up, they begin to show their brilliant sharp mind and developed intellect. They tend to reason, analyze, calculate everything. Everything that happens in the life of Virgo men, they initially comprehend.

By the way, the expression "cold mind" is about such people. Emotions in Virgo men are very difficult to awaken. In the first place is always the mind and adequate, logical judgments. That is why they have very great prospects in business.


Girls born under the Virgo zodiac sign seem to be fragile, timid, shy and even ephemeral creatures. Many, looking at such persons, may think - and this is the richest sign of the zodiac, according to astrologers? Yes exactly.

Beneath their appearance lies power. They are serious personalities who always carry themselves with dignity. They have a lot of achievements, but these girls do not brag about them. They are purposeful and persistent - when it comes to what they need.

In addition, by nature, Virgos are leaders. In personal life, in family, in business. Virgos are sure that no one can do anything better than them. They always strive for perfection in everything. And they do not tolerate if someone tries to help or hinder them.

And people who get to know the Virgo girl better understand why she has money, although she seems modest. She just does what she can. That is, she earns money by following a well-thought-out plan, which is firmly “fixed” in her mind.

Areas for success

Here is another trait characteristic of Virgos. In work, people born under this sign show themselves at their best. They may start from a not particularly prestigious position, but thanks to their responsible approach to activities, punctuality and professionalism, career not far off for them.

In addition, they are disciplined. And they also like to do something useful not only for themselves, but also for others. That is why they make great doctors. They like to comprehend the functions and structure of the human body, and they succeed.

Virgos also become excellent psychologists, engineers, architects. AND literary critics because they are critical thinkers.

But such areas in which it is necessary to show increased activity and briskness are not to their liking. And they will not be able to become rich, because the activity will not bring pleasure. This is the sphere of journalism, teaching, tourism, trade. And farming does not attract them, which, by the way, is very profitable. Because Virgos are very clean creatures. And also pedantic and scrupulous. This activity is not for them.

Attitude towards money

Virgos are serious about finances earned by their own labor. They don’t even think about “playing” the entire salary and living until the next paycheck, trying to survive on noodles fast food. This does not correspond to their usual concept of "normal".

After all, the material income of the Virgin, no matter how large it may be, is always earned by the sweat of one's brow. Easy money is perceived by them skeptically, disapprovingly. And in general, they never take risks. Maybe only minimally and without touching finances - they buy milk of a new brand to try, for example.

But to buy a couple of hard-earned money lottery tickets or go to the casino is not for them. Such a way of life would go against their pragmatic and prudent approach to everything. What's more, they even bank money for a long time do not put. Even if they have accumulated millions. Before opening a deposit, they will study for several weeks best banks(not only those located in their country, by the way), their history, problems and proposals. You can be 99% sure that they will read the contract in its entirety - even the fine print. To some, this may seem "too much." No, it's not. After all, in the end, the Virgos win.


Well, the richest signs of the zodiac and the undoubted "financial leader" according to most astrologers were named above. Again, it is necessary to answer - not always everything is decided by the horoscope. According to astrologers, the stars only give us a certain “ground” in the form of the beginnings of character, abilities, ambitions and prospects. Otherwise, whether a person manages them or develops himself in the opposite direction is a purely personal matter.