Throwing knives, as the name implies, are special knives designed for throwing. There are many types of them, different in weight, size and design, but they all have one thing in common - they are designed to be thrown at a target.

This highly focused activity not only relieves stress when you need relaxation, but also develops good coordination in space and eye. In addition, it will help you make a lot of new connections, of course, if you do not throw your knife anywhere at the same time. There are a considerable number of knife throwing clubs, among which competitions are even held. In addition to the knife itself and the target, you will need a huge supply of patience - only hard training will allow you to master this useful skill. And we will tell you about everything else that you need about this purely male hobby.

  • Knife selection

    The success of any enterprise depends on the right tool. Knife throwing is no exception. When choosing a knife, you need to rely on the ratio of three factors: weight, length and balance. Most throwers prefer knives that weigh between 250 and 450 grams and are between 25 and 38 cm long. The larger the knife, the more difficult it is to spin when throwing, so beginners are usually advised to take knives slightly smaller than what is written here.

  • Center of gravity

    We will separately consider such an important issue as knife balancing. There are 3 types of knives designed for throwing. Knives with a shifted center of gravity towards the blade, with a shifted towards the handle and balanced knives. Knives with a displaced center of gravity are easier to spin when thrown, but in reality, there is no strict rule here. Try your hand at all three types and choose the one that suits you best.

    Location selection

    The best place for training is a secluded corner of nature, where you will definitely not accidentally stick your weapon in anyone. We still do not recommend throwing knives indoors: while your skill has not yet grown to sky-high heights, you run the risk of crushing all the breaking objects in the house. In addition, when it hits a wall, the knife becomes blunt, and the cheapest specimens can even break into pieces.

    Target selection

    As discussed above, it is best to practice in nature. But do not try to choose a living tree as your target: firstly, the knife hardly takes hard wood, and secondly, you are not a vandal to spoil the trees for how much in vain? A rotten stump or a non-stony hillside is your goal. If you mess around a little, you can make your own target: you will need a stand and a board about 15 cm thick from poplar or pine.


    In order for the knife to fly further and more accurately, it should be taken by the part towards which off center gravity. Balanced knives can be thrown either by the handle or by the blade. There are many types of grip, but we will talk about the most common. We take a knife in our hand, the thumb is on the blade, the rest wrap around the handle. Without bending the hand, we take the hand back and up. We turn the body to the left and send the knife to the target on a fully extended arm.


    A beginner should start with a small distance of 1.25 to two meters. As soon as you confidently master the throw from one distance, take half a step away from the target. It will take a lot of time to learn, but then you will gradually be able to move to the real distances of 7 and 9 meters used in competitions. Further increase in distance is simply impractical, as accuracy and impact force are reduced.

    Knife Care

    Always clean your knife after you practice throwing, especially if the handle is not wrapped. Sweat and dirt from your hands and moisture from the atmosphere damage the metal and contribute to rust.

knife throwing is one of the long-standing trends among sports activities. Classes in this type physical activity positively reflected throughout musculoskeletal system person and organism as a whole. To achieve high skill in throwing knives, you must have exceptional self-control, as well as a serious psychological preparation, which are acquired only in the course of regular classes. are a serious weapon, and you need to treat this type of physical activity with all responsibility. Benefits of training in throwing knives undeniable:

  • The person gains additional confidence;
  • Improves his ability to concentrate;
  • Improves coordination of movements;
  • Increased resistance to stress;
  • Promotes the development of the eye;
  • Increases the ability to quickly and adequately assess the situation to make the right decision.

If you are not a supporter of "carrying iron", but you like something more intellectual, then you should pay attention to throwing knives. This type of physical activity not only strengthens all the muscles, but also helps to increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

How to throw knives correctly?

How to properly throw throwing knives to achieve certain results? There are several stages of throwing knives. The main requirement is caution in working with this type of sports equipment. Steps for throwing knives:

1.Preparing to Throw a Knife:

  • Choose a throwing knife. In total, there are three types of throwing knives: with a heavy blade, with a heavy handle and balanced knives. If you are new to throwing knives, then you should prefer a knife with a heavy blade or handle, as they turn over more easily during the throw. If you have several throwing knives, then you need to start training with heavier models. If you have a knife with a heavy blade, then you must throw it by holding the blade. If the knife has a heavy handle, then it must be thrown by holding the handle.
  • Take the throwing knife in your dominant hand. The knife must be held firmly so that during the throw it does not slip out and injure neither you nor anyone nearby. You need to hold the knife as if you were holding a hammer by the handle. The handle of the knife is placed in the open palm and wrapped around with four fingers. Thumb lies on top. This knife grip technique is useful when throwing a double-edged knife.
  • A knife with a blade without a handle must be taken with a pinch. To do this, you need to stretch your palm in front of you and place your thumb so that a crease forms between it and the palm. The knife is taken with the handle away from you, the tip is directed down, the blunt side should lie in the fold. The thumb should rest on one side of the blade, and the rest of the fingers, except the little finger, on the other side of the blade. So you can hold the knife firmly without putting pressure on the pointed part of the blade. How to hold a throwing knife correctly can be seen on video on the internet. The same grip technique works for a double-edged knife, but for beginners it is best to hold a throwing knife like a hammer.
  • Depending on how far you are going to throw the knife, you need to choose correct location knife before throwing. It is worth remembering that while throwing by the handle, the knife must have time to turn in the air at least once, and - for the blade - one and a half times. In accordance with this, the angle of inclination of the knife during the throw also varies. When thrown at short distances, it is necessary to raise the wrist to the forearm, so the knife will have more high speed to turn in the air. With an average throw distance, it is necessary to bring the wrist even further behind the forearm. On a long knife throw, the wrist should not be bent at all, as there is no need to give it additional acceleration.
  • Choose your target for knife throwing. When choosing a target, it is important to remember that it must be located in a safe place where no one can appear in the throwing zone and get under your throwing weapon. The target to be thrown should be soft enough, but not so soft as to pierce it through. For beginner throwers, you can use cardboard boxes, softwood targets. It is important that the knife enters the target easily. To practice accuracy, it is necessary to move away and approach at different distances from the target. By counting the steps to the target, you can easily learn how to choose the right throw force to hit the target. The target for throwing can be very different - hanging, standing, moving, etc.

2. How to throw throwing knives correctly:

  • In order to successfully throw a knife, you must take the correct stance. To do this, you need to transfer your body weight to the dominant leg. Move the other leg forward. Raise your hand with the knife in front of you and bend your elbow so that the knife is at the level of your head. The knife must be held firmly and carefully so as not to injure yourself or those who are nearby.
  • Swing the knife, shifting weight from your dominant leg to your forward leg, creating momentum. Next, straighten your arm with the knife forward. From this position, the throw is made. In order to get used to this position, it is worth practicing several times, swinging in this position. When throwing knives, the hand should only move straight, up or down, avoiding throwing at an angle. The visualization of chopping firewood helps a lot. Imagine that you are not throwing a knife, but chopping wood, when the movement of the hand with the ax should be strictly forward and down.
  • After releasing the knife, complete the throw. At the moment when the arm with the knife is fully extended and aimed at the target, just let the knife move, giving it acceleration. In this case, your body should be slightly tilted forward with an emphasis on the forward leg. It is important to release the knife in time, then it will fly the distance to the target and hit it at an angle of 90◦.

How to throw throwing knives to hit the target with high accuracy? Not much, but dynamic. In fact, for a well-aimed hit, very little strength is required, but concentration when throwing is important.

Knife Throwing Mistakes

If you threw a knife, and he hit the target not with a point, but with a handle, then you should take a step back and try to throw again. The knife did not have enough distance to make a turn. One step is equal to half a turn of the knife. There is no point in increasing the power of the throw. You can either reduce the distance to the target by a step or increase it.

If you throw heavy knives, then in order to hit the target exactly, you need to choose a point for the sight, slightly higher than the target being hit.

How to properly throw throwing knives we have already considered, now we can talk about some rules for the care of knives for throwing and the safety of the process of throwing knives:

  • After completing the training process, be sure to clean the knife, removing traces of substances from it that can get on its surface from hitting your targets. This is especially important if fruits, vegetables, meat, etc. were used as the target.
  • To choose the most ideal throwing knife for yourself, you need to try tagging several varieties of knives, both with a heavy handle or blade (with a shifted center of gravity), and a balanced knife. It is important to feel the power of control when throwing a knife, then it will immediately become clear what suits you best.
  • Lighter throwing knives are more suitable for hitting the target.
  • When throwing knives, do not part with common sense. Choose your goals consciously and with an eye on the consequences.
  • It is better not to use kitchen knives for throwing knives. They quickly fail and become dull.
  • When throwing knives, you should not squeeze the knife too hard so as not to cut yourself, but a very weak grip can lead to injury. Find for yourself best option the efforts being made.
  • If you are just learning how to throw knives then you should not take a folding knife as a throwing knife. It is worth giving preference to knives with a fixed blade.
  • Consider the fact that during training, not all of your throws will be successful, and the knife may bounce off the target. Therefore, do not stand too close to the target, but concentrate your eyes on the knife until you are sure that it is safe.
  • For training, do not use too sharp knives.
  • The training process should not be carried out indoors, especially in an apartment. You can break a window, damage furniture and household appliances. It is advisable to conduct classes on the street in a secluded place or in special sections for practicing this type of physical activity.
  • Before throwing, always make sure that no one gets into your target area and gets hurt.

What do you need to learn how to throw knives?

In order to start training, you must:

  • Buy a fixed blade knife. If possible, purchase knives of various types to choose the best option for yourself.
  • Find a suitable place where you will train. It is desirable that this place be secluded.
  • Buy a target. Softwood boards, cardboard boxes, trees, etc. can be used as a target. It is important that your knife does not penetrate the target through, but gently enters it.
  • You should always have a first aid kit with you with the most necessary first aid for injuries.

How to practice knife throwing?

The main principles in conducting knife throwing training sessions are concentration, attention, purposefulness and the possession of certain physical data. The whole training process is to systematically carry out a pre-prepared exercise plan. This plan is drawn up individually, depending on what skills you would like to acquire during this training. If you study on your own, then draw it up yourself, if you study with a trainer, then he should draw up such a plan for you for each lesson. An example of the simplest workout plan:

  • With each throw, you need to train your breathing. It must be consistent with the different phases of the throw.
  • Choose for yourself the strength of the throw. Remember that in throwing knives, strength does not play a leading role.
  • Posture of the body, movement of the legs and torso.
  • Correct positioning of the hand, palms. It is important to know and be able to properly hold the knife during the throw.
  • Focus on the target and its distance.
  • Work out standard positions at different distances, taking into account the use different kind throwing knives. For example, throwing a medium-sized knife from a distance of two meters to the target every 10 seconds; throws with a large knife from a distance of 3 m from the target every 15 seconds; throws small size knife from a distance of 1.5 m to the target every 10 seconds, etc.

Usually the training process, for many, comes down to repeated repetition of certain exercises, with detailed analysis them into components.

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Are you looking for an activity that will simultaneously strengthen your coordination, improve your eye and mood, and, on occasion, help to sober up the presumptuous insolent? Do not torment in vain punching bag don't drown your psychos in bottle and try to learn how to throw a knife.

Believe me, it is this male hobby that will ideally relieve stress (especially if the photo of the culprit hangs on a shield instead of a target) and teach you to find a calm approach to any problem.

Five simple steps will help you master this art:

1. Kill zone

You can learn to throw a knife anywhere, even in an apartment. This requires a wooden shield (approximately 1 sq. M) and the absence of easily spoiled furniture nearby, household appliances and other material goods. It is also desirable that younger sisters, all sorts of grandmothers calling for food, cats, dogs and stray hamsters do not run into the affected area.

2. Knife from the resort

No kitchen or penknives - they break and bend easily. And their handle crumbles, the sharpening of the blade quickly becomes unusable. It is best to get special knives for throwing.

Sometimes they come across in gun shops, but more often they have to be ordered from knight's clubs or from private traders. Another option is to stock up on throwing weapons at the resort. In the same Turkey or Bulgaria, a decent set of five knives will ask for $30. In Spain or Italy, prices are higher - up to 100 euros.

3. How to test drive a knife

A throwing knife is a narrow blade 10 to 20 cm long, half of which is a metal unfinished handle. The blade has, as a rule, bilateral sharpening, and the end of the blade has an acute angle.

The most important thing about a knife is balance. Therefore, before laying out hard-earned money for him, it would be nice to check it. The center of gravity should be exactly in the middle - both in length and in width. Place the knife on the finger extended upwards with the middle part of the strip separating the handle and the blade. If it lies flat and does not deviate, start haggling - the product is of high quality.

4. Accurate throw

So, take the knife by the blade - when throwing, it should slide along the hand. Then make a swing - so that the brush is at the extreme dead center was at about ear level.

Then the throw itself - the hand goes gently, but quickly. In no case should you make a big effort. The hand stops, fully straightened. It is important that at the moment of stopping it is directed exactly at the intended target. Remember that a hand deviated from the target by a centimeter gives a miss of at least 15-20 centimeters.

The shoulder and forearm are involved in the throw, but not the hand, which practically does not move. The biggest mistake of beginners is the unconscious use of the brush. So the throw will be unpredictable.

5. Tips from the pros

Remember that the maximum throwing distance of knives is 5-6 m (approximately 3-4 turns of the knife). And one more thing: constantly change the distance. As soon as you learn how to hit consistently, for example, from two meters, move back a half step and train further. From the very beginning, pay more attention to the correctness of the throw - that is, try to make sure that the knife sticks into the shield every time. When you can do this without difficulty, start training accuracy.

Are you looking for an activity that will simultaneously strengthen your coordination, improve your eye and mood, and, on occasion, help to sober up the presumptuous insolent? Do not torment in vain punching bag don't drown your psychos in bottle and try to learn how to throw a knife.

Believe me, it is this male hobby that will ideally relieve stress (especially if the photo of the culprit hangs on a shield instead of a target) and teach you to find a calm approach to any problem.

Five simple steps will help you master this art:

1. Kill zone

You can learn to throw a knife anywhere, even in an apartment. This requires a wooden shield (about 1 sq. M) and the absence of easily perishable furniture, household appliances and other material goods nearby. It is also desirable that younger sisters, all sorts of grandmothers calling for food, cats, dogs and stray hamsters do not run into the affected area.

2. Knife from the resort

No kitchen or penknives - they break and bend easily. And their handle crumbles, the sharpening of the blade quickly becomes unusable. It is best to get special knives for throwing.

Sometimes they come across in gun shops, but more often they have to be ordered from knight's clubs or from private traders. Another option is to stock up on throwing weapons at the resort. In the same Turkey or Bulgaria, a decent set of five knives will ask for $30. In Spain or Italy, prices are higher - up to 100 euros.

3. How to test drive a knife

A throwing knife is a narrow blade 10 to 20 cm long, half of which is a metal unfinished handle. The blade has, as a rule, bilateral sharpening, and the end of the blade has an acute angle.

The most important thing about a knife is balance. Therefore, before laying out hard-earned money for him, it would be nice to check it. The center of gravity should be exactly in the middle - both in length and in width. Place the knife on the finger extended upwards with the middle part of the strip separating the handle and the blade. If it lies flat and does not deviate, start haggling - the product is of high quality.

4. Accurate throw

So, take the knife by the blade - when throwing, it should slide along the hand. Then make a swing - so that the brush at the extreme dead point is approximately at ear level.

Then the throw itself - the hand goes gently, but quickly. In no case should you make a big effort. The hand stops, fully straightened. It is important that at the moment of stopping it is directed exactly at the intended target. Remember that a hand deviated from the target by a centimeter gives a miss of at least 15-20 centimeters.

The shoulder and forearm are involved in the throw, but not the hand, which practically does not move. The biggest mistake of beginners is the unconscious use of the brush. So the throw will be unpredictable.

5. Tips from the pros

Remember that the maximum throwing distance of knives is 5-6 m (approximately 3-4 turns of the knife). And one more thing: constantly change the distance. As soon as you learn how to hit consistently, for example, from two meters, move back a half step and train further. From the very beginning, pay more attention to the correctness of the throw - that is, try to make sure that the knife sticks into the shield every time. When you can do this without difficulty, start training accuracy.

Knife throwing is not only a popular act in the circus, but also the perfect activity to get rid of and, as they say, "let off steam." Another similar hobby improves coordination and eye.

How to learn to throw ordinary knives?

For throwing, you can use not only special blades, but also a pen or ordinary kitchen appliance.

Turn to the left and extend the palm of your right hand in front of you. Place the knife on the edge of your palm with the handle away from you. Having determined the point of balance, grab the blade and swing. The knife should make a semicircle and be on target. The applied force depends on the distance. With a little practice, you will "feel" the knife, and the result will be achieved.

How to throw knives from above?

If you have chosen this for yourself, then you should purchase special knives. Stand with your left side towards the target, feet shoulder-width apart. Take the knife in your right hand, and pull the left towards the target. Take a swing right hand, the knife should be either above the head, or at its level. Keep the blade on the same axis as the forearm. Making a push with the right foot and a strong swing of the arm, throw the blade at the target. You need to throw on the exhale.

How to throw knives without revolutions?

Experts say that this technique is easy to learn. It is based on the fact that the rotation of the knife is compensated by the brush and, without turning in the air, it hits the target with the blade. For such a technique, you need to choose a knife 20 cm long, no more than 4 mm thick and without hooks on the handle. Throwing metal knives with non-reverse equipment is not difficult, since the main thing here is to control the position of the hand. The elbow is a conditional point and it is around it that the rotation of the forearm and palm occurs. It should be in front of the chest and in a motionless state. Experts recommend that you imagine a wall near the right shoulder and make a throw along it. To increase the centrifugal force at the final point of the throw, a rotational movement is made with the brush.