Few people refuse this spicy dish. pickled eggplant, with a pleasant sourness and sharpness, excellent for potatoes or fried meat. The special taste that is present in eggplant is formed as a result of natural fermentation. There is not a single gram of vinegar in this appetizer - only vegetables, vegetable oil and salt. Pickled eggplant stuffed with carrots and garlic recipe with photo you can also carrots, tomatoes, bell pepper, garlic and herbs, and garlic can not be spared. stored pickled eggplant appetizer in the refrigerator for a month to two, but since the fermentation process does not completely stop, they often become more acidic, but still edible. This one can be rolled up for the winter, but this is another recipe with which we will definitely share with you.

Ingredients for making stuffed eggplant

Step by step cooking pickled stuffed eggplant with photo

  1. Cut off the ends of the eggplants (not overripe), prick them with a fork so that they do not burst during cooking.
  2. Add salt to boiling water and dip the eggplant in it. Eggplants do not digest, they should be ready, but not fall apart. Pierce with a toothpick and if they are already soft, remove from the water. Usually 10-15 minutes is enough.
  3. Lay the eggplants on a flat surface, preferably on the edge of the sink, so that excess moisture and bitterness flow there. From above, press them with a cutting board, on which place the load.
  4. After 2-3 hours, when the liquid from the eggplant ceases to stand out, remove the load. Cut each eggplant lengthwise, making a pocket.
  5. For the filling, chop the greens, garlic, and also grate the carrots.
  6. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and simmer the vegetables, you can all together for 4-6 minutes. Add 1 tbsp. salt, ground black pepper and chopped bay leaf. Cool down.
  7. For a snack, prepare an enameled saucepan. Using a spoon or your hands, stuff each eggplant and tie with either string or a parsley or celery stalk. Pack the eggplants tightly together. If the filling remains, you can simply put it on top.
  8. Place a flat plate on top of the eggplants, and then some weight, such as a jar of water. Eggplants will start up juice in a couple of hours, and it will completely cover them. Some housewives pour 3 tablespoons of brine into 1 liter of water. salt, but I don't see the need for it.
  9. Let the eggplant ferment at room temperature for 4-5 days. You yourself will feel the characteristic aroma, and you can also take a sample by cutting off a piece.
  10. Transfer the fermented eggplants to a jar or other resealable container, and refrigerate.

Serve the sauerkraut eggplant cut into bite-size pieces. And if you serve a whole snack to guests, do not forget to offer a table knife. Bon appetit!

From such a wonderful vegetable as eggplant, you can cook many dishes. Especially they will appeal to lovers of spicy. It has long been a tradition for us to harvest vegetables for the winter. different ways. Not so long ago, a new recipe for us appeared - pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic. Everything looks very nice and delicious. How to cook a vegetable in this form for the winter, we will write in detail in the article.

Winter vegetable snacks

By the way, homemade pickles will always come in handy with any side dish, meat or fish dish. Stuffed pickled eggplants with garlic and carrots are considered a tasty, healthy and appetizing snack. with a spicy taste. Now many housewives make such blanks at home for the winter. In the summer, eggplants are quite inexpensive, but in winter the price is high, so it's time to start harvesting during the harvest season.

Eggplant contains many useful substances necessary for good health. If you regularly use a vegetable, then this has a beneficial effect on the work of many organs - the liver, intestines, and the hematopoietic system. The vegetable has antibacterial properties. It is recommended to use it for gout and atherosclerosis.

Cooking such a vegetable simply and quickly does not work out, you have to spend time. The end result is worth it, because the appetizer is excellent. Such a dish is considered healthy, because there is practically no vinegar in it. In any of the recipes there is a lot of carrot filling and eggplant in the slice reminiscent of rolls, only vegetable.

Recipe for eggplant stuffed with carrots and garlic

To prepare eggplant for the winter, you will need the following products according to the recipe:

Selected eggplants should wash, trim and dry Then on each vegetable you need to make a longitudinal and deep incision. Each of the blue ones is pierced with a fork, after which the vegetables are boiled in salted water until they become softer. To prepare a solution for boiling, you need to follow the proportion: 1 tbsp is put into 1 liter of water. salt.

During cooking, vegetables will constantly float, so they need to be helped to sink back into salt water, turn over with a spoon or slotted spoon. Readiness is checked with a knife, if it passes freely, then you can turn it off. Ideally, when boiled eggplants are soft, but plump with moderately elastic skin. According to the recipe, boiled vegetables should be laid out on a flat surface of the table with an incision to the side. After that, oppression is placed on top and in this form they lie for at least 2 hours.

During this time, you need to make the stuffing for the eggplant. Carrots prepared according to the recipe are peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater. Then it is laid out on a preheated pan. It is fried with vegetable oil, stirring for 3-4 minutes. This time is enough for it to become softer and soaked with oil. Garlic and herbs are also chopped, but only with a knife. After that, all the vegetables are combined together. The whole mass must be well salted and mixed.

Now you can take the "little blue ones" and lay the filling in them. There should be a lot of toppings so that you can feel its pleasant taste. Each eggplant is tied with a thread. It is advisable to do this over a flat plate, since juice will stand out from the vegetable. All vegetables are placed in a saucepan and then they are poured with cold prepared brine.

The brine is very easy to make. It is necessary to take the amount of water indicated in the recipe, pour into a saucepan and boil. Then the prescription salt and vinegar added that are listed in the recipe. When the brine is completely cooled down, they can pour eggplants. It is necessary that the eggplants are completely covered with brine.

Usually in such recipes it is recommended to put oppression on top. It can be a flat plate, suitable in diameter to the pan. Place a jar of water on top of the plate. For the first 24 hours, eggplants stand at room temperature of 20-25 ° C, and then it is better to put them in a cellar or refrigerator for 2-3 days.

When this time has passed, the brine can be drained and the vegetables left under oppression. The threads can be removed and the vegetables cut into pieces. Pickled eggplant prepared according to this recipe for the winter can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2-3 months. During this time, their taste will only get better.

Pickled Eggplant Recipe Stuffed with Carrots and Garlic

To prepare this recipe, you will need:

It is desirable to have eggplants that are even and small in size. They are washed with water and cut off the ends, after which they are loaded into salted water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. The main thing is not to digest the vegetables and as soon as they become moderately soft, remove from heat and drain the water.

Each eggplant is needed cut deep on the side along the entire length. It's best to do this on a cutting board. After that, the "blue ones" are kept under pressure for 1-1.5 hours, so that excess moisture is removed from them.

Now you need to peel the onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion with a knife, and grate the carrots medium-sized. Put the chopped vegetables separately in a frying pan and lightly fry in refined vegetable oil. Lightly fried vegetables are removed from the heat and grated celery root and salt must be added to them. Everything is mixed and the eggplant can be stuffed with the already cooled stuffing.

Each stuffed vegetable is held together with a celery leaf. Vegetables are placed tightly in a saucepan. They are sprinkled with thinly chopped garlic and poured with ready-made brine. It is made on the basis of: 1 tsp salt with a slide in half a glass of water. The vegetables laid in the container are poured with the prepared solution, after which they must be put under oppression.

In this form, they are left at room temperature for 3-4 days. The readiness of eggplant will depend on their size and the amount of filling. On the third day, it is advisable to try the product and if it is already ready, then it is better to put everything in the refrigerator.

Eggplants can be served whole or cut into portions. They are sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs.

A spicy appetizer of eggplant and carrots will always come in handy. When serving, eggplants are cut into pieces, and they look like small rolls with a bright filling. The second serving option - eggplants with filling are cut into large cubes and seasoned with fragrant sunflower oil.
Pleasant in taste and filling, the liquid contents of the jar can be used as a sauce, pouring over boiled potatoes or meat casseroles.
Technological process consists of two independent stages: first, fermentation of vegetables is performed, and then proceed to sterilization.
Pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic are closed for the winter in three-liter bottles; after seaming, the jars must be sterilized. You can put them in a saucepan and store in a cool place, but then the shelf life will be much less - 3 weeks.

Taste Info Eggplant for the winter


  • eggplant - 8 kilograms,
  • carrots - 2 kilograms,
  • garlic - 400 grams,
  • parsley - 1 bunch,
  • sunflower oil for frying - 100 grams.

How to cook pickled eggplant stuffed with carrots and garlic

Choose ripe, medium-sized eggplants. Too large specimens can be deformed when immersed in a three-liter jar.

Cut the stalks along with part of the pulp. On each eggplant make a couple of shallow cuts with a knife. Eggplants are dipped in boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. The water can be slightly salted. Hot eggplant spread in rows on top of each other. A large cutting board is placed on top, which is pressed down with a small load. Excess liquid will “leave” the eggplant.
Grated carrots, fried sunflower oil.

Garlic is squeezed out through a press, parsley is coarsely chopped. All this is combined with fried carrots, salted to taste. The mixture for stuffing is spicy, but in the process of marinating, its taste will soften significantly.

The cooled eggplants are flattened under pressure, and now they should be given volume. A longitudinal cut is made in each eggplant, into which 1-2 tablespoons of the carrot mixture are placed.

Stuffed eggplants are put into three-liter jars.

Eggplants should be laid tightly, filling the jars “up to the shoulders”.

Ready to fill. The proportions are as follows: for one liter of water put 1.5 tablespoons of large sea ​​salt. The filling is boiled, a few peas of allspice are added.
Banks are filled with brine and left in a warm room. The fermentation process lasts from 3 to 5 days. It all depends on the temperature in the room.

When the eggplants have become pickled and have acquired a pleasant taste, proceed to sterilization. The jars are covered with sterilized lids, put in a pot of water and boiled over low heat for half an hour. Then the banks are rolled up, turned over, insulated.

The next day, the banks are transferred to the cellar.
If you do not plan to store eggplant for a long time, then you can do without sterilization. Then the jars with pickled eggplants are covered with nylon lids and put in the refrigerator. But in this case, they need to be eaten within a month.

I call this wonderful recipe for eggplant with carrots an express way to cook great cold appetizer. Literally the very next day you can serve this dish on the table, but remember that with each day of pickling they become tastier and more aromatic. I completely facilitated the preparation and we do not need to soak them beforehand, and also keep them under pressure - everything is extremely simple and fast enough. IN summer time, you can cook this appetizer at least every day and serve both separately and with young boiled potatoes - it's very tasty.


  • 1 kg small eggplant (6 pieces)
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 3 - 4 garlic cloves
  • greens (optional)
  • salt, spices, chili (optional)
  • juice of 1 - 2 lemons
  • 1 cup (or more) water for marinade

Cooking method

Eggplants (it is better if they are small and the same in size) we cut in the middle along, without cutting to the end deep into and near the edges, we make a small pocket. Then blanch them in boiling water for about 5-7 minutes, let them cool completely. Three carrots on a Korean grater, cut the pepper into thin strips, chop the garlic and herbs. We mix everything, salt and pepper, for spiciness, you can add a little ground chili. Then we stuff eggplants with carrots and tightly lay them close to each other in one layer in a container where they will be marinated.

We prepare the marinade from water, lemon juice and salt, to taste it should be slightly oversalted and sourer than you like. Vegetables will take in salt and acid, and as a result we will get a dish balanced in taste. Pour everything with marinade, it should cover the blue ones at least 2/3 or even completely, close the lid and put in the refrigerator overnight. Serve stuffed eggplant possible the very next day. Bon appetit.

Step 1: Prepare the eggplant.

Eggplants first of all need to be washed thoroughly, it is best to use a special soft brush for this. Then cut clean vegetables into thin slices - circles. Eggplant does not need to be peeled or soaked in salt water.

Step 2: Prepare the garlic.

Remove the husk from the garlic, cut off the ends. For this dish, you need to grind this ingredient by passing it through a special press. As a result, you will get a fragrant garlic gruel.

Step 3: Fry the eggplant.

Heat a few tablespoons in a frying pan vegetable oil, for frying eggplant, it may take quite a lot. Lay out the circles of vegetables so that they do not overlap each other. Sprinkle them with salt on top and fry under a closed lid over medium heat for 5 minutes. Then open the pan, turn the circles of vegetables over, sprinkle with salt again, and then close again and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Most likely, you will not have enough one pan to fry all the pieces of vegetables you have at once, so either use two pans at once for frying, which will be faster, or just cook the eggplant in batches.
Put the fried vegetables for a while on disposable paper towels and blot them from excess oil. Then brush the eggplants with garlic paste and put them in a deep bowl so that they are slightly soaked.

Step 4: Prepare the carrots.

We peel the carrots and thoroughly wash them under running water, brushing off the adhering dirt and grains of sand with our hands. We grind the root crop with a knife, cutting it into small cubes or straws, or using a coarse grater. Depending on your preference.

Step 5: Prepare the bow.

Peel the bulbs from the husk and cut off the ends on both sides. Then cut the ingredient into small cubes, the smaller the pieces, the tastier. However, if you like the onion to stand out against the general background in large pieces, then, of course, you can cut it into half rings.

Step 6: Fry the onions and carrots.

Reheat the pan, and in it a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Pour finely chopped carrots and onions into it, fry them over medium heat until golden brown. Then add the indicated amount of water to the vegetables, a little salt and simmer everything covered with a lid for another 10 minutes. Remember to stir the contents of the pan occasionally to prevent burning. When the vegetables are cooked, remove them from the heat and move on to the next step.

Step 7: We form an eggplant appetizer with carrots and garlic.

Divide the fried eggplant circles soaked in garlic into two equal parts. Place one half on a flat dish of sufficient size. Put the fried onions and carrots on top of the vegetable slices. Top with the remaining eggplant slices. Throw in the rest of the roast, if any. As a result, you should get a kind of vegetable sandwiches. And you can immediately start serving them on the table.

Step 8: Serve eggplant with garlic and carrots.

Eggplant with garlic and carrots, serve as a light vegetable snack. You don’t need to supplement them with anything else, except to offer them cheese or garlic Sause. Or mix fried onions and carrots with a little fresh herbs. Enjoy the taste and benefits of the finished dish.
Bon appetit!

Eggplant with garlic and carrots become even tastier after they stand in the refrigerator for several hours. After that, they do not need to be reheated at all.

You can just as beautifully lay out the resulting snack, imitating, for example, fish scales or a peacock tail.

A similar dish can be prepared, for example, by replacing part of the eggplant with zucchini or potatoes, as well as pre-frying slices of vegetables in oil in a pan.