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Do you need a greeting - something between a formal handshake and an overly intimate kiss? In these cases, an air kiss in which you press your cheeks and kiss the air near someone's cheek is a good accepted sign of etiquette.


    Know in what situation an air kiss would be appropriate. Consider both the occasion and the nature of your relationship with each person you greet.

    • An air kiss is reserved for special, formal celebrations. As a rule, official celebrations (weddings, official evenings and solemn ceremonies) that bring together people who are in good relations, but, perhaps, have not seen each other before - these are standard conditions for air kisses. Less formal celebrations ( family holidays, barbeques, and casual dinners) may be accompanied by hugs and kisses on the cheek, especially if you're dating someone you see regularly.
    • Blow kisses to people you know, but not well enough. In most cases, air kisses are not given to strangers. Better suited for this distant relatives, friends of your parents or people you have been introduced to good friend. Family members and close friends may be offended by thinking that blowing a kiss is a subtle hint that you don't know them well enough for a real kiss.
    • Find out about the air kiss rules for the country you are in. See the Cultural Conventions section below for more information.
  1. Observe the actions of other people. Observing other people's greetings can help you evaluate whether a blow kiss is appropriate. For example, if you are approaching the entrance and there is a host at the door greeting people, observe how they behave. If your cousin who walks in front of you blows a kiss and you don't know the host any better than your cousin, then you will most likely need to blow a kiss too.

    Greet your friends by addressing them by name. Before moving on to the air kiss, exclaim the name of your friend and smile as you approach him. If you can't remember the name, just exclaim "darling!" or "and you're here!"

    Read body language. As you approach, extend your hand, or touch or press against your friend with your forearm, elbow, or hand(s). If he retreats or somehow moves away, consider by default a hug or snuggle with your shoulder. If you feel like he's relaxed and making contact, blowing a kiss is likely appropriate. And if he hugs you or gently presses you to his face, get ready to kiss and receive a kiss in return in the traditional style.

    Learn how to blow kiss. The goal is to position your lips near his right cheek (start with the left if that's the custom in your culture). However, make sure that your friend is also reaching for right cheek, so as not to get into an awkward position when the two of you come face to face. If you are about to kiss someone, you can lightly press against the cheek.

  2. Kiss the air next to your cheek. Put your lips together and kiss the air just to the side of your face. Depending on what suits the cultural context of the event, it may be appropriate to switch sides and repeat the air kiss near the opposite cheek.

    • Add sound effects. *Women sometimes make a low-key kissing sound (like "smack!") when air kissing; this is generally taken as a friendly and feminine gesture to further embellish the greeting. Some men also make this subdued sound, although this is not required.

Everyone kisses, but everyone does it in their own way, giving preference to some particular type of kiss, while using individual ones, only to him characteristic tricks. Some people remember their first kiss, or at least they think they do. For many, the first was, most likely, an air kiss. And it rarely matters. But in vain. This is a gentle, romantic, touching manifestation of feelings, sometimes the only appropriate under certain circumstances. Ready to learn how to blow a kiss the right way?

You can blow a kiss to a loved one when saying goodbye if you are limited in time and cannot get into closer contact with him. This type of kiss is very convenient when parting with enough big amount of people. It relieves you of the need to say goodbye to each one individually, and allows you to pay attention to everyone, while not depriving or offending anyone.

Air kissing is one way to flirt. In this case, a person wants to show that he cares about someone, but there is no talk of any serious relationship yet. Great kiss option.

The air kiss is a familiar way for millions of idols to communicate with their fans. This is their only opportunity, addressing everyone, to express their gratitude and appreciation to everyone.

How to send an air kiss?

Depending on the circumstances, apply various ways send an air kiss.

Suppose you are saying goodbye to your loved one while driving away, or just looking out the window. Touch your lips with both hands, send a kiss, and then draw a heart on the glass. Even if you are near your chosen one, you can also take advantage of an air kiss, or rather, its intimate version. To do this, touching your lips with your hands, then touch your partner's lips with them.

If you are on any elevation and your close person- below, please him with a rain of kisses. To do this, bring your hands to your lips, and then turn your palms up and “blow off” kisses from them to your loved one. Who wouldn't be pleased with such a romantic and sophisticated display of feelings?

The most common types of kisses

How to send an air kiss is of interest to many! Serving as a way of expressing feelings and emotions that simply cannot be expressed in words, the kiss has many varieties.

The most tender and caring is, of course, a mother's kiss. A child whom a mother kisses on the cheek or forehead receives a signal that he is loved and protected. Such caress gives the child self-confidence and the benevolence of the world around him.

A kiss on the cheek can serve as a manifestation of friendly feelings, as well as evidence that the person really likes you, and he is not averse to developing your relationship. An intermediate option between the manifestation of friendly and loving feelings is a kiss on the corner of the lips. Kissing you in this way, your partner hints to you that he is not averse to giving you passionate caresses and only doubts your consent. If you know how to blow a kiss, start kissing on the cheek.

A kiss on the lips is already a feeling, and a French kiss has always served as a symbol of the most passionate love at all times. The French themselves claim that during this kiss, which can awaken a storm of passions in the calmest person, the souls of lovers merge into a single whole.

A kiss is a great way to express your gratitude, friendly disposition, and most importantly, sincere and boundless love for a child, mother, your chosen one!

For adults, it gives indescribable pleasure, for many it prolongs life. Young girls are waiting for him with excitement, fearing their inexperience. Some do not like him, considering him an unnecessary manifestation of weakness and sentimentality. It is so desirable to give it to relatives and friends, especially children. Poems and books are written about him, songs are composed.

You probably already guessed that we will talk about something without which love is impossible - about a kiss. Let's see, what kind of "beast" is this - a kiss? Dictionaries interpret this concept as touching something with the lips to express warm feelings. The very feelings invested in a kiss determine its appearance and purpose.

kisses are different

Do you know who owns the longest kiss in the world? The Thai couple in love kissed for almost 60 minutes, not looking up from each other. These two passionate lovers set the world record for the longest kiss in 2013 on Valentine's Day. I would like to ask: "Are you weak?"

In fact, you should not set any records, but you just need to kiss for fun. But kissing is different. Here are some of the most popular kisses in the world:

1. Air and virtual kiss

Many "kiss experts" argue whether this type of manifestation of feelings can even be called a kiss.

An air kiss is sent when leaving or at a distance, when direct contact is either difficult or impossible. To blow a kiss, first kiss your fingertips, then open your palm and blow on it in the direction of the object to be kissed. Imagine that your feelings were picked up by the wind and carried in the desired direction. It's like a letter quickly flying to the addressee.

A virtual kiss is similar to an air kiss. It can be sent in a letter, writing "whole" at the end, or transmitted via Skype, the video is the same airy, only through the screen.

Interesting fact from psychologists: Air kisses are characteristic of people with a windy character. If a girl or guy constantly sends you an air kiss - do not expect a serious relationship with yourself.

2. Kiss "Second"

This kiss is different in that it reaches the intended part of the body not through the lips, but through another object. For example, they kiss a finger, and then touch it to the lips of a loved one. Or we kiss a soft toy, and then we pretend that the toy is kissing the one to whom we want to convey our feelings.

Such kisses are one of the forms of flirting, which, as a rule, manifests itself on initial stage relations.

Most likely, this name was inspired by the Soviet leader L.I. Brezhnev, who was so fond of kissing some political comrade as a sign of infinite respect. This kiss is strong, passionate and powerful!

The "Soviet" kiss is a triple kiss on the lips or cheeks. The kisser takes the "comrade" by the shoulders or head and strongly presses his lips to his cheek or lips. Usually this is done quickly, with a characteristic smack, and sometimes even lowing.

An interesting fact from a psychologist: Kiss like this can be the one who is overcome by either strong friendly emotions or hidden resentment.

4. Kiss related or "fatherly"

All of us in childhood were kissed by mom and dad, conveying their warmth and parental feelings. It became so easy and good for us that all resentment and disappointment flew away in an instant.

This kiss is most often done with lips on the forehead or crown, less often on the cheek. It is calm, warm and slow. This is how relatives, parents and caring loved ones kiss.

An interesting fact from a psychologist: If a loved one kisses you in a related way, then he feels responsible and is ready to take care and help you in solving any problems.

5. Friendly kiss or "ritual"

This is a girls favorite kiss. IN Lately it became fashionable to kiss when meeting girlfriends. Usually, with such a kiss, girls touch cheek to cheek, making a kiss as if in the air. A friendly kiss can be between girls or a guy and a girl. Kissing boys evoke slightly different emotions, the opposite of friendly ones.

The ritual kiss quickly becomes a habit, rarely invested in any special emotion or meaning. But this kiss denotes close friendships between people.

6. Kiss in love

And finally, the most interesting view kiss - kiss lovers! This is a kiss between people of the opposite sex who have romantic feelings for each other. There are many types of love kisses.

An interesting medical discovery: Many years of research by scientists have led to the conclusion that during a kiss, the blood is cleansed, damaged cells are restored and the skin is rejuvenated. After a kiss, the brain starts to work faster, mood improves, depression disappears.

What are the kisses of lovers

Love unites hearts and makes lips close. We convey emotions not only with words, but also with lips. Romance cannot be monotonous, just like kisses cannot always be the same.

  • innocent kiss

This is a simple contact of lips, without any hint of continuation. An innocent kiss is common at the beginning of a relationship or between lovers who have been living together for a long time.

  • Kiss "in a hickey"

With this kiss, movements are made with the lips, similar to sipping a drink through a straw. If you overdo it, you can leave a spot on the skin of the kisser that looks like a bruise. Probably many found themselves in a situation where they had to hide traces of such a kiss from their parents. Although pleasant and not enough, but there is some stupid feeling of pride in the beginning of adulthood. True, not for long!

  • A passionate kiss

This kiss is full of passionate emotions. The lovers' lips meet and greedily bite into each other. Such a kiss lasts a long time, after which thoughts do not immediately return to the head. A passionate kiss connects not only lips, but also tongues. Here, too, there may be different variants: circular movements of the tongue, pushing movements (stinging kiss), meeting the tips of the tongue, caressing the palate with the tongue, suction of the tongue, etc.

  • teasing kiss

With his lips, the teasing partner gently touches the lips of the kisser, runs his tongue over them, bites them slightly. But he does it intermittently, as if teasing, provoking something more.

  • flirtatious kiss

If one of the lovers is not very romantic, you can try a flirtatious kiss. Approach your beloved and gently kiss on the cheek, forehead, tip of the nose, ear, neck, and only then - on the lips.

  • intimate kiss

These are kisses of the most sensitive areas of the body (erogenous). Such bold kisses are used by lovers who have already switched to intimate relationships.

french kiss as it is

No wonder France is called the country of love. What is this world-famous "French kiss"? No, this is not a kiss near eiffel tower, and an ordinary kiss "with tongues." Therefore, any of you can easily master it!

French kissing rules:

  • Fresh breath;
  • Good mood;
  • At least a slight falling in love with the guy to whom the kiss is intended;
  • Romantic setting;
  • Gentle movements of the tongue towards the tongue of the partner (do not put the tongue into the guy's mouth first).

Five fears of the first kiss

Fear #1: I can't kiss

All lovers go through this. Everything new is exciting and scary. It seems to the girls that they can spoil the whole "case" with their inability. The first kiss, especially considering modern mores, occurs at a young age (according to statistics - from 12 to 15 years). Therefore, often the guy experiences the same fears as the girl.

Advice: Do not be afraid, it is better to calm down and think over all your actions. The plan can be as follows: touch the lips, open them slightly, meet with the tongues, slowly make circular movements with the tongue, do not forget to work with the lips. Before a kiss, you can practice on a tomato or peach - they say it helps!

Fear #2: He won't like it

And everyone went through this too. Any girl wants a guy to think: "Wow! How cool she kisses, no one kissed me like that!" Dear girls, if a guy really likes you, he will definitely think so. And if you tremble with fear, then he will definitely not like it!

Advice: Calm down and pull yourself together. It is better to be well prepared than to worry in vain. Make sure your lips and mouth are in order. Go to the dentist, buy a "delicious" lip gloss, preferably colorless (guys don't like glossy lips). Before the meeting, brush your teeth, point the "marafet" and forward - to victory!

Fear #3: What if I do something wrong?

So what does "something's wrong" mean? What will you bite off his lip or swallow his tongue? The girl usually does not know what exactly can go wrong, and this ignorance frightens her even more.

Advice: Do not think about the bad, otherwise your fears will be transmitted to the guy and both of you will stand and be afraid! Remember again that you are not going to war and not to an exam in geometry. Give vent to feelings, and they will tell you the right actions.

Fear #4: He will laugh at me

Many girls imagine a picture before the first kiss: a guy with friends (the same "experienced" kissers) discusses how badly she kisses, and everyone starts to die with laughter. Let's just say, if a guy is capable of this, and you know it, then why kiss him at all?

Advice: If you are not sure about your date, you should wait a little with a kiss and get to know him better.

Fear #5: He will leave me

Some girls are afraid that the guy after the kiss will no longer want to see them. Where such fears are caused, one can only guess: the experience of a friend, self-doubt, and the like.

Advice: Do not take a kiss as something global. Take it easy, because in your life little will change after it. Be confident in yourself, then no guy can resist you!

And for those who are still afraid, here is a list of things not to do when kissing.

Seven "Do not" with a kiss

1. Don't open your mouth too wide

Very often, either wanting to seem temperamental, or for some other reason, kissers try to open their mouths as wide as possible. This does not bring pleasure to the partner, rather, on the contrary, it causes some inconvenience. So, no need to try to swallow the guy, he will still come in handy!

2. Don't stick your tongue out like a shovel

Sometimes inexperienced kissers try to stick their tongue out with a shovel. The kiss is not neat and not comfortable. Always kiss with a "sharp" tongue and don't stick it too deep into your partner's mouth.

3. Don't make noise

Also a common mistake. Mooing people when kissing resemble a bear, paw sucker. Therefore, you should not make extraneous sounds when you kiss.

4. Don't blink your eyes

Some "inquisitive" try to open their eyes when kissing. Believe me, you will not see anything interesting there, only spoil your impression. By closing your eyes, you give free rein to the feelings and imagination that can make a kiss unforgettable.

5. Don't close your eyes prematurely

If you close your eyes prematurely, you run the risk of "missing" and colliding foreheads, or some other body parts.

6. Don't take a kiss as a joke

Humor in kissing is not appropriate. Often inept and untimely jokes can offend your significant other and ruin the relationship between you.

7. Don't talk while kissing

It happens that the kiss has not yet ended, or has just begun, and you continue to chat with your partner about something of your own. Do you know what your loved one thinks at such moments: "When will she finally shut up?"

Now you know almost everything about kissing. Learning to kiss well is very easy, especially if you use our tips! Do not make other people's mistakes and kiss for health!

If we talk about popular gestures of love, then the easiest, most touching, safe and gentle of them is an air kiss. It is he who is able to overcome any obstacles, and it is he who is available to all ages.

It may seem that in fact it is simpler and impossible to come up with: you bring your fingers to your lips stretched out for a kiss, kiss their tips, and then, stretching your hand towards your partner, you blow. This is how an air kiss is sent.

But no, life is not so simple. Experiment, try to add acting, a drop of romance, mimic additions, imagination to this gesture, and then the air kiss will appear in a completely different light.

In addition, this is a great way to convey your feelings to a partner when personal contact is not possible.

And now we propose to consider in more detail the techniques for performing and receiving an air kiss:

  1. Standing at the window, you are seeing off your soul mate, or you are on a train that has already begun to move. Touch your lips lightly to the fingers of both hands and point your hands towards your soulmate. After touching the glass, simultaneously with both hands begin to draw a heart. With the right index finger we draw the right half of the heart, with the left - the left. So you can give your beloved or beloved a kiss in the heart.
  2. The second option is best performed while standing on a hill from your half. Bring the fingers of both hands to your lips, raise your hands up and spread them apart. Gently blow on them, and then blow again. You can shake your head slightly. Look, rain is dripping on your soulmate, but not from drops of water, but from the most tender kisses.
  3. Intimate air kiss. This option can be performed if the lovers are at arm's length from each other. Both are involved here. At the same time, touch your fingertips with your lips, and then carefully, so as not to lose or drop the kiss, gently and gently touch the lips of your lover and beloved. Such a kiss can be carried out unilaterally.
  4. Synchronized kiss. This method involves the simultaneous execution of a kiss by two participants, who, as it were, are standing in front of a mirror.
  5. You can beat not only sending, but also receiving an air kiss. If you are being blown a kiss, stretch your arms forward as if you are trying to catch it. You can even sit down a little at this point. Caught? Hold him tight. Do you hear it rustling in your hands like the wings of a flying butterfly? Put it in your pocket or other hidden place. Or maybe you want to send it back to your soul mate?

Love and be the most loved. May every gesture, every look and every movement of yours always be filled with love and touching tenderness.

If you are asked, “What gestures of love do you know?” what is the first thing that comes to mind? Probably, it will be hugs and kisses ... And which of the kisses can be described as follows: the easiest, gentle, safe, easily doable, overcoming any obstacles, submissive (read accessible) to all ages?

What would you think of me, beautiful stranger,
if I blew you a kiss?
- Why are you a lazy person who avoids real work ...

Yes, yes, you are right, this is exactly an air kiss!

It would seem that it could be simpler, bring your fingers to your lips extended into a tube, kiss the tips, then stretch your hand towards your partner and blow.

But not everything is so simple. Try to add a little romance, acting, facial expressions, imagination to this ordinary gesture and it will sparkle with different colors. In addition, an air kiss will always come to your rescue if there is no possibility of physical contact.

Let's look together at how you can diversify the technique of performing and receiving air kisses.

  • You see off your soul mate, standing at the window, or are in a departing taxi. Touch your lips with the fingers of both hands at once. Then point your hands towards your half. Having reached the glass with your hands, at the same time, from one point, draw the right half of the heart on the glass with your right index finger and the left half with your left. You will get an air kiss to the heart.
  • The next type of air kiss is best performed while standing on a dais from your half. Bring the fingers of both hands to your lips, then turn your hands palms up and gently blow, blow again, you can even slightly shake your head from the right side to the left and back. You see, your beloved (or beloved) has been rained down from your air kisses.
  • Intimate air kiss. It is performed when the lovers are at arm's length from each other. Touch your lips with your fingers, then carefully, so as not to shake off (damage, lose) the incipient kiss, gently and affectionately touch your favorite lips ...
  • Blow a kiss at the same time, as if you are a mirror image of each other.
  • Act out getting a kiss. Stretch your arms forward, you can jump or, on the contrary, crouch, catching him. Caught? Hold tight. Listen to how he rustles in your hands, hug him, whisper to him about your love, put it in your pocket (or other secluded place). Or maybe you decide to send him on the road again, to your soul mate?

Do you have your own version of the air kiss? Share with us! We will definitely add it to this article!

Love each other, do not hesitate to invent and let the days spent together be always filled with romance, tenderness and kisses.

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