For MTS subscribers who do not have the time or opportunity to replenish the balance through a terminal or a payment acceptance point, there is the Promised Payment service.

It allows you to replenish your mobile phone account for 7 days in an amount not exceeding 800 rubles. You set the payment amount yourself.

How to connect?

You can take the promised payment on mts in the following ways:

  • dial *111*123# on the phone or using the "Connect Manager" and press the call button;
  • call 1113.

Connection conditions

This service is valid for all tariffs, except for "MTS iPad", "Guest", "Your Country". To connect to the service, the following conditions must be met:

  • you do not have connected services "Credit" and "On full trust";
  • you do not already have a "promised payment" in place, unless an additional one is available;
  • you are not served on a credit method of payment.

To find out about the status of this service on your account, you can do the following:

  • dial *111*1230# on the phone or using the "Connect Manager" and press the call button;
  • use the Internet assistant;
  • call 11131.

How much can I top up my account?

You can use the service with a negative balance of up to minus 30 rubles. If you have been served at MTS for less than 60 days or there is a debt on your account, then the amount of 50 r. available to you only with a positive balance.

If you spend up to 300 r. per month, then an amount of up to 200 rubles is available to you to replenish your account with this service. If the amount spent is from 301 to 500 r. per month, then you can urgently replenish your account in the amount of up to 400 rubles. If you spent more than 501 rubles on communication, then the replenishment amount will be up to 800 rubles.

If your communication costs exceed 500 rubles per month, then you can install an additional trust payment. Their total amount should not exceed 800 rubles.

Service cost

Replenishment in the amount of less than 20 rubles. is carried out free of charge. When replenishing in the amount of more than 20 rubles, 5 rubles will be charged for each payment.

A good support with a negative balance can be an MTS trust payment - how to take it, what conditions and features - details in the article. In addition, users will learn how to calculate the maximum loan amount, for how long they can borrow money, and how much the option will cost for the subscriber.

Conditions and features of connecting the service

Not all clients can take money to replenish their account; they cannot use the option:

  • Clients who have debts on other accounts in the company, as well as those who have not yet paid the previous loan.
  • Users who have connected the Credit and/or .
    subscribers connected to the tariffs "Basic 092013", "Resort" and "iPad".
  • Customers using postpaid communication.

If the subscriber has decided (and can) use the MTS service "Trust payment" how to get it is not the first question to be dealt with. First of all, it is worth finding out the amount available for a loan: it depends on regular communication costs and can reach up to 1000 rubles.

When ordering a service, you will need to specify the amount of the required amount; when filling out this window, you should take into account the maximum available amount. You also need to understand that the cost of the option will depend on the selected loan size that you are going to take: from 0 to 50 rubles.

Well, the last important condition– within 3 days it is worth replenishing the account and closing the debt, otherwise the number may be blocked.

Ways to get a service

There are several ways from which you can choose the most suitable for you.

With a USSD request

The most popular questions for the MTS "Trust Payment" service are how to get and how to send a request. MTS customers are used to the fact that the most fast way enabling and disabling options is sending requests to service numbers.

For the MTS "Trust Payment" service, the combination of numbers is as follows: *111*123# ; then the user needs to follow the prompts of the service menu.

Through personal account

Now we will tell you how to connect "Trust payment" via - in order to take money to replenish the balance, subscribers can use their personal account both on the website and the mobile application.

To get a loan in the application, you will need:

  • Add a menu icon in the start window.
  • Select "Invoice and payment".
  • Find a service in the list.
  • Fill in the window with the required amount and click "Connect".

Similarly, you can use the LC on the site.

Make a call

Occasionally, customers prefer to call the MTS "Trust Payment" number - the Internet may not work or be too expensive. Customers can take money to replenish the balance using the number 1113 : Just make a call and follow the voice menu.

For the MTS "Trust Payment" service, how to connect and disconnect are interrelated questions. This option cannot be disabled separately, you can only pay off the debt, and you must meet the deadline of 3 days.

If you follow the conditions of the operator, then the ability to take a "Trust Payment" can ensure communication, even if the client cannot replenish the account at the moment.

Situations when you need to call a friend or close person on an important matter, everyone has them. Moreover, a sudden “zero” on the balance sheet is similarly by no means a rare situation for many subscribers. What to do if you urgently need to call one or another subscriber, but your personal account is empty?

The Trust payment service is becoming more and more popular and here is how you can connect it:

  1. Using a special command *111*32# Call
  2. Through the Internet Assistant on the official website
  3. Through any MTS office
  4. Using an autoinformer by calling 0890
  5. Through an operator that can be contacted through an autoinformer if, after connecting, press the number 0

If you want to know how to take a trust payment on MTS, we bring to your attention a detailed scheme that will help each subscriber solve a similar problem in just a few minutes. Remember that staying connected all the time means being able to call relatives or distant friends at any time. And if it so happened that the balance was empty at the most unnecessary moment, the MTS company offers to use a service called "Promised Payment".

IMPORTANT: Remember that all data located on our resource is unique at the time of writing. If for some reason you visited our resource after the information was outdated and you could not solve problems with telecom operators, we suggest that you go to the official website of your mobile company.

How to get a trust on MTS?

Are you facing negative mobile bill issue on your cell phone? You need to contact as soon as possible distant relatives coming to visit you by train? You have successfully completed the transaction, how do you want to please your boss, but there is no money on the phone account? - Do not rush to any nearest ATM or terminal, bank or MTS office! The mobile company offers each subscriber unique opportunity connecting a service called "Promised Payment", which will help at the right moment.

In order to connect the "Promised Payment" service to your mobile phone, you are invited to choose from the following steps:

  • To activate the service, you need to use the "Internet Assistant" system on official portal MTS LLC. To do this, open your browser, go to the site, and then select the required “Internet Assistant” tab in the upper left corner. The computer will ask you to enter unique identification data that are given to you when you register in the system. Their name is "Login and password". After entering the water data, you are prompted to select the desired parameter in the drop-down menu - "Promised payment". Next, enter the desired amount.

IMPORTANT: The amount of the maximum and minimum "Promised payment" depends on a number of factors: the time of using the services of MTS LLC; duration of registration is not less than 6 months; usage activity mobile communications and financial expenses for payment.

  • You can also activate the service by entering the key combination "*111*32#" + "Call". By this action, you will send a request to the MTS LLC Center for the provision of a service. Within a couple of seconds, a notification about the successful activation of the service will appear on the display of your mobile phone.
  • You can also get the "Promised Payment" service by calling the Company's Service Center. Take the phone and dial a number like "0890". The tube will be removed by an autoinformer, which will offer you to listen to a detailed diagram of all the commands in the automatic menu. It is noteworthy that, following his prompts, you will be able to receive the service on your mobile in a few minutes.
  • In addition to the autoinformer, the Support Center is always in touch real people- employees of the company. Their task is prompt assistance to every needy subscriber of MTS LLC. So, as soon as you dial the number "0890", immediately press the number "0" after the answer of the autoinformer. Within a few seconds, an employee on duty will answer you, who will solve your problem, advising you on a particular issue along the way.
  • You can also activate the service by direct contacting any nearest office of the company.

IMPORTANT: Before leaving the office, do not forget to grab your passport or driver's license, as you will be asked to present them to identify the applicant's identity.

So, go up to any current free employee and tell him the problem. Within a couple of minutes your issue will be resolved.

How to take a trust payment on MTS ?: a few nuances

If you decide to use this service, be sure to familiarize yourself with some of the conditions for providing the "Promised Payment".

  1. First of all, the main rules of the service are “What more money spend on mobile phone bills, the more money you get as an installment payment.” In other words, in order to receive a solid amount of money as a debt, you must actively use mobile communications.
  2. If you spend about 300 rubles a month on paying for a mobile phone, the maximum amount that will be available to you will be about 200 rubles.
  3. If a month "leaves" for mobile phone more than 500 rubles - the volume of the "Promised payment" will increase to 800 rubles.

IMPORTANT: The service is provided exclusively on a free basis, so each subscriber can activate it without worrying about possible withdrawals money from your mobile phone.

How to disable MTS trust payment?

Disabling the "Promised Payment" service is carried out in several possible ways:

  • Contacting the office with a request to deactivate the service. Again, do not forget about identification documents that can identify your identity.
  • Call to the number "0890" + "0".
  • Contacting the office with a request to disable the service
  • And finally, work with the "Internet Assistant". To do this, you are invited to do all the same work that is described above, with the only difference being the selection in the drop-down menu of the "Disable Promised Payment" tab.

In general, using the “Promised Payment” service means promptly solving the problem of a “zero” balance. Now you absolutely do not need to run headlong to the nearest terminal in order to pay for your mobile phone, since MTS LLC offers to do it on the spot at any moment.

MTS is a Russian telecommunications company that offers a variety of cellular services.
"Mts promised payment" is considered a service built on trust, they transfer money to you, take a commission, and then you pay off this debt, the term of this service is seven days. This option is available throughout Russia, but connection and some additional features depend on the region.

The amount of the promised payment

The amount of the promised payment depends on how much money you put into the account and how much you spend, the commission will depend on the increase in the amount, ranging from 7 rubles to 50 rubles. If you spend 300, then the payment will be 200, 300-500 then 400, more than 500 then it will be 800 rubles. And what about those who spend a minimum of money on cellular communications?

Initially, you can use this service, but the promised payment will be only 50 rubles. It turns out that the amount depends on your expenses per month.

"Promised Payment Deadline"

Most often, the term ends in three days, but the maximum is a week. If you close the debt of the promised payment at least half, you can again use the "Promised payment" service.

Pros and cons of this service

Everything is known in comparison, let's go through the pros and cons of this service. The undoubted advantage is that you can get money into your account anywhere and at any time if you have 0 rubles on your balance. When something happens and you urgently need to call, but there is no money and an ATM nearby, this simply saves the situation.
It is also very pleasing, a small commission and ease of connecting the service. Let's move on to the cons, the main disadvantage is that if you do not pay on time, they will start sending eternal notifications about the repayment of the debt, and then they can completely block the SIM card.

The second and last minus is the amount of the promised payment and the term for its receipt. This service can be activated only after a certain time, after purchasing a SIM card, and it is very inconvenient that you cannot choose the amount of the promised payment yourself until you start spending a certain amount of money.

Features of the "Promised Payment"

  1. Allows you to replenish your account for a week, in the amount of 800 rubles.
  2. The service can be connected, even with a minus on the account, up to - 30 rubles.
  3. Users who have received a loan of up to 29 rubles do not pay the cost of the service.
  4. The subscriber can choose the amount he wants to receive from the list of offered and available amounts.
  5. If you connect it to a 3G modem, you can get access to an additional service, for example, "MTS - antivirus"

What gadgets can you use?

  • Phones, smartphones, etc.
  • You can connect to a 3G modem using an MTS SIM card.
  • Tablets.

How to activate the "Promised payment" service

You can activate the service in different ways.

Dial the combination *111*123# on your phone or tablet and then press the call, first the text "request is being processed" will appear on the screen and after a couple of seconds, a message will come up about connecting the service, etc.

You can make a call to 1113 and the answering machine will take your request. The next way is to connect through your personal account, section "Payment" subsection "Promised payment". The last way is to come to the MTS salon and ask to connect the service you need.

Unable to activate the service

  1. When you are a subscriber of the tariffs of the series "Your Country", "Guest", etc.
  2. If you have connected other services or options related to money, for example, "On full trust" or "Credit".
  3. You pay for the service using the deferred payment method or try to take it over and over again without repaying the debt.
  4. If you do not use the SIM card for more than 60 days.
  5. If your SIM card is blocked.
  6. The request contains an amount that exceeds the amount allowed in the "Promised Payment".

How to disable "Promised payment"

  • Call 0890 and follow the instructions.
  • Contact the service center operator.
  • Contact the salons of cellular communication "Mts".
  • Through a personal account on the MTS website.

How to pay off a debt for a promised payment

  1. Using an ATM or a bank, transfer money to the account, in the amount of the promised payment, taking into account the commission.
  2. Through the Internet using bank card or Yandex money, etc. In any case, it is worth repaying the debt in advance, because the money will be written off sooner or later, anyway.

What to do if you took the amount much more than you wanted?

Don't worry, just don't spend this money and it will gradually be deducted from your account along with the commission.
Even if your personal account is hacked and they take you a huge promised payment, nothing will happen, the main thing is not to spend it, and in any case, you can always contact the operator.

What to do if you can't get the "Promised Payment"

  1. Call the operator and ask the reasons for the denial of payment.
  2. Contact the MTS mobile communication salon, approach the manager and ask for advice.
  3. Go to your personal account on the official website of MTS and see the necessary information there.

Alternatives to "Promised Payment"

The "Auto payment" service, as soon as the money on the phone account starts to run out, the balance is automatically replenished from the client's card. You can connect the service using the MTS salon or a bank, or you can also use your personal account on the official MTS website.

The service "On full trust" you will be able to use all cellular services until there are (- 300) rubles on the account. You can connect using the command *111*32# and press the call. Another option is through the MTS personal account or in the My MTS application.

The last option is to activate the service, unlimited internet + cheap calls. And don't worry about the money in your account.

In fact, the "Promised Payment" exists for most mobile operators, but MTS offer is much more profitable. There are a lot more pros than cons here. It is up to you to decide whether to connect this service or not, but one thing is for sure! "Promised payment" is useful to absolutely everyone!

It happens that the money on the phone is over, but you need to call. It is in this case that you can take the promised payment, which will help you quickly solve problems with payment. Of course, some are afraid to use such a service, especially older people. They worry that they can remain in debt to the company, they think that they are waiting for large percentages.

However, this is not the case, and young people who are more courageous in their actions constantly take the opportunity to borrow cell phone services. This allows them to stay connected wherever they need it. In order not to forget the combination of numbers, it is better to enter it in a notebook or phone, otherwise only the one who uses this service himself can help.

How to borrow on MTS, what is a trust payment and to whom it is available

When the balance of the phone tends to zero, it is easiest to immediately take the so-called "promise". It happens that a person is far away on the road or he has to call a lot, it is better to worry about a large amount right away, otherwise there will be nowhere to put them. If the subscriber has been using the services for a long time and talking all the time, then very solid amounts are available to him. Practically up to 800 rubles you can take a week, especially if you are on the road.

Of course, all promises are paid, and interest will be deducted from a certain amount. But in any case, this is more convenient than running around at each station looking for a terminal to put money in. Of course, you can ask a friend for a loan, but not everyone has cash on hand or the amount can be prohibitive. In this case, the client takes a trust replenishment of the account on his own, choosing immediately the equivalent of the money that he needs.

How to dial an MTS trust payment: a combination of numbers

In order to receive cash into the account, you can perform several positions. Independently make a request via SMS, contact the operator, or solve the problem through your personal account, if you have access to the MTS website.

  • On the phone, dial a combination of characters and numbers *111*123# call
  • You can call 1113 or use the service at personal account MTS, where there is a subsection of the promised payment.

This service is available not only with a zero balance, but also if the client has a loss. It is allowed if the money in the account minus 30 rubles. With a higher debt, you will not learn how to take a promise.

How many days the service is activated

The advance payment period is 3 nights, moreover, the more the client uses the services of MTS, the greater the amount of debt to the account he can receive.

If the monthly expenses are from 300 rubles, then the amount for which you can send a request increases to 200 rubles. From 300 to 500 expenses - 400 rubles in advance, from 500 money spent by the client - up to 800 rubles can be loaned. When a client spends more than 500 rubles, he can borrow again before the first one is repaid.

Of course, there is a commission that is taken for the use of an advance payment. If there is no commission up to 20 rubles, from 20 rubles it will be 5 rubles, and from 30 to 100 rubles it will become 7 rubles. The larger the amount of such replenishment, the higher the commission. With an advance payment of 500 rubles, it will amount to 50 rubles for the use of communication on credit.

How to turn off trust payment?

If you do not want to remain indebted to the company, or the client does not often use MTS services, then he can turn off the service using his personal account.

To do this, you need to go to the site and select the item "My MTS, mobile communications." Enter your phone number and password in the form. Find the My Services tab. In order for it, you need to select the "All" option. After that, they will be presented in alphabetical order. Just uncheck the boxes for the services you don't want to use. We select "Promised payment" or "On full trust", click on the cross and confirm the refusal. You need to do this procedure with a positive balance. If the phone is in the red, you must first replenish the account.

If you wish, you can dial a combination of numbers to disable the service *111*32# and then follow the instructions that will come to your phone via SMS.

You can call the Call Center and disable the service through the operator. If all these proposals are not clear, then you can simply visit any MTS office, where they will fulfill any request of the client.

Why they do not give the promised payment on MTS: possible reasons

Sometimes a loan can be denied to receive money into a loan account. There are several reasons for this, so it is worth remembering which tariff is connected on the cellular, and also if there are any other unpaid bills for the services of this company. If, nevertheless, the loan service to the account does not work, you can contact the hotline.

Why might they refuse? Almost all MTS customers can borrow money into an account. But the service is not available for tariffs:

  • Guest;
  • Basic 92 013
  • Your country;
  • MTS iPad.

In addition, the bottom service cannot be used by subscribers who connected less than 2 months ago. As well as those who have connected the services "Credit" and "On full trust". Not this option for those who have debts on other MTS accounts or an unpaid promised payment. In addition, they will not give it to someone who uses a deferred payment.

How not to fall into the negative

Be sure to carefully read the contract, do not hesitate to ask questions to the operator. You can carry a special assistant booklet with you, which lists all the necessary digital connections from your phone. Usually such leaflets can be taken in the salon of a cell phone. Do not forget to check the balance so as not to remain in the red. To do this, dial the combination *100# call. If you want to clarify your tariff, you can call 1114 call.

see also interesting video: fraud with the Easy Payment service from MTS. How you can lose money: