Hungarians - the largest (14.5 million people) of the Finno-Ugric peoples, belong to the Ugric group.
The alleged ancestral home of the Hungarians is the region east of the Urals. Unlike their closest linguistic relatives - the Khanty and Mansi, who remained in the taiga - the Hungarians went to the steppes and began to lead an almost nomadic lifestyle. In the 9th century AD the Hungarians roamed the southern Russian steppes until they were driven out by the Pechenegs, after which the Hungarians were forced to move west. In 896, the Hungarians settled in Transylvania, from where they took possession of Pannonia. In 1001 the Kingdom of Hungary was formed.
Currently, 8.5 million Hungarians live in Hungary. There are large Hungarian diasporas in neighboring Romania (1.2 million) and the USA (1.5 million).
Hungarians profess Catholicism and Protestantism (mainly Calvinism).
This rating presents the most beautiful, in my opinion, famous Hungarian girls and women.

20th place. Claudia Kozma / Claudia Kozma- Hungarian model, represented Hungary at Miss International 2012.

19th place. Anett Szigethy- Hungarian fitness model, Miss Supranational 2013.

18th place. Andrea Osvart / Andrea Osvart(born April 25, 1979, Budapest) is a Hungarian actress and model.

17th place. Barbara Palvin / Barbara Palvin(born October 8, 1993, Budapest) is a Hungarian model and actress. Height 175 cm, figure parameters: chest 81 cm, waist 66 cm, hips 95 cm.

16th place. Eva Gabor / Eva Gabor(February 11, 1919, Budapest - July 4, 1995) - American actress. Born and raised in Hungary. Her father is Hungarian and her mother is Jewish.

15th place. Catherine Bagala / Chätrin Bagala(1968, Estonia - June 6, 2012, Hungary) - Soviet actress of Hungarian origin. played leading role in the film-tale "Caroline's Silver Yarn" (1984). This is her only film role.

Catherine Bagala in Carolina Silver Yarn (1984)

14th place. Eniko Mihalik / Enikő Mihalik(born May 11, 1987, Bekescsaba, Hungary) is a Hungarian model. Height 179 cm, parameters 84-61-87.

13th place. Teri Tordai / Teri Tordai(born December 28, 1941, Debrecen, Hungary) - Hungarian actress.

12th place. Anita Hudacek / Anita Hudacek(b. May 27, 1976, Budapest), better known as Anita Blond / Anita Blond, - actress and fashion model. From 1995 to 2001 she starred in more than 100 porn films. In 1999, for the first time she played in a non-pornographic film, namely in the arthouse film "The Wind in the Night" / "Le Vent de la nuit", where Catherine Deneuve played the main role, and Anita herself played a prostitute. Anita's height is 172 cm, figure parameters are 92-59-92. It is worth noting that Anita Blond has never done breast augmentation, which is popular among porn actresses.

11th place. Annamaria Rákosi / Annamária Rákosi- Representative of Hungary at the Miss World 2013 pageant.

10th place. Katalin Koller / Katalin Koller- Miss Hungary 2007.

9th place. - Hungarian model.

8th place. Ildiko Pecsi / Ildiko Pécsi(born May 21, 1941) is a Hungarian actress and director.

7th place. Zita Szelecki / Zita Szelecky(April 20, 1915, Budapest - July 12, 1999) - Hungarian actress.

6th place. Eva Szőke(June 18, 1927, Budapest - August 1, 1998), better known as Eva Bartok / Eva Bartok - British actress. Her father is Jewish and her mother is Hungarian Catholic. Since for Jews, belonging to a nation is determined by mother, Eva Bartok was included in the rating of the most beautiful Hungarian women, not in .

5th place. Agnes Dobo / Ágnes Dobo(born September 5, 1988, Debrecen) - the winner of the Hungarian selection for Miss World in 2010. However, she could not go to Miss World, because. broke her arm shortly before the contest.

4th place. Orshoya "Orshi" Kocsis / Orsolya "Orsi" Kocsis(born September 6, 1984, Debrecen) - Hungarian fashion model. Height 175 cm, figure parameters 91-63-89.

3rd place. Eva Serenci / Eva Szerencsi(May 5, 1952, Budapest - September 6, 2006) - Hungarian actress.

2nd place. Ebergeny River / Reka Ebergeny(born 1982, Budapest) is a Hungarian model. Height 178 cm, figure parameters 89-59-89.

1 place. Catherine Schell / Catherine Schell(born July 17, 1944, Budapest) is a British actress of Hungarian origin. Real name - Katherina Freiin Schell von Bauschlott / Katherina Freiin Schell von Bauschlott. Despite the German surname (inherited from her German great-grandfather), Catherine Schell is almost completely Hungarian by blood, her parents belonged to the Hungarian nobility: her father bore the title of baron, and her mother was a countess.
Most famous films with her participation: the 6th Bond film "On secret service Her Majesty" (1969, the role of Nancy), "Moon 02" (1969, the role of Clementine), "The Return of the Pink Panther" (1975, the role of Lady Claudine Lytton). In the UK, the actress is best known for her role as Maya in the science fiction series 70- 1990s "Cosmos: 1999".

Katherine Shell in the film "Moon 02" (1969):

Each people of the world has its own characteristics, which are absolutely normal and ordinary for them, but if a person of a different nationality gets into their midst, he may be very surprised at the habits and traditions of the inhabitants of this country, because they will not coincide with his own ideas about life. We invite you to find out 9 national habits and features of the Hungarians, which may seem surprising and a little strange to Russian people.

They eat paprika anytime, anywhere.

Paprika is an integral part of the Hungarian national cuisine. This spice (powder of dried mild pepper) is added everywhere and everywhere, but especially in goulash - another culinary treasure of the nation. Paprika is sold in bags in the markets and as a souvenir for foreigners. The number of its varieties is calculated in a dozen varieties, and a tree strewn with small red fruits grows in the garden or on the windowsill of almost every Hungarian.

They don't drink tea

Accompanying any dessert with tea, which is customary for a Russian person, does not work in Hungary. With all the richness of flour pastries and national sweets, Hungarians prefer plain water or coffee to wash down their dishes. By tea here is meant rather remedy in illnesses. (By the way, it is very similar to the Bulgarians. Indeed, why drink tea if excellent freshly brewed coffee is sold everywhere for €1?

They go to baths

The thermal baths of Budapest are a world-famous attraction. In outdoor pools, it is customary not to swim, but to sit. The water temperature varies from 16 to 42 °C. Daredevils prefer contrasting transitions from hot to cold, pensioners sit under hydromassage, children frolic in warm “paddling pools”. The Hungarians themselves go to the bathhouse not so much to wash or improve their health, but rather to relieve stress. Yes, healing properties thermal water really have a beneficial effect on the skin and joints, but for Hungarians, this is above all a great opportunity to spend time with family on the weekend.

They are not afraid of the homeless

In Budapest, there are a lot of people without a fixed place of residence. They are literally everywhere: begging, sleeping, eating, talking to each other. They are expelled only from the most central and tourist spots cities. This is done by representatives of the foot patrol as politely and delicately as possible. This way of life is associated not only with the economic situation in the country, but also with the nomadic nature of a certain stratum of society. Not working and living on the street is a conscious choice of many. They are clean, take care of themselves and for the most part are no different from ordinary passers-by. Unless they live in tents, wash things in the waters of the Danube or in a street column and dry right there on the branches of trees.

They are very patriotic

A sense of pride in their history and the unity of the nation is in the blood of every Hungarian. In Budapest, on Heroes' Square, the central part is occupied by the Memorial of the 1000th Anniversary of Finding the Motherland, founded in 1896. Throughout the second half of the 9th century, the ancestors of the current Magyars moved from the Trans-Urals to the Danube valley. And until now, the Hungarians protect their language from foreign influences. In general, they are quite active citizens: posters are hanging everywhere on city streets with a call to influence domestic corruption, actively vote in elections, and take part in the country's political situation. If something goes wrong, they feel it is their responsibility to change it. Here it is not customary to be ashamed of one's origin, and in the event of a career success, the Hungarian often writes it off as his ancestry.

They spoil the kids

Here and there you can hear everywhere: “Mit seretne?”, which means “what would you like?”. The opinion of the child is respected from childhood and is extremely careful about the process of education. Children for Hungarians are not people, but little deities who can do anything. Of course, this is reflected in the kids, but surprisingly, they grow up not as spoiled egoists, but open, smiling, kind and not at all shy of strangers. Each child, in the opinion of his parent, needs his own individual pace of development. So, for example, staying for a second year here is not considered humiliating.

They don't go undocumented

Firstly, the police in Hungary can simply and completely legally check the documents on the street from any pedestrian. Secondly, the ticket here can only be bought with an ID-card. In this case, the authorities are guided by a simple logic: only one citizen of the country, and not all members of his family, can ride on one certificate. Tourists, on the other hand, buy a long-term travel ticket with a passport or a one-time pass without identity verification. And finally, no one canceled the procedure for verifying their age when buying alcohol in bars.

They are foreign to ceremonies

Hungarians address each other with "you". Everything and always. An exception can only be called an appeal to older people in order to emphasize respect for a particular person. After the greeting, an obligatory kiss follows: first they kiss on one cheek, then on the other.

They celebrate birthdays

Don't be surprised if no one wishes you a happy birthday. This holiday is not usually celebrated here in the usual sense for us. A much more important day for a Hungarian is a name day. For name days, as for any serious celebration in Hungary, a noisy feast is arranged and gifts are given.

Hungary is definitely a beautiful country with mild climate, the return from which is given with great difficulty, while the anticipation of the next visit is at the cost of a long and impatient wait.

Hungarian mentality

Despite various disputes about the peculiarities of the character of the Hungarians - supposedly they are rather complex natures with whom it is difficult to find a common language, the locals are distinguished by their perky and cheerful disposition. Many who have visited Hungary for the first time are struck by the vitality and positive attitude of the indigenous population, which is surprisingly combined with high spirituality and careful attitude to the centuries-old traditions of their ancestors.

The majority of the population, including in rural areas, strives for self-education and constant spiritual development, which leaves an imprint on their whole life - you rarely meet an uneducated Hungarian with whom you have nothing to talk about: you can often safely develop any topic - from the latest political news to the classic Hungarian literature.

Most famous city Hungary is, of course, Budapest. Every newcomer to the country strives to get here - both a simple traveler and an emigrant. Among other things, Budapest is called the city of music and dance, as an incredible number of festivals and national holidays take place here throughout the year, the most famous and revered of which is Revolution Day. Its celebration begins on March 15 and lasts for several days, during which the city plunges into an atmosphere of euphoria and joy.

Having fun is distinguishing feature the entire indigenous population of Hungary and Budapest in particular. The townspeople love to spend free time in dance schools, unable to cope with indifference to this art. Although this is rare for the rural population, since they have much less opportunities for such active leisure, it is not difficult for a simple traveler to accidentally get to a noisy Hungarian dance festival.

A little about the nature and ways of greeting the Hungarians

The inhabitants of Hungary are quite friendly people - it is customary here to greet absolutely everyone, even if it is a completely unfamiliar people in public transport. If the eyes of two passers-by Hungarians crossed, a friendly greeting will certainly fly from their lips. Tourists and expats have to get used to the fact that they will have to say hello to local residents everywhere: at the entrance to the store, when visiting a local coffee shop or bank.

A greeting for men is a strong, warm and one-time handshake, a hug is possible only with close and well-known people, which is often accompanied by a kiss on the cheeks. By the way, the handshake is found not only among men, but also among women who shake hands much softer and longer. Often women in Hungary introduce themselves to men, thereby expressing their respect, although it is more desirable for Hungarians to be introduced to each other by a common good friend; independent acquaintance, according to the rules of etiquette, is allowed only in case of emergency, although it does take place in certain cases, places and circumstances. During the performance, it is customary to call your last name first and only after it - your first name.

By the way, as a greeting is often used air kiss, which from the outside looks quite touching, and therefore, only young girls who are well acquainted with each other resort to it.

In Hungary, “you” and by name are addressed only if it was suggested by the interlocutor himself; in other cases, it is customary to start a conversation with the surname or title of the person being addressed.

Hungarians, for the most part, are quite calm and balanced people, and therefore prefer quiet conversations. Perhaps it is precisely for a certain temper and the absence of a soft tone in the conversation that some locals openly ignore many foreigners, including Russians, knowing about their quick-tempered and flamboyant character. However, perhaps this is the only thing that can explain some dismissive attitude towards Russian emigrants, which representatives of the Russian diaspora in Hungary sometimes complain about.

An acceptable topic for a conversation with a new acquaintance is always cooking, Hungarian cuisine, family and children (unlike some countries and peoples, the local population is quite frank and accepts conversations on a personal topic). But about health, work and marital status It is better not to ask the Hungarians, it is also categorically not recommended to compare them with other Slavs. To gain trust, it is enough to show photographs of your children, and the Hungarian will immediately take out his own in response.

The disadvantages of the nature of the Hungarians include their optionality, which does not apply to all local residents, but, of course, to their majority. Often, against this background, problems arise with business, which many Russian emigrants are accustomed to building, if not on parole, then often on mutual trust. With the Hungarians, as many businessmen who have become familiar with the local mentality advise, any work should be carried out only through written contracts with precisely agreed dates, numbers and volumes. By the way, Hungarians perceive Russians first of all as a money bag, unable to adequately assess the situation, set the price correctly and profitably for themselves and bargain in the right place.

Slowness in business, which many characterize as "Hungarian slowness" is another feature of most Hungarians. It is faced by both business owners and ordinary workers: sluggishness and slowness manifests itself in everything - when serving in a restaurant, cafe, shops and other places.

Getting used to Russian workaholics who, for one reason or another, ended up in Hungary, is also difficult with a clear Hungarian principle: work affairs - during working hours, personal time - for the family. This cannot be called a disadvantage, but such an attitude often causes irritation, especially against the background of the fact that it is sometimes impossible to solve all cases within the hours allotted for work with a Hungarian who is not familiar with such concepts as punctuality, commitment and speed.

In addition to the fact that the inhabitants of Hungary are quite reverent about the places where they live, they demand the same careful attitude from all visitors. If it corresponds to the proper, then their friendliness will know no bounds, otherwise you can come across open hostility.

A little about the language

The majority of the population of Hungary speaks only one language - Hungarian. Those who have tried to master it know firsthand how difficult it is to learn, although it has something in common with other languages. However, knowledge of Slavic, English and German does not make it easier to communicate with the locals - the Hungarian dialect is quite complex, difficult to hear and requires a single month of painstaking study.

It should be noted that sometimes it is the language barrier that makes life difficult for emigrants in this country - without normal knowledge state language it is difficult not only to get a job, but also to go shopping and solve various kinds of everyday problems. English and German are known tolerably only in resort areas, largely due to the fact that these languages ​​are taught at school as foreign languages. But the Hungarians not only do not respect the Slavic language, but are also offended if they are addressed in it, and not a single Hungarian knows his knowledge.

(Flora Borsi) has appeared on the pages of BigPicchi more than once. This spring, she created another amazing photo series! In the new project, she presents surreal self-portraits in which she combined her face, or rather her right eye, with the eye of an animal or bird. With these fantastic works, the author demonstrates how much in common between people and animals and that it is in peaceful coexistence with nature that the secret of harmony and happiness is.

Flora Borsi, a talented young photo artist from Hungary, is known for her impeccable mastery of the art of photo manipulation.

In her new photo project, she decided to take self-portraits in such a way that one of her eyes overlaps with the eye of an animal. Spectacular surrealism is achieved through the use of color filters and the necessary props.

Borsi is not an amateur photographer: for several years she has been shooting portraits and making conceptual photographs. Her work has been exhibited at the Saatchi Gallery, the Louvre and has also been used in commercial software such as Adobe Photoshop CC.

“I wanted to show how unique animals are, every little detail is special, and at the same time somehow we are similar to them,” Borsi shares his thoughts. - Once I tried to take a selfie with my dog ​​and her eye was exactly like mine. This photo inspired me to create the project. Each portrait takes approximately 15-20 hours, including makeup, hair styling and other manipulations. Retouching takes about 12 hours.”

With her mystical project, a young talented photo artist wanted to show how much in common between people and animals.

Here's how the project went:

Hungarians - the largest (14.5 million people) of the Finno-Ugric peoples, belong to the Ugric group.

The alleged ancestral home of the Hungarians is the region east of the Urals. Unlike their closest linguistic relatives - the Khanty and Mansi, who remained in the taiga - the Hungarians went to the steppes and began to lead an almost nomadic lifestyle. In the 9th century AD the Hungarians roamed the southern Russian steppes until they were driven out by the Pechenegs, after which the Hungarians were forced to move west. In 896, the Hungarians settled in Transylvania, from where they took possession of Pannonia. In 1001 the Kingdom of Hungary was formed.

Currently, 8.5 million Hungarians live in Hungary. There are large Hungarian diasporas in neighboring Romania (1.2 million) and the USA (1.5 million).

Hungarians profess Catholicism and Protestantism (mainly Calvinism).

20th place. Claudia Kozma / Claudia Kozma- Hungarian model, represented Hungary at Miss International 2012.

19th place. Anett Szigethy- Hungarian fitness model, Miss Supranational 2013.

18th place. Andrea Osvart / Andrea Osvart(born April 25, 1979, Budapest) is a Hungarian actress and model.

17th place. Barbara Palvin / Barbara Palvin(born October 8, 1993, Budapest) is a Hungarian model and actress. Height 175 cm, figure parameters: chest 81 cm, waist 66 cm, hips 95 cm.

16th place. Eva Gabor / Eva Gabor(February 11, 1919, Budapest - July 4, 1995) - American actress. Born and raised in Hungary. Her father is Hungarian and her mother is Jewish.

15th place. Catherine Bagala / Chätrin Bagala(1968, Estonia - June 6, 2012, Hungary) - Soviet actress of Hungarian origin. She played a major role in the fairy tale film Carolina Silver Yarn (1984). This is her only film role.

Catherine Bagala in Carolina Silver Yarn (1984)

14th place. Eniko Mihalik / Enikő Mihalik(born May 11, 1987, Bekescsaba, Hungary) is a Hungarian model. Height 179 cm, parameters 84-61-87.

13th place. Teri Tordai / Teri Tordai(born December 28, 1941, Debrecen, Hungary) - Hungarian actress.

12th place. Anita Hudacek / Anita Hudacek(b. May 27, 1976, Budapest), better known as Anita Blond / Anita Blond, - actress and fashion model. From 1995 to 2001 she starred in more than 100 porn films. In 1999, for the first time she played in a non-pornographic film, namely in the arthouse film "The Wind in the Night" / "Le Vent de la nuit", where Catherine Deneuve played the main role, and Anita herself played a prostitute. Anita's height is 172 cm, figure parameters are 92-59-92. It is worth noting that Anita Blond has never done breast augmentation, which is popular among porn actresses.

11th place. Annamaria Rákosi / Annamária Rákosi- Representative of Hungary at the Miss World 2013 pageant.

10th place. Katalin Koller / Katalin Koller- Miss Hungary 2007.

9th place. - Hungarian model.

8th place. Ildiko Pecsi / Ildiko Pécsi(born May 21, 1941) is a Hungarian actress and director.

7th place. Zita Szelecki / Zita Szelecky(April 20, 1915, Budapest - July 12, 1999) - Hungarian actress.

6th place. Eva Szőke(June 18, 1927, Budapest - August 1, 1998), better known as Eva Bartok / Eva Bartok - British actress. Her father is Jewish and her mother is Hungarian Catholic. Since for Jews, belonging to a nation is determined by their mother, Eva Bartok was included in the rating of the most beautiful Hungarian women, and not in the rating of Jews.

5th place. Agnes Dobo / Ágnes Dobo(born September 5, 1988, Debrecen) - the winner of the Hungarian selection for Miss World in 2010. However, she could not go to Miss World, because. broke her arm shortly before the contest.

4th place. Orshoya "Orshi" Kocsis / Orsolya "Orsi" Kocsis(born September 6, 1984, Debrecen) - Hungarian fashion model. Height 175 cm, figure parameters 91-63-89.

3rd place. Eva Serenci / Eva Szerencsi(May 5, 1952, Budapest - September 6, 2006) - Hungarian actress.

2nd place. Ebergeny River / Reka Ebergeny(born 1982, Budapest) is a Hungarian model. Height 178 cm, figure parameters 89-59-89.

1 place. Catherine Schell / Catherine Schell(born July 17, 1944, Budapest) is a British actress of Hungarian origin. Real name - Katherina Freiin Schell von Bauschlott / Katherina Freiin Schell von Bauschlott. Despite the German surname (inherited from her German great-grandfather), Catherine Schell is almost completely Hungarian by blood, her parents belonged to the Hungarian nobility: her father bore the title of baron, and her mother was a countess.
The most famous films with her participation: the 6th Bond film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" (1969, the role of Nancy), "Moon 02" (1969, the role of Clementine), "Return of the Pink Panther" (1975, the role of Lady Claudine Lytton) . In the UK, the actress is best known for her role as Maya in the 1970s sci-fi series Space: 1999.

Katherine Shell in Luna 02 (1969).