Due to the introduction of mobile communications in modern life people, using a landline telephone has become less convenient and unprofitable. Therefore, the question of how to refuse a Rostelecom home phone becomes very relevant.

How to check debt

Before applying to disconnect your phone, you need to check whether there is any debt to Rostelecom. If it exists, then it must be extinguished. Also, your personal account must be paid in full on the day of disconnection. You can find out the balance of your personal account in the following ways:

  1. Once completed, you can use the voice menu or contact the operator.
  2. Check in your personal account on the Rostelecom website.
  3. Contact the company office, providing your phone number. And if you have a debt, you can pay it immediately on the spot.
  4. Check through a Sberbank ATM. To use this method, you need to select the “Service Top-up” button in the “Rostelecom” tab.

How to give up your home phone

Landline telephone service stops only after the application is submitted to the manager of the Rostelecom company in person or by registered mail. It is impossible to disable a landline telephone via the Internet, but you can download an application form.

The application must include the following information:

  • Full name and address (with exact indication of house and apartment) of the applicant;
  • passport details;
  • telephone number to be disconnected;
  • number of the previously concluded connection agreement;
  • desired date of suspension of telephone service;
  • another contact phone number so that managers can easily coordinate with you the time for a technician to come to your home to turn off the power to the phone.

Important points

When applying in person, you should also attach a copy of your passport (bring the original with you) and a copy/original of the connection contract.
When applying from third parties, there must be a power of attorney from the applicant.

If it is not possible to apply in person, you can send an application by letter (the application form can be downloaded from the Rostelecom website). To do this, fill out the details on the envelope at the nearest post office and indicate the low value of the letter (up to 10 rubles), and after sending, keep the check and receipt. Using the assigned number on the receipt, track the delivery of the letter through the official website of the Russian Post.

Not paying for telephone services is not a method of disconnection. Service to your number will be suspended, but Rostelecom will in any case collect the debt from you in judicial procedure, and shutdown will occur in the above manner.

You can either completely refuse to service your phone or pause its operation for a certain period of time, saving cash. To do this, you also need to personally apply to the nearest Rostelecom office. These services are provided free of charge.

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - title documents for the apartment.
  • - contract for the use of telephone communications;
  • - payment receipts.


Contact your telephone operator. As a rule, these are branches of Rostelecom. If the contract with this organization is signed in your name and you are registered in the apartment, you will not need any document other than a passport. You can take a copy of the contract with you in case of various unforeseen circumstances. Anyone who is not registered in the apartment needs proof that he has the right to demand termination of the contract. Such evidence is a certificate of ownership of the apartment. If you are going to turn off the telephone that you inherited along with the apartment from a deceased relative, take the death certificate or a copy of it.

Don't forget to pay your bills. If you have debts, the operator will not terminate the contract, unless the former owner has died. In this case, it is recommended to contact the operator as soon as you receive the death certificate. It may turn out that you will not be able to part with the phone until you inherit. However, you must make a statement that you do not need it and that you are not going to pay for it. It is quite possible that if the phone is removed and not re-registered to the new owner, they will accommodate you halfway. However, it is possible that you will have to pay a subscription fee for the entire time from the moment of death former owner before entering into inheritance.

If you also have Internet through your telephone operator, find another provider. Take receipts with you if you pay through a bank, post office or payment terminal. For those who are used to paying directly at the customer service office, this is not necessary.

At the customer service center you will be asked to write a statement and will be asked about the reason. It can be anything, from a difficult financial situation to moving to new apartment. It is possible that you will be offered to keep the phone, but switch to a lower tariff. It's up to you to decide. You will also be told to pay for the phone “to be disconnected”, that is, to pay the balance - for example, for the current month, for yesterday’s negotiations, etc. Most often, this can be done directly at the client center. They will also tell you from what moment the contract is considered terminated.


In the two thousand years cellular telephone from an elite accessory to a consumer item. And against the backdrop of a significant reduction in tariffs mobile operators Some people are thinking about giving up landline phones at home altogether. This is possible, but the procedure established by law must be followed.


Come to your telephone operator's service center with your passport. If the phone number is not registered in your name, bring with you the person whose name appears on the receipts that arrive at your home as the responsible payer. He can also issue a power of attorney for you to represent his interests in the telecommunications company. If the person in whose name the contract was concluded with the company has checked out of the apartment, bring as a supporting document an extract from the house register, which does not include this subscriber. You should also act if the subscriber has died.

Write a statement that you want to terminate the communication services contract. In this case, you will need to pay the debt, if any, as well as the subscription fee for the part of the current month during which you had the phone. After this, your line will be disconnected and you will no longer receive telephone bills. If you wish, you can request an official certificate of termination of the contract for communication services.

If you do not have the time or opportunity to come to service center personally, send your application by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. You can find out if you are still on the list of subscribers by calling the public telephone number.

In the case when you do not want to use the phone temporarily, simply switch to time-based billing. In this case, you will not pay a subscription fee, but at any time you can start calling your phone again.


You can simply stop paying for your phone, and then your line will be blocked. But in this case, you will continue to be charged a subscription fee, which you will still have to pay. After six months of non-payment, the contract with you will most likely be terminated unilaterally.

Today landline phone is perceived almost as a relic of a bygone century. It is not as convenient to use as a mobile phone, it is more cumbersome and you have to pay quite a lot for communication services. There is an opinion that the landline telephone will soon become a thing of the past. And the generation born in the 21st century no longer knows or understands very well what a landline telephone is.

A little history

In 1861, physicist I. Reis designed a device that made it possible to transmit sounds over a distance via wires. It consisted of a microphone, a speaker and a galvanic battery, which served as a power source.

But Alexander Bell is officially considered the inventor of the telephone. It was he who patented a device in 1876 that made it possible to transmit speech and other sounds over a distance of no more than 500 m. Initially, the device had one tube that served to transmit and receive speech.

Later, the telephone was equipped with two handsets, one of which had a built-in microphone, the other a speaker. Later, these devices were again “fused” into a tube that could be held to the ear and spoken into at the same time. Further improvements made it possible to equip the telephone with a carbon microphone and a system of permanent magnets.

But the essence of telephone communication remained the same: for it to work, it was necessary to lay a cable through which a signal was received from the device to telephone exchange, and from there a signal went to the phone of the called subscriber. At first, the stations were staffed by people: telephone operators accepted the call and manually switched the subscriber to the desired line. In the 20th century, they were automated, and the automatic telephone exchange already performed the “duties” of telephone operators automatically.

Landline now

Now many owners of landline phones are abandoning them or are thinking about it. Indeed, paying for a not very convenient wired connection, if available mobile phone? However, it is too early to write off stationary devices, because there is still a need for them.

Landline phones are actively used in organizations and institutions where a lot of business calls have to be made - this is cheaper than providing each employee with a corporate SIM card and paying for services on them.

Elderly people, accustomed to using a stationary device, are in no hurry to give up this type of service, even if they have a mobile phone. Indeed, for a person of age, with limited opportunity when traveling, the phone sometimes becomes the only means of communication c outside world: They may not limit themselves in time when communicating with loved ones and acquaintances.

It is also still more profitable to make long-distance calls via a landline phone if a person does not have a computer with Skype installed on it.

The quality of communication when using a stationary device is also always stable and sometimes compares favorably with the quality of a mobile phone.

So the landline telephone is not yet a relic of the past, but a completely viable device. In addition, it has become much more convenient to use. The latest generation phones have tone dialing and digital sound processing. Modern handsets can be freely carried anywhere in the room and talk in comfortable conditions.

If you are planning to leave the city on vacation or for some other reason, then it would be wise to find out how to block Rostelecom services so that no subscription fee is charged for them until you use these services. Rostelecom provides this opportunity to its subscribers and in this article we will look at how to do this.

Temporary Internet blocking by Rostelecom

To temporarily block the Internet from Rostelecom, you do not need to go to the office, but just call the specialists. We have already looked at how to contact Rostelecom technical support, but if you forgot, you can do this by toll free phone 8-800-181-18-30 . If you can’t communicate on this number, you can try the second number 8-800-100-08-00 . Before calling, prepare your passport (if the contract is concluded for you) or the passport of the person who has concluded the contract with the operator. The specialist will ask you to dictate your passport data, give the contract number and code word, and then block the Internet.

How to block Rostelecom services

If you have been using the services of Rostelecom for a long time, then you know that getting through to technical support is not so easy. The second option for temporary blocking is Personal Area user. Just repeat the following sequence of actions:

  • open the Rostelecom website and enter your username and password to access your personal account
  • open the list of connected services and find “Home Internet” among them
  • click on it and, once on the page with the description of the service, find the “Voluntary blocking” button
  • click on it and select the period for which you want to block the Internet
  • don’t forget to click on the “save data” button

Please note that blocking occurs only for the next day, and not immediately.

If the first two options are problematic for you, then you will have to go to the nearest company office. The list of documents you need to take with you remains the same:

  1. passport of the person for whom the contract is concluded
  2. the contract itself or its number

You can temporarily block the Internet for a period of 5 to 90 days, subject to absence from the company. In addition, there should be enough funds in your account to pay for one day from the moment you resume using the service.

Removing the lock is done in the same way using one of the three methods above.

Temporary phone blocking by Rostelecom

  • To block a Rostelecom phone, open the company’s website and log into your personal account using your username and password.
  • Open the list of connected services and find the item “ home phone
  • Click on it and a page with a description of this service will open in front of you. Find the item “Voluntary blocking” on this page.
  • Click on it and select the number of days you want to lock your phone for
  • Save your data and close your personal account.

In addition, you can block your phone when you personally visit the company’s office or by calling technical support by phone 8-800-181-18-30 .

Temporary blocking of television by Rostelecom

If you want to temporarily block Rostelecom television, then in a simple way is blocking through your personal account.

Log in to your personal account and find “television” among the connected services.

  • Click on the service and go to its description page
  • At the bottom of the page there will be a “Voluntary blocking” button that you need to click
  • Don't forget to save your data before leaving your personal account.

As for the cost of blocking one of Rostelecom’s services, blocking for 30 days is free. For the next 60 days, you will be charged 5 rubles for every day. The blocking is removed within an hour after the corresponding request.