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Social media quickly burst into our lives, subjugating the lion's share of our free time. And the development of mobile technology has led to the fact that even budget phone models are equipped with powerful cameras that allow you to take pictures. High Quality. Not surprisingly, the Internet is filled with millions of pictures that capture the reflections of young people in mirrors. But how safe are these shots? After all, there is hardly an object surrounded by a greater halo of mystery than an ordinary mirror. Let's take a look at what not only mystics, but also scientists say about mirrors.

Something more than a reflective surface

It would seem that the mirror is just a piece of glass, coated on one side with black paint over an amalgam. Anyone at home can make their own mirror. So what can be so mystical in this everyday object? Why for many hundreds of years sorcerers, shamans, mystics all over the world use mirrors for their numerous rituals? Why do even people associated with science talk about mirrors as "a unique multi-layered structure"?

It is believed that mirrors have a kind of memory. Any objects, animals and people that were once reflected in the mirror are recorded in it. And the higher the energy of the reflected, the longer memory about him will be kept in the mirror. And not always this energy is positive.

Surely, you often noticed that your reflections in different ones can be very different from each other. Of course, you can refer to the lighting, the quality of the mirror itself, and others. external factors. But is this always the case? Many people like to look in the mirror at their home. If you don't get up on either foot, and peace and love reign in your home, then you will surely like the face looking at you from the mirror. On the contrary, hundreds, if not thousands of people pass by the mirrored shop windows in the center of the metropolis every day. How often do you like your reflection in such mirrors, even if you managed to maintain a good mood in the morning?

And has it ever happened to you that looking at a sad or upset reflection of yourself in such a mirror, your mood quickly deteriorated, and the rest of the day was ruined? Remember that mirrors retain the energy of those who are reflected in them? And then this, often negative, energy can be transferred to you.

Why you shouldn't take pictures in the mirror

There are several such reasons:
- According to mystics, it is dangerous to take pictures in the mirror, because by creating such a photograph, something unexpected and unpleasant can be called up from the depths of the mirror memory.
Firstly, the cameras themselves are, to some extent, mystical objects. Even if you are not into reading psychic magazines and watching programs with similar themes, you have probably heard about pictures that captured ghosts or other strange entities. As a rule, such pictures are nothing more than a photomontage or have a logical explanation (for example, a film defect). But there are many photographs, the reliability of which was confirmed by scientists. At the same time, no one can logically explain where strange images resembling ghosts appeared in the pictures.

In addition, it is believed that mirrors are not just pieces of glass, but a kind of portal to their own, "mirror" world. The world, possibly inhabited by entities hostile to humans.
Of course, it is difficult to believe in all this. But, if we assume at least a millionth part of the probability that all this is true, is it worth the risk of opening the gates to the “mirror world” with a camera flash?

  • Almost any psychic will tell you that pictures, in addition to the image of a person, preserve his energy. Also, many mystics believe that by photographing yourself in a mirror, you associate yourself with it forever. And as mentioned above, the mirror is able to remember the energy of everything and everyone that it once reflected. So it turns out that the photo you took captures not only you, but also the energy accumulated by the mirror, quite possibly negative. Superimposed on yours, this energy can affect both your health and your destiny.
  • Finally, there is a belief, again connected with the fact that by taking your picture in the mirror, you forever associate yourself with it. According to this belief, if one day such a mirror breaks, a lot of all sorts of problems and troubles will fall on your head.
    All of the above are just theories scientific evidence. Therefore, we do not force you to believe in them unconditionally. We have only listed them, and the decision - whether you agree with them or not - is up to you.

Mysticism of mirrors: a bit of science

As mentioned above, even among scientists there are those who believe in the unusual properties of mirrors. So in America, scientists from one of the institutes conducted an experiment related to mirrors. For 15 years they have been studying the effects of these objects on people. For their experiments, scientists used a highly sensitive magnetic wave detector and found that mirrors are of a kind energy vampires. People who spend a lot of time for self-admiration in front of a mirror often become tired, overwhelmed, and their memory deteriorates. And, what seems quite incredible, such people age a little faster than those who do not experience such admiration for their reflection.

Folk omens

In conclusion, I would like to talk about some of the most popular signs associated with mirrors.
1. Perhaps the most famous of them: mirrors beat unfortunately. If you believe in it and you were not lucky enough to break the mirror, you need to carefully collect its fragments, wrap them in cloth and bury them in the ground. Never look at your reflection in the pieces broken mirror if you don't want to bring a lot of trouble into your house.

    How often in the morning, late for work, do you run out of the apartment? And only after flying a couple of floors, do you remember that you forgot something you needed at home? Then you are forced to run back to the apartment for this thing? The next time this happens to you, be sure to look in the mirror before you leave the house for the second time. This will take away all evil spirits from your home, and besides, after that, good luck will accompany you on the way.

    It is undesirable to place mirrors in the bedroom. Especially place them so that they reflect you.

    When you move into a new house or apartment, you should throw away the mirrors left over from the previous owners. It is likely that you inherited mirrors that retained negative energy. It is better to take your own mirror with you when moving or buy a new one.

    Another place in the apartment where you should carefully place the mirror is the bathroom. If, while taking a shower or washing, you will be reflected in the mirror, you risk incurring long and frequent illnesses.

    Since mirrors are able to store energy, you should not look at your reflection when you have Bad mood you are upset, angry or nervous. Otherwise this negative energy will not only be stored in the memory of the mirror, but will be transmitted to you again and again.

    Children under the age of one should not be brought to a mirror. Otherwise, the child will become shy, will grow and develop poorly.

    Finally, do not look in the mirror while eating. But if not you, but your dining table is reflected in the mirror, this will bring prosperity to your home.
    These are just some of the signs associated with mirrors. Whether or not to believe in them is up to you.

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Most likely, today there is not a single house where there would not be a mirror. It has become such an integral part of our lives that it is difficult for a person to do without it. What is this object, how does it reflect the image? And if you put two mirrors opposite each other? This amazing item has become central to many fairy tales. There are enough signs about him. And what does science say about the mirror?

A bit of history

Modern mirrors are mostly coated glass. As a coating, a thin metallic layer is applied to the reverse side of the glass. Literally a thousand years ago, mirrors were carefully polished copper or bronze disks. But not everyone could afford a mirror. It cost big money. Therefore, poor people were forced to consider their reflection in the water. And the mirrors that show the person in full height- this is generally a relatively young invention. He is approximately 400 years old.

The mirror of people was all the more surprised when they could see the reflection of the mirror in the mirror - it generally seemed to them something magical. After all, the image is not the truth, but a certain reflection of it, a kind of illusion. It turns out that we can simultaneously see the truth and the illusion. It is not surprising that people attributed a lot to this subject. magical properties and even afraid of him.

The very first mirrors were made of platinum (surprisingly, this metal was once not valued at all), gold or tin. Scientists have discovered mirrors made back in the Bronze Age. But the mirror that we can see today began its history after they were able to master the technology of glass blowing in Europe.

scientific view

From the point of view of the science of physics, the reflection of a mirror in a mirror is a multiplied effect of the same reflection. The more such mirrors installed opposite each other, the greater the illusion of fullness with the same image arises. This effect is often used in amusement rides. For example, in the Disney park there is a so-called endless hall. There, two mirrors were installed opposite each other, and this effect was repeated many more times.

The resulting mirror-in-mirror reflection, multiplied a relatively infinite number of times, has become one of the most popular rides. Such attractions have long entered the entertainment industry. At the beginning of the 20th century, an attraction called the Palace of Illusions appeared at the international exhibition in Paris. He enjoyed great popularity. The principle of its creation is the reflection of mirrors in mirrors installed in a row, the size of a full human height, in a huge pavilion. People had the impression that they were in a huge crowd.

Law of reflection

The principle of operation of any mirror is based on the law of propagation and reflection of light rays in space. This law is the main one in optics: it will be the same (equal) to the angle of reflection. It's like a falling ball. If it is thrown vertically downwards towards the floor, it will also bounce vertically upwards. If thrown at an angle, it will rebound at an angle equal to the angle of incidence. are reflected from the surface in the same way. Moreover, the smoother and smoother this surface, the more ideally this law works. According to this law, reflection works in flat mirror, and the more ideal its surface, the better the reflection.

But if we are dealing with matte or rough surfaces, then the rays are scattered randomly.

Mirrors can reflect light. What we see, all reflected objects, is due to rays that are similar to those of the sun. If there is no light, then nothing can be seen in the mirror. If you fall on an object or any Living being light rays, they are reflected and carry information about the object with them. Thus, the reflection of a person in a mirror is an idea of ​​an object formed on the retina of his eye and transmitted to the brain with all its characteristics (color, size, distance, etc.).

Types of mirror surfaces

Mirrors are flat and spherical, which, in turn, can be concave and convex. Today there are already smart mirrors: a kind of media carrier designed to demonstrate target audience. The principle of its operation is as follows: when a person approaches, the mirror seems to come to life and starts to show the video. And this video was not chosen by chance. A system is built into the mirror that recognizes and processes the resulting image of a person. She quickly determines his gender, age, emotional mood. Thus, the system in the mirror selects a demo that can potentially interest a person. It works 85 times out of 100! But scientists do not stop there and want to achieve an accuracy of 98%.

Spherical mirror surfaces

What is the basis of the work of a spherical mirror, or, as they also call it, a curved one - a mirror with convex and concave surfaces? Such mirrors differ from ordinary mirrors in that they distort the image. Convex mirror surfaces make it possible to see large quantity objects than flat ones. But at the same time, all these objects seem smaller in size. Such mirrors are installed in cars. Then the driver has the opportunity to see the image both on the left and on the right.

A concave curved mirror focuses the resulting image. In this case, you can see the reflected object as detailed as possible. A simple example: these mirrors are often used in shaving and in medicine. The image of an object in such mirrors is assembled from images of many different and separate points of this object. To build an image of any object in a concave mirror, it will be enough to build an image of its extreme two points. Images of other points will be located between them.


There is another type of mirrors that have translucent surfaces. They are arranged in such a way that one side is like an ordinary mirror, and the other is half transparent. From this, transparent side, you can observe the view behind the mirror, and from the normal side, nothing is visible except the reflection. Such mirrors can often be seen in crime films, when the police are investigating and interrogating the suspect, and on the other hand, they are watching him or bringing witnesses for identification, but in such a way that they are not visible.

The myth of infinity

There is a belief that by creating a mirror corridor, you can achieve infinity of the light beam in the mirrors. Superstitious people who believe in divination often use this ritual. But science has long proven that this is impossible. Interestingly, a mirror is never 100% complete. This requires a perfect, 100% smooth surface. And it can be about 98-99% so. There are always some errors. Therefore, girls who tell fortunes in such mirrored corridors by candlelight risk, at most, simply entering into a certain psychological condition which may adversely affect them.

If you put two mirrors opposite each other, and light a candle between them, you will see many lights lined up in one row. Q: How many lights can you count? At first glance, this is an infinite number. After all, there seems to be no end to this series. But if we carry out certain mathematical calculations, we will see that even with mirrors that have 99% reflection, after about 70 cycles, the light will become half as weak. After 140 reflections, it will weaken by a factor of two. Each time, the rays of light dim and change color. Thus, the moment will come when the light will go out altogether.

So is infinity possible?

Infinite reflection of a beam from a mirror is possible only with absolutely ideal mirrors placed strictly parallel. But is it possible to achieve such absoluteness when nothing in the material world is absolute and ideal? If this is possible, then only from the point of view of religious consciousness, where absolute perfection is God, the Creator of everything omnipresent.

Due to the lack of an ideal surface of the mirrors and their perfect parallelism to each other, a series of reflections will undergo bending, and the image will disappear, as if around a corner. If we also take into account the fact that a person looking at when there are two mirrors, and he is also a candle between them, will also not stand strictly parallel, then the visible row of candles will disappear behind the frame of the mirror rather quickly.

Multiple Reflection

At school, students learn to build images of an object using the laws of reflection. According to the light in the mirror, the object and its mirror image are symmetrical. Studying the construction of images using a system of two or more mirrors, students get the effect of multiple reflection as a result.

If we add a second one located at right angles to the first to a single flat mirror, then not two reflections in the mirror will appear, but three (they are usually denoted S1, S2 and S3). The rule works: the image that appears in one mirror is reflected in the second, then this first is reflected in another, and again. The new one, S2, will be reflected in the first one, creating a third image. All reflections will match.


The question arises: why are reflections in a mirror symmetrical? The answer is given by geometric science, and in close connection with psychology. What is up and down for us is reversed for the mirror. The mirror, as it were, turns inside out what is in front of it. But surprisingly, in the end, the floor, walls, ceiling and everything else in the reflection look the same as in reality.

How does a person perceive a reflection in a mirror?

Man sees through light. Its quanta (photons) have the properties of waves and particles. Based on the theory of primary and secondary light sources, photons of a beam of light, falling on an opaque object, are absorbed by atoms on its surface. Excited atoms immediately return the energy they have absorbed. Secondary photons are emitted uniformly in all directions. Rough and matte surfaces give a diffuse reflection.

If this is the surface of a mirror (or similar), then the light-emitting particles are ordered, the light exhibits wave characteristics. Secondary waves cancel out in all directions, in addition to being subject to the law that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Photons, as it were, rebound elastically from the mirror. Their trajectories start from objects, as if located behind him. It is them that the human eye sees when looking in the mirror. The world behind the mirror is different from the real one. To read the text there, you need to start from right to left, and the clock hands go in the opposite direction. The double in the mirror raises left hand when the person standing in front of the mirror is right.

Reflections in the mirror will be different for people looking at it at the same time, but at different distances and in different positions.

by the most best mirrors in ancient times, those that were made of carefully polished silver were considered. Today, a layer of metal is applied with reverse side glass. It is protected from damage by several layers of paint. Instead of silver, to save money, a layer of aluminum is often applied (reflection coefficient is approximately 90%). Human eyes practically do not notice the difference between silver coating and aluminum.

Everyone has their own reflection. But when it is not there, it leads to a variety of thoughts, and sometimes we begin to believe in afterlife. Especially when we remember that, according to legend, some supernatural beings (for example, vampires) are not reflected in mirrors. If you want to scare and surprise your friends, then do this simple trick.

Preparing the Mystic Mirror

To disappear, you will need a mirror and a specially prepared composition, which we will now prepare together with you.

  1. Take baking soda, extinguish it with vinegar and add some water to it. Stir well.
  2. Add salt, sugar and starch to it. Take more starch, two tablespoons. Stir again and add some water.
  3. Now pour hydrogen peroxide into this mixture as a catalyst.

Note: there are no clear instructions in the proportions, do everything by eye, but do not overdo it. Take everything in moderation, no more, no less.

Remove the prepared composition in a dark place for 30 minutes. After the specified time, take out your magic mixture, it will look like pancake dough. Put on gloves and use a sponge to spread the mixture evenly on the mirror. Then let it dry for 10 minutes. After that, wipe the mirror with a dry cloth so that no traces remain.

Checking the trick

In order to understand how not to be reflected in the mirror, we are doing a trick. There are 3 points to check the focus. Being far from the mirror, you will be reflected, if you come closer (middle point), then the reflection will miraculously disappear. Well, when you find yourself at the closest point, that is, directly at the mirror, the reflection will reappear. Check your magic mirror and determine how far away the reflection disappears.

Playing Friends

Well, to fine-tune the draw, you will need the help of friends. The main thing is that they do not let it slip, do not pierce and do everything according to a pre-planned plan. To create a mystical environment, as a preparation, you can conduct a rite of summoning the spirit or tell fortunes. Then you can smoothly transfer the topic of conversation to dead souls, vampires and other evil spirits. Then you can bring the person to the mirror from the desired point. It is desirable that your assistants make strange sounds so that the person being played is frightened and believes in what is happening. We advise you not to hold such pranks with too emotional, nervous and impressionable friends, otherwise you can scare a person very much, up to the most negative consequences.

What do mirrors reflect?

There will be a separate discussion about mirrors, since a mirror is a very, very difficult subject, and at times even dangerous ...

According to Slavic legends, the mirror was given to a person by the spirits of darkness so that he would never be alone. Loneliness gives you the opportunity to think, and thinking leads to enlightenment of consciousness. For the forces of evil, this is a completely undesirable situation.

In Rus', therefore, mirrors for a long time were considered unclean. When they were used for fortune-telling - and fortune-telling is also an unholy occupation - icons were removed from the room, pectoral cross removed and put under the heel.

On the other hand, the ancient sages considered the mirror a symbol of self-knowledge and truth. In Japan, a mirror is a symbol of knowledge, it is able to reflect the true essence of a person and things. If you often sit in front of it for a long time, you can eventually fall into a state of trance and see your own face in the most unrecognizable way. And one day there will come a moment when no one will be reflected in the mirror ... True, I do not advise anyone to do this out of simple curiosity. Falling into a trance in this way, an unprepared person removes the protection given to him by Nature and may fall under the attack of black energy. The case usually ends in severe shock, and even mental insanity. After all, fortune telling on mirrors is considered very dangerous.

They guessed the same way - they put two mirrors opposite each other, one larger, the other smaller. Two candles were lit on the sides. The mirrors were set at such an angle that their mutual reflection formed a long corridor, of twelve steps, illuminated by two rows of candles. It was necessary to look into the depths of this corridor for a long time and with concentration, until a reflection of someone or something that was not in the room appeared there. Before starting fortune-telling, it was necessary to remove cats, dogs, birds, all strangers from the room and draw a circle around yourself with a lit torch. At some point, the mirror must dim, the candles too, and after that a vision appears ...

Girls usually tried to see the future groom in this way, although fortune-telling can give an answer to any question. And you can see anything there. They even say that sometimes this something can come out of the mirror. To prevent this from happening, you need to shy away in time - say “keep me away” three times - and spit over your left shoulder ...

The magical properties of the mirror are such that it is able to reflect both the visible and the invisible world. It serves as a conductor and amplifier of any kind of energy, including the energies of the subtle world.

All people are connected to one degree or another. subtle world. Each of us is able to receive information from there - from the boundless ocean of energy, but this usually happens on an intuitive level. Loaded with our daily activities, thoughts and feelings, we do not hear or feel this connection. Our sensitivity increases only in sleep, and then we can see prophetic dreams. Moreover, during a hypnotic trance, a person is sometimes able to catch the most incredible things, to the point that he remembers his previous incarnations. But there are people with hypersensitivity, there are clairvoyants. They can do without auxiliary means to get in touch with the subtle world. And for them, the mirror serves as a screen onto which they can project the radiation of their own energy, their mental images. Then a picture appears in the mirror, which is seen not only by them, but also by any person present.

Our eyes are the source of this radiation. Bio energy radiation human eyes can harmonize space and heal diseases. But it can also destroy. After all, what is the evil eye? This is damage, induced by just an unkind look.

I know a story when a hunter, who lost his gun and was crushed by a bear, killed the beast with just one look. On the verge of death, this man had no fear in his eyes, only rage and hatred. And the strength of this radiation was such that the huge beast fell dead on the spot.

This true story. Although this, of course, happens extremely rarely. Such power of energy radiation from the eyes is possessed only by people with very large energy data: sorcerers, shamans. An ordinary person, on the other hand, must find himself in an exceptional situation, endure severe stress in order to be able to go beyond his limits. Sometimes, in the face of death, all the reserves of our body are activated. Sometimes a mother protecting her child is able to show almost inhuman strength. But this happens infrequently.

Wizards try not to look in the mirror. They know that the radiation of the eye is reflected from its surface and returns to the person.

Reflecting from the mirror, our energy returns to us and destroys our protective field. Therefore, you can’t look into your eyes in the mirror for a long time - a lot of energy is lost. People who spend a lot of time in front of the mirror age faster and feel worse. (In the story of Valery Bryusov, which is called “In the Mirror”, an incident is described that happened to a young woman who from childhood loved to look in the mirror too much. In the end, she changes places with her reflection, ceases to understand which of them is who, and spends the rest of his life in a lunatic asylum...)

You can’t hang a mirror so that it cuts off the top of the head of the tallest member of the family - he will suffer from headaches. In general, it is better to have mirrors in the house that reflect a person in full growth. So our attention and energy radiation of the eyes are scattered, and not concentrated in the face and head.

A mirror does not reflect all the energy directed into it. Like any material object, it both absorbs and retains a part of it - it receives an energy charge. We usually stand in front of a mirror and charge it negatively. After all, we always dislike something about ourselves. And when this charge returns to us, we can easily jinx ourselves, inflict damage on ourselves.

You need to approach the mirror only with a smile. Never scold yourself in front of him! In case of illness, malaise, or simply being in a bad mood, it is better not to look at him. Otherwise, you will always receive a negative charge from it.

Popular experience says to wash the mirrors after the visit of the guests, or at least wipe them with a damp cloth. A candle lit in front of a mirror helps to remove the negative charge.

I have already said that you can not hang a mirror at the foot of the bed. Waking up, a person is still, as it were, between two worlds and can accidentally see something in the mirror that frightens him very much, not to mention the fact that you can be afraid of your own reflection. Old people are advised to completely remove the mirror from the bedroom - otherwise the sores will torment.

However, if you put a mirror under the bed with the reflective surface down, it will reduce, if not completely remove the dangerous radiation of pathogenic zones. For the same purpose, foil crosses can be glued to the bottom of the furniture. It is not recommended to place pocket mirrors with the reflecting surface up, so that they do not extinguish the energy descending from space in the same way.

Venetian mirrors were once considered the best in the world. They were made from metals of warm shades - copper, bronze, brass - or metal powder was added to the amalgam. And these metals (and gold too) absorb cold destructive energy and reflect warm solar energy.

No wonder there is a custom to hang mirrors when there is a dead person in the house, or to turn them to the wall. Until the soul has flown away, while the astral body of the deceased is in the house, the gates between our world and the world of subtle energies remain open. From the space invisible to us, anything can fly into the house and, reflected in the mirror, stay with us for a long time, if not forever.

Some mirrors that have witnessed quarrels, scenes of violence or murder have very strong negative energy. If you hang such a mirror in the house, it can affect the psyche, change the character of a person and even lead him to death. Their influence is especially dangerous for children. Therefore, be careful when taking a mirror into the house after the deceased or any old mirror whose history you do not know. Just in case, light a few candles in front of him. And if the candles suddenly go out, this mirror must be immediately taken away from the house and broken.

You can not keep a cracked mirror in the house. Any crack is a source of hard negative radiation, and mirror chips and cracks are especially dangerous. (For the same reason, try to immediately replace cracked window panes.) If the mirror just broke off the corner and it's a pity to throw it away, you need to cut it in a straight line. In general, it is better for the biofield of an apartment to keep round and oval mirrors, or to insert them into frames with rounded corners.

If the mirror is broken, you need to spray the fragments with water from the broom, then collect and take it out. It's better not to tell anyone about the broken mirror

Mirror - required item our life. Without him, many of us would not dare to go out in public. But why in the reflection is the mole on the left side of the face, while my friends say that it is on the right? Does the mirror show reality?

We do it after getting up or washing our hands, in the elevator or when brushing our teeth - we glance in the mirror - this has been happening for a long time. But in the mirror we see ourselves differently than other people perceive us. It seems to us that the right and left halves of the body have changed places.

Why does a mirror reflect?

It's about smoothness

Usually the mirror has two layers. The lower one is made of aluminum and the outer one is made of glass. The glass protects the surface, the aluminum layer provides reflection. This is due to the fact that the aluminum layer is extremely smooth.

But we can also reflect on other smooth surfaces. For example, in the surface of a new varnished car or a phone display screen. But with a plastered wall, things are different. Since it is uneven, it casts or absorbs light rays unevenly.

A feature of smooth surfaces is that they reflect each light beam symmetrically: it is thrown at the same angle at which it hit the object.

Therefore, together the light rays create an ordered image. When we stand in front of a mirror, these rays hit the retina of the eye, and our brain forms a picture - a mirror image.

The mirror deceives our brain

But our mirror image has a certain difference from photography: it seems to us that the reflection is twice as far away as the mirror itself. And our mole ends up on the right side of the face instead of the left. But why?

We see ourselves in the mirror differently than other people see us, because the mirror deceives our brain. The image of an object given by a flat mirror is formed by rays reflected from the mirror surface. This image is imaginary, since it is formed by the intersection not of the reflected rays themselves, but of their continuations in the “mirror”. This confuses our brains: it didn't expect the light to make some sort of bend.

For the brain, a direct beam of light enters the eye in a certain direction. Bending the brain ignores. Therefore, when we look at ourselves in the mirror, it seems to us that we are at some distance.

Is the image upside down?

In fact, this is not so. Otherwise, the image in the mirror would be upside down and vertical. The mirror does not. But still, our reflection looks like a clone that stands in front of us.

We see our mole on the other side of the face.

This is because the mirror reverses front and back. You can understand this in detail using the model in the coordinate system. We must imagine that we reflect the model along the horizontal axis, and do not touch the vertical axis. Thus, the image shown to us in the mirror is formed.

And the brain deceives us for the second time: the mirror changes only one axis, the others do not. Therefore, we can turn and spin as we want - the reflection will not coincide with us. The mirror does not swap the left and right sides, they are simply mirrored.