Why and how to develop logical thinking? Exercises for children and adults.

Each person, to a greater or lesser extent, has the ability to think logically.

But there are times in life when logic lets us down, when, not seeing the obvious and closing our eyes to important details, we make serious mistakes and only then we rush to look for ways.

But if you regularly train your logic, solve problems, play the right games, solve puzzles, strain your brains, then you can be sure: difficult minutes logical thinking will not fail.

Is it possible to develop logical thinking at all in adulthood?

Do you know how it translates from ancient greek the word "logic" (λογική)? Like the science of right thinking or the ability to reason.

That is, logic is the basis of ours, which makes a person an intelligent creature and the crown of civilization.

Miracles generally occur with the attitude of humanity to logical thinking.

On the one hand, logical thinking is an acquired quality that is not close to a person, therefore he tries to reject it, making decisions based on those reflections that are beneficial to him.

On the other hand, it was logic that helped humanity to survive, because if one of the tribe, having eaten the fungus, died, then it is logical that no one else from the tribe eats these fungi.

From lazy people who would rather sit in a swamp all their lives than start training their brains, you can often hear:

“Ah, one must be born with the ability to think logically. I was not lucky, so I won't strain. "

So, dear lazy people, scientists have long ago proved that logic is not an innate, but an acquired quality of a person, so you can train logical thinking, and no matter how old you are.

Developing logical thinking is essential for your mental health

Another interesting opinion that I recently came across is that a highly developed logic is needed only for people of certain professions: scientists, investigators, intelligence officers, leaders, in general, those who are engaged in important things and influence the fate of people.

But some loaders or farmers out there can live excellently without her.

Oh, how wrong are those who think so, because the presence of logical thinking testifies to mental health person.

There are rules that do not require proof, and if you are trying to deny them, then this is a reason to think about visiting a psychiatrist.

The well-known logical axioms that form the basis of the human worldview, and which everyone should know, regardless of their age, profession and social status:

    Causal relationships that are one-sided.

    For example, if you plant apricot kernel, then an apricot tree will grow out of it, and not some other.

    And the actions will take place in that order, and not vice versa.

    One-sided temporal orientation: past → present → future, because we are early childhood we understand the meaning of the words "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow".

    Mastery of deduction (from general to particular) and induction (from particular to general).

    An example of deduction: when the sun rises, it becomes light.

    An example of induction: it is light outside, everything is visible, therefore, the sun has risen.

  1. Understanding the meanings of "big" and "small" and the fact that small can fit into a large, but not - on the contrary.
  2. To get a result, actions must be performed in a specific order.

    For example, you cook borscht to make it tasty or at least edible, you must send food to a pot with salted water in a certain order: meat → beans → potatoes → beets with carrots → cabbage → tomatoes → herbs and spices.

    If you break this order, for example, first throw greens into the pan and only at the end the meat, then no one will eat your experiment.

Why else do you need to develop logical thinking?

If you look at the previous section of the article, then every mentally healthy person can safely say:

“I own logical thinking. I understand causal relationships, I understand the importance of a certain order of actions, I have a minimum level of induction-deduction and I understand that “yesterday” cannot be returned, even if I really want it, because now is “today”.

Indeed, every mentally healthy adult possesses the basics of logical thinking, but hardly anyone would argue with the fact that people with have clear advantages over those who have this ability in the embryo.

You need to develop logical thinking in order to:

  1. Build a career.
  2. Demonstrate good academic performance.
  3. Be able to protect yourself in the face of trouble.
  4. Think ahead about your actions and avoid mistakes.
  5. Don't give ill-wishers a chance to hurt yourself.
  6. To do any job as best as possible and as quickly as possible.
  7. They are not afraid of difficulties.

How to develop logical thinking in children?

Logical thinking begins to form already in infancy, but so far it is only visual-figurative and visual-effective: in order to understand what kind of object it is, you need to see and touch it.

When a child grows up, verbal-logical thinking comes to replace him, because it is enough for a child to hear the name of a familiar object in order to understand what is at stake.

Parents should do their best to develop the logical thinking of their children, because theirs also depends on it. social adaptation, and academic success, and mental health.

If you don't miss this moment in early age, then your child will have a hard time at school, at the institute, and in adulthood.

You need to develop the logical thinking of children in a playful way:

  1. Pyramids.
  2. Riddles.
  3. Constructors.
  4. Puzzles.
  5. Board games and more.

We invite you to practice the development of logic right now.

To do this, click "Play" on the video:

How to develop logical thinking for adults?

It will be a little more difficult for adults who have taken up questions of how to develop logical thinking, because you will have to put in more effort, and many adults are too lazy to spend their time usefully.

If you nevertheless decide to work on your logic, then start training it using simple and pleasant ways:

    Solving logic puzzles and puzzles.

    There are plenty of this stuff on the Internet in bulk, and there are plenty of special collections in the store.

  1. Board games for training logic, for example, the same "Scrabble" or "Dixit".
  2. Games of chess, backgammon and checkers.
  3. Passing tests for IQ or logic level.

    Again, this stuff is in bulk on the Internet.

  4. Solving scanwords and Japanese crosswords, and standard crosswords are fine too.
  5. Classes exact sciences: mathematics, physics, computer science, etc.
  6. Reading good detective stories.

    Start with Agatha Christie.

    She has written so many volumes that it will be enough for many evenings of training.

If you decide to seriously tackle the issue, how to develop logical thinking, then you can gradually move on to the execution special exercises, for example, the search for cause-and-effect relationships in different processes, the analysis of any situation by the method of deduction and induction, etc.

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In psychology, thinking is defined as mental activity aimed at generalized and indirect cognition of objective reality by revealing the connections and relationships that exist between cognizable objects and phenomena.

Development of logical thinking- one of the main tasks of the all-round development of children, which should be given serious attention. Thinking is higher form cognitive activities a person, the process of searching and discovering something essentially new. Developed thinking enables the child to understand the laws of the material world, cause-and-effect relationships in nature, public life and interpersonal relationships. Logical thinking is fundamental to achieving success in life. With its help, a person is able to analyze any situation and choose the best option actions in the prevailing conditions.

Logical thinking it is necessary to constantly train, best of all - from early childhood, in order to avoid stereotypical thinking, which is characteristic of the bulk of people. By using logical thinking you will be able to separate the essential from the secondary, find relationships between objects and phenomena, create inferences, seek and find confirmation and refutation.

Development of thinking possibly with the help logical thinking tasks that we offer you. They contribute to:

  • increasing the speed of thinking
  • meaningful thinking
  • increasing the flexibility of thinking
  • increasing the depth of thinking
  • development of freedom and efficiency of thinking

Adults can also train their thinking with mind games and logical thinking tasks... After all, age-related problems with memory and logic are the result of inaction and lack of mental exercise: a person either uses his brain or degrades.

To determine the level of development and quality characteristics of your thinking, we suggest going through logical thinking test. The quality of thinking is determined by the following characteristics:

  • quick thinking is the ability to find the right solutions in the face of a lack of time
  • flexibility of thinking characterizes the ability to change the planned order of actions when circumstances change
  • depth of thinking is the degree of penetration into the essence of a situation or phenomenon and the ability to grasp and identify logical connections between the objects of the task.

These qualities are present to varying degrees in all people. Some of them are more significant for solving theoretical problems, others - for solving practical problems.

In the process of a person's growth, when he enters social life development of thinking occurs sequentially in several stages:

  • object-oriented thinking, characteristic of ages from 1 to 3 years old, is thinking in the form of practical actions. Children at this age learn the world, tasting and smelling objects, touching, disassembling and breaking them.
  • visual-figurative thinking is more developed at the age of 4 to 7 years, but it is also present in adults in the form of visual images and representations: visual, auditory, tactile. This type of thinking is most developed in humans. creative professions(artists, musicians, etc.).
  • abstract logical or abstract thinking is presented in the form of abstract concepts, symbols and numbers. For example, the mathematical terms "integral" and "derivative" are abstract concepts that cannot be perceived by the human senses.

The thinking process is turned on, as a rule, when a problem or task arises, the solution of which can be carried out different ways depending on the level development of logical thinking. The most primitive technique is the trial and error method, during which there is not even an awareness of the problem, not to mention the construction of tactics for its solution and hypothesis testing. In adults logical thinking develops into the ability to explore tasks and determine goals, create a plan and ways to achieve goals. Developed thinking is the ability to think creatively, not to use stereotyped knowledge, but to invent and invent something new. Solving logical problems and thinking games develop not only logic, but also intellect, fantasy, imagination.

Process logical thinking when solving problems, it includes several operations:

  • Comparison - establishing the similarities and differences between objects.
  • Analysis - dividing the elements of an object into components.
  • Synthesis is the union of individual elements into a whole.
  • Generalization - selection common features based on similarity.
  • Abstraction - highlighting any feature of an object or phenomenon that does not exist separately from it.
  • Concretization - emphasizing a particular feature of an object.
  • Systematization is a mental classification of objects and phenomena into groups.

When deciding logical thinking tasks or in thinking games follow the stages:

  • Motivation, that is, the desire to win.
  • Analysis of the conditions of a problem or a game situation.
  • Search for a solution to the problem based on logical reasoning, analogies, heuristic and empirical techniques. V thinking games sometimes a simple insight contributes to victory.
  • Proof and justification of the correctness of the decision.
  • Verification of the solution; if necessary - its correction.

Thinking is a person's ability to reason,

representing the process of reflection

objective reality

in ideas, judgments, concepts.

Ozhegov S.I. .

Thinking is the new creation of the world.

Albert Camus (1913-1960),

French writer and philosopher.

Thinking is the inner re-creation of the world.

Victor Krotov

It is absolutely impossible to live without logic in our world, because thanks to logical thinking, a person can find a way out of a difficult situation, calculate and plan his actions several steps ahead, quickly and easily achieve success in any area.

People who were born with the ability to think logically can be called the real lucky ones. But not everyone is so lucky. You shouldn't despair, because logic can be developed. How can this be done? Let's figure it out now.

Why should an adult develop logic?

A person who knows how to think logically will be able to get to the bottom of the truth, because he, even having inaccurate and incomplete information, will be able to do correct conclusions... Thanks to logic, you will not only get general knowledge, but also familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the subject being studied.

Rational knowledge of the world and cause-and-effect analysis are the basis of logical thinking. Logical or analytical thinking, as opposed to emotional, always relies on arguments and arguments. Therefore, conclusions drawn with the help of logic are valued much more than conclusions drawn with the help of emotions and feelings. Emotions and feelings can change, arguments and reasons are constant.

Responsible for the logic left hemisphere brain, but for emotions and creative potential- right. If you want to develop logic, you need to develop the left hemisphere of your brain. Although it is much easier and easier to do this in the early years of life, it is also possible to change the way of thinking in adulthood. You just need to show composure and be patient.

A person who can think logically can:

  • reduce the number of life and professional mistakes to a minimum;
  • it is easy to find a safe and simple way out of a difficult and unfavorable situation for him;
  • be several steps ahead of all competitors, enemies and ill-wishers who have certain problems with logic;
  • competently, extremely clearly and clearly express your thoughts;
  • easily find the necessary arguments that will convince the people around him that he is right;
  • avoid self-deception and do not become a victim of deception by strangers;
  • clearly, constructively and quickly find the correct answers to the questions of opponents;
  • see and eliminate the mistakes that people around you make.

Logic will come in handy in any kind of activity. It does not matter whether you are the leader of a large company or are engaged in cleaning, it is very difficult to live without logic.

What games will help you develop your logic?

There are several types of games to help you develop your logic and have fun!


Chess is a game based on logical thinking. The player must think over his actions several steps ahead, otherwise he will never be able to win the game.

Have you ever tried to play chess, but still failed to become a winner? It's time to resume your lessons! By playing chess, you can not only develop or improve your analytical thinking, but also make new friends. Try to play with more advanced players, because this is the only way you can level up and learn something new.


Many people think that checkers is a simplified version of chess. If you are not yet able to win a chess game, then you can start with checkers! The rules of this game are extremely simple, but you still have to think hard to become a winner.

Some world-famous chess players admit that they started with checkers, because at first they could not comprehend the basics of the art of chess and confused the rook with the queen. So buy this board game, which is interesting not only for adults, but also for children, and start playing! Or play online with different people! So you can not only develop logic, but also find like-minded people around the world.


If it is still difficult for you to play chess, and checkers are not attractive, then the best option for you - a relatively young reversi game (another name is Othello), which is becoming more and more popular among young people every day. Buy the desktop version of the game or play online!


Another one good game, which positively affects the development of analytical thinking and allows you to relax after a hard day at work. To win, you need to throw the dice and move the checkers so that faster than the opponent to go a full circle on the board and be the first to bring the checkers into the "house".

Backgammon - very interesting game with at least interesting story... There are two types of games: short and long backgammon... Choose the one you like best and start the game! It should be noted that backgammon develops not only logic, but also helps to improve the skill of oral counting.

Many people think that crosswords, sudoku, scanword puzzles, puzzles, rebuses are children's entertainment, which is not at all impressive for an adult to pay attention to. But this statement is not true! They are great at helping to develop logic and intelligence.


Take the first word that comes to your mind and try to find as many associations as possible to it. You can play both independently and with a group of friends.


The aim of the game is to put words out of the available letters. The game is somewhat similar to our "Scrabble", but with more loyal rules. Scrabble develops memory, logic, broadens horizons.

Interesting exercises for the development of logic


Solving anagrams is a fun and rewarding pastime. Anagram is a word in which the letters are rearranged in an arbitrary order. To solve an anagram, you need to know the original word. For example, YATSKFTEIDNIIIAI (identification), ОЯЬТРКС (brightness), ESTSONL (sun).

Special tasks

Logic puzzles will cheer you up and help develop analytical thinking. Look for them on the Internet, buy collections (they are sold in bookstores). Start with easy tasks and gradually level up.

Here is an example of an easy-level problem: “Petya shaves his beard every day, but the beard does not disappear from his face. Why?". Answer: "Petit's profession is a barber, he shaves off other people's beards."

Drawing up puzzles, rebuses, crosswords

Tired of unleashing crosswords, rebuses, puzzles that other people have invented? It's time to do it yourself!

Search for alternatives

The search for alternatives helps to develop logical thinking. Come up with 5-8 ways to use an object in an unusual way, 5-8 ways to get out of an abstract critical situation, 5-8 ways to take time off from work early or ask for a raise.

Developing logic in an adult: some useful tips

It is necessary to engage in the development of logical thinking every day, and not two or three times a year, when there is absolutely nothing to do. If you don't always have enough time to play or exercise, then you should:

Read thrillers and detective stories... High-quality detective stories are written by people who have very developed analytical thinking. The more such quality books you read, the easier it will be for you to think logically.

If you've never read detective stories, then it's time to get acquainted with the cult novels of Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Rex Stout, Georges Simenon, Edgar Alan Poe, Patricia Moyes, Dick Francis, Christian Sharrie, John Creasy. If you want not only to enjoy an unpredictable investigation, but also to tickle your nerves, then Stephen King's books are exactly what you need!

Watch detective films and TV series... If you don't have time to read books at all, you can watch a full-length or multi-part detective story. It helps a lot to develop logic. Many people, who had never been able to guess who would be the killer before, after watching the tenth, fifteenth or twentieth films, unmistakably identified the character who committed the crime.

Start with films such as Seven (1995), Isle of the Damned (2010), The Silence of the Lambs (1991), Ten Little Indians (1988), The Hateful Eight (2015), Bunker "(2011);

Come up with an explanation for your actions... Performing an action familiar to you, think about why you are doing it, exactly how you do it, what will happen if you stop performing this action, what the consequences will be if you make a mistake, etc.;

· Leave your comfort zone. Development is almost always a challenge to yourself. Until you step out of your comfort zone, you will not be able to develop harmoniously. If you want to develop both hemispheres of your brain, then you should constantly try something new. For example, if you are right-handed, try learning to write with your left hand. If you are left-handed, then try to write at least one sentence. right hand;

Take everyday walks... The more time you spend in the fresh air, the more actively not only logical, but also other types of your thinking will develop;

· Constantly change the type of activity. It has been scientifically proven that doing one activity continuously for more than an hour negatively affects the brain. To enhance the development of logical thinking, alternate mental and physical activities.

Logic plays very important role In human life. It helps build successful career, helps to normalize communication with different people, to defend and argue their point of view, to realize the objectivity and truth of the events taking place around. Therefore, do not be lazy to engage in the development of logical thinking!

"It's corny, but the bottom line is this: then it will be good for you when you yourself are good. Good? Or rather, honest. Not honest according to the Criminal Code - I can rob a grave, take copper from the eyes of a dead person if money is needed, to brighten up life, you need to be honest with yourself "

Logical thinking- this is exactly what every person needs to develop and age does not matter here. Logic serves a person throughout his entire conscious life, it is with the help of it that we draw any conclusions and then make a decision. In addition, logic helps us to predict the consequences of our actions and the actions of other people, helps to foresee various life difficulties and prepare in advance to solve them. Development of logic should be one of the top priorities for every person.

First, remember that logical thinking needs constant development... To develop logical thinking, you need to devote one hour a day to reading useful literature. If you read fiction, then you will not be able to develop logic with it. It is necessary to select books that have been written successful people... When reading literature, you have to think and reflect on what you are reading all the time. Books should tell someone's success story, don't waste time on novels if you want to develop logic. For the development of logic are used various exercises, techniques and methods that have been developed by experts. How to develop logical thinking?

It's very easy to find yourself a worthy opponent in chess and play with him at least three games a day. While playing this game, your logic will constantly strain, and therefore develop. Remember, if you don't train your logic, then it stops improving and you start to degrade. Constantly train your logical thinking at least by playing chess. If chess seems too difficult for you yet, play checkers... This game has many variations and you can easily find yourself a game partner.

An excellent game is also suitable for the development of logical thinking - Scrabble... The rules are very simple, you need to add words from the letters you have. There is a variation of this game in Russia Erudite but her rules are stricter. These games develop not only logic but also memory.

Also in the development of logic daily guessing will help you crosswords, puzzles, sudoku... Such an activity will not give your brain a rest. Spend a little time solving one crossword puzzle a day and you will very soon notice significant changes.

Do the association exercise as you walk down the street. For example, you saw a traffic light and start picking up various associations that arise in your head: traffic light - road - pedestrian - car - road signs- track - truck - speed limits, etc.

To develop logic start writing various articles or even books on your own. First, take the topics that interest you. Next, you can move on to what you don't know. It may also help you to keep a journal, but think about what you write. Choose your words and turns of speech carefully, write as if these are your memoirs, which may be published in the future.

Get started solve problems for the development of logic... Now there are a lot of them on the Internet, just don't start with complicated ones right away. Try something easier to start with and gradually move on to more difficult ones. After some time, it will become easier for you and you will calmly build logical conclusions.

For the development of logical thinking it will be useful to create new crosswords and puzzles yourself. This way of developing logic is more difficult than the usual guessing of crosswords. Your thinking will start working in the other direction, which will have a positive effect on your logic.

Come up with various options for how it is still possible to use the things we are used to. For example, take a table, it can be used as a house, as a step-ladder, as a bench, etc. The more you come up with different options, all the better.

All of the above is not difficult to perform, but even interesting. Try to fulfill exercise every day and you will definitely succeed.

The term "Logic" originated in Ancient Greece and literally means "the art of reasoning." It was then that for the first time a person began to be attracted logic games, he became sophisticated in proving philosophical theories on the basis of logical conclusions. Logical thinking is not given to a person at birth, but develops as a personality trait. Man is a social being, and our society has created all the conditions to reduce the influence of logic on the processes taking place. If logic had more weight, and humanity set itself ambitious goals, all wars in the world would stop, the number of suffering and poor people would decrease. The paradox of logic is that it is multifaceted, despite the presence of formalized laws, almost everyone can find loopholes for themselves and justify their behavior.

The development of logic in adults - why is it needed?

On the pages of our blog or the BrainApps project, you could often see calls for the development of logic, but how to do it correctly and efficiently? It is worth starting with the understanding that logic is not only a science, but also a system of thinking. If you learn to draw the right conclusions, to understand the essence of things, much more can be achieved.

Logic developed empirically, which means “ empirically". It is because of this that a person who has never read the works of Aristotle and Herodotus can operate with the generally recognized laws of logic. Every day we become witnesses of any events, draw our conclusions, learn the opinions of other people. As a result of the frequent repetition of the cycle of "cause and effect".

There are certain logical axioms that are the basis for the thinking of any developed person:

  • Time is a directional, linear and irreversible vector. From an early age, children are taught the concepts of "yesterday", "today" and "tomorrow." Based on the understanding of these elementary logical axioms, the concept of the past, future and present is formed.
  • Cause-effect is another logical axiom that children under one year old learn.
  • The concept of less and more is learned by children in preschool age.
  • Adjacency of concepts and their interchangeability. For example, a person cannot be asleep and awake at the same time, be sick and healthy, and so on.
  • The inductive method of logic is inference from the particular to the general, and the deductive method is from the general to the particular, with an obligatory reservation on logical laws. An example of deduction - autumn has come - the foliage has turned yellow and opal. An example of induction - the foliage turned yellow and opal, the summer has passed, therefore, autumn has come.
  • A sequence of actions to obtain a certain expected result (in other words, an algorithm).

Only having mastered these logical axioms, a person can have developed logical thinking.

Why do illogical people need logic?

Nobody likes people who live only by logic. These are usually indifferent egoists who do not accept such emotions and feelings as love and mercy. Cold calculation and chess analysis of all moves in advance does not give any guarantees, because logical laws have their own errors. You can often hear: "Logic is powerless here," for example, when it gains new life a person who had an incurable disease, or, despite terrible diagnoses, the couple has a baby.

If you think philosophically and imagine a logical world for a moment, then most likely there would be no place for cancer patients, beggars and those who do not work. If a person does not benefit society, he would simply be destroyed. That is why everything is necessary in moderation. Logic is not the only support for a person. In addition to it, there are also emotions and feelings, but the development of logic never hurts, especially if you want to learn how to think effectively.

How to develop logic in an adult?

If in childhood the development of logical thinking was not given enough attention, then in mature age the person may have difficulty making decisions, reasoning, and problems with determining cause and effect. People with developed logical thinking are more successful in life, they make fewer mistakes, feel more confident.

  1. Try to solve logical comparison problems. On the site you can find games for the development of attention, exercises such as "Compare figures".
  2. Be sure to compete with your friends and play collective games to develop logic and attention. Instead of the usual conversation or walking, try throwing a friendly party where you compete with each other in intellectual games... Such an original pastime is suitable for both a noisy company and for two people in love.
  3. Check your IQ level from time to time to see the results of your workouts.
  4. Translate every everyday problem into a logical problem and try to solve it by deductive and inductive methods.
  5. When arguing with people, try to prove your point of view with logical arguments. Practice formulating indirect questions to the interlocutor to draw conclusions.
  6. Reread the good old detectives. Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie are excellent authors who have managed to teach readers logical techniques in an interesting way.
  7. Games that develop the logical component of thinking are chess, preference and backgammon. Diversify your leisure time with these board games.

Our team consists of psychologists and the best specialists in game design. We strongly recommend developing on a regular basis not only logic, but also other components of intellectual abilities. By the way, many IQ test questions contain logical tasks. So if you want to be smarter, you need to exercise. The main rule for the development of logic is regular classes. Our service helps to conduct them with benefit, as well as get visual results in personal account and the recommended program.