In life modern man Electricity plays a huge role. Until now, many people do not understand how people sometime live without electric current. In our homes there are light, all appliances, ranging from the phone and ending with the computer, works from electrical voltage. Who invented electricity and in which year it happened, not everyone knows. At the same time, this discovery marked the beginning of a new period in the history of mankind.

On the way to the appearance of electricity

The ancient Greek philosopher Fales, who lived in the 7th century BC, found out that if I rub the amber about wool, then the stone will begin to attract small subjects. Only many years later, in 1600, english physicist William Gilbert introduced the term "electricity". From this point on, scientists began to pay attention to him and conduct research in this area. In 1729, Stephen Gray proved that electricity can be transmitted at a distance. An important step It was made after the French scientist Charles Dufa opened, as he believed, the existence of two types of electricity: resin and glass.

The first one who tried to explain what electricity was, was Benjamin Franklin, the portrait of which is now bangible at hundredth bills. He believed that all substances in nature had a "special liquid". In 1785, the law of Kulon was opened. In 1791, the Italian scientist of Galvani investigated muscle contractions in animals. He found out, conducting experiments on the frog that the muscles are constantly excited by the brain and transmit nerve impulses.

A huge step towards studying electricity was made in 1800 by Italian physicist Alessandrom Voltawho invented and invented the galvanic element - source direct current. In 1831, the Englishman Michael Faraday invented an electric generator that worked on the basis of electromagnetic induction.

A huge contribution to the development of electricity was made outstanding scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla. He created devices that are still used in life. One of the most famous works is the AC motor based on the alternator of the AC. He also performed work in the field of magnetic fields. They allowed to use alternating current in electric motors.

Another scientist contributed to the development of electricity was George OM, which was experimentally withdrawn the law electrical chain. Another outstanding scientist was Andre-Marie Ampere. He invented the design of the amplifier, which was a coil with twists.

Also important role In the invention of electricity played:

  • Pierre Curie.
  • Ernest Rutherford.
  • D. K. Maxwell.
  • Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.

In the 1870s Russian scientist A. N. Lododyigina was invented incandescent lamp. He, after handing out the air from the vessel, forced the coal rod glow. A little later, he suggested replacing the coal rod on a tungsten. However, the launch of the light bulb into mass production was able to another scientist - American Thomas Edison. At first, as a thread in the lamp, he used a charred chips received from the Chinese bamboo. His model turned out to be inexpensive, high-quality and could serve for a long time. Much later, Edison replaced the thread on tungsten.

No one knows what year electricity was invented, but since the XIX century it actively entered the life of a person. At first it was just lighting, then electricity Began to apply for other areas of life (transport, means of transmitting information, household appliances).

Using lighting in Russia

Trying to find out what year electricity appeared in Russia, scientists are inclined to believe, what happened in 1879. It was then that the foundry bridge was lit in St. Petersburg. On January 30, 1880, an electrical department was created in Russian Technical Society. This society and has been engaged in the development of electricity in Russian Empire. In 1883, an iconic event occurred in the history of electricity - the cooling of the Kremlin was performed when Alexander III came to power. According to his decree is formed special Societyengaged in developing master plan By electrifying St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Variable and permanent current

When the electricity was opened, between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla broke out a dispute, which current to use as the main, variable or permanent. The confrontation between scientists was even nicknamed "war currents". In this struggle defeated alternating currentSince he:

  • easily transmitted over long distances;
  • does not carry huge losses, passing at a distance.

Main areas of consumption

IN everyday life Permanent current applies quite often. It employs various household appliances, generators and charging device. In industry, it is used in batteries and engines. In some countries, they are equipped with power lines.

Alternating current is able to change in direction and value for a certain period of time. It applies more often permanent. In our homes, its source serve sockets, they connect various household appliances under different voltage. Alternating current is often used in industry and when lighting the streets.

Now electricity in our homes come thanks to electric stations. They have special generators who work from the energy source. Basically, this energy is thermal, which is obtained when water heated. For water heating, oil, gas are used, nuclear fuel or coal. Couples, resulting in water heating, enormous turbine blades, which, in turn, run the generator. As the power of the generator, the energy of water falling from the height can be used (from waterfalls or dams). It is less likely to use the strength of the wind or the energy of the Sun.

Then the generator with the help of a magnet creates a flow of electrical charges passing through copper wires. In order to transmit current over long distances, it is necessary to increase the voltage. For this role, a transformer is used, which increases and lowers the voltage. Then electricity with high power is transmitted by cables to the place of its use. But before entering the house, it is necessary to lower the voltage using another transformer. Now it is ready to use.

When the conversation is hardened about electricity in natureThe first to come with lightning, but this is not the only source. Even our bodies with you have an electrical charge, it exists in human tissues and transmits nerve impulses throughout the body. But not only a person contains electric current. Many inhabitants underwater world Also able to allocate electricity, for example, the slope contains the charge of 500 watts in itself, and the eel can create a voltage up to 0.5 kilovolt.

Who invented electricity and when did it happen? Despite the fact that electricity firmly entered our lives and drastically changed it, most people find it difficult to answer this question.

And there is nothing surprising in this, because humanity went to the electricity era for thousands of years.

Light and electrons.

Electricity is customary to call a set of phenomena based on the movement and interaction of tiny charged particles called electrical charges.

The term "electricity" itself comes from the Greek word "electron", which means "Yantar" translated into Russian.

This name was not available for physical phenomenon, because the first experiments on the receipt of electricity refer to the ancient times when in the VII century. BC e. ancient Greek philosopher And Mathematics Fales came to the discovery that the shabby about wool a piece of amber is able to attract the paper, feathers and other items with a small weight.

Attempts were performed attempts to get a spark after the rubbing finger on the glass. But knowledge available to people in those old timesIt was clearly not enough to explain the nature of the origin of the physical phenomena.

Noticeable progress in the study of electricity was made after 2 millennia. In 1600, the Court leakage of the British Queen William Gilbert issued a treatise "On magnets, magnetic bodies and a large magnet-land", where for the first time in history used the word "electrician".

In his work, an English scientist clarified the principle of the compass based on a magnet, and described experiments with electrified objects. Gilbert managed to come to conclusion that the ability to electrify was characteristic of various bodies.

The continuer of research of William Gilberta can be called the German Burgomist Otto von Gerica, who in 1663 it was possible to come up with the first in the history of mankind electrostatic machine.

The German German was a device consisting of a large sulfur ball, placed on the iron axis and attached to a wooden tripod.

To obtain an electric charge, the ball was rubbed into the tissue or hands. This simple adaptation allowed not only to attract light items to themselves, but also push them.

In 1729, the experiments on the study of electricity continued the scientist from England Stephen Gray. He managed to determine that metals and some other types of materials are capable of transmitting an electric current at a distance. They began to call the guides.

In the course of his experiments, Gray found out that in nature there are substances that are not able to transmit electricity. These include amber, glass, sulfur, etc. Such materials were subsequently named with insulators.

4 years after the experiments, Stephen Gray, the French physicist Charles Dufe opened the existence of two types of electrical charges (resin and glass) and studied their interaction among themselves. Later, the Douffes described, the charges became negative and positive.

Of the inventions of the last centuries

Mid XVIII century. marked the beginning of the era of active exploitation of electricity. In 1745, Dutch scientist Peter Van Mushchenbrook creates a device for the accumulation of electricity, which was called "Leiden Bank".

In Russia, approximately in the same period was actively studied electrical properties Mikhail Lomonosov and Georg Richman.

First person who tried to give scientific explanation Electricity was American politician and scientist Benjamin Franklin.

According to his theory, electricity is an intangible liquid present in all physical matter. In the process of friction, some of this fluid moves from one body to another, thereby causing an electrical charge.

To other achievements of Franklin can be attributed:

  • introduction to the use of the concept of a negative and positive electric charge;
  • invention of the first lightning conduction;
  • proof of electrical origin of lightning.

In 1785, the French physicist Charles Pendant formulated the law explaining the interaction between real-state point charges.

The law of Kulon became starting point For the study of electricity as an accurate scientific concept.

From the beginning of the XIX century, many discoveries were made in the world, allowing better to study the properties of electricity.

In 1800, a scientist from Italy Alessandro Volta invented a galvanic element, which is the first in the history of mankind by the source of DC. Shortly after him, the Russian physicist Vasily Petrov opened and described the discharge in the gas, called the volt arc.

In the 20s XIX century Andre-Marie Ampere introduces the concept of "electric current" into physics and formulates the theory on the relationship of magnetic fields with electric.

In the first half of the XIX century, James Joule, Georg Ohm, Johann Gauss, Michael Faraday and other scientists with world names are discovered. In particular, Faraday has the opening of electrolysis, electromagnetic induction and the invention of an electric motor.

In recent decades of the XIX century, physicists have existence electromagnetic waves, invent the incandescent lamp and proceed electrical Energy long distances. From this period, electricity begins slowly, but correctly spread through the planet.

His invention is associated with the names of the greatest scientists of the world, each of which at one time had attached a maximum effort to study the properties of electricity and transferring their knowledge and discover the subsequent generations.

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Electricity - the greatest invention mankind


Vadim profits physicist theorist, permanent author of the terra incognita. ---- The basic properties and laws of electricity are installed by lovers. Electricity is the basis modern technology. There is no more important discovery in the history of mankind than electricity. They may say that space and informatics are also ambitious scientific achievements. But without electricity there would be no cosmos or computers. Electricity is a flow of moving charged particles, as well as all the phenomena associated with the regrouping of the charge in the television. The most interesting thing in the history of electricity is that the basic properties and laws of it were established by outsiders. But at this crucial moment so far no attention has not been accessed. Already in deep antiquity it was known that amber, shabby about wool, acquires the ability to attract light items. However, this phenomenon for millennia did not find practical application and further development. Amber stubbornly grated, admired ...

Vadim profits physicist theorist, permanent author of the terra incognita.

The main properties and laws of electricity are installed by lovers.

Electricity is the basis of modern technology. There is no more important discovery in the history of mankind than electricity. They may say that space and informatics are also ambitious scientific achievements. But without electricity there would be no cosmos or computers.

Electricity is a flow of moving charged particles, as well as all the phenomena associated with the regrouping of the charge in the television. The most interesting thing in the history of electricity is that the basic properties and laws of it were established by outsiders. But at this crucial moment so far no attention has not been accessed.

Already in deep antiquity it was known that amber, shabby about wool, acquires the ability to attract light items. However, this phenomenon for thousands of years has not found practical applications and further development.

Amber stubbornly grated, admired them, made various decorations from him, and on this it was limited.

In 1600, London published a book of English doctor V.Gilbert, in which he first showed that the ability of amber to attract light items with many other bodies, including glass. He also noticed that the humidity of the air largely prevents this phenomenon.

The erroneous concept of Hilbert.

However, Hilbert and the first mistakenly established a distinguishing line between electrical and magnetic phenomena, although in reality these phenomena are generated by the same electrical particles and no face between electric and magnetic phenomena does not exist. This erroneous concept had far-reaching consequences and for a long time confused the creature of the question.

Hilbert also discovered that the magnet loses magnetic properties When heated and restores them when cooled. He used a mild iron nozzle to enhance the action of permanent magnets, the first began to consider the Earth as a magnet. Already from this brief listing it is clear that the most important discoveries were made by the Hilbert.

The most amazing thing in this analysis is that to Hilbert, ranging from the ancient Greeks, which established the properties of amber, and the Chinese who used the compass, there was no one who would make such conclusions and so systematized observations.

Contribution to the science of O.Henrick.

Then the events developed unusually slowly. She passed 71 years before the German Burgomistrome of O. Herica in 1671 was taken the next step. His contribution to electricity was huge.

Gerica established the mutual repulsion of two plagated bodies (Hilbert believed that there is only an attraction), the transmission of electricity from one body to another with the help of a conductor, electrification by means of influence when approaching an uncharged body of the electrified body, and, most the main thing is the first Built friction-based electrical machine. Those.

he created all the possibilities for further penetration into the essence of electrical phenomena.

Not only physicists contributed to the development of electricity.

It took another 60 years before the French scientist Sh.Dyufe in 1735-37. and American politician B. Franklin in 1747-54.

it was established that electric charges are two birth. And, finally, in 1785, the French artillery officer S. Cylon was formed the law of interaction of charges.

We also need to specify the work of the Italian doctor L.Galvani. Great value We had the work of A. Volt to create a powerful source of DC in the form of a "Voltov Post".

An important contribution to the knowledge of electricity occurred in 1820, when the Danish professor of physics H. Earsted opened the impact of the conductor with a current on a magnetic arrow. Almost simultaneously was open and studied by A.MPER. The interaction of currents with an extremely important applied value was opened.

A large contribution to the study of electricity was also made by the Aristocrat of Kavendysh, Abbat D. Pestley, school teacher G.omom. Based on all these studies, the M. Faraday subsemistry opened electromagnetic induction in 1831, which actually is one of the forms of current interaction.

Why did people know anything about electricity during the millennia? Why did the most different layers of the population participated in this process? In connection with the development of capitalism there was a general rise in economics, medieval caste and estate prejudices and restrictions were broken, the general cultural and educational level of the population was raised. However, it was not without difficulty. For example, Faraday, OMA and a number of other talented researchers had to conduct fierce battles with their theoretical opponents and opponents. But still, ultimately, their ideas and views were published and found recognition.

Of all this, you can make interesting conclusions: scientific discoveries are made not only by academicians, but also lovers of science.

If we want our science to be in advanced positions, they must remember and take into account its development history, fight the sides and monopolism of one-sided views, to create equal conditions for all talented researchers, regardless of their scientific status.

Therefore it's time to open our pages scientific magazines For school teachers, artillery officers, abbots, doctors, aristocrats and apprentices, so that they can take an active part in scientific creativity. Now they are deprived of such an opportunity.

Electricity is an extremely useful form of energy. It is easily turning into other forms, for example, light or heat. It can be easily transmitted on wires. The word "electricity" comes from the Greek word "electron" - "amber". With friction, amber acquires an electric charge and begins to attract pieces of paper. Static electricity is known since ancient times, but only 200 years ago, people learned how to create an electric current. Electricity brings us warmth and light, it employs a variety of cars, including computer and calculators.

What is electricity

Electricity exists due to particles having electrical charges. There are charges in any substance - because the atomic nuclei have a positive charge, and negative electrons are treated around them (see article ""). Usually the atom is electrically neutral, but when it gives its electrons to other atoms, it acquires a positive charge, and the atom that has received additional electrons is charged negatively. You can inform some subjects an electric charge called static electricity. If you lose balloon About the woolen jumper, part of the electrons will go from the jumper to the ball, and he will acquire a positive charge. The jumper is now charged positively, and the ball sticks to it, since the opposite charges are attracted to each other. Electric forces also apply between charged bodies, and the bodies with opposite (positive and negative) charges attract each other. Objects with the same charges, on the contrary, are repelled. In the Van de Grafa generator, a significant static charge occurs during friction of the rubber ribbon about the roller. If a person touch the dome, his hair will stand on end.

In some substances, such as B, electrons can move freely. When something leads them to move, the flow of electrical charges occurs, called tokom. Conditions - These are substances capable of conducting electrical current. If the substance does not spend the current, it is called insulator. Tree and plastic - insulators. In order to isolation, the electrical switch is placed in the plastic case. Wires, as a rule, are made of copper and covered with plastic for isolation.

For the first time, static electricity discovered the ancient Greeks over 2,000 years ago. Now static electricity is used to obtain photocopy, faxes, prints on laser printers. Reflected by the mirror laser beam creates on the drum laser printer Point static charges. The toner is attracted to these points and pressed against the paper.


Lightning causes static electricity accumulating in thunderstorm Poohe As a result of friction of droplets of water and ice crystals, each other. With friction of each other and the air drops and ice crystals acquire a charge. Positively charged drops are collected in the upper part of the clouds, and the negative charge accumulates below. A large spark, called the Lightning Leader, rushes towards the ground, to a point having the opposite charge. Before the occurrence of the leader, the difference in potentials in the upper and lower regions of the clouds can be up to 100 million volts. The leader causes a response discharge, fixing the same way from to cloud. Inside this discharge five times the hot surface of the Sun - it heats up to 33,000 ° C. Heated lightning discharges air quickly expands, creating an air wave. We perceive it as thunder.


Electric current is a flow of charged particles moving from high electric potential to the low potential area. Particles leads to the potential difference that is measured in volta.. For current flow between two points, a continuous "road" is needed - chain. Between two poles of the battery there is a difference in potentials. If you connect them to the chain, the current will occur. The strength depends on the difference in the potentials and resistance of the chain elements. All substances, even conductors, have a current of some resistance and weaken it. The unit of current is named amperam (A) in honor of the French scientist Andre-Marie Ampere (1775 - 1836).

For different devices, you need a current of different. Electrical appliances, such as light bulbs, turn electric current into other forms of energy, heat and light. These devices can be included in the chain in two ways: sequentially and parallel. In the sequential circuit, the current passes through all components in turn. If one of the components burns out, the chain opens and disappears the current. In the parallel circuit, the current goes in several ways. If one chain component fails, on another branch, the current is still.


Battery is a chemical energy repository that can be turned into electricity. The most typical battery used in everyday life is called such element. It is located in it electrolyte (A substance containing capable of moving charged particles). As a result, opposite charges are divided and moved to the opposite poles of the battery. Scientists have found that the liquid in the body of a dead frog acts as an electrolyte and conducts an electric current.

Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) created the world's first stack battery in the world cardboard discs, impregnated with acid, and soaked with acid, and laid zinc and copper disks between them. In his honor, the unit voltage is named volt. The battery is 1.5 B is called an element. Large batteries consist of several elements. The battery in the 9 V contains 6 elements. Dry called primary elements. When electrolyte components are spent, the battery life ends. Secondary elements - These are batteries that can be recharged. Car battery is a secondary element. It recharges the current produced inside the car. Solar battery turns the energy of the sun into electric. When lighting sunlight Silicon layers electrons in them begin to move, creating the potential difference between layers.

Electricity we have at home

The voltage in the mains in the same countries is 240 V, in the other 110 V. This is a high voltage, and the shock can be fatal. Parallel chains supply electricity into various parts of the house. All electronic devices are equipped with fuses. There are very thin wires within them, which melt and break the chain if the current is too large. Each parallel chain usually has three wires: under voltage and grounding. On the first two there is a current, and the ground wire is needed for security. It will remove the electric current into the ground in the case of a breakdown of isolation. When the plug is included in the socket, the connectors are connected to the wire under voltage and the neutral wire, the closure chain. In some countries, plugs with two connectors are used, without grounding (see Fig.).

The opening of electricity has completely changed the life of a person. it physical phenomenon Constantly participates in everyday life. Lighting at home and street, the work of all sorts of devices, our rapid movement - all this would be impossible without electricity. This has become available thanks to numerous studies and experiments. Consider the main stages of the history of electrical energy.

Ancient time

The term "electricity" comes from the ancient Greek word "electron", which means "amber". The first mention of this phenomenon is associated with antichny times. Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Falez Miletsky In the VII century BC e. I found that if you make friction of amber about wool, then the stone appears the ability to attract minor items.

In fact, it was the experience of studying the possibility of electricity production. IN modern world This method is known as a triboelectric effect that makes it possible to remove sparks and attract it with light weight. Despite the low efficiency of this method, we can talk about Falez as an electricity discoverer.

IN ancient time A few more timid steps were made on the way to the opening of electricity:

  • ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle in the IV century BC. e. He studied the varieties of acne, capable of attacking the enemy by the discharge of the current;
  • ancient Roman Writer Pliny In 70, our era investigated the electrical properties of the resin.

All these experiments are unlikely to help us understand who discovered electricity. These isolated experiments did not receive development. The following events in the history of electricity took place many centuries later.

Stages of creating the theory

The XVII-XVIII century was marked by creating the basics of world science. Starting from the XVII century there is a number of discoveries, which in the future will allow a person to completely change their lives.

The appearance of the term

The English physicist and a court doctor in 1600 issued a book "On Magnote and Magnetic Bodies", in which he gave the definition of "electric". It explained the properties of many solid bodies after rubbing to attract small items. Considering this event should be understood that we are talking Not about the invention of electricity, but only about scientific definition.

William Hilbert was able to invent the device called vessel. It can be said that he reminded the modern electroscope, whose function is to determine the presence of an electric charge. With the help of the Version, it was found that, except for amber, the ability to attract light items also possess:

  • glass;
  • diamond;
  • sapphire;
  • amethyst;
  • opal;
  • shale;
  • carborundum.

In 1663, the German engineer, physicist and philosopher Otto von Gerica Invented the device, which was the prototype of an electrostatic generator. He was a sulfur ball, struck on a metal rod, which rotated and rubbed manually. With this invention, it was possible to see the property of objects not only to attract, but also to repel.

In March 1672, the famous German scientist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz In a letter to K. Gerike He mentioned that when working with his car he recorded an electric spark. This was the first evidence of the mysterious phenomenon at that time. Gerica created the device that served as a prototype of all future electric discoveries.

In 1729, a scientist from the UK Stephen Gray made experiments that allowed to open the possibility of transmitting an electric charge into small (up to 800 feet) distance. And he also found that electricity is not transmitted on the ground. In the future, this made it possible to classify all substances on insulators and conductors.

Two types of charges

French scientist and physicist Charles Francois Dufe In 1733, opened two heterogeneous electric charges:

  • "Glass", which is now called positive;
  • "Smolynaya", called negative.

Then he made a study of electrical interactions that were proven that a variety of electrified bodies will be attracted by one to one, and the same name - repel. In these experiments, the French inventor used the electrometer that allowed to measure the charge value.

In 1745, a physicist from Holland Peter Van Mushchenbruck Invented Leiden Bank, which became the first electric capacitor. His creator is also a German lawyer and physicist Evald Jurgen von Clayst. Both scientists acted in parallel and independently of each other. This discovery gives scientists the full right to enter the list of those who created electricity.

October 11, 1745 Gyst made experience with the "Medical Bank" and found the ability of storage large number Electric charges. He then informed about the opening of German scientists, after which an analysis of this invention was carried out in Leiden University. Then Peter Van Mushchenbruck Published his work, thanks to which the Leiden Bank became known.

Benjamin Franklin

In 1747, American political figure, inventor and writer Benjamin Franklin Published his essay "Experiments and surveillance with electricity." In it, he presented the first theory of electricity, in which he identified it as an intangible fluid or fluid.

In the modern world, Franklin's surname is often associated with hundred dollar bills, but one should not forget that he was one of the greatest inventors of his time. The list of its numerous achievements are present:

  1. Famous designation today electrical states (-) and (+).
  2. Franklin proved the electrical nature of the zipper.
  3. He was able to come up with and imagine in 1752 the draftsman's project.
  4. He owns the idea of \u200b\u200ban electric motor. The embodiment of this idea was the demonstration of the wheel rotating under the action of electrostatic forces.

The publication of its theory and numerous inventions give Franklin the full right to be considered one of those who came up with electricity.

From theory to the exact science

Studies and experiments allowed the study of electricity to go to category exact science. The first in the series of scientific achievements was the discovery of the law of Kulon.

The law of interaction charges

French engineer and physicist Charles Augusten de Peal In 1785, he opened a law that displaced the power of interaction between static point charges. Pendant before that invented the tweeted scales. The emergence of the law took place due to the experiments of the coulon with these weights. With their help, he measured the power of interaction of charged metal balls.

The law of Kulon was the first fundamental law explaining the electromagnetic phenomena from which the science of electromagnet began. In honor of Kulon in 1881, a unit of electric charge was named.

Battery invention

In 1791, the Italian doctor, physiologist and physicist wrote "the treatise on electricity for the muscular movement." It recorded the presence of electrical pulses in animal muscle tissues. And he also discovered the difference of potentials in the interaction of two types of metal and electrolyte.

The discovery of Luigi Galvani received its development in the work of Italian chemist, physics and physiologist Alessandro Volta. In 1800, it invents "Volt Pole" - a source of continuous current. It was a stack of silver and zinc plates, which were separated between themselves with paper pieces in a salt solution. "Volts of the pillar" became a prototype of galvanic elements in which the chemical energy was transformed into electric.

In 1861, the name "Volt" was introduced in his honor - a unit of voltage measurement unit.

Galvani and Volta are one of the founders of the teachings about electrical phenomena. The invention of the battery provoked a rapid development and subsequent growth scientific discoveries. End of the XVIII century and start XIX. The century can be characterized as a time when electricity was invented.

The appearance of the concept of current

In 1821, French mathematician, physicist and naturalist Andre-Marie Ampere In its own treaty, there has been a link between magnetic and electrical phenomena, which is absent in the staticness of electricity. Thus, he first introduced the concept of "electric current".

The amp constructed the coil with multiple twists from copper wires, which can be classified as an electromagnetic field amplifier. This invention served as the creation in the 1930th century of the electromagnetic telegraph.

Thanks to the studies of the ampere, the birth of electrical engineering was possible. In 1881, in his honor, the unit of force was called "Ampera", and the instruments that measure force are "ammeters".

Electric chain law

Physicist out Germany Georg Simon Ohm In 1826, presented a law that proved the relationship between resistance, voltage and current in the circuit. Thanks to wow, new terms arose:

  • voltage drop in the network;
  • conductivity;
  • electromotive force.

Its name in 1960 called a unit of electrical resistance, and Om, undoubtedly, is included in the list of those who invented electricity.

English chemist and physicist Michael Faraday Made in 1831 the opening of electromagnetic induction, which underlies the mass production of electricity. Based on this phenomenon, it creates the first electric motor. In 1834, Faraday opens electrolysis laws, which led him to the conclusion that atoms can be considered a carrier. The electrolysis studies have played a significant role in the emergence of electronic theory.

Faraday is the creator of the exercise on the electromagnetic field. He managed to predict the presence of electromagnetic waves.

Public applied

All these discoveries would not be legendary without practical use. First of possible methods The uses were electric light, which became available after the invention in the 70s of the 19th century of incandescent lamps. Her creator became Russian electrical engineering Alexander Nikolaevich Lodygin.

The first lamp was a closed glass vessel in which the coal rod was located. In 1872, an application for the invention was submitted, and in 1874, Lododyna was given a patent for the invention of incandescent lamps. If you try to answer the question, in which year electricity appeared, this year can be considered one of the correct answers, since the appearance of the bulb has become an obvious sign of accessibility.

The appearance of electricity in Russia

It will be interesting to find out what year electricity in Russia appeared. The lighting first appeared in 1879 in St. Petersburg. Then the lanterns were installed on the casting bridge. Then, in 1883, the first power plant at the police (folk) bridge began work.

In Moscow, the lighting first appeared in 1881. The first urban power station earned in Moscow in 1888.

Day of foundation energy Systems Russia is considered July 4, 1886, when Alexander III signed the charter of the "Society of Electric Lighting of 1886". It was founded by Karl Friedrich Siemens, who was a brother of the organizer of the world-famous concern Siemens.

It is impossible to say for sure when electricity has appeared in the world. Too much events scattered in time, which are equally important. Therefore, there may be a lot of answer options, and they will all be correct.