In early September 2017, the Internet was full of rumors that the young actress Baranovskaya had died. But who is Stella Baranovskaya? What did she become famous for, and what disease claimed her life?

Stella Baranovskaya was young and beautiful girl, an aspiring actress. She was born in Moscow on July 26, 1987. There is no information about her childhood, it is only known that with young years she dreamed of becoming famous actress, so I went to study at the Moscow Art Theater after school.

Where was Stella Baranovskaya filmed?

The girl communicated little with her parents, mostly she maintained close relationships only with her grandmother. After receiving her diploma, Stella, like all graduates of the acting department, began to go to auditions, pass tests, but get more or less prominent role she did not succeed, although she managed to play episodic roles in some films.

It is rather difficult to list in which films Stella Baranovskaya starred, they cannot be attributed to the filmography of the actress, since her name did not appear in the credits. The roles were too small and invisible, so her name and face remained unfamiliar to the viewer. Then few people knew who Stella Baranovskaya was. The most significant film in her track record was The Cosmonaut's Grandson. This is a motion picture by Andrei Panin, in which Stella starred in a short episode as a girl in a car. But it was not shooting that brought her fame, but illness.

The onset of the disease

On the morning of January 1, 2015, Stella felt unwell and had to go to the hospital, where she was immediately sent for an examination and biopsy was taken. Later, the results became known, which turned out to be worse than any assumptions - acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


When the girl's misfortune became known to a wide circle, she had "star" friends: Katya Gordon, Lera Kudryavtseva, singer Zara and Anfisa Chekhova. They did not stand aside, began to help the girl, announced a fundraiser, leaving messages on the Internet that Stella Baranovskaya was dying. collected money hardly enough for such an expensive treatment. The doctors prescribed a course of chemotherapy. At first, Stella strictly followed the instructions, but later a severe intolerance to chemistry opened up and it was decided to stop the course, since the girl had to experience terrible torment, and there was no positive result.

Stella decided to resort to alternative medicine, she turned to a clinic in the states, where they promised to cure her with a detox method. This method did not bring success, after which she left for Mexico, where she was going to meet a doctor who promised to cure her with a single injection that kills cancer cells. However, the meeting broke down literally at the last moment, there is no information about the reasons. Further, the actress resorted to metaphysical techniques, treatment with chlorophyll, spirulina. Ex-husband Irina Ponarovskaya, Wayland Rodd, tried to cure Stella with his own technique (fruits, vegetables and juices).

Scandal in society

The collection of funds for treatment caused not only a wave of sympathy among the people, but also a wave of mistrust. The girl posted on the Internet photos taken in America and Mexico. Many have concluded that Stella is not being treated, but is spending the money of sympathizers on vacation. Groups were even formed in social networks where the girl was poured with mud. Madina Tatraeva spoke especially about this. According to her, she knows firsthand what cancer is. Madina, in a rather rude manner, expressed her doubts about the illness of the actress. There were rumors that Stella was seen in one part of Moscow, then in another, while she did not look dying.

Participation in the program "Live"

In December 2016, Stella Baranovskaya took part in the filming of the Live program with Boris Korchevnikov, where the girl had to justify her expenses and respond to the attacks of Madina Tatraeva. Then she was sure that the disease had receded. She stated that she was able to overcome cancer, talked about the methods that she used. However, unfortunately, it was only a remission.

Then, on the program, I managed to get through to the clinic in the states where Stella was being treated. A spokesperson for the clinic confirmed that the actress was undergoing detox treatment with them.

Personal life and son

The actress left a six-year-old son Danya. Presumably his father is Maxim Kotin, but he did not recognize the boy. His name is not on the birth certificate. Max Kotin's parents are wealthy people, among whose friends are eminent lawyers. It is known that Stella tried to introduce her son to his paternal grandparents, but was put outside by security along with the boy. Then there was no talk of any illness, so the girl left attempts to establish relations with the father of the child and his relatives, she managed herself.

The girl's parents were not too interested in her life. It is known that when Stella was undergoing chemotherapy, her mother lived with her in the ward. This is where support ended. Stella said that her mother was not helping her with treatment. She also said that she doubted that the grandmother would take care of her grandson, so when her condition worsened, she asked her friends to convince the father of the child to take Danya.

She wrote a letter to Kotin and his parents, where she said that Stella Baranovskaya was dying, described in detail the course of the girl's illness, her photographs and photographs of the boy, but she did not wait for an answer. Moreover, the correspondence was blocked on social networks, leaving not the slightest chance to reach out to the relatives of Stella's son. The girl's mother did not express a desire to take her grandson.

Baranovskaya was going to file a lawsuit to establish paternity, but she did not have time to do it - her condition deteriorated sharply, she had to go to an oncology clinic.

Last days and death

The first message about Baranovskaya's death appeared on Katya Gordon's Instagram in 2017. With her eyes full of tears, she said that in the morning Stella's grandmother and her friend Olya had contacted her. It became known that the girl's heart stopped.

IN last days Stella experienced terrible pain, her kidneys and liver failed, the doctors refused to repeat the course of chemotherapy, because the girl's condition would not allow her to survive additional stress. The body of the actress was exhausted, a few days before her death she stopped getting up, she could no longer walk. All this time, while Stella was in the hospital, her son stayed with her friends, with Anfisa Chekhova, Zara, Katya Gordon and Lera Kudryavtseva.


The organization of the funeral of Stella Baranovskaya was carried out by her eminent friends, they also took on all the associated costs. There is no information about whether the girl's parents took part in this process. On September 8, the funeral of Stella Baranovskaya took place.

Public outcry after news of death

After the death of the girl, reproaches poured towards her ill-wishers that they attacked the unfortunate girl in vain, spreading discussions and spewing accusations, brought the actress up, not believing that Stella Baranovskaya Madina Tatraeva did not give any comments on this for two weeks after the death of the girl occasion, after which she posted a post on Instagram, where she wrote that she had never called Stella a charlatan. She claimed that she only expressed distrust towards the methods that the girl resorted to. According to her, the idea of ​​being treated with an infrared sauna in an American clinic or being treated with chlorophyll was doomed from the very beginning, and Stella should have followed the advice of doctors and continued to undergo chemotherapy.

What will happen to the boy?

The further fate of Stella's son remains uncertain. The first time after the funeral, the baby lived with the singer Zara. She told how they went shopping together, Danya chose a butterfly for her mother, wanted to do something nice. The singer did not dare to tell him the terrible news about his mother.

Later, Stella's grandmother took the baby, but the woman is already quite advanced in age and will no longer be able to take care of him. Neither Stella's parents nor Dani's father expressed a desire to take the child.

TV presenter Katya Gordon announced on her Instagram that young actress Stella Baranovskaya died early Monday morning. for a long time battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Gordon reported that Stella Lately suffered from hellish pains and died a martyr's death. The TV presenter also mentioned former lover Stella Max Kotine, who, according to her, did not help Baranovskaya in any way and abandoned their common son.

Her friends helped her ... and she lived in poverty ... There is a child, Danya, with a dash in the paternity column ... and grandparents, rich secular people, and they don’t want to know about him ... It hurts, disgusting and insulting. But we will try not to forget and help.

The person of Baranovskaya haunted many spiteful critics. On the Internet, she was accused of feigning illness, and spending the money collected for treatment on the purchase of cars and real estate. In the social network "VKontakte" was even created a group called " Against the lies of Stella Baranovskaya", whose commentators, even after the death of the girl, accuse her of fraud.

And documentary evidence the creators of the group do not have the fact that Baranovskaya spent the money collected by caring people on the purchase of real estate and other things. Apparently, the girl's ill-wishers were angered by the fact that at a certain stage of treatment, Baranovskaya decided to turn to alternative medicine. She stated this in the studio of the talk show "Live", the guests of which attacked her with accusations. Baranovskaya found a hospital where oncology is treated with detoxification, yoga and infrared saunas. She also traveled to Mexico, where she was promised an injection of a drug supposedly killing cancer cells.


Katya Gordon dispelled rumors that her friend was not treated and was spending money for other purposes:

I want to debunk all the rumors that went behind Stella's back. It was said that she allegedly refused treatment. She did not refuse treatment and underwent more than one course of chemotherapy. There are all medical documents. It just didn't help Stella at some point. It is not for us to condemn a person who was in a critical condition and resorted to various methods of treatment.

Rise to the defense dead friend and other stars Russian show business. So, TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva wrote in her microblog:

The most beautiful, kind, gentle girl was gone. Can't believe and find right words. How you suffered and suffered, how many trials fell on your fragile soul. Rest in peace, girl.

Anfisa Chekhova also cannot contain her emotions after the news of her friend's death. Chekhova promised her that they would "definitely meet":

My little beautiful girl! Who so wanted love and to be understood. I wanted to go my own way and meet support on it! Who fought so much and desperately believed in a miracle. And also the people who let her down. Thank you for everything you taught me! Thank you for the love you gave. When there is a lot in the heart, words get stuck in the throat. I'm kicking myself for not having time. last time tell you that I love you. But you know, baby, we will definitely meet again! Before next life my sweet girl! I'm sorry I couldn't give you everything I could.

Baranovskaya was diagnosed at the end of 2015 in the USA. At a certain point in her illness, she was in remission, but then doctors discovered that Baranovskaya had brain metastases.

According to Katya Gordon, the actress died in agony. In recent months, Stella Baranovskaya was supported by Anfisa Chekhov, Zara and Lera Kudryavtseva, and some relatives turned their backs on Stella. The woman had a small child.

04.09.2017 10:42

Lawyer Katya Gordon announced on Instagram that actress Stella Baranovskaya, who had been struggling with a serious oncological disease, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, had died for a long time. In December, a woman came to the studio of the Live program and talked about the procedures she had to go through.

StarHit contacted Katya Gordon to find out how Stella Baranovskaya spent her last days. According to the lawyer, the actress was helped by her star friends - Lera Kudryavtseva, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara. However, the disease progressed, and the woman's condition did not improve.

“The last days we were in touch, Stella’s child even stayed at my house ... Stella’s grandmother and her friend Olya told me this sad news at five in the morning. Now we are organizing a funeral… In recent days, she could not walk and experienced hellish pain, ”the lawyer told StarHit.

Stella Baranovskaya had spiteful critics who treated her extremely unfriendly and poisoned the actress on social networks. Among them was Madina Tatraeva, who also took part in filming a talk show with Boris Korchevnikov. Katya Gordon said that such speculation is not true. Baranovskaya refused traditional methods of treatment, because they did not help her.

“I want to debunk all the rumors that went behind Stella's back. It was said that she allegedly refused treatment. She did not refuse treatment and underwent more than one course of chemotherapy. There are all medical documents. It just didn't help Stella at some point. It’s not for us to condemn a person who was in a critical condition and resorted to different methods of treatment, ”Gordon shared.

According to the lawyer, Stella Baranovskaya did not at all have the significant amounts of money that the spiteful critics attributed to her. “She didn’t even have her own place in Moscow,” says Gordon. The actress and Anfisa Chekhova turned to Katya to determine the paternity of her child and draw up a will. However, Baranovskaya's plans were not destined to come true.

“We created a lawsuit and were going to file for paternity, but Stella was in a difficult condition. We didn't have time to file a claim. I wrote requests for help to Stella so that she would know that her child, who is like two drops like Maxim (the alleged father of the actress's son - Approx.), Will not be abandoned, but they remained unanswered. Stella was never a charlatan and was dying in the wildest pains. And there has never been any sky-high money allegedly collected for pseudo-diseases. And the car was given to her by a friend Artem, with whom she had been friends since childhood, ”said Gordon.

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva is also not easy to come to terms with the fact that Stella Baranovskaya passed away so early. She shared her grief with fans on social media.

“The most beautiful, kind, gentle girl has not become. I can't believe and find the right words. How you suffered and suffered, how many trials fell on your fragile soul. Rest in peace, girl, ”wrote a friend of Baranovskaya in the microblog.

Millionaire Maxim Kotin, from whom Stella Baranovskaya gave birth to a son, Danya, does not want to know his child.

A 30-year-old actress who has a son, Danya, from millionaire Maxim Kotin.

As Stella's close friends - and - Baranovskaya loved the beautiful and luxurious life. Obviously, this at one time and conquered her Maxim - a millionaire from Rublyovka. He rolled the girl in expensive cars, drove to prestigious restaurants and nightclubs.

However, the fairy tale ended for Stella when she found out that she was pregnant. Maxim demanded that the girl have an abortion. At the same time, he said that creating a family is not included in his plans. And later he completely abandoned Stella. He did not want to see her, even when she was seriously ill.

The terrible news about the diagnosis found Baranovskaya in America with her fiancé. According to Larisa Pokhilchuk, a nurse at a hospital in Minnesota, where Baranovskaya turned, the chosen one turned away from the girl when he learned that she had cancer.

"When she was discharged with her mother and Danya, they had nowhere to live. They stayed at my house ... At the same moment she experienced a betrayal loved one. The groom did not even lift a finger to help her ... We had several long conversations in the kitchen. What Stella experienced in her 30s, some do not experience in a hundred years. So many betrayals, so many difficult situations," the nurse recalled.

Danya is the son of Stella Baranovskaya and Maxim Kotin

Also, Maxim Kotin did not want to recognize his son Danya, whom Baranovskaya gave birth to despite his demand to terminate the pregnancy.

Now Maxim has another girlfriend, she non-publicly told Stella's friends that the "bastard" in the Kotin family will never be recognized. “By the way, even Maxim’s girlfriend wrote:“ I know this story, and all close people know this story, but they consider him illegitimate, so they don’t want to see him, ”said Gordon.

According to Katya Gordon, she sent the guy a photo of both Stella and the child, but Maxim's family refused to communicate in any way.

In turn, Katya Gordon spoke about how she tried to get Stella Baranovskaya's child recognized by his biological father Maxim Kotin, son socialite Irina Winter - Dani's grandmother.

The employees of the show “Let them talk” also tried to contact Irina Winter, but the woman replied that she was resting in Venice and refused to talk.

Irina Winter - mother of Maxim Kotin

Stella's friends remembered the persecution of skeptics and enemies that hit the actress on the Web. They believed that the girl was feigning a disease for selfish purposes.

Chekhova noted that Stella tried to provide support to other people who were struggling with serious illnesses. "She always helped. To all the sick. To the same Madina who opposed her, she sent flowers and supported her, listened. They initially talked as friends. After that, Madina suddenly decided to go against her," she said. TV presenter.

Also on the talk show, those who knew Stella said that she had a very hard time undergoing chemotherapy and experienced hellish torment, which is why she later refused this procedure.

“Stella has a very high pain threshold, she literally climbed the wall from pain during chemotherapy. She went through six steps, but did not pass the last one, she was in too much pain,” Pokhilchuk said.

It was because of this that Baranovskaya turned to alternative medicine. Shortly before her death, the actress was treated by a healer Akylbek from Kazakhstan. The editors of the program tried to contact the man, but he refused to talk about the treatment of the artist. At the same time, Anfisa Chekhova noted that Stella always noted that after the sessions with him, she had pain, and she could sleep peacefully.

Stella Baranovskaya. "You didn't believe me, but I died." Let them talk

The grandmother of Stella Baranovskaya Lidia Petrovna Kryuchonkova also came to the program. She said that she raised her from the very discharge from the hospital, because the girl's mother worked and she did not have time to raise her daughter. When the grandmother found out about her granddaughter's diagnosis, she was speechless. Now she, like all relatives of Stella, is worried about her fate. six year old son Dani.

"For me, he is the last straw of life, I have to help him, because my daughter is inadequate ... About Dani's father, I know that when he was 10 months old, his father did not refuse him. Maybe he wanted to, but his parents were against... When she became pregnant, he said: "I'll give you money, have an abortion." But she didn't," Lidia Petrovna shared.

Lydia Kryuchonkova - Stella Baranovskaya's grandmother

At the end of the talk show, Baranovskaya's father appeared - Stanislav Kanteladze. He flew to her funeral from the USA to Moscow. “I don’t know about Stella’s mother, but I think that no parent wants to harm their child. We communicate with her. We have a grandson, we must raise him. First of all, we must agree among ourselves how we will do it to do, this is a very difficult question. Of course, it would be good for a child if he got to America. And he would be brought up there ... I would like to pick him up, but we'll see how we can agree, "said Stella's father.

Stanislav Kanteladze - father of Stella Baranovskaya

In recent days, Stella Baranovskaya was going to file a lawsuit against the father of her son, who is not involved in the upbringing of the child, but did not have time. Now her friends Katya Gordon and Anfisa Chekhova are doing this.

Stella Baranovskaya. The 30-year-old actress has been battling a diagnosis since 2016. She refused chemotherapy, preferring alternative medicine. In this regard, many did not believe Stella and accused her of raising money for the treatment of a non-existent disease.

On July 26, she would have turned 31 years old. This date was remembered by a close friend of the deceased artist Anfisa Chekhova. Star told about the fate of Stella's six-year-old son Dani.

“There was never any talk of establishing the boy, his grandmother is the official guardian. And she never gave up custody. In a domestic sense, I'm sure she takes good care of Dana. He goes to school and various circles, ”Chekhova shared (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. — Note. ed.).


Anfisa noted that Baranovskaya’s fiancé abandoned his son: “Dani’s father and his family never got in touch and the boy was not recognized. But this is their choice, and a new circle karmic debts and work." According to media reports, Stella's chosen one turned away from her when he found out about a serious illness.

Chekhova also announced that she plans to publish the manuscripts of the actress. “Most of all in Life she needed Love! Most often in Life she faced Betrayal! Her Life was like an action-packed dramatic novel. She was writing an autobiographical book, but all the manuscripts remained in the vandalized computer, which, by right of inheritance, went to her mother. I hope someday we will be able to publish what she managed to write.