(Master, Barabashka) it is customary to call a creature of a lower order that lives in a dwelling with people.
By themselves brownies are considered harmless unless provoked, and tend to show their presence very rarely. Home spirits mainly live in old houses, although they often settle in new apartments. brownie ordinary person cannot be seen unless he shows himself, and they almost never do. They consider themselves the masters of the house and guard it from external interference and various threats, therefore, these creatures do more good than harm.

What does a brownie actually look like?

Photo: What does the brownie look like

The home spirit can acquire different shape, it's not a problem for him. At a young age, he first appeared to me in the form of a huge cat, later I saw brownies a couple more times, but they already reminded something of such nondescript old men, small and squat, in dark clothes and with a long beard. It seems to me that brownies appear in the form in which they want others to see them. There were cases when they were shown to people in the form of some kind of monster, frightening their eyewitnesses to death with their appearance.

How to see a brownie?

If anyone really wants to see a brownie, he needs to either have magical powers that sorcerers and witches have, or perform a special ritual. Just before you see what the brownie looks like, think a hundred times, as the consequences can be unpredictable.


Who are Barabashki?

It is customary to call arabashka house spirits or brownies that are actively behaving: they knock, turn over furniture, sometimes throw objects at households. For the first time this name of brownies appeared in the late 80s in the Soviet Union, when, thanks to journalists who filmed a story about unexplained phenomena, which took place in one of the apartments, it became very popular among people. In the West, the anomalous activity of household spirits is usually called by another name - Poltergeist.

Why is Barabashka mischievous?

As a rule, most brownies behave very closed, and people living in houses are not even aware of their existence. Such brownies can sometimes help people in their household chores, so that they would not be detected. Pets see brownies, but they try to find a common language with them and not harm them. If the brownie or Barabashka began to do dirty tricks or even worse - to move and turn objects in front of your eyes, then he is terribly angry and pours out his anger in this way. This does not mean at all that you are dealing with an evil spirit, just that his displeasure is caused by a number of reasons.

How to negotiate with Barabashka and appease him?

If strange things began to happen in your house: knocking, objects falling for no reason, the furniture itself moves, then the situation is serious, and you should agree with your Lamb. To do this, you need to appease him by performing a special ritual.

In the evening, when everyone at home has already had dinner, tidy up the kitchen and put things in order there. Then cover the table with a clean tablecloth and put treats for the brownie on it: a glass of Cahors, bread, salt, a saucer with sour cream. Sprinkle some flour around the treats. After that, say the words: Brownie, Brownie, you eat your dinner. Eat, drink, help yourself, don't be offended by me.

In the morning, if Barabashka came and treated himself, you will see his traces on the scattered flour, which means that he has forgiven you and will no longer harm you.

Brownie- the owner of your house, he helps good housewives, and teaches lazy people a lesson. But if, suddenly, the TV turns on by itself, or the dishes break, what is it? Brownie, or other evil spirits?

Photo: Good or Evil

For worse, or for good?

Whether it’s even a brownie, agree that it’s not enough pleasant. But how do we all know that the brownie just won’t bother, so what to expect? Someone says, supposedly, when you hear something there, do not forget to ask, for worse or for better? Well, of course, you need to have an iron psyche, so that right in contact with the devilry, you can also ask questions to her, and if God forbid she answers, then what? There are also several options here, someone will spit and go on, someone will lose consciousness, but someone will change their house, teeming with wickedness, for a psychiatric hospital for their remaining days. Therefore, if you are confident in your nerves, you can safely ask questions when meeting with a polter, and if not, then run to the church, light up the house.
In general, throughout this devilry, one can say the following, the very fact of the presence of ghouls, brownies and kikimors, no one denies, but in most cases, very often, the appearance of these is a game of frightened imagination. And how much it played out, it all depends on the imagination.

Brownie - is it HE or SHE?

Although in most cases the brownie appears in a male body, in fact, one in six brownies is a woman.

Yes, among brownies you will not often meet a representative of the female half. Rather, because in the everyday life of our lives, the harmony of the house is destroyed more by men. Women are more attentive to the family, relatives and home, but there are exceptions among them.
Usually, a housewife settles in a family with a restless mistress, who is all immersed in caring for her children and her husband, but forgot about her personality. Such a housewife occupies her soul and mind only with those close to her, not caring about herself as an individual. Unfortunately, such women also have to be a housewife after death in order to correct mistakes and understand that one should not forget about their own personal interests, taking care of the house and household.

How to feed a brownie

Brownie- this is a home spirit, the keeper of the hearth. In the old days, people believed in brownies. They represented him as a small fluffy creature, from time to time, as people got used to expressing themselves, malicious (when misfortune happened in the family), from time to time, as usual, good, when requests and wishes to him were fulfilled.

Our ancestors firmly believed that the brownie processed all his affairs in the other world and went to them to assist in family and economic affairs. They imagined that he lives under the stove (in the underground or chest). Of course, we all know very well that they put a cup of milk (another dairy product) under the stove and put a piece of bread. And he was also called Lizun for his manner of licking the upper (fat) layer from sour cream and milk.

Imagine one fact that even now almost all of the people believe in the presence of a brownie in the house and, in the end, try to do friendly things with him (so announce appease). Everyone knows that in order for the spirit of the house to guard the house and outbuildings, protect the household from illnesses and spoilage, it is fed with bread, water or milk, sweets (sweets, muffins). In the village, in the afternoon, after milking the cattle, the hostess pours milk into a saucer (high-energy force for the domestic spirit) and puts it on a post in the courtyard.

It must be emphasized that on the first day of each month they treat the brownie with sweets. Lollipop sweets and cookies (in small pieces) are finally placed on a plate and placed under the stove (this is the custom that has come down to us from the old Slavs). Of course, we all know very well what, on the great holidays, the farmers, after all, brought to the brownie buckwheat porridge, flavored with butter, poured a saucer of milk.

It is believed that the brownie gets his strength for chores and other household chores from food, taking energy from it. The food was changed every twelve hours. In urban apartments, a cup of food for a brownie can, after all, be placed under the refrigerator (cupboard, stove). And you can leave a piece of bread on the table at night and certainly a mug of water (it is considered a good sign when bread, water and salt are constantly on the dining table).

Announcement! A brownie figurine is seated at the dining table. Concentrating on it (carefully look), close your eyes. And, imagining the kind face of the brownie, they invite him to have dinner, pronouncing approximately the following words: brownie, brownie, sit down, have dinner with me!

So that he does not take offense at the owner of the house, does not hold a grudge for the whole year, he must certainly be congratulated: put sweets or sour cream (milk) on the night of March 30.
Imagine one fact that you expect problems from him in another way: then a vase will break by chance, a flower will fall off and break, food will burn in a saucepan or frying pan. Wouldn't that be enough! Then you have to negotiate with the house spirit, caress him. Change the kitchen oilcloth on the dining table for a white tablecloth. In the evening, lay out a treat: a piece of bread, a salt shaker with a little salt, put a cup of water and a vase with lumps of sugar. So that, as many people say, the brownie cheered up and played, throw a few silver coins on the table, so to speak, playing cards even children's toys.


It would be bad if we did not note that one fundamental point that must be observed: you cannot enter the kitchen on this night! Fortune and success, so to speak, accompanies the one who is friends (gets along) with the brownie.

Brownie Kuzya - Full version

What does a brownie look like? This question interests most people who are fond of esotericism, but it would be interesting for any of us to see a brownie in life.

It so happened that brownies most often show their presence with noise, or play pranks out of sight of people. They prefer to put on performances while remaining behind the scenes.

In descriptions taken from various sources, brownie looks different. Some people say that they saw a brownie in the form of a gray-haired old man, small in stature with an uncovered head, dressed in a long shirt. Others say that an old man appeared to them, who had long fingernails, and the body, with the exception of the hands, was covered with short white hair. Still others claim that they saw a brownie in the form of a large, the size of an adult bear, black and shaggy man who had huge hairy hands and a hat on his head. And the fourth timidly say that they have been in contact with a cat or a large squirrel.

Many psychics claim that the brownie is a bundle of energy that does not have its permanent form. But this energy is “smart”, it is able to take on the most diverse image at will. Maybe everyone sees the brownie the way the subconscious wants it. This is precisely what explains the difference in the description of the appearance of the brownie. In films, we most often see an old house-man, which our subconscious then draws. Also, do not be surprised if you catch a glimpse of "something" similar to an animal that quickly scurried past you. After all, it could be him too. It is believed that the brownie is a big joker, so he can look like anything.

Very few people can say exactly what a brownie looks like. Even if a person is able to do more detailed description his common features, then it is unlikely that you can pay attention to something specific, since the brownie is in a fuzzy, blurry image, or in general, a person with peripheral vision will notice that something quickly flashed and disappeared from view in the next room.

Or maybe it's just a visual hallucination? But what about the feeling of his presence and the obvious signs of a brownie in the house? And despite the fact that there is no unity in the description of how the brownie looks, nevertheless, most often there are similarities in the description of his hands. Usually they are massive and hairy, and the palms are somewhat wider than those of a person.

There are beliefs that the brownie is able to transform into a dog, a cow, less often a snake, a frog or a rat.

As you understand, if the brownie is very difficult to see in life, then it is even more difficult to capture it in a photo. In general, in order to capture something supernatural in a photo or video, you need highly sensitive equipment, and of course, refuse to use this equipment “in the right place and at the right time”

In the following photos, the brownie walks along the corridors of the hotel, this phenomenon is often observed by hotel workers at night

In this photo, a brownie in an abandoned house:

In the next photo you can clearly see what the brownie looks like

(although it is not completely clear whether this is a brownie or a ghost)

Our ancestors believed that an invisible owner lives in every dwelling, guarding and protecting the house from all troubles. A brownie is called a good spirit with whom you can make friends and see him out of the corner of your eye.

In fairy tales, legends and myths, the otherworldly neighbor is portrayed as a tiny old man with a beard and tattered clothes, who, moreover, is a surprisingly terrible grumbler, but an indispensable assistant. However, this image is just one of the many incarnations of the brownie.

Who is a brownie and what does he look like

Among esotericists there is an opinion that most of otherworldly forces- evil beings. They love to play dirty tricks, hide or damage your belongings, organize mayhem and interfere with sleep with their noise. But if this is still a real brownie living in your house, he will definitely make friends with you and will help you and your house in every possible way.

IN good mood an invisible assistant protects and protects the home, keeps order, sometimes helps to look into the future and predict your fate. But if you anger or offend him, expect trouble. He can bring diseases to your pets, make a terrible mess and scare you every time. Therefore, most people try to befriend him, and not just to see him. The brownie will gladly accept from you various sweets left especially for him. But if you seriously decide to get to know your home assistant, you should learn more about them before calling him. According to all legends and myths, there are three main types of brownies, which differ not only in appearance, but also in their duties and tasks.

Kind brownie

According to legend, this is the classic and most common image of a brownie who lives and helps people from their very appearance on earth. Disputes about whether there are brownies or not are still ongoing, but we do not undertake to deny the presence otherworldly essence Next to us. The invisible helper lives only in those houses where people live. He protects family well-being, helps to manage the household and keep order. Such entities feed on the remnants of energy emanating from a person.
Such housewives are kind and sympathetic spirits who are ready to make contact with a person. They often play with animals or children living in the house, help in every possible way and cheer you up. They look exactly like humans. Usually shown in the form of an old man with a fluffy beard. Sometimes they can mischief and hurt when they don't like your behavior. But for more than making noise with dishes or hiding a personal item from you, they are not ready.

It is quite easy to see a kind helper, especially if you do not have disagreements with him. Sometimes people see them in the form of fluffy lumps or animals. Only now, no one has been able to capture such a miracle: brownies are very shy and immediately hide if you accidentally see him. If you turn to myths, then many households have their own families, in which future keepers of the hearth grow up. Such an assistant should be taken with you when moving, so as not to lose a faithful and reliable patron of your family happiness.

Souls of dead people

There are times when the soul of a deceased person can serve as a brownie, which during life moved away from its karmic task. Mainly serve other family and home Higher powers sent people who gave little to their loved ones and their home. Their main task is to take care of the house and its owners. Such entities are mostly peaceful and submissive.
They don't look like a normal brownie at all. They are characterized by high growth, they are incorporeal and look like spirits of black or gray color. Such entities do not like to show themselves and in every possible way are against any contact with a person. They feed on cosmic energy and do not belong to energy vampires. Compared to the classic brownie, the souls of the dead have more power and are most often useful. In their arsenal there are skills acquired during earthly life, which they actively use to help the owners of the house.

Angry brownie

Such a horror story as a lamb or an evil brownie scare children. A terrible tale appeared for a reason: esoteric experts claim that such entities really exist, and they only cause chilling horror if they suddenly appear in the house. This is the third type of incarnation of the brownie. More precisely, these are the real monsters who know how to skillfully disguise themselves as a good brownie. They settle in abandoned houses or empty apartments, sometimes they can purposefully survive the owner from his own house, turning life into hard labor. They feed on any energy and cause harm to anyone who lives near them. Their favorite food is your fear, so they will do their best to scare you properly and fill you up.
The “evil brownie” looks like a shadow, a black silhouette with burning eyes, long arms, claws and a wolf grin. When they appear in a person’s apartment, disturbing thoughts, causeless fear and panic cover. According to eyewitnesses, someone's evil gaze literally begins to haunt you. In this case, it is necessary to take immediate measures and expel the uninvited guest.
To see the brownie, you first need to understand who he is. If a kind helper lives in your house, make friends with him, leave treats for him and delicious treats. Then all sorrows and hardships will bypass you, and peace, harmony and understanding will reign in the apartment.

Today brownies are considered mystical creatures. The younger generation does not believe in their existence, recognizing that this is a myth and a relic of the past. But do brownies really exist?

Our ancestors assured that such creatures exist. They keep the house safe conflict situations , smooth out quarrels in the family, protect from adversity and evil spirits.

Brownie exists in fact in every apartment or house. He is a home keeper. In reality, it protects against theft, tells home owners about evil and unscrupulous friends, helps with children and brings good luck.

note! Not everyone is happy to see this mystical creature.

Brownies can become invisible so as not to disturb or disturb the owners, because their main task is to create a peaceful atmosphere in the house.

But you can understand that the keeper is still present by the signs below.

Table: signs of the presence and evidence of the existence of brownies in a residential area

sign Description
Noise The roar of dishes, the stamping of feet and the knocking manifests itself at night. The brownie is obliged to keep the apartment clean and when he sees a mess, with the help of noise he reminds the hostess of the need for cleaning
Pet behavior Cats, dogs and other pets see these mystical creatures. If an animal plays with someone invisible, wags its tail, caresses, then a good brownie has settled in the house.

If the animal shows aggression, barks, hisses or hides in a corner or under the bed, this is a sign that an evil spirit has settled in the apartment, wanting to evict the owners and harm them

Missing things These mystical creatures love to play dirty tricks not to the detriment of their owners. They are attracted to shiny objects, jewelry and toys.

They shift them from place to place, hide them, causing trouble for the owners of the premises. That's how they draw attention to themselves.

If sweets or decorations disappear in the house, it is worth feeding the brownie to appease him

Sleep tips Keepers of the house tell the owners how to solve problems in a dream. They protect sleep from nightmares
Feeling safe People will agree that when they come home, their fears and worries dissipate. This is another proof of the existence of the guardian.

It creates a beneficial atmosphere in the home, gives peace of mind

warning signs They manifest themselves in different ways: slamming doors, ringing the doorbell, breaking dishes or falling objects.

So the brownie warns of impending danger. It is worth checking whether gas or water is closed, the serviceability of sockets and more.

Games with children Children under seven years old see brownies. Good ones play with them, and scary and evil scare them. Therefore, do not neglect the words of the baby when he talks about playing with the "weird"

What does a real and live brownie look like in reality?

What a brownie looks like, not everyone can see. Real perfumes rarely appear to people in real form. Often they appear in the form of animals.

A real living brownie easily assumes any guise to get to know a person.

People who were lucky enough to see these energy entities note that in reality they look like:

  1. Shapeless balls covered with thick wool with small hands and feet.
  2. Small old men, covered with profuse hairiness.

Important! You can call the brownie, but you should not do this. Before the eyes of people, they appear in front of dangers and trouble, warning them.

If you forcibly call the keeper of the house and disturb him, he will get angry with the owners and begin to harm, and not protect the home.

What do brownies eat?

Spirits love to eat:

  • Cookies.
  • Honey.
  • Refined sugar.
  • Jam.
  • Sour cream.
  • Milk.
  • Candies.
  • Fresh baked goods.

How to appease and make friends with a brownie in an apartment?

If you are sure that a brownie lives in your house, you should make friends with him.

note! Spirits love cleanliness and order, so always keep your house clean, do not neglect dirty dishes and garbage.

Do not speak badly about the keeper of the house, it will make him angry. Thank you always for your help and tips.

They have a big sweet tooth, so you can appease the brownie in the apartment with food and sweets.

Table: ways to appease a brownie

Way Description
Talk Pay attention to the keeper of the house, talk to him more often, thank him for his help
Highlighting your own toys Spirits love to play with toys small items, so they often “borrow” them to play with the owners of the house.

Give him a separate box, put toys and jewelry in it. Say that from now on the box belongs to the brownie and ask them to play only with their own things.

The creature will be delighted with the gift and stop "stealing" in the house

Congratulations Always wish the brownie a happy birthday on January 28th. Present sweets as a gift: cookies, sweets, honey
Separate dishes Brownie is a full member of the family, so he must have his own saucer and cup

After offering the meal to the spirit, you will hear how he walks around the kitchen and rustles. There is one trick that helps to see the traces of a brownie in the house.

Put in a plate of sweets and put it on the table. Sprinkle the dishes on the table with flour and leave overnight. At night, a hungry brownie will come and eat, and traces of his legs will remain on the table with flour.

Remember that neglecting the keeper of the house, the brownie becomes dangerous for people..

It can cause harm, choke at night, scatter things, scare children, tangle wires and break dishes.

It is difficult to cope with an aggressive brownie, so it is better to avoid such a situation and periodically encourage the spirit with goodies.

How to pick up a brownie in a new apartment?

If people move to a new home, then it is worth picking up new apartment brownie. If this is not done, he will be offended, and will begin to show disrespect for the new owners.

When moving, it is worth informing the keeper of the house about this and asking him to move with you.

For this, a conspiracy is read:

  1. "Brownie, follow me, you go ahead, I'll follow you."
  2. “Bow to you, father, follow us to the new mansions, there you will have refreshments and a warm place.”

Important! Voice conspiracies sincerely, with a smile on your face. Only then will the keeper want to go with you to a new home.

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Brownie - who is he?

Since ancient times, the peasants believed that not one estate could stand without an invisible owner. The brownie was called the spirit that lived in every house and protected it from troubles and bad weather. One part of people believes that his existence is just a fairy tale. The other part to this day believes that there is an otherworldly neighbor in their house. And the third part claims that the brownie is not alone, but has his own family.

When in a good mood, the house keeper protects and protects livestock, keeps order in the yard and can predict the fate of the household. But if he was upset by something, he will bring illness to pets, he can create a terrible mess in your house or scare you in every possible way. In order for the caring grandfather not to get angry, he is presented with gifts in the form of sweets and milk cream.

Some esotericists claim that dead people become brownies, who, due to accumulated karmic debts forced to remain in their former houses and serve the new household. And in the case of your moving to another house, although he is not willing, he nevertheless moves with you. The main thing in this case is to correctly invite him with you, otherwise he may get angry and make trouble for you.

In order to take him to a new home, on the eve of the move, put a purse or box on the threshold, cover it with a soft cloth and put sweets. After that, sincerely invite your hostess with you, try to convince him that he is very important to you and you need him in a new place. Then leave the basket until the morning, and when you arrive at your new home, place it in a dark corner of the kitchen and mentally accept his presence. Do not forget to feed the housewife with sweets and milk.

According to the pagan faith, the spirit of the house is an earthly replacement for the pagan god Chur, who once guarded the hearth. Some legends say that the image of a brownie cannot be seen. And many psychics claim that pets often observe the actions of the keeper of the house.

There is also a very curious legend, it says that at the moment of the expulsion of the angel Lucifer from heaven, other angels who took his side also fell with him. But unlike Satan, who ended up in hell, they became not so dangerous and lingered on earth, kikimor and other mystical spirits. But of all the paranormal creatures, it is the brownie who has the most good-natured character.

Domovusha chooses a wood-burning stove as his habitat. If there is no stove in the house, he chooses a cozy corner in the kitchen or settles in the attic or in the closet. The only place he never goes to is a bathhouse, because completely different entities live there, such as a laznik or a bannik. Laznik is the owner of the bathhouse, to whom, according to legend, the devils weave bast shoes, and he also does not like the presence of extraneous spirits.

It is rare to see a house spirit, but it is possible to hear him, especially at night he likes to creak floorboards, shuffle his feet or sigh loudly. Slavic legends represent the brownie as a kind old man in a caftan with patches and a wide-brimmed hat made of straw. IN ancient Rus' because of the long gray beard, this spirit was called the breadwinner or grandfather.

In esoteric treatises, brownies are considered an energy entity that does not have a specific visual image, and they also mention that these creatures live for a long time, but can still die. By own will only people with supernatural powers can see it. And since the brownie does not like being spied on, he can punish his curious pursuer.

In order to protect the household from trouble, the house spirit can talk to you at night. In this case, you must muster up the courage and listen to your guardian to the end, otherwise trouble is inevitable. And the brownie also loves to have fun and play pranks, this manifests itself in knocking and rustling at night, and if any thing is out of place, he can hide it in his shelter for a long time.

In some houses there is an aggressive brownie. He often plays with fire, opens taps and in every possible way rampages in the house, making a mess. If you have just such a neighbor, try to negotiate with him on the conclusion of peace and regularly treat him with goodies. Sometimes even.

It doesn't matter what the brownie looks like, each author's photo shows different kind essence and it is impossible to be sure that it is the house spirit that is depicted on them. After all, when photographing the rooms of your house, you can catch something that accidentally fell into the lens, or maybe the silhouette from the picture is just a refraction of the sun's rays. Whether to believe in the existence of otherworldly beings or not is a purely personal matter. Just like every person, the brownie is shown in different ways, depending on the reason for its appearance. It doesn’t matter if you are an atheist or a person who is fond of esoteric teachings, the main thing is not to take the path of enmity with the unknown world and take care of yourself.