What to do when it's cold and dreary outside it's raining or just tired of wiping your pants on a hill near the entrance? It's time to gather a fun company of playful boys, dreamy girls and ... play at home! But not bending over the screen of a tablet or phone, but simply. Simply, simply, simply in...

1. Sharp eye

Number of players: 2 or more people.
Props: dishes (jar, bowl, pan, etc.), a sheet of paper, scissors.
Preparation: Before the start of the game, the participants should carefully consider the chosen container and try to mentally imagine it.

Rules of the game: On a signal, the players must cut the lid for the chosen vessel. The winner is the one whose cap matches the hole of the selected item as closely as possible.

2. Plucked chicken

Number of players: 4 or more people.
Props: clothespins.
Preparation: Divide into 2 teams: "hens" and "catchers".

Rules of the game:"Catchers" cling clothespins to their clothes (the same number, so that everything is fair). Their goal is to catch up with the chickens. If the "catcher" caught the "chicken", he clings to her clothespin. By the way, it is the “catchers” who will become “plucked”. Moreover, the more the “catcher” is plucked, the better! Victory will go to the one who quickly frees himself from his clothespins. Then the teams change places and the game continues.

3. Whose shoe?

Number of players: 3 or more people.
Props: shoes for players, blindfold for each player.
Preparation: Take off your shoes and put them in a pile.

Rules of the game: Players stand in a circle, in the center of which is a mountain of shoes. Blindfold their eyes. The host mixes the shoes and gives a signal. Everyone starts looking for their shoes (you can try them on). Anyone who thinks they have found their shoes must put them on and stay in them for the rest of the game. Everyone takes off the bandages and looks at the result.

4. Live knot

Number of players: 4 or more people.
Props: No.
Preparation: Get in a circle.

Rules of the game: At the command of the leader, the players stretch their right hands to the center of the circle and take someone by the hand (you can’t take a neighbor). Then the players extend their left hands and do the same. But! You cannot take the hand of someone you already hold with one hand. The result is a live node. The leader's task is to unravel the knot without breaking his hands. Players, at his request, can step over each other, climb between the hands, etc.

5. Great cook

Number of players: 2 or more people.
Props: 2 spoons (forks) and fruits (vegetables), blindfold.
Preparation: wash fruits (vegetables).

Rules of the game: The volunteer picks up spoons (forks) and by touch tries to recognize the fruits (vegetables) that the leader hands him. Potato, carrot, onion, pear, tomato, cucumber, etc. can be used.

6. Conductor

Number of players: 5 or more people.
Props: No.
Preparation: Players stand in a circle, one person goes out the door.

Rules of the game: A "conductor" is chosen from the remaining players in the room. He shows how to play musical instruments, and the rest repeat after him all the movements. The guesser enters the room during the "concert", he must determine who is the "conductor". If he manages to do this in less than three attempts, he becomes in a circle, and the former "conductor" goes out the door.

7. Salad

Number of players: 6 or more people.
Props: cards with the names of vegetables / fruits (by the number of players), chairs (one less than the players). The names on the cards can be repeated, for example, 2 apples, 3 pears, etc.
Preparation: Distribute cards to the players.

Rules of the game: Everyone sits on chairs, one remains in a circle (he also has a card). The host (the one who is standing) shouts: “Pear!”. Those who have a card with this name should change their place. The driver takes a chair and one of the players is left without a seat, he becomes the center of the circle and the game continues. You can shout out two or three names at once. At the word "Salad!" all players change places.

8. Who is faster?

Number of players: 10 or more people.
Props: an object as a prize (an apple, a stone, etc.), a coin.
Preparation: Everyone is divided into two teams, stand or sit opposite each other, hide their hands behind the backs of their neighbors. The leader stands at one end of the chain, and a prize item is placed at the other.

Rules of the game: The host tosses a coin. If “tails” falls out, nothing happens, the coin is tossed again, if it’s “heads”, the last player of each team must shake hands with a neighbor. So, along the chain, the signal is transmitted to the other end. The last one must grab the prize. The player who did it first brings his team a point, moves back to the end of the chain and the game continues. The team with the quickest change of players wins.

9. Animated mechanisms

Number of players: 8 or more people.
Props: No.
Preparation: Players are divided into two or more teams. Each team, secretly from rivals, decides which mechanism (vacuum cleaner, washing machine, hair dryer, etc.) she will portray.

Rules of the game: Everyone should take part in the dramatization. You can imitate the sounds of the mechanism, depict dimensions with your hands, but you cannot speak. A team scores a point if it guesses the opponent's mechanism. Those who have more points win.

10. We are tired of meowing!

Number of players: 8 or more people.
Props: blindfolds according to the number of players, chairs to limit space.
Preparation: Players are divided into two teams: one - piglets, the second - kittens.

Rules of the game: Kittens should meow, and piglets should grunt. Everyone is blindfolded and mixed among themselves in a circle of chairs. It is necessary to gather your team as soon as possible, without leaving the circle.

When adults gather, it is mistakenly believed that they have nothing to do but talk and feast. This is wrong! There are many fun games, which will allow you to spend interesting and unusual time in the company, laugh and relax. All games are designed for a company of 6 people or more. They can be played on a camping trip, at a party or someone's birthday.

Many games for the company do not require special training and props

conversation games

  • Understand me. The company is divided into pairs of a man-woman. You can come up with a theme yourself, for example, “Maternity Hospital”. The meaning of the game: the “husband” asks questions about the child aloud, and the “wife” tries to answer them with gestures. The main thing is to ask unusual questions and see what gestures the “wife” will respond with.
  • Associations. The company sits in a circle. Someone starts: says any word in his neighbor's ear in a whisper. He, without hesitation, speaks his association to this word into the ear of the next participant. The next one - his association, and so on until the association word returns to the one who started the game. I wonder what the original word will be transformed into!
  • Who am I? A paper tape is put on the forehead of all participants, on which the name of the movie star is written. All participants see what is written on the forehead of others, but do not know what is written on theirs. You need to take turns asking others questions that will help you understand what is written on your forehead. For example: “Am I a man?”, “I starred with Tom Cruise?”, “Did I win an Oscar?”. You can write the names of animals - then the questions will be appropriate: “Do I live at the North Pole?”, “Am I a herbivore?”. Play until the last pair. The loser buys everyone a beer or ice cream.
  • Crocodile. Someone from the company says the name of a popular film in the ear of another participant, and he gestures to show it to the whole company. The task of the company is to guess this name. If the name consists of several words, then the guessed words can be written down so as not to forget. Of course, if you wish, you can think of any words, not just films.
  • "In my pants." Any headlines are cut from the press (magazines, newspapers). Their meaning is unimportant. Then they are folded into a large envelope. Each participant takes out one heading and reads it aloud after the phrase "In my pants ...". It sounds very funny - especially if it turns out something like "In my pants ... there was a competition for the largest grown cucumber."

props games


All participants are given clean sheets paper and pens (pencils). On the sheet you need to draw a large circle, inside of which there are 4 more circles to make a target of five circles. In the middle, you need to put a dot and draw lines crosswise through it, so that the result is 4 sectors.

Participants must write: in the first circle from the center - the letters P, P, S, L, one in each sector. In the second circle - numbers from 1 to 4 in any sequence, in the third - one name each (animal, bird, fish, insect). In the fourth - 4 adjectives (funny: fat, drunk, stupid, wallowing, etc.). In the fifth - 4 any proverbs or sayings.

Playing with props is not suitable for travel, but is ideal for parties

Now we collect all the targets and read (with attribution). The letters in the center of the circle mean: R - work, P - bed, C - family, L - love. The numbers mean where each of the participants has work, family, bed and love. Animal and adjective - who the participant is in a given area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. For example: Sasha in the work "greedy jackal", in bed "fat arctic fox" and so on.

Proverbs are the motto of a person in work, family, bed and love. It may turn out, for example, that “In Sasha’s bed, the motto is“ There is no answer without greetings ”, and in the family the motto is“ No matter how much you feed the wolf, he looks into the forest. If the game with targets is not enough and you want to laugh more - resort to one of the following games!

  • Get an apple. The team is divided into pairs of a man-woman. A couple is selected to participate in the competition. At a level of 2 m from the floor, a rope is pulled. On it, at the level of the mouth of an adult, a large apple is suspended by the tail. His chosen pair must eat without the help of hands. Which couple ate the apple completely - that one won.
  • Transfusions. Two of the company are playing. Two bottles are taken (one of them is empty). You need to collect water with a straw (you can juice, mineral water or beer) from one bottle and pour into another. Whoever does it faster is the winner. True, there is a chance that someone will drink everything and come to terms with their defeat.
  • Floating apple. Here, two from the company are participating in the competition. Apples are thrown into a large basin of water. Participants' hands are folded behind their backs. You need to grab an apple with your teeth and get it out of the water. Whoever does it first wins.
  • Mummy. Participants are divided into two teams. One of the players in each team is a "mummy". The essence of the game: the team must wrap their "mummy" as quickly as possible. As a bandage, the usual toilet paper. The second part of the game: unwind the mummy by winding the paper back into a roll. Fun guaranteed!

If you do not have a twister, you can choose any other outdoor game!

Active games

  • Swamp. Old funny game. The company is divided into teams, but two people can participate. The players receive two cardboard boxes (you can take ordinary sheets of paper). Task: these cartons are “hummocks”, and you should move along them from one to another in order to move through the “swamp” (room, corridor) as quickly as possible. "Drowned in the swamp" fulfills the wish of the team.
  • Ball battle. Participants are divided into two teams of equal size. Each participant ties an inflated balloon to his leg with a thread. You can buy balls of the same color for each team. The longer the thread, the better. The balls must lie on the floor. On command, you need to destroy the opponent's balls by stepping on them with your feet, and at the same time not allow you to step on your own ball. The owner of the burst balloon is out of the game. The winner is the team whose ball will be the last survivor on the "battlefield".
  • Oh you horses, my horses! For the competition, two pairs of participants and a room where there are no breakable objects are needed. Each pair is divided into a "horse" and a "rider". The “rider” sits on the shoulders of the “horse” (usually a thin girl on the shoulders of a muscular guy). The “rider” is attached to the back of a piece of paper with a written word. Another "rider" must read what is written on the opponent's back and, at the same time, not let him read what is written on him.
  • Siamese twins. The company is divided into two teams. There are two people from each team. They are placed side by side. The left leg of one participant is tied to the right leg of the other, and the torsos are tied with straps. It turns out "Siamese twins." All actions should be performed at speed. "Siamese twins" work with two different hands (one with the right, the other with the left), without talking to each other. They should fulfill various tasks given by the opposing team: sharpen a pencil, tie shoelaces or open a bottle, pour and drink.


Very often we gather in a large company at home or in the country. Of course, we arrange a festive feast, and then we start to get bored, because we don’t know what to do. Now this problem is gone. We have collected for you a lot of interesting games that you can and should play in the company of relatives and friends. These games are relevant on New Year's holidays, when meetings with friends - important point in our life.


Give the participants a piece of paper and a pencil. Ask the players the first question:
- Who?
The players who play on their sheets write the answer to this question (whatever comes into their heads), then wrap the sheet so that what is written is not visible, and pass the sheet to a neighbor. Ask a second question:
- Where?
And so on, and so on - until there is enough imagination or sheets. At the end of the game, the players unfold the sheets and read out the resulting chains ...
Option: let each player write a question on their sheet (for example, "Who did you walk with last night?"), then wrap the sheet and write a key question on the fold (in this case, "Who?"). The sheet is passed to the neighbor. His task is to answer the key question and then compose his own question ... At the end of the game, the sheets are unfolded and read out.

Tap the assigned

Place the players in a circle and command:
- Touch red - one, two, three! Players must grab the designated item as quickly as possible by finding it on another player in the game. Those who do not have time to do this leave the game. The command is repeated again, but another color is called (or a piece of clothing, or a part of the body, etc.). The last one left wins.

Who is the most powerful?

Divide the guests into male-female pairs and put on some slow music. The couples begin to dance, with the men holding the women in their arms. The pair that lasts the longest wins.


Break the guests into pairs, give each pair the same piece of ice. The first couple to melt their ice floe wins. You can breathe on ice, you can put it under any part of your body...


It is advisable to play this game on March 8th. Call all the men and invite them to take turns complimenting the ladies. All compliments must begin with the same letter (same for all players). The player who lasts the longest wins.

green crocodile

Divide the players into two teams. The first team comes up with some tricky word, and then says it to one of the players on the opposite team. The task of the chosen one is to depict the hidden word without making a sound, only with gestures and facial expressions so that his team can guess it. After a successful guess, the teams switch roles. Over time, you can begin to think not of individual words, but of whole phrases.

Drop the egg

Divide the players into male-female pairs, place them with their backs to each other (with a slight slope), between the protruding parts of the body of each pair, place a raw egg. The task of the players is to carefully lower the egg...


Take a few toy cars (according to the number of participants in the game), tie long threads to them. At the ends of the threads, strengthen the pencils. The task of the players is to wind the threads around the pencils and bring their car to them as quickly as possible.


Scatter a large box of paperclips on the table and have several players sit around the table. The task of each player is to make a chain out of them until the paper clips run out. Whose chain in the end will be longer - he won.

No knees!

Arrange chairs in a circle and seat the players (preferably mixed between men and women). Choose a leader, blindfold him and send him to walk in circles in the inner (or outer) circle. After a clap, the driver must stop and plop down on the knees of the player near whom he stopped. The task of the driver is to guess on whose lap he is sitting (of course, without the help of hands). If it was possible to guess, the guessed player becomes the driver.

Pick up the ball

Divide the players into male-female pairs, place them facing each other, place a small rubber (or tennis) ball between the stomachs (between the knees) of each pair. The task of the players is to roll it to the chin of the tallest partner as quickly as possible, without touching the ball with their hands.


Divide the guests into two teams. One of the teams comes up with a sketch (for example, "Morning in a madhouse") and appoints a sculptor from the second team. The sculptor, using the players of his team as "material", must "blind" the corresponding sculpture. What is happening is desirable to photograph.

Broken fax

Divide the players into two teams and line them up in two lines. Give everyone a piece of paper and a pencil. Show the closing picture of some kind. The player must redraw it on their sheet of paper, placing the sheet on the back of the player in front of them. That player must repeat this drawing, following only their feelings ... The team whose drawing ends up most similar to the original wins.

Extra dropped out

Put on the table glasses filled with some kind of alcoholic drink. There should be more participants in the game than glasses - per person. On command, the players should begin to walk around the table. As soon as you give a prearranged signal, the players must grab a glass and drink its contents. The one who did not have enough glasses is out of the game, and one glass is removed from the table. The game continues until only one lucky player remains.
The main "trick" of the game is that the closer to the final - the drunker the players, and their walking around the table with each round looks more and more fun.


Place two glasses on the table and place a straw next to the cocktail. The task of two players is to pour the contents of one of the glasses into the other as quickly as possible ...

Dancing on the sheets

Divide the guests into male-female pairs, lay out sheets of paper (for example, newspaper spreads) on the floor according to the number of pairs. Turn on the music. Couples must dance without leaving their sheets, the one who stumbles is eliminated. When the music is over, fold the sheets in half and turn on the music again... And so on, each time reducing the area of ​​the sheets - until only one pair remains in the dance.


Take a certain number of pieces of paper and on each of them write the place where the next one lies. In accordance with the notes, hide all these notes, and give the first one to the hands of one of the players. The task of the game is to find and collect all the notes. Well suited for birthdays - in this case, it is advisable to indicate on the last note the place where the gift lies.


Sit the participants in the game in a circle and ask everyone to choose a pseudonym for themselves (it should consist of two syllables with an emphasis on the first - Ma-sha, Zai-ka, etc.). Set the rhythm by clapping it; at first small - no more than one clap per second. The participants in the game must also beat this rhythm. Say your nickname twice and twice - the nickname of one of the players ("Se-nya, Se-nya, Kos-tik, Kos-tik") - each syllable should fall on one clap. The named player must name his nickname twice and the nickname of any other player twice. And so on. Gradually increase the pace of the game. If one of the players goes astray, give him some cool pseudonym (Chuk-cha, Du-rik). A player who has lost three times is taken out of the game. The ending of the game, when the pace increases to a frenzy, and most of the remaining participants have funny pseudonyms, can be very fun.


Sit somewhere in a corner and declare yourself a "moon base". The rest should squat down and begin to move around the room non-stop, uttering phrases like "I am Lunokhod-1, I am Lunokhod-2" (each player chooses his number in advance). The task of the players (but not the leader) is not to laugh (and this is in this situation is not easy!) The one who laughs should say "I'm Lunokhod-4, I'm going to the lunar base to receive a task" and crawl to the leader. Give him any specific task ("Lunokhod-3, fill yourself with 100 grams of fuel", " Lunokhod-7, dock with Lunokhod-2" or the like).
Very funny!


Make two cuts for hands in a sheet of paper. The task of the participant is to put his hands through the slots and draw his portrait on the paper. The one who wins, the tea drawing will be more successful.

On the platform

Call two volunteers and put hiccups against each other. Explain the situation: one of the players is inside the railway car, the other is standing on the platform. The car windows are tightly closed, you can only communicate with gestures. The player standing on the platform must find out some very important thing from the person in the car.


Blindfold the man, tie his hands behind his back and ask him to guess all the women in the room. It's pretty fun to watch what a man starts doing: he tries to sniff, lick, use his top of his head..


Put the players in a fairly tight circle, and position yourself inside this circle. The players hold their hands behind their backs and quietly pass each other a cucumber. Your task is to determine; in whose hands this moment cucumber is located. The task of the players is not only to hide the cucumber from you, but also to eat it imperceptibly (biting off pieces of the cucumber at the moment when you turn away). You also need to chew discreetly. The player who has given himself away becomes the leader.

Get the candy

Pour sour cream into a plate, dip candy into sour cream. The player's task is to eat the candy without the help of hands...

"Like a chicken paw"

Invite the players to write a phrase on a piece of paper. The paper should lie on the floor, and the felt-tip pens should be attached to the leg ...


Put the participants in the game in a circle facing each other, stick papers with the names of any animals on their foreheads. Everyone can see the inscription of the other participant in the game. The task is to find out what exactly is written on your piece of paper. To do this, other participants in the game are asked questions that can only be answered with "Yes" or "No".
If the answer is "Yes", the player gets the right to a new question to any participant; if the answer is "No", the right to ask a question passes to the neighbor on the right. The one who finds out his inscription later than the rest loses.


With the help of a syringe, guide a tennis ball along the entire distance of the "marathon", trying to get to the finish line as quickly as possible.


This is an old French game. Take a thick thread about half a meter long, glue one end with adhesive tape to a tennis ball, the other to the bottom of a plastic cup. Several people play at once - they throw the ball up in order to catch it in a cup. Score a point for each successful throw. Catch the ball should be in turn until the first miss. The winner is the one who manages to score either the agreed, or nai large quantity points.

Chunky Lipslap

Invite the player to say the phrase "Puffy-cheeked lip-slap" several times in a row. Put a piece of lemon in his mouth and ask him to repeat this tirade ... Another piece - and another tirade ... You can’t chew and swallow a lemon! The winner is the player who puts the most lemon in his mouth and at the same time maintains an intelligible pronunciation.

electric train

Take a bottle of vodka and a train schedule. Announce; "Next station - Vasilyeva" Everyone drinks a glass. Announce; "The next station is the 10th kilometer." Everyone drinks another glass ... etc. The player who can "leave" the farthest wins ...


Put a glass of alcohol on the table, close it with a napkin, and put a ruble coin on the napkin. Smoking participants take turns touching the napkin with the lights of their cigarettes, always burning a hole in it. The one who, after the touch of which the coin falls into the glass, loses. The loser drinks the contents of the glass, the glass is refilled.


This football (as well as just football) is played in nature. The rules of the game are the usual - two teams, two gates - but all the players in the teams are divided into pairs of approximately the same height and are tied to each other with their feet ( left leg right partner - with the right foot of the left partner).
Goalkeepers are not needed, it is extremely difficult to score a goal...


This game is played in nature. Healthier players ("horses") must put the remaining players ("riders" on their backs); pieces of paper with a written word (or picture) are attached to the riders' backs. The task of the players is to read what is written on the backs of the opponents and at the same time not to let anyone read their inscription.

roll ball

Divide the players into male-female pairs, put them facing each other, give each pair two ping-pong balls. The task of men is to roll their ball from the right sleeve of the lady to the left sleeve as quickly as possible, the task of the woman is to roll her ball through the trousers of the man from the right leg to the left as quickly as possible.


All guests are seated at the table. Climb under the table and start taking off and putting on shoes from one of the guests, moving from one to another over time. Guests watch each other and try to guess who is currently taking off their shoes. The one who betrayed himself is out of the game. The most "impenetrable" wins.


Invite the guests to take turns saying a congratulatory phrase (on the occasion on which you have gathered) - one in which all the words would begin in the ordinal letters of the alphabet. For example, "And Boris Cheerfully Says to the Ladies: If Life Is Short, It's Easier to Change the New Year's Dinner Candlestick .." etc. - if only it is more authentic and rather coherent. The next participant must start building his phrase with the letter "B", etc. The winner is the one who comes up with the most successful phrase.


Have the players sit in a circle. The first player speaks any word in the neighbor's ear; he must immediately say in the ear of the next his first association with him, the second - the third, etc., until the word returns to the first player. As a rule, the devil knows what is returned - instead of a "cucumber", a "machine gun" or the like.

Photo: Depositphotos.com/@pressmaster

When a small company gathers, it becomes possible for absolutely everyone present to participate in games and competitions and prove themselves. The point is small - to develop and think over a program consisting of fun contests for small company. The memories of all participants of the event depend on how fun and unforgettable the holiday will be. In addition, funny contests create a relaxed atmosphere, help those who are not yet familiar with each other and liberate those party participants who feel constrained and squeezed.

In order for all participants to like the competitions, they must be diverse: mobile, intellectual, humorous. The one who turns out to be awkward and slow in a mobile competition will perfectly show his ingenuity in an intellectual competition and vice versa.

Competition "Crocodile". The competition can be held among pairs or among two teams. A couple of participants are called, the leader says a word, a phrase, the name of a book, a movie to participant No. 1 in his ear. The theme of the competition can be determined in advance. Then, for a certain amount of time (30 seconds), participant No. 1, without uttering a word, with the help of facial expressions, gestures and movements, must show participant No. 2 what the leader told him. After that, participant No. 1 and participant No. 2 change places. The team with the most guessed words wins.

Competition "I am a celebrity". guessing famous person. One of the participants of the company has a sticker on his forehead, on which the name of a celebrity is written, but the participant himself does not know who is hidden to him. Next, by asking questions to the rest of the contestants, he must guess which celebrity's name is written on his forehead.

Competition "The Strongest Knot". This competition can be held both among couples and among individual participants. A couple / participant is given a rope and the conditions of the competition are announced: tie as many knots as possible in 1 minute. After a minute, the insidious host changes the rules and the winner is the one who quickly unties the knots tied with his own hands.

Competition "Children's photo". Participants are asked to prepare their childhood photos in advance, from which a common poster is made, each photo is given a serial number. Next, each participant must anonymously guess and write who of those present is depicted in a particular photo. The one who guesses wins maximum amount present in the photo.

Competition "Buttons". To participate in the competition, you will need couples consisting of participants of the opposite sex. One of the participants is put on a men's shirt, the second is given winter gloves and the task: fasten the buttons on the shirt as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who fastens the most buttons in a certain time.

Competition "Pass the ball to another." Everyone present is divided into 2 teams, they line up in two lines opposite each other. It will be more fun if in each team the participants alternate by gender. The first participants from each team are given a ball, with which he can press his chin to himself. After the “start” command, the ball without the help of hands must be passed to the next participant. To avoid the ball falling, the participants can touch each other in any way, but only without hands. The team in which the ball reaches the last one standing in line the fastest will win.

In addition to the above competitions, there are Interesting games, which can be played in a small company, for example, "Mafia", "Alias", "Colonialists". Let the holiday be fun and memorable!