Publisher: Classic style

From the fifth grade in schools begins new round study of one of the fundamental subjects - mathematics. The level of complexity of the material is increasing, which causes difficulties for many fifth graders. Some of them simply cannot write a test or test paper for a satisfactory grade. Good way- apply online mathematics solution book for grade 5 authors A.S. Chesnokov and K.I. Neshkov.

Like many other manuals, the didactic materials of the authors A.S. Chesnokova and K.I. Neshkov have an auxiliary collection of GDZ. With it, the student will be able to prepare for an important lesson without a tutor.

How to use the tutorial

This online resource will help your child in the following situations:

  • checking the correctness of the task;
  • analysis of incomprehensible moments in solving problems;
  • consolidation of the material and its further application in the classroom.
  • prepare for control and test tasks

For the full assimilation of knowledge, the student should not engage in simple copying. Such an approach could lead to bad habit, which will lead to a deterioration in academic performance and a misunderstanding of the algorithm of actions when faced with typical tasks.

Before starting the search for the right key, the student needs to solve the problem himself. Next, with the help of convenient navigation through the options independent work and numbers he will find the correct answer. In addition, there are also ready-made solutions for control works.

Usefulness of the resource for parents and educators

Adults can also take this collection of mathematics into service (. If a child has difficulties, they will be ready to help him. In addition, parents will take control of the teenager's performance homework and won't worry about his grades in his math diary.

GDZ to the textbook on mathematics for grade 5 Vilenkin N.Ya. (blue) can be downloaded.

GDZ for a workbook in mathematics for grade 5 Rudnitskaya V.N. can be downloaded.

GDZ to didactic materials in mathematics for grade 5 Popov M.A. can be downloaded.

GDZ to the textbook on mathematics for grade 5 Vilenkin 1, part 2 (new, 2018) can be downloaded

Didactic materials mathematics. Grade 5 Chesnokov A.S., Neshkov K.I.

6th ed., M.: 2014. - 144 p. 12th ed., M.: 2009. - 144p.

The manual contains exercises for independent work, which are of a teaching and testing nature, as well as texts of examinations. The manual reflects all the topics of the mathematics course for grade 5.

Exercises for independent and control work are presented in four versions. They fully correspond to the textbook "Mathematics, 5" by N.Ya. Vilenkina, A.S. Chesnokova, S.I. Shvartsburd and V.I. Zhokhov (M., 1990 and subsequent editions). However, most of these exercises can also be used when working on the textbook "Mathematics, 5" by E.R. Nurka, A.E. Telgmaa (M., 1990 and subsequent editions). The manual contains tables for the distribution of exercises for independent work on the points of these textbooks.

Examinations are compiled separately for each of these textbooks. To all control works, the number of the item of the corresponding textbook is given in brackets, after studying which it is possible to complete this work. Variants of control works are identical in their degree of complexity. In all works, except for the last one, the fifth task has an increased difficulty.

Independent work is, as a rule, educational in nature and is not intended to assess the knowledge and skills of students. In their implementation, the teacher can provide individual assistance: give advice, instructions. The exercises of the fourth option are more difficult, and the exercises of the first easier option than the corresponding tasks of the second and third options.

Exercises for independent work, crossed out in the margins, can be used to check the degree of mastery of the material covered by the students even before the test.

Format: pdf(2014, 6th ed., 144p.)

Size: 3 MB

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Format: djvu/zip (M, 2009, 12th ed., 144s.)

Size: 1.4 MB

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Format: pdf/zip ( M, 1990, 145s.)

Size: 5.6 MB

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51. Find the value of the expression:
a) (1272 - 768) * 7 + 472; 6) (599 + 289): 24 - 16.
52. Make an expression for solving the problem: “In order to take out the apple crop, the farm needed 28 trucks with a carrying capacity of 1500 kg each. This year, 32 of the same trucks brought the harvest. How many kilograms of apples were harvested on the farm in two years? Find the value of the expression.
53. Make an expression for solving the problem: “25 books were bought for the library in January for 75 rubles. each. In February, another 25 books were bought. For all books paid 3900 rubles. How much is one book bought in February?” Find the value of the expression.
54. Find the value of the expression 21 - 57: 3 + 6.
55. Make an expression for solving the problem: “The first book has 92 pages, the second has 56, and the third has 2 times more than the first and second together. How many pages are in the third book? Find the value of the expression.
56. Write in the form numeric expression the sum of two expressions 47 - 24 and 37 + 28 and find the value of this expression.
57. The sum of two numbers is 48 greater than the first one. What is the second number equal to?
58. Distance from town to village s km. In how many hours will a tourist cover this distance if he walks at a speed of 4 km/h?

1. Follow the steps: 0.81: 2.7 + 4.5 * 0.12 - 0.69.
2. On Monday they brought 31.5 tons of carrots, on Tuesday - 1.4 times more than on Monday, on Wednesday - 5.4 tons less than on Tuesday. How many tons of carrots were brought to the warehouse during these three days?
3. There are 40 fruit trees in the school garden. 30% of these trees are apple trees. How many apple trees are in the school garden?
4. The capacity of two vessels is 12.8 liters. The first vessel holds 3.6 liters more than the second. What is the capacity of each vessel?
5. Draw an AOC angle of 135°. Use the ray OB to divide this angle so that the resulting angle AOB is 85°. Calculate the degree measure of the angle BOC.

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Download the book Didactic materials in mathematics, grade 5, workshop, Chesnokov A.S., Neshkov K.I., 2014 -, fast and free download.

  • Didactic materials in mathematics, grade 6, workshop, Chesnokov A.S., Neshkov K.I., 2014
  • Didactic materials in mathematics for grade 5, Chesnokov A.S., Neshkov K.I., 2009
  • Didactic materials in mathematics for grade 5. Chesnokov A.S., Neshkov K.I., 2009
  • Mathematics, Workbook for grade 6, In 2 hours, Part II., Mindyuk M. B., Rudnitskaya V. N., 2014

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