There is a certain theory that any physiological changes in the body occur due to an initial disturbance at the energetic, subtle level. For example, negative thoughts can eventually lead to the accumulation of negative emotions and, as a result, deterioration of the chakras. Actually, as a result of which the disease occurs.

Chakras are information and energy centers. In a healthy person, they are always open, which makes it possible for energy to circulate freely and correctly throughout the body, as well as to influence the endocrine and nervous system. When the chakras are working properly, a person radiates happiness because nothing bothers him. With the restoration of the functioning of the energy flow, diseases by themselves are eliminated.

What can disturb the chakras?

In fact, there can be several reasons for the disruption of the chakras. The most common are:

  • wrong attitude towards life;
  • the habit of taking offense at the whole world because of failures;
  • wishes of evil to other people (wishes of evil to relatives are especially strong in terms of destroying chakras);
  • self-condemnation, which is permanent;
  • a large number of desires that a person does not know how to control. That is, any negative thoughts and emotions affect the chakras and, as a result, provoke diseases.

Chakra MULADHARA (1 chakra) and diseases

Muladhara is the chakra of physicality and life energy. It is located in the crotch area

The main tasks of this center are self-preservation and procreation. He is also responsible for survival. Those who have this chakra function normally like to create comfort and order around them. They like to equip the places of their permanent residence (home, office, summer cottage). And it's not just about cleaning up, they hate the manifestation of chaos and disorder. Such people like to build something, to repair something. They always have everything laid out on the shelves and in order. Also, people with a developed first chakra are very fond of physical activity and sports. They get incomparable pleasure from it.

The problem of infertility, both male and female, is directly related to disturbances in the work of this chakra, since the chakra is responsible for the functioning of the prostate gland, ovaries and uterus. In addition, hemorrhoids are a typical disease associated with this chakra. If you are worried about an attack of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to throw something out of the house - and relief will come instantly.

Such people are very jealous, quarrelsome, constantly put forward some kind of demands. For them, marital infidelity can be one of the natural steps, while absolute fidelity is required from the partner. Another of their properties is immense greed. They do not hesitate to use manipulation to influence others.

Muladhara is also responsible for the functions of the large intestine, adrenal glands and musculoskeletal system. That is why such diseases are associated with violations in her work:

injuries, including fractures;
bowel disorders;

Chakra SVADHISTANA (2 chakras) and diseases

She is responsible for human creativity, sexuality and procreation. Its location is a point two fingers below the navel.

People who have this chakra normally know how to get pleasure from life. In doing so, they also know how to show and deliver that pleasure to others. Such a person knows how to differentiate pleasures and knows a lot about sophisticated pleasures and states. He also has excellent flexibility, both physical and mental.

Such a person has a strong potential in socially, that is, he is militant and independent, knows how to achieve the set goals and can use any methods to achieve them (including "walking on corpses"). In addition, he has a strong charm, and the existing spark draws attention to him.

Disruptions in her work are caused by constant feelings of guilt, hopelessness, or unfulfilled promises.

This is a state of sexual underdevelopment, when sexuality is reduced and a period of boredom sets in. Such a person has a feeling of a sexless being and loses interest in the opposite sex. Despondency, resentment, appearance bad habits... Physiologically, problems begin with conception, the genitourinary system.

Infidelity and sexual promiscuity are possible. There are problems with the realization of the desire to get married. Svadhisthana is oppressed when a person makes many promises and does not fulfill them, as well as because of blocking their desires. It is important to be able to distinguish the worthy from the unworthy and to be able to enjoy life. The fear of pregnancy and both sexes strongly hits this center (for a man - for a woman).

If too much energy accumulates here, it leads to various inflammations and even schizophrenia. If a person internally forbids himself to have pleasure, or, on the contrary, feels a desire to prove himself in bed, or often change partners, deceive himself or others, various diseases of the genital area are possible.

When there is a blockage in the chakras, what diseases occur?

The following violations are associated with svadhisthana:
- Infertility. Miscarriages or stillbirth.
- Born with hereditary diseases, deformities. Adultery.
- Sexually transmitted diseases.
- Dermatitis
- Frigidity (impotence) or back side, promiscuity.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system (fibroids, cysts, prostatitis).

Finding out the reason for the feeling of guilt will help to remove the blockage. As soon as you understand yourself, ask for forgiveness from those before whom you are guilty, sex life will return to normal immediately. Relaxing massages in the pelvic area will also help, and most importantly, you need to get satisfaction in sex.

Chakra MANIPURA (3 chakras) and diseases

Manipura is a social activity chakra located in the solar plexus region.

People with a normally functioning third chakra are good at keeping themselves in society. This center allows you to create social connections, helps in defending your own opinion and teaches you to achieve your goal. It is easy for such people to become politicians and successful entrepreneurs... They often have a strong attachment to material values, which helps them create in this field. These people are distinguished by moderate belligerence, the ability to push others when necessary. They define a social space for themselves and defend it. There is healthy selfishness here.

Manipura is responsible for our immunity, protective and cleansing functions, as well as the functions of assimilating food. When the chakra is in a harmonious state, the body is able to receive and assimilate all trace elements and nutrients necessary for normal functioning.

This chakra is depressed in those who do not take responsibility for their actions, are inclined to live in debt, do not defend their interests and opinions, and refuse to dominate. A striking symptom is a constant feeling of fear, anxiety, self-criticism, etc. At the same time, liver disease is the accumulation of unexpressed anger, and pancreatic disease is due to a lack of initiative (this also includes frequent poisoning). Diabetes is due to general dissatisfaction with life. Infertility is due to strong male dominance.

The reasons for violations can be:

- lack of responsibility for their actions;
- persistent debts;
- inability to defend their own interests;
- aggression and anger.

When a chakra blockage occurs, the energy is transferred to other people.

The following diseases are associated with disturbances in the work of manipura:
- psychological stress (constant feeling of anxiety, fears);
- diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
- ulcer;
- the formation of stones;
- pancreatitis;
- infertility.

The peculiarity of this chakra is that in case of a violation in its work, there are also external manifestations of this, such as redness of the face, thinness.

Chakra ANAHATA (4 chakras) and diseases

Anahata is the heart chakra, which is responsible for the sensory realm, the realm of love. It is located in the middle of the chest.

Normally, Anahata leads to a sensitive understanding of the sphere of feelings and emotions, develops empathy, and shows compassion for others.

It is very pleasant and sincere to be near such a person. He is able to support in any situation and will speak openly. Such a person easily shares his own supply of energy. Artistry is present in people with a normally functioning fourth chakra. They are capable of true and sincere love.

Anahata affects work of cardio-vascular system as well as the lower part of the bronchi and lungs. The main signs that the chakra is in disharmony are:

- hypertension,
- scoliosis,
- bronchial asthma,
- pneumonia;
- tuberculosis,
- osteochondrosis,
- mastopathy
- intercostal neuralgia.

Look at your hands: if the skin is dry and wrinkled, the chakra is depressed. This happens as a result of the impossibility of free expression of feelings - emotions are squeezed or blocked. In the long term, problems with this chakra lead to heart disease, hypertension.

If a person lives by other people's desires, he gives up his energy, and he may have a heart attack. Lung diseases are possible in case of a lack of joys in life, melancholy, lack of delight, a strong quarrel. The reasons for blocking anahata are grief, excessive feelings of pity, regret and injustice.

Lung disease is caused by constant melancholy. Bronchitis is the result of dissatisfaction with one's own life. A person loses interest in life, becomes soulless and incapable of compassion or sympathy. Such a person is constantly depressed and emotionally depressed. For him, sensations and feelings are something unattainable. After all, he simply does not have enough energy to express emotions. It seems that everything is bad and this bad will never end. This condition is very dangerous.

Difficulties often appear in interpersonal relationships... A person with a blocked heart chakra needs to cry, and then there will be relief.

Chakra VISHUDDHA (5 chakra) and diseases

Vishuddha is the chakra of creativity and manifestation of oneself in the world. It is located in the throat area.

When functioning normally, this chakra allows us to express our own thoughts and feelings to the whole world. A person with normal Vishuddha turns out to speak correctly, he is able to present himself well, he can express himself beautifully and descriptively, and also understands creativity. He has no problems at all with the manifestation of creative talent. Creating his masterpieces, such a person is guided, first of all, not by the material side (he is not interested in money), but he enjoys the very process of creativity. All his activities are filled with passion.

Concerning physical health, then when the Vishuddha chakra is blocked, diseases associated with the throat, mouth, ears and thyroid gland arise, the cause of these violations is innuendo or criticism of other people.

Also, disturbances in the work of the Vishuddha chakra can be expressed in such diseases as:

acquired deafness

The "excellent student's syndrome" may appear. Its essence is that a person has a desire to tell a lot, but he will be silent until he is asked. And this is his main problem, as people rarely ask. And the reason for this lies in the fact that when earlier they asked him questions, the answers were so confused and peculiar that for big amount it was very difficult to understand the essence of the given words.

A depressed fifth chakra does not allow a person to express himself clearly and clearly. In addition, such a person lacks the perception of beauty in its various manifestations. It is difficult for him to understand the works of art he has seen and it is difficult for him to feel them. He does not know how to see beauty. Physiologically, there are problems with the larynx, throat, thyroid gland, tongue, jaw, vocal cords, hormonal balance, work nervous system.

More often than not, we all oppress this chakra with innuendo: if a person is afraid to express his opinion, the chakra suffers. Often this creates a lump in the throat - this is the first signal of problems with the fifth chakra. In addition, Vishuddha is oppressed by criticism. Sore throat is possible in two cases - if a person expresses his opinion when he is not asked, and if his opinion is suppressed, not expressed. Dental diseases and stuttering, deafness are also possible from this. If a person has lost interest in his appearance or has no sense of taste - it comes about a broken, seriously disturbed fifth chakra.

As for physical health, when chakras are blocked, diseases arise in the work of the throat, mouth, ears, thyroid gland, the reason for them is innuendo or criticism.

Chakra AJNA (6 chakra) and diseases

Ajna is the chakra of knowledge and manifestation of the "third eye". It is located at the point between the eyebrows.

The area of ​​responsibility of the sixth chakra is logic, vision of a person's picture of the world and cognitive processes. The center operating normally gives good results on these indicators. Such a person has good erudition, he has an independent and interesting picture of the world, has free thinking, knows how to think logically and is capable of putting forward original ideas... Also, this person is great at teaching others.

It is important to understand that Ajna is not just about gaining knowledge, but also the ability to create fairly complex pictures of the world. Bright representatives scientists and philosophers have a developed sixth chakra. At the same time, they strive not so much to embody their theories as to create them. She is responsible for intelligence, sincerity, understanding and compassion.

At the physical level - for the work of the brain, eyes, maxillary sinuses and upper teeth. When there are no violations in it, a person has a well-developed intuition, memory, logical thinking.

If oppression, excitement or blockage occurs (the reason for this, as a rule, is a "sinking" on a certain problem, constant grumbling and criticism), then the following diseases may develop:

- headache;
- fainting,
- dizziness;
- sinusitis;
- sinusitis;

Diseases of the upper jaw, the sixth chakra makes a person stupid, narrow-minded, living by standards and patterns. It is very difficult for him to collect his thoughts, since attention is very susceptible to external stimuli. It takes a lot of time and energy. In addition, if a person often holds back tears, energy is also wasted and leads to various problems.

This chakra is suppressed if a person wastes his energy in vain or is chained to some object. For example, you are worried about what is happening in your home, and you give part of your energy to this place. This can lead to headaches and other pathological conditions. The attitude of refusal to see anything depresses vision. Physiologically, the nose, ears, face, and the left side of the brain can suffer.

Chakra SAHASRAR (7 chakra) and diseases

Sahasrara is the chakra of higher knowledge, which is located on the crown. It is located at the very top of the head and is called the crown chakra.

With a normally functioning seventh chakra, a person becomes open to divine wisdom. He has developed intuitive knowledge and sees the very essence of things well. Revelations and prophetic dreams often come to him.

This chakra is directly related to the Spiritual body and Divinity. Gives a person wisdom, intelligence, spirituality, insight and helps to establish and strengthen contact with Higher Powers... It is this chakra that forms the aura that some people can see.

In case of disturbances in the work of the Sahasrara chakras, a person has

- persistent headaches
- diseases of the central nervous system
- violations of the general mental state.
Drug addiction,
- migraine,
- disturbance of night sleep,
- strokes

There are various techniques and multiple methods aimed at bringing our chakras into a harmonious state, therefore, the timely identification and removal of these very energy blockages is a very important task for absolutely every person who wants to be absolutely healthy, live a happy, fulfilling and harmonious life.

P.S. Keep your chakras working in a clean and harmonious state and be healthy and happy.

In this article we will tell you what the chakras are responsible for, we will give detailed description and the meaning of each. This topic will be useful to everyone who wants to work with their own energy, open their minds and get to know themselves better.

We list:

  1. In the region of the crown is the seventh. Responsible for spirituality, brain function, harmony in all spheres of life. The better developed sahasrara, the closer man to God, the more spiritual and unique he is
  2. The sixth is located in the center of the forehead. Responsible for wisdom and memory, consciousness, the ability to feel the state of other people. If this chakra is developed beyond the norm, a person is able to predict the future, he is highly spiritually developed.
  3. In the area of ​​the thyroid gland is the fifth. They call her throat, she is responsible for a person's ability to express their thoughts through words. Shows how he is able to defend his beliefs, prove a point of view
  4. There is a fourth in the center of the chest at the level of the heart. Responsible for the emotionality and openness of a person. Shows how responsive he is, sensitive, able to love, be gentle. Responsible for the health of the lungs, heart and other organs located in the chest area
  5. In the region of the navel is the third (solar plexus chakra). Responsible for how the human body transforms, assimilates, stores and distributes energy. The more developed the 3rd chakra, the better a person's intuition. Stabilizes the energy shell
  6. The second (sex chakra) is located in the pubic region. Responsible for sexual energy: sensuality, sexual activity, attraction, attractiveness, magnetism. Better developed in women than in men. Men get this kind of energy through women.
  7. And the first is in the crotch area. It is responsible for the entry of energy into the body, as well as for the removal of used residues of this energy. Determines the character, temperament, psycho-logical type of a person. Well developed in men. In women, it is practically not developed, therefore, the representatives of the weaker sex should receive the energy of this chakra through men.

Depending on the location, each of the chakras "supervises" the work of certain internal organs person. Therefore, in case of health problems, one can easily determine which of the chakras is "hackneyed" and requires cleansing.

How to open the chakras?

It is not enough to know what human chakras are, to understand their meaning. It is important to be able to do what "slows down" you. Working with an energy field can produce tremendous results.

Realization of aspirations

It's very simple: to start the process of opening the chakras automatically, you need to learn to set high goals. This is the first and very powerful impetus towards the development of your life potential.

Therefore, we take a piece of paper, a pen and write a list of 100 goals. The first 20-30 are unlikely to be "high", rather, these will be goals like: "buy a fur coat", "buy a car", "pay off a mortgage." But the last 20, most likely, will already look more global, intangible and interesting.

The embodiment of principles

To implement this practice, decide which chakra you will work with. If, for example, this is Svadhisthana, you need to follow the principles of this chakra. She is responsible for honesty, sincerity and openness. You need to cultivate in your character the traits of the chakra that you want to open.

Self-hypnosis and meditation

There are many meditation techniques for beginners and professionals alike. Test everything, determine which one suits you best. Not immediately, but gradually, you will learn to feel yourself and your body, direct energy in the right direction.

How to clear chakras?

Esotericists believe this: if a person is ill, something is not going well with him in life, it means that some of the chakras are "clogged" and require. Let's talk about the meaning of human chakra cleansing and its methods.

What pollutes your energy channels:

  • negative emotions: rude, abusive speech, quarrels and scandals, rudeness, sarcasm and participation in disputes;
  • negative thoughts: resentment, envy, disappointment, anger, etc.
  • negative actions due to which you do badly to other living beings.

Negativity is a powerful destructive agent. The more of it in your life, the more the chakras are clogged. Because of this, the balance of energy goes astray, a deficit is created, and the physical condition of a person suffers from this.

You can find even more information about chakras in this video:

To cleanse the chakras from accumulated dirt, you must:

  • set a clear goal and go towards it
  • eliminate negativity from your life: stop being a source of negativity yourself, stop communicating with people who spread it
  • do soothing meditation, recite mantras
  • study special yoga asanas that are aimed at cleansing the chakras

It is advisable to consult with a competent esotericist. The topic of chakras is very subtle, if you act incorrectly, you can seriously harm yourself. So be careful.

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Human energy centers and their opening are very important for human energy health. Because it directly affects physical health as well as spiritual development, social life and practically in all spheres of human life.

We will briefly talk about each chakra and teach the basic practices, techniques to open them.

Human charkra - description and meaning

First chakra - Muladhara

Teaches you to survive. She is responsible for all primordial instincts: to continue the race, to protect herself, to eat, to get dressed. You need to develop muladhara in order to be able to connect with the earth, to feel which places give you energy and which ones take away. A sign of imbalance in this chakra is a constant sense of danger. Fear of being hungry, homeless, etc.

People with imbalanced mooladhara stock up on food for several months in advance, are obsessed with safety, buy up the most expensive alarms, but at the same time save to the point of absurdity. Careful work with consciousness, prayers and, is necessary to calm fear and bring the first chakra in order

Second chakra - Svadhishthana

Teaches pleasure. It is she who is responsible for attractiveness, the desire to please the opposite sex, the need for emotions. And if mooladhara teaches to survive, then svadhishthana helps to do it with pleasure.

If there is no balance in the second chakra, a person seeks to receive more and more acute sensations that will destroy him. He is insatiable for emotions. This is the case when instead of love - lust, instead of gourmet - gluttony, instead of active rest - a constant search for acute sensations and adrenaline addiction.

To be saved and to unfold svadhishthana, one must learn to control pleasures, immerse in them and fully enjoy them in order to get satisfaction. The inability to enjoy and leads to a destructive dependence on new sensations.

To open and balance this energy center, you must first realize the problem, and then start meditating.

Third chakra - Manipura

Empowers. Gives birth to belief and principles. Responsible for the ability to influence others, make decisions, be able to refuse or agree in the right situation. Self-control, discipline, the ability to accept restrictions and follow the rules. Toughness and achievement - manipura is responsible for all of this.

The opening of the chakras in this case is necessary in order to be protected from aggressiveness, to have a developed will and self-control.

If the chakra is out of balance, you use your power too much, or, on the contrary, you are very weak-willed. In the first case, you are addicted to victories, you constantly need to assert yourself using aggressive methods. In the second, you constantly feel guilt, do not know how to refuse, curry favor and adjust to those around you.

The disclosure of manipura is necessary in order to come to balance and be realized in life.

Fourth chakra - Anahata

Asks to love. Responsible for the feeling of unity with the world, the ability to love, while controlling the mind. If the chakra is open and balanced, you will always achieve your goals, find material and spiritual balance.

Anahata is unbalanced in sentimental people who can easily break their hearts. Disorder with anahata even if a person seeks only to give or only receive in love. Or when anyone is a need for him, when a person is looking for love in others, forgetting that he should be its source.

Remember that even if 100 people tell you that they love you, you will not be satisfied if there is no love within you.

Chakra meditations are also used to work out anahata. But this is not the only way. You need to start with the ability to love yourself, receive and give love in the same way.

Fifth Chakra - Vishuddha

He says: create. Teaches creativity, reveals the potential of the individual. Moreover, creativity in this context is not artistic, musical and other abilities. This refers to the love of work, the ability to bring something new into it, to make a discovery. Even if you are a machinist.

Well-disclosed and developed Vishuddha allows you to tell the world about your “I”, to express yourself. But this cannot be done if a person does not realize and does not recognize his own uniqueness.

If the fifth chakra is not open enough, energy stagnation occurs. This is very detrimental to the potential of the individual. A person becomes anxious, nervous, uncontrollable, he wastes energy. This is when you agree with your mom who sends you to study engineering when you wanted to become a psychologist. You indulge the desires of others who control you, and not your own (as for the purpose, profession).

If you open vishuddha, inspiration will appear, you will begin to have a feeling of enlightenment, you learn to benefit the world around you and you can express yourself in anything. A lot of thoughts, ideas - all that remains is to grab onto one thing.

Sixth Chakra - Ajna

Shows that magic exists. Responsible for creativity, the ability to see God, the presence of spiritual will. Developed ajna in a person helps him never to agree with the gray reality.

If the sixth chakra is unbalanced, a person has a desire to dream, to go into the world of dreams, so that in his own virtual reality reach the peaks. In this case, a person ceases to pay attention to the material world.

The task of opening the sixth chakra is to discipline the spiritual will, teach one to be realized in the material world, and not just dream of success in one's own consciousness. With a good disclosure of ajna, a person is able to control reality, desire and achieve what he wants, he knows how to direct creative energy in the right direction.

Seventh Chakra - Sahasrara

This is pure spirituality. The embodiment of cosmic energy. The balance of the seventh chakra and its opening allows you to always hear God within yourself. Thanks to this, a person always has a clean source of correct answers. He sees his true path.

An imbalance in the seventh chakra is detrimental to the human mind and can even lead to a psychiatric hospital.

In this case, meditation on opening the chakras is useless: in order to balance and open the sahasrara completely, it is necessary first to achieve a balance of all other energy centers of a person.

Why open the chakras?

In total, a person has 7 main energy centers. Their schematic arrangement is shown in the figure.

To understand what the opening of the chakras is, you need to know the purpose of each energy center. Let's briefly describe the meaning of each of them, and when disclosure is necessary.

How to reveal them?

Deep work with energy centers is possible only under the guidance of a competent and experienced esoteric specialist. Because there are practices that, if used incorrectly, can be quite dangerous.

Video about human energy centers and how to open them:

But there is also simple techniques, which will help to reveal the enchantment a little without harm to the energy shell of a person. Let's list them:

  1. Meditation techniques: for example, meditative music, which opens the centers and uplifts the mood, coupled with reading mantras, can perfectly open the necessary energy centers
  2. Strengthening and realization of aspirations. It is necessary to clearly define the goals: which energy center needs to be opened, why you need it, and what you want to get in the end. Set goals high. As soon as you do this, the chakras will automatically be included in the opening process.
  3. Implementation of the principles of a particular chakra. For example, if the principle of anahata is love, cultivate this quality in yourself. Start with self-love, learn to receive and give love, fill your life with it
  4. Self-hypnosis. A powerful esoteric technique that helps to “rekindle” the power of a particular chakra, increasing it. To do this, you need to mentally "take" the flow of energy, presenting it in the form of a large fireball. Then, also mentally, direct this ball to the desired energy center, as if pumping it up
  5. And the last way is to unblock and cleanse the energy centers. Guided by an experienced mentor or spiritual healer

These are the most simple ways that are available to everyone. You can practice them yourself.

According to the spiritual practices of Hinduism, a person has 7 main chakras (padm) - energy nodes responsible for certain aspects of life. The characteristic and meaning in a person's life is different for each node. To understand how to open the chakras and look at your spiritual body from a different angle, you should study the description of each padma.


In order to exist and normally interact with the outside world, a person needs energy. Chakras are energy nodes located in the “subtle body” of a person (at the spiritual level). They have the function of a “receiver-transmitter” of energy that comes to us from space.

From Sanskrit, the word "chakra" is translated as "wheel". This is because this ephemeral "organ" looks like a kind of funnel. Plasma fields invisible to the eye constantly vibrate, transforming the received energy and adapting it to the needs of a person. Each chakra has its own color and yantra (a special symbol consisting of a certain number of "petals").

There are many chakras on the human body, but there are 7 main energy centers. They interact with the physical body through the endocrine and nervous systems. Each of the nodes is responsible for a certain aspect of life and the normal functioning of one of the organs or systems.

Important! The movement of energy occurs along the spine from the bottom up. If something obstructs or blocks this flow, the person may experience health problems, discomfort, mental imbalance, loss of strength and complete apathy.

In addition, if you do not notice in time the difficulty of the flow of energy, a complete blockage can form, which leads to an absolute disconnection from the universal energy (in other words, to physical death).

To clear the paths of energy movement and the chakras themselves, they use affirmations - special formulas of self-hypnosis. In addition, you can cleanse the chakras with the help of special spiritual practices, meditation and breathing exercises.

Note that not every person has all 7 chakras open. Each of them corresponds to its own level of consciousness, therefore, the opening of each chakra takes place at different stages life.

For example, when a person is just born, he still does not know how. Therefore, he can open only the first chakra, which is responsible for the basic instincts - hunger, sleep, fear, perception.

let's consider full specifications all chakras.

Sacred meaning

The sacred (spiritual) meaning of each chakra is different from each other. They are located from bottom to top - the first is the most "primitive", and the seventh is "enlightened".


It is the root chakra and has a deep red color. Located in the coccyx area (between the genitals and the anus). Responsible for the flow of energy into the body and corresponds to the basic human instincts - self-preservation, prolongation of the species, nutrition. Determines the character and temperament, is formed from birth to 5 years.

Main characteristics:

  • element - earth;
  • main aspects - earthiness;
  • principles - physical strength and endurance, the ability to live independently;
  • feeling - smell;
  • hormonal glands - adrenal glands and gonads;
  • organs associated with chakra - bone skeleton, spine, teeth and nails;
  • diseases - constipation, hemorrhoids, joint diseases, dermatological pathologies;
  • aromatic oils - patchouli, sandalwood, cedar;
  • energy - vitality;
  • chakra is normal - psychological stability, self-confidence and self-confidence.


The second chakra is sacral or sexual. Responsible for sexual energy, sensuality, attraction, magnetism. More often well developed in women than in men. This padma promotes the spread of accumulated energy throughout the body. Helps a person to feel their own individuality, generate new ideas and bring everything conceived to life.

It is located in the pelvic area and provides contact with the opposite sex. Plays a large role in finding a suitable partner and strengthening existing relationships. Chakra color is orange.

Main characteristics:

  • element - water;
  • main aspects - emotions, sex;
  • principles - procreation, creation;
  • feeling - taste and touch;
  • hormonal glands - ovaries, prostate, lymphatic system;
  • chakra-related organs - endocrine system, gall bladder, all body fluids (blood, lymph, digestive juices);
  • diseases - allergies, constipation, lack of libido or hypersexuality, infertility;
  • aromatic oils - rosemary, rose, ylang-ylang, juniper;
  • energy - creation;
  • chakra is normal - stable sexual relations, no fear of communication with the opposite sex.


The solar plexus chakra in translation from Sanskrit means "diamond place". Located in the area of ​​the diaphragm between the sternum and the navel. It stands for the energy of the Ego. Responsible for the formation of a worldview and the process of personality formation. Helps transform the accumulated information into positive energy and redistributes it throughout the body.

The spiritual mission of the chakra is to seek life purpose and material self-realization. Helps to unleash potential and find the type of activity that would bring the greatest pleasure.

Main characteristics:

  • element - fire;
  • main aspects - desire;
  • principles - personality formation;
  • feeling - sight;
  • hormonal glands - pancreas and adrenal glands;
  • chakra-related organs - respiratory system, diaphragm, liver, spleen, gallbladder, sympathetic nervous system;
  • diseases - isolation, problems in the gall, diabetes, gastritis, obesity;
  • aromatic oils - lavender, bergamot, rosemary;
  • energy - inner strength;
  • chakra is normal - an established outlook on life, an accurate understanding of one's own desires.


Heart chakra Anahata from Sanskrit is interpreted as "a drum that plays forever." Located in the chest area parallel to the heart and is a kind of connection between the three lower (primitive) and three upper (sublime) chakras. Its opening and normal functioning allows you to fully express your own emotions, be open and sensitive.

Another name for this chakra is rightfully considered "emotional" - it is she who forms all feelings, experiences, mercy and responsiveness. It is considered the center of faith and spiritual balance of a person. Has a calm green color and forms the emotional contour of a person.

Main characteristics:

  • element - air;
  • the main aspects are love;
  • principles - devotion;
  • feeling - touch;
  • hormonal glands - thymus gland;
  • chakra-related organs - heart, lungs, immune system, skin, upper back;
  • diseases - diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, fatigue, insomnia;
  • aromatic oils - rose, cedar, sandalwood;
  • energy - harmony;
  • chakra is normal - love for oneself and others, kindness and mercy.


The fifth chakra is called the throat chakra - it is located in the throat area and extends to the seventh vertebra. From a psychological point of view, it is called strong-willed, since it is responsible for the manifestation of one's own will, the formation of an inner core. Thanks to this chakra, a person gains the ability to listen to his own desires.

In addition, it allows one to self-identify as a person - to separate one's own energy from the energy of the “crowd” and put “I” as a priority. It has blue color, is the center of creative realization. The development of this chakra allows you to reveal the potential and bring to life the most unusual ideas.

Main characteristics:

  • element - ether (akasha);
  • the main aspects are willpower and communication;
  • principles - strengthening life;
  • feeling - hearing;
  • hormonal glands - thyroid and parathyroid glands;
  • organs associated with the chakra - vocal cords, muscles;
  • diseases - headaches, pathologies of the vocal cords, inflammation of the auricles;
  • aromatic oils - lavender, patchouli;
  • energy - self-expression;
  • chakra is normal - ease of communication, ease of choosing the type of activity, the ability to form precise goals.


The sixth energy center is translated from Sanskrit as "control area". The purple chakra is also called the "third eye" because of its location in the center of the forehead between the brow ridges. This chakra is responsible for wisdom and memory, spiritual and personal growth, as well as the restoration of the normal robots of the autonomic system.

Some suggest that a developed "third eye" endows a person with certain superpowers - the ability to predict the future, communicate with spirits, and see the energy field of other people.

In the article "" you can find out a lot of useful information and learn how to train your memory on your own.

Main characteristics:

  • element - radium;
  • main aspects - extrasensory perception;
  • principles - awareness of the path of life;
  • feeling - intuition;
  • hormonal glands - pituitary gland;
  • organs associated with the chakra - the brain and nervous system;
  • diseases - pathologies of the nose and sinuses, headaches, nightmares,;
  • aromatic oils - lavender, geranium, mint;
  • energy - understanding and acceptance;
  • chakra is normal - ease of communication, good understanding of other people, developed intuition.


The spiritual or, as it is also called, the crown chakra, is located in the region of the crown. Its study causes the most controversy, since some scientists endow it with almost unrealistic abilities. The seventh energy center allows a person to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world and himself, to eliminate all possible spiritual boundaries.

People with a developed seventh chakra are quite rare. All information coming from outside world, is perceived by a person in a positive context and is transformed into powerful energy flows. The universe in this context acts as a powerful space that anyone can comprehend.

Main characteristics:

  • element - absent;
  • main aspects - infinity and spirituality;
  • principles - purity of the soul;
  • organs associated with the chakra - the brain;
  • diseases - mental and mental illness, neurological disorder;
  • aromatic oils - jasmine, frankincense;
  • energy is thought.

Test "Which chakra is most developed?"

To determine the inner state and find out which chakra is most open, we recommend passing an exciting test.

I love physical reality more, which can really be "touched", "seen", "heard" than any spiritual, emotional or intellectual spheres of being.

I often make compromises, I like risk and adventure.

Fooling around and acting eccentric is fun and doesn't bother me.

It is very important for me to be able to play, be entertained, physically move and be with people.

I prefer a secure, stable job that provides a regular salary.

I like to analyze and measure the environment.

I believe that the main purpose of my life is to fully experience all physical and sensory pleasures.

Having a permanent job and family seems boring to me.

My lifestyle is flamboyance and eccentricity.

I regularly need physical activity (exercise) or dancing.

I am an analyst, a logician and I think consistently.

I am a quiet and reserved person, but independent and strong.

I believe that true spirituality is to serve people.

Test to determine the most developed chakra






How to open the chakras?

Deep chakra work is a complex and lengthy process. But first, you need to open them so that the energy can freely circulate through your physical body. For this, beginners use 8 simple techniques.

  1. Wardrobe. It is great to have clothes of chakra colors in everyday life - they can be worn every day or used on special occasions. In addition, you can get a couple of things with images of yantras.
  2. Interior. It is necessary to decorate the home with objects that have harmonized the energy system. To do this, you can use various mandalas, dream catchers, themed tapestries and paintings.
  3. Decorations. Natural stones will help stabilize the work of energy channels and open the chakras. Depending on which particular node needs to be opened, the crystal or gem that is responsible for it is selected.
  4. Body images. Most often they are applied with the help of cosmetic henna - the pattern is selected for each chakra separately. As a rule, signs are drawn that characterize a particular node.
  5. Food. Harmful and high-calorie food "clog" not only the stomach, but also the mind. Therefore, for those who seek to cleanse themselves and open the chakras. It is better to give up fast foods, fatty, fried and heavy foods. Preference should be given to fruits and vegetables.

    Important! When chakras open, a vegetarian diet is most common.

  6. Smells. Constant stress accumulates in the body and is reflected in the form negative emotions... Aromatherapy helps you calm down and relax.

    In addition, the pleasant scents of essential oils will help create a special atmosphere in your home. In addition to pleasant smells, you can calm down in other ways. In the article "" you can find more information on this topic.

  7. Candles. In esotericism, there is a special concept - "chakra candle". It is made to match the color of the chakra that should be activated and has a subtle aroma of the corresponding essential oil. In addition, contemplation of fire has a beneficial effect on the energy center.
  8. Singing bowls. This is an ancient musical instrument in the form of a deep bowl, emitting sound from the vibration of the walls due to touching them with a special stick. A pleasant and deep sound, filled with overtones, is able to put a person into a light trance and make him abandon all the thoughts around him.

What is blocking?

Chakra blockages are usually manifested by energy imbalances and poor health. Usually, you can understand that one or more chakras are not functioning correctly by the following signs.

  1. Health problems arise. A person's physical strength decreases, problems with weight and nutrition may begin. His general health is unsatisfactory.
  2. Constant difficulties with intimate life, long search for a suitable partner. Inability to build strong family or quarrels and conflicts with relatives.
  3. Lack of confidence in yourself and your potential. Frequent thoughts about not being able to achieve what you want, compliance and suggestibility, lack of your own opinion. Feeling that in any difficult situation“Hands down”.
  4. Intolerance to yourself. Constant criticism of one's own actions and decisions. Attempts to avoid serious relationships, fear of romantic feelings. Emotional "lethargy" is the inability to fully express your feelings.
  5. Excessive shyness. It constantly seems that in the dialogue, make a semantic mistake, and they will begin to ridicule you.
  6. Difficulty of choice. The inability to make an adequate decision when you need to choose between personal interest and a sense of duty. Heightened sense of guilt even when the solution to the situation depends on other people.
  7. A feeling of total loneliness.

Such factors have a detrimental effect on all areas of human life. He develops and aggravates existing health problems, negative thoughts and desires arise. An energy imbalance can unsettle for a long time, which is then quite difficult to return to.

For each chakra, there are certain factors that can affect their blockage. Below is a list of all the "catalysts" blocking for the 7 pads in order.

  1. Muladhara. This chakra is always blocked by fear. It could be dread physical strength, their own emotions, experiences, fear of the aggression of others and life in general. All other negative experiences (anger, phobias) are born precisely on the basis of fear. You should not drive your fears "inside" consciousness - in order to solve the problem, they should be carefully studied and released.
  2. Svadhisthana. The second chakra is blocked by feelings of guilt. It is difficult for people with this type of blockage to exist in society - they will always find something to blame themselves for and always, even in the case of minor troubles, engage in self-flagellation. To solve this problem, you should stop being a victim of your own thoughts and realize that not all problems in this life were provoked by you.
  3. Manipura. Blocked out of shame and frustration. From childhood, we are taught norms and rules, following which we do not feel a sense of shame. But if you "go too far" and reproach the child that he is doing everything wrong, at a conscious age it will seem to a person that everything he does is wrong, respectively, shameful.
  4. Anahata. The chakra, which is responsible for love and mercy, is blocked by grief and resentment. Usually, during the experience of these emotions, a person is rather apathetic and does not want to work on himself. He is haunted depressive state, from which it is difficult to get out on your own. Therefore, to unblock the fourth chakra, it is better to contact a professional psychologist who will help you sort out your emotions.
  5. Vishuddha. Foul language, condemnation and lies block the fifth chakra. These emotions and characteristics are very toxic to life - a person with a blocked fifth chakra experiences emptiness and loneliness. In order to cleanse and open it, one should ask for forgiveness from the object on which all the negative was "loaded".
  6. Ajna. Wandering in the clouds can block this chakra. Ajna is responsible for and psychic abilities. Therefore, constant dreams, illusions and exaggeration of their own skills interfere with its normal functioning. To make it work, it is very important to accept yourself as you are.
  7. Sahasrara. Blocking of the "divine" chakra itself occurs as a result of excessive attachment to material things - a car, a house, clothes. Besides. Eternal dissatisfaction with oneself, as well as an attempt to try on someone else's coat, can hinder its disclosure. To restore this chakra, it is very important to understand that the most important thing in life is spirituality and tranquility. Listen to your own biorhythms and eliminate all irritable factors.

Absolutely different factors can disrupt the energy balance. For example, it can be a psychological trauma that happened in deep childhood. Or simply a lack of awareness in adulthood.

In any case, all these problems are solvable. It is never too late to clear the chakras of negativity and normalize the movement of energy.

How to clear chakras?

Clearing the chakras, as well as opening them beforehand, is necessary for the correct movement of energy flows. It so happens that negative thoughts, fears, unresolved problems "clog" the chakras and thereby "clog" the human consciousness.

First of all, unprepared people use special mantras (words or syllables that have a special sacred meaning and are focused on solving a particular problem). Mantras are repeated several dozen times aloud to relaxing music.

For each chakra there is a separate mantra that has its own meaning.

  1. LAM is the mantra for the first chakra. Its meaning is “I am what I am. I'm sure they love me. "
  2. MAM is a mantra for cleansing the second chakra. The meaning of the phrase - "I love and respect myself today, as on any other day."
  3. "RAM" - with the help of this phrase the third chakra is purified. “I am the author of my reality and I like it,” she means.
  4. "IAM" is a syllable aimed at cleansing the fourth chakra. Its meaning is "I have love and full recognition of the environment."
  5. "HAM" - cleansing the fifth chakra is carried out with this mantra. Sacred meaning of this phrase - “I am the creator of my life. Any choice is always mine. "
  6. "OM" or "AUM" are syllables with the help of which the penultimate chakra is cleared. “Seeing the truth won't hurt me” means these phrases.
  7. The clearing of the last seventh chakra takes place in silence. “I feel the present. I am in it ”- with such a phrase a person mentally programs himself. In addition, in order to get rid of the "garbage", various are used.


The normal functioning of all chakras can be judged by the state of health of a person, as well as his general well-being. When all the padmas are open and not blocked, the following changes occur in life.

  1. There is a feeling of stability and stability. A person is "grounded" - he feels all vital needs physical body and can satisfy them, he has enough vitality and good health.
  2. Acceptance of your sexuality comes. At this moment, a person begins to understand all his desires, accepts feelings and can fully enjoy all the joys of life.
  3. With the opening and clearing of the chakras, there comes an awareness of life's purpose. There is confidence in oneself and one's own actions, an understanding of all the tasks necessary for a normal life. Fear to dominate recedes and a protective barrier is formed.
  4. A feeling of complete peace is formed, there are no more negative thoughts, fears and complexes.
  5. There is a desire to share your thoughts and feelings with the world, and this is easily achieved. There are no more problems with expressing feelings, those around you perfectly understand all your fears and desires.
  6. Intuition develops, you can predict exactly what will be good and what will be bad. In addition, the understanding and "reading" of the characters of others is enhanced, which greatly simplifies life.
  7. As the apogee of the normalization of the chakras, one can feel the unity with the Universe and the awareness of one's own spirituality. This highest degree of self-knowledge opens up a new world for a person - full of wisdom and sacred meaning.

There are theories asserting that any physiological changes in the body occur due to a disturbance at the energy level. For example, negative thoughts can lead to an accumulation of negative emotions, as well as a deterioration in the performance of the chakras. In some cases, their complete blockage may occur, the result of which is disease.

What are chakras?

Chakras are information and energy centers. In a healthy person, they are always open, which makes it possible for energy to circulate freely and correctly throughout the body, as well as to influence the endocrine and nervous system. There are three main chakra states:

  • normal;
  • excited;
  • oppressed.

All conditions, except for normal, indicate a violation of energy metabolism, which means that the risk of developing diseases increases.

When the chakras are working properly, a person radiates happiness because nothing bothers him. In some cases, with the restoration of the functioning of the energy flow, the diseases themselves are eliminated. The body is filled with the necessary amount of vital energy, which can lead to the disclosure of psychological abilities.

What are chakras for?

  • release of energy and received information to the environment;
  • providing communication with the outer shell of the body;
  • responding to changes in mood and feelings.

In addition, each chakra has its own color, rotation speed, layering and heterogeneity. Despite the lack of physical embodiment, she is characterized by pathological changes, as well as the possibility of training, preventive measures and treatment. In other words, chakra is the same human brain, but located outside of his body. Moreover, this is indirectly proved with the help of a frame, a pendulum, some kinesological tests, as well as pulse diagnostics and Voll's methods.

What can disturb the chakras?

There can be several reasons for the violation of the functionality of the energy flow. The most common are:

  • wrong attitude towards life;
  • the habit of taking offense at the whole world because of failures;
  • wishes of evil to other people (wishes of evil to relatives are especially strong in terms of destroying chakras);
  • self-condemnation, which is permanent;
  • a large number of desires that a person does not know how to control.

Any negative thoughts and emotions have an impact on energy flow and provoke disease. However, violations at the energy level can be easily corrected, but only if there is no physical manifestation yet. Another important condition: a person must believe in his healing, a skeptical person is much more difficult to treat. This may be due to the fact that old beliefs cause his subconscious to completely ignore any flow of energy. As a result of this, the body rejects any influence, which means that recovery is inhibited.

Major energy chakras and diseases (table) and psychology

There are special tables that correlate physical illness with a specific chakra problem. Why is addiction like this? The point is their mutual arrangement.

Today, there are 7 main human chakras, each of which is responsible for the health of certain organs and systems.

Root chakra (muladhara)

Sacrum, reproductive system, pelvis, large intestine, rectum

Female and male genitals, bladder, part of the kidneys and renal pelvis, ureters and urethra, ovaries, uterus, thighs

Stomach and gastrointestinal tract (except for the upper part of it, as well as the large intestine), upper part of the kidneys, adrenal glands, spleen, pancreas

Cardiovascular system, lungs, thoracic spine, ribs, arms, lower bronchi

Thyroid gland, ears, larynx, trachea, esophagus and upper bronchi

Brain, eyes, maxillary and frontal sinuses, nose, upper teeth

In addition, the so-called small chakras stand out:

  • The plantar ones are responsible for the function of feeding the baby.
  • The knees regulate movement and balance.
  • The chakras of the base of the brain allow a person to survive in modern conditions.

Since each chakra regulates the work of a certain organ or system of the body, it is possible to determine by diagnosis which correction is recommended.

Chakra muladhara and diseases associated with it

The problem of infertility, both male and female, is directly related to disturbances in the work of this chakra, since the chakra is responsible for the functioning of the prostate gland, ovaries and uterus. In addition, hemorrhoids are a typical disease associated with this chakra. The main reason for the development of this unpleasant disease is greed. During this, the person brings the chakra fields to things. If you are worried about an attack of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to throw something out of the house - and relief will come instantly.

Muladhara is also responsible for the functions of the large intestine, adrenal glands and musculoskeletal system. That is why such diseases are associated with violations in her work:

  • obesity;
  • injuries, including fractures;
  • bowel disorders;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypersensitivity.

Other chakras and diseases are also connected, the table of which is given above. If we talk about mooladhara, then she is tied to the elements of the earth, which is why you should not refuse her help.

Sacral chakra

Or svadhisthana. This chakra belongs to the element of water and is located just below the navel. She is responsible for human creativity, sexuality and procreation. It has an inherent orange color.

Disruptions in her work are caused by constant feelings of guilt, hopelessness, or unfulfilled promises. When there is a blockage in the chakras, what diseases occur? The following violations are associated with svadhisthana:

  • Infertility.
  • Miscarriages or stillbirth.
  • Birth with hereditary diseases, deformities.
  • Adultery.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Dermatitis is a disease of the svadhisthana chakra.
  • Frigidity (impotence) or the downside, promiscuity.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (fibroids, cysts, prostatitis).

Finding out the reason for the feeling of guilt will help to remove the blockage. As soon as you understand yourself, ask for forgiveness from those to whom you are guilty, your sex life will immediately return to normal. Relaxing massages in the pelvic area will also help, and most importantly, you need to get satisfaction in sex.

Chakra manipura

The yellow chakra is located in the navel area. Regulates immunity, protective and cleansing functions, as well as the functions of assimilation. When the chakra is full of energy, the body is able to receive and assimilate all trace elements and nutrients necessary for normal functioning. In addition, energy can be obtained from the mental body. In the absence of blockage, chakras and disease (the table of chakras is presented above) do not develop. Such a person is successful, has power, good luck in business. In addition, he is characterized by a healthy psyche and a developed intellect. This chakra requires an increased intake of magnesium in case of a violation.

The reasons for violations can be:

  • lack of responsibility for their actions;
  • persistent debts;
  • inability to defend their own interests;
  • aggression and anger.

When a chakra blockage occurs, the energy is transferred to other people. The following diseases are associated with disturbances in the work of manipura:

  • psychological stress (constant feeling of anxiety, fears);
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • ulcer;
  • the formation of stones;
  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • infertility.

The peculiarity of this chakra is that in case of a violation in its work, there are also external manifestations of this, such as redness of the face, thinness.

Anahata chakra and diseases associated with it

This is the chakra of love, which is why it is in the very heart. It is truly considered central. Although her color is green.

It affects the work of the cardiovascular system, as well as the lower part of the bronchi and lungs. The main signs that the chakra is not working are:

  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • heart attack;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • mastopathy.

The reasons for blocking are grief, feelings of pity, regret, and injustice. The depressed chakra also affects the psycho-emotional state, which is expressed by depression and constant resentment.

Lung disease is caused by lack of joy and constant longing. Bronchitis is a consequence of dissatisfaction with one's own life.

It is very difficult to unblock anahata, because such a person is apathetic and unable to assess the problem soberly. However, everything is real. A person with a blocked heart chakra needs to cry, and then there will be relief.

Features of throat chakra blocking

Vishuddha is a chakra that is responsible for the energy potential of a person. It is blue in color and is located in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. This chakra is directly connected with the navel, they can weaken or strengthen each other.

The main field of vishuddhi action is a person's personal space and time. If there are no violations in work, then a person is characterized by sociability, ease, good self-realization, a sense of his own freedom, creative messages. As for physical health, when chakras are blocked, diseases (there is a table in this article) arise in the work of the throat, mouth, ears, thyroid gland, they are caused by innuendo or criticism. In particular, this can be expressed as follows:

Why is blockage of the frontal chakra dangerous?

The ajna chakra and the diseases associated with it occupy a special place. This is due to the fact that it is she who is responsible for the work of the so-called third eye. This chakra is located between the eyebrows. For some people, the color in this area is predominantly yellow, for others it is purple. She is responsible for intelligence, sincerity, understanding and compassion. At the physical level - for the work of the brain, eyes, maxillary sinuses and upper teeth.

When there are no violations in it, a person has a well-developed intuition, memory, logical thinking. If oppression, excitement or blockage occurs (the reason for this, as a rule, is a "sinking" on a certain problem, constant grumbling and criticism), then the following diseases may develop:

  • headache;
  • fainting, dizziness;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • diseases of the upper jaw.

The crown chakra, or sahasrara

It is located at the very top of the head, in the so-called crown. She is characterized by purple... This chakra is directly related to the spiritual body and divinity. Gives a person wisdom, intelligence, spirituality, insight. It is this chakra that forms the aura that some people can see.

In case of disturbances in the work of the Sahasrara, constant headaches are observed, as well as diseases of the nervous system and disorders of the mental state.

In addition to the main ones, there are also the so-called subchakras (or small ones), which, in turn, also have branches. Moreover, they are all closely related. If a person feels unwell, then it is worth thinking about the correctness of life and emotions. The description of human chakras and disease can be seen above in the article.

Possible reasons

Chakras and human diseases are related. The main reasons for this are the lack or excess of energy in the chakra, its insufficient or excessive activation, as well as the presence of prana in the chakra, which is unusual for it. If chakras and diseases are connected, treatment should take place exclusively on an energetic level.

Correction rules and methods

The work of these energy fields is directly related to the state of the human body. That is why the use of even the most effective, according to doctors, and modern methods treatment does not help relieve symptoms. Remember that chakra-related illnesses cannot be eliminated by conventional methods. With obesity, diet and sports will not always help, because a person will break down anyway, because he has energy disorders, which controls his actions.

At the moment, there are certain methods of spiritual self-improvement that will help to activate the work of the chakras or normalize it. For example, Yoga of Arhats, meditations of which restore the energy of a person, without harming him.