In any written work in English, not only grammar and vocabulary are controlled, but also logic, therefore, your essay should be as logical as possible. The more logical you write, the clearer your essay will be for the reviewer and the more points he will give you. Therefore, in an essay, you should use various introductory words and complex subordinating conjunctions, in simple terms, linking words.

Let's share everything linking words into groups to make it clearer what they serve:

I. Opinion Words

First group words are called opinion words". You are sure to use them, since you write "opinion-composition":
To my mind, ... - In my opinion, ...
From my point of view, ... - From my point of view, ...
In my opinion, ... - In my opinion, ...

II. Introducing Words

Second group words called « introducing words» . These are the words with which you introduce the first and most important argument in defense of your point of view:

To begin with, ... - To begin with, ...
To start with, ... - To begin with, ...
The first thing to be considered is ... - The first thing I want to consider is ...

III. Listing Words

Third group words called « listing words» (list - in English "list"). These are the words with which you consistently argue your opinion:
First of all, ... - First of all, ...
Second (ly), ... - Secondly, ...
In the second place I would like to mention ... - On second place, …
Third (ly), ... - Thirdly, ...
Finally, ... - In the end, ...

IV. Adding Words

Fourth group words called "adding words". These are words with which you can add arguments to defend your point of view:
Moreover, ... - Moreover
What is more, ... - Moreover
More than that, ... - Moreover
Besides, ... - in addition
In addition, ... - In addition
Furthermore, ... - Moreover
Next… – Next
Also ... - Also
Plus... - Plus

Words Another thing & too- cannot be used in an essay, as they refer to an informal style, typical, for example, for personal writing.

The third and fourth groups are interchangeable!

V. Contrasting Words

Fifth group words is "contrasting words". Please note that it is with this word that you begin the third paragraph of the essay.

However, ... - However ...
Nevertheless, ... - Nevertheless ...
In contrast, ... - In contrast, ...
On the other hand, ... - On the other hand, ...

Word But- cannot be used in an essay, as it refers to an informal style, typical, for example, for personal writing.

VI. Giving Examples

Also in the essay, you can give examples and refer to the opinions of various authoritative sources, so remember the words from the next group. This group of words is called « giving examples » .
for example, - for example, ...
such as - such as
like - like, like
according to smb - according to the words of "someone"

VII. Concluding Words

In the last paragraph you do conclusion, so start it with one word from the next group of your choice. This group of words is called « concluding words »

To sum up, ... - In conclusion, ...
To conclude, ... - In conclusion, ...
In conclusion, ... - In conclusion, ...
All in all, ... - In general, ...
All things considered, ... - Taking into account all of the above, ...

VIII. Cause and Effect Words

And finally Very important group words, which contains causal conjunctions:
as a result - as a result
as - since
because - because
so - therefore
that is why

Be sure to use causal conjunctions in essays on English language, as they will help you express your thoughts logically, and this is very, very IMPORTANT.

Explore this one below essay template to understand how to correctly use all of the above linking words in an essay in English.

But that is not all! The most difficult thing is that you will have to write an essay in English in a limited time - 40 minutes. How to do it as efficiently as possible?


1) read the task and identify the main problem;
2) decide on your point of view (are you for or against);
3) write arguments (2-3) and their justification on a draft;
4) reflect various aspects of the problem (social, economic, moral);
5) open one of the aspects in more detail;
6) and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, write an essay without a draft, keeping in mind the essay template (below)

The essay belongs to the official style, therefore it is not allowed in the essay
type abbreviations: isn't, don't, that's why
phrasal verbs and other colloquial expressions such as those characteristic of the informal style ( of course, etc.)
do not use brackets and exclamation marks for the same reason
do not start sentences with words But or And. Use any word from group 4 instead.

What kind of beast is such an “essay” and how to deal with it? Of course, it is best to tame it. We offer together here and now to put everything on the shelves and figure out how to write an essay. Often, a successfully written essay can open up a lot of opportunities on the way to the realization of ourselves, and at the same time the realization of our cherished desires and goals.

What is an essay in English

Essay in English- this is a kind of creative work that has an arbitrary composition and reveals the author's opinion on a particular social, cultural or historical problem. This is not an essay in English, an article, an essay or any other work of a creative genre. The essay proudly occupies a separate hole in the world of journalism. Let's compare it with an article, an essay in English and an essay. To better understand what an essay is and why it cannot be called an article, abstract, etc.

An essay is very similar to a reasoning essay, however, the main difference between these genres is in the purpose of writing an essay - an essay in English always has a conclusion, and an essay only encourages the reader to think and make his own. In the essay, the author only argues, raises topical issues, but does not draw a final conclusion, unlike the essay. The article is really very similar to an essay, because there is no specific structure, there is a relevant topic. However, an article is a work of journalism, unlike an essay. It is this factor that makes the article unique and inimitable in the world of journalistic genre. And so that you do not have the slightest desire to compare an essay with a summary, let's look at the last differences. First of all, the abstract is larger in volume - about 5 pages, while the essay usually takes 1.5 - 2 pages. Also, in the essay, the narrative is on behalf of the author, and the abstract is a report on a well-defined topic.

Where an essay in English is useful:

  • To pass the international exam in English.
  • For entering university.
  • For hiring.

However, these are not all the points where an essay can come in handy. It's no secret that writing an essay develops the imagination and helps develop analytical thinking skills.

Conclusion: if you want to develop, write an essay. It plays an extremely important role in school, university and even at work. It is very important to learn to understand how to write an essay in English correctly in order to confidently go to success from school years.

Essay types

There are 3 types of essays in English:

  • For & Against Essays ("For and Against").
  • Points to consider ("Problem and solution").
  • Opinion Essays ("Special Opinion").

For & Against Essays

Essay "For and Against" - in this type of essay, the main task is to consider two existing points of view. It is important to objectively evaluate both positions and express your understanding of each of the parties.

  1. Structure:
  2. 1) Introduction (here it is important to characterize the topic that will be discussed without expressing your own opinion).
    2) The main part (here it is important to express your opinion about the problem, give examples and evidence).
    3) Conclusion (in this section, you summarize and summarize all of the above. Remember that in this type of essay, a specific conclusion should not be made, you can only distribute all the arguments over two bowls of weight).

Important! Words I think, I believe,In my opinion, etc. can be consumed only in prison where you express your position.

Useful phrases :

When considering points of view (beginning of essay):
firstly- Firstly
in the first place- at the first place
to begin with- start with
secondly- Secondly
finally- in the end
To list benefits:
another- other
an additional advantage ofis... - there is an additional advantage of something
the main advantage ofis... - there is an additional advantage of something
To point out flaws:
a further- next
a major disadvantage / drawback of... - the main disadvantage
the greatest / most serious / first disadvantage- main disadvantage
another negative side of… is another negative side of this…
To represent each point of view:
one point / argument in favor of... - one argument in favor of ...
one point / argument against... - one argument against ...
it could be argued that... - there are disputes that ...
When discussing:
moreover- moreover
in addition- in addition
furthermore- Besides
besides- besides
apart from- except
as well as- as well as
also- Also
both- both
there is another side to the question... - there is another side to this issue ...
To express the contrast
however- however
on the other hand- on the other side
still- more
yet- more
but- But
still- nevertheless
it may be said/ claimed that- they say that...
although- Although
while- while...
despite / in spite of- despite...

Opinion Essays

"Dissenting opinion" - in this type of essay, it is important to express your position on a particular problem. It is important to give examples, arguments in favor of your opinion, and also express your position quite transparently.

  1. Structure:
    1) Introduction (here it is important to indicate the issue to be considered, as well as your position on it).
    2) The main part (it is important to indicate opinions opposite to yours, explain why they have the right to exist, and also give arguments in favor of your opinion).
    3) Conclusion (in this section you once again express your point of view in other words).

Useful phrases:

To express your own opinion:
to my mind,… - my opinion
in my opinion / view… - I think…
I strongly believe... - I am firmly convinced ...
I am (not) convinced that... - I'm not sure that ...
I (definitely) feel / think that... - I definitely think that ...
it seems / appears to me... - it seems that ...

Points to consider essays

The essay “Problem and Solutions” is written in a formal style. It is important to pose the problem, then consider ways to solve it.

  1. Structure:
    1) Introduction (here you state the problem).
    2) The main part (it is important to show possible solutions to the problem and its consequences).
    3) Conclusion (in this section you express your own opinion about solving the problem).

Useful phrases:

To explain the situation:
because- because
due to (the fact that) - thanks to something
the reason is that- The reason is that
thus- Thus
consequently- as a result
so that... - Thus
in order to... - in order to
with the purpose of- with the aim of
intention of (+ing) - with intention
To express the probability:
it can / could / May / might be… - Maybe...
it is possible- Maybe
unlikely- hardly
foreseeable- predictably
certain that... - sure that ...
the likelihood- probability

Vocabulary and grammar in an essay in English:
It's generally believed that ... It is believed that...
Secondly, many people claim that … Secondly, many people say that...
An advantage, of… is… The advantage of this is that…
On the other hand, it is often claimed that… On the other hand, they always say that...
In addition, most people would agree that the most serious disadvantage of… is… In addition, many will agree that the most serious disadvantage is ...
Furthermore, it is generally believed that… Moreover, it is believed that…
Taking everything into consideration… Taking everything into account...
Although, it must be said that there is no absolute answer to the question of… However, it should be said that there is no single answer to this question ...
Thus, no one can deny or raise an objection against the fact that … Thus, no one can deny or object to the fact that...
In the first place, it is my belief that … First of all, I believe that...
Secondly, what is more efficient… Second, which is more rational...
This can be clearly shown by the fact that … This can clearly show the fact that…
In contrast, it must be admitted that … In contrast, one might add that…
Taking everything in account, it must be said that … All things considered, it must be said that…
People should focus their attention on ways to overcome the problem of … People should focus on ways to solve the problem...
As the result… As a result…
Secondly, the alternative way to solve the problem of … would be … Secondly, an alternative solution to the problem would be ...
One final suggestion, which would help enormously, is to … One final solution that will certainly help ...
To sum up, there are several measures which could be taken to improve… To sum it up, there are several measures to be taken...

Rules for writing an essay in English

Stick to structure. Don't forget to use the draft. Make notes for yourself, outline a plan for writing an essay in English, sketch out a list of all the arguments before you start writing. It is important to be fully equipped and ready for any topic.

It is best to prepare for writing an English essay in advance, and the more the better. Thus, whatever topic you come across, you can develop it based on the knowledge and experience that you received during the preparation.

An essay can be perfect in content, however, if it contains grammatical errors, everything is lost. Be sure to remember to check your work after writing. It is advisable to do this twice. First, from the very beginning to the end, and then read the entire work in reverse order. The work should be read in reverse order to identify errors in words.

Be sure to follow the style of one of the three types of essays in all work. In an essay, it is important to be specific, but you should not make it too short. Most often, an essay consists of 180-320 words, depending on the purpose of writing. Don't forget about linking words. They show the literacy of the author. Use quotes that will confirm this or that opinion.

Important! TO The number of words in an essay in English usually ranges from 180 to 320 words.

We can conclude that an essay is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is preparation. Even after reading just this article, you will already have enough information to understand how to write an essay in English. Small matter is practice. Write as many essays as possible, get inspired to write an essay in English on a topic unfamiliar to you, be it animal rescue or world art trends.

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If you still doubt that you will be able to prepare perfectly on your own, we recommend that you try individual Skype training at our English language school EnglishDom.

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The exam in English 2020 involves writing an essay. This is task number 40, which implies the compilation of a detailed written statement with elements of reasoning. The essay must be written correctly in order to be able to earn a maximum of 14 points, which are very important for getting a high mark on the test paper as a whole. Let's get acquainted with the basic requirements for an essay, the criteria for evaluating this assignment. In this article, we will also provide information regarding the structure, plan, and topics of the Extended English Writing Assignment. All this will contribute to writing an essay for a high score.

Changes in the essay in the USE-2020 in English

There are changes in the essay in the USE -2020 in English, but they are not cardinal. The main innovations include the following:

  1. Now you have the option to choose a theme. In the ticket, students are offered two topics, from which they need to choose one and start writing. Remember that it is important to immediately decide on the preferred option so as not to waste precious time throwing.
  2. The criteria for assessing the performance of tasks have been changed. You will learn about them below.
  3. The wording of the assignment has been revised. In particular, this applies to "Make an introduction (state the problem)", which turned into "Make an introduction (state the problem paraphrasing the given statement)". This was done so that the examinees understood the need to rephrase the topic, and not just rewrite it.

It is necessary to leave enough time for writing an essay, as it is usually sorely lacking after completing the previous difficult tasks. It is important to remember all the nuances. To guarantee an excellent score, you need to prepare in advance for an essay, working out a possible structure (plan), topics and preparing clichés.

The scope of the essay remained unchanged. It comes in a range of 180 to 275 words. Experienced teachers say that 200-240 words are enough. If more is written, but it makes no sense, but only “water”, then this will not lead to a positive result. By the way, if you write more than 275 words, then the verifiers will count the first 275 and check only for them.

Evaluation criteria for task No. 40

The assessment criteria for assignment No. 40 in 2020 have been changed. In particular, this affected such a criterion as “Solution of a communicative task”. Currently, there is already accurate information on how exactly points will be calculated. The information was published on the FIPI official website, and we duplicated it in the table below.

PointsSolving a communicative problem (K1)Text organization (K2)
3 The task is completed completely, when all the aspects indicated in task No. 40 are fully reflected, the speech style is neutral.All statements are completely logical, the structure of the text corresponds to the plan, the means of logical connection are used in the correct form, and the text has paragraphs.
2 The task is completed if most of the aspects are disclosed, but there are some stylistic violations of the design.Almost all statements are logical, although there are slight deviations from the plan, shortcomings in the use of linking words, and the text is not always correctly divided into paragraphs.
1 The task is incomplete, if the text does not reflect all aspects of the task, there are significant styling problems.Not all statements are logical, the plan is violated, there are errors in the use of linking words or these phrases are given in a limited number, there is no division of the text into paragraphs.
0 The task is not completed when the aspects given in the task are not reflected, the essay does not correspond to the specified volume, or more than 30% of the text is “water”, coincides with ready essay or the work of another student.There is no logic in the construction of proposals, the plan does not correspond to the topic.

Advice! It is enough to write an essay according to the plan, adhere to the volume and neutral style of design. If this information is omitted, then there is a high probability of getting zero points for this criterion, which leads to the zeroing of the entire work.

Remember that there is a criterion for counting words. Moreover, the calculation takes into account both words, and articles, and particles, and auxiliary particles. When composing a personal letter (there is also such a topic), the address, date and signature should be taken into account. The expert will pay attention to individual details. In particular, you need to write numbers in numbers (for example, 25, 126 965, 2020, etc.) or numbers with symbols (25%, 23%, etc.). So they will be considered as one word. Numerals expressed in words are counted like other words. Compound words (well-bred, twenty-five, good-looking, etc.) count as one, as do abbreviations (USA, CD-rom, e-mail, etc.).

By the way, experts will judge the observance of a neutral style of presentation by the absence of abbreviations and colloquial vocabulary. It is also advisable to stop using rhetorical questions.

The criteria for scoring the grammatical-lexical and spelling-punctuation design of the essay can be found in the table below.

PointsVocabulary (K3)Grammar (K4)Spelling and punctuation (K5)
3 Vocabulary is sufficient and corresponds to the complexity of the task, there is no more than one lexical error.Grammatical means are used in sufficient volume and in accordance with the task. No more than two mistakes are allowed.None.
2 Vocabulary is sufficient, has up to three lexical errors. Or the vocabulary is limited, but there are no lexical errors.Grammar means are used correctly and in sufficient volume. There are no more than four errors.The text is divided into sentences correctly from a punctuation and spelling point of view. There is no more than one error, either spelling or punctuation.
1 Vocabulary does not fully correspond to the task. There are up to four lexical errors.Grammatical means do not fully correspond to the task and the established level of complexity. There are up to seven grammatical errors.The text contains either spelling or punctuation errors up to four pieces.
0 Vocabulary is poor and does not match the task. The text contains more than five lexical errors.Grammar is used incorrectly. There are more than eight errors in the text.The text contains more than five spelling or punctuation errors.

The maximum number of points that each student can score for an essay is 14. Moreover, the leveling is determined by various criteria, which are given in the table below.

Should know! Lexical errors are understood as incorrect use of words, errors in compatibility, omission of words for no reason, errors in word formation, errors in a phrasal verb, spelling errors that lead to a change in a word.

Grammar errors are understood as omissions of words if they affect the structure of a sentence, incorrect word formation, problems with grammar or word order in a sentence. Punctuation and spelling errors should be understood as any that fall under this category, as well as illegible spelling of words or letters.

The structure of writing an essay in English

The structure of writing an essay in English is very important to follow so that you can get a high score. Remember that the purpose of writing an essay is to show the ability to think analytically and reason in English on various topics. In other words, the level of proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is checked, which are indispensable in solving the tasks.

The structure of the essay involves five mandatory points:

  1. The first part is Make an introduction (state the problem), that is, an introduction. Here you need to rephrase the topic and select two opposing opinions. Further in the text, reflections will be given in the format “Some believe that ..., when others ...”. Following this simple pattern makes it easier to write and focus on the problem. By the way, if it is difficult to give an opposite opinion, then you need to rephrase the problem, and write the second part as “… whereas others think that handmade presents are more impressive.”, “…, whereas others don’t agree.” or "..., whereas others think that it's not true."
  2. The second part is Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion, that is, your personal opinion on the topic and two or three arguments in support. Here you need to express a personal opinion, which must be supported by arguments. It is best if each statement is supported by an example. The scope of this paragraph is approximately six sentences. In order to make the written more elegant, it is rational to use linking words.
  3. The third part is Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion, that is, the opinion of opponents and one or two arguments in support. Here you should give the opposite opinion to your opinion and pick up arguments for it. In principle, the task is simple, since there is nothing difficult in finding at least one argument that is the opposite of yours. You can use such helper words and expressions as “At the same time there are people who say that” (At the same time, there are people who say that), “in contrast” (in contrast, for comparison, on the contrary ), “in spite of” (despite), “in comparison with” (in comparison with, compared to), “unlike” (in contrast to), “however” (however), “yet” (while the same time, at the same time, on the other hand, however), “still” (at the same time) and others.
  4. The fourth part is Explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion, that is, an explanation as to why you do not agree with the opinion of opponents. The purpose of this paragraph is to find one more argument in favor of your point of view. Remember that you need to rationally assess your strengths, that is, if you come up with only three arguments, then write two in the first part and one in this paragraph. Moreover, the opinion of the opponent must be treated with respect.
  5. The fifth part is Make a conclusion restating your position, that is, a conclusion that should confirm your position. Here you should once again briefly express your opinion as a result. Moreover, you need to write in other words, since a simple rewriting of the topic will not lead to the desired result.

Note! The first and last paragraphs of the essay should be different. Points will be deducted for identical proposals.

Remember that the use of abbreviations is highly undesirable. For example, writing isn't would be wrong, it would be better - is not. Also, do not write don't or shouldn't, more correctly - do not or should not. In addition, it is undesirable to begin sentences with the words also, but or and. Introductory words (you know, well, etc.) are also prohibited, as are slang (bunch of people will have to be replaced by a lot of people, and stuff - thing). When writing, do not copy your native language. Expression of thoughts must be in English.

Template and example of writing task number 40

The template and example of writing task number 40 are, in fact, the same thing. An example will help you understand how to write an essay correctly. See photo for one of the options.

In general, it is enough to adhere to the following writing algorithm:

  1. Set aside at least 60 minutes.
  2. Read the topic and make a mind map. Make sure your arguments are correct.
  3. Read your arguments again, paying special attention to the third and fourth parts.
  4. Write an essay on a draft, but if time is too short, then you need to immediately write an essay on a clean copy.
  5. Check for errors and correct them if found.
  6. Rewrite the essay for a clean copy.

When writing an essay in the form, you must first indicate the task number. Also remember that you cannot write on the back of the form. That is why, if suddenly something does not fit, it is better to ask for another form. If you omit this recommendation, there is a high probability that the points for the task will be canceled.

Topics and clichés in English USE-2020

You need to know the topics and clichés for the English USE -2020 for successful essay writing. Among the topics that can be found in exam tickets, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Some people think that extreme sports help to build character.
  2. Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad.
  3. Some people think that you can only have one true friend.
  4. Some people think that learning foreign languages ​​is a waste of time and money.
  5. Some people think that young people should follow in their parents' footsteps when choosing a profession.
  6. Virtual Internet communication results in losing real-life social skills.
  7. In any occupation discipline is more important than talent.
  8. Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear.
  9. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter.
  10. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily teach it.
  11. Every city and every town should have a zoo.
  12. Fast food outlets should be closed.
  13. It is the government's responsibility to protect the environment.
  14. It's not right to be strict with little children.
  15. Internet is the greatest time-waster.
  16. Computers cannot replace people.
  17. Exams motivate students to study harder.
  18. Space exploration was the greatest achievement of the 20th century.
  19. Sports help people to fight stress.
  20. Clothes people are wearing can influence their behaviour.
  21. Sport unites people.
  22. Playing sports is better than watching others do it.
  23. There are no men's or women's professions.
  24. There are more disadvantages than advantages in living in a big city.
  25. Distance learning is the best form of education.
  26. The best holidays and festivals are those with specific traditions for celebrating.
  27. Everybody would like to work from home.
  28. The Internet is the biggest evil of our time.
  29. The best time is spent with family and friends.
  30. A pupil cannot study effectively without a computer.
  31. Taking a gap year after school is a necessary step for every teenager.
  32. Choosing a future profession is a difficult task for every school-leaver.
  33. Diets are important to stay fit and healthy.
  34. Healthy eating is an important part of everyday life.
  35. Having only one language of communication on our planet is a wise decision.
  36. Zoos should be prohibited.
  37. Zoos help most animals to survive.
  38. Studying a foreign language abroad is important for everyone.
  39. Knowing one foreign language isn't enough.
  40. The Internet is the most useful invention in the world.
  41. Human cloning experiments should be prohibited.
  42. The Internet will be the main source of studying in the future.
  43. Computer games are one of the best ways to spend free time.
  44. Space exploration is very important for the future of our planet.
  45. Space travel should be available for everyone in the future.
  46. Mobile phones are one of the most convenient ways of communication.
  47. Modern teenagers are criticized for no reason.
  48. Young generation lives better that people lived in the past.
  49. Soap operas are not interesting and take too much time.
  50. Violence on TV should be prohibited.
  51. To be rich means to be happy.
  52. Distant learning will become the only type of education in the future.
  53. Online education is very important these days.
  54. Home schooling is a very convenient way of studying.

Cliches are introductory phrases that are convenient to begin a sentence. But remember that they do not play any semantic or grammatical role in the sentence. In fact, cliches are needed to enhance the expressiveness and emotionality of the statement. The main options for introductory phrases include those that are shown in the photo below.

When writing, be sure to adhere to the established topic of the essay. You shouldn't deviate from it. The optimal style of presentation is formal, and the passive voice acts as an assistant. By the way, you should not use too simple sentences, as the expert may consider that you cannot think in English, and reduce points for this. You should also pay attention to the following tips when writing an essay (see photo).

Advice! On the Web, you can find many ready-made essays in English. Remember that they are not the best options. First, they can be wrong. Secondly, often the experts who check the essay know the ready-made options, because they are repeated on the exam from year to year. The best solution is to write an essay in English on your own, and ready-made options can be taken as a sample.

Now you know how to write an essay in English for the Unified State Examination -2020 for a high score. Remember to stick to the established structure and keep the basic requirements in mind. Pay attention to the grading criteria in order to accurately get an excellent mark. You can use a plan or template to eliminate the possibility of making mistakes. Remember that the ability to write an essay in English is important not only for passing the exam. This useful skill will be needed when passing international exams, including IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, etc.

Additionally, you can pay attention to the video, which tells about the correct writing of an essay in English for the Unified State Examination -2020.

The Cossacks, who are writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan in this picture, could not have imagined that their descendants in the 21st century would experience no less difficulties when writing an essay in English for the Unified State Examination.

How to get around all the pitfalls and write task 40 for the cherished 14 points- in my article!

general information

Task 40 on the exam in English is a task advanced level complexity and is officially called “an extended written statement with elements of reasoning (your opinion)”. For brevity, our sister, in the article I will simply call this beast “essay” or “essay”.

Here's what it looks like:

Comment on the following statement:
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction (state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position

An essay is a tasty task because it can bring 14 points on the exam. And if I recommend writing directly to a clean copy in order to save time, it is better to plan the essay and write it to a draft, and then transfer it to the answer sheet (you can download one here -).

From the demo version of the USE 2019 from the FIPI website, it can be seen that now the student can choose any of the two proposed essay topics!

Criteria for evaluation

To understand how to write need to, let's get acquainted with the criteria for evaluating task 40 from the FIPI website.

Solving a communicative problem

As you can see, according to the criterion “solution of a communicative task”, you can get the maximum 3 points. I will decipher what they are given for:

  • The essay is written in accordance with theme
  • Essay written according to plan
  • In an essay enough words
  • Style neutral

When writing an essay, students can replace one topic the other is to reveal it incompletely, to forget about some elements. It is necessary to make sure that all the elements from the theme meet in the work. For example, in this article I give an example of an essay on the topic “ Making a good salary is more important than job satisfaction“. So, in order not to “slide” from it, 2 of its aspects should be reflected in the work - “making a good salary” VS “job satisfaction”. And do not forget about the comparison - more important. If any of these elements are omitted, you will be minus aspects of the content.

Writing plan essays are carefully given in the task itself (see above):
– make an introduction (state the problem)
– express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion
– express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion
– explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
– make a conclusion restating your position

Number of words needed to get maximum score, also indicated - "Write 200-250 words". A deviation from the specified volume by 10% is permissible. That is, you can write 180 to 275 words. Achtung! Attention! If you write less than 180 words, the essay will not be checked - the expert will put 0 for solving the communicative task, and 0 for this item means 0 for the entire task. And a satisfied teacher checks 1 essay less. And if the student exceeds the threshold of 275 words, the expert will cross out the 250th word and simply will not check further. That is, if there are counterarguments or a conclusion behind 250 words, they simply will not be counted and you will not see a maximum for this criterion.

Pro word count criteria. When determining the compliance of the volume of the submitted work with the above requirements, all words are considered, from the first word to the last, including auxiliary verbs, prepositions, articles, particles. Wherein:
 numerals, expressed in numbers, i.e. 1, 25, 2009, 126 204 etc. count as one word;
- numerals, expressed in numbers, together with symbol percent, i.e. 25%, 100%, etc. are counted as one word;
 numerals expressed in words are considered as words;
Difficult words, such as good-looking, well-bred, English-speaking, twenty-five, count as one word;
 abbreviations, such as USA, e-mail, TV, CD-rom, count as one word.

neutral style met if task 40 does not contain abbreviations (I’m sure/ doesn’t matter/ wasn’t stated) and colloquial vocabulary (it is stupid to think so/ this opinion sucks/ the people wearing such clothes are mad).

Even when writing an essay, I strongly advise you to avoid rhetorical questions (But have you ever wondered ... ?), because Ms. Verbitskaya's opinion about their use is inconsistent - one year they can be used, another year - not. Also, I would not recommend writing a phrase that begins with Let's .... It can be regarded as conversational. Better safe than sorry.

One more remark in the paragraph about the communicative task - about plagiarism. If more than 30% of the answer coincides with the published source, then 0 points are given according to the criterion "Solution of the communicative problem", and, accordingly, the entire task is evaluated at 0 points. So it makes no sense to memorize excerpts from topics, you have to think on your own.

Text organization

The maximum for this criterion is also 3 points. You can get them if:

  • essay is divided into paragraphs
  • the essay is logical and contains means of logical connection

It is clear that you need to write as many paragraphs as there are in the plan ( five paragraphs!) and everyone should transmit the thought corresponding to this point of the plan.

Below is more about what to write in these five paragraphs and what means of logical connection use in them.

Introduction (paragraph No. 1)

The “correct” introduction consists of 2-3 sentences and paraphrases the stated topic, and also shows the existence two opposing points of view on the problem.

Let's take the topic from the task above - Makinga good salary is more important than job satisfaction.

The introductory paragraph, the paragraph below, paraphrases the topic ( career choice is one of the most important decisions in our life; it is more essential to love what you do; whereas others focus on high salary while choosing a future profession) and indicates the existence different points vision ( Some people believe that …, whereas others prefer to focus on …).

For entry, I would advise you to use the following tools logical connection:

  • Some people think/believe/consider that …, whereas others think/believe/consider that …
  • The / issue / question of… has always aroused heated / sharp problem disputes / debates / discussions / controversy
  • Our modern world is unthinkable / unimaginable / inconceivable without… However, there are plenty of people who believe that it is not necessary / doubt the necessity / importance / use / benefit / good of…
  • …gaining increasing popularity today, many still dispute / doubt / challenge / bring into question / cast doubt on its use for the society
  • It is often difficult to decide which position to take whenever there is a debate regarding a choice between… and…

In terms of writing in the second paragraph, the student is invited to express their opinion and give 2-3 arguments in support of it. I would stop at two arguments “for” to fit into the required number of words. And the arguments “for” should be detailed - that is, we do not just say “I think so”, but we explain the point of view.

I also advise you to rush to prove not your point of view, but to defend a position for which you can come up with more arguments. At the stage of training to plan the structure of the essay, it would be good to draw mind maps:

It will come in handy for the exam as well. Helps to collect thoughts in a heap before writing on a draft.

In the topic about working for an idea or money, it was easier for me to find arguments about the superiority of the spiritual over the material:

Bundles to express your opinion:

  • I believe/ I consider that…/ I am convinced that…
  • I personally favor …
  • To my mind…/ In my opinion…/ It seems to me that…
  • I can't but agree that…
  • I am against…/ I do not approve of…/ I do not support the idea of…/ I personally frown on…
  • It is said/ believed that…
  • It goes without saying that…

Bundles to express arguments:

  • Firstly/ first and foremost/ first of all …
  • A major benefit is that …
  • To begin/start with, it is important to emphasize that…
  • Furthermore/ Moreover/ What is more/ Besides, …
  • A further persuasive argument is that …
  • Another (positive/negative) aspect of …
  • Finally/ Lastly

The opposite point of view (paragraph #3)

In paragraph 3, you need to state that there is an opposing point of view and support it arguments. There can be 1 or 2 of them (arguments). I recommend counting the number of words already written and deciding how many opposite arguments you can afford to write in order to fit in 250 words. Remember that how many arguments you write here depends on how many rebuttals you have to write in paragraph 4.

Here's what I got with the opposite point of view (1 argument against).

Links for Expression opposite opinion.

  • However, not all people share my point of view. They say that…
  • They assume/ presume…
  • They are in favor of…/ They approve of… / They favor…
  • There is another side to the issue/question of …
  • There are people who have the opposing opinion./ Not all people share my viewpoint.

Counterarguments (paragraph #4)

This is one of the most problematic parts of the essay. Arguments "for" and "against" invented; need more refute arguments against which were presented in section 3. And do it in a neutral way. That is, write in the style of a troll from the forum “Look, give him a good salary! You can’t sit on two chairs!” it is forbidden.

At the planning stage of drawing mind maps, you should consider which argument is best for counterarguing and not write it in a paragraph with your opinion, but save it “for dessert” - that is, for the fourth paragraph.

I emphasize once again that in the fourth paragraph we refute the arguments of the third paragraph, and do not come up with arguments yet"to the heap." The opposite opinion in paragraph 3 spoke of the importance of money to meet material needs and improve living standards. Let's argue that the pleasure of work and, as a result, professionalism, are directly related to the size of the salary.

Links for Expression counterarguments.

  • To a certain extent it is right, but we should not forget that… / we should consider the fact that… / one should not disregard… / one should take into account …
  • However veracious it sounds, I would not agree with the above mentioned idea.
  • However, I disagree with these contentions.
  • I am afraid I cannot agree with these people here as I think …

Conclusion (paragraph No. 5)

At the end of the hard-won essay, you need to write again your opinion on this issue.. Here it is important not to repeat in wordings and thoughts.

Expressions for the final paragraph:

  • To conclude/ sum up/ summarise
  • All in all…
  • All things considered…
  • Taking all this into account/ consideration…
  • In short/conclusion …

Vocabulary, grammar, spelling and punctuation

We figured out the plan for writing an essay, let's move on to the grammatical-lexical and spelling-punctuation design of the essay. The table below explains the criteria for evaluating these parameters:

Lexical errors

Let's take a look at what mistakes are proudly called “Lexical”. This:

  • misused word in context (I would not speak so instead of I would not say so)
  • compatibility error (make homework instead of do homework)
  • omission of a word if it does not affect the grammatical structure of the sentence (My parents are very well familiar (the preposition with is omitted) the topic)
  • errors in word formation if the part of speech does not change (for example, unresponsible instead of irresponsible)
  • phrasal verb error (give in smoking instead of give up smoking)
  • a spelling mistake that changes the meaning of a word (thing instead of think, whether instead of weather)

But you must not only avoid mistakes, you must remember that vocabulary in the essay should correspond to the task. That is, if the essay is about food, all sorts of synonyms and expressions on the topic “food” should be used. The lexical composition of the essay should be varied. If the author manages with simple words and expressions (I think, I need to say, It’s good / bad to) or repeats in vocabulary, there will be no maximum points for the “vocabulary” criterion. To get the coveted score, you need to use collocations (start doing - take up), phrasal verbs (meet friends - meet up), catchy vocabulary (think - consider). For example, the essay given as an example is replete with set expressions ( fulfilling job, be of primary importance, sooner or later), he has phrasal verb (bring in) and synonymous chains career-job-work-occupation/ love – be keen on – be fond of – fancy/ satisfying job – fulfilling job – favorite job/ high salary – material aspect – well-paid job.

Grammatical errors

When checking task 40, the Expert Advisor displays a grammatical error in the fields if the error:

  • in any grammatical form, be it the form of a verb, plural noun, degree of comparison and in any topic from the section “ Grammar Topics” of the codifier
  • in the order of the words in the sentence (for example, I do not know what are they thinking about. - In the second part of the sentence, the word order is reversed, although there is no question mark)
  • there is an omission of a word that affects the structure of the sentence (for example, These people wrong. - The linking verb “are” is missing)
  • in word formation, if the part of speech changes (for example, they wanted to write “politician” (politician), but they wrote politic (political)

Also, if the student manages simple sentences, points are deducted. The essay welcomes complex structures, modal verbs, passive / infinitive / participle phrases, conditional sentences, the main thing is not to overdo it and ‘do not write everything beautiful at once’, to the detriment of meaning. For example, in my essay, in addition to all sorts of complex sentences there are degrees of comparison ( the most important, higher), modal verbs ( can't, have to), passive ( are underpaid or underestimated), conditional sentence ( If a person is fond of his work, he will eventually become a professional in his area), construction with comparative adjectives ( The more money you have, the better life you can afford).

Spelling and punctuation errors

In writing, spelling errors are considered:

  • All errors that do not change the meaning of the word (for example, collegue, becouse, languaege)
    (If the error changes the meaning of the word, it becomes lexical - for example, thing instead of think, whether instead of weather)
  • If a word in a paper is spelled correctly once and the rest are incorrect, it is considered a mistake.
  • If a letter or word is illegible, the word is considered misspelled.

In the entire written part of the exam, the student can choose either the British or American spelling of the word - favorite / favorite, color / color, drugstore / pharmacy, crisps / chips. And stick to the chosen option to the end. That is, if color is written in one sentence, and favorite in another, such variability will be recorded in the number of errors.

Now about punctuation. Forget essay abbreviations (don't/wouldn't/mustn't) - they will take away points from you. They can and should be written in a letter to a friend (), but not in an essay.

And if the work is written “like a chicken paw” (hello to our Russian language teachers =)) - that is, there will be a lot of strikethroughs in it - the expert has the right to lower the grade by half a point.

Essay example

Makinga good salary is more important than job satisfaction.

It is common knowledge that career choice is one of the most important decisions in our life. Some people believe that it is more essential to love what you do, whereas others prefer to focus on a higher salary while choosing a future profession.

In my opinion, a satisfying job is way more important than a good income. It fills life with positive emotions giving the energy to accomplish different tasks as we manage our daily routine. Another positive aspect of a fulfilling job is that your performance and, consequently, results are higher if you are keen on the task you are doing.

There are people who have the opposing opinion, for them the material aspect plays a more important role than the enjoyment from what they do. They justify that position by claiming that the more money you have, the better life you can afford. In their viewpoint money equals opportunities – opportunities for better housing, education and entertainment.

However veracious it sounds, I would not agree with the above mentioned idea. If people do their work for pleasure rather than for money, they will eventually become professionals in a chosen area, and specialists are seldom underpaid or underestimated. Eventually, a favorite job becomes a well-paid one.

To conclude, I am convinced that an occupation you fancy definitely wins over the one that brings you only money as work occupies a great part of everyday routine and it is more logical to spend this time with pleasure.

Attention! When you rewrite your answer on the exam form, do not forget to write the task number at the beginning - Task 40. Also from this year you can’t write on the back of form 2 (that is, the one where you need to write the essay). If you have something that does not fit - and it will not fit, I guarantee you this - ask for the next form.

And organize your time so that at the exam you have time to rewrite the entire written task on the form. An essay written on a draft is not checked.

Exam essay writing algorithm

  1. Set aside 60 minutes for your essay.
  2. Read the topic and draw a mind map on the topic. After drawing, make sure that all the arguments given are clearly on the topic (not on a similar one that you already wrote). Every year, the exam writers come up with something new, so don't expect to get a topic you're already familiar with and by no means slip into another similar one. This is fraught with a score of “0” for the KZ criterion, that is, a score of “0” for the entire task 40.
  3. Read your arguments again and choose the most appropriate arguments of the 3rd and 4th paragraphs - that is, the arguments against and the counterargument to it.
  4. Write an essay on a draft. If you have little time left - write to the clean copy right away.
  5. Check for errors. Here I advise you to remember your typical “blunders” and check the work on them.
  6. Rewrite for a clean copy. Check for mistakes, check what you wrote “Task 40” before the essay.

P.S. – If you are reading a topic in an exam and realize that you don’t know a word in the topic, don’t panic! Calm down and try to guess how this word can be translated.


I would advise preparing for task 40 when the student's level corresponds to at least B1 (ideally B2, because it is declared as the key to success in the exam).

With level B1, I start preparing for this task about 6 months before the exam - first we analyze the assessment criteria, then we read and analyze essays from previous years, and at the end we already try to write our essays.

For practice, I would recommend purchasing Khotuntseva's book, it is the most useful of all the manuals that claim to help prepare for the written part. But be careful while working on it - some of the criteria that were relevant at the time of the release of this manual are already outdated. Accordingly, most of the essays from this book cannot be used as samples; they contain errors according to the “RKZ” criterion.


I will leave here the essay grading scheme used by the expert when checking task 40.

It is useful to show this diagram to the student during preparation and fill it out together, first evaluating the essays of past years on it, and then the essay of the student himself.

Please note that this article is up to date for USE-2018. In subsequent years, the requirements for writing this assignment may change and my advice will no longer be relevant.

When writing the article, materials were used from the site the most reliable source for preparing for the OGE and the USE. Everything you read on other sites may contain incorrect information - be careful! (Yes, I have seen several of these sites with incorrect information and bad examples compositions!)

The article is coming to an end. Fuhhh .. I wrote it for about three weeks, re-read it, the rules, tormented by doubts. I wanted to make out as much as possible the intricacies of writing assignment 40 for the exam. But, unfortunately, I did not manage to display exactly all the details for which points can be deducted during verification. To see them all, you need to parse and write more than one essay on your own.

I recommend to look at examples of examination essays with analysis in the article about and.

PS - Do you doubt that you write an essay well? You can order a test from me! Here are the prices!

Essay on the exam. Task 40

In 2018, 80% of graduates from the Sverdlovsk region received 0 points for an essay from the Unified State Examination in English. According to FIPI, students traditionally perform the written part of the exam worse. And it is she who gives the most points - 14 for the error-free task No. 40, the essay "My opinion". In the material, we share tips that will help you avoid stupid mistakes when writing an essay with elements of reasoning.

Stick to the plan

In 2019, graduates will be given two statements to choose from. On one of them you need to write a written essay with elements of reasoning.

The essay must strictly comply with the plan:

  1. introduction - paraphrase the selected statement;
  2. your opinion on the topic and 2-3 arguments in its defense;
  3. opposite opinion and 1-2 arguments in its defense;
  4. an explanation of why you disagree with the opposing opinion;
  5. a conclusion in which you rephrase your position from point 2.

Each part of the text should begin with a new paragraph, as a result, the essay should have 5 paragraphs.

A problem when writing an essay can be not only poor knowledge of a foreign language, but vice versa - too good. A graduate can write an essay in a freer form and move away from the template, but the commission will not appreciate such an impulse. Therefore, we advise you to write an essay strictly according to the plan and in accordance with the criteria.

Let's take a look at the mistakes graduates made in the past and how to avoid them.

Keep track of volume

The text of the answer must contain at least 200 and no more than 250 words, a deviation of 10% is allowed. According to the rules, if the volume of the essay is less than 180 words, 0 is set for the entire work, if more than 275 - they check the part of the essay up to the 250th word.

How to avoid mistakes:

  • Write your essay at home on an unlined piece of paper. After 10-20 essays, you will understand what part of the sheet is occupied by the required amount of text. This will help you navigate the exam.
  • Count words correctly. One word counts:
  1. short forms: can "t, didn" t, isn "t, I" m;
  2. prepositions, articles, particles;
  3. numerals expressed in numbers: 25, 2006, 1000000;
  4. numerals with percentages of 25%;
  5. compound words: well‑being, good‑looking, twenty‑five;
  6. abbreviations: UN, e‑mail.

Write on the topic

If the reviewer considers that the essay does not correspond to the chosen topic, he will immediately put 0 points. So the simpler the better. Do not invent anything, do not indulge in lengthy reflections. Give direct opinions and arguments clearly on the topic.

FIPI experts give such an example from the options of previous years. The saying was given: "One should read about historical sites before sightseeing - One should read about historical sites before visiting them."

Graduates made the following mistakes in essays:

  1. They did not know the meaning of the words: they mistook the word sites for websites.
  2. They were inattentive: instead of sites they saw cities and wrote about cities.
  3. They missed the meaning of the statement: they forgot about the word read, that is, they ignored reading about sights, and wrote only about visiting them.

Another topic from the USE 2018 caused difficulties: “An early choice of a career path is the key to success - An early choice of a career is the key to success.”

Many graduates did not read the statement carefully and built their essay around the phrases “early choice” and “career path”. As a result, they wrote about their choice of profession and when to choose it. The meaning of the statement was that an early choice of a profession ensures further success in life. Accordingly, the arguments "for" should have been about why an early choice of a profession contributes to success, and "against" - why it can lead to failure.

How to avoid mistakes:

  • Read both statements several times. Choose the one in which you understand all the words and the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
  • During the preparation period, read educational texts for high level(B2) and learn vocabulary from there.
  • Before writing an essay, answer the questions: what is the meaning of the statement? What do you have to agree or disagree with?
  • Visualize the answer with a mind map. Designate a topic, lower 2 arrows from it - one with your opinion, the second with the opposite. From your opinion, drop 2-3 arrows and in a few words indicate the arguments in his defense, from the opposite opinion, pull down 1-2 arrows and briefly write down the arguments in support of them below.

Paraphrase the topic in the introduction

In the introduction to task No. 40, graduates most often made the following mistakes:

  1. Literally repeated the topic from the assignment. For example, to the statement “ Friendship is the greatest gift of life” wrote a speech that completely duplicates the phrase: “Some people believe that friendship is the greatest gift of life. Others don't think so.
  2. They expressed their opinion on the topic. For example, the following introduction was written to the topic “Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world”: “Modern science helps human progress, that is why it should be financed before other spheres”.
  3. They did not indicate the debatable nature of the topic.
  4. Rhetorical questions were used.

How to avoid mistakes:

  • The introduction should not contain your opinion. The first paragraph is as neutral as possible.
  • The topic should be retold, that is, expressed with synonyms and phrases that are close in meaning. You can start with cliché phrases:
  1. Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about…
  2. It is generally accepted that…
  3. A common opinion is that ... - According to the general opinion ...
  • To indicate the debatability of the topic, you can use cliché phrases:
  1. There are two points of view on… - There are several points of view on….
  2. Some people are convinced that...and others believe that… - Some people are convinced that…., others believe that…
  • Don't use rhetorical questions. For example: Who is right? Which is true?

Arguments must match opinion

In one of the essays, behind the opinion: “I think that it is better to read some historical information before visiting historic places”, there were such arguments: “Firstly, you can find a lot of information in the Internet. Secondly, it may help you in your future life.” They do not correlate with the statement, since they do not directly answer the question: why is it worth reading the information before visiting historical places?

How to avoid mistakes:

  • Formulate your opinion on the topic of the statement, clearly define whether you are for or against.
  • Use cliché phrases to express your opinion:
  1. My personal view is that… - My opinion is that...
  2. In my opinion / judgment / view ... - In my opinion / judgment / In my opinion ...
  3. I completely agree/disagree with this statement… - I completely agree/disagree with this statement...
  4. I don't support the idea of… - I don't support the idea that...
  • Explain why you are right in 2-3 arguments that follow from your opinion.
  • Use bindings to list arguments:
  1. Firstly/ first and foremost/ first of all…
  2. Another (positive/negative) aspect of …
  3. Finally/ Lastly
  • Imagine how you might be objected to in response to your opinion. Formulate a completely opposite opinion.
  • Start expressing someone else's opinion with cliché phrases:
  1. However… - Although…;
  2. On the other hand - On the other hand ...
  3. There is another side to the question of ... - There is another side to the question ...
  • Come up with arguments to support your opponent's point of view.

Refute counterarguments

In the fourth paragraph, you need to explain why you do not agree with the opinion of the opponent. This must be done by refuting the counterarguments from the third paragraph.

For example, in the second paragraph you support the opinion "One should read about historical sites before sightseeing" and as an opposite in the third paragraph you cite "I think that it is better to visit historical places than to read information" with the counterargument "The guide will tell you everything during the excursion". In the fourth paragraph, you should refute the opposite side's counterargument from the previous paragraph, and not come up with another one to prove your case.

In the example, you need to answer the sentence: "The guide will tell you everything during the excursion". For example, the answer is: "If you read about sights in advance you will save money because excursion may be expensive".

How to avoid mistakes:

  • Answer only the counterarguments from the third paragraph. If you gave two counterarguments, you must refute both.
  • Use cliché phrases:
  1. I strongly disagee with...
  2. I am afraid I cannot agree with the opinion that...
  3. Despite my respect for the opinion that..., I cannot share it because…

Confirm your opinion in conclusion

In conclusion, graduates most often made the following mistakes:

  1. Departure from the topic. At the end of the essay they forgot about the topic of the statement and in the conclusion they wrote about something completely different. For example, a student ended an essay on the topic “One should read about historical sites before sightseeing” with the following words: “To sum up, I would like to say that sightseeing is wonderful. And we should cherish the memories about those nice places we have visited.” The conclusion does not correspond to the main topic, since it talks about visiting attractions, although it was necessary to reason about whether or not to read about them.
  2. They didn't state their opinion. In conclusion on the previous topic, the student leaves the problem unresolved: “In conclusion, I want to say, that it is a debatable issue. Everybody must decide themselves if they need to find some historical information before sightseeing.”

How to avoid mistakes:

  • Keep the topic of the essay constantly in front of your eyes.
  • Rephrase your opinion, which you wrote about in the second paragraph.
  • Use cliché phrases to express your opinion in the conclusion:
  1. On this basis, I can conclude that… - Based on this, I can conclude that…
  2. In conclusion, I would like to stress that… - In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that…
  3. All in all, I believe that… - In the end, I believe that…
  4. To sum up… - Summing up...

Learn the meanings of introductory words and conjunctions

To build a competent and coherent statement, it is necessary to use introductory words and conjunctions correctly. Most often, graduates confuse the meanings of these parts of speech and pointlessly add them to the text in a chaotic manner.

How to avoid mistakes:

  • Learn by heart the meanings of introductory words and conjunctions so as not to confuse their meanings. Remember the meanings of the most common of them:
  1. in addition - besides,
  2. moreover - moreover,
  3. furthermore - furthermore
  4. however - nevertheless,
  5. thereby - in connection with this,
  6. therefore - therefore
  7. though - though, however,
  8. although - although.
  • Do not use more than one introductory word at a time. Do not try to write everything you know at once, for example, like this: “To my mind, personally, I think that it is better to visit historical places at first. To begin with, firstly, it will be a surprise and you will better remember it.” You don’t write in an essay on the Russian language like this: “Personally, in my opinion, it’s better to visit a historical place first.”

Keep it neutral

The text of the essay should be in a neutral style. That is, you cannot use:

  • rhetorical questions;
  • colloquial vocabulary:
  • colloquial constructions like let's;
  • short forms of verbs: I "m, he's, don" t, didn "t, haven" t. Exception: needn't.

What exactly will be given 0 points

  1. The volume of the essay is less than 180 words.
  2. Plagiarism - more than 30% or 10 words in a row from the essay coincide with someone else's text.
  3. Departure from the topic.
  4. Non-compliance with criteria. The criteria are presented in detail on the FIPI website in the demo version of the written part of the exam in English.