
For a wish to come true in 1 day, it must be very strong and motivate you so much that you will not find a place for yourself until it comes true. There is even a special visualization technique, when a person continuously imagines that he has already achieved what he wants, for example, he drives his dream car, is in a relationship with a girl he is in love with, etc. Some people believe that thoughts have a real basis, and the universe is able to obey a person and give him what he wants.

If you want to make your wish come true in one day, try to think of something that can really come true. For example, a girl may wish that the young man she likes would pay attention to her, and the desire of a person with financial difficulties may be the appearance of a much-anticipated source of income. Thus, first of all, it is important not just to want something, but to set a specific and achievable goal.

Do not expect a miracle and that the desire is fulfilled in one day by itself. First of all, think about what actions on your part would lead to the fastest achievement of the goal. For example, if we turn to the examples already given, a girl can do just one thing that will make her young man pay attention to it and even admire it. It could be beautiful Foto or, a poem or song of one's own composition posted on the Internet. And sometimes, to express your feelings, you just need to muster up the courage and call or write to someone you like. A person, on the other hand, can earn money in one day, posting his detailed resume on the Internet, viewing the methods of earning available to him both online and in his city, and this will also bring certain results.

Gather together all your knowledge and skills that will help you quickly achieve what you want. It could be advice successful people, friends and relatives, colleagues or teachers at school and institute, etc. During his life, a person accumulates just a huge store of knowledge, and if you constantly streamline them and try to apply them in suitable situations, you will have practically no unattainable goals.

It is important not to despair and not give up, even if it seems that what you want will not come true so quickly. If you make at least minimal effort and take effective actions, you will still be able to get at least a minimal closer to achieving your goal, even in one day. And if you continue to move again and again in the right direction, the end result in the future will not be long in coming.

What you need to do to make a wish come true in 1 minute. And is it possible? Let's look at the magical rituals of Feng Shui. What does ancient magic offer us.

Feng Shui - rituals for the fulfillment of desires

An adult sometimes wants to feel like a child and dream about magic lamp from which a genie will emerge and fulfill all our desires. Although we are no longer children, it is so nice to dream and believe in miracles. But there is also good side that we gain life experience. After all, in fact, a person has the power to influence own life It's just that not everyone can do it. Going with the flow is much easier, but at the same time it is almost impossible to achieve success. If you build your own destiny, then you can get the most out of every minute of your existence.

How to start the magic of rites

Purposeful people have long known how rituals work on the fulfillment of desires. In general, rituals for the fulfillment of desires were invented in ancient times, when people were close to nature and the earth: according to their observations, each depicted symbol corresponded to a special energy. Combining certain signs, our great-grandfathers could only do sometimes impossible things with their knowledge:
Although we are far from the secret knowledge of shamans and magicians, elementary rituals for the fulfillment of desires have come down to us and anyone can conduct them.

Such rituals include: and a conspiracy to fulfill a desire. You can lay in them any life moments that, in your opinion, should improve or appear.

How to do the ritual

The meaning of these rituals is to write a short semantic message that is read independently. During this act, you imagine visual images in your head: if you need a car, you should clearly draw for yourself: what color should it be and how you will drive it. Such a spatial image tends to materialize, therefore such rituals for the fulfillment of desires are often used in Everyday life. For example, at home you can.

Carrying out a strong ritual for the fulfillment of desire

In order to increase the likelihood of an event occurring, it is worth holding a strong one.

How is it different from the usual? Let's figure it out.
If the ritual is backed up with certain dates and times, then such a day will be energetically more favorable for this. It has even been officially confirmed that some days of the year are characterized by anomalous properties: strong magnetic storms or vice versa, a decrease in solar activity. If you correctly adjust to such days, you can increase the effectiveness of a strong ritual for the fulfillment of desire.

What Not to Do

There are basic rules in magical rites that must be followed:

  1. The ritual cannot be interrupted. If you are distracted by extraneous influences, then it is better to stop the ritual and reschedule it for another time, because a hole is formed in the energy flow.
  2. Rituals "like" odd numbers. Almost all rituals are repeated three times, usually using seven or nine items, etc.
  3. Rituals are not customary for church holidays, since these days the energy space is overflowing with millions of mental messages, and your request will not acquire the necessary strength.

Bringing money into the house will help you.

Carrying out various rituals for the fulfillment of desires, you should remember about the people around you. Sometimes, it would seem, at first glance, a simple desire can harm someone close. For example, you want to take a leadership position at work. You performed the corresponding ritual and finally received the coveted offer. But, as it turned out, the person who held this position before you became very ill and that was the only reason you were appointed there. Therefore, it should be remembered that such strong rituals it is better to fulfill a desire with kindness in your heart: then you will bring only positive emotions into this world.

But, having decided to do it, seriously think before you start whether you need such love.

You still do not know how to fulfill your desire? Then this simple and efficient technique fulfillment of dreams!

"Probably everyone had prophetic dreams. I often have them ... I want to share with you a proven method that will help you fulfill your desire!

The main thing is that your desire be from a pure heart, and you really need to really want what you think about!

Fulfillment of desires is impossible without a sense of necessity. Remember this!

Wish granting genie

Once in the distant past, I had a dream. An invisible voice, like a wish-granting genie, said:

- Make a wish on the first star. The main thing that more stars did not have. The star must be first. Do not tell your desire to anyone until it is fulfilled.

How to Fulfill Your Wish - Checking the Method

I lived then in the outback, and my cherished dream was a walk around the city. Before this dream, I often thought about how to fulfill my desire². On this day, right after lunch, I began to stare into the sky so as not to miss the first star!

And when she finally appeared, I mentally said:

- My bright star, please make sure that my mother and I go to the city tomorrow and come back for free!

Then I ran home and began to ask my mother to go to the city tomorrow. Mom, with pain in her eyes, replied: “Daughter, you understand that we cannot afford it now.”

There were just difficult years, there was barely enough money for food. Buses to the city rarely traveled. The chauffeur was a greedy uncle, if one penny was missing, he didn’t take it. I began to convince my mother that we would go for free, to which she smiled sadly. From resentment that they did not believe me, I began to cry bitterly.

This method really works!

In the end, the mother gave in and said that in the morning we would go to the bus, if they didn’t take us, we would come back. I still remember that sincere jubilation and joy in my soul. Pure and innocent joy! You will not believe, but we really went to the city for free!

The driver himself invited us to the bus, and on the way back we drove in the neighbors' car, who also offered to give us a ride. It's amazing that they never took anyone away with their car, even if they were asked to.

Mom, then, asked me for a long time, how did I know how to fulfill my desire? How did I do it?

It was a miracle! I told about the star, but did she believe? The most interesting thing is that my mother still remembers this incident!

Important points!

After this miracle, I often use this wish-fulfillment technique¹. She really works! The main thing is to wish with all your heart, and there should be only one star in the sky! If there are two, and you don’t notice the second one, the wish will not come true. Remember, the first star comes out early. Try this method and see for yourself! Health and good luck to you!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Desire - the average degree of will, between a simple organic desire, on the one hand, and a deliberate decision or choice, on the other (

If you don’t have the strength to wait any longer, you will learn how to make your wish come true in 1 day. This magic will definitely work, but your faith in it must be strong and unshakable. This is especially important for children who cannot wait long for the fulfillment of their desire. I will teach you, but keep my words secret.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desire in 1 day (on paper and a candle)

Such a simple ritual is suitable even for children of 8,9,10 years old, and it will definitely turn the desire of adults into reality.

You will need:

  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • candle.

Write your deepest desire on a piece of paper, squeeze the sheet into a fist and whisper these words:

“My desire is not to know anyone, it will come true otherwise it won’t happen”

I hope you don't need to say that you shouldn't tell anyone about this rite. Now the paper that holds your desire must be burned in a candle flame.

Light a candle, repeat after me:

“Flame of fire, hidden power, make everything that I have made come true on the same day”

Bring the paper to the fire so that it catches fire, while whispering the following:

“The paper burns in a mighty fire, my desire transfers to life. May the almighty fire never descend from our land.”

That's it, now bury the ashes in the ground. Wait, no more than a day will pass before the wish becomes a reality.

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish in 1 day (call of a gnome)

Since ancient times, grandmothers have been talking about the Wonderful dwarf. He comes to the people who call him, and fulfills their one, but the most secret desire. For one wish, the dwarf takes 13 candies and 13 coins.

You will need:

  • 13 delicious sweets;
  • 13 pyataks (coins with a face value of 5 kopecks);
  • woolen thread 4-5 meters long;
  • big oak.

Go outside, find a big oak tree. Take a woolen thread in your hands, fasten one end to a tree, go around the oak and say the following:

“By the power of this age-old oak, I summon the dwarf Miracle. It’s not the wind that sways the leaves, but the Miracle is breathing on me. ”

Remember that the gnome the Magician cannot be seen, but his presence can be felt. When the dwarf comes, the leaves on the tree will begin to sway even without the wind. This is your sign that you can proceed to the next part of our ritual.

Time to get candy and nickels. All this must be poured out under the oak tree and at the same time say these words:

“Wonderful, great is your glory, how great is this oak tree. I believe in your strength, I ask for help. Make my desire (say which one) come true in one day. I will give you gold and sweets for this, take it, do me a favor. ”

Now you know how to make your wish come true in 1 day, but don't use these rituals too often.

Year after year, people are looking for ways to find out how to make a wish come true. You can accomplish your plan in 1 day, if you approach the issue in the right way. Today we will learn everything that will help achieve our goal.

How to make a wish to make it come true

Start by stating what you want to receive. There will be no “no” in desire. For example, say in your head “I will become rich!” instead of "I will never be short of money!". Better yet, frame your goal as if you've already achieved it. For example: “I am a successful and rich person who will conquer all the mountains of the world!”.

No. 1. Use the power of thought

Surely everyone knows that thoughts are material. If the desire is constantly in your head, you will soon find a way to transfer it into reality. As a rule, this method appears in the most unexpected way, because you have achieved this by autosuggestion.

No. 2. Set deadlines

If you don't know how to make your wish come true, start by setting deadlines. For 1 day - this is a conditional concept, not everything can be realized at such a speed due to circumstances. For example, if there is no money for a new camera now, then set the timeframe - buy it in 15-30 days. There is no point in desire if it has no limits in terms of execution.

No. 3. Set the gist

Only the sincere, desired with all my heart, is fulfilled. If this is some trifle that you forgot about and remembered in a week, then the desire is unimportant. A real dream motivates a person to burn with it and move forward, this is what you need to achieve.

No. 4. Visualize

Successful people who have already got everything they wanted are advised to engage in visualization. First you need to arm yourself with a pen and a piece of paper, and then state all the details of your desire. Then you need to imagine in your head that you have already built a house, bought a luxury car, made a career. A clear vision of your future success is 95% of the case.

No. 5. Be a little selfish

This tip will tell you how to make your wish come true. If the goal is not material (not requiring unimaginable costs), then it may well become a reality in 1 day. Be a little selfish and make a wish for yourself. You can not ask for friends or relatives, it will not work.

Ways to make a wish come true in 1 day

In addition to the ability to form desires, you can resort to other methods.

No. 1. Mascot

1. Nothing helps out like a personal item that is a talisman for a person. It can be a pendant, a coin or even scissors. The main thing is to believe that the item brings good luck.

2. Carry the talisman with you and refer to it every time you think about your desire. You cannot just buy a talisman, it must appear in your life after another victory or a happy occasion.

No. 2. Dwarf Wonder

1. You can call the Dwarf Wonderful 1 time in your entire life. So think, is your desire strong? Because you can only ask for it once.

2. Take a damn dozen coins with a face value of 1 kopeck and the same amount of sweets. It will take 5 m. woolen thread. For the ritual, you need to pick up an old oak tree.

3. Is everything ready? Then we tell you how to make your wish come true. Dwarf Miracle will carry it out in 1 day.

4. Fasten the free end of the thread to the tree. Taking a skein, walk around, making an important speech:

  • “I summon the Magician with the power of a centuries-old oak. The leaves are not swaying because of the wind, I feel the breath of the Miracle!”.

5. When the leaves on the trees stagger, take the candies with coins that you stocked up in advance. Throw everything under the oak, saying:

  • « Miraculous, your strength is as powerful as this tree is powerful. I believe in you, so I ask for help. Fulfill my wish*clear dream*for 1 day. For this I will thank you with sweets and gold. Please, take it, for mercy!

6. Turning to the magician, you need to move away from the tree without turning around. That's all, it remains only to wait for the result.

No. 3. Minute to wish

1. It is generally accepted that once a day a channel between the worlds opens, only 60 seconds are allotted for this. If you choose the right time, you can ask for the realization of a dream.

2. This gap is calculated according to a certain scheme. If you plan to make a wish from the 1st to the 23rd of the month, then the value of the day is hours, and the value of the month is minutes.

3. To make a wish from the 24th to the 31st, you need to take the opposite. That is, the value of the month is hours, the value of the day is minutes.

4. Before you make a wish come true, you should take a calendar and write out the cherished minute for 1 day.

5. Every day should have such a minute so as not to miss the moment. When it comes, the desire is pronounced loudly.

No. 4. candle ritual

1. The simplest ritual, for which you need to prepare a pencil, a candle and a piece of paper. There are certain instructions that must be followed.

2. So, first you need to take a piece of paper and describe your desire. The sheet should fit in a fist. Squeeze it and say:

  • “My cherished desire is not to be known to anyone, it will come true, I believe.”

3. Light a candle, bring a piece of paper and let it burn. Say:

  • "The flame is mighty and secret, great power, let my wish come true in 1 day."

4. Ashes will remain. Collect it and pour it into a pendant. Do not tell anyone about the performed ritual.

No. 5. Conspiracy for water

How to make a wish come true? Perform a small ceremony with purified water. You can reach your desired goal in 1 day.

1. In the morning after waking up, fill a small cup with water. Leave it until dusk. Before going to bed, you need to say the following words 3 times:

  • « Voditsa is the purest, you keep boundless and secret power. What you need, you will fill with life, and everything else you will sink forever. Give me strength, I want to get what I want and fulfill all my cherished desires. You do not drown my innermost, but fill and revive with power. My desires are for the good, and not for the sake of harm, I need all this, no one else. Amen".

2. After the plot, wash yourself with this water. After all these actions, you need to take 3 sips and go to bed.

Why is the wish not fulfilled?

A desire may not be fulfilled for several reasons, consider the most common ones.

No. 1. obsession

Once you have fully formed what you want, following all the rules, do not dwell on it. Desire, but do not wait, counting the hours. In order not to generate negativity, subdue your impatience. Thoughts should be light.

No. 2. negative desire

It is wrong to make a negative wish that can harm another person. The universe is arranged in such a way that it will not allow to embody someone's negative intentions. Such atrocities can turn against you.

No. 3. unfulfilled desire

Are you wondering how to make your wish come true? dream about real things stay in reality with your thoughts. You need to think about what is really feasible. For 1 day and even for several years you will not learn to fly or run at the speed of light. Remember, you need to stay in reality.

No. 4. Insincere desire

At first glance, the desire may seem very strong. Sometimes, on the contrary, if you delve into your own subconscious, you can understand that you are simply afraid of global changes. Therefore, insincerely guess what you want. Be more decisive.

No. 5. own insecurities

If you often think that you are not worthy a better life, not a single desire will come true, because your subconscious mind does not believe in global change.

No. 6. Inaction

You must decide your own destiny, and not sit idly by. Every day the Universe rewards you with good luck and gives you a chance to make things right. But if you can't even grasp at straws, why just sit back and dream? Nothing will happen by itself. Take it and do it, all dreams and desires are feasible if you start acting right now!

Think about how to make your wish come true. This can be made a reality with the help of rituals in 1 day. If it doesn't work out, don't be upset. Finally start taking action. Only in this way you can test yourself for strength and achieve what you could only dream of!